Apparently, the launch of the new Miscavige Organization Executive Course (OEC) is just around the corner.
You know the old “green volumes” that contain Hubbard’s policy letters on how to run a scientology organization? In fact ANY organization. In fact, the “technology” of how to run galactic civilizations because the system failed after a few million years, so Hubbard improved on it. At least, that was his story. These volumes you see below in a historical photo.
Well, since the early 2000’s, Miscavige has been claiming they are useless. And has been threatening to put out the “new” OEC. You cannot even buy the old volumes in scientology orgs, and they’re not on the Bridge website at all. Like the Briefing Course. It’s just vanished and so has po0licy.
In the early 2000’s, Miscavige announced to everyone at Int that the OEC was “crap.” That it had been compiled by incompetents and though, like Hubbard’s basic books, they had been just fine with Hubbard for all those years, now they had to be redone.
Miscavige did endless briefings to people at Int about “packages” of policy letters that related to one another by date, but had been split up into different volumes for no good reason. He had every policy letter in history printed out and laid out on tables in the “Castle” (the large movie soundstage building). They literally stretched for hundreds of yards. He assigned various people to “compile” the OEC but every time he would inspect the latest effort by the latest cannon fodder he would rant and rave about how incompetent it was and that he would obviously have to do it himself. This is what he says about everything.
This went on for about 5 years while I was still there. I left in 2007. It’s been 13 years since without policy volumes in scientology.
Of course, they cannot say this in their promotion piece, as it would pre-empt his announcement. But if you know the information above, it becomes pretty clear what is being talked about.
Apparently Miscavige has finally gotten around to putting together the “new” OEC and is waiting for the COVID situation to stabilize so he can do an actual televised event to announce his “breakthrough.” The new versions of the books will be slicker than the last but really contain nothing new. They will probably cost twice as much. And every good scientologist will be expected to buy them. He will make grand claims that THIS is now why orgs have not been expanding — obviously they have not had the tech to do so (especially as he has taken it out of circulation for 15+ years).
It appears they are gearing up to do a training program before the release — like GAT II. Part of the “release” will be the fact that executives have been brought to Flag and have completed this training (he will line them all up on stage like GAT II for a photo op) and everyone will yell and applaud, they will return to their orgs and within a week or two everything will slip back into normal operating status — ie dead.
But there will be plenty of hype.
And a lot of money sucked out of people for something they don’t need.
Of course, every single library on earth MUST have a set of this vital technology. So there will be a big push on that too.
The world of scientology is so predictable.
I’ve concluded that outsiders to Scientology see things that members stuck with Hubbard’s blinders cannot see.
Hubbard is the crackpot cult leader leading the blind captive audience members, stuck with Hubbard’s limiting rules and hype.
Scientology’s top rules are Keeping Scientology Working.
Hubbard did briefly admit he failed, to Sarge, at Creston, as reported in the final pages of “Going Clear…” book by Lawrence Wright.
Keeping Scientology Working rules keep Scientology stuck with Hubbard’s false quackery practice (auditing is pseudo-therapy, and OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcism of Xenu’s body-thetans steps).
You can’t fix the subject of Scientology, which consists of quackery pseudo-therapy and the exorcism practices. Admin won’t fix quackery.
It’s still quackery at the end of the day, when all the admin rules and regulations actions and blaming is over. The admin part of Scientology just is a system of dodging off of the quackery part of Scientology.
The quackery, the “tech”, undermines the perfect application of the admin part of Hubbard’s output writings and rules.
I predict the Golden Age of Policy, GAP, will work about as well as GAT, GAK, et al. Not at all, other than to speed scientology’s slide down into oblivion. I dare say many of us who frequent the scn-watching sites know more about scientology, the “tech”, Hubbard’s real intentions, and such, than the clapping clams taking in Dwarfenführer’s® drivel as truth. OR the poor folks blindly enforcing “command intention”.
Well it looks like the greenies are back, who is next?
They might be green volumes, but ya wanna bet that many key PLs will be LOST from this iteration, as well? Predictable is right. McSavage isn’t big on innovation; just the same-old, same-old; expecting a new outcome THIS time.
It is most likely that Der Dwunken Dwarffer is preparing to lay in a new supply of 20 200 litre barrels of scotch. One barrel should last him about a month at, roughly speaking, 7 litres a day so that will give him around 1.75 years to find another multi-drivel (no such word, but who cares…wait…wait…could it be that I channeled Tub O’Lard just for a few seconds to create that word…the horror…the horror) set of books to reprint as the scotch supplies start to run low.
At that level of consumption, his liver won’t survive that long.
Beyond that, that tiny a body can’t function when that soaked in alcohol. He’d be spending most of the day in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god or flat on his face or back; whichever way he falls.
That’s not a problem, as NO world is ready for as awful a product the new OEC is likely to be: Is it possible that a WORSE set of policies than the Hubs’ were is going to make its premier? IF the Scotch and Davey’s liver hold up, they’ll have yet another reason to fall flat on their faces, taking Davey’s little ’empire’ down for the count.
Recently a person who worked in TU – translation unit – for quite a while before running away (and happily living his life) told me that the Red Volumes are also on hold.
The bulletins available to use are only those re-translated for the umpteenth time or in any case re-revised and approved.
So we could also have a super news in a while.
Everything is being slowly changed. Just think that now at the beginning of the checksheets there are no more KSWs.
He also named Oslo org as the next ideal org. Good luck! Probably half CLO will be moved in Norway. Anyone who has been there in the SO knows very well that that place it is well above any “supreme test of a thetan”. That org is a serial killer for SO members.
Soon after one steps in his “anchor points” start going nuts.
DM just want an ideal org in each capital for PR purposes.
Can scientology survive that drastic an alteration of red AND green?
It wasn’t much surviving before; there’s no reason to believe he’ll IMPROVE anything, purely by accident, of course.
Right, LmR; ALL the Idle orgs” scheme is good for is sometimes a bit of good PR, within the scn bubble, only … and to shovel yet more money into DM’s coffers. I think the clams are getting tired of ‘ideal’ things, though, which is why so little mention of them has been made recently.
“It dwarfs every tech evolution that has ever gone before.”
Doesn’t this incompetent (they all are!) realize that it is absolutely unacceptable to use the term “dwarf” one mere line below mentioning COB!
Russia has labelled the Jehovah’s Witnesses as extremists and started mass arrests.
Scientology: A group that lives in the past, with executive policy orders from 1950s anti-communist era, seems extremist to me. Now am I advocating mass arrests? No. However, a country with an antagonistic history with 1950s America has its right to forge a policy against non-conformists, especially religious extremists. Go Russia!
As an avowed anti-Communist, Hubs’ organizations, particularly the Sea Org, sure fit the definition of Communism. Everyone living communally, eating communally, getting paid nothing— or less. And his organization, ‘religion’; whatever you call it, is looking like it’ll fail completely faster than Communism, itself, did. I wonder what he would have thought if he’d stuck around long enough to see the USSR so completely dissolve so quickly in and after ’89.
Ditto, I thought that many times during my Sea Org staff life, that “we” were living communistically, or communally, and this was an ironic contradiction to Hubbard’s anti communist opportunism views. if not for the communistic/communal volunteer fanatics of the Sea Org working for pennies an hour, the wealth wouldn’t have accumulated to fortify the management system Hubbard wrote for the whole movement.
Further, the “captive audience” theme or motive that Hubbard had, ties back to his desire to make his writer living, which he was struggling with, after WWII. Starting up this new subject/practice/world-saving-human-discovery-solution (Dianetics and then Scientology) around which he could thrust his management communal staff life support operation, directly seems logical.
Hubbard wanted a captive audience, and the Scientology movement is a huge ramification of that motive of his, to have his captive audience, surrounding his universe saving subject, which even he believed in. Bolstered by the whole ethics/disconnection blackmail Sophie’s Choice Catch-22-isms he’d strewn into the membership rules.
It’s a tight package interlocking world Hubbard created for the members, and for the management which has today devolved to just Miscavige being the “bare minimum” manager of the subject today.
Keeping Scientology Working is Miscavige’s bible, he’s just as much a victim of the Hubbard blinders/hype/regulations as the members.
Keeping Scientology Working is only undone when a member takes Hubbard off the throne in their minds.
“Going Clear….” final pages, if fully contemplated by a Scientologist, would help start the process in their minds of dethroning Hubbard.
Hubbard’s OT 7 “solo execoricsm” quackery failed on even Hubbard himself, is revealed in the final pages of “Going Clear…”
“….I failed….” Hubbard told Sarge. But this word never got out and won’t seem to creep into the minds of the followers today, until they do divorce themselves enough to read the final pages of “Going Clear…”.
Further, the quackery of Hubbard blinded Hubbard himself, so Hubbard has to not be chosen as how to think about Scientology, the quackery (pseudo-therapy and exorcism), of this subject.
Scientology is another quackery subject in human history. Period. With the communistic/communal administrative system “running” the movement, opportunistically at the low wages/pay the staffs of Sea Org staff receive, and with the draconian spartan Sea Org rules Hubbard wrote for the Sea Org staffers’ lives.
And Sea Org staffers must lord Hubbard’s rules and regulations over the members.
A tight tough communistic/communal groups to take apart.
I’d sooner cheer for Russia to resurrect itself from its ashes. Russia feeds and treats its serfs better, historically, then scientology.
Agreed. Common people just living their normal lives surviving in life, with the least amount of interference by unethical forces in life, living in a sustainable way, seems the main movement in life.
One thing you notice when you leave Sea Org (after 27 years straight for me) is that the world is slowly improving on its own, no help from the Hubbard quackery sales empire.
And that the world is predominately full of people far smarter and more tolerant than any of the persons (including lawyers) drawn to help continue the Scientology business quackery enterprise. Scientologists are intolerantly stuck in Hubbard’s mentally defective ruts.
I got 2 paragraphs into that CofS hype and felt nauseous. The silver lining here is that the sooner they launch that crap the sooner they go splat again! Scientology policy does not work – I’ve never seen any benefit from it – has anyone? It didn’t expand Scientology, contracted it actually, but it sure makes the needle on the shit-o-meter hit the pin.
The way you put that, reminds me of the continual failure of Qanon predictions and prophecies to come true. We’re getting to watch, exposed to public view and in real time, how a group of true believers manages to cope with, and rationalize away or just ignore, letdowns and disappointments , losing some along the way but winnowing down to a hard core of dead enders.
Yawn, I see this as accelerating scn’s slide into total obscurity; only people like us paying attention to what’s happening behind the razor-wire fences.
This reminds me of the incident of the *NEW* NOTS release which is featured on Tony Ortega’s blog today by way of Senior CS INT’s presentation on video (Ray Mithoff)
For years and years and years after David Mayo had long departed Mayo was blamed for every single NOTS failed case. Notwithstanding BLAME being listed on their tone scales as extremely low, the game was to blame David Mayo for all tech results gone wrong. Mayonaisse tech it was called.
So then, one day with a lot of fanfare and drum rolls, it was announced that the NEW corrected NOTS pack would be released with all the terrible David Mayo NOTS deleted and all omissions now
put in.
There were bugles and an honor guard at AOLA and this was the moment….Everybody was in a high security room. The doors were closed.
All NOTS auditors were handed the new pack.
There was a hushed silence.
The NOTS auditors scanned through the pack. They looked at each other with incredulity. Painful incredulity. No one said a word.
The NOTS pack was IDENTICAL to the previous NOTS pack of Mayonnaise.
These issues have no signature of L RON HUBBARD.
These are red on white issues but NO author or source stating L RON HUBBARD
I was recently reading about the great purge in the 80’s. If I understand correctly, the mother ship believed the orgs were ripping her off.
But how could that be so? I thought I read that Hubbard had invented the best management plan ever.
Anyway, it sounded to me like the mother ship had no way of controlling what was actually happening in the orgs. That made me wonder if that is why all of the orgs are empty now. These days one would think everything would be computerized so no one could be selling services without accounting for them. But maybe there would be ways around it?
Whatever went on in the 80’s it sounds like something the cult was lucky to survive. What a history this cult has!
Susan H. – This is my historical perspective from having been in scn for five or six years in the 1970’s and out by 1980. This is just speculation on my part so take it at that.
I think Elron was busy ramping up the number of people in the sea org in the 1970’s so he could have his own police force and enforce dictatorial control. There were probably a lot of freethinkers back then with their own ideas about how to improve performance at the orgs and missions and many were thriving.
Income at the mothership (Flag) was a more direct route to Elron’s bank accounts so by 1980 or so the sea org police force was big enough to go out and enforce new policies to redirect people and money to Flag. Apparently Elron was successful in increasing his dictatorial control and personal wealth.
For all the knocks on the admin tek in my experience the orgs and missions operated efficiently. Somehow unskilled people were trained to fill the positions on the scn Org Board and you got what you paid for whether it was auditing or training. That was then and this is now,
Political dictators use the military to enforce dictatorial control. Hubbard had his own friggin “navy” to enforce control over his little empire. How could he lose?
Unfortunately for him from 1980 until his “departure” in 1986 his physical and mental health rapidly deteriorated so he didn’t have much time to enjoy it. Oh well.
Thank you Richard. That is helpful info!
Susan, I think it was the mission franchises in particular, that Hubbard considered to be ripping him off. And many were in fact doing things like keeping double sets of books, though arguably that was at least partly in response to his rapacious attempts to use the continual imposition of new fees and charges to try to strip them of the money they were succeeding in making, while the “church” orgs were faltering.
The missions in the late 1970s and early 1980s apparently figured out ways to continue to draw people in and make money, even as the CofS’ own orgs’ approach was failing as the baby boomer youth and counter-culture movements faded – a societal and demographic sea change that hit many groups and cults hard, and even caused about 10% of US colleges to fold in that era. But they did it in part through off-policy and abusive techniques, including high-pressure sales and financial fraud, so there was also some justification to those sorts of charges – though the orgs themselves later adopted loan and credit fraud as a means of sqeezing maximum amounts of money out of members, and it might be said that some of the courses the CofS introduced in the 1990s like KTL and LOC were also derivative attempts to change Hubbard’s Scientology to appeal to new audiences.
Thank you!
IMO, the Franchises were doing what they were supposed to do: bring in lots of raw meat, get them ‘hatted’ on the basics —ie the TRs and ‘study tech’, perhaps basic auditing up to the franchisee’s training level, then pass them on to the orgs, who never were able to do the jobs the franchises did.
The TROUBLE was that the franchises could, and in many cases did deliver scientology efficiently enough that they could and did pay their staff sufficiently so they could continue to DELIVER, without being distracted by petty concerns like food, clothes and shelter. That they could flourish like that was abhorrent to those reporting to Hubbard, so he was manipulated into trying to get ALL the money; the proverbial killing of the goose which laid the golden eggs. And WHO did the reporting? DM and his henchmen, of course. Their take-over was already under way. Hubbard had no independent comm lines, so didn’t get to know the REST of the story. By all accounts, other than enjoying the services of the nymphettes gathered breathlessly around him 24/7, Hubbard lived fairly frugally and didn’t NEED the money the Franchisees were making; The income from Clearwater by itself was beyond his capacity to spend, but DM and Co. HAD to make a big splash, no matter the consequences, so the Franchises were destroyed one fine night. IF the franchises had been left alone to do what they were doing right, it’s possible that Davey’s little fiefdom wouldn’t be so small and shrinking as we watch.
A bright shining star of reason for why the Orgs are empty now is the advent of the Internet, which Hubbard the Great Seer of Humanity could not see. Internet = Death of Scamology.
guanoloco on ESMBR speculates that the “lost tech” consists of BTBs and BPLs. I think that is an excellent guess.
The following is what a Sea Org member told about BTBs and BPLs. As I recall, the Sea Org member was a ranking member of a mission that was trying to fix Admin Tech and the OEC / Green Vols.
1. The COS removed BTBs and BPLs from OEC / Green Vols for not being approved by Ron and thus being off-Source.
2. The COS then discovered that some BTBs and BPLs actually incorporated HCOPLs and (to a lesser extent) HCOBs.
Worse, some BTBs and BPLs incorporated HCOPLs and HCOBs that were not otherwise available because they had been removed or deleted once they had been incorporated into the relevant BTBs and BPLs.
3. Thus, there was a project to review BTBs and BPLs to determine which ones incorporated HCOPLs and HCOBs. Such BTBs and BPLs were to be resurrected, or the relevant HCOPLs and HCOBs extracted therefrom and reissued. This later issue was undecided.
After giving it more thought, I wanted to remove the parenthetical “(to a lesser extent)” regarding HCOBs that had been incorporated into BTBs. I ran out of time to edit. I just don’t recall if the Sea Org member said that or if that is something that I inferred somehow. I am confident regarding my recollection of the rest of our conversation.
The Sea Org member implied that some BTBs and BPLs contained “missing tech” — though they didn’t use that phrase. The problem was figuring out what was really “missing tech” and what was off-Source material.
Dear Still In scn, HIDE YOUR 2ND GENERATION CHILDREN ASAP! The thumb screws will be used very shortly to get them on staff and go for this training. When at Flag, they will be recruited for the SO. I can feel the missionaires getting ready to fire and pounce into the orgs. An ex-scn has been getting phone calls and lots of letters lately about their previous project prepare.
This looks more like a campaign to replace the dwindling numbers of broken, worn out, older/senior citizen staff members who cannot leave but remain for whatever reason. I highly doubt they will be candidates for the new oec training.
Of COURSE they’ll stalk and attempt to intimidate and young(ish) person to join staff — ANY staff, but especially the SO: They’re the only possible source of staff to keep up the Potemkin villages SEEMING to be going concerns, even if they’re amongst the 15 or so who can be seen in their promo pics of “folks going up the bridge” to nowhere. 15 seems to be the maximum # of ‘scientologists’ ever captured together at one time in pictures (Other than the cord-yanking extravaganzas which are on the decline. Cancelled? I think they have been, so Davey-Boy can’t get caught as easily.) RUN, Davey, RUN! Nothing’s more important than you not answering for your crimes.
So ……………. Dave has a new course to roll out after all these long years. That means the hangers on will have the privilege (spelled demand) to purchase a new course which will speed you across the bridge into the garbage dump of ultimate hostility.
Sounds fun. So for all those in the wings, what will be the price for:
a) the course itself
b) the new Oh E Cee volumes in all of their hard baked (I mean backed) glory
and lastly, what will the estimated time to complete the checksheet be?
I venture the full course with lectures at $12,800. Materials will be $2800. Checksheet time will be 18 months followed by a 10 year internship. When you are done you will not even have a checkbook to balance even if you could and that will require a retread!
Yo Dave,
What a clever guy you are!
The old original OEC course volumes were done by Ken Delderfield back in the 70s. In those days they were very aware that the Hubbard writings were contradictory, incomplete, insane and destructive. It is obvious to any impartial observer.
The executives of that time were able to issue “Board Policy Letters” to fill in the gaps and paper over the contradictions. If you can find a copy of the old 70s version, look at the bound pages. Large parts of them are in the brownish paper color that indicates a Board issue. Volume VI, the Public Division, is almost all non-Hubbard. Just because he didn’t write much about dissemination. I think Diana Hubbard was responsible for most of the Public Division OEC volume, from her time as Commodore’s Staff for Division 6.
As time went on, things eventually went wrong here and there. Sometimes everywhere. Anytime something goes wrong around a malignant narcissist like Hubbard, heads must roll. Somebody screwed up and it can’t be Hubbard! The people that fixed up the OEC volumes and sort of made sense of them were lined up to be shot one after the other. Parts and bits had to be cancelled because they were penned by “evil insurgents that were only there to wreck Hubbard” etc. etc.
Finally in the 80s ideologically fundamentalist radicals like Miscavige simply cancelled all the old issues. The return to Hubbard purity was complete. Unfortunately that meant a return to a never-never-land that never really was. Back to the contradictory, incomplete, insane and destructive true Hubbard.
I pity whoever was forced to make the new OEC volumes. Imagine having to twist your brain into a pretzel twisted enough to think like Hubbard. Then you have to think like the 70s Hubbard trying to reinterpret the 50s Hubbard to make sense in the 80s so we can use it in the 2020s. If you can still bring your spoon to your lips in that state, you can enjoy your beans and rice with my full respect.
My guess is Dave probably found some Hubbard lectures or unpublished manuscripts with enough stray semicolons that they could be fake-edited into some kind of “new issues” that reinforce his totalitarian tendencies. He can use these to fill in the gaps between gems like “We’d rather have you dead than incapable” and “Use newspaper to clean windows”.
The result will not be any more useful than the original. You don’t make the stockyard smell like roses by stirring it up.
“Then you have to think like the 70s Hubbard trying to reinterpret the 50s Hubbard to make sense in the 80s so we can use it in the 2020s. If you can still bring your spoon to your lips in that state, you can enjoy your beans and rice with my full respect.”
Bruce you have a natural superfine humor capable to convey a precise idea. Still laughing.
Bruce, I can think of a major PL that DM follows: “In an upstat group; at the first pinprick, Joe would probably have a black eye”!
I personally (and this is just me) think that “Policy” these days is simply what DM is thinking at the time.
So, unless you can read DM’s mind, you will inevitably be off-policy.
In order to read DM’s mind you would have to be in high ARC with him in which case you would also have to also be a psycho. I am not saying that it could not be done; I have been in ARC with a few psychos on the Freewinds. They were great people when they were not overtly trying to kill me. Even then they were probably good people.
I only talked to him 5 or 6 times on the ship during Maiden Voyages. But I did see that the Gold Crew seemed to be in fear when he was around. Either fear that they would screw up, or fear that DM would think that they screwed up. Either way, they were toast.
Exactly right, Bill, anytime we were working around Dave we were walking on eggshells. You have to guess what he wants and do it before he has to ask, but reading his mind is hard because you don’t know what someone else has just told him. Or what’s on his mind that day. We were all in a circular firing squad, hoping to be the last man standing.
One time he came to see the Chief Editor and asked if he wanted to go scuba diving at night. Immediate sheer panic leapt into Gary’s eyes – no way to tell if Dave was setting a lethal trap or honestly making an offer. In a bad mood, if he said “sure I’ll go get my fins” he could get his head ripped off and sent to the Engine Room for presumption. If he said “sir I’m busy getting ready for Maiden Voyage shows” that would be acceptable to a Bad Mood Dave who would say “you’d better!” Good mood Dave would be teed off that they rejected his offer.
You can’t win. A slight hesitation is likely to earn a blowup too, a little frown or an expression of naked terror and you will be accused of having a “pie face” and having it ripped off.
I know a guy that went to the Engine Room for weeks and ended up in the PAC RPF just because he happened to be using the computer in the Conference Room when Dave arrived on the ship. If he had known Dave was arriving he would have cleared out instanter but no one told him in time. Dave rolled in unexpectedly and saw him using “Dave’s terminal” – bang out of there.
I was desperately seasick every time I sailed on the Freewinds. Throwing up the entire cruise. One day we broke for lunch and I went out on the deck behind the Starlight and tried to stare at a fixed position in the distance to settle my stomach – a little bit of rock out in the mists we were passing. But Dave considers that whole deck to be “Officer Country” when he is on board. Sent me packing with a harsh word and next day dressed me down in front of the rest of the Gold crew for idleness while he was “staying up all night editing the Basics all by himself because nobody else can do it!”
Probably true that no one else could do it. Anyone sane would eventually give up trying to piece the Frankenstein’s monster of Hubbard’s magnum opus back together.
Bruce: A guy was sent to the Engine Room for a couple of weeks?
I was down there over 16 years; 13 of them after becoming HIV Positive.
But, since I was an exec down there (in the basement, which was what Dorothy Starkey referred to it at muster one day) I probably did not catch as much shit as some poor dumb bastard sent down as punishment. But I was responsible for every last piece of equipment running down there. How I did it, I’ll never know.
Actually, I do know: necessity level. Toward the end ( like in the last 10 years) I knew that I was toast even if everything kept running correctly; The definition of “correctly” kept changing like A/C units could not make any noise but had to run 24/7, 365 days a year.
In the end I got my Leave of Absence approved, a 21 year one when I was told to return next lifetime.
Would I want some other poor dumb bastard to have similar gains as mine? Absolutely, as long as it is some OTHER poor dumb bastard.
The most amusing part of this whole looming debacle is the idea that one can take the OEC and make it go right. A couple years ago, when I was running my blog, I got a copy of them and was going to excerpt portions and point out just how absurd some of the notions were. I expected to find a few howlingly funny bad ideas amidst a bunch of simplistic but not horrible ideas. Unfortunately, as I dove in, I discovered that ALL of it was incredibly bad. It would have been nearly impossible to find a handful of the worst ideas to hone in on, because there were so many to choose from.
But the biggest problem with OEC, like most of the rest of Scientology “tech,” is that the hype about how it’s the greatest thing ever invented, makes sure it’s completely unable to evolve. That alone makes OEC inevitably fail, just as it makes Scientology tech inevitably fail. In order for Hubbard to get his followers to feed his narcissism by believing that he is the Smartest Guy Ever, then everything he says has to be perfect the way it is, as soon as it falls from his mouth. No improvement is ever possible.
But even if Miscavige is able to somehow find a way to revise the OEC without pissing off all the old timers who believe that Hubbard still is the “Source” of everything, and even if he actually does eliminate all the howlingly bad nonsense, it will have to be just as infallible as anything Hubbard made up. Otherwise, that puts his legitimacy at the top of the heap into potential doubt. Miscavige has to tread the same path as successive generations of North Korea’s leaders. Kim 2.0 and now Kim 3.0 can’t say anything that Kim 1.0 did was a dumb idea, because the population would lynch him.
So this will be yet another amazing turd from Miscavige. There’s no way out of the trap that Hubbard laid for himself and his successors decades ago of being unable to adapt to reality as the world changes.
Hey there. So nice to hear from you!
That huge mistake, the inflexibility of the religion that Miscavige would take over after his coup, is the core of my unfinished fictionalized saga, L. Ron Hubbard: The Target 2 Chronicles. At one point Hubbard ends up being read the riot act by Joseph Smith, about how he should have left his successor the gift of prophecy in order to change with the times. Comparisons between Young and Miscavige are laid out. Sandwiches are made. Kools are smoked. Hilarity ensues.
But….but…. all those evil semicolons have to be put in the right place!
I agree, and I was on several projects adjacent to Ken Delderfield, and I lived through the transition years, at Flag (Clearwater) in the admin training course rooms where we trained right through the transition years from the “old” OEC to the dispensing and cutting from all our admin training all of the BPLs.
Years later, in 1983-84, on a project at Int Base, the “routing forms” project, I had to read ALL writings by Hubbard on admin. (Years later, when I rose to be in ASI, in 1992-1995, I read all of the ASI advices traffic. In 1990-1992, I read all the INCOMM LRH traffic)
I don’t think anyone’s done that ever inside, except the various Exec Strata members who had the non published writings of Hubbard’s; also the persons who edited and decided what went into the 1991 edition of the OEC volumes (the messed up ones, which granted were truly chock full of thousands of typos, due to the draconian proofreading conditions and other problems of the compilers working on the updated 1991 OEC policies).
Incomplete comments get made due to people not having read (and granted Hubbard didn’t allow people to read his raw “advices” and “notes” except those in the compilations branches over the movement’s history).
Compilations history ought be written, and then the validity of what Miscavige is doing, can be selectively seen.
“Copyrighting” history needs written up, showing why additionally some issues which were not copyrighted or were coming close to losing their copyrighting protection, happened. I worked at ASI where the Copyrights Office, Alison Fine, also worked, in the early 1990s up to 1995 when I was busted out of ASI.
There is relevant history: compilations history, and copyrights history.
The sub subject of compilations history is guided by a whole slew of non public writings by Hubbard, I did the “Compilations Officer Full Hat Checksheet” in 1988, at Int, when I worked in the LRH Tech Research and Compilations Branch, under CMO Int, back when Dan Koon was doing the polishing up of the Tech Volumes for the 1991 edition. Also in RTRC (LRH Tech Research and Compilations Branch) .
LRH in 1977 ordered us in the training branch at Flag to NOT continue using any BPLs nor BTBs in training at Flag, that became an HCO Bulletin, and that’s the history point the BPLs and BTBs evaporated from use.
There were BPLs (I know, I read them in 1983) which were 100% LRH. One ought to have gone into the OEC, but it could not, the problem was LRH signed it “Board of Directors” in his own handwriting, and he never indicated that that particular policy ought ever be switched to state that he wrote it, so even though it was completely by LRH, it could not be trained on in course rooms, only staff who had the upper ranks jobs of that zone, could study it, as a hatting issue, for their jobs.
The checksheets that the WDC Members and Exec Strata members use for their jobs, and their filing cabinets, did contain, since 1983 when I was on the “routing forms” project, the non issued raw LRH “advices” and orders.
Janis Grady is an expert on all of the advices, and likely there are plenty of other ex Int Base upper ranks staffers who could easily read any of the non signed LRH “advices” and tell what is real, and what is bogus.
So, honestly, unless an observer gets at least briefed on LRH’s compilations rules, they will miss the latitude that Miscavige, and all future top AVC (editor type of orthodoxy policing job) will have for the whole future history of the movement.
There is important history of the AVC role job, and of the LRH compilations rules, and of the copyrights legal problems, that I have noticed that observers of the orthodoxy history of Scientology don’t take into consideration when the actual “tech’ legitimacy is considered.
And all your points, are all correct, I’ve concluded outsiders have the best take, on Scientology and Hubbard, almost all of the outsider criticisms of Hubbard and Scientology, and of Scientology’s “technology” and of Hubbard’s administrative writings, are all valid, despite not knowing the fine points of compilations allowance and orders that Hubbard did give to the compilers of his issues which came out in his name, based on his advices.
Google Phoebe Mauer, she received direct orders from LRH to write issues based on series of advices he had written to top management, I know, I “peer reviewed” the “Routing Forms, How to Write” policy letter that Phoebe compiled from the “routing forms advices” traffic Hubbard had written in 1982.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org, 1975-2003
There is one policy that tells the staff member that they can always refuse to follow an illegal order. I used this many a time, when I could show that an order directly conflicted with another printed policy, to protect myself from orders that would result in clear harm. I suspect that this policy letter will disappear in the new volumes.
IIRC, the policy that tells the staff member that they can always refuse to follow an illegal order is contradicted by the policy that says you cannot use Scientology to stop or thwart Scientology.
Exactly, ISNOINews?.
I, too used this PL on the Freewinds a few times and the results were less than satisfying.
It was like in my final year on the Freewinds when the entire Engine Room (well, not all of them, just the ones they wanted shot) were Comm-Eved for particles in the water. The water we took on in some ports was red from rust when we got it. We had no choice but to use it. But our stats were up. “Ethics Protection”, right?
No, it just “proved” that our stats had to be false because we had to be shot, therefore any reason not to pull the trigger had to be false.
In the end it did not really matter for me. I was dying of AIDS that I had gotten from blood transfusions in Curacao, the Freewind’s home port 13 years earlier.
I was sent off to a chiropractor who told me that he had never treated an AIDS patient. But he was the “Best”! He had worked on LRH himself! (as a chiropractor).
But I knew that I was dying, it came up in my last session on an FPRD correction list with Joan Heller, the OTVIII review auditor. Kind of an unusual session when the meter goes “clang” and the auditor steers you with the read until you finally give it up “I am dying”. “Thank you, your needle is floating”. A great session.
My death would have been even more assured if I hadn’t had AIDS. I would have self-terminated
That is undoubtedly why I was sent ashore for testing.
I think you’re right, RK. Nowadays if you KR someone in the SO for out tech and quote the references they violated, all it gets you is being sent to ethics.
I was sent straight to ETHICS for writing a KR which quoted LRH policy.
If you are stopping an exec from violating policy you are suppressing him and will be declared sooner or later.
It says a lot when the author of the email wrote toward the beginning: “Please, before you delete, read on.” Wouldn’t a loyal and dedicated lemming, I mean member, want to hang on to every word they receive of “good news” about their cult?!?!?
It always surprises me how Miscavige just cancels courses and books for such long periods, sometimes decades. I was on the Briefing Course in the early 2000s and this has been gone for a long time. This must have cut into their gross income pretty severely. One course I did like a lot at the time was Key to Life and I understand that this is long gone as well.
Hubbard’s Admin Tech was always a very mixed bag, I thought. If you tried to run an organization by it you would be unlikely to do well. They have a policy called “Admin Degrades” that makes it a high crime or something to even question this stuff.
There is a Policy that tells you how to wash a car. Theoretically this means that if I say the best way is to go to the car wash, this could be considered an admin degrade. I don’t know if they take this policy to such ridiculous extremes.
Of course, anything that restricts discussion like this is very detrimental
That’s very interesting. Will he claim the old green Volumes were useless due to the transcription screwing up again? And doesn’t it strike those in the bubble as odd that Ron himself didn’t catch this error while he was still here? Instead of writing battlefield Earth and the mission Earth series before he left for Target two, why didn’t Ron take care of this mistake instead?
All the WISE-businesses will also have to buy the new OEC-volumes and to make sure their executives are trained in the new, by COB improved, “admin tech”.
What I was wondering: Is there any open listing of all the WISE businesses which can be viewed or is that secret? And how many WISE-businesses are there?
How many OEC/FEBC/Exec training evolutions have there been in the Miscavige era? Several, at least. Result? Some transitory stat increases in some orgs. Overall effect? Negligible at best, negative at worst. Why is this? The policy itself is deficient, inflexible, and destructive in a number of instances. Beyond that, Miscavige doesn’t follow policy anyways, except when he decides it suits his purposes. He is the biggest violator of Scientology policy the Church has ever seen. The policies he tends to follow more closely are the ones that are more negative and destructive. The flaws in Scientology policy, and tech, are on display every day in the state of the Scientology churches over the long term and in how their leader and their staff act, what they say and what they do.
It is again a typical DM breakthrough “now we have it!!!”.
We have seen it with different types of golden ages, ideal orgs, etc.
Everytime he finally finds the “reason” for this or that. But it always ends like does a soap bubble. No booms, less members and staff, zero impact around of any kind.
The only real impact is the one received by the staff accused to have sabotaged his work.
Org are not expanding because scn doesn’t work and now is heavily on fundraising.
Lron absconded around 1981 to keep the Feds away and to dodge revamping the $cieno business plan. He didn’t want to re-re-re codify his earlier rants and just slunk away and told those doing the jobs to ‘make it go right’.
He was an absent father to his children and the same to his ‘religion’.
Imagine a big corporation that sells some product – any product – let’s say it is soup. But let’s also say their soup tastes dreadful. Let’s say it is the most terrible, despicable, awful tasting dreck.
Now let us suppose this corporation does not care one bit about how their soup tastes. Can you imagine why?
It’s because they believe the taste of their product has nothing to do with their bottom line. Instead, they focus all their efforts not in producing their soup – but on profits – in training staff on make sales. The taste and quality of their soup is completely irrelevant. They spend all their time researching methods and techniques to get people to send them money – either by buying their soup or …
OR indeed! One day they discovered they could make more money by convincing people of any number of lies that would cause them to buy their soup – or even better – just send them money as donations.
Their ads were so good, they started winning awards for ads that were masterpieces.
One such ad showed a picture of a poor starving and impoverished child accompanied by a story that would bring anyone to tears. But the story was just a whole pack of lies. The company didn’t care. They were committed to the notion their objective was to bring in the money.
So they told the story about this child (let’s call her “Hoodwink”) whose mother had to prostitute herself in the slums of Impoverished City which was the capital of her country “Slaveland”. Her mother had to teach poor Hoodwink all kinds of techniques – especially seductive poses and winks to entice men to pay her for sexual services. (Later, I will tell you more about the services she rendered which had nothing to do with real sex. They just used a gang of kids that would beat and rob and blackmail all the men who paid Hoodwink money).
In order to evade the police, she had to disguise herself and wear this big hood with “one-way visibility” so she could see out but no one could see in and see her face. In this way, Hoodwink’s gang was able to entice many men more than once because they never knew it was the same child who had them beaten and robbed before.
Well, LSS (to make a Long Story Short), this company found out they could make more money by lying, cheating and stealing than they could from selling real soup. In fact, for a time, they tried to sell empty cans with a label showing a picture of poor Hoodwink and her extended belly due to starvation. Turns out they made a fortune this way. But then one day the authorities shut them down and you’ll never guess what happened then!
They just changed their name and made more money than ever before by telling people they had been shut down due to corrupt government … well it doesn’t really matter since it was all just a bunch of lies. To this day, they make more money than almost all the other corporations that sell real food items.
Of course, this company is not real. It is just my way of explaining the cult known as the Curse of Scamatology. When they invite you to join them on staff, run like the plague. Did you ever see one of those old movies with slaves who were forced to row a big galley ship into combat? Well if you fall for one of their brilliant ads, you will be put into chains and into slavery and forced to row, row, row your boat for 20 hours per day. I am just speaking figuratively. But the effect is still the same.
Avoid this scam like the plague. Nothing good will ever come of it.
There is a concept woven through the tek and is part of the very essence of Scientology policy and tek, “the only thing worse than flawed delivery is no delivery at all”
Let the field auditors mess up. Let groups form and futz about, any delivery is better than no delivery, and that’s what the Class V or is there for. They take the PCs from the field auditors and the mission that are tough cases.
It’s woven through KSW and Tech Degrades. The idea is clay demoed, M4*rate high crimed, etc.
It’s astounding, how many courses Miscavige has audiosed since taking power.
I’ve been flabbergasted about the yeaaaaaaars of no SHSBC/VIII Course.
Just astounding.
Tra la la. Cake for breakfast today! Glad to be out.
Rip, I think that after Lisa McPherson, DM decided that no delivery at all, was better than flawed delivery – rightly so. Scientology had long gotten away with sweeping under the rug the incidents of psychosis, suicide and even murder, that inevitably result from their messing around with minds, including pushing people into potentially dangerous disassociation and using now-known harmful techniques like abreaction (actually abandoned by the Navy and others between the time Hubbard saw it used, and the writing of Dianetics). But a confluence of factors, probably including just greater public scrutiny though also the increasing concentration of activity at Flag, may have forced his hand.
Is it really such a bad thing that at least the most harmful aspects of Dianetics and Scientology are getting de-emphasized? Members still get the ‘feelgood,’ and, arguably, some of the possible actual benefits of low-level work like the communication course, and auditing as talk therapy. And it’s probably better for members’ lives in general, not to have such massive, pointless or even mind-warping time sucks such as the SHSBC – and so also too bad that any form of the OEC is being brought.
Nic Greene says there is “lost tech”. I happen to know for a fact that this is true. I “lost” all my green volumes (along with the rest of my lrh library) on eBay for pennies on the dollar. I know many others who weren’t so fortunate. They lost their lrh materials at the local landfill or recycle center.
The reason that the “new” tech has been so long in coming is the shear volume of semi-colons that need to be handled in all of these policy letters. It’s semi-colons that are the ‘WHY’ behind the fact that all scientology orgs are floundering. Once the semi-colon issue is handled, watch out. Semi-colons have been a problem on the ‘whole track’ as well. In fact, the semi-colon issue is the root cause of goddamn near any civilization’s downfall. Look no further than Q;Anon…
Those semi-colons are like Body Thetans. There are unlimited numbers of them and they just attach themselves to the materials.
DM will come up with a new “OT” level that will audit them out.
The OEC vols went on deep sale at the end of the 1990’s, and I went on high alert.
The only time books went on sale was right before the New Release version was about the hit.
I found out the hard way exactly one time.
So when the OECs were suddenly 400 bucks, I say, yay, I can’t wait to buy the new set that will come out! And that means the dictionaries will finally come out! (class V orgs didn’t have the pilot dictionaries, only Flag, LA, maybe Tampa.) (standard tek, right?)
…so it’s close to what, 24 years later? Dave’s really slow about making targets, isn’t he?
You hit it right on all the points, I think, Mike. The new Why is just around the corner. (Like every OEC/FEBC evolution to come before it)
At Flag, after the November of 2013, GAT II release, everything that WASN’T part of the GAT II release disappeared off the base overnight. The course rooms and qual were stripped of all HCOB volumes, (“Red Volumes”) and OEC Vols, all other reference packs, Admin Dictionary, Tech Dic, the HOLY Grail, “Pilot Dictionary”, etc.
All 1984ed out of existence.
We were reduced to new course packs with glossaries. Bye bye Study Tek. (you were bullshyte anyway)
If you went to the Qual library in the Big new Super Power Building, the shelves were full of GAT II Acad Course packs 0-IV, a couple brand new binders of Auditor Ref Packs, and sets of the Basics Books and Lectures. Nothing that hadn’t just been released with GAT II, or with the Basics.
one set of OEC vols were allowed to stay in the Ethics Section on Flag AO’s mezzanine floor.
and when I later went home to my own podunk Class V org, they hadn’t gotten rid of anything. No memo for the orgs. I checked with friends in other Class V orgs, None had done the purge.
Standard Tek indeed.
I was able to rationalize a whole lotta bullshit.
ONCE AGAIN another “training evolution” to train up “executives” to turn around the crashing statistics of Scientology. 90% of the orgs are held together by a handful of broke and desperate staff. On the orders of Miscavige a minimum of 3 staff from each org (Product Officer, Organizing Officer and Establishment Officer) will be forced to be sent to Flag for training on his latest dog’s breakfast. The people being sent will be told that it will only be for 6 weeks. In reality the training will take well over a year for the average person sent. Because of the added time it causes havoc in the lives of the students that get sent. Lost relationships, lost jobs, lost money, lost living arrangements, etc, etc. What ever make shift arrangement there had been in an effort to hold the org together when three key personnel were pulled out, will have fallen apart. If the “new executives” ever do complete their training they get sent back into a nightmare. They will have all the production pressure while trying to reestablish their own lives and having little to no income. Before long the “new executives” quit and Scientology crashes even further. VERY predictable. Through it all Miscavige will pat himself on the back for being so brilliant while everyone one else will be blamed and attacked for the failure. Great news!!
So david miscavige doesn’t learn?
That seems to be what the next big push will be. No need for further speculation! The printing presses at the C of S are in high gear. Save money for the leather bound first edition.
They will also need to be transcribed onto the titanium plates and put into the underground bunkers for future earth civilizations or extraterrestrial explorers. Lots of work to do.
I would also underline “have heard this all before”.
I grew very tired of mainstream religion, and eventually walked away from it. I can’t imagine how draining it is to be a card-carrying member of a more intense cult like Scientology, where they just keep churning out recycled garbage (that you are pressured to buy) just to keep you barely clinging by a thread.
The word today my children is “briefing” …
In Scientologese, it can mean one of two things …
1) A combo PR show/fundraising cycle … Mild to VERY intense (can be done to a group or one on one) … If you are foolish enough to go to this kind of briefing , always figure out beforehand your lowest “get out of the briefing donation” …
2) A one on one recruit/interrogation wherein to get someone to do something, a full interview is done probing for areas to “Handle” … almost always being an ethics handling followed by mucho word clearing and false data stripping until said someone is now on board per the “briefing” …
Moral of the story: In Scientology, always have a couple of handy shore stories /excuses to avoid the ALWAYS dreaded and loathed “briefing” …
It’s the NEW AND IMPROVED (!!!) IMPERIAL MARGARINE! … Better taste, color and spreadibility! … And only half the price of the high priced spread! …
Wait a minute … Did I say Margarine ? … No, I meant SCIENTOLOGY! SCIENTOLOGY!
(There is no bottom to the answer to the question, How Stupid Can People Be? …. How stupid? Very, very, very, very, very …….)
My (lack of) God! More fundraising!
The bridge in the first photo looks a lot like the Third Ave Bridge in Minneapolis.
Oh my god. The only thing good about this is that if it is rolled out and pushed on scientologists like the Basics were then it will drive more scientologists OUT just like the Basics push, that also includes Sea Org who got no sleep while trying to make quotas. Although there will always be people like Ben Kugler, the gimp of the church of scientology, who will be in that course room on Day 2, doing the NEW AND IMPROVED OEC’S!
Good job, dave. Way to have your finger up the a.. I mean …on the pulse of the church of scientology.
HA HA HA!!! I agree Mary.
If this isn’t the boil on the butt of scientology and every scientologist…it’s an itch they cannot scratch and have to tolerate every single day, every minute…for the rest of eternity.
Hopefully it will help make them want to GTF out?
Maybe we should all step up a little more to support the Aftermath Foundation so they are ready to help these people that are going to wake up.
Good idea!
Mary I was having the same exact thoughts while reading Mike’s post.
If the push is similar to that of the Basics then it will only act as a purge instead of anything else, and other staff and public will run away without even going through the door.
Many still in there, in my opinion, haven’t recovered yet from that trauma. They have it still clear in memory.
Mary, you literally made me laugh out loud at your very well-expressed comment about this pathetic roll-out of more BS from miscavige, and so aptly calling out Ben Kugler!!!
Isn’t Ben Kugler connected to several failed businesses? I think he was in on that big real estate thing with some other Scns where they were making a planned community of Scns to live in in FL and it went belly up and bankrupt. And then he started a biz in LA on finding your true purpose in life so that you could work at a job on your purpose line. That went belly up. Are there more that Ben has failed at?
Much of that land was sold to the church for intensives. And yes that development company went belly up.
Ben still lives in Clearwater, “helping people” with their 2D’s probably still throwing friends and family under the bus for an “atta boy” from OSA.
When was the Basics you are talking about?
Started in 2007 I believe and went on for several years of hell.
I recall two pallets arriving in my office parking lot in April of 2009. WTF are these things?
Good ole Paul Miller and his magic calculator found missing money on the account and lo and behold …….. out pops two pallets of basic books delivered from a huge truck with a lift gate.
Sent em back but it took over a year …….. of hell!!!