This is a “milestone”? That they might at some point gather enough money to buy a building for this tiny, perpetually failing “org”? Scientology has hype-inflation. Their hype keeps growing less and less believable so they have to keep ratcheting up the hype… It’s like rolling in wheelbarrows full of cash to buy a loaf of bread during hyperinflation. They roll in wheelbarrows of over-the-top descriptions for the most mundane of events.
They’re going to have some hula dancing and a “surprise” — they have two “guest speakers” along with the “Hawaii Fundraising Project In-Charge.” What could be better? What could be more “milestoney”? Or “great”?
But you’ve got to love the chutzpa — “” It’s hard to imagine anything less “mega” than this. What a sad joke.
And by the way, whatever happened to Quinn the Eskimo, ideal org fundraiser extraordinaire? His financial irregularities finally caught up to him? Like they did with Jeanne Sonnenfeld?
MILLSTONE, they meant millstone. Mike.
Whenever I see the word “Milestone” used by $camology I more often than not picture a “$camology Pebblestone” which means for it to become a “Milestone” they would have lay roughly 161,000 2.5 centimetre (about an inch) long pebbles in a line.
If you convert that to Ideal Orgs it means they only have about 160,980 left for it to become a true “Milestone.”
Looks like Hawaii is building a Bridge to Nowhere. Speaking of hyper-unawareness, it seems Scientologists have no issue with using non-standard tech by putting their low reserve of AU’s on a MEST building because ‘David Miscavige’ said so. I’m going to type it again because it is such a good fit: Bridge to Nowhere.
I’m getting to prefer “The Bridge to Total Destruction”, since it DOES go somewhere, even if it’s nowhere any of us wants to end up: destitute and depressed.
This blog entry reminds me of something strange that happened to me yesterday.
I received an email that said, “We need you to respond to this message.”
I was struck by the difference between that and a previous email that said, “You need to respond to this message.”
It reminded me of this criminal cult who often phrase things in one way that makes it look like something is your problem when it really is their problem.
The notices they send out telling people about wonderful surprise events they need to attend.
The real message is, “You need to attend this event.” But they word it like this, “We need you to attend this event.”
So who has the need? Is it the org who has the need? Or is it the slave who has the need? All in all, this seems like a sneaky way for trying to force slaves to do their bidding by making it appear like it is the org who needs something. But the truth is they consider it is the slaves that need to do their bidding.
My point is that a small word change can often make things appear to be the opposite of reality. This criminal organization is quite expert at this kind of “double speak”.
1984 indeed!
Good for you Skyler23. Waking up to the wordcraft is like the padawan becoming the master. Some of the things LRH said about word clearing and such are useless if you can’t apply reasoning and wisdom to better yourself through a strong will. Unfortunately, the organization of CoS uses the teachings to hype and manipulate for their own ends rather than the good of those they serve (or are supposed to be) .
The WRITER has the need, to get their stats up. Otherwise, what isn’t gonna happen won’t happen, according to their senior.
I do not respond at all to phrases such as, “I need you to… “
What is worse is when someone says “you need to… “
The only time that type of phrase is acceptable is when it comes from someone who’s my supervisor and is paying me my very good rate of pay.
“I need you to come up with this money by Thursday at 2 PM.” This is the exact opposite of what I will respond to.
It’s like years ago when every week or two there was a new “Call to Arms, Mandatory Briefing” (read: fundraiser).
There were so many of these ‘Call to Arms’ back then that after a while it just rang flat.
Hello Philip. Their notices have been ringing flat for more than 50 years now.
Someone could write a book about advertising with a chapter titled, “What NOT to do” and show all their posters and announcements as prime examples.
Right! there’s only so many times that the same command will create a surge in adrenaline. And that’s coupled with “Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on ME.” When people “get” that it’s all a lie, eventually, they’ll ignore it. Anyone wanna “cry Wolf”? What’s surprising is how long the ploy apparently *worked*.
To be a greatness counts on own or others opinions.
We all have a picture of how we all and others shall act infront of each others.
In others eyes or in own eyes?
In a microscope scientology shows up.
Roger stated:
“In a microscope scientology shows up.”
IF you SEARCH for it assiduously enough, as it has very little impact in the real world even just on the sidewalks around the few orgs still eking out an existence of sorts.
These days, the only folks looking FOR scientology activity are on this side of the scn-watching sites. NO people susceptible to their “siren call” are likely to stumble across their presence around the world except for the “WISE” scammers and folks like Rizza Islam or NOI with their own versions of scams.
In the nests of snakes everyone whistlers and turn others around. The greatest snakes of them all eat the smaller snakes.
What really strikes me is how those still inside do not become aware of certain obvious things that they have continuously under their noses for years.
Now no one talks about reaching the Saint hill size or the like anymore (and maybe it’s not even allowed).
Everything is focused on buying a building that will remain even more empty than the current spaces to which they will stick a label with the words ‘ideal’. But by now it should be clear to the blindest that this is an international failed project.
hubbard died 35 years ago and OT9 and 10 are no longer mentioned even by accident (!) .
Int management has been razed to the ground with napalm and replaced by puppets that have only to mimic miscavige orders. Orgs are left alone to save their butts.
The division 6 for the new public have been reduced almost everywhere to a screen to be turned on for the rare unfortunates.
And yet it seems to them that everything is fine. This is not possible.
LmR, of COURSE 9 & 10 aren’t mentioned any more. They never existed. Miscavige only rarely invoked them as a carrot while they had a HOPE of bringing in sufficient income for his personal needs. Of course, that ceased to “work” once people saw it for the con it was, so he went for more direct demands for the sheeple’s total assets. We’ll see how long that lasts, and then how long his Potemkin village continues to seem to stand after he stops propping it up.
I remember Jeanne (Danilovich? Franks Bogvad) Sonnenfeld.
I my first year in the SO (about 1980) I was running the Scheduling Board in AO-2 FSO.
Jeanne (Frank’s at that time) was an auditor there.
One Saturday morning ALL of her PCs decided to go waterskiing together during CSP. Of course they did not tell me they were going.
None of them came back until after dinner. Jeanne had NO PCs until after dinner. She regularly produced in excess of 50 WDAH per week.
Since she had no one to audit she did Admin: namely writing a big KR on me. The D of P Paul Koval was yelling at Tech Sec 4A John Danilovich that I should be sent to the RPF.
In the 22 following years I was never sent to the RPF. Then I was sent to the ovens.
Milestone or millstone? It’s been two decades now that Battle Creek has owned an empty old hotel, left derelict and yet running up maintenance and tax bills for the small and failing org.
Several other orgs are in similar straits with abandoned buildings they’ve owned for a decade or more, but failed to do anything with. Hawaii may be lucky not to be carrying such dead weight.
A year or two ago Scientology made it appear they had a building for Hawaii, but it may just be that they identified a target to try to purchase. In the third picture down they were using floor plans for fundraising a year and a half ago:
They have failed at that gambit and ended up eventually doing bait-and-switch with a number of other org fundraising projects. I haven’t seen, and can’t find, any sign that they actually purchased a property – if anyone knows any differently, please let us know.
The mismanaged, often failed mess with the whole “ideal org” campaign, which now seems to more or less have stalled completely, is very telling of the actual state of Scientology.
St Louis bought a building back in 2007 for their Ideal Org and it is still sitting vacant after bamboozling Scientologists out of an alleged $17 million dollars. (That is what I heard from several Scientologists in St Louis) The deal is – St Louis Executives did an OT Debug and found out they did not need the Ideal Org after all. They said they would expand the current location but there is no need. No one is coming in. Heh Scientology and OSA – I did not have to spend money on Scientology OT Debug to find out it was dying and not expanding in St Louis. Just look. 9 cars in the parking lot after telling us they were the fastest growing religion in the World. LIE! It has always been dead and it is even deader now after Leah and Mike hit the airwaves with their show and podcast. I was there in 2007 and I am still have family and friends in today.
I drove by the St Louis Morgue at 6901 Delmar a few days ago. 9 cars in the parking lot. The property looks degraded and low toned. I think that is fricken awesome.
Awesome! Glad to see some are waking up! What’s bad about that 17mil is that it was the blood, sweat and retirements of a mostly older crowd of Scilons. Now what? Are they gonna give back those donations…hell no! What’s even sadder is they’re probably regging them for the renovations for their current building! And not one of them has the intestinal fortitude to ask “Hey why don’t we use that 17mil we raised for the Ideal building?” It’s shenanigans like this that is waking up a lot of people. You can only lose your retirement so many times before you’re in the ‘poorhouse’ as we say down south.
What’s even sicker to me is how they make the Orgs fundraise endlessly to get the $ for buying the building, renovating it and then staffing it…only to turn around and claim the building and charge the Org RENT!
I believe a good case can be made that the whole Ideal Org gambit was never intended to “succeed”. It successfully ARC-Xed many orgs’ fields and drained the reserves of the Whales while increasing the net worth of the small bit of scientology that Dwarfenführer carved out of Ron’s creation. As long as he still has access to those funds and sufficient health to continue as he has, he’ll be what passes for “happy” in his miserable little existence.
Jere, I like Hanlon’s Razor, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” – or collective stupidity, like organizational dysfunction.
Yes you could make a case for that, but since scientologists love to try to find a “why” to blame their failures on, I think that it’s most likely that at some point he decided – or bought into the excuse – that Scientology’s recruiting problems were because the orgs were so shabby (which like many things had a kernel of truth in it, but was overblown), and that eventually the resulting campaign sort of took on a life of its own. One of my suspicions is that they have sort of Ponzi-like internal financing, and no one wants to admit how much of the money donated towards “ideal” orgs has been used to prop up other things and keep other stats up, so they have to keep on raising new money to fund completion of some of the old projects whose actual funds were long ago plundered. This just gets perpetuated due to a mix of organizational dysfunction, shared delusion, and subordinates’ fear of being imprisoned in The Hole if they point out that the emperor has no clothes.
Seems to me this may well foreshadow a strange new development in this criminal organization. They have chased after every penny they could get and now there is just no more money available to them. Even the whales – or perhaps I should say “especially” the whales have had enough.
In order to survive the “braintrust” will have to come up with some brand new way to bring the cash into their secret offshore bank accounts. But what could it be? I have no idea. I just get the feeling we are on the verge of some enormous change in the way they extort their money. It just feels to me like it is now time to either “change” or “die”.
I know which one I’m hoping for.
Sounds like the “whales” have all been harpooned and their blubber melted down. They are going extinct.
I recall a funny anecdote that people in Europe used to tell about the difference between the German army and the Russian army. I am just repeating this anecdote and I do not place any opinion in it at all.
How do you tell the difference between the Russian army and the German army?
The German army comes into our village every month and take almost all of our food. But they leave enough so that we can feed ourselves and create more food so they can come back in one month’s time and do it again.
The Russian army comes into our village and steals everything. They leave us nothing and so we have to move to another village. There is nothing left and so they cannot come back to our village. They essentially destroyed the village as a result of their greed.
That was the difference between the Russian army and the German army. But that is also the truth about this stupid cult. They take everything and leave their slaves with nothing so the slaves must declare bankruptcy. If only they were a little smarter, they would leave their slaves with enough so they could come back again and again and rob them year after year for many years to come.
Fucking morons!
“Change or die” seems obvious, but “change” is verboten in scilLOONogy. “KSW” kills that idea even though those calling themselves scientologists gave up following that policy many years back, when Miscavige claimed the “source” position for himself and tried to make everything he ‘touched’ GOLDEN. (Gold in his coffers, that is.)
Love the analogy. 😎
Wow – Mary Kahn??
I LOVED you on the series Mike did with Leah!!!!!
You are extremely believable and I think people all across the country were crying while watching that scene where you were talking about how much money you spent trying to save your family and then Mike started loosing it (he is usually pretty composed).
I sent Mike an email just now saying that he has made atonement for the bad things he did on behalf of the “church”.
The series with Leah is now on Netflix and Netflix is WILDLY popular especially during the pandemic- so know that TONS of people all over the country are going to know about this awful organization!!!
I live in Albuquerque New Mexico and I was both laughing and kind of crying when a young man who was abused at a Scientology ranch in NM said he was told he was going to Albuquerque and his Scientology schooling was so lacking that he thought Albuquerque was in Canada and thought New Mexico was the capital of Mexico.
Just know that all of you speaking out matters and not just regarding Scientology- it helps give people hope and courage in general. I myself was a victim of domestic violence and me and another victim of the same man are standing up for ourselves and speaking out about him …there is strength in numbers and it’s not as scary if you aren’t alone. 💜
LRH lied about getting a Purple Heart but it’s all of you people who left the church and are telling your truths that have shown courage under siege (from the “church”) – I throw up in my mouth a little every time I have to call that organization a church.🤮
Drew, my remedy is NEVER grace scientology with “church”. Calling it an “organization” is good enough. I refuse to capitalize its name as a minor bit of disrespect to what Miscavige has carved out of Ron’s creation for his own petty little purposes.
I always put “church” in quotes – I am being sarcastic actually. I throw up in my mouth a little when using the word to refer to COS. 🤢🤮
It’s a cult. I think that many of of the people in it are decent people- they just don’t realize they are being brainwashed…that’s the whole thing with a cult.
It’s amazing what brainwashing can do. Maybe this isn’t exactly a good analogy because I don’t want to say most COS members are animals….but have you ever gone to a circus and seen the huge adult elephants and wonder why the heck the elephants don’t just take off – why do they allow themselves to be made to do stupid tricks when they could run away at any time – who is going to stop them …the humans who are tiny in comparison couldn’t physically stop them.
Do you know how that happens? Do you know how gigantic elephants are able to be tied up with chains that would NOT physically hold/stop them??
The grown elephant doesn’t know it can get away. They chain the baby elephant up and the young elephant tries and tries to get away (because those chains CAN stop a baby elephant) and can’t and gives up.
It’s a concept called “learned helplessness . The adult elephant doesn’t realize it’s not the baby that can’t get away.
That’s Scientology in my opinion- that’s probably why they try to recruit children into the Sea Org.
Where are Mikey Chan and Gavin Potter? The super regs seem to missing these days. Where is the $cieno cross marking or celebrating the murder of billions of supposed tax cheats 66 million years ago? Now I did it, I gave the Clampire another fund raising theme. Sorry….
Moo, Unlike us, the idea of Zenu scares the stuffing out of them (those who know of the farcical story, any way) They CAN’T directly refer to the “incident” or the being, by ‘royal’ decree that all of us here who HAVE read the story are going to die from pneumonia [or, to bring it up to date, by coronavirus.]
As soon as I get the go-ahead from my pharmacy, I’m GETTING whichever vaccine is available. I hope all of you are gonna do the same. I’m not so afraid pf pneumonia, since I’ve gotten that vaccine, but covid’s got me and my friends a little spooked.
Instead of Hula Dancing, Scientology should invite Lucifer to give a talk. This would more closely align with the religion. Lucifer could be in telecommunication with Hubbard located in a timeless state. They could even arrange for an Occult Satan to play his piano. This plan beats all celebrities.
the ULTIMATE celebrity would be Satan channelling his inner “Hubbard”, of course, but I’d sorta like to get to see his red-headed spirit medium. She sounded like quite the looker, and frisky to boot.
The advertisement says IMUA at the top. Curiosity made me google it. It is only about eliminating slavery, human trafficking and prostitution. Nowhere is the cult mentioned at all. But, one would think it should be, right?
Gee Whiz – I wonder what the $urpri$e could be??? Tip – don’t bring your wallet. Better yet, don’t show up at all.
Not the Tomato surprise?
Bridget. Apparently it will be a virtual event. But as soon as they hook someone they could find a way to ask for money.
However, it is possible to suppose another scenario that is not entirely visible.
In my experience when I did ‘regging events’ it was KEY to have people already closed to donate to ‘open the flow’.
So the virtual online event could perhaps serve to stimulate and pump up the public by giving the idea that things are going as well as before, while someone already closed earlier to donate plays their part to make the show.
So whoever watches the event is not directly regged but rather they HAVE to know that everything is going great. A PR affair.
And if that were the case it would be a confirmation that scn is in worse waters even than we think. In my opinion it is so.
There’s no need to bring your wallet; they HAVE your account numbers, including your checking account, including the account balances/credit available.
What they try to convey is an almost empty enthusiasm with a embarrassing shrill voice that already says it all.
Those few whales left in the cult are seriously endangered.
For scn more than a milestone it is the case of talking about a tombstone.
LmR, I agree with the Tombstone reference, as well as an earlier poster’s “millstone”.
We need patience; DM’s making steady progress dismantling Ron’s creation. Don’t disturb scientology as they’re making deadly mistakes under Dave’s direction.