Happy Thanksgiving everyone. A day to be relieved that you are no longer giving to the organization that doesnt thank you for what you have given, but simply looks upon you with little vulture eyes “we got this much out of him/her, there has to be more where that came from.”
The only thing true about this email is that this IS “bombastic.” I guess the author is unfamiliar with the words she uses as bombastic means: high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.
The nerve of these people. “In 3 days we are going to announce the biggest/best/over-the-top/bombastic/largest/highest-ever…” Now give us your money by Thursday at 2 so we can fund it!!!
Hah hah hah hah.
Give thanks you don’t have to worry about this insanity any longer.
Oh my god!
In 3 days is the 29th IAS Anniversary Event at Flag!!!!!!!
The next MASSIVE, ULTRA MAJOR BOMBASTIC blow against psychiatry to date is being released at the event.
As well as a BRAND NEW, FANTASTIC, HUGE, INCREDIBLE Scientology dissemination campaign is being released.
This IS the next step!!!!!
We are in the most exciting times of our religion.
The world has changed over the past 2 weeks with the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase 2!
The next step is to put ethics in world wide so that the tech can and will go in.
This is BIG and we would like to ask for your help again to make this possible and get this funded BEFORE the event.
Our goal is to have it all funded by this Thursday 2pm :-)!!!!!
You will be part of making it history in the most important time of our religion and: the eradication or annihilation of psychiatry on this planet and bringing the truth about Scientology to millions or should I say billions :-)!!!!!
Please call me on 07951 923853 or do a IAS donation on line today on www.iasmembership.org/uk.
Please mention my name in the comments box so I know and call me or send me a text once you done your donation.
You will be sooooo proud having participated again in funding the next major 4th Dyn salvage release.
Make a meaningful donation today and say “I was part of this”!
Thank you!!!!!!
Mention her name so the slag gets the 10% commission. God damn thieves
Mike, the truth is that not a day goes by when I don’t give thanks in some way that I am out of that craziness, that I am no longer the recipient of such lies.
When I left – (silently, but in-my-heart-left), my life became immediately better. The indicators came in immediately, and in this way I knew that I had disconnected from my actual SP, David Miscavige, and that everyone else (meaning, everyone else that I personally knew) were not SPs, but in varying degrees, PTS to David Miscavige.
As a being, upon disconnection, along with the stat improvement I also experienced a feeling of marked personal relief, and for this I am grateful on a daily basis because it manifests as trust in myself and an increased willingness to simply be me.
I hope your Thanksgiving has been totally swell, MIke. Every day I flow thanks and power to you and to Marty.
In another fowl development, the bombastic basting of the holiday birds shall goose the golden egg layers once again. And as sure as the Sun Never Sets on Scientology, these turkey’s won’t be pardoned from Miscavige’s holiday table.
The goose is cooked,
the eggs are laid;
chickens that looked,
are on the exit parade.
The table’s laid,
the turkey’s cooked;
Thanksgivings are made,
and DM is…oh, never mind.
“The world has changed over the past 2 weeks with the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase 2!”
Can you give us some specific ways the globe has been affected?
Thought not.
As for only having 30 exclamation marks, you have failed utterly in the new age of Wow Wow Wow Comm.
Next email I want to see no less than 76 exclamation marks for the planets and 26 Wows for the stars of Incident 2 or else you will be declared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!………WOW that’s a lot of exclamation marks
This over-the-topness has GOT to be wearing thin even on the most loyal. I’ve been posting this message through the contact forms of orgs (using a proxy server, of course). Probably without effect, but on the off chance that it gets someone to start questioning what they’re being told.
I don’t understand why there is GAT II. Wasn’t GAT I the final, perfect, 100% standard Tech that COB personally prepared and approved? But now it’s full of errors? Who put them there? GAT I was COB’s personal project. Either he made the mistakes or lost control of the project….or he’s just lying. How can you believe him now? Will there be GAT III in 10 years?
LRH made tons of clears on crude, simple meters, and said the meter matters less than the auditor. So why is a $5000 Ultra VIII needed? They’ve been sitting in a warehouse for 9 years anyway.
How come so many people studied for so long and then suddenly were SPs? SP declares of longtime Scientologists have gone through the roof even though LRH said SPs were rare. Either SPs are attracted to the church, Scientology is creating the SPs, or COB is declaring people just to consolidate his power. And doing it without due process, as required by LRH.
How many top execs over the last 20 years are either blown, declared, or in the RPF? Where were the current top execs during the big GATII/Super Power gala? Odd that they wouldn’t be there, isn’t it?
You know something is very wrong. You don’t have to stay in the pressure-cooker. Freeloader debt is not legally enforceable. There are people waiting to help you get out and take back your life.
Call toll free 1-866-XSEAORG
The part that starts at 3:05 is what I meant to play. It struck me as funny, when the receptionist starts crying and everything.
The best day of my life was when I left the cult of Scientology!!! I thank myself everyday since I left the madness and insanity DM and his crack pot group put out there. They are for sure the most wicked evil and conniving group on the planet. They give NO thanks or appreciation to what their members donate both money and time. Thank god I’m OUT of that crazy uncaring group. I hope many more leave the fold and get back their life.
The “next major 4th dynamic salvage release”?
Where are the positive results of the other “major salvage” releases?
DM’s game is “destruction.” Plain and simple. But too simple for the KA drinkers to spot.
Oy Vey!
I am quite THANKFUL that this has not been my world for many years, but am also thankful that I know and have and apply the Tech as LRH developed it and intended it. And I’m thankful that I can breath easily.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
And a happy Hannukah, too.
They are so full of crap! ~lol
Wow, it’s so wonderful that this person is pompous enough and so graciously grandiose that they are offering to deliver the death blow to psychiatry without once consulting a dictionary. If they had, perhaps they would agree that the use of “bombastic” is correct since only big blowhards are able to do this, indeed only histrionic stuffed shirts have the courage to deliver such balderdash. (And if they had consulted a thesaurus they might have learned that “pompous, grandiose, blowhard, stuffed shirt and balderdash” are all synonyms for bombastic.).
So thankful that CCHR’s a joke. History teaches us that every time someone-thing goes up the pole, with resources, and tries to save the planet lots of people get killed. Poor Nicole in a bad ideological romance, so much time and expense expended for little or no return.
What the …….? I thought CCHR killed psychiatry three years ago? Oh, well, if folks want to flush their money down the toilet fighting the mythical evil whole tracks psychs (themselves the product of a deranged delusional mind), then as the saying goes “be my guest.” I love it! Give COB some early Christmas gifts. He deserves it for the recent clearing of the planet. Myself, I think I’ll spend money on having some fun today (actually do more good for the fourth dynamic than contributing to the idiocy of fighting the non existent evil ones). Anyway, with planetary clearing ….. what? me worry?
“In 3 days is the 29th IAS Anniversary Event at Flag!!!!!!!”
“The next MASSIVE, ULTRA MAJOR BOMBASTIC blow against psychiatry to date is being released at the event.
“As well as a BRAND NEW, FANTASTIC, HUGE, INCREDIBLE Scientology dissemination campaign is being released.”
You know, for just a second there I was concerned that there might actually be word of some new breakthroughs on the anti-psych and dissemination fronts. I thought there might actually be a new blow against psychiatry. I thought maybe there is a new dissemination campaign which would be effective and might actually work to bring new unsuspecting sheep in for fleecing by RCS.
Then I remembered where this message was coming from. I remembered the long and repeated history of rolling out ineffective after non-existent after ineffective “campaigns” that existed only in the PR speeches at the events and were never actually put into execution in the real world. And I breathed a sigh of relief. And I gave thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who reads this blog. Mike, you are the best for your continued daily efforts on the forefront of the fight against RCS and DM’s insanity. Thank you and yours for all you have done, do now and will continue to do in the future.
A poignant narrative Joe Schmo. It’s the mixing of hope and disappointment, over and over again, that is such a betrayal of so many. Well said. No More!!! Thank you to every cool being on the blog and to Mike and family, for such grace and humor under fire. Here’s to all the people all over the world who seek to live decently without fucking over their fellow man. I’m very grateful.
TrevAnon, Nov 28, 2013 at 12:20 pm: “Of course it would be a really bad thing to enter false data in the web-forms on the site Mike linked to. I am specifically saying that no one should do such a thing… :)”
If somebody would like to honestly and politely ask a question, make a comment, or make a request to the IAS, it can be done here:
(The IAS membership number does not need to be filled in).
To avoid giving your e-mail, you may use a temporary/disposable e-mail (Google: temporary or disposable email).
To avoid the IAS web site capturing your IP number, you may use a proxy server to access the IAS website.
Here are some free proxy servers:
(To see your IPN, and/or the proxy server’s IPN, you may use http://whatismyipaddress.com/ ).
In order to be able to submit your question/comment/request, make sure, in the proxy server options, to uncheck Remove scripts and Remove objects.
Thanks, MaBű. However, spurious comms to the IAS will just be forwarded to an already overworked OSA, and those poor guys don’t know which end is up, and they’ll get into a lot of trouble from Davey for getting it wrong (whatever they do).
The IAS is for collecting money, OSA is for removing the stops to getting the money, and the rest of the CoS is a front office.
I am thankful for you, Mike, and your nearly daily updates on the state of things scientology.
I am thankful for all you smart and witty posters out there making me laugh and making me think, with your comments.
I am even thankful for Nicole. Although I hope and expect she will, indeed, wake up one day, her email nonetheless makes me VERY thankful I am not caught up in that mess anymore.
Thanks again Mike. Too bad Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday every year, huh? Ruins a beautiful holiday still for some people.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and to Marty and Mosey and cute little WJ. I am truly thankful for many things, among them are you all and our indy friends who have kept the tech together and available. Pretty damn cool.
Oh Mike, these emails you post…not fair to trigger my gag reflex not long after a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
Happy thanksgiving to all of you on this blog and a special thanks to Mike for all he has done in the name of freedom.
Last chance to get myself committed.
Well, happy thanksgiving all. We truly have much to be grateful for.
I’m feeling some sadness over recent incidents of shunning. You all make me laugh ALWAYS and put everything into perspective. HAPPY THANKSGIVING
“The next step is to put ethics in world wide so that the tech can and will go in.”
I love the fact that they are now forced to tacitly, quietly admit that something is wrong these days.
Make no mistake- by saying this, they are acknowledging that the tech is NOT spreading, and won’t until something changes. Even DM has had to acknowledge this with his latest purges, and some of his recent speech comments, from what I gather.
Maybe someday they will get to the next step: realizing that Scientology is going nowhere until it stops trying to take everyone’s money, and just to years on helping people for a change.
Cleanup in isle 4. Nicole is a goner!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I assume one must leave a comment on the membership site as to who has prompted any donation so that she can rake in the “donations” commission? Actually there is no need for me to add the question mark at the end of the last sentence. Just as in the raiding of T+P accounts for book sales so that the “salesperson” can claim a nice hefty 10% commission.And of course this explains the “push” to sell Basics Book Packages – they are all on a “nice little earner” as the Brits say, even Examiners and other posts not related to selling books. No wonder there were orders that staff could not go to sleep until they had made someone i.e. the person issuing the order, nicely well off that week. What a scam! I believe this rotten scam goes right through up to the “top of the Org Board” – of course. Orgs have become a sort of “Scamway” pyramid selling machine and commissions scam with the “wise guys” jumping on the bandwagon and making some sort of “living” by ripping off their fellow Scientologists (?). As in the email we see above. Any CI to such by making a complaint is met immediately with heavy ethics, as after all, someone somewhere is making a fortune here and that cannot be allowed to be “stopped”.
Staff, SO at least, were not paid any commission for sales of Basic packages.
I am thankful for Mike writing this blog and for the people that gather with similar reality, comment etc. over the heartwrenching situation regarding the takeover of the church and altered tech. The gathering of people on here and the FB ‘ Current Scn Events’ helps tremendously! I am very grateful for people who are delivering the full bridge standardly outside of the church on trade, barter, co audit and/or reasonable fees. I am grateful it is working, – and happy having big wins and gains with the LRH tech used properly outside of the church.
Mega ultra sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just me….no chocolate cake…would a slice of pumpkin pie do?? I have whipped cream!!
Happy thanksgiving everyone!!
Mike, Thanksgiving wishes to you,Christie, Shane and Jack too! Such a beautiful family. Thanks for all the work you do on this blog and to end disconnection and the other abusive practices of RCS.
Hi Mark, Can you please refer me to the reference that explain the pricing or what portion a student should pay for a course if he is doing a retread.
Sorry, meant Mike
Hey Happy Thanksgiving Mike to you and your family and to everybody else here.
We’re are getting ready for Turkey Day ourselves.
Since we are on the subject of turkeys.
Nicole is a perfect example.
I mean anyone who has studied Scientology at least to Level II knows that Ron uses the word “bombastic” in a whole different context.
Nicole you are such a turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving ….
And try and stay away from the dinner table.
“Our goal is to have it all funded by this Thursday 2pm 🙂 !!!!!”
Be sure to make your donation before you pass the gravy!
As a Brit this weekend is simply one step closer to Christmas. Saying that, however, I would like to give thanks to all those who are helping put an end to the abuses of this cancerous organisation. Whether it’s picking up a sign and protesting, publishing articles or videos exposing the Co$’ crimes, helping loved ones extract themselves from its clutches, auditing those in need, or simply communicating one’s support on a blog. Whatever you do, thank you!
A big thanks to Slappy for helping speed things along. I love ya, you sick bastard. Bulgravia beckons. Kiss.
In the last British census 2 418 people sated that they were Scientologists, out of a population of more than 60 million, so Nicole’s not got a very big pond to fish in. More people claimed to be Jedi!
Contrary to the claims of some bitter defrocked apostates on the fringe of the internet, here is the proof that “The world has changed over the past 2 weeks with the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase 2!”:
The Theta Tsunami unleashed 2 weeks ago is causing ripples in the space-time fabric of the universe, producing “a BRAND NEW, FANTASTIC, HUGE, INCREDIBLE” and a “MASSIVE, ULTRA MAJOR BOMBASTIC blow” which has been detected all around the world.
(“Please mention my [Nicole] name in the comments box so I know [get a commission] and call me or send me a text once you done your donation.”)
Me thinks Nicole went past a word she did not understand.
Ruh Roh!
Happy Thanksgiving, Rinder family and all the commenter’s here too.
Now excuse me as I am about become PTS to a turkey.
I think all this is just done via e-mail broadcast spamming, there’s no person actually writing any of these. Computers are programed to auto-fire these out on set schedules. Maybe the phone rings once a day for someone desperate to get back into their good graces.
All the same brand of hype, e-mail after e-mail.
If you get us some money by 2, then we can put ethics in.
Ethics for Dollars.
I was thinking in addition to the Scn dictionary they should publish a Scn thesaurus. That way any Scnist can write like the pros.
exciting – ooohmogawd, awesome, mind-blowing, unbelievably amazing, super-unbelievably amazing (rare), MASSIVE, ULTRA MAJOR BOMBASTIC
Here’s one for the dictionary…
CI, abbrv.
1. Counter Intention.
2. Command Intention.
usage. “He was CI to COB’s CI”
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
> BOMBASTIC blow against psychiatry
> Scientology dissemination campaign is being released.
It did not work in the last years, why do you expect a change?
> We are in the most exciting times of our religion.
> The world has changed over the past 2 weeks with the release
> of Golden Age of Tech Phase 2!
You are right! It has changed, but not in DM’s favour. Very exciting!
> The next step is to put ethics in world wide so that the tech can and will go in.
Yes, put ethics in the cult. Then tech can go in.
> have it all funded by this Thursday 2pm
So you need to spend money in order to make money?
Mhmmm … no … you need to reg money to reg money.
Why not 3pm? Wouldn’t you accept any money after 2pm?
Happy Birthday!
> eradication or annihilation of psychiatry
I would agree on “eradication or annihilation of abuse”.
Why not just get rid of jews? Simply ANYONE of them. Kids first!
> bringing the truth about Scientology to million
If you would read the internet stories, then you would know the truth about the cult.
There is no need to teach anyone anymore.
> Please call me on xxxx
Honestly, does anybody call voluntarily?
I am grateful to have made so many good friends since leaving the cult.
Thanks for what you do Mike. Happy holidays to you and your family.
Have a nice Thanksgiving everyone.
No, thanks. Instead, would someone please pass me a slice of chocolate cake? 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. 🙂
Nicole, whatever you are smoking , it’s really not good for you.
or have you been sending E mails to God since you were a cheer leader in reform school ?
Brand New,Fantastic, huge, incredible, really ? [deleted last sentence as inappropriate-Mike]
Amazing how much bombast can be inserted into one email. And unfortunately, I find myself with only 1 hour and 20 minutes left to help irradicate psychiatry once and for all.
I can’t imagine even the thirstiest kool-aid drinker jumping on this once in a lifetime opportunity.
“Bombast” is the new ‘Bullshit”?
I love fun with words! Two thumbs up.
This is like Google is Hearsay.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! And yes Mike, it is such a win being out of the machine!! Maybe win is too small a word – HUGE RELIEF maybe is better. No more biggest, best, massive and on and on and on and on and…. nope, just me and the truth. Thank you for all you do in that direction. Hugs to you, Christie and the boys!
Planetary clearing. 7 billion people times 2 e meters per times $5000 each equals 6 times the 2012 US gross domestic product for the meters alone.
it’s all so tiring.
happy thanksgiving to all.
family, food, football.
thankfully it’s a good day.
hope it is for you too.
Once I was called at half past eleven in the evening by a IAS beggar who was also “bombastic” like this letter. When he was finished with his idiotic “enjoy the party” words, I answer in the same tone “Yeah, F**CK the IAS, “……….suddenly it was very very silent because he had the phone on the loud-speaker………there was no “party-tone” more that evening.
CCHR Int is creating MORE PSYCHIATRISTS, I beg your pardon.
Psychiatry as a whole was touted to be abolished decades ago
by the application of Ron’s tech all over Planet Earth.Well look around,
maybe somebody got their Planets mixed up ? because the Psychs are still here bigger than ever and it’s the Ideal orgs that are abandoned If the party is on Planet smorgasborg I did not get the memo. Turn on a Television in Los Angeles and count the Psych drug commercials.
( Who uses massive, Ultra, .major, bombastic,blow in advertising besides PORN DIRECTORS ?)
Of course it would be a really bad thing to enter false data in the web-forms on the site Mike linked to. I am specifically saying that no one should do such a thing… 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Mike. To you and your loved ones.
Thank you for your efforts to help people wake from the nightmare.
I’ve been fascinated by the Sci subject for a few months now. Emails such as the above seem almost fantastical in their desperation. If many ‘public’ are business-savvy, surely they must see it as extremely odd that a large international event should need to be financed up til a day or so before it happens? As I sit in a rather sane office in the UK with a blackbird screeching outside, this all seems so other-worldly.
Other-worldly? Or Under-worldly?
Nicole is one half of the terrible Ginger – Nicole double act based at St Hill. They would – and probably still do – tour the UK Orgs regularly and brazenly coerce and extort money from the few remaining public any way they can. The outright lies and pure propaganda I have heard these two tell could fill a book. And worse, they KNOW they are lying – but it’s the “greatest good” innit.
Yes, the world of their religion has changed since the GAT II release….now they have less members than before as no one is buying all the lies anymore.
In the letter, Nichole states, “The world has changed over the past 2 weeks with the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase 2!” Really? I mean really? How has the world changed with the release of GAG 2? Did it save any Phillipinoes stranded from the catastrophe? Did it feed starving people? Does the world at large even give a crap about GAG 2? Again, this is bombast. (The author should clear the word).
And on a positive note, take a peek at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker site today. A fantastic article by Jeff Hawkins. I had many “Ah Ha” moments reading about the SP tech. It blew charge for me by stating what I always sort of felt but hadn’t been able to put my finger on it. And he tells why LRH felt compelled to publish the 12 Characteristics of the Anti Social (Anti Scientologist) article. That is never used by MAA’s to determine if the people they are declaring SP’s fit ANY of the characteristics at all. The only thing the MAA cares about is if you appear to be attacking Scn or the leader of the church, David Micavage. If you speak out against either of those, it is an instant declare. If you love Scn but hate its leader, as many Indies do, it is still an instant Declare for you even if you don’t fit the anti social characteristics and you do fit the social characteristics. Read the article.
One of Jeff’s most cogent comments was that in the eyes of Scientology, David Miscavige is NOT an SP as he “hasn’t attacked Scientology”. He is a sociopath. But that doesnt matter inside the cult as the REAL determination of an SP is if they are “anti-Scientology” or “anti-LRH” or these days, “anti-Miscavige”… And to qualify as being “anti” is simple. Do not accept everything said by LRH, the church or Miscavige as absolute fact/truth. Simple as that.
Thanks for the condensation and crystallization of the truth from Jeff’s article, Mike. The biggest sociopathic and psychotic villain in history practically is NOT an SP simply because he doesn’t attack the church or LRH. Well neither do I, but yet I am labeled SP and am disconnected from only because I am “in comm” with “bad people” by virtue of reading the blogs. Go figure. The world according to Miscavage. And I would like to point out that while Miscavage doesn’t speak badly of LRH out loud, the has raped, pillage, plundered and altered LRH’s tech to the point that it is the exact opposite of what LRH intended, hence the term, “Black Dianetics.”
Thanksgiving: Thanks for your thoughts Mike. The best food for thought on the internet. Keep it up.
Later in the same article, Tony Ortega states that New Zealand are going to have their Ideal Org paid for by CSI as there aren’t enough wealthy Scientologists in New Zealand???
Is that true? Can it be that Scientologists around the world could have simply refused to donate massive amounts of money to the Ideal Morgues, and CSI would have just paid for it?
Ouch, if that’s true, that’s got to hurt a lot of people.
I hope all those who have mortgaged their homes to buy an ideal org find out that the church is funding the NZ Ideal Org. The sooner they find out the better. Maybe they will wake up. Show a bit of indignation. Man, this gets dizzier every day.
Tut tut Jane,
You silly girl, of course the world changed in the last two weeks.
My calendar showed a 14, then a 15, then a 16 and now it’s showing a 28. Change, see?
My bank balance took a huge jump on the 24th, just like it does on the 24th of every month. It’s a predictable rate of change, so that creates time, which makes alter-isness and that is change.
One person went into Port Elizabeth org in South Africa since DMs last speech; this person hasn’t been near an org in 20 years and now they are on service. All 9 SA orgs had zero starts for the whole year, now they have 1. Draw a graph and put that in your pipe and smoke it! Straight up and Vertical!
Leah Remini got declared! That’s change right – brazillions of thetans at Flag now have the chance to go free as the Latest! Biggest! Baddest! SP ever has been identified and handled!
SA has 8 right shiny new SPs kicked to the curb and left to flounder on their own without the benefit of DMs magnificence. It’s negative gain, it’s change!
The Flag Marque (tent to the Americans here) shed it’s KSW logo and has a nice new IAS one!
The Super-Trooper Mk Ultra E-meter is available after COB slaved for years to perfect it! OK, I grant you, no-one has actually *bought* one yet, but it’s available, that’s change!
Silly girl. Report to Qual for word-clearing, you are obviously not aware of the COB-approved new definition of the word change.
[and those bums in the Philippines pulled it in anyway. That’s not change]
[[i hope everyone’s humour detector is in good shape today 🙂 ]]
Is there any way to find out if anyone has actually bought one of those emeters yet? I’m curious to see what the stats will be on that. Whew.
“Make a meaningful donation today…”
which means don’t even consider another one of your measly, paltry 100K dono cycles or else we will have to consider you somewhat disaffected. You have an opportunity here to show one and all that you have one huge set of balls and that is what COB is looking for……as he seems to have misplaced his own.
Happy Thanksgiving all!!!
I’ll tell you how to make a meaningful donation today … Hit the donate button at the top of this page.
(forgot the smiley face) :o)
“….as he seems to have misplaced his own.” Now that got a large guffaw from me! Great line.
“The next step is to put ethics in world wide so that the tech can and will go in.”
Let me get this straight. The organization that took 100K from my wife for 100% squirrel “auditing” and then said they have no LEGAL obligation to refund her anything, is going to get ethics in on the planet?
The organization who has an exhaulted leader who beats, tortures and incessently invalidates everyone in his vicinity except himself, is going to get ethics in on the planet?
The organization which uses more lies in PR than Bernie Madoff is going to get ethics in on the planet?
You are right Mike, gratetful THANKS for all you do to expose the lies. And many thanks that I don’t have to listen to miscavige’s drivel anymore, and when I do I can apply the appropriate sarcasm.
And grateful thanks for all the wonderful people on planet earth who truly do help their fellow man.
Thanks Les. Nice comment.
BTW — I thought with the Ideal Orgs were were in the “Div 6 Phase”???? Guess things bounced backwards during this time of straight up and verticaliness….
Spot on, Les!
I think that this “The next step is to put ethics in world wide so that the tech can and will go in” may be mirrored from an internal Miscavige briefing when Dave already predicted the probability of GAT 2 being a flop and wanted to shift the blame for it to others in advance and go on record having said that (of course) GAT 2 will not have the “expected” effect if ethics is “out”.
He already played this card once – he said that GAT 2 can ONLY be delivered in an “Ideal Org.”
Here it is again: GAT2 can ONLY be delivered on a planet where “ethics is in”, meaning (obviously) not on Earth.
The genius of COB, which you guys just fail to see (obviously your ethics is out) that he is so far ahead of his time as a religious leader, that the planet didn’t have had the time to catch up with his visionary leadership yet. That’s why it’s vital that you start donating to the IAS more than ever. If the IAS can’t get ethics in on the planet (despite its HUGE global campaigns that have been getting ethics inner during the two weeks since GAT 2 has been released than in the last two decades combined), then ALL of COB’s hard work will go wasted!
Great grab, Globetrotter. That could very well be his strategy.
They’re “going to get ethics in on the planet?” Yep, and it all needed to be funded by 2PM this afternoon. What do you want to bet they didn’t get all the money, and will be asking for more soon?
They never get all the money and they always ask for more. And soon. If you have given any lately it is not enough. Expect more calls or groups of Sea Org guys knocking on your door at 11 pm at night. I have told my local police the situation and they have said they will come immediately if this happens again. I have the police on speed dial. :-). So far no SOs have shown up. I think I cut the cord.
Thanks Les,
Yeap, helping one’s fellow man is the watchword.
It’s fun. Just today I got a great NOTs completion in Indie land as a C/S.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Well done, Greta.
It really is time to give the exclamation marks a rest. Overworked and underpaid.
Just like the people that use them. 🙂
Fortunately I didn’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to thank myself everyday that I’m out of the madness. Doesn’t everyone want a phone call from the IAS on Thanksgiving?