Following in the hallowed footsteps of Michael Roberts, Jeff Pomerantz and Andrik Schaapers, Tony Muhammad has hit the IAS fundraising circuit.
What could possibly motivate the West Coast Leader of the NOI to devote his time to promoting scientology and not his own religion?
Can anyone imagine Vicki Shantz, the West Coast region head of scientology (CO CLO WUS), on a tour of NOI mosques promoting their good works? She would be in the RPF or declared a Suppressive Person in the blink of an eye.
Of course, the NOI doesn’t pay commissions. And of course they don’t let white people into their Mosques to conduct fundraising events…
Truly the theater of the absurd is being acted out on the world stage. And what is even more remarkable. For scientologists, this is not absurd….
Coming late to commenting on this post, but I must say that if I was ‘still in’, I would be very concerned about CofS aligning with NOI. Not only does it smack of ‘mixing practices’, it is aligning with a group that is hard pressed to adhere to the Aims and Goals of scientology, notwithstanding the fact that the church itself cannot come close to upholding its own lofty aspirations.
The merging of two destructive, mind control cults; what could go wrong? Is there a potential here for one or the other of these brainwashing cults to become less insane? Mmm, no. FFS, what next?
On a somewhat related note – the difference between Edgar Allan Poe and L. Ron Hubbard is that the former sold his fantasy as fiction while the latter sold it as fact.
Those in the church would never believe one word of what is written here. After all, we on this blog are taking information from the media, the press, and you know if you are in the bubble, all media, all press, is false and suppressive information filled with lies. So, staff can only believe what the church tells them and that would be we are making inroads into the African American community who are a bunch of nice people. The majority of staff, and possibly some public people, won’t even read the news about NOI so they are not informed of their hate mongering of. But the above statements ARE true, and truth will win out…eventually so their future is uncertain due to all their lies and obfuscation.
I appreciate your insight Rosemarie. Sometimes it’s hard to comprehend life inside the bubble.
Except for your last sentence, how I wish that what you just posted were not 100% true, Rosemarie.
Hate joins with Hate.
The Darkness spreads.
Maybe this is how Little Davie is justifying his “massive expansion” claims. Adding 20,000 members of NOI does boost one’s numbers.
Growing Fear: Scientology and The Poison of Belief
The leaders of two groups that are known for the damage they do and the crazy/hateful things they say (believe?) have found each other.
Each is trying to USE the other’s group to somehow advance their own. My guess is that NOI leadership yearns to have access to some of Dave’s cash and if that falls flat then maybe they can learn some of his secrets on turning membership into unthinking cowed zombie followers/donors. Meanwhile Dave gets to tell his membership how – instead of wiping out drugs in Columbia – this year he was able to “convert” X number of NOI members. (Of course you won’t see them around because he’s letting them have their own missions, but here’s a picture of some of their better known leaders.)
That’s my guess about what’s going on, at least until they finally turn on each other and then take credit for keeping squirrel’s out of their own “elite” group.
If you’ve got a better “take” on what’s driving these guys into each other’s arms, I’d be eager to hear it.
The only comment I can make about today’s blog is:
Ah, shit! Not this guy again!
Scientology letting NOI in is like putting a fox in your henhouse on purpose.
NOI is getting into one of the richest cults in the world.
Scientology isn’t converting NOI, NOI is acquiring $camology ‘tech’ for their own uses and infiltrating.
Consider the levels of indoctrination and world view. Scientologists may view outsiders as wogs, and ‘suppressive persons’ are open to all sorts of abuse with no ethical repercussions, but they are still recognized as other humans, capable of possibly being redeemed or rejoining the group.
NOI barely recognize other races as true humans. Everyone not black is the result of an evil inbreeding experiment.
Kyle gives a nod to the strange and truly loopy cosmology of NOI. There are all manner of fantastically crazy rabbit holes one can travel down regarding Wallace Fard( Fard Muhammad ), Elijah Muhammad, and Louis Farrakhan. Malcom X famously-and fatally, as it turned out-publicly disagreed with and disavowed the NOI, after a being a major, influential leader in the cult. He became a Muslim…and was gunned down by thugs allegedly associated with or led by Farrakhan shortly thereafter. Even a cursory research of the NOI yields stories as wild and as revolting as those associated with cult of El Con. It actually makes COMPLETE sense that two greedy, racist, soul-crushing predator cults that are set-up for the enrichment of their leaders at the expense of the sanity, dignity, and solvency of their adherents have come together.
It’s a festival of fuckery, truly.
That sound you hear is me applauding this superb comment of yours, Mark. Years ago I read Malcolm X’s autobiography as told to author Alex Haley (“Roots”). Very interesting that Malcolm X, who’s real name was Malcolm Little, was for many years a thorough Jew Hater and a White Hater and a pretty much everything and everyone hater except for other blacks. He rose to prominence in the NOI BUT at some point he had an epiphany about hating – his WHOLE world view changed, for some reason. He realized that we humans ARE really “brothers and sisters” and that we DON’T have to hate one another and SHOULDN’T. That was his cognition if you’ll pardon the Scientologese. Anyway, with this changed worldview he began to advocate NOT hating but understanding and love between the races…he became publicly verbal about this as an NOI leader…and then they assassinated him!
And then, “festival of fuckery”…LOL!
Does anybody know how this association came to be in the first place.
NoI found scientology ? Scientology seeked them out ?
Somebody had a “win” ?
It started with the “World Literacy Crusade” in the early 90ies, Alfreddie Johnson and Isaac Hayes.
From my understanding, Calypso Louis Farrakhan read DMSMH and was audited. He got positive results from it and called upon the rest of the NOI to follow suit. The shit has been rolling ever since.
No, it was an associate of Minister Pomade(Tony Muhammad ) who got audited first, then turned him on to it.
Thank you
Maybe Tiny Boots has finally FOUND religion!
Naw, he just had a problem remembering his pin. That’s the only religion that really matters.
ON THE VERY DAY that eleven Americans, our Jewish brothers and sisters—defenseless senior citizens aged 97, 88, 86, 84, 75, 71, 69, 66, 65, 59, and 54—were slaughtered while quietly worshipping their God…Minister Tony Muhammad from the vile, anti-Semitic NOI shills at the Seattle Org.
Did he begin his address to the Seattle “church” with a moment of silence and prayer for the devastated and grieving Squirrel Hill community?
How do the ethnic Jews in Scientology—especially those who have clout because of large donations—stomach this association with those who detest and rail against Jews? Even Scientologists who have no Jewish background should find this excessively evil, offensive, and dangerous.
And he loots your finances and your future at the same time! Detestable beyond belief.
Thank you Corner Cottage! I just don’t understand this. I’m in shock over this tragedy and then trying to comprehend the NOI and scientology?? And how Jewish members of scientology can tolerate this??
I don’t know. Next time I visit CCNashville I’ll have to ask Melissa Rosenthal, the former org nanny, after she lights her Shabbat candles and gets back from synagogue.
Oh, wait, she can’t go to Friday night Shabbat service. She’d miss graduation night at the org.
Yes, she’d pass up a divine Jewish observance to watch two people walk across a stage and be handed certificates. All accompanied by a loud recording of “Get On The Road To Freedom”.
Alcoboy, AAAGH! It drives me insane!
“Even Scientologists who have no Jewish background should fine this excessively evil, offensive, and dangerous.”
I always have.
Back when I was in , not UTR planning to leave, mind you, but IN – and briefed on Co$ having accepted NOI into the organizational fold, I was appalled, and told them so.
In fact, that the Church of Scientology – ethically high and morally pure as in my then deluded state I believed the organization to be in those days – that the Church of Scientology would even CONSIDER an open alliance with hate-spewing whackos like the Nation of Islam shocked me. I didn’t believe it! Several staff assured me it was true.
When I started reading the blogs, this link up with NOI served as one more tick in the box for me to get the hell out of Co$.
My heart aches. My soul cries. My brain screams. I just can’t with this come scumbag.
“the theater of the absurd…” Pretty much covers it.
Scientologists don’t see the absurdness because they didn’t take the “think for yourself” course… Was that actually a course or another bait and switch ad?
Tony Mo, “claims he was Commissioned by Louis Farrakhan to take their (Scientology’s) language,and translate it into our language” this is one of two videos he speaks about Squirreling.
The separation of Body and Spirit, nothing new there. Now some NOI are investigating Hubbard’s concept of Mind. A futuristic squirrel NOI group might:
Elevate Hubbard’s stature, maybe even to that of a prophet.
Create an IANOI, International Association of the Nation of Islam. (It’s always best to have status)
Give Hip-hIp-hoorays at the conclusion of a mosque service.
Incorporate Hubbard’s cosmology into their own theology. (He got a couple of things wrong)
etc. The future theater of the absurd is boundless! I’d say it’s unknown at this time how many rank and file NOI are buying into Scn at this time, but the push is on with the blessing of Minister Farrakhan.
Richard, I’m laughing and at the same time not discounting any of what you’ve said.
Another scientology foot bullet. On the day of a synagogue shooting, scientology allows a noted anti-semite to be its keystone speaker at a “can’t miss” event.
Looks like, Miscavige, being the king Midas of Shit, must have had his hands all over this poorly conceived gong show.
Why is that guy the scientology leader again?
WhatAreYourCrimes, sort of makes your stomach turn doesn’t it. Miscavige is the king midas of shit, but I think with this he may have just stepped in it and that stink won’t wash off. Hate crimes are a federal offense, not sure it promoting it, endorsing it, is or not, but it should be.
Oh, wait! You don’t understand? The Church of Scientology NOT cancelling an event with keynote speaker Jew-Hate-Spewer Tony Mohammed of the Nation of Islam on the very day of the murder in cold blood of 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue – this turns your stomach?
Well, that’s because you have a crashing MU,
Allow me to enlighten you.
In the first place, NONE of these slaughters taking place are the fault of the people actually DOING them.
What’s at fault is THE MEDIA!
Its the MEDIA’s fault that all these hate crimes occur.
The Media, and Big Pharma.
Got that?
Aside from Psychiatry (Public Enemy #1) the Church of Scientology considers The Media to be Public Enemy #2. “Chaos Merchants” who PROFIT from a dangerous environment and so they keep CREATING a dangerous environment.
And Big Pharma of course supplies the psychotropic drugs which send decent people off their whack and make them go out and murder people in cold blood.
So, to recap: Co$ blames Psychiatry and The Media for EVERYTHING that’s wrong on planet Earth.
Now, we go to the Nation of Islam and who THEY blame for all the world’s ills:
1) Jews
2) White people
Not “the media ” per se but then Who CONTROLS the media?
(And the stock market, and banking and energy, and everything that makes the world go round, yes, anything important and necessary in the world is utterly controlled by the evil, grasping Globalist JEWS.)
Point being, Co$ and NOI have a very close overlap in their views of the root causes of all the ills of the planet.
CO$ hates the media because it is scripture; LRH said the media was evil, with a vested interest in creating a dangerous environment.
NOI hates the media because they hate Jews and white people and believe the media is controlled by Jews and white people.
Don’t be shocked. Birds of a feather, etc. Both groups hate the same people.
Well, I am sure he is making so money and, as that is the main concern of this cult no one will get rid of this NOI speaker as long as he cashes some income for the greedy leader and registrars.
This has reached levels of degradation that not even Alcapone dreamed of.
Someone not writing good English, loving the comma splice.
This is so bizarre it’s just incomprehensible!
This is more apropos today than just getting 10% Commissions, with the murder of the 11 Jews. Tony Muhammad is a member of one of the worst hate groups in America. He along with Farrakhan and all the NOI HATE Jews like a Scientologist hates Psychiatry. There leaders told them that they are the enemy. By the way they don’t like anyone who is white. To have him talk about morality and ethics is absurd. It is Scientologists turning a blind eye once again. Whether the hate group is White Supremacist or the NOI they need to be condemned. For Scientology to be in bed with them is amazing.
The NOI is actually a SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) designated extremist and hate group:
“Nonetheless, its bizarre theology of innate black superiority over whites — a belief system vehemently and consistently rejected by mainstream Muslims — and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders, including top minister Louis Farrakhan, have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.”
“…consistently rejected by mainstream Muslims – ”
In my business over the decades I have met many mainstream Muslims and done business with them. Some highly educated some not, but all decent, hardworking, normal people, infinitely more civilized than the likes of Tony Mohammed, Louis Farrakhan, David Miscavige and that ignorant demographic in America which speaks of Muslims as terrorists, or potential terrorists.
Unlike the NOI, these Muslims do not hate Jews; nor do the Jews hate them.
Rather, where I live, Jews and Muslims peacefully coexist and do business with one another ALL THE TIME!
Where I live, there isn’t this…HATE. This HATRED of the “other” Probably because there’s so MUCH “other”. 🙂 Probably because there so much diversity of religion, ethnicity, skin color, custom. We all seem to get along, mostly. I’m very thankful for that.
Thank you for that!
Let us all be and model the change we would like to see happen in the world.
Welcome! You just paraphrased Ghandi, you know! “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Wise words. Hard to do for me sometimes. Let me be honest: its FREQUENTLY hard for me to do. Frequently I forget that hating hate and hating haters doesn’t get rid of the hate but instead adds to it because it makes me a hater too!
I hate when that happens!
Laughter! I needed that 🙂
Wow. I mean, Wow! This is just stunning. NOI’s leader, Louis Farrakhan, is STILL spewing his vile hate speech towards Jews, even after 10 years of a relationship with the church of scientology, proving that its technology doesn’t work on NOI or its members and proving further that the church of scientology nor its leader, david miscavige, care.
Just for a moment, ponder why he does such things…
I came to the somewhat simple, but perplexing conclusion, that like Hubbard, MIscavige & fermentation like Farrakhhan – there is no other reason for them to get up in the morning.
Just like Hubbard developed with his R6 platens, the cutout sections may need to hidden from view until such time as you need new conclusions, but the reason for playing remains forever relevant. Louis Farrakhan has simply found a new way of playing his favorite game. In time they will all get frustrated & try to devour each other but for now all is as it should be in their deluded world.
I wonder if anyone recorded the event. A scientologist wouldn’t do it, but the NOI has been happily posting scientology events on their social platforms. No doubt the word got out to the local NOI that Tony was in town and some of them may have shown up to see what it was all about.
Life: always stranger than fiction, especially in the twin bubbles of whackness. Farrakhan, Farsecs, Whole Track White Devils, Arslykan Antisemitism, Jakub’s J&D, Miss Cabbage’s Minstrels, Target Two Tautologies! Sec Checks, Shilling, Shiny Suits, Elevator Shoes, Ecclesiastical Emissions, Rarefied Regging, Pompadours…and Pomade-lots of it! A veritable cornucopia of postulates, pimping, and puerile puffery! Come see the show! Witness a super-powered, relentlessly pulsing, twin-cult sphincter spewing an unending stream of fetid shit!
THIS is the session: the penultimate festival of fraud and fuckery.
Hip, hip, hooray( cha ching )!
You seriously crack me up! You are on fire ❤
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends..
And, yeah, I had the album.
I had the album, too. ELP
“Pompadours…and Pomade-lots of it!”
Ha ha ha!
Great comments! Miscavige is just a cartoon villain at this stage.
Beating a dead horse much these days Miscavige? Just logically, one has to wonder how long this dance with Mohammed can last, or, are they (David and his henchmen) gonna wring it out for the last drop? Then again, maybe Mohammed needs a commission.
I applaud anyone’s honest efforts to expose excessive corporate greed and promote peace and harmony and unity among the peoples of earth.
In my 45+ years of experience with $cientology, I can state with certainty that there are members who share that view. I can also state with certainty that the organization itself is far more interested in self-aggrandizement and money than it is interested in peace, love and flowers. It’s record in accomplishing harmony is pretty much zilch.
Two things came to mind when I saw this. First NOI is obviously a fresh revenue stream for Scientology. They aren’t getting very many new members on their own unless you are born into it and NOI member are taking courses and becoming clear. The second thing is what Ann Coulter said once that Jews need to be perfected by becoming Christian. (There’s an interview she did with Donny Deutch on The Big Idea). So Scientology is trying to perfect the NOI and also trying to press the idea that you can be another religion and still be a Scientologist. We know it’s not true but it confirms it for Scientologists.
Ann Coulter…this rabble-rousing, make-wrong, hate-spewing pig. Now I need another shower. And some brain bleach.
Sorry, that was a very insulting comment. My apologies to pigs everywhere.
“this rabble-rousing, make-wrong, hate-spewing pig” sounds like hate speech right there.
Thank you. Sounds like hate speech to me too.
You’re right. I got carried away. I should have phrased it this way:
“Ann Coulter…I disagree with her political opinions, yes, but it is her seeming unwillingness or perhaps inability to communicate these opinions without the use of inflammatory language, and in tones measured and calm instead of sneering, which make her a highly offensive person to me.”
Personally, I like both of your comments, and believe that people who profit from spreading lies that inflame and embolden racists are pretty despicable and vile.
Thanks, Mark. Because of my life experiences and the way I was brought up, I very much agree. I have to remind myself not to hate people who hate, though. Because they’re trapped in ignorance and fear. Analytically I know that hating is a complete waste of energy and time and never works. I have to keep keep reminding myself what MLK said about hating haters. Ghandi and MLK each had the basic concept of not hating, ever, very down pat, although they differed in the ways that they expressed it.
I hear you; good point. The thing is, the adjectives you used were not hateful, but factual. The only ad hominem was the word ” pig ” . Just sayin’?
Who cares? There is much agreement here about the evils of scientology. Not so much with political comment having nothing to do with the discussions herein and is divisive.
Well, when you quoted what I first said,and said it sounded like hate speech, I thought it had bothered you, and at the same time realized that you had a point about my having just decried hate speech with more hate speech of my own. So I corrected it, that’s all. You made a good point.
I didn’t intend to sound hyper-critical. For the most part, I enjoy your comments. I don’t want to get into any political debates here. It got out of hand on other blogs and I unsubscribed from them. I’d rather not leave this one.
Thank you.
Got it, I enjoy yours too, and we’re trackin’ Peabody.
Time to tony up, er pony up, to save this civilization from imminent disaster. Why wait for Armageddon beyond any in the history of this gu-LAX-ee when you can avoid this outcome right here, right now. Deep down you know it’s true, so let’s dig deep in our collective theta pockets to turn around this potential catastrophe as only a Scientologist can. Make Ron proud and give the next generation a chance to live at all. Let’s start with each person in the room giving a doable amount of $10,000. The big beings can see me after the event to make a more significant contribution. Dave and Allah bless you.