My apologies for being remiss. A few have asked how the vacation was as I made no mention of it here…
It was amazing.
I have waited to post this until we were ready with a special announcement. It’s at the end of this short report on the cruise.
We all had such a good time. A cruise is an excuse to eat and drink too much. Check. Do silly things — like build a device to drop a raw egg 8 stories to the ship’s atrium floor without it breaking — we did! Visit interesting locations. Check. Do things we had never done before. Check. Spend time with friends (adults together while the 8 kids were occupying themselves virtually 24/7). Check. We even won three cheesy plastic trophies as the Trivia Champs of the cruise (the combined knowledge on random things between us is rather remarkable).
Here are some shots that capture just a bit of the fun:
An Announcement from Marc Headley:
During Season 3 of The Aftermath, Scientology produced a video which contained a poorly made bobblehead rendition of Mike Rinder.
The second I saw that crappy bobblehead, I had an idea. We should create a Mike Rinder bobblehead and sell them to support The Aftermath Foundation.
I pitched the idea to Mike Rinder. He was on board, and we were off. And as they say, the rest is history.
Today we are proud to announce the official Mike Rinder bobblehead is available! We have produced a limited number of them.
The proceeds generated from the sale of these bobbleheads will be donated to The Aftermath Foundation.
You can now buy them at our new online store “The SP Shop”. The SP Shop also has a Facebook and Twitter account.
Here is what the bobblehead looks like:
He has already been around…
Once people have had a chance to purchase them, we plan to run a photo competition.
Details to come…
Really, really nice. So happy to see you all together and having such a fun time. You all deserve it, long over due. Blessings,
“Choose Fun” is absolutely the best trophy for you all. I loved seeing all those beautiful children and the gorgeous mamas with you all. I know you are still missing family members but it so wonderful that you have each other. Thank you for sharing these personal pictures – I think they are encouraging.
There is so much wonderfulness in this post that I can’t even….!
Beautiful photos, and the one of all the families together is just stunning. So happy for you all!
The photo of you and the dolphin is DEF going on a Staad League report as we speak.
“Confirmed dolphin beater Mike Rinder; so brutal and devoid of any morality he beats sweet innocent sea creatures just because he thought it had a copy of Freedom Magazine hidden under its flipper and flew into one of his trademark rages. How will the evil bigoted troika of Remini, Rinder and Ortega spin this disgusting hateful animal abuse? Here’s a video of his ex wife telling you how he once had a fist fight with a poor innocent lion because it looked at him funny. Yes, i know she looks like a madwoman and as if she is reading a speech to camera while the barrel of a shotgun is aimed at her head just out of shot, just ignore it and listen to how the evil Rinder senselessly murdered a rhinoceros by poking it in the eye. Yes i’m aware it was a lion a sentence back, but you cant expect us to keep our story straight. HE’S EEEEEVIL I TELLS YA, EVIL.”
Just ordered my bobble head from:
“The SP Shop. Where special people go to shop.”
Can’t wait!
Coming back to read and post before turning in.
I’m thinking: MORE bobble heads!
Mike’s gonna be lonely all by hisself on the shelf where’s he’s gonna be in my house. Mike’s a very social anti-social personality, you know. He’s going to need to communicate with other BH’s.
Just remember, it is written:
“Bobble Heads will not survive alone. They need other Bobble Heads.”
– Me.
Leah, Christie, Mark, Claire, Tony O, Aaron, Mary Khan, Laura D, the Garcias, Phil and Ellie…SO many who could be bobbled…Paul Haggis, Lawrence Wright, Jason Beghe, Jeff Hawkins, Amy, Hanna…fill in those I’m missing, please, as its late and I’m tired…and punchy…and silly…but seriously now:
I’m a Special Person and I wanna shop at the SP Shop, and I wanna start COLLECTING…thank you for your attention to this matter 🙂 Good night.
Yes please do a Leah version ❤️❤️
Goliath the SP needs one too!!
I got someone to order me a bobblehead.
sneaky sneaky sneaky!
Just wish I could proudly display it when it comes. *sigh.
Ah well.
I’m learning to have secrets. 🙂
RVW I used to keep my ‘secrets’ in an old 2.5 gal laundry soap bucket with my Coleman lantern inside. It said Camping Equiptment on the outside.
My 1991 Time mag was there along with other crap I was privatly researching.
Not even my husband ever looked. Good luck and hope you can pull out with all your family. The LRH affirmations might work. They became validated when the Church through a fit about them being presented to a court. You can email Chris Shelton for references. You might want a hushmail addy.
I’ve never been on a cruise, feeling even more paranoid about them after seeing the Titanic movie more times than I’d care to admit. But I’m glad you and your family had a blast; you deserve some rest from all the stress $cientology has to be putting on you.
As for the bobblehead, I think it looks cool. I’m generally not into those kinds of things, but I may purchase one just to support the Aftermath Foundation. Every penny which results in a person set free from Hubbard’s and Miscavige’s lies, is a penny very well spent indeed.
Just ordered my Mike Rinder bubblehead. Was easy as pie to place the order. From my order number looks like they are going fast. Better get one before they are gone.
Hey another idea. Send a MR Bubblehead to the LRH Archive project to go into their titanium vault.
Civilian space travel seems to be coming in the near future. Someone could release a couple of them into orbit. If civilization goes extinct future visiting extraterrestrials could see what humans used to look like.
Richard said:”Civilian space travel seems to be coming in the near future. Someone could release a couple of them into orbit.”
Please DON’T. There’s enough junk in orbit as it is, endangering the useful satellites put up there. A Rinder ‘head could knock out the GPS system, and then HOW could we hope to get to where we want to go? Luckily, some of us have held onto our stone-age map technology and have kept our pathfinding skills sharpened.
Great pictures. Looks like a lot of fun. And excellent idea to get more funds for The Aftermath Foundation. Only an SP could think that up. Lil’ Davy might decide he wants a piece of the action since he did it first.
This is the best! Seeing you all so happy warms my heart – what a joyous time – so much smiling! Shiny happy faces! And what a great trip – the color of the water there gets me every time. Thank you for sharing your get-away with us!
Love the bobble head! The photos of the Mike bobble head posing everywhere cracked me up! We ordered two!
I love it! The pics of the exotic locales remind me of a funny story:
I have an uncle who used to work for FedEx. Well, they had this sock monkey at the headquarters, and people would take him on trips & take pictures of the sock monkey and send them around just like you’ve done with the bobblehead. Nobody ever knew who had him or where he was if was missing. They had pics of him in Paris, London, Tokyo, New York — all over the world at famous landmarks.
It would be neat to have a ‘bobblehead Mike’ travelogue.
Im so glad that you got the chance to have a wonderful vacation! Those pictures are priceless and let those still in see that the life outside the cult is wonderful! I cant wait to get a bobble-head- and I’m waiting with baited breath to see what other goodies you guys come up with.
Welcome back
Some paraphernalia suggested for the “doll” would be a garbage can which can be examined by people with twisted minds:-)
I like that idea maybe someone could mount them on all of Scientology’s trash containers that would really make DM throw a fit to see
Mike, wonderful photos. Sorry I could not join you this year! So, what do the kids think of your bobblehead?
Wow, Jeff! I’m so glad you posted here – I’m in the middle of reading, “Counterfeit Dreams”, having just finished, “Leaving Scientology”.
Thank you SO much for writing these, they’re very helpful and so well written. I was at Flag a couple years after it landed in CW, before the first renovation. One of the things I find singularly helpful is to read the backstory, or the actual circumstances surrounding various incidents – which then give the REAL reason for things. There is a specific ‘settling of mind’ … or… peace.. that comes from filling in truth.
An example of this is the FO on “why TV is no longer allowed on the base”. I’ve had that issue for decades, used it in my staff position for years. At the time I first read it, “it made so much sense” .. and now I get the REAL story driving the issue.
I don’t know anything about your current life, and I’m not done with this book yet.. but I’ll just say here that I sincerely hope that you have lots of wonderful things going on in your life, that you too have been able to grab some of the richness and fullness of life, as Mike and the gang have so wonderfully created.
and I hope you’re doing art. Lots of art….
SO happy to have you, so glad you’re out.
Thanks bunches.
Someday…when I don't have to be UTR…I'll sing my thanks more broadly…
RVW reading these books has been like that for me also. Hope to see your burst into freedom announcement soon ?
RVW, thanks so much for your kind comments. Knowing that my books have helped people brings me great joy.
You’re so very welcome. I’m happy to have had this avenue to tell you and to thank you.
Moved on seeing “happiness.” When we look at your photos we see what freedom provides. You all have paid your dues and your time to “collect” is overdue. Keep on being happy. Yesterdays are dead and to be buried beneath the love and joy of today. Susan Phillips
I can imagine that the diminutive demented dear leader is NOT happy to see this. In fact I can hear him now…(apologies to RB):
Lou, what the hell is Rinder doing now? I told him he “would never return to the US to see family, and was to be sent to a different country where he could “sell his body” to make ends meet”; and there he is, publically going against MY command intention! I told you people to shut him down. Why is he still in my face?
Lou, get those CS incompetents over at the Freedomwinds mag to get all of those pictures off of Rinder’s blog and do a nasty caption under each and print it up in a new issue NOW.
What are they doing having kids? Off policy damn it, it’s a good thing I got rid of them. We don’t need no stinking kids in the SO.
But first, have some of the pissant staff make me a life size bobble-head doll of Rinder for me to punch..
But, I’ll do that after I review every snarky captions under those damn pictures..
Oh, and be sure they make the bobble-head doll 2 feet short so’s I can hit it in the face.
How much did we pay those PI’s to go on a fricking cruise ship??? I don’t pay for anybody to take a vacation. Damn it! All SO leave is cancelled until Rinder and Remini are run out of my town.
Lou, in the Freedomwinds copy put in some new acceptable lies about Rinder and the rest DBs in those pictures, get the SO people who were related to them to do it, and I want to see it today. Why the hell are they always smiling in those pictures? Must be their TRs are out. I need a drink.
Are those dinky trophies Rinder’s way of Joking and Degrading my event trophies?
Oh, and have them make the bobble-head’s head out of something soft so I don’t hurt my fist.
Lou, why is every body running counter intention to everything I do??
Don’t answer that, just go out and bring back that draft of the Freedomwinds mag and that doll. And a drink, and an antacid.
And DAMMIT – I want a booblehead of me – the supreme leader of the CoS deserves a booblehead – make mine 8″ tall – i want it taller than that damn Rinder one… and charge WAY more for it – I need more scotch!
(yes ‘booblehead’ was on purpose lol)
Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures, Mike! So happy you all had fun. And I MUST have a bobble head!
What lovely, happy families enjoying each other and their lives.
Hey OSA: Even though Jerry Seinfeld points out – “The best revenge is living well,” I doubt any of the happy vacationers shown in these photos had any thought of you at all during their entire trip.
Yo Miscavige!
Happy families on vacation.
For your viewing pleasure.
This is an experience you’ll never have.
But don’t feel too bad, Dwarf.
You’ll always have Tom.
And OMG, my cup runneth over, the edit feature is back! Its back! Thank you, Mike 🙂
Now if we can just get the notifications back on it would be perfect!
I wants to order me onna dose bobble-thingies. I’ll puttit on my desk. No, wait, gimme alla dem! I don’t want nonna dem SPs gettin’ one. Gimme alla dem! YSCOHB you CSSP!
Put ’em – Alla dem, you CSMF!!! – in da mail to:
Cap’n Dave
General Delivery
Wonderful! Looks like an amazing vacation and wonderful families! My bobblehead has been ordered and will be going on an international trip with us soon! 🙂
Beautiful photos…So glad you all had a lovely time…Free to enjoy yourselves and family….Love the bobblehead ?
No Freewinds, no course room and no fundraising?
Isn’t cruising AMAZING? I knew you guys would have a fabulous time – and you all have really, really earned it!! Thanks so much for posting this with all the great photos – I was wondering (along with everyone else) how it went.
And of course LOVE the bobblehead!
These joyous pictures are worth thousands of words…vivid real life “outside,” freedom, sunshine, family, sharing, fun, laughter, smiles, inspiration, creativity, all the elements so forbidden in Co$. The enslaved surely will notice the happiness in these pictures, so contrasted by those candid grim images of org staff & contrived “ideal” events, with their pasted-on grinning death masks, herded group shots, and scripted “wins” bleated as if by sheep led to slaughter.
No matter the control, some inside will see, truth will continue trickling in, and more will flee the Co$ death march to oblivion…as this beautiful inspiration for justice, and hopefully many more, fuel both survivors and “laymen,” such as myself, to press onward against the dark forces, driving them back to the nothingness from whence they came, never to reappear.
Well said! Let’s hope. ☺
Thank you for sharing the awesome vacation photos! Everyone looked very relaxed and at ease with each other. Keep up the great job!
It is obvious that a great time was had by all. Glad you have the freedom to do this. The bobble head reminds me more of Mark Bunker than Mike Rinder, but a great keepsake either way. Keep doing what you all are doing.
Looks like a good time was had by all. Have to say the bobble head reminded me more of Mark Bunker than Mike Rinder. Either way, I will love having one. Been telling everyone who will listen about the show, YouTube videos, twitters, etc. Some people never even knew about it. Maybe they have been living in a cave 🙂 Anyway, glad you had a great vacation and hope you continue to bring awareness to co$ and it’s horrific activities.
These photos are just bloody GRAND.
Seeing you and your friends all sunbleached and smiling, Oh, I’m beside myself with joy for you all.
Thank you so much for sharing these.
You all deserve all of this and more. It’s helpful to us out here, seeing these wonderful things in your life.
such a great group, I’m so glad you all have each other.
Wonderful vacation photos! I’m fortunate enough to be going to those same ports of call this coming January.
I also ordered my bobblehead, can’t wait for it to arrive! I may just stick it on my dashboard and drive up and down Ft. Harrison Ave.
Thank you for posting all these happy pictures Mike. It’s therapeutic.
We’ve all come a long ways.
Story about the old Mike: I only ran into Mike Rinder once – I don’t remember the year (86-9?) He came to AOs payroll office asking me what the Captain (Ivan’s) Friday pay was. He was dressed in civies (non-uniform). I didn’t recognize him. Oh course I wasn’t giving such details to a stranger!
He was ‘tone 40’ with TRs of cold chrome steel as he told me he was the LRH PR.
He went right up to the Captains office where all the executives were having product conference and told them I was barefoot and I don’t know what else.
After Mike left, the Captain then called me up to the conference where I was hazed and ridiculed supposedly in fun – they all were having fun anyway.
My thoughts? I was upstat and protected by ethics. Since I knew this was off-policy (I’d read a flag order against hazing), I simply reminded myself I was working for LRH and not these a-holes and carried on with my job.
The hard part of leaving was to discover how LRH had betrayed us. His ‘policies’ were PR doubletalk. Anything else that had happened was crumbs to that pain of betrayal from ‘Mans best friend’s.
Mike didn’t remember this incident … There must have been many. But he apologized anyway admitting he was arrogant and condescending.
Every bit of what Mike is doing is making up for the trouble he has caused others (and of course himself on the rebound). I didn’t treat others differently then I would want to be treated but I still helped AO make millions that were used against Ms Lovely and other good guys. I still took part in many kangaroo courts which hurt people. I can not describe what it did to my family which barely exists anymore.
Some days are better then others. I think I’ll go for a puppie walk and imagine a MR bobblehead amongst the wild flowers. I like the hint of a smirk and the hand in his pocket.
I also love what the Aftermath has done in educating the world about LRHs abuses. I see reference to Scientology nearly every day I watch TV – look who’s being hazed now ?????
Good comment Cece and I hope to meet you in person at Howdy Con this year.
Well I’m not sure. I’m hoping to be up in Washington state or wandering in-between state parks by then. I’ll be watching the live-streams ?. Either way we’ll both be excused from muster LOL
Cece, Oh, I thought you were living in CA? Are you moving or just vacationing to WA etc?
Dear OSA minions who read this blog. Did you enjoy these pictures of life lived outside of the Sea Org? If you leave the Sea Org and $cientology you can look for a proper job and perhaps make enough to go on a nice vacation with friends/family. Even if your new job doesn’t pay enough to afford trips like this at the very least you won’t have to work 24/7 like you do now. PS – What funds are you going to live off of when you are too old to work for the Sea Org anymore?
Oh people, I don’t know if you realize what you started!! Be prepared to see tons of traveling Mike Rinder pics! How fun!
I see lots of posts asking for a Leah bobble head. That’s nice, but I still want a Goliath – the first declared dog- bobble head!
OMG! Look at all the smiling faces! You guys must have had an incredible time! I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a bit jealous! There you were on a cruise ship where you NEVER encountered a reg. Wow! And the bobble head of Mike is really spot on! I can’t wipe this smile from my face! I’m glad you had an incredible time! Aaarrrgggggg! No regges here, lads & lassies! Just tons of fun. And you guys deserve it!
“Hey another idea. Send a MR Bubblehead to the LRH Archive project to go into their titanium vault.”
BK Mole, you are EVIL! In the best possible way, of course. Great idea.
“living well is the best revenge;”
— attributed to George Herbert who was a popular 17th century poet.
WHOever said it first was a mightily smart guy.
Hey Mike.
Great photos.
Isn’t it nice to have a family and to be able to take Family Time any bloody time you want for whatever reason you want.
It’s great to see you all now years out of the cult, enjoying yourselves and into LIFE! as it’s meant to be with families in tow. The smiles and joy on all your faces is palpable.
Definitely “Choose Fun” and being in the dead-end LRH cult is decidedly NO fun.
More SP merchandise please!
What incredible photos, what incredible fun, isn’t life just GRAND out of the sea borg!!!!! Eat your heart out Miscabbage. This is what you can NEVER EVER have in your life you miserable f**k.
Got to have a bubble head, ingenious.
Mrs. P said:”What incredible photos, what incredible fun, isn’t life just GRAND out of the sea borg!!!!! Eat your heart out Miscabbage. This is what you can NEVER EVER have in your life you miserable f**k.”
I can just imagine DM’s photo album — pics of big old empty buildings devoid of people or any humanity. Big old warehouses without life; MAYbe a few pics of things seen while going down: SCUBA, of course. And maybe a few beach pics of OTHER folks enjoying the light and unpolluted air. Then of course there are the many pics of ‘passing winds’ in various commercial harbors, dry-docks, and the like. If there’s justice in the world, he’ll often get to see the autopsy pics of Lisa Mcpherson’s multitude of bug bites. Obviously, I don’t wish him happy memories reviewing his rogues’ gallery, but the tiny little miscreant might possibly, as perverse as he seems to be.
Such a beautiful family. You and your family so deserved this trip after everything you have been through. I am so happy for you! Keep rockin’…and I am totally digging the bobblehead!!!
Now Mike, THAT is how to generate “wins” ! MUCH better than Hubtard’s Bridge to oblivion.
Thank you for sharing these fabulous vacation pictures! It made me smile to see these lovely families having fun together. I know you all have given up a lot to be where you are today but family is not just blood. I hope you all continue to be blessed. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
I ordered mine and I didn’t have to show my SP Declare!
What a great post Mike- families enjoying the freedom of life! Those will be memories the kids will never forget.
If any of you ‘inside the bubble’ read these posts, please plan your escape now…. this is what you are missing. “He” is not coming back, “he” left no plan and everyone around “him” (not 2%) has been declared? Really? Yes…. really! The greatest SP spotter ever…. surrounded himself with SPs. Really.
I love it! Everyone looks so happy and the bobble head rules!!!
I’m holding out for a piñata of Dave I can hit with a baseball bat.
Ok…but I get seconds! A piñata of Corn-on-the COB would be priceless! Mikey!!! PLEASE make it happen!
We could also play pin the tail on the Davey. ?
He would squeal like a stuck pig.
Mikey:”I’m holding out for a piñata of Dave I can hit with a baseball bat.”
Great idea, as was the pin-the-tail-on-the-DM. “Donkey M… Mistress, Misscabbage? Sorry, only working on my 1st cuppa coffee.
I must get one so I can take Mike (the bobblehead) to see Niagara Falls and some sights on the Canadian side. This is too funny and “good on you” for taking something that Miscavige thought would be an insult and turning it into a light-hearted way to raise money for the Aftermath Foundation! Now, can someone create toilet paper or doggy doo-doo bags with Miscavige’s face on them?
Toilet paper with anyone’s face on it can be ordered via the internet.
A good friend gifted me a roll after the most recent presidential election.
I still have it in my bathroom closet.
Its being saved for those unusual, very special, gastro-enterological occasions
My digestion is pretty good though so it may go unused for another 2 or 6 years.
I’d love to have some with the Dwarf’s happy visage on it.
For everyday use.
I can ask my friend where/how he ordered this on line and post it here.
Liz woods:”I must get one so I can take Mike (the bobblehead) to see Niagara Falls and some sights on the Canadian side.”
I’m dreaming of pasting one on the deck of our little boat and catching the Fort Harrison up in the distance. Or possibly on the dash of the car with big blue in the distance. OR the HGB as a second choice IF I can include some sort of sign announcing “scn lives there”. Otherwise it’s just another anonymous glassy office building somewhere around this sector of the Galactic Confederation™. As a personal assault on DM, it’d be nice to get a shot of the Philly idle morgue or ANY other one; along with a clock or newspaper date (as in kidnapping stories)
GREAT photos!!!!! Happy to hear y’all had such a fun holiday.
EIGHT stories without breaking ! … Now THAT is cause over matter, energy, space and time!
YEs, we had to use materials we could find on the ship, but no metal could be used. We built a “landing pod” using styrofoam and foam that was actually the box the bobblehead was shipped in, and then constructed a parachute out of a plastic bag, drinking straws and packing tape. Worked like a charm… We only had an hour to do it in. Was a lot of fun watching ours (and all the others) descend. About 30% of the entrants were successful.
Cool! That’s actually a classic group exercise that besides being fun, is used to teach brainstorming and collaboration.
It reminds me, there’s actually a whole field of positive team-building that utilizes a variety of group exercises, bolstered by research into its effectiveness, including examples such as at Google – where they’ve found that an important part of the process includes sharing feelings (and feeling safe to do so). Hubbard and Scientology instead take a very self-centered or introverted, repressive and punitive, approach, and try to reduce workplace interactions to formulas based on notions of old-fashioned military command and control, and early 20th century industrial production management that views people as virtual robots.
That Bobblehead Mike looks all TOO REALISTIC…..I’d probably throw a towel over Mike the Bobble headed doll before I undress, LOL!
LOVE YOU ALL….LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of all those children. I don’t have any Grand Kids & seems like we will NOT be having any……..
That is quite lovely of you, Balletlady, to offer that.
Thank you Aqua! I LOVE CHILDREN……I would have had more but for medical reasons I could not. My daughter can’t have children & my son, a confirmed bachelor….doesn’t want any.
It breaks my heart, chills me to the core of my being to see Claire’s kids NOT have a Grandparent around & Mike’s kids too. What I wouldn’t GIVE to HOLD each and every one of those little ones in my arms.
If I lived near any of them, I’d be available for baby sitting, reading stories, coloring with the kids, making Easter Eggs, baking, playing games, lots of hugs, kisses “atta boy/girl”….lots of fun & LOVE…letting them know I’d be in their lives til the day I die….then, watch over them etc…THAT is what a Grand parent DOES.
The sickest part of all this is that these “Grand Parents” have NO IDEA what they are missing. They’ve decided living in the realm of “the bubble” is MORE important to them than their one grand kids….I want to literally tell them off, but they wouldn’t listen.
I had parents like that, we had food, shelter, utilities, clothing, but not much love or support or encouragement. Then once I was married, I hardly heard from them & rarely saw them unless I went THERE. My children hardly knew them…my dad died when my son was 7…he barely remembers his Grand father. My mother died 4 years ago…my now adult children had more contact with HER, but yet….they still DO NOT have ANY memories of ANY of their Grand parents sharing “SPECIAL MOMENTS” with them because NEITHER set of Grand Parents cared enough to be involved in their lives.
I made a pact with myself that if I ever had children & grand children….I would BE THERE for them no matter what. My daughter & her husband are very very close to us, & my son is very close to us as well….we do NOT “smother each other” but we have some really good times & a lot of visits & a lot of hugs & emotional support and encouragement & LOVE!
When these “Grand Parents” become sick, WHO is going to help care for them, be around to comfort them, LOVE THEM….no one.
These older “still ins” who should be relishing the LOVE & COMFORT of their now adult children & grand children are going to become sick one day…..just WHO do they think is going to take care of them, comfort them, LOVE them… sure as HELL is NOT going to be David M or anyone remotely close to him.
To know a parent passed away & Mike Rinder didn’t even know about it til after his mother was gone. He had no opportunity for closure…to let her know he loved her etc…so very sad. Grand parents who live in Clear Water…who have ev ery opportunity to see their grand children but refuse to do so…. sad.
If that’s what KARMA is, well then KARMA be served. Thank You Aqua for all your kind and loving words to not only myself, but to all others you shower with your support…I am so glad to have met you!
You will be going on a cruise to Alaska with us, in June!
I’d love to be able to order “Pie Face” T-shirts that Miscavige had made up for you and others Mike. Oh, and a Mike Rinder Sock Puppet replica that Miscavige made of you. Perhaps even special edition items autographed by Mike. I bet many would even pre-order those items. And I’d love to see a Leah bobble head as well. Maybe some kind of John Sweeney “exploding tomato” item. The possibilities seem endless.
Thank you for having a great sense of humor about all of this. There’s no greater way to show that Miscavige has zero power over you anymore than by just laughing off his childish attempts to demean you, and then shoving it right back in his face. Bravo.
How wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves! This does a heart good. Thanx for sharing the pictures Mike.
I have been waiting for the bobblehead! It’s so awesome. I’ll be ordering mine asap. ☺
“…everyone enjoying themselves.” It doesn’t get any better!
I’m ordering one at the first of the month when my new money comes in. The kids borrowed a LOT of money a couple of months ago, and I’m having to watch my pennies for a while.
Glad you all had fun on the cruise. It’s good to get away.
I’m excited that the Mike Rinder “Yes Man” bobble head is now available. Can’t wait for mine to arrive. It’s great to be able to get a nice souvenir from the show, while donating to a great cause, and at the same time, giving the proverbial middle finger to Miscavige (thanks for this idea that will help people leave your organization… idiot…..).
Surprise, Mike! You will be going to Alaska in June. I look forward to future offerings at the SP shop!
Great topic. Several smiles and laughs. I was thinking that putting a tall top hat on the bobblehead would make a good likeness of Abe Lincoln. Accessories for Barbie dolls are good sellers but that’s thinking too far ahead.
Ordered my Bobble Head! Yay! I did it to celebrate the fact that had I not escaped.. I would not be here doing what I love, where I love to be, with people I love. It’s a business write-off! LOLOL I hope you sell out this week and then let’s get one done of Leah. Yepyepyep
Great pictures! Kids are adorable, looks like everyone had a fun time.
I’d just like to add that I’ve never seen a bad picture of Claire Headley.
Me either. Same thing in person. She is amazing.
Personally I think Claire is a 9.9 but Christie is a 10. (I hope that doesn’t sound creepy) I am so happy for all of you and you deserve so much more. Congrats on the Trivia Trophy.
The first time I saw Claire I thought she was Laura Linney! They could be sisters. I think Claire missed her calling as an actress. I would love to see her guest spot on a show. She’s too cool. ?
Agree completely. I too think Claire is quite beautiful.
Yes and Jenna Miscavige, Mary Kahn, Hanna Elkingham, Paulette Cooper ~ The grace after all I now know they’ve been through is a beauty to behold. The world is missing that reality show. I feel lucky ?
Cece:”Yes and Jenna Miscavige, Mary Kahn, Hanna Elkingham””….
Hana Eltringham was a study in grace and humanity even in the dark times of the ’70s. It was a reaL PLEASURE to have her as a direct boss. I don’t believe I EVER saw her lose her temper, and a few times I was being hard on myself, she got me to step back and ensure I concentrated on the things important to me: Primarily Getting my technical training and co-auditing the “bridge” at first: She said that if I couldn’t get my job done in 40 hours/week, I was doing something other than my proper job. Soon after, I was getting more done in 8 hours than I’d had in 16. And she, from the videos, is STILL carrying herself regally.
Looks like you all had a very well deserved awesome time! Welcome back
Dearest Wonderful Former Members:
I am sure that the “We even won three cheesy plastic trophies as the Trivia Champs of the cruise” means MORE to each and every ONE of you than one of those ugly huge 3 foot tall “recognition trophies” handed out to the Whales for their donated money.
Had to remained within the realm of “the bubble”….none of you would ever have had the remotest chance of enjoying a trip of a lifetime. You’d never have any money to even dream about a vacation like this, let ALONE be able to enjoy it with your CHILDREN!
So glad a great time was had by all, the children will look back on this as a cherished memory. Sadly, the kids within the bubble will never know anything like this exists…
Loved the pictures…..I have a feeling D.M. is FUMING….he will make sure that NO STAFF on the inside or anyone else within the confines of COS sees ANY of these pixtures.
Balletlady my thoughts exactly! Get out of scientology, take control of your own life and live!!!
Thank you my friend Ann! These pictures made me smile, & some tears of happiness flowed as well! To actually be able to SEE so may JOYFUL happy Adults WITH their children….there just aren’t enough words to say…these pictures took my breath away!
To even THINK that MOST of these gorgeous little ones would NOT be here if the adults had stayed in COS……. they’d be FORBIDDEN…..& that alone is sickening.
These children had a wonderful time with their mommy & daddy & their extend “adopted Aunties & Uncles”. They will be able to remember this for years to come….I can hear those “squeaky little voices” asking to see these picitures again & again….AND to hear them also say something a kid INSIDE THE BUBBLE will NEVER be able to say:
“Hey Mom & Dad…Remember when we pet the dolphin, kissed a sting ray, held a turtle, sat on a tortoise……..”….soooo special!
Nice post Balletlady.
But I don’t know why you would think THE MONSTER would care if any of his starving STAFF see any of those pictures.
No one would ever recognize Mike or any or the other Ex-Cult members. When they were in they always looked so unhappy because they were so miserable and most were hunched over from working 20 hour days and being sleep-deprived. They would never recognize all the happy faces in those pictures. They never looked remotely like that when they were a part of THE SCAM.
Besides, most of THE STAFF walk around all the time being so hungry, they can’t really concentrate on thinking about hardly anything except where they can scrounge their next samwhich.
It’s just my opinion, but I think one of the reasons why everything THE MONSTER has tried to do recently blows up in his face is because he starves all of THE STAFF. People just can’t think straight when they are starving.
Instead of drinking whiskey that costs close to $1000 per bottle … well … did you ever read Animal Farm? That George Orwell was quite a brilliant man. Thank God he never tried his hand at starting a cult.
I think you MISunderstood my post….what it is about is that it SHOULD be rubbed in David M’s face…as in:
Heh Heh. I was just trying to be funny. But I am so bad at trying to be humorous that I think maybe you thought I was serious. In any event, I really liked your post and I would love to rub his face in all kinds of filthy, stinky substances.
Balletlady:”Loved the pictures…..I have a feeling D.M. is FUMING….he will make sure that NO STAFF on the inside or anyone else within the confines of COS sees ANY of these pictures.”
No one DARES show Dwarfenführer those pics or even mention their existence to him. Guy can’t STAND *REAL* theta — “SPs” enjoying the good life after scn…. AND so many of us enjoying your and the families’ pure happiness. Not that fake stuff he peddles.
Ordered 3! Thanks! Looks like everyone, including said bobblehead, had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing.
I wanted to add how wonderful your family looks. I bet your sons will grow up to make you proud. What fine looking boys! What a beautiful wife.
Congratulations Mike!
I know Skyler. Beautiful family! Beautiful families actually! People still in, see how to truly live!! Yes!
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!
“A thing of joy” ….. says the Village Voice
“It will inspire you” …. says the New York Times
“It will brighten your day” … says the Huffington Post.
“Oh for Fuck’s sake …. I can get a thousand people to go on a cruise with me anytime I like and they will all be better looking and have a better time than those people anyway. So what if I have to pay them or threaten them? That vacation ain’t shit! … says the DwarfenFuhrer.
I’m so happy for you Mike. You deserve that so much! If you want to experience even more happiness about your cruise, just think how furious Miss Cabbage must be. He must be foaming through his ears.
I have one question though. Ummm …. I was expecting to see bobble head dolls of both you and Leah. Doesn’t Leah get one also?
This is just so perfect. The Cof$ puts out a weak attempt to insult and discredit you, so you turn it back around on them by embracing and improving on their own idea to raise money against them.
Touchè good sir, touchè.
Did you receive my tweet?
I’m trying to get in touch with you.
I can’t order until mid-April, but *I want one* and I’m all in. (I am on SSDI and don’t get my check until then.) Can I be an SP if I’m a never-in? Oh, I hope so!
Looks like all of you had a bang-up time. Good for you! You, every single one of you, deserve it.
How wonderful to see three families enjoying their lives! After all that your families gave up, all of your heartache and loss, you now get to truly live your lives to the fullest. There is an old saying that “success is the best revenge,” and these photos show your success in enjoying life.
I also want to share that I talked with 3 co-workers today about the Aftermath Foundation. None of us have ever been in Scientology, but all of us watch the Aftermath show. We talked for an hour about it and I gave them the website so that they can also support the foundation. The word is spreading.
It looks like Dave’s postulate of all of you flipping burgers at McDonald’s has failed to materialize. ?
The dwarf must have had a meltdown! I wonder who he’s going to beat up for it.
I would love to see a DART BOARD with you know who’s face on it!
Target Practice as we throw a few SHARP LONG POINTED DARTS AT IT!
P.S. OSD>>>> So GLAD to see you back here again….love your quick wit, .WE missed you!
Flipping burgers would be a better alternative to the hell they went through in the cult.
Balletlady:”Loved the pictures…..I have a feeling D.M. is FUMING….he will make sure that NO STAFF on the inside or anyone else within the confines of COS sees ANY of these pictures.”
No one DARES show Dwarfenführer those pics or even mention their existence to him. Guy can’t STAND *REAL* theta — “SPs” enjoying the good life after scn
Got one! Awesome idea for the support of an excellent cause. It has the “most interesting (SP) man in the world” look and does “Elf on a Shelf” things. Such fun!
No reason is needed to give a loved one (((HUGS)))
…And the slightly bigger pretty young lady making those hats look so good deserves all the (((hugs))) she can stand. JUst BECAUSE.
Pics of vacations in warm places where the ladies don’t need to bundle up for comfort are so much fun to enjoy.
Thanks for sharing some of your memories. It’s been a long winter.
Woo hoo! Placed my order. Most people don’t realize that the road doesn’t end at the Utah/Wyoming border. Too bad bobble head didn’t get here a few days earlier to pose with North American River Otters. But we have plans for poses, oh yes we do. Can’t wait.
Looks like bobble head enjoyed the cruise almost as much as the rest of you. Glad you had.a great time.
I have my bobble head on order. I apologize in advance on what it will be up to.
I love the vaca photos you deserve an amazing break.
There are many cruises with themes (ususually music) but also politics, movies eyes. You should plan an Aftermath cruise. Your program could include panels on virtually anything, q and a sessions, fan photo ops, book signings, etc. Sixthman out of Atlanta has several and could run it for you. I promise you could fill up a ship.
You DESERVED an amazing, mind-blowing relaxing vacation with as busy as you’ve been. And that little blonde girl is ADORE-able, guaranteed to give her parents some nervous nights in the near future. Just keep her FAR away from the SO, parents. As I see it, she deserves some mighty big (((hugs))) from appropriate terminals for being such a great person. What a Smile….
Watch out! The bobble head MIGHT wind up being more travelled than you are, as happened to my favorite sailing cap one year. IIRC, it showed up on nude beaches in 5 or 6 different countries before it reluctantly returned to my possession. Sailors can be so imaginative and calculating sometimes. That can be fun, but exhausting for the poor MEST objects.
BTW, GREAT rendition of a ‘head.
Yeah, yeah, yeah… a good time was had by all on the cruise as your success story clearly expresses. BUT, how much time did you have to spend with the Reg before you routed off the ship? There’s always a catch now isn’t there? Just ask anyone who has ever cruised on the M/V Breakwinds.
PS Please let me know where I can purchase a bobble head asap!
Ms. B. Haven says:”PS Please let me know where I can purchase a bobble head asap!”
Marc thoughtfully posted a link, anchored to “the SP shop”(special people, that is ). Personally, I’d rather do a straight donation to The Aftermath Foundation so they can avoid the overhead of having to actually deliver a product.(Hey, it seems to work as a business model…. But the bobble head is something I can proudly display if ever a member of ‘that cult’ should show up on my doorstep. That’s if seeing me pant-less (my usual attire at the keyboard) doesn’t scare them off first. My thought is to tie up at the Clearwater Marina and affix “Mike” to the dockside cabin top, his name tag proudly facing any who might wish to disturb my well-earned relaxation. A guy can dream, can’t he? IF that fantasy could be made true, I can just imagine my lazing around most of the day watching the pretty young things strolling the docks and other things they’re wont to do by the water in the tropics.
Ok Jere, yer scarin’ me. First off, keep your drawers on even while at the keyboard. Second, don’t waste your time at the docks in Clearwater. The chances of you seeing a scientologist there where leisure activities are taking place is little to none. Of course these days it would be difficult to even spot a ‘body router’ close to an Ideal Org so you wouldn’t be able to put a hex on them with your bobblehead there either. My advice? I think Marc should come up with a Mike Bobblehead model with suction cups so that they can be affixed to a window and then left to bobble in the wind whilst stuck to a cult window. They would surely be quickly removed by some low level staff member, and most likely the staff member wouldn’t have a clue as to who was being represented by the bobblehead. Questions would be asked and seeds would be planted.
And keep yer drawers on…
Ms B Haven:””Ok Jere, yer scarin’ me. First off, keep your drawers on even while at the keyboard. Second, don’t waste your time at the docks in Clearwater. ”
Ms. B. Haven saaid “Ok Jere, yer scarin’ me. First off, keep your drawers on even while at the keyboard. Second, don’t waste your time at the docks in Clearwater.”
Well, I DO maintain minimum legal coverage in public spaces. That’s a pretty ingrained habit in my dotage…. Right now, in my library in my home with only my wife as expected company, I wear as little as she’ll allow. That’s my right, and if you visit here, remember this is MY castle. And I’m the rule maker — with my wife’s permission.
But being in CW Marina would give me the opportunity to see what they’ve done to the place in the 41 years since scientology invaded that sleepy little town. That dream started when Clay was still in business as ?(The lucky Anchor)? I had the thought to spend some time there, meeting up with those of you in the area.
IS THERE AN ALTERNATIVE common watering hole for us Special Persons?
AND if OSA discovered who I was, I could lead them on a merry chase around the Gulf while they tried to “fair game” me. I admit to having some perverse fantasies sometimes. “Annoying the clams” could be a new pastime. How far could I go? Nothing illegal, of course. I’m not the type to sink to their level of criminality. Just fun stuff that wouldn’t hurt anyone. Maybe I can “buy up” all their ‘freedom’ mags and have a bonfire on a nearby deserted beach — with a bobble head Mike Rinder watching of course. I’d love to paint the scn double-triangle & “S” symbol with the circle and slash on the dockside cabin top mostly to see if anyone notices it. OSA of course would paint me in the most uncomplimentary colours if they noticed: It’s just that I don’t want to talk to or invite aboard any scns, REALLY!
It just means “NO soliciting” from that cult.
As I think about it, I suppose I should get with the CW police to see what sorts of things I could do without the CWPD having to get involved. I’d CERTAINLY want to spend an afternoon sitting on ‘that bench’ in “that park”, doing nothing other than reading and observing the local wildlife wandering past. I may have a beard, but I’m definitely not the guy who was specifically banned from being anywhere NEAR scientologists.
That was lovely. So nice to see such good happy moms, dads and kids. The Bobble Head is icing on the cake.
No doubt! And his bobble head is quite handsome.
Move over Jonathan Goldsmith. Make room for Mike Rinder.
Here, here!