This is the “contact” page of the “Churches of Scientology Disaster Response” website.
For the most part, these people are the heads of the Office of Special Affairs in most of these places. It gives their email and phone numbers.
It’s pretty much an OSA Phone book for the United States.
Late to this post, but have to comment…
I worked with Sue Taylor for another scientologist for roughly 6 years. I had no clue about OSA and its activities, nor about her decades-long history of executing its culty brand of criminal fuckery.
This is the thing about being in a cult: everyone is cool, and nice(until they aren’t, of course), and the OG’s, like Sue, are revered…It’s a “team”. A team that is saving not just the world, but the fucking universe! I LIKED Sue. I cooked for Sue numerous times as part of my duties for the aforementioned scientologist. She was one of those people that made me smile when I saw her. For me, she was, from my then-cult-indoctrinated-perspective, the perfect, “up-tone”, hard-working, easy-going, friendly, knowledgeable(about “the tech”) scientologist. She gave me those groovy, culty, “we’re-on-the-same-team” vibes consistently. After leaving the cult, I was stunned and disappointed and shocked when I started learning about OSA and its crimes. Sylvia Stannard was another OSA goon that I had a few interactions with; she did not have Sue’s warmth and charm; she had a weird, cold, distant vibe. And there were a few others I found about, even including the husband of the scientologist I worked for having done some things for OSA, which was probably one the most disappointing discoveries of my post-cult life. It took me years to fully realize and grok that I had been surrounded by and had been interacting with criminal zealots; it was quite an emotional shock!
I used to, as a scientologist, lament my ignorance of “the tech” and would put these people on pedestals, admiring their “knowledge and dedication”…Looking back, I am grateful that my basic, b-flat humanity prevented me from EVER being a really good scientologist and following in their footsteps. I only wasted a small chunk of my life on Hubbard’s toxic shit, whereas most of those “hard-tr’s-dedicated” sci-bots are truly lost, soul-dead people…and have been for decades…
Are these the people we need to call if we want to get a hurricane redirected away from where we live?
Sounds like a group email revealing the Xenu story to all the DSAs is made easier by this.
Let them learn their “religious” group’s secret spiritual final exorcism practices, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, so they know how indispensible Scientology really is, NOT.
“Telling the Xenu Story Officially: How To Program”
“DSA Staff Left Holding The Bag Program”
They are all split up now to make the next raid(s) more difficult than back in the good old Snow White days.
What a security breach!
I feel kind of underwhelmed. But at least having the list of ratbags must suit some kind of a purpose, like a first aid kit from insanity in who not to call but the FBI does, should it ever come to its senses.
Re: Joava Good–CSDR Deputy National Director, Salt Lake City, Utah
The Utah Nonprofits Association, the Association of Fundraising Professionals and UServeUtah presented Ms. Good the “Utah Philanthropy Day 2020 Hero Award.” If, however, any of those organizations should ever become opposed to scientology, then “Definition of Intelligence” by L. Ron Hubbard in OSA Network Order #9 would most likely be enacted:
“Intelligence is the process of informing one’s command area of the plans, characteristics and crimes of all opponent’s to one’s own activity and purpose.”
OSA US SLC most likely already has a dossier on those organizations and more. Just in case.
In the November 19, 2020 EIN Presswire in which Ms. Good is congratulated by her boss, Rev. Susan Taylor (CSDR National Director, Washington, DC), Ms. Taylor wrote, “A Scientology Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well.”
This is, unfortunately, all a facade, a carefully orchestrated cover for an organization that is hell-bent on taking over the world. Pain, evil and injustice will come the way of any opponent to scientology.
Social reform and betterment can occur in any society as long as it follows scientology’s rule book. Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers Program fits perfectly into this. If I was a wog and saw a Scientology Volunteer Minister, I’d run the other way.
And, as regards to the earlier use of the word “reverend,” the April 1951 issue of The Linguorian (“A Monthly Magazine for Lovers of Good Reading”) had this to say about Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health:
“Hubbard’s book is not recommended to any reader because its philosophy is that of naturalism. He ignores to the point of denial the fact of original sin, and believes in the perfectibility of man without the supernatural destiny intended for all men by God.”
“Wogs” only need to know the definition of “Xenu” and spout the definition to Scientologists, ironically, to cause instead the Scientologists to disengage with you.
To create Scientology dissemination disengagement, it only requires outsiders (“Wogs”) to tell the Scientologists the Hubbard taught secret soul theoretical material surrounding Xenu.
Xenu was the ancient space leader who dumped extremely highly debilitated (implanted) souls or spirits, all of whom had no longer their human bodies, but just these heavily “implanted” (debilitated with the science fiction esque “R6” implant false ideas in their soul memories), and dumped these debilitated souls onto earth where these souls infest all regular humans on earth today, and debilitated souls leak their negative soul memories over to us humans.
We as humans per Scientology, per Hubbard, are our own core soul, our conscious self, that is us, the bottom level soul that we each are.
Per the Xenu Hubbard soul theoretical material, us humans have additional spirits or souls infesting our human bodies, and these surplus debilitated souls whom Xenu is the nasty ancient space bad guy “leader” who had all these surplus souls implanted with the R6 implants, and thus XENU is the ultimate spiritual real (per Hubbard, per the Scientology secret theory I’m tell you here) bad guy causing earth our suffering.
Scientology’s mission is a two stage spiritual rehabilitation us as the core soul (us our conscious self) that we each are.
a) Warm up quack pseudo-therapy for lowest level, first half, of the Hubbard quackery syllabus
b) Upper secret five out of the final six steps of upper Scientology is exorcism to shed the surplus souls and cause their leakage of bad soul memories we hardly don’t even notice but which still supposedly cause earth all the ills humanity reaps on one another.
Scientology is, but they won’t simplify it like I just did, a soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice.
SO, bottom line, to get Scientologists off their backs, just tell them roughly the above and here are some suggested “throw a wrench into their brainwashed Scientologist minds” type of statements to make at Scientologists to leave you or anyone alone:
1) “Hey, is it true Xenu (pronounced ZEE NEW) caused the Wall of Fire?”
2) “Hey, is it true Xenu implanted all the body-thetans (pronounced BODY THAY TONS, and note you must say both words body and thetans together, and not just say “thetans” that is a highly misunderstood and subtle point to learn) and dumped all these body-thetans which all earth humans today are supposedly infested with? And do you guys do exorcism on your OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to remove Xenu’s body-thetans off your human bodies?
Believe me, all outsiders, all “wogs” can throw a total monkey wrench and cause mental semi meltdown to say these two 1) and 2) statements above to Scientologists, or just write back to the nonsense dissemination letters Scientology sends you, the above two statements.
Xenu did indeed cause the Wall of Fire, but Scientologists are not allowed to reveal this, and never will, publicly, you have to rise up and be taught this secretly at the OT 3 “course.”
Xenu did indeed implant all the body-thetans with the R6 implants, and Xenu did indeed dump zillions of these mass murdered (by Xenu, he murdered them all during the Wall of Fire trauma that Xenu perpetrated on them), and today it is true, Scientology secretly has five expensive extensive exorcism “levels” where they secretly exorcise all of Xenu’s dumped and implanted body-thetans off their bodies, with the goal of spiritually rehabilitating themselves.
The Xenu and body-thetans theory of Scientology is the best material to speak about openly or write about, if you wish to shoo Scientologists away from you.
It works, try it. This exercise proves the backfiring spiritual theory power of Hubbard’s own highest secret soul theory. Hubbard left Scientologists with a hefty bag, as in the saying “left holding the bag.”
Chuck Beatty
x Team Xenu 75 to 03
What controls the order of the items in each list? They’re not geographical or alpha by state, city or even name. Just another Scientology publication not designed for ease of use, by anyone,
Well I know who to call or e-mail.
Two thirds of those osa folks I recognize, they have been around forever, must be getting into late 60’s,70’s.
I’ve been out for nearly 20 years. Still recognize most of these folks. The prison of the mind runs very deep with these. There is do much guilt manipulation and secrecy involved in the local osa offices. Wonder what happened with all the orgs not listed there? You know little ones like Stevens Creek and Los Gatos. I guess Greater LA can cover lad, lad, pasa, valley, cci?? At least they got the important ones like Ventura, Hawaii. Teeny tiny places.
Just no network possible due to low staff?