It seems scientology has reached new depths of cult-leader worship.
Captain Miscavige has officially become the only person who matters in the world. The source of all wisdom and inspiration. The man who can do no wrong and may not be questioned.
It is he, and he alone, who is “keeping the show on the road.”
It was he who was “gearing up for planetary expansion” (as he shut scientology down harder than than any circumstances required, mostly to cover up the fact that the “Chase Wave” required wholesale removal of registrars and executives to avoid a catastrophic prosecution).
And now, after he fought it for more than a year and ultimately lost the argument that he was NOT living or working in Florida, they admit that “over the course of two years” he “delivered a series of briefings at Flag” that were “impromptu and inspiring.”
As the old Valley Girl expression goes — gag me with a spoon.
How delusional can a group become? Well if you’re lied to and deceived I guess one can become hypnotized by the desire for life to be what the lies describe Ay? I’ve been reading about cults and the followers have to be de hypnotized. That’s why they put out these continuous false statements to keep the delusions alive. Must be addictive for some? The lies are so apparent now to most of us.
Every scientogist at PAC Base is going to hear these epic briefings–in sequence?
In the Technical Dictionary, a checklist is a list of materials that give the steps which, when done, give a study completion. They are arranged in the–sequence–necessary for a gradient increasing knowledge of the subject.
The subject: “Keeping the Show on the Road.”
Will each briefing be accompanied with its own checksheet? Will the scientologist watch those briefings in a Practical Courseroom? Will each student need to keep points while watching “1–Upcoming Ideal Orgs”? Will demo kits be a requirement during “4–Hope & Help in Africa”? Will an essay or two during “8–America’s Heartland” become mandatory? How would a Clay Demo be done for “5–Ideal Capitals”? Will Starrate Checkouts on “9–Go Time on LRH Way” be mandatory for those who are Super-Literate? What are the Practicals to be done for “1–Upcoming Ideal Orgs”?
What is the study completion for all ten briefings? Will there be an exam for each briefing, or will there be one for all ten? Likewise, is there a completion award for each, or is there one such award for all ten?
This was a success story?
“I had no idea that we made so much progress during this time”
We’ll just to make you feel better, no one else did either. Yes, that’s Scientology.
The cult that makes stupendous inroads to all of society without anyone knowing it.
“I woke up this morning and had to bolt to the toilet. Thank you CoB for filling me full of shit last night with your wisdom.”
As the never-ender die-hard staff members look at their pitiful “paycheck” after another week of long hours, they have the satisfaction of spending their life’s work days inside a spectacularly decorated Ideal Org. Or at least the promise of one, sometime in the future.
The Church of Scientology in Dallas is a good example. It sits nestled on a small rise in the rolling manicured bit of greensward of the Las Colinas business park. Google shows its progression with a new view about every six months starting all the way back in November of 2011. On most dates Google shows around a dozen cars, with the yellow VM van often visible in the small front car park of about 20 spaces, which is never full. With close-in parking never full, it stands to reason those 30+ spaces way around the back are empty.
Those dozen or so people are spending their work days in a large modernistic building with an occupancy permit of at least 100, maybe 150? To mis-use an old saying – a staff member walking those hallowed halls must look like a BB rolling down a four lane highway. But isn’t it great to have such a fabulous facility to work in, even if you have to bring your own TP?
AA, Dallas’ “ideal” building should accommodate at least 650 workers, and 1,000 or more customers, at the standard 50,000 square feet, according to guidelines I found – and if just half of it is event space, maybe a crowd of up to around 4,000. A fire marshall might calculate the maximum occupancy as high as about 7,000 for that much square footage.
It’s a huge amount of space, particularly for as much as Scientology has shrunk, which is why there are accounts of people visiting them and finding them seeming rather empty. Another way to look at it is, that it’s the size of about 60 average apparents – which would have about 2 occupants each, so it’s enough room for 100 to 150 people to live in comfortably.
Xenu caused the Wall of Fire.
Xenu dumped body-thetans (pronounced BODY THAY TONS, and be sure to say the two words together like this) onto earth today infesting all humans, requiring Scientology’s exorcism steps called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to remove one’s body-thetans off of one’s body.
Ironically telling Scientologists their “OT Xenu, body-thetans” theory causes them to shrink away from your discussing their beliefs with them publicly.
Xenu and body-thetans are ironically the most powerful backfiring words Hubbard ever created.
Hubbard was so obfuscatory and “information controlling” about the theory of his soul practices, the followers mirror Hubbard’s obfuscatory discussions of Scientology.
Telling Scientologists their soul practices simply, cuts through their Hubbard obfuscation mentality.
Scientology sells their soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy.
Scientology sells their Hubbard exorcism.
Scientology’s practices can be summarized as these two main things.
Xenu is the bad guy who caused this massive souls surplus on earth, these surplus souls which are messed up, supposedly infest all humans today, and only on secret upper Scientology will a person finally learn just how many surplus souls infest their human body, because hardly anyone sees these surplus souls normally and you need Scientology to teach you how to use the Hubbard Emeter to detect and exorcise your own body-thetans infesting yourself.
Xenu caused the body-thetans shower that humans are infested with, requiring OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Hubbard exorcism to alleviate. The “Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram” was Xenu doing this shower.
You tell this to Scientologists, and they have been sadly indoctrinated to plug their ears and run away from you.
They were never allowed by Hubbard to sensibly discuss the nuts and bolts of their soul practices.
Scientologists are stuck with Hubbard’s marketing hype policies, and never are allowed to define their soul practices like I did above.
This makes for communicating with Scientologists about Scientology impossible.
They can’t do it, since their Hubbard obfuscation and marketing hype views of defining their Scientology tell them they cannot simply define their soul practices.
It is almost embarrassing to see how absolutely stupid these people are, “factually” delusional if they actually believe they are expanding. With the PR of Scientology at an all time low, (just mention the word to people and watch their reaction), and a shrinking parishioner (customer) base with empty orgs, they are buying (I guess) the claptrap from Captain Snake Oil (aka CSO).
Davey babe better cancel word clearing before his saps look up those words.
Delusional! Check!
Hubbard left them no options to be upfront about their beliefs, Hubbard disallows any “verbal data” which would be normal for other soul practices to allow their members to discuss the nuts and bolts of their soul practices at least.
They can’t discuss Xenu, they can’t discuss body-thetans being a root cause of earth’s problems, etc, etc.
They can’t publicly discuss how the Bridge to OT 8 hasn’t gotten anyone to “Native State” (as in the Native State soul status that all earthlings in the Hubbard fiction story of 1940, “One Was Stubborn” at least in fiction the earthlings with the help of the guru all attained essentially Native State and were capable of as-isng the physical universe and each attained the soul ability to create their own “Home Universes” essentially—but no, Scientologists cannot freely and simply discuss any of this and stop their crass hype Hubbard delusional mumbly gobbly gook marketing false promising).
I wish they’d use more of Hubbard’s own material and just tie things together and lay it out, but Hubbard disallowed this, so they likely never will.
They are stuck in Hubbard’s delusional false promising deflecting obfuscatory hype marketing language discussion of their Scientology.
I wish they’d just define Xenu, define body-thetans, define Native State, and mention how One Was Stubborn’s guru’s goals are essentially LRH’s goals for Scientology, etc.
It isn’t Xenu or BTs not being able to be talked about that is sinking Scientology. I joined staff in 1970 when our org was packed with public and had 130 staff members .
While LRH violated his OWN policies on successful actions by establishing the Flag Land Base , the REAL AND MAJOR reason for Scientology’s decline is mostly two fold:
*Lies about EVERYTHING, from stats to tech estimates to grades ep’s, to promises in recruit cycles, to where the money goes, to Narconon, to VMs, to the absurd promo about the CoS “expanding” when the exact opposite is occuring, etc etc etc … EVERYTHING!
*It’s incredible and hard to believe VICIOUSNESS towards its own staff and public. And by the way, it was like this in the 1970s too, only the tendency got worse and worse and worse as LRH’s mental decline proceeded. Ron started “getting” on staff members starting with numerous PLs in the mid and late 1960s, essentially about how out ethics, crime committing and dev-t producing they were, and then tech wise, how many had evil ints and were constantly committing overts, thus all the new L’s, XDN, False Purpose RD, etc. And THESE people were supposedly the top 1% of the 1% on the planet!!!!!!! All culminating in LRH’s completely insane RS witch hunt in the SO and then effectively letting Miscavige destroy the mission network in the early 80s.
Had nothing to do with Xenu … unless of course LRH’s and COB’s Body Thetans starting running the show …😀
*should add too, LRH’s raising prices month by month in about 1974 or so (he said it was because of inflation) which has continued to this present day, which has effectively ELIMINATED about 99% of the people on Earth even according Scientology, even if the PR on it wasn’t in the toilet . Yeah, “clearing the planet” 😀😀😀😀😀
I joined for the content of the spiritual practices, and for sure the effectiveness of the practises, meaning does one gain supernatural soul powers through doing the spiritual teachings or practices, yes or no.
Not in 1970 when the hoopla got crowds who are poised for non drug spiritual soul supernatural gaining, for me, the non drug route of Scientology’s supernatural teachings and practises is a key factor for me choosing them.
Just because some missions were excellent in keeping happily engaged followers does NOT mean they gained the promised “OT” soul supernatural powers.
Neither then, now, or in the future, will Scientology teachings or practises result in supernatural soul improvement or powers.
So to me, that is primary.
Secondary are the spurts of membership numbers, and arguing were the style of running the orgs and missions and groups and field auditors more lenient era operation, for sure in the right time in the zeitgeist, Scientology sort of was a “well placed” non drug option for supposed soul enlightenment souls powers supernatural gaining stuff.
But a long term RTC staffer and later Marketing person, Shelly Brit, noted essentially “You can’t sell Scientology now.”
It is like the internet has let the Scientology practises cat out of the bag, the Xenu OT 3 thru 7 exorcism of body-thetans cat is out of the bag.
No one’s ever shown and cannot show supernatural abilities, so the false soul improvement promises don’t bite anymore.
I beg to differ, it just is too important the tying of Xenu and his mass murdering of humanoids brought here from other planets, and their spirits then implanted with the R6 implants, all those spirits today infesting all humans on earth, for which Scientology officially requires its orthodox members to do the five exorcism levels OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, a whole lot of spiritual practice are those five exorcism steps of final upper Scientology’s path of spiritual improvement.
Xenu and body-thetans give soul theory behind upper Scientology practices.
Scientology is soul memory alleviation by way of the lower levels pseudo-therapy and then the upper levels exorcism levels, both levels supposedly peel off debilitating soul memories that once eliminated unleash our basic soul powers we’ve clamped down.
Explaining the Xenu and OT 3 exorcism theory is vital to include in fully defining “What Is Scientology?”
Know before you go. I sure would have liked to know what the OT levels were about, when I joined, and sure would like to know the spiritual nuts and bolts simplicity of Scientology’s five exorcism steps today.
Xenu is pretty handy to explain in simple terms, to understand why the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism is even on the official Scientology menu still today.
Soul memories alleviation, through the lower pseudo-therapy, and the upper exorcism procedures, that is what Scientology is.
If Hub wanted thetans to as-as the physical universe then he would have made his techniques accessible to the Sri Lankan tea picker, the Laotian rice farmer, the malnourished Indian street scavenger, and the toothless whores of South London.
He didn’t.
Judge people by their actions, he told us. His religion was never meant for the masses (if everyone is special, no one is). It was meant for him…and people like him. Middle-class nerds who were bullied in their youth.
Hubbard’s full game for giving out Scientology soul improvement teachings and practices, is the problem.
There ought be a book that neutrally simplifies Scientology theory and practices, NOT in Hubbard’s terms.
I think the simplest neutral way to define Scientology is call it:
soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism practices
If you cut just the soul memories pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice steps OUT of Scientology, and examined only that, that to me is Scientology.
All the other Hubbard rules and marketing and hoopla is just that. Rules and marketing and hoopla, all to be skipped.
Once you separate to just discuss the pseudo-therapy and exorcism practices, then you see it’s pretty much all quackery, or “rubbish” as John Sweeney calls it.
Quackery is okay. Buddhists have their quackery too. They all do. Some of the rituals I’ve observed in Asia, for example, are just as kooky – if not more so – than anything in scientology.
I actually don’t think Scientology’s problem is its upper level teaching, per se. In fact, it may be its USP in an era with (supposedly) more frequent military UFO encounters and noted physicists openly discussing simulation universes.
How does a Sri Lankan tea picker or a penniless whore go up the Bridge? That is the ultimate question. And that is the problem inherent in scientology as a religious system. How can it unite the masses and as-is the “simulation” when only a miniscule % of people have the time and money to actually deliver/receive/do it?
It reminds me of the Vietnamese caodaists, whose rituals require so many hours of the day, every day, that barely anyone (other than the elderly/retired) has the time to worship. And so it’s dying out.
Question: Remember how one of the Tech Films, has the actor jumping out of bed after reading “Evolution of a Science” or it might be “History of Dianetics” one of the two books pre DMSMH, it was a tech film and the point was just reading the “tech” allowed this guy to heal himself of his engram.
So, my question always was, how come Scientology doesn’t do the same, and just have a nice long single book of ALL of the commands for all of the Scientology processes from bottom to top. They do have the Subject Vol 3 for the 1991 red vols, and Subject Vol 3 has all the commands from the bottom up through NED aka “Clear.” They don’t have the next upper half of the Bridge’s commands available, but there is a “squirrel” “OT Volume” red volume online with most of the rest of the Bridge commands though.
Do you think someone could just “solo” the whole Bridge, by reading and doing all the commands? Just skip doing it with someone else, just solo the whole thing?
And skip the meter also. Seeing as so many other religions and like you say the Buddhists, have all sorts of stuff they do, and they do most of it ‘solo” with no folder workseets upkeeping, and no meter.
it’d be more in keeping with the spiritual history of the world to just take all the Hubbard commands, and do them solo, and not even keep worksheets, etc, etc,
Do Solo Scientology/Here Are The Commands
there was the book “Self Analysis” so why not “Solo Scientology If You Want To Do It Yourself”
Nickname DIY Scientology On Yourself
Ken Ogger (The Pilot) compiled a DIY book of “self clearing” processes outside of the CoS. I can’t speak for their efficacy but he would later drown himself in a swimming pool…which arguably isn’t the best advert.
He also claimed that Scientology could be reduced to the processes themselves and that auditors (as guides) could serve those who seek assistance, who struggle, get stuck or lack discipline. Kinda like the ashram gurus in India.
With anti-establishment sentiment increasing in the west, arguably more people now than ever are open to ideas such as shadow governments, of living in a “matrix”, that reality is not quite what it seems. Scientology (including the original OT8 student briefing) could be a religion for the age. Instead it’s just an aging, exorbitantly-priced therapy club for uncritical status chasers and spiritual hall monitors.
It is easy to call other people who have been tricked, deceived, lied to etc. “stupid”. There are very few people who have never been deceived or tricked by a person or group. People continue to believe all sorts of lies. The CoS has perfected deceiving its members. Most people in Scientology are not stupid any more than most Republicans who still think the election was stolen are stupid, or Catholics who put priests and nuns up on pedestals or Jews (mostly very religious sects as many congregations will toss out a rabbi for flimsy reasons) believe whatever the rabbi says (real example – all babies born in 8th month of pregnancy will die, or the earth is 5700 years old, etc.). From our early childhood we are taught to listen to authorities, do what our parents, teachers and ministers tell us. If we are honest people we tend to believe others are honest too, so it is easy to fall for scams. Until we teach our children (and ourselves) to objectively evaluate everything, we will fall for things which are false and deceitful.
Not easy at all. Actually very difficult to come to that conclusion . Yes, STUPID (look up the word), or maybe just better said as INCREDIBLY IGNORANT, REFUSING TO SEE WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.
Caused by cult membership, brainwashing, peer pressure , fear of losing jobs, friends and family, etc?
No argument .
But remember, many of us (thousands) did not STAY ignorant and left.
Sorry. But I must disagree with your comments 100%.
They are simply not true.
Talk about Alternate History?
If a Scientologist gets the Hubbard theory, they should arrive at the concept that someday they will attain Native State, and be like the earthlings in the Hubbard fiction story of 1940, “One Was Stubborn” where the earthlings with the help of the Hubbard guru character in that story get the earthlings to as-is the physical universe, and gets them to this static state, where each can now go off and create their own Home Universe (essentially the state Hubbard speculated all of us were, long ago, per Time Track Bulletin 1 where Hubbard discusses us each starting from our own Home Universe).
Scientologists can’t be discussing all this, it’s verbal data and they aren’t allowed anything but play along obfuscating their subject with Hubbard’s marketing false promising hype themes.