There are 6700 “on or complete” on OT VII according to Mr. Rabey.
There are only 2200 “OT VIII” completions?
Ruh roh.
How come such a small percentage go on to OT VIII?
There could be several explanations:
1. The number on OT VII is a lie and consists of people who are NOT auditing or have been declared
2. Any “completions” on OT VII, having attained “Cause Over Life” are being sent to re-do the Purif and Objectives to attain something they missed in their “Cause Over Life” accomplishment
3. Those who are completing OT VII are so tapped out they don’t have the airfare to get home, let alone pay to go to the Freewinds for some more sec checking before they start OT VIII and participate in the full “Freewinds Experience” (full time vulture fodder with nowhere to escape).
4. OT VII “comps” really aren’t interested in doing anything further. The end phenomena of OT VII is not in fact cause over life but weariness about regging. They want to get away and try to live unmolested.
A combination of all of the above…
Though the best clue is in the survey — it is asking all about Basics, Purif and SRD on OT VIII COMPS to “prepare them for their next OT level.” This is ALL anyone is interested in these days. It is “GAG II” and that is “command intention”…
It must have become unbearable to most of these people to watch the constantly shifting goalposts and the carrot both receding into the distance AND shriveling up into something that is increasingly less and less desirable.
It has been 3 months since I last got an update from you on your progress. There are over 2,200 New OT VIIIs.
I would like to know what progress has been made as to where each New OT VIII stands on the preparations for the next OT level. We need to know what is done and when the next action is going to be done so that we can ensure that each of you is ready!
Please answer the following questions as soon as possible:
- If not, where do you stand on your study of the Basic Books and Lectures?
What is your schedule? - HAVE YOU FINISHED YOUR SRD?
If so, where are you at and when are you targeted for completion? - Are you already a completion?
If so, which ones are completed and which one are you currently on?
I am looking forward to getting your answers.
Sherry Anderson
Tech Sec FSSO
Its almost too absurd to be real. Like ordering an experienced chef to restudy how to peel potatoes properly. Something like that. Not TOO invalidative.
Perhaps these days with the upside-down Bridge, Raw Meat Div 6ers are being cornered thusly: “Have you word-cleared the Factors and the PDC’s yet?”
“Have you started your Purif?” People, I’m cracking up – for real. Perfect question for an OTVII completion. Help me, I can’t stop laughing!
HBO changed “Going Clear “from March 16 to 29th ( Sunday)
You know what this means!!!!
Awards for best Toga and anyone dressed in Sea Org Captains uniform
Sherry: I can see you have no humanity or empathy whatsoever. I would never want to spend time with you or your thoughts. I hope you are going to be happy with your hell-like condition when your OTVII heart finally cracks and exudes its inner bile. In the meantime go back and re-iron your Nazi jugend brown shirt uniform so we can spot you on the street for what you are.
Not much of a carrot, considering how hard they have to strive for it. When I was “in”, the Sea Org staff speculated that the fabulous L Rundowns, including the one where you were not allowed to leave the ship under Ron’s C/Sing until you were stably exterior with full perception, was from the OT levels numbered in the thirties. And we know that nobody actually was stably exterior with full perception after doing this L Rundown, so we might be tempted to conclude that even OT levels in the thirties don’t actually give OT powers. So what use is OT IX and OT X? Not much, plus we know they don’t exist, so it is not a very appealing carrot. Plus they have to strive for it by giving donations time and time again, and redoing their levels right down to the Purif, time and time again.
If these OT VIII’s had any sense then they would disappear under the radar for a few years until a Scientologist who has completed one of these levels higher than OT VIII wins the Randi Million. Make that “a few decades”. Errm … make that “in their next lifetime” (that they will never have).
You were in court yesterday and are expected to be there today.
Will you please write about what happened?
Well, I was not actually in court. I was excluded from the proceedings as a witness. And generally I do not write about cases in which I am a consultant and/or witness.
OK, I understand that. Sending positive thoughts out for the Garcia’s
Mike, are they not letting you in the court room because you were also a witness? I hope they let you in in your role as consultant. Are they?
A witness. It’s the law.
@ Fred G Haseney NYC: Hotel Martinique now Raddison Martinique
Been watching “Inside the American Mob” on Netflix and there was a Mob Boss in Philly by the name of Nicky Scarfo. He was short like DM, violent like DM, made people disappear like DM, and was only interested in the money like DM and if he had to beat up public to get it he would do that like DM. What is it with these short guys? …Napoleon(5′ 6″), Stalin(5′ 6″), Hitler(5′ 8″), Goebbels(5′ 5″) etc.
And DM at, what, 5’3″?
Ruh roh!
Hi Sherry,
Why don’t you go post that on ESMB so that some OTVIII’s might actually see it?
Friendly suggestion is all….
It’s a combination of “all of the above”. Plus the spin=LIES that the church puts out regarding membership.
I know lots of OTVII’s who either didn’t finish the level, or did finish and then did not go the Ship for the reasons mentioned above.
Some got fed up after being harangued and harassed for money after they attested to OTVII and prior to getting CS okay to leave the base. That was the tipping point where one friend of mine said “I’m done, this isn’t the freedom I was looking for”. They were told stuff like nuclear war was imminent and $$$ was needed for the IAS (the IAS is very powerful and can stop nuclear war, you know). Another was told that the SHIP needed $$$ for fuel and it was a grave “emergency”. Seriously, they drive people away with this kind of nonsense.
Now since GATII came out there is a whole new game to run with these guys. Those who finished OTVIII can go back to the beginning and those who finished 7 can do the same. What a racket!
I did something to help the “cause” today. As I returned from a store on Sunset Boulevard, east of Western Avenue, and just a few blocks west of the PAC Base, a 55-year-old or so guy walked toward me. He looked like he needed directions, so I asked him about it. He wanted to get to some place but didn’t have certainty about its location, so I asked him for the name of the business. He said something about the Advanced Organization of Los Angeles (“AOLA”); I told him I had been involved with $cientology and proceeded to give him directions to AOLA. But he had actually come from AOLA, and needed to visit a friend at $cientology’s International headquarters on Hollywood Blvd., a guy with whom he had been sharing letters or emails.
I asked, “How’s it going for you at AOLA? I heard that David Miscavige’s $cientology isn’t necessarily L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology. Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore (as Judy Garland’s Dorothy said to her dog in The Wizard of Oz).” The guy looked at me as if he had something to say; you could see it in his eyes; some kind of doubt had been festering in that poor soul’s mind. He said, instead, “It’s all going fabulously well,” or something to that effect. At that moment, a vehicle appeared, needing to enter the little-used driveway that we had actually been standing in. Suddenly, the $cientologist split, leaving for points west. I really believe that I helped water a seed that someone or something else had been sprouting in him. I don’t think that car just happened to appear when it did; I believe it was his non-confront of Miscavige’s $cientology manifesting itself in the spiritual universe.
The guy: originally from Philadelphia, got into $cientology in New York, at a place with the word “Hotel” in the phrase, located near Fifth Avenue or at a crossroads section of the city.
The Martinique Hotel? That was down on East 32nd Street. First org ever to be declared in Power both Day and Foundation. Those were truly the good old days when reasonable sanity still reined.
Apologies to Ira Gershwin.
It ain’t necessarily so
It ain’t necessarily so
The t’ings dat yo’ li’ble
To read in Ron’s Bible
It ain’t necessarily so
Li’l David, he lived off de whales
Li’l David, he lived off de whales
Fo’ he made his home in
Dat fish’s abdomen
Li’l David, he lived off de whales
I’m preachin’ dis sermon to show
It ain’t nece-ain’t nece
Ain’t nece-ain’t nece
Ain’t necessarily … so!
Yeah, Michael, he is for sure livin’ off de whales! (while making sure everyone else in the CoS has plenty of nothin’)
I have long thought that crediting LRH, your auditor and/or the CS, was literally giving away any of one’s wins. Yes, I did play the game at the time, but internally I knew that it was I, the preclear/preot, who was doing the hard work, digging into whatever cave, jungle or mucky trench to get the answers I needed for my life to improve.
I was thankful toward my auditor, in particular, and the c/s (if a good session was planned out), but I never lost sight of who was producing the win. Failing to understand that is what puts one at the effect of auditing, training, etc. “Scientology”, in and of itself, does NOTHING.
One of my earliest discoveries was that to immediately go the an examiner and then a “success” officer, was to end cycle on the cog one had had. So I learned to invent something to tell them which also got me an F/N to keep them happy. Really powerful cogs could and did last and grow for (often) months. I loved being unsessionable because I was still experiencing a growing/expanding piece of information I’d gained internally.
Thus many of those cogs are still growing because I never “finished” them, knowing that with further life experience they could be stretched further still.
I worked in a mission at one time where after a really good win, a pc was told to enjoy it and write it up ONLY if they chose to do so. Sometimes it was weeks or months before they did so. And it was always much larger than when they’d originally “gotten” it.
If I had to own my case, then it only made sense to own the wins, too.
you know late at night, when things are real and people gab among themselves.
some are quick to take the bait and catch the perfect prize up on the self.
but Oz never did give nothing to the tin man that he didn’t already have and Oz never was the reason for the evening or the tropic sir galahad.
Quite a few OT 8 completions have left or been declared as well so they really don’t have 2200 OT 8 completions. It is far less than that. David Miscavige is an idiot and anyone buying his GAT 1 and GAT 2 might just deserve what they are going to get.
Sometimes COB asks me to write Data Series evals for him for stuff he wants to do. I have one currently in progress for him and it goes something like this:
Situation: Scientology has crashed internationally.
Why: Every scientologist in the world did a quickie job of their first admin course, Staff Status 0, so they weren’t able to succeed at anything else after that.
1) Even LRH failed to do Staff Status 0 properly. When LRH returns – and LRH is tardy at this point as Marty has previously said – LRH will promptly be declared S.P. and as part of his A-E will be required to steal more of Mike Rinder’s trash and hang camera’s in trees around Marty’s house.
2) COB is the only one in the world who did not quickie Staff Status 0 so as his reward he will give himself a promotion in rank.
3) All church assets will transfer to COB personally as it will be expensive to build a bigger hole for everyone.
Ethics why: Underlying the “administrative why”, every scientologist, even LRH, while they were doing a quickie job of Staff Status 0 were secretly dreaming of becoming a “bitter defrocked apostate on the fringes of the internet”.
All certs in this sector of the galaxy are canceled.
Humorous thought. LRH coming back on lines. Maybe as Cheyl Cummerbund or something. Writes a KR on DM for fundraising and building ideal buildings, protests the student hat, claims to be past life clear, gets thoroughly investigated, and very soon after is declared.
A couple of problems:
1) Why are they selling basic services to those finishing the top level of the bridge?
(Perhaps because anyone leaving the ship needs a good locational after being hounded for weeks for money?)
2) Why are they still dangling OT 9 and 10 when they don’t exist, never did exist and never will? When was the last time anyone from “Int Management” even talked about these levels? Oh that’s right, they’re all locked up in the hole. Perhaps Miscavige doesn’t talk about these levels anymore because he wants to avoid legal issues.
This whole “survey” seems to insult one’s intelligence.
After all the “old” Class 6’s and Class 8’s die off or get declared, Dave will pull something out of the Class 6 or Class 8 tapes and call it OT IX and X. Or HE will wait for those who did the “old” OT Levels to die off and create OT IX and X out of those. The sheeple will lap it up in any case, even if there are out-points.
In fact!, Dave could probably do that now. I forgot. Out-points don’t matter.
Maven – +100
I always find these “Questions on Where you stand” surveys extremely annoying – and I’m not even in Scientology. They just seem worded so imperiously, and this one in particular with the ALL CAPS is intrusive and offensive. I also always find myself thinking that in these days of technology, why don’t they have the person’s progress logged in a database somewhere? They should have much better record keeping, so they wouldn’t have to rely on ‘self reporting’ one’s progress. It’s just an unnecessary step and erodes confidence in the organization. I’m the type of person who would simply toss out (or discard if an email) this form with scorn and say if you don’t know my progress I’m not going to make it easy for you. But that’s just me, and probably one of the reasons why I’d never make it in this organization with its rigid hierarchical structure.
It’s really like the mafia calling to ask how your family is doing, if your kids are healthy. It has the purpose to gently intimidate, and has nothing to do with organisation at all.
A critic once described the cult as a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia…
to me it sounds like a lot of OT8s are not redoing stuff their stuff. so in order to push them and get them moving to redo everything he’s trying to tantalize them and suggest redoing will get them freshened and ready to do “the next OT level”.
at least that’s what i take away from it. nobody’s redoing so lets suggest that if they don;t redo they can’t get on 9.
here’s a little simple but sure fire way scientology can increase their bottom line by about 100 million a year. just drop the lawsuits and reasons for needing such expense lawyering.
that’s it, presto you have a 100 mil more than last year.
it’s like scientology would break any law to make a 100 million, but if you said “hey here’s a way we can make 100 mil, lets not be jerks and not break any laws” they’d put you in the hole.
they squeeze the life out of one group of people just to make another group rich, the lawyers.
listen if you’ve gotten to OT8 and you’re still a mess, that says something right there. is 9 gonna really make the difference?
you think miscavige gets off on power, you think he would love to have a lot of power? you think if being OT something would give him power he would take it? does it look like he’s scared of OT8s?
you think miscavige would sell you something that could make you more powerful than him?
when asked, what is power? he said something to the effect “power is if someone is willing to listen to you”.
note he, the keeper of the tech, did not say something like “power is the ability to transcend your body while controlling matter, energy, space and time”.
OT9 may as well be OT9000, for all it matters.
you like the tech, you think there’s something to be had, then go get it online for free and have yourself a ball. but there is no reason to give this guy another penny for anything.
” when asked, what is power? he said something to the effect “power is if someone is willing to listen to you”.
Yo Dave,
We’re listening good buddy. Any new drivel to spew today? How about a new handle for you …… like Neighbor or something. Anyway, we can’t wait for your next blog comment……………………. spit it out!
My first action as an Indie was get case cleaned up because
I learned how to FOOL the C of $ on OT 7. Then Rex Fowler
was cornered in that RAT TRAP and bankrupted his business, convicted of murder,
botched suicide and is in prison in Colorado.
Cause over life is not being able to fake living life to the satisfaction
of a psychopathic midget with lots of status trophies.
Today for some reason, the sheer idiocy of advertising that there are millions, MILLIONS!!!! of church members juxtaposed against only 6700 making it all the way to OTVII after all these years just hit me. How is that even possible?
If there was a snowflake’s chance in hell that the Church’s estimate of members was anywhere near correct, that is an immensely poor ratio of people who have stumbled their way near the top of the processing bridge.
On the other hand, the longer they can stop people from completing OTVIII, the longer they have to continue to pretend that OTIX and OTX exist. Simple Scientology math.
Valerie, your post reminded me of one I did about 5 years ago, which I will repost (with a few edits):
IF you take the church’s number of “millions of members”, the minimum number that would have to be is 2 million.
There has been an ongoing campaign for at least the last ten or so years to get “10,000 people on or through OT7″. The church is still not close to accomplishing this, but let’s assume that they did indeed meet this 10K goal.
With the above numbers, the percentage of Scientologists on the Bridge to Total Freedom that actually arrive at the top of the bridge is a moribund one half of one percent!
If you take the more realistic number of Scientologists being 40,000 or so that Jeff Hawkins mentioned several years ago, then the number “10,000 on or through OT 7″ is still a paltry 25%. What if firemen only put out 25% of the fires that erupted in the city? What if mothers only fed their children 25% of the meals they should?
As far as management of the church goes, either of these numbers suggest a screamingly urgent situation that requires a competent evaluation and an all-out effort to figure out how to rectify this problem. Hint: the Why is not “Churches have been doing too little” nor “the Blind have bee leading the Blind.”
Now, let’s talk about cancer and suicide on Solo Nots. Here are some data for you guys.
There is a tag status for each Solo Nots auditor:
Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.
Grey tag: audit less than 4 sessions daily and doesn’t come on time for his 6 month check.
Orange tag: Not allowed to solo audit because of out ethics situation.
Purple tag: Not allowed to audit because of illness or sickness.
Black tag: Disaffected with the church.
See the way it works? One starts the level with a Green tag then, depending on his “ability to be Cause over Life” one keeps his Green tag or, follow the dwindling spiral to Black tag.
There are about 5,300 Solo Nots Auditors worldwide and about(depending on their current status):
1,000 Green tags
1,100 Grey tags
900 Orange tags
800 Purple tags
1,500 Black tags
The 10,000 on Solo Nots is just a dream. There is only 1,000 of them auditing regularly.
I was Solo Nots D of P Europe and i personally met the following Solo Nots Auditors. They were all with advanced cancer: [snip]
Poster Michel on ESMB.
Dammit! I wish I could have gotten one of those black tags before I went to the dark hole on board the ship.
ARC breaks shows an F/N .. maybe 8 swing ..
GAT II auditor calls it.
GAT II C/S sends PC to attest with note to examiner in PCs folder:
” If PC fails to mention how wonderful the COB is, return to qual regardless of how many times his needle swings!”
I like the last question, “And which one is completed and which one are you currently on, Sherry?”
How about, “And which one is completed and which one are you currently on , Dave?”
The carrot has always changed in Scientology.
The carrot has changed because the carrot was never there.
Hope was there.
The carrot has changed from being “exterior with full perception” to handling “druggy Bts” and “non druggy BTs.”
Once one’s the responsibility for spiritual growth has been dangerously assigned to Ron/Scientology, then carrot clamberers will resurrect hope that “the next one will do it.” And pay up.
Freedom of the soul from being stuck in a body was the first carrot that touched the spiritual realm from Ron.
He sold it, implied he attained it, falsely advertised his auditing procedures would deliver it.
When the old grade chart somehow lost it’s “100% standard result and all you have to do is put your feet and money on the bridge”…………….
Nots was revealed.
During the “natural clear” revelation in the late 70s, standard Scientology started loosing it’s standardness. That in itself is a cognitive dissonance.
These false claims are why the Feds went after Ron.
Not because they were SPs trying to stop “mans only hope”, but they were trying to protect us from lies, false advertising of healing and potential harm.
That is why Scientology keeps changing.
Old timers with freedom still flowing in their veins, get it, and get declared because they’ve been around long enough to see the pattern.
That is why – young wog fresh meat homo saps – are needed to feed the money beast.
That is why this church needs the public to know all about it.
We must keep our young away from this danger.
Calling all salivating Sharks that are watching HBO on the 16th.
My HBO party scene has changed and I’m looking for a shark tank in LA to watch Going Clear.
Any LA based watchers?
Maybe shoot an email to me. Maybe Mike can give it to you?
I will bring beer
Keep us posted Brian. We may need to rent the Shrine!
Count me in…
It would be nice to meet fellow bitter apostates. It’s possible that my bitter apostate state is more bitter than yours. I have been told this about me by some and am starting to enjoy the “better than you” state. It’s marvelous to know people are less than me in bitter apostate-hood status. Ah, status! It’s all I could ever be!
I could bring a chair and extra beer for any OSA agents. We can invite them in and give them special treatment.
I think if we keep someone near the dumpster at the house, we can collect OSA agents, offer them some food and a beer. Treat them with respect and love. If they get too out of hand we can usher them back to their 100% standard dumpster diving tech.
I wonder if there is a check sheet for crawling in dumpsters?
Here is the heading:
” little has been known about the importance of looking through people’s garbage. Many wise men of the hoary days of implanted priests tried in vain to unlock the secrets of bitter defrocked apostates by going through their trash with non standard results.
“Now for the first time in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 7 hrs, 57 minutes, 32.800011 seconds, we have standard Dumpster Diving Tech.”
In our brand new Dumpster Room we have a gold leafed dumpster with jewel encrusted Scientology symbols, just how Ron intended it. You can help save the planet by “knowing your garbage.”
OK, I have to stop. To much time on my hands today.
But I would love to watch Going Clear with Indies, never ins, SPs and PTSes. A rainbow coalition.
I’m in! Keep us posted on when and where.
I’ll bring beer.
This is just in
HBO is moving the premier to Sun March 29, at 8:000 pm eastern
The doc in now getting the coveted sunday prime time slot
Hey Brian! I’m in Orange County but I don’t have HBO. The new date is now 29 March on a Sunday night. The biggest night for watching TV. Let me know what you find out.
Brian, sign me up for the DDC (Dumpster Diving Course). What I would really like as a course completion would be a tiny, leather-bound dumpster to wear on a chain around my neck. Real status!
That’s the EP of OT VIII, “There is no carrot.” Then you attest.
The attestation must contain the words “Dave has no carrot!” ……. otherwise route to MAA for further fondling, I mean handling.
Yes, Dave has no and was not responsible for offering no carrot.
Yes, Mary, then you attest. Right after that you bitch slap the person in front of you into the next county.
This is factually like an IQ test. Anyone who did VII AND VIII who don’t realize that they were completely scammed by EL Ron’s OT lie is likely to keep falling for the same obvious lie. Again & again.
“I am looking forward to getting your answers.” – meaning “You better give me these answers soon or else I’m going to lean even harder on you.”
Creepy. Just creepy.
Creepy beyond words. Creepiness that can’t be explained.
These OT VIIIs have all been to the circus. I’m sure they see right through this crap.
No unfortunately they don’t see through this crap. It is very interesting to me because they are smart people. They are totally convinced that “new” materials have been found and they are so grateful for it. Weird.
Excellent article Mike. Every one of the reasons you gave are the reasons OT VII’s are not going onto VIII. Sad. I know a recent OT VII completion who completed VII and was all set to go to the Ship. She had scraped up every dime from anywhere and barely had enough to get to the Freewinds. But at the last minute they told her no she can’t go because the new Warehouse VIII Meter had just come out and she would have to fork over the $5,000 for one (or $10,000 for two) before they would let her do VIII on the Ship. So her hopes and plans were dashed. I wonder how much bigger the ARCX read shows up on a super duper new Warehouse VIII meter?
And of course the Mother F****ers new way in advance about the meters but took her payment of OTVIII anyway knowing full well she couldn’t start until she bought the meters. Nice real nice and now after putting herself in tremendous debt can’t ask for that OTVIII money back cause she’ll be declared. Yup have seen this game played out before. What a great ethical religion.
The ARCX break reads show up 50,000 times bigger. They are so massive, they will blow you backwards out of your chair.
Oh yeah, there’s also the game of people getting regged for auditing and then told “Oh sorry, but you’re not eligible for auditing on the base”. You know the types who are considered too scary, PTS, psycho, criminal, whatever. Of course, their money was good enough to take in the first place but NEVER to return when the person is told “no”. I had a public I was working with that was regged for a package for $12,000. The guy started out with paying six. He was then given a “Sorry, but no”. His money sat at the org, unused because he didn’t want to go back, upset. Since he’s a Scientologist, he won’t ask for it to be returned and hopes that one day, it will work out.
That is such a scam! And so sad for the poor sap who was amboozled. I wish one of those out A to J type people that the church perpetrated this on would sue them for false promises, for taking their money knowing full well they would refuse service. They have a good chance of winning the lawsuit.
Sherry sounds pretty desperate to me.
Please note: OSA and other interested parties. I am using my original ‘handle’ as my blog ‘name’. It is not because I wish to do my A to E and get back in good standing. Anyone interested can ask me behind lines.
Yo Sherry,
You may want to add a couple of additional questions to help you get a real picture (spelled mental image to you culties) of the scene:
11) Do you have debt? If so what is your debt/income ratio (total debt/annual income)
12) Is your annual income greater than your annual cost of living? If yes, by how much?
Now Sherry, if you then take the pleebes total debt from line 11 and divide by line 12 (assuming it is a positive no.), that will tell you how many years will pass before you should expect to see the person back on lines. Or, you could simply blow off the reality and convince the pleebe that their next action will propel them into massive highest ever income levels because of their awesome wins and gains from not having to confront their debts ( and perhaps reading Dianetics …..again) and replace it with the ‘Glee of Bankruptcy’.
Just sayin………..
And Dave,
Today I predict will be a new highest ever for people ‘WAKING UP TO THE FACT YOU ARE A LOSER, LIAR AND other than that, just a plain old NASTY SOCIOPATH. There will of course be a new highest ever next month to celebrate El Cons birthday stat crash and the new documentary on HBO. Cheers good buddy!
Also add: 3.) How was your last sec check on the ship?
4) How was your last programmed action on the ship? Did you pay full price for it? If so, how did you come up with the money for that? Wins and gains?
5) How was the regging from the IAS on the ship? Could you walk down the hall without being accosted? What were your wins and gains from that?
6) How were the two mandatory/week “briefings” and weekly graduation you went to? Did they have to come get you out of your cabin in order to attend? Did you donate once you heard the briefing? What were your wins and gains from that?
7) Once done with your sec check, how was your visit with your MAA? Did you have fun doing the program MAA laid out? Did you have to do lowers for any transgressions? If so, did you donate to make up any damage? What were your wins and gains?
8) Once complete with OT VIII, did you feel you had gotten what you expected from it? Wins and gains?
9) When you completed your final sec check to get off the ship and your routing form, walked off the gang plank and onto the docks what was your first thought?
10) Did you share these thoughts or any of your wins and gains with others?
LOL !!! Priceless.
Possible No 11) Did you consider buying some stock in Johnson and Johnson? If no …why not?
Yo Sherry,
You,ve gotta get these added to your list …………….then resend!
ditto the above!
10) Answer: Yea, I did share my thoughts and then I got declared. That was my gain.
McCarran, there used to be a joke that went something like what is the sweetest sound a Solo Nots auditor hears after his “6 month check” ?? The sound of his seat belt fastening as he gets on the plane to get as far away as possible.
Hey Newcomer, are you sure you don’t want to do your A to E? I’ll do mine if you’ll do yours. We could twin on it.
Now that is a tough offer to refuse Al. Let me mull it over for a century or two!
Hey, if Coop doesn’t want to do it, I’ll twin with you, Al. I did a parody once at FLAG regarding auditing. The public was ROTFLTAO! The SO members…not so much. Being a former stand-up comic in scientology didn’t always work well for me. I’ll tell ya,these folks just don’t have a sense of humor.
The Tech Sec doing Division 2 Registration/Promotion/Call Inn functions?
She is supposed to be running the Academy and HGCs…oh, sorry, forgot they are empty. No wonder. Maybe this is happening because they are not an IDEAL Ship.
Sherry, the Tech Sec, is probably doing lowers. You know, cuz it’s all her fault that no one is in the Academy and HGC’s.
Seems like that is the new normal!
Sherry is desperate beyond words right now. And, Mary, I think you’re right with the lowers. Sucks being in scientology…
Hate to say it but judging by most of the people on or complete on OTVII that I have personally met. I think they might actually be on the right track. Now, if they hadn’t GATII it all up and if they could some how acknowledge having let them up the bridge incorrectly in the first place they might be getting somewhere… I wish there was a way to write this without seaming to invalidate the state of OTVII. So I will point out that letting false attesters up the bridge invalidates the state for those actually achieved it!!!!
A “state” is always temporary and conditional by definition.
“So I will point out that letting false attesters up the bridge invalidates the state for those actually achieved it!!!!”
That’s a very good point indeed from83 and explains a lot about the intelligence level displayed by the people in the RCS, especially the OTC’s. I realised by your statement RCS execs come across as though they are dealing with recalcitrant children. However, NO ONE IS TELLING THE TRUTH, that’s their common denominator and lying drops both intelligence and observation and has been replaced with authority junkies on a stupid trip.
And on top of the pile is captain miscavige – a man who slaps PCs… go figure…
Excellent point from83. The problem is the “inspection before the fact”, en masse viewpoint of the rcs where everyone is painted with the same brush. Spiritual beings are completely unique individuals and their abilities and needs should be assessed as such. People are not car parts on an assembly line. This is why gross invalidation and evaluation is rampant in the rcs, because what the individual needs or doesn’t need is irrelevant. The individual’s point of view, even about their own universe, problems or needs is irrelevant. I knew flag was seriously fucked up when no one gave a shit about my point of view. The pc/preots point of view is the ONLY thing that is important. To violate that is to violate the persons cause which is directly antipathetic to the purpose or goal of auditing. The radical church is a classic suppressive group because it is routinely damaging cases.
Too right, HJ. And the casual invalidation by anyone simply cancelling certs for no apparent reason at all is truly suppressive.
from83, LRH very cleary showed the “state of OT VII”. Wanting to be electrocuted to get rid of the imaginary “BT’s” THAT is the standard tech. Unless others think that they know better than LRH? LOL
Seriously though. Since the DEMONSTRATED state of VII has NOTHING to do with being “OT”, what IS the point? This question that has NEVER been answered by a Hubbard follower…
…Seriously though. Since the DEMONSTRATED state of VII has NOTHING to do with being “OT”, what IS the point? This question that has NEVER been answered by a Hubbard follower…
…and never will be, nor ever can be.
What Hubbard did was convince those chosen ‘proud few’ (no, not the marines) their eternal spirit WAS their personal mind absent ‘reaction to life’, and those unfortunate few, bought it. Not knowing what was in store for them, at the end of the rainbow, or, at the top of the bridge.
Putting any human mind in the position of being (via belief) an Eternal Power and Authority over Life is dangerous at best, and disastrous at worst.
Start of assessment:
Do you want off the level?
Want to get away from all the regging?
Do you feel molested by Flag?
Are there thoughts you have that you dare not tell Flag?
No money?
Has Flag stolen all your money?
Want to stop drinking the kool aid but don’t know how?
Do you think Clive Rabey is full of shit?
End of assessment. Your needle is floating. We will be programing your folder based on the reads we got.
Gosh, can you imagine, Tony, the response this assessment would get if allowed to be done on those still IN?
the case resurgence all would experience!!!, It’s revitalize the ot purpose of all in the entire field it would cause a new boom…
You forgot “Have you borrowed money from banks thus making you the property of banks?” What PL was it LRH talks about when borrow from banks you become the property of banks?
Are you up to your ass in debt?
Did you say you were F/Ning just so you could escape Flag?
Afraid to talk to people about what is going on with you for fear of having to pay for more sec checking?
Has sec checking gone on too long?
Don’t feel trusted?
Do you feel betrayed?
Have you spent your life savings only to find out that you have really gotten nowhere?
C/S R-Factor: You are not Clear. We have reviewed your folders and your next step will be the purification R/D followed by objectives. Your needle is FLOATING!! END……of session!! You will have to go see the regg before your next session.
Your writing is always thoughtful, and those graphics often bring a smile to my otherwise dour face.
Thank you so much!
I love the smell of desperation in the morning. It smells like VICTORY!
Agree OSD, amazing how the smoke wafting up from the embers of a fried cult can have such a sweet smell! Seems like the group smells the worst when it is still twitching!
Speaking of which, there is an area down on Sunset that still smells pretty queer. We had better get down there with some more kindling!!
BTW OSD ….it’s still me ….went back to my old handle.
Would you check out the patter for the new revised GAG II, OT VII that has been rumored to be being piloted by Dave?
What are you?
A) An Asshole X
A sociopath F
A dildo LF
An other determined group of bitter cultites! LFBD – F/N (three swings noted)
Who are you?
A) Dave! (needle sticks, meter bursts into flame with small explosion. Distant cheers are heard)
‘ in the voice of El Con is heard the chant’ ….. “another one bites the dust. Welcome to target two.”
A handle by any other name would smell just as sweet…
Incredible to me that people would willingly submit to this level of intrusion and control over their lives. It would equate to a priest/deacon/minister demanding to know what books of the bible you’ve read, when you read it, what you discerned from it, and lastly how often you are praying and what about.
It is blatantly insane. God help the deluded seals into gaining a larger worldview.
Made me laugh … out loud.
Love “weary of regging”!! LOL!
None ever did a real “cause over life”. That was one of my very evident critic against OT levels, once you apply the “words clearing” as imagined by LRH. Indeed, imagine a small stone on the ground. You’re running or walking, not looking the ground. What can happen? You could stumble, you, OT or not , on that.
THAT has been cause over life! You’re life, aren’t you? Small stones, small leaves, microscopic microbes or viruses can as well be causes over life.
No need to attest that with a floating TA for any of them!
Dear Sherry,
Finished all of the above. Can’t wait for the next OT Level. One minor problem, I along with 1100 other OT VIII’s have been declared…. Stupid.
And the other 1100 are dead from illness or broken hearts …IMHO!
Notice I changed my name back to my original UTR handle McCarran. I think our friend is correct. Cheers!
Hmmmmmm. Very interesting.
McCarran, is that how many VIII’s are declared, or that is your estimate? I’d love to know.
That’s snark. BUT! I truly believe that most OT VIII’s are DONE. Even if they are UTR.
OT 8 list here:
Very presumptuous and cringe worthy. Recipient needs to tell her where she can stick that “student hat”.
I sat stunned looking at the post this morning. That series of questions from the Tech Sec FSSO are just about the most suppressive set of questions I have every seen technically. And it calls itself a survey, survey of what exactly – how stupid you’ve let yourself become?
Just what in the fuck has the basic books, purif, SRD Student Hat got to do with anything case wise after OT8? It makes me feel like puking at the travesty and blatant overrun, case invalidation and frying other fish I’ve ever seen in dealing with a case technically. It’s one thing to mock and have fun with their antics but those questions are asked seriously to the people at the top of miscavige’s bridge to oblivion.
Also Fast Flow was put there for a reason and the technical degrades going on in that organisation are unbelievable. One thing for sure is anyone that has allowed that organisation to persist in throwing those types of arbitraries on their case and then PAYING for it truly requires a Type 3 handling and good roads good weather to ever find their case again. When you think about it a case like the RCS gradiently produces with repeated sec checks have more than likely become so expert at falsifying the needle to end cycle on processes they are beyond processing the truth anyway. how could you trust the FN?. Honesty and case is not a matter to be taken lightly. The RCS has gone out of its way to convince people in their care to be a lie unto themselves and not know a thing about it.
And just what sort of club are they running? Introverted “R”US.
miscavige’s handiwork shines through once again – what an asshole!
Preparation for the next OT Level indeed, what a whooper that is!!!
Point is there no OT7 & 8s on RCS lines, not really, not since miscavige squirreled the processes and graded their technical passes.
Unfortunately, you are so right.
Was Miscavige so drunk on his nightly saturation of whiskey that he didn’t see that the Freewinds would be stymied by GAG II?
Well said Yawn….when I found out about the 3 swing fn I couldn’t believe it.
I decided to go to flag and find a CL XII I know (SO member). I stated my
disbelief in the 3 swing fn and he chuckled and shook his head. No comments on
the out tech of it. He then said when he is in session as a pc or just on the cans, that
he thinks of theta things (unrelated to why he was on the cans) until the needle swings
three times. Quite a solution to such blatant out tech by a CL XII…..just think good thoughts
unrelated to the subject until the needle swings three times. How would you like to be his pc?
My auditor was so tired he fell asleep – while giving me the question I might add. When I expressed my grievance with that, I had to get off mine or my similar overts. So glad I finally cried bullshit. So sorry it took so long.
Yes Potpie, it would definitely be a worry being a PC on church lines. There is no greater betrayal than that of your CS & auditor working against you. Where your case gain is intentionally forfeited for misguided and suppressive group ideals under tyrannical governance.
Just to think… what circumstance needs to exist where the PC has to surreptitiously take control of a session so as to fool both the auditor and CS?
I cannot suppress my anger on this, try as I might. I just don’t agree with the ease a lot of people invalidate their own and others case gain. Case cracking and review auditing is a very specialist activity and it’s not easy for a PC to live with betrayal at such a fundamental level even when the charge has been removed, the trust of one’s auditor & CS is akin to “family.”
This is one aspect worth fighting about, I see so many comments on anti-scn forums that are so negative and hateful to the tech it immediately raises my hackles to know that such a betrayal of theta exists at the auditing level of such a unique technology. There are no other crimes in this universe to compare with Black Dianetics/Scientology.
At the end of the day, when one has an old and hurting body and being a player as you once were becomes too much, moments of honesty become much more frequent, imho your case gain and theta abilities becomes incalculably valuable as you get to know yourself as a spiritual being. There is no substitute for being you, no matter how hard to try to be otherwise. Better a good job was done than a bad one in the first place.
Spot on comment Yawn. There is true danger in that the overrun and make wrong sessions are so introverting, that people become immediately “off their plate” and start making more and more mistakes. Then it’s just straight downhill. I’ve seen really cool people get very out of valence and weird with even physical manifestations like stuttering and crossed eyes, very quickly. Travesty indeed.
Yeah, going “out of session” with nice memories is the solution to get THROUGH Ruds, processes, sessions. What a travesty indeed…
I think the OTVII “comps” are Cause over Scientology
I think walking away from scientology IS cause of scientology. Oh…and never, ever looking back.
One can be CERTAIN about only one thing in Scientology.
LIES are Standard Operating Basis in ScienLiatry.
It really does not matter the number of people. The information is for the clubbed seals, not us. They believe all propaganda coming from above.
The truth is that there is NOTHING to obtain but delusions of grandeur and ego maniac Identities $old in $ciendollatry.
Hi Sherrey!!
As a mid-OT7 I’d like to take the liberty of answering your questions.
HAVE YOU STUDIED THE BASIC BOOKS ON CHECKSHEET? I gave up half way through because Flag and my local org in South Africa began fucking me around!
THE BASIC LECTURES? I gave up mid-PDC because I realised LRH was talking through his hat. Creative processing? No thanks.
If not, where do you stand on your study of the Basic Books and Lectures? I did it on extension course as I detest going into my local Ideal Org that virtually bankrupted me for donations before I wised up, and had barely 7 people on course at any time, when our previous grubby premises in the middle of town was packed to the rafters.
HAVE YOU STARTED ON YOUR PURIF? If so, where? One word for that: Fuck you, Sherrey! You think changing the vits is REALLY going to make the slightest difference?
HAVE YOU STARTED ON YOUR SRD? If so, where? No – the org security has taken my car registration number and they won’t even let me through the gate. Not even to see if my name is still up on the donators’ plaque or to visit my extensive family still drinking the KA!
What is your schedule?
HAVE YOU STARTED THE NEW STUDENT HAT? I GOT the three barriers to study first time round on my free course (acquired as part of my Class 4 training package). No thanks!
If so, where are you at and when are you targeted for completion?
Are you already a completion?
HAVE YOU STARTED ON ANY OTHER GAT PHASE II COURSES? Sherrey, I think you know by now that NOBODY in South Africa is doing this shit.
If so, which ones are completed and which one are you currently on?
Bravo, maven, bravo! Outstanding post!
Now THAT is f u n n y !! Sad, but rofl
That is a really straightforward statement. It resumes very well the situation. Thank you for sharing.
These questions don’t really even make any sense and are very hostile and invalidative when asked to someone that has actually finished OT VIII. Because, is it possible a person can even start OT VIII if unfamiliar with the material on the “Basics”? The OSA were calling me at work 5 to 6 times a week, taking pictures and gathering data about me from across the street, that girl from the Org and her friend snapped a photo of me in my face in Times Square. They set a very bad example in front of people. Don’t support any Church of Scientology until their hands are clean!
“Until their hands are clean!” Seriously, Lawrence? I’m sorry, but, from where I sit their hands have NEVER, EVER, EVER been clean!
And I believe their hostility comes from massive desperation. I mean, can you imagine what it’s like at 2pm every Thursday? Nobody coming in. Only aging cult members doing retreads. The HBO special looming on the horizon…
It sucks being them…
Maven, you spake de trooth! Very funny but very true!