A lot of this promotional item is pretty familiar territory. They tend to recirculate the “wins” because once you start saying “this handles everything in the universe forever” it is really hard to follow it with anything “less.” So, every success begins to sound familiarly absurd.
Just a few comments on this one in particular: if it were true that you handle “anything” with Solo NOTs “for eternity” what else IS THERE? Why would anyone then need to do OT VIII? Or more to the point — why would anyone need to do Super Power or the Running Program? Much less Student Hat, Purification and Objectives?
They always go completely lunatic when they incorporate numbers into their claims. 47X. 60X. etc etc
Here again is the infamous “30 years of BPC blown by a can squeeze.”
But more to the point — they are incredibly proud of having “more than 1 Solo NOT completion every single day since the release of GAG II.”
First, this statement is NOT true, based on the “Good News” briefings they send out with the stats on them. Even though they ONLY send them out when the stats are “good,” all the recent reports average less than 5 a week.
Really, 5 or 10 or even 100 a week is meaningless in the overall scheme of the state of earth (which is scientology’s yardstick for everything). Even to achieve their artificial goal of 10,000 (which they have been working on for 30 years now) and with “only” about 3,000 to go — at this rate they would get another 3000 comps in a little under 10 YEARS! And they think this is good news…
The delusion inside the bubble is difficult to comprehend.
Meanwhile, a Special Correspondent just sent me this shot of a page of the latest Advance! magazine.
Seriously — this is the sort of thing they believe is “OT.” (And as for the truck driver — what happened to his OT abilities that he drove his truck off the road in the first place?)
….at least until the Mark 9 comes out
They’re skipping 9 as 10 sounds much cooler!
Whoever wrote that ad had a real problem with using commas incorrectly. Some of them should be semicolons or dashes, or periods, or removed. Wikipedia has good explanations of when semicolons, colons, dashes, etc. are appropriate.
I’m curious if LRH had really been using semicolons incorrectly before, and what they were changed to. I wouldn’t be surprised if Scientologists now believe semicolons are “out tech” altogether.
I’ll give LRH credit for promoting looking up words in dictionaries. iPhones & iPads are a bit nicer than Android: apps have a “define” menu item whenever you select a word, and Apple licensed real dictionaries for many languages. So now when I don’t 100% understand a word, I enjoy the clear definitions from New Oxford American Dictionary and Oxford English Dictionary.
Oops, that should be the Oxford Dictionary of English that you can download to an iDevice for free: the single volume dictionary, not the big expensive one. It’s almost identical to the New Oxford American Dictionary but with UK spellings and definitions when they differ from North American. That’s why I installed both of them.
Android doesn’t include any dictionaries on the device because that would cost money, and Google wants you to go on the Internet so they can sell you ads. The two OS’s are about equally good technically, but I always appreciated Apple’s willingness to license good fonts and language dictionaries (Mac OS X is the same way) out of the box.
I think that maybe you should re-title, “The OT Lie”
The consistent, continual and flagrant lies told by El Conno regarding abilities gained from his fraudulent “science” and religion were the drivers behind all his ill gotten gains. Fortunately, besides a few thousand people in the “church” and even less in the Indie field, this scam is pretty well DEAD in grand scheme of things. We must simply stand by doused camp fire to ensure no flare ups.
Once I sat in front of an OT VII and Class XII .. she wanted an interview .. behind my back she said “it is an real black thetan” .. so no one should stay with me .. to much bad energy with me ..
I said, her favorite color seems as black .. and so she sees all black .. she should be able to put away all this blackness .. but in truth, it is not easy to do that .. not for an OT VII .. because he thinks he sees the right things ..
You may remember there was a time where some thought that are black thetan around with the intention to make everything wrong .. they saw the blackness .. seeing it was a release for them .. oh boy .. my art of life is to make everybody better than he ist ..
I guess if you were winning on all dynamics already, and felt you could handle anything through eternity, and you were not on solo nots, that would not be acceptable.
I guess if you were already cause over life, and not a Scientologist, that would not be acceptable either.
I guess if you were already happy with yourself and your life, and you were not a Scientologist, that would not be acceptable.
I guess if you were in normal or above, and not a Scientologist, that would not be acceptable.
I guess if you felt you were successful as yourself, and you were not a Scientologist, that would not count.
It is very interesting the way people who are solidly into the culture think, discount these marvels and people all around them, every day, because they are not Scientologists.
A Scientologist can walk into any home, and discount everyone and everything wall to wall, within minutes. Nothing positive matters, if you are not a Scientologist.
The truth is I could stand on any corner and stop any person and ask them to write a success story, and they could do it.
I would pay to see this:
It is all over the Internet. People bragging about their children, last night’s bar b que, a new job, a new home, an anniversary, a new baby. A college graduation or high school graduation. A medal for last season’s soccer game. A wedding. A new business. A vacation. etc etc. A new puppy, an award…….
I know there are people that trivialize and make nothing out of other people’s success. Usually because they have no reference point themselves as to what it takes to create these kinds of success. But nevertheless, people do feel successful across many fronts and they do not invalidate their own creations and efforts.Not that I care to trivialize spiritual enlightenment. But it all matters.
“Nothing positive matters, if you are not a Scientologist”
Is this a double negative?
“NOTHING…matters…..if you are NOT……”
This just in!!!!!!
“I had been trying and trying to get in session for several days, but to no avail. I just couldn’t get a metab.
“Since I got my new Mark Ultra VIII emeter, I had never had this problem, so I was frustrated to the point of tears.
“My OT VIII husband perceived that I had been wailing uncontrollably for an hour and he got in comm and asked me if he could help.
“I explained what the problem was and he pervaded the emeter and in less than three seconds, came up with the why and terminatedly handled the problem!
“Turned out that I had plugged the cans into my daughter’s EZ bake oven. My husband then proceeded to locate the actual emeter in space, and I was back in session a minute later!”
I think the ‘readings’ woukd make more sense if you left them plugged into he EZ Bake oven…..
The “saving the truck” win has been a standard type of win in Scientology for many, many years now. Go back to all those OT wins in “Advance” magazine, you’ll see lots of OT stuff that can’t be reproduced. They’re good wins because they’re unverifiable. There have been, to date, no verifiable OT phenomena that can be demonstrated. If there were, then you WOULD see droves of people lining up for services. But there are none. Not to say that these things could never be possible, just as of now, never have been. So all of you OT’s out there who can exteriorize at will, what am I holding behind my back?
The invisible 1.1 knife pictured in the illustrated tone scale, just as Ron intended it!
Hey Mr. D.S., if you were driving an eighteen wheeler at 1 AM in Wyoming, making perhaps $0.50 per loaded mile, how come could you afford the new, sanitized and pure OT levels?
Your hand? ?
No, but they say I’m a handful.
Hi Overunincalifornia, I am silly today, so I say you are holding Excalibur which I will go and put into the Rock for the next scammer to see if they can pull it out! Not! Love,Ann.
“The needle movement is a million times smoother”. My, my how exciting, just the fact that someone was able to quantify that is impressive, it’s enough to make me want… Oops, brain just kicked in… Never mind!
Mine was 500,000 times smoother. He’s lying.
Maybe as a never in, I am reading too much into this.
You have a person bragging about auditing other siblings, and about being a sec – checker?
Is that creepy to exes?
It is no more creepy than anything else about the cult is.
It’s all creepy, some just creepier than others.
I think the whole sec-checking thing is one of the most telling aspects of Scientology culture. In order to be a Scientologist, you must be in agreement with a regime of assumption-of-guilt and that members must constantly submit to loyalty tests. It reinforces the fortress mentality against the evils of the outside world and all its inhabitants. This kind of thing is a turn-off to vast numbers of people, but that is necessary to maintain control. They are willing to weed out any possible adherents who are not going to agree to this submission. If Miscavige did not enforce this regime, his power structure would be attacked from within by non-cooperators.
There is a vast gulf in the perception by insiders and outsiders about the acceptability of religious loyalty testing along the lines of sec-checking. The motivations are mutually inconceivable.
I used to eat up all those LRH quotes about OT, and that’s what kept my dupe hopes going.
The tame successes became “normal” sometime in the late 1970s, when OT wins were just so over the top, I remember the old Heber Jenztsch “OT policeman” win Heber had of locating a criminal using Heber’s OT perception once during a robbery or something. That seemed like what OT Scientologists ought to be doing all the time and helping out society with real OT abilities being demonstrated. The truth is though that no one is very good with their OT perceptions, which I concluded are just lucky hopeful guessing and as dismally bad as average hopeful humans wishing miracles and getting instead nothing.
LRH sells the OT hope con.
One place in the “win” above of the OT 7 guy, he says he was handling things while “in session” which implies he was having exterior effects on his business while even being in session, that’s as non-confidential and bragging OT abilities as is allowed.
Being able to handle your business while still being in session at the same time, normally that’s being “out of session” and a no-no, but the above OT guy says it like the tame non-confidential version of an “OT” win of doing work exterior to his life in some way using his gained “OT” powers he’s now gained by becoming the OT 7 person he is today.
Oh so dully normal all the same.
Dupes wishing OT powers learn to make do with the normal coincidences in their lives and transforming in their minds normal coincidences into magical miracles.
On a related note…I knew a couple of Scnists who prided themselves in their OT abilities, particularly in the business realm. They would meet with prospective clients and use their “OT abilities” to determine whether it was a sound business deal. Doing such things like “inspecting their space”, “looking at their pictures”, “detecting ridges”, etc. Their business went bust within a year.
Numerous times I’ve gone to bed with a business problem on my mind, and in the morning I woke with the solution. No auditing, no Solo NOTs, no nothing.
I sometimes eat a peanut butter sandwich and then immediately afterwards, all of my business problems are resolved. OT shit.
Tip: if you add jelly it increases problem solving 5x.
Great advice.
Sea Org endless all-nighters and the Int Base deteriorated scene for the highest ranking people who were ordered and self imposed their horrid sleep depriving schedules even violates several of Hubbard’s scheduling policies.
Closed tight groups build up their one “mores” which if there’s a dictator slave driving them sadistically on top of that, it gets as dismal as the shell-shocked trio that met Marty at the airport in that recent year’s video (Bloomberg, Yager and the nut lady). They looked so physically sleep deprived.
Arthur C. Clarke said it so simply:
I was the same, I ate up the OT stories.
My biggest puzzle was the EP of OT 8, Cause Over Life. Why then are some OT 8s I know now still auditing themselves. Yes, you read right!
I didn’t see OTs 8 at cause over life and, often, over cause of much of anything.
I’ve seen young OT 5s die of cancer, have more life problems than I had; and so on. Of course, all these needed to get onto OT 7!
Being on OT 7 didn’t seem to help much either; and definitely being an OT 8 didn’t seem to make much difference. Life still hits many of them for a six.
I think cause over death would be the greater ability.
You can only push the “New and Improved” button so many times. It’s a scam to draw you in. In Product Merchandising, normally when a company comes out with a “New and Improved” product, such as laundry detergent, etc. or DM “Scientology”?, it means that they’ve changed the formula; most of the time for the worse, not better; and/or they’ve cut back on the quantity, such as ounces and charged you more for less! I wouldn’t doubt that this is what DM has done to ALL of LRH’s tech! Overall, it’s just a way of getting more customers and money for less of a product.
Kinda like new “Coke”
Coke Zero.
Now hold on. I like Coke Zero. It’s my preferred “oh, shit, I’m diabetic and want caffeine” soft drink. Yet, for some reason, I detest Diet Coke. And the weirdest part? When Tab was around, I liked that. No one in their right mind liked Tab.
What I’m trying to say is that when it comes to diet soft drinks, I’m very confused and conflicted. Can auditing help me with that?
Yes Espiando. For a large donation you will get zero return and learn to love Dr. Pepper if you don’t already.
Hi Espiando, I have been following your posts with Gadfly. You both have unique and interesting and funny comments.When I read yours it is a small world sometimes.With all the medical S##t I have, in 2008 I was diagnosed with non- insulin type 2 Diabetes.It was a big blow as no family history whatsoever and my body type is thin.I took Metformin for six years but it caused me to lose so much weight I was a skeleton. Now I keep it under control without pills and my internist does A1C every three months.
I loved Tab back in the day when no-one around me would touch it.I hated Diet Coke too.Now it’s Le Croix water and spring water, my red vino and coffee.I do try and be good but sometimes I have to have a little of my favorite chocolate.It keeps me sweet! Smile.xo Ann.
That’s exactly right! How many times have they brought out a new beverage or food or cosmetics or other product as “new & improved” yet it’s less effective and costs more – all the time. I often go online to “discontinued items” stores to find the originals, rather than buy the new versions. I’m betting this is the same in Scientology, not that the original was all that good or effective, but my attitude is don’t monkey around with my products. If I were a Scientologist I’d be wary of anyone monkeying around with the LRH original versions. Plus, the newer e-meters cost waaaaaay more than they should, it’s outrageous! It doesn’t cost that much to manufacture. They are fleecing their members like crazy. – T.J.
Hi T.J., You gave me food for thought and a big laugh today.When I read monkeying around I pictured The Monkey Room at Saint Hill in compete monkey chaos!Clowns, monkeys snakes and all creepy crawlies give me nightmares! Love your posts always.xxoo to you and yours.Ann.
Mike, has there been anything like a Motivational poster anywhere in an Org or a Base?
Hi Leslie, I saw your post on motivational posters for cos.The only ones in my experience were the enormous photos of Ron all around Asho on Temple Street.And in all the Hollyweird Inn rooms! Always watching! My best,Ann.
He suggested she shutdown and reboot. That’s the most OT of OT computer fixes.
Funny, I thought of the same thing. And if that wasn’t the case, then the OTVIII husband could make a fortune in the IT field, just by being near any computer and instantly perceiving what is wrong with it when the experts can’t figure it out.
Getting the correct mythology applied consists of:
One: Having the correct mythology.
Two: Knowing the mythology.
Three: Knowing it is correct.
Four: Teaching correctly the correct mythology.
Five: Applying the mythology.
Six: Seeing that the mythology is correctly applied.
Seven: Hammering out of existence incorrect mythology.
Eight: Knocking out incorrect applications.
Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect mythology.
Ten: Closing the door on incorrect application.
When I went Oat Tea and was on the “level” getting Sec Checked every 6 months at the Mecca of Technical Perfection – it was not even an overt to file bankruptcy and lose my house to foreclosure.
Another big win for Oat Teas!
Heh – I don’t even need to be Oat Tea. I just pass out Way to Happiness booklets to crime ridden areas like Ferguson Missouri where “Black Lives Matter” and I stop crime. Look at what I did in Ferguson – I stopped the killings. After I passed out the booklets – Michael Brown got killed and then it stopped. See how kewl Scientology is. Wow – just can’t believe the wins!
BTW, There is a very simple handling for computer viruses that OFTEN works with windows computers. Go to the control panel and do a SYSTEM RESTORE to a date prior to the virus occurring. I’ve helped a few people with this and they were very impressed. Many, many mere mortals know this.
Prob nr one! NO 8 dyns have ever existed. So, that’s erreor nr Une: only Hubbard has existed – a fact – but HE invented some explanation of the world and its problems trhough some SciFi explanation.
To date — I’ve never seen a success story from an OT VII, OT VIII or anywhere in between describe himself/herself as
more willing to be HUMAN …
AS if somehow — scientology makes a person into something OTHER than a human being.
Good grief.
You are right Windhorse. I believe that is because power over things and people is the essence of Scientology “spirituality.”
Power is the goal. Flying around the universe is the goal. Being rich is proof of spiritual advancement.
Kindness and mercy is considered theety weedy. Power and the ability to keep power was Ron’s gift to mankind.
David Micavige could never have risen to power in an organization where true service and love were the ideals.
Hubbard’s ideals were Criowley’s ideals: metaphysical power.
Sympathy is below hate on the Tone Scale. Nuff said.
Scientology denies one the human condition. Not allowed. That’s “wog,” “PTS” stuff. It’s drummed in bit by bit as one believes he is getting better, rising to greater heights of spiritual awarenes ’til, in the end, one realizes he hasn’t risen at all. He has sunk further and further down, beneath the human condition which not only includes pain, heartache, loss but also the more divine traits of being human, love, compassion, kindness, empathy, forgiveness and a true soulful beauty.
“Human beings are assholes. That’s why we’ve got the tech.” DM
Did he actually say that?
Not in a public forum as far as I know. He’s probably said worse things in private, but Mike Rinder would have more first hand knowledge.
I tried but I just couldn’t finish reading that drivel. Each to their own opinion but after a couple of years of Solo NOTs I was so glad to finally see the bullshit. You don’t really have to go past the point that miscavige not only endorses and sells the NOTs levels but has written his own tech/policy issues and inserted them. I guarantee he doesn’t audit it nor any of his RTC or close associates, it’s for the suckers only.
That truck driver (why is he a truck driver if he is so able?) is flat. Out. Lying.
His truck may have slid, that could have happened and he may have figured how to keep it on the road without sliding off. The rest of the story is a lie.
A. If you were to call WYDOT because your truck slid, WYDOT would immediately have a nice policeman investigate both your rig and your ability to drive on Wyoming roads. They may also give you a ticket for your inability to drive.
B. Even if neither of those things happened, Wyoming determined that salting their roads due to the damage caused to the infrastructure and vehicles. They have switched to other methods to deice our roads.
If someone with a CDL tells you they talked to WYDOT and they didn’t order you to pull over until the Wyoming Highway Patrol inspected your vehicle, they are lying. If someone tells you WYDOT uses salt they are lying.
My husband has a CDL he used it when he built roads back in the 1980s. I read the OT win to him and he said “this guy isn’t even a truck driver”.
Easy there, Valerie. I had an 18 wheeler once. I got to see our country from the ground up.
Valerie, have no further truck with this man.
The jury is out, for me, on spiritual ability.
I have been interested in this from the get-go. It is why I became interested in Scientology.
I have seen Uri Geller at work. Damn interesting, but seen by me at a distance.
I had the good fortune to see a Cape Town Scientologist in the UK for a show. Larry Soffer.
I decided to get one-on-one with him, to see close up, how the fork bent, or how the paper sat up by itself in front of him.
The spoons and forks bent. I got one from the hotel and gave it to him, so there was no skullduggery. It bent.
His telepathic abilities are uncanny.
He has some YouTube videos, for example:
He is impressive. Properly. He asked my partner to closely watch what he did whilst I had my eyes closed. One-on-one. Three of us. He touched my arm at various points, in sequence, at each occasion asking me if I can feel his finger touching each time. I could, clear as hell. Afterwards, eyes open, my partner attested that he did not touch my arm at all. His finger approached my arm. He referred to it as the use of energy.
But, as far as I could glean, he had these abilities before Scientology. Sort of analogous to Ingo Swan.
These church successes in no remote way approach these types of abilities. I know of not one person who has achieved any so-called real ‘OT’ ability.
Listening to his handlers, there is a subtle not spoken assumption that his abilities are because of Scientology. Not true. That is the impression I got. Larry himself has never claimed this, as far as I know.
The idea that one can attain such ability is the hook or glue that keeps a large slice of still-ins, still in.
Interesting take on things. It could be suggested, ‘what happens in the MEST universe stays in the MEST universe.’ I’ve always been amazed at what people use as a gauge as to what spiritual accomplishment/enlightenment is. Scientologists are totally whacko on the subject and are so self restimulated they spin round and round regurgitating the same ridiculousness as they slowly (quicker these days) but surely descend down the chute to oblivion.
Parlour tricks on the other hand with the four components – Matter, Energy, Space & Time are unique and some are really good at them – does that make them spiritually some sort of guru? To some they are but I personally don’t think so. Walking on water and healing by touch sure did start big movement couple of thousand years ago though. People will believe anything if its pitched correctly.
But whatever floats your boat in that regard. Hubbard had some interesting things to say in the 50’s & 60s before the mania resulting from heaps of money and expansion so fast nobody knew how to control it. Greed, power hoarding and lawyers entered the scene and that was that.
There is a spiritual side of existence of that there is no doubt. Taking someone’s else advice about it is fraught with dangers if you expect them to explain it all and take responsibility for you being you. Another thing you can run into is accomplishing your goals – then what? If that develops into a problem you’re on the wrong path. Old and aging bodies sure have a way of limiting abilities and changing your mind about things, such is the way of meat, meet spirit.
Well put I Yawnnotoomuch:-)
watch the movie “An Honest Liar”, it will give you a new perspective.
That documentary exposes frauds. I’m all for it. Direct personal observation has value, to me. I see what I see. I have seen the frauds too. I went up to one, a gypsy at a trade fair. It was the last day of the fair. She had been at the fair for 2 solid weeks. Some mates received banal generic advice from her. I walked up and ask her to give me her hand. I studied it intensely and said ” you are going to experience a very marked drop in customers tomorrow morning” . She paused, the got it, and sat down and had a good long laugh. Me too ?
The two orders of reality, the subjective (thought) and the empirical, (the world) exist simultaneously but do not interact except through the interface between the two which is you as a body/mind entity. There is no moving of material objects with thought. That I consider axiomatic until there is any evidence (not testimony) to the contrary.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that.
Ever seen a pretty girl and noticed something your body does Roger – that’s thought creating motion isn’t it?
Only the experiencer of the thought is affected by the thought. The experiencer is a body/mind entity. The body and mind are synchronous. I state this as what I consider self-evident facts.
The physicist’s view of the universe is that there is no spirit realm, and what you and I perceive in our minds is all an arrangement of chemical and electrical reactions in an enormously complex machinery of neurons and all the rest of the cells that our bodies are made out of.
As a computer scientist, I try to perceive the information world conceptually, and imagination is a form of information. None of us can really explain what consciousness is to ourselves or anyone else, but we know a lot about the brain’s memory and processing. LRH said consciousness is the thetan. Other religions use spirit or soul. But the thoughts are encoded in some form in pulses of neurons activating and branching out to each other inside our brains. That same information can be stored in pulses in a computer. So I don’t think a separate spiritual realm is where our thoughts exist, even though it feels like they do, in our own minds.
I enjoyed your comment and I’m happy to report I am perfectly able to explain what consciousness is to other people. There is no mystery to it because it is the one thing we are all experiencing non-stop. We are it. But that isn’t the realm of thought because consciousness does not think thoughts. The mind generates thoughts and feelings according to its conditioning. They are experienced in the mind as is the ‘outside world experienced in the mind. The mind is the locus of all experience. From beyond the mind stands non-changing consciousness witnessing it. That is what you are, the ever-present, unaffected witness which doesn’t do anything but sit in peace within its existence. This is everybody’s experience.
A quantum physicist might very well disagree with you on that point.
Ever see any of Derren Browns stuff?
It’s an ability for sure.
But it may not be at all what you think.
I think the trick behind spoon bending is that you can soften up the metal by warming it, bending it back and forth a tiny bit, and then use a lot of force to just physically bend the spoon while making it appear to the audience that you’re using psychic powers to do it.
Michael Crichton wrote about his 1970s experiences with mysticism in Travels, including a spoon bending party where he and some friends bent a big bag of silverware and convinced themselves they were using psychic powers to give themselves super strength.
Maybe it’s like the Tony Robbins fire walk seminars, where it looks like it takes psychic skill (power of the positive self-help he was selling) to walk across the hot coals without getting burned, but the heat transfer is low enough that anyone can do it if they walk quickly.
At least s/he admits that all 4D campaigns are intended to get new people in and up the Bridge, so they too can be free of the ancient parasitic ghosties that plague mankind. And this was approved for publication by the Church itself. Lolz.
Hubbard created an environment whereby imagination is knowledge. The first entry into this world is the pinch test. Imagination as knowledge becomes solidified by the first real basic found on a chain. Where a real world issue is resolved. Where a real world cognition dissipates some known darkness. Then VVGIs. A good thing.
This part is benevolent and healing. Because it’s about real known issues.
Then the craziness happens when needles go blip when we start running Ron’s imaginations and delusions.
Once we start associating imagination with truth, that’s when the Scientologist starts loosing touch with reality.
The admixture of truth and lies combined with a bad education in spiritual matters, actually creates a cult mentality. An imaginary certainly that is supported by group think.
Then, because of the imaginary uniqueness, a uniqueness not found anywhere else in society, religion or philosophy, the Scientologist then assumes that we, Scientologists, are different from everybody else. Thus isolation and cult mentality.
It’s stats with the pinch test.
And people are having realizations on the imaginary OT levels just like people are having realizations in Dream Therapy.
The difference though, and it is a supremely big difference, is that the person engaged in Dream Therapy knows that they are running symbols. Those symbols are metaphors for their cognitive states.
But when metaphors are taught as realities, and we believe in the person telling us these things, because of Altitude Instruction, we have a dangerous person fighting cosmic enemies of epic proportions.
Scientology, the OT levels in particular, are L Ron Hubbard’s personal Dream Therapy taught as absolute truth.
In Dream Therapy, an evil dragon destroying the earth is an imagination that is known as such.
In Scientology, that dragon is solidified in association to real people. People who disagree that these Scientology metaphors are real.
That’s where the danger lies. And we have all seen this in fighting imaginary forces of space opera proportion.
The Scientology metaphor is space opera. That is because Ron was a Sci Fi writer. His unconscious was filled with it. And that became the mind set for Scientologists.
Their cognitions are impeded by their faulty cogwheels.
Guess RTC or whoever is going to have to edit the movie training drills that you watch before doing OT 2 where LRH is using a Mark V e-meter. The Dia. and Sci. Technical Dictionary needs to also be edited as it references the Mark V which is evidently useless and outdated.
What a joke.
When I was on staff, my ED let the cat out of the bag when she told us that one could go clear simply by reading and using DMSMH. All you needed wee to buy a $20.00 paperback book and that was it. So this is to elaborate Mike’s point about whatvelse is needed if Solo NOTs handle everything.
Moving deck chairs on the Titanic with incredible, blinding velocity. 1 chair per week since GAT!!!
Wow, Justlook! At this rate, they should have the planet cleared right before our sun implodes….
Re: the complete over the top hype. It is simply a component of the “Scientology universe.” It is SO prevalent in the Scientology environment (and this right from the start, from DMSMH, the PABS onward to the present) that it takes on the aspect almost of wallpaper. What would be very uncomfortable for Scientologists, and almost raise a red flag in their universe would be THE ABSENCE OF THE TOTAL HYPE. Of course, the hype here does not make any type of logical sense as all Scientologists KNOW that there is a higher level than OT7 and that OT7s are in fact having to re-do lower parts of the grade chart, and thus “handling” other stuff (as well as having regular case problems and review programs)
*and by the way, LRH’s 1954 comments about OT are actually NOT about the OT Levels he developed from 1967-1980. Those comments are about a theoretical state that could only be approached on a very slight gradient as long as one even had a body, on planet Earth anyway.(no dependencies on objects, energies and spaces)
I make these two comments/posts today to point out the incredible UNreality that Scientologists generally have about their own subject (to say nothing of the constant invalidation they practice about their OWN past results because of the newest bells and whistles). This is no small point really because it in itself indicates what a lack of ability they have TO THINK about their subject and their experiences in it, on all dynamics. And this stupidity and resulting robotism is one of the main sources of why Scientology is the way it is today and why Scientologists are the way THEY are today.
Good post Joe. Scientologists sure aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed by a long shot. They have no idea about their own or any other religious subject for that matter. The fairies at the bottom of my garden know more about the workings of life than a scientologist.
“This is no small point really because it in itself indicates what a lack of ability they have TO THINK about their subject and their experiences in it, on all dynamics. And this stupidity and resulting robotism is one of the main sources of why Scientology is the way it is today and why Scientologists are the way THEY are today.”
You say that like it’s a bad thing. That stupidity and lack of ability are necessary for Scientology’s revenue model. Indeed, that model provides ever diminishing returns. It’s in its inevitable end game stage, and the unreality behavior of the customers is being turned to maximum in order to squeeze out the last flows while the game is still afoot.
“I make these two comments/posts today to point out the incredible UNreality that Scientologists generally have about their own subject”
No Joe. It is YOU who either didn’t read material or have blocked it out. LRH’s admonishment to new Clear in the 60’s to not knock off hats at 50 yrds or it would endanger other people who are climbing up to that level (clear). His own boast of OT powers. His own PROMISES of OT powers for L-12 , OT VIII wholetrack recall, etc., etc.
No, YOU have the UNreality of what was written and said by Ron.
The story of OT VIII Hubby and the computer virus is oddly non-specific. I do wish M.C. had treated us to the actual solution her resident Homo Novis had suggested that worked so beautifully. Thankfully I have been briefed, and can now bring to the world the solution to this sticky virus problem.
He suggested that she go out and buy a new computer. So, that’s what she did. One trip to the Best Buy and problem solved!
My guess: hubby plugged it in.
@Hgc10, I thought the same thing. Besides, isn’t it PTS to get a computer virus? Who were these “experts”? Are they the people from “Microsoft Tech Support” who keep calling to tell me that my computer (I have 3 Macs) is calling in virus signals to them?
hgc, I like the success story of the big rig driver. I owned an 18 wheeler when I was in my mid to late 20s. I moved furniture for Bekins Van Lines and was 48 states. One day in the winter, I got off in Cheyenne, WY. As I started to brake, nothing was happening. It was black ice! Cars were crossing in front of me at the intersection. I know I had to something OT IMMEDIATELY! So, almost like magic, I lifted up my left arm and it somehow went right to my air horns. I leaned on those babies all the way through the intersection. I didn’t hit anyone and no one hit me! Truly, it was me being a, not a big being, but, a HUGE BEING. I’d like to thank my truck for staying on the road. Oh, wait? I didn’t tell you? My truck is OT too…
Gosh, they never taught that in truck driver school.
Every Tech Support person on the planet will first have you try this “simple solution” It’s called reboot.
I’d like to have heard the OT truck driver explaining exactly which section of road to apply the salt and the exact location. Clown. “Well, you know the bad bend? If you get there, you’ve gone too far!”
Actually Pete, that’s the MOST believable part of his story. There are milepost signs every mile on the roads in Wyoming. I would be able to get you within 1/2 mile of where I was at any point on Wyoming roads simply by saying “I-80 eastbound between mileposts 121&122” or wherever I was.
However, explaining to WYDOT why you were at the location at 1am would be the part no truck driver would want to do. There is a strict hours of service enforcement in this state and most loads being hauled by 18 wheelers are not even legal to have on the road after dusk.
The chances are great that at 1am he would have either had an illegal load on the highway, or if his load was legal, he had driven more than his allotted hours for the day. Either way, he would be stupid to call WYDOT.
“I blew a million tons of charge donating a million dollars to the IAS. I feel lighter as a being and am finally starting to get my exchange in with COB (and LRH). Thank you sir!!!”
I am an OT 7 Completion and done all 3 versions of OT 8.
I am also skilled in several Martial Arts attaining coveted
and feared awards ,Black Belts and so forth.
It boils down to survival, if you really need to handle everything
in the Universe, “What have you done to the Universe you
yourself would not want ?”
Or if your dog drives your big rig into a doughnut shop when
you step out to get a sandwich, you have done something to
cause this, all be it a very long time ago.
It helps to “Be like Water” advice from Bruce Lee and
worth reading on the internet to think about.
Be Like Water my Friend.
Jose, did you do the first version. The Ron is Lucifer version.
What were your thoughts when you read these things at that time?
And what are your thoughts now?
Somebody else’s case is somebody else’s’ case.
Today I work my own salt mine and whatever or who ever makes
that easier for me is OK .
Plenty of people make wild claims maybe they
are true or false (fantasy) There is a TV personality who claims to
be the reincarnation of Hitler , so what ?
I’m not the past life police.
I remember being at the old Orange County org in the city of Tustin. The name for OT8 was Truth Revealed. I have read the Lucifer copy and it sounds just like Hubbard. Hubbard coming out as Lucifer (the bringer of light or light barer) would be logical for the title: Truth Revealed. I’ve heard that DM, after reading the Lucifer version, said, “We have a defective OT level.” I don’t think that was it. I think they read it and came to the conclusion that it would be a huge mistake to put it out. Hubbard claiming to be Lucifer and Christ the bad guy, seems logical to me.
David Miscavige truly screwed the pooch on the OT levels except OT 2 and 3
which is in LRH’s hand writing. Davey has the Reverse Midas Touch
all the Gold he touches turns to cardboard.
Hi Jose Chung, Love your post.I am trying to be like water,it is those big rocks that stop my progress and I have to spend a long time carving through and around them.I am way behind you, but admire you from afar! Love,Ann.
I go around the big rocks as in fighting battles I cannot possibly win.
Ann B … I am also trying to be like water … and sometimes I am very successful at it … and sometimes I just freeze up (yeah, even here in the tropics!)
I remember watching Bruce Lee say that. Good advice. Be fluid…
This has always been the conundrum with Scientology. For a group that possesses the most advanced, workable management technology on the planet, how is it that their own organizations are bankrupt? And with all the problems that Scientology has, how can it be that it is incapable of applying their “solution for anything” technology? Or, how come the most ethical group on the planet have credible accusations of human rights abuses?
The only reasonable explanation to these things is: Scientology’s claims are simply not true.
Yes. And it took me a long time to finally acknowledge that the bankrupt orgs didn’t even pay minimum wage. Where was the greatest organizational tech in this sector getting us? Brokeass employees.
And don’t forget permanently back logged CF.
Wait just a doggone minute, Justlook! I remember seeing flyers that said a career in Scientology pays the same as a career in the Wog world! Now, they wouldn’t be able to say that if it wasn’t true……right?
Now you tell me, statpush! I was sure all of their claims were true! But, I guess I better finish the course I was on.
“It’s no longer about you. It’s about the rest of your dynamics.” ?????? What possible sense (in Scientology theory, much less plain English) does that statement make? The very Scientology definitions of each dynamic have to do with THE PERSON. It is stunning to me how incredibly ignorant Scientologists are generally about their own religion that they have ALLEGEDY STUDIED IN DETAIL WITH FULL “STUDY TECH .”
Using “Study Tech” was their downfall.
Well he couldn’t say, “….on OT 7 its handling volume BTs, since you come to see there are so many MORE BTs still just out of reach, and really, it’s freeing all THOSE thetans and that’s why it’s not any more about my dynamics, but about the dynamics that those now freed BTs are NOT holding back. Freeing those BTs, for their sakes, is what is gonna help all OVER the planet, getting those BTs’ cases set right, finally, since the long ago Xenu/4th Dynamic Engram really messed up all those BTs out there. I do my share of BT freeing, and that helps the WHOLE world as that’s just a lot LESS messed up BTs out there doing damage to humanity!”
See? LOL
Not only that, but the BTs you do free are magically “clear”! How the fuck does that work? You pay the church thousands to learn how to solo, because you’re the superior, able being. Then start exorcising near dead entities and they are miraculously “clear”, a state many spend years trying to achieve. Does ANY of this make sense?
How does one reg a BT?
I want my exchange!
How you handle getting something back for helping those hapless BTs is to slip in some secret TR-7 intention that those BTs turn YOUR name is as their FSM when those BTs later when they get bodies and grow up and walk into Orgs for new services!
I’m sure the Power FSMs have wondered and even may have been just freewheel auditing BTs and telling those freed BTs that now they were the Power FSM’s “selections” for new services.
So where are they all? Shouldn’t some have arrived by now? Hubbard said they’d be joining the orgs in droves. Ungrateful bastards. What would their Bridge look like anyway?
Don`t tell it David Miscavige, otherwise he will develop a new course on how to put your name in BTs 😂😂
Wow. These are such real OT experiences. People preventing truck accidents. Others handling things in session for all of eternity. 🙂 With all this theta activity taking place, someone may one day find my missing PC, Student, Ethics and account folders in the real world without having to go exterior or sign up for OT VII. Even then I would burst out laughing in their faces.
Scientology hopeful OTs learn there are consequences if they “fail” the Success Question at the end of their paid OT levels, etc, and the administrative/ethics pressure to make the Scientologist hopeful OTs believe they are really getting something, enforces and keeps them on board, even though they know they aren’t becoming real Casper the Ghost OTs able to float around exterior doing good deeds in the world like pure souls exterior from their bodies free to go out and do good deeds everywhere.
They settle for normal life’s coincidences, and are trained/conditioned to think good thoughts about their OT attainments, and are ever on the prowl for miracles (coincidences) in their lives to validate their gained OT abilities. Ever postulating their goals and marveling when they attain their daily chores lists as miracles.
I just wish some of them would fly off like Carla and Rick did more often, and some newspapers confirmed of their OT adventures battling extra-terrestrials and saving earth:
Now that Carla OT win was so great, she had to tell it at the CC toastmaster’s club.
Chuck, feel free to express any opinion you want, BUT … you seem to be making less of the Moxons HAVING SAVED WASHINGTON DC (on an immediate basis, but what other missles would have been directed toward Earth later that very same day) and possibly saving the ENITRE PLANET!!!!! I for one am thankful that Rick and his lovely wife were glancing upward towards the stars that night rather than in the bedroom satisfying some lower dynamic urge (I’m guessing Rick wasn’t REALLY interested in that anyway …) … Yes, folks, it’s not about just YOU anymore … we now need to defeat some REAL illegal aliens and I ain’t talkin’ about those nice folks who bring enchiladas to California … we got some freakin’ SPACESHIPS to visit and take out!
This is so on the mark, what you say.
Me too, I felt these thoughts also, when I was Sea Org, late at night, the endless mental arguing in my mind, what was I doing, how’d I end up being the “Backups INCOMM” person, all alone, late at night, downloading the data from the INCOMM computers onto “backup” tapes, nightly, all alone, 11pm to noon 7 days a week, LOL.
I used to think just these grand types of thoughts, that “we” will all be supposedly rising up, as the thetan we each are, to heights of OT, and taking on the rest of the universe, to undo the whole universe’s “case” downswing.
I still have to find that LRH ref about undwindling the whole universe’s spiral, because that is the BIG absolutely long pattern, that is ahead of those that absorb the Hubbard long range view.
It’s a huge long “game” to undwindle the whole universe, and a whole lotta stuff ahead, to “Clear” and make OT, and make everyone into “Native State” (LRH ED 339R Int is the pinnacle long term reference of where the end GOAL is for the whole universe and all us thetans/souls, some long distant day) of “Native State” is promised and predicted by LRH.
I mean you cannot exaggerate. Always excellent comments, every one of yours, you need to have a site with them all, they are so good.
Also lately (maybe even since GAT II) there has been an increased promotion on “how short the courses are’, or ‘how fast”, or ‘it takes very litle time to complete…”.
Of course no one will dare to say quicky, but the point is that promoting this lighting fast denotes again a wrong why (Another? Yes, I’am afraid so).
The delusion of scn is so far gone that they think that because there is less and less people doing services is because it takes too long to move up this sacred bridge; delusion because the source of this disaster is their leader who keeps fooling not only they IRS, but all public and staff alike.
this a comment in german ! Nicht LRH und Sientologytech ist es, sondern willkürliche herausnahmen etlicher Sea Org Mitglieder und auch normalen Staff’s . Die Führung dieser organisation ist da natürlich nicht ganz unbeteiligt… So wird eine funktionierende Tech zu Grabe getragen , zum nachteil der Gesamten Menschheit..
I should have woken up before I ever got onto Solo Nots. When I was just starting on OT6 and all star struck, one OT7 completion was being announced in the hallway and of course it was compulsory attendance to hear these fantastic wins we could all hope to one day emulate. What a let down! His BIG WIN was that while on the level he’d been retrenched (fired, more like it) and HE FOUND A NEW JOB!!!!!!!! Christ, I did that before I ever got into scientology, as I’m sure most of us had done other than those that joined the SO. Sadly, I spent a lot more money before I woke up, but I finally achieved the EP of Solo Nots – the ability to think and see for myself.
Right on, dr mac! Sorry you dropped a bundle with the cult. I got out in ’82 after all the mission holders got slaughtered and never looked back. But, since you did hand over money, isn’t that the same as case gain?
Same for me.Except after getting very little from solo nots,ot 8 was really worthless.What a waste of time and money.I should have done drugs instead.
Read books. “The Great Books” is a start.
I can take care of that for you. I always have a stash on hand Xenus son. Premium medical! In fact, I think I’ll partake now………..
Lol! Yes, Xenu’s son, your high would certainly have been higher, if short lived. But then any “win” from ot nots would have been even shorter!
Without names, what good is the story? Who the hell is M.C.? Anyone can print anything (as one sees in so many ads and commercials), add a couple of initials, then claim is as a testimonial for their product.
By the time the story is published, there is a strong chance the person has blown, therefore to publish their names would cause problems.
“That’s irreverent horseshit Valerie and you know it. Shame on you.” GQ