I recently published the Quarterly report for the EUS OT Committees and the stats for the WUS OT Committees.
Here are the quarterly reports from the other Conts. I cannot be bothered to read them, but specific areas may be of interest to some. I am publishing them all here so there is a public record as they are enlightening as to the state of the orgs. You will note as with the other areas that there is more reporting on the NON Scientology activities (WISE, WTH, Narconon etc) than on getting people into orgs. Where there are any specifics given on people moving on the bridge they are usually “one person started their basics last quarter and they are still doing good…”.
Missing is the report from Africa. UPDATE: Africa now in and at the end of the report. The only additions I have made are to mark the “Ideal Orgs” in red, and in some areas where I noted there were no reports at all from some orgs I noted them. I may have missed some.
The overall picture painted by these reports is that most of these orgs are hobbling along, barely staying alive. Certainly no “massive international expansion” or “straight up and vertical.” The other thing of note is how the “art of sleaze” has permeated all of these “OTC’s” who seem able to make it sound like a major accomplishment that they “worked on” getting “confirms for the event.”
United Kingdom
This quarter has been the most monumental in history with the new Golden Age of Tech II releases, and Superpower and the new Flag Building. We have also just had the watershed news that Churches in the UK are allowed to perform weddings, which is a religious recognition, and first step toward Charity status and great things occurring in the UK and out to Europe and the world!
With many OTC members converging on Flag for the Golden Age of Tech II events and the International IAS event this quarter, the OTC here at Saint Hill have worked heavily on getting people recovered back onto their basics so they are ready for the new releases. This was done with great results.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
We had a contingent of OTC members at the Release event at Flag. The Golden Age of Tech II auditing and training release event occurred at Saint Hill on the 23rd of November, and OTC did a massive call in, in coordination with Saint Hill, focusing on recovery cycles, and making sure we have all the public in the field to the events here, or at a local org if they were overseas. The event was very, very uptone and the public after the event were waiting up to midnight to see tech terminals! The OTC then helped confirm people to come in the next day to see the new orientation film, and this ended up having to be shown continuously as more people kept coming. The OTC held a large meeting on 5 December and invited the Snr CS SHF to come and give us a more in-depth briefing on the Student hat and answer questions for those who were FSMing to clear up anything they didn’t understand so they can really get people into the org and moving on their line ups.
Following the events OTC members continually encouraged public and OTC members to avail themselves of Golden Age of Tech II. One PC who had been off auditing lines for years was directly routed onto the new GAT II auditing line-up for his grades by the OTC as the first pc for a newly returned Class V GAT II auditor and he continues to make stellar wins!
The D/Chairman Peta Grafton, OTA I/C Lizzy Calcioli and OES John Bruce are on the GAT II Training Line-up Student Hat, and HES Gunilla Gerber is at Flag on her SRD and the Chairman Fran Hutton is at Flag doing the new Advanced Solo. Additionally, 8 other OTC members have now started the GAT II Student hat and also more on other processing actions i.e. Grades, Purif etc.
One OTC member who had done the earlier versions of the Student Hat twice, had a stellar win after just starting the new Student Hat, they said that it had completely changed the way they had been looking at and studying things in general in life!
Five OTC members are at Flag for PURF and/or SRD and are IP with these making phenomenal gains, and another is about to go to Flag to start!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
OT 8, Sue Hollom is the I/C of the Basics Project for Saint Hill OTC, and this quarter has built up the team, and galvanized them into production. They went out visiting people in coordination with the Orgs (AOSHUK & SHF) to get people recovered back onto their Basics, or to put more time on their Basics to complete them ready for the Golden Age of Tech II releases.
They did an amazing job and between the Basics Project, and the OTC Recoveries Project run by OT 8 Hanny Barram they recovered over 65 people back onto their basics. This does not include resigns etc.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
We started the quarter with an excellent Humanitarian Dinner on 14th September which was Indian themed. We had a delicious Indian meal, Indian dancing and music and the Humanitarians were presented with leather jackets, organised by Surinder Bhangu from CLO. At the end of the event the raffle was drawn for the Porsche by Ali and Noor Shawcat who are Diamond Meritorious and Richard Roberts won the car! This was really exciting as he had been on the BP list that week to increase his contribution from Founding Member. He did no less than return the car to the dealer and completed his Humanitarian the same week!
OTC members Shaan and Taylor Young and Natalia Garside organized and held an Ideal Org Fundraising Rounders (a British game a little similar to baseball) games event on Sunday the 22nd of September at the St Hill overflow field car park. They also enlisted help from Delphine Bulger, Holly Grayer, Vicky Guy. There were 48 adults and children who paid to play rounders and purchased homemade cakes, pastries and refreshments. Total raised – £317.57
Everybody came up tone and were inspired to do more fun fundraising activities. They discussed plans for the next fundraising event and set up a meeting to organize it. People who haven’t previously been involved in any fundraising activities are now on board and enthusiastic about participating.
The next event was the Ideal Org Golf Tournament on 28 September at Sweetwoods Golf Course. Ideal Org project members David Banks and Alastair Lycett organized the event with help from many other OTC members. There were 18 golfers who donated or were sponsored for the event which raised £2,275! The Lycett Lions were up against the Banks Braves, the Stokes Sharks, Jackson Jaguars and the Pinchin Panthers. The Pinchin Panthers won, Mark Pinchin, DSA London Org, Charles Jackson PES London Foundation and Nicole Keppler (OT 8) who sunk the winning put! A roast beef dinner followed the tournament and there was a briefing on the Ideal Org strategy and Birmingham Org. The event created a large team who want to help organize the next tournament in April 2014 and raise more sponsorship for Ideal Orgs!
This was followed by various events held at Birmingham Org and Ethnie Ward, who is a staff member, completed her Humanitarian!
Over the year Hamish Bulger, Joe Taffe and Marianna Hurley from the Landlord Office had been working with Frankie McGuigan (OT VII) who was a founding member (£25,000). In October he completed his Humanitarian!
Bonfire Night was celebrated on 9th November at Saint Hill in the overflow carpark. Shaan and Taylor Young who are I/C’s of the Future OTC, organized Natalie Garside to run this event, and she recruited Alex Cronin, Stewart Guy, Marie Douglas, Holly Grayer, Daphne Miltenburg, Dan Garside, Cheryl and Sam Banks. The event raised £1,100 in total and there was a raffle. It started off with a huge bonfire and Alex Cronin set up a BBQ for the children to toast their marshmallows. They loved this and they also had sparklers! Stuart Guy organised and donated the fireworks and it was a fantastic display! Natalie organised 3 people to run the food and sell hot and cold drinks. 40 to 50 people attended over the course of the night including some non Scientologists and one person who has been off lines and hasn’t been at Saint Hill for about 12 years!
The night was really, really amazing. Natalie also had some reaches from people to join the FOTC which is a great win as the group is really expanding out into the field now and getting a lot of young people on board to help! Well done Natalie!
Following promo from the Landlord Office a Basics recovery, Wilf Adams from AOSH UK, walked in and wanted to be one of the first 100 Humanitarians and donated £20,000!
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
During this quarter a total of 19 IAS memberships or status upgrades were assisted by the Saint Hill OTC, including 14 IAS annual or Freedom Fighter Lifetime memberships. This quarter also included the brilliant IAS event on 12 October, featuring Chill E.B. which the OTC also supported by getting people to attend, and also helping to get donations at the event. During that same period, a Patron status was completed by OTC members on the Ship and this was also assisted by another OTC member, so outflow definitely equals inflow.
More recently, following the roll-out of GAT II, there have been some further annual and lifetime membership completions, one of which was paid for by IAS Patron with Honours OTC member Mike Todd for one of his staff members. He said that this was a great win for him and he could not think of any better way to reward one of his own staff members than to secure their IAS membership, particularly when rewarded with the complete VVGI’s of the person concerned. A very theta cycle all round!!
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Our 4D Campaigns project is headed up by OTC Member John Bradley. We have a project to get TAD into the Shops in the surrounding areas, and the WTH into each household around Sussex and Surrey.
This Quarter, we worked on distributing TWTH to Haywards Heath, this project was run by OT 8 Neil Fraser, this has a population of 34,000 and they completed this with all households getting the booklet. 10,500 booklets out in total. They have now started on East Grinstead.
A Scientologist who is in a local hospice, wanted to thank the nurses for all they were doing to help her, so OTC got her WTH booklets to give out to them. Other nurses asked if they could have copies as well until two bundles of booklets were handed out within the hospice to the nurses there.
Our Truth About Drugs Project is headed up by OTC members Frederique Bisch and Evelyn Herbin, both are determined to help handle the drug problems locally and each week have been distributing The Truth About Drugs booklets, to every shop, community centre, police station, library and town hall in towns surrounding East Grinstead and so far have covered all of Crawley, Horley and Lingfield as well as more recently completing the town of Horsham which has a population of about 128,000 people. Between them they have distributed thousands of The Truth About Drugs booklets to these towns resulting in very good reaches for more booklets or information.
In Horsham for example, Frederique and Evelyn visited West Sussex County Council where the receptionist there was very pleased to accept the booklets for her reception desk and then introduced them to a man in the council who is responsible for handling the youth in the area. He too liked the booklets and asked if they could take some booklets to the youth centre for the youths there to read. This was immediately done, and later the same man was re-contacted and he would now like copies of all the other drug booklets, cocaine, alcohol etc. as he said this is what the youths need most of all and so copies of all these booklets will be with him very soon.
Over the last few years, OT Committee members have been diligently distributing copies of TWTH and The Truth About Drugs booklets throughout the local towns and villages and in October 2013 the East Grinstead Observer newspaper reported that “Drug crime falls 40% in one year” and the article goes on to say that in East Grinstead the drug related crime did indeed drop 40% in one year and also that in Crawley town nearby the drug related crime dropped 20% in the same year, and so these statistics are very encouraging and tells us that we need to continue what we are doing to bring help and sanity to the environment around us.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Lizzy Calcioli on her hard work on Ideal Orgs, and backing up the Golden Age of Tech Phase II releases and getting quite a few people FSMed onto Student Hat and other processes.
Hanny Barram Recoveries Pjt IC for many recoveries this quarter, including getting people FSMed onto Golden Age of Tech Phase 2 line up.
Frederique Bische for her dedication on the Truth About Drugs project, and also on Basic recoveries.
Jean Marc Bisch on Basics Project for doing the most recoveries back onto the Basics this quarter.
Nat Garside from the Future OTC, who has done several Ideal Org Projects this quarter, and getting more people active on OTC projects.
The main focus of production this last quarter has been in the massive amount of work that has been undertaken to get the Org CF and other files in order for the forthcoming move to our Ideal Org.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Prior to the GAT II releases, there were briefings at several OT Committee meetings by Chairman Robert Lawson about the preparations for GAT II and all of the OTC had become increasingly excited about what was about to be released. Just prior to the event this included several OTC members making extra payments to future services to flow power to the Org. The OTC helped in various ways to enthuse the public to attend the GAT II events, such as sending emails, contacting public on a one-to-one basis and helping arrange transport to the events. Chairman Robert Lawson has helped in enlightening public both before and after the event. Given that these releases have only just taken place this area of activity is very much IP. OTC member Richard Roberts also put in a large number of hours in helping the renovations necessary at the Org to ensure the new GAT II courses could be delivered.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Kate Golby was instrumental in getting a field Scientologist who has been off lines for 12 years, onto the Dianetics extension course which she then went on and completed. This person then came to the GAT II events with her daughters. She was very keyed out being in comm again and with the new delivery. What a win for us all.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The main event this quarter was the Humanitarian Event that was held at St Hill in September. Birmingham OTC and field were well represented at this sparkling dinner. Richard Roberts, Birmingham OTC member won the new Porsche in the raffle and then proceeded to sell it immediately in order to complete his Humanitarian that week! The OTC had held meetings with Richard prior to this in order to help him with planning to make it to Humanitarian.
Another key cycle was when the OTC collectively helped to push staff member Ethnie Ward over the line so as she could achieve the status of Humanitarian. Ethnie is 70 years old and quite a new Scientologist with a big heart. We held a group meeting and then Chairman Robert Lawson spent time with Ethnie which resulted in her finding the funds to complete the cycle – it was very theta!
Ben Ranson worked extensively on research to gather local knowledge to help with promotions for the Birmingham Ideal Org events.
Progress on Files Projects.
The Central Files project has moved on very considerably this last quarter thanks to the efforts of all OTC members and helpers, who put in many, many hours assisting the project that was in the org. A whole area was set up in the org, ‘Grand Central Filing Station’ and in addition to the OTC helpers, other Scientologists came from as far away as Kent and Bristol and stayed over to help. Donations were collected to aid the accommodations requirements for these helpers from the OTC. The OTC also donated a brand-new photocopier, a vital tool in the endeavor. This ran 7 days a week and included ‘curry nights’ for several Saturday evenings as part of the fun!
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
We had a briefing from CCHR on the importance of raising awareness amongst politicians about drugging of children and as a result quite a number of OTC members visited their MPs to raise the issue. This included Kate Golby, Tina Cartwright, Ben Ranson, and others. The OTC also had a briefing re 4D campaigns and as a result several OTC put out TAD booklets at retail outlets and other places including Jon Holloway who did this again at his local chip shop.
Hardeep Jita, Emanuela Shepherd, Kate Golby and John Herring went and assisted at the CCHR demo in October.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Richard Roberts, again this quarter for making it go right to complete his Humanitarian status, all the hours he has put in on the CF project as well as Org renovations in preparation for GAT II. Richard also travelled to Manchester Org and gave a Humanitarian speech at their Ideal Org event in October.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
It’s only been a couple of weeks since the revelations of Golden Age of Tech Phase II, but in that time OT Committee member Nigel McEnery has magically created a sauna in what was an office space. Helped by OTC Chairman Malcolm Gellatly whose trailer has been in service taking rubble away, the Purification Rundown is shortly to be available and OTC member Tim Clark is first in line (studying the new Student Hat while he waits).
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
Early November was our annual Halloween Party, masterminded by SH OTC member Sue Hollom and attended by two dozen local Scientologists and their kids. Donations for the Ideal Org by way of entrance fees raised just under $350. And a great time was had by all, with scary costumes and fun games.
OTC Chairman Malcolm Gellatly is continuing his successful action of raffling a car; his latest venture is a Mecedes Benz SLK convertible, with more than $2500 raised thus far. His goal for this one is $15,000 to the UK Ideal Org coffers.
Progress on Files Projects.
OTC members Sylvia Tomlin and Julie Champness have succeeded in gathering, alphabetizing and creating files for all the A-Z particles, and can now complete the filing of random particles – a major victory for the Files Brigade.
Getting New Public into the Org.
New OTC Member Ingrid Hoffman is a Book 1 Auditing Specialist and has been busily establishing herself in Brighton auditing new public. She is currently back in Germany sorting out the logistics needed to move here permanently, and we will be hearing a lot more about her products in the next report. Ingrid has also sold 2 books as her first method of obtaining pc’s.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
An international psychiatric event (International Youth Mental Health Conference) held in Brighton in early October was scuppered when a CCHR demonstration appeared right on their doorstep! Manned by Scientologists from Brighton and East Grinstead, the psychs found out what it is like to have more than two dozen protestors chanting anti-psych messages in their faces! A number of passers-by stopped to share their anti-psych horror stories, and validate our message.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Nigel McEnery – acquired and built a sauna so that the org can deliver a standard Purification Rundown to all extant and new public. He not only found a portable sauna, he worked out how to install it and has done so almost single-handedly.
New OT 8 Eve McKenzie has recently returned from Flag and taken on the HAPI OTC Chairman hat.
One of the first actions she took when she returned is to get busy on getting HAPI ready for Golden Age of Tech II, and building up the HAPI OTC.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OTC members helped on Call in for the GAT 2 release event and recovered several public into the org for this. There was highest ever attendees.
The key thing OTC was asked to help on was getting HAPI ready to deliver the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, and required raising money for renos and getting people to help do the renovations. The entrance was done by HAPI OTC David and Eve McKenzie, Dharma Wright and Anita McGuigan OTC plus public David Fraser and Paddy Mulligan and Stephen Larkin helped. Drew Robb’s “Friends of Scotland” LA raised £2,500 for entrance and OTC made up the difference.
David McKenzie is full time on getting the Purif built and ready with lots of support, help from Saint Hill OTC member and ‘Scot’ Stewart Guy on finance and muscle and outflow, both are taking full responsibility to get it done. SH OTC member Brian Wordie is there to working with David. Money raised so far from OTC for this £1,200.
It is a big win seeing the whole image of the Org transformed to an upstat bright fresh space that we can comfortably occupy, be proud to sell books from and introduce new public to. All the staff and public love it and it gave a real boost to everyone.
OTC Chairman Eve recovered 2 people back into the org. One, Steve Brennan had not been in the Org since early 80s. He arrived in Edinburgh at 4.30 (21/2 hrs. before event) and came not only both nights but stayed through Sunday as well. He left with DMSMH and is preparing to begin some auditing next June.
CC London and London Org merged about two months ago and with this the OT Committees have combined. OTC have been working on getting the CF files merged, and getting ready for the new Golden Age of tech 2 releases.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OT committee members called in and helped off lines public to attend the Golden Age of Tech Phase II events at London org. The Org had highest ever attendees and following the events those that were recovered to the event were being seen to get them back on lines.
Rod Jones got Vivi Cohen arrived for updates and high crimes as well as routing onto them himself. Tabitha Hardy got Andrew Toomey to the events and the same week routed onto the new Student Hat. Andrew had been blown off lines for almost ten years so this was a big win.
Progress on Files Projects.
With the merge between CC and London org there was a huge backlog of filing to be done.
Many OTC members and London and CC public worked together to clear all backlogged filing of both CF and student files. This took hundreds of man hours and all that remains is the merging of the files once the new ideal files have been made to replace the old ones.
Getting New Public into the Org.
FSM Fraser Kee Scott has been disseminating to VIP celebrity public and last week got a VIP in on his first session. Prior to this in the last few months he has selected VIPs into both London and CC Int.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Peter Grant, New OT VIII runs the WTH distribution weekly and takes a team of OTC members out to areas in dire need of help. Last month he tackled the notorious Mozart Estate – known as one of the roughest group of council flats in London due to drugs and crime.
Narconon Drug Education delivered The Truth About Drugs lecture to over 15,000 children in schools across the South of England this year. Director of Narconon Drug Education, Lucy Skirrow (OTC member and currently on OT III), says that acceptance for Narconon lectures is increasing and feedback from the schools is consistently excellent. In one Primary School in Middlesex, the only outside speaker they allow is our Narconon lecturer.
Other Major Activities.
CC London OT Committee chairman along with another OT V created a classical concert to open this year’s Saint Hill International Arts Festival in August. This event was put on in coordination with the LRH PR office at Saint Hill. As well as over 150 non Scientology guests who came for the concert and a reception in the Manor, there were also 20 non Scientologists involved in performing who were all safe pointed on Scientology. Several of them took tours of the Manor as well as having rehearsed at Fitzroy House in London the day before and the feedback from these musicians was excellent. They gave an excellent concert conducted by OT V Andrew Skirrow and the performers included OT V Tom Hardy on bassoon. The audience reaction was fantastic, and the LRH PPRO office was very pleased with the results, especially as there were Mayors from East Grinstead, and two other local towns in attendance.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Sheila Bulger is a power FSM and was working on the last few selectees to achieve 100 for the year about a month ago. Up until she went over to Flag to get onto Superpower she reported between 3-8 service starts weekly, mainly recoveries.
Rod Jones, OT Committee Chairman has been working to become a full time FSM. Each week he has been delivering sessions to public needing recovering, doing doorbell recoveries and working to keep the OT Committee established and productive. He has also been helping with the CC move getting files transported and MEST disposed of.
Our OTC consisted of 7 regular members, 4 joined staff in this quarter. We are currently recruiting more people onto the OTC.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OT Committee members met with the ED to discuss getting along as many as possible to the GAT2 events. Call in and recoveries were worked on, and there was highest ever attendance.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
22nd September 2013 OTC organized a sponsored bicycle ride along the old railway track and to use the occasion to promote Say No to Drugs campaign. Seven OTC members and others took part and raised £70
Progress on Files Projects.
OTC members got together at various times during November to work on getting the CF files into PT. There was a Pizza party to reward the efforts of those who helped on the Saturday session and it was much appreciated.
Other Major Activities.
Sandra Hoyle and Dorothy West helped the DSA to survey the area close to the new building to find out the buttons and what is needed and wanted in the area.
Latin America
Rosalba Cordero, Ana La Salvia, Christian Cordero, Jonathan Molina and Ignacio Mota were very productive on the 4D Campaigns!!
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OTC members brought a lot of people to the GAT II Event, and many of them are already starting the Student Hat Course.
Rosalba Cordero (OT Ambassador and OTC Member) and Oriana Cordero sent José María Cordero to the Expansion and Havingness Convention at the Freewinds. Paloma Díaz (OTC Member) went to the Music Convention at the Freewinds.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
A total of 6 people between publics and OTC members started a Route to Knowledge or an Extension course.
The OTC joined the Org’s efforts to recover public onto their Basics: three publics were recovered by the OTC members Paola Velasco, Irma González and Ignacio Mota.
Rosalba Cordero delivered two OT Nights to enlighten the public on the importance of getting more and more trained and on the great effects that such higher training will create in their lives. The subjects of those conferences were “The GE Line” which had 30 attendees and “The Theta Being” with 7 attendees.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
OTC member Alfonso Seijo delivered a Word Clearing Fundraising Seminar. He also did the stage fundraising on it. Alfonso helped to raise $3,461 and he himself donated $10,769!
OTC member Ramiro Clavel helped also on supporting the fundraising for the Ideal Org project, getting people to donate up to $14,645USD and he also did a donation of $15,661. Bethel Flores donated $6,415; Irma González achieved her Alumni Status; and Family Velasco Cordero Blanco achieved Humanitarian Status!
Events Organized by the OTC to support the Fundraising project:
Word Clearing Seminar with Alfonso Seijo- a total of $3,461 at the event.
Word Clearing Seminar at Bethel’s House- A total of $11,738.
Fundraising Event at ACD Org- $11,846 was raised.
People were very happy learning new terminology and the fundamentals of LRH Admin Tech.
Awards Event- An event organized to acknowledge the donors for their efforts and support to the Ideal Org Project.
Mexican Night and Halloween Night- These Events were organized to create and maintain ARC between the staff, OTC members and public to become together a strong group. It was a really fun event and everybody was very high tone and on purpose.
Silberen Conzuelo (OTC Chairman) was in charge of these Events: Music, singing, and she also helped doing call-in; Romy Díaz (OTC Member) helped singing in some of the events; Irma González (OTC Member) was in charge of the Food for every event; Paloma Díaz (OTC Member) was in charge of call-in and Alfonso Seijo in Stage Fundraising.
A total of $52,208 was fundraised this quarter for the Ideal Org.
Getting New Public into the Org.
OTC member Ignacio Mota brought 32 people for Division 6 Courses, such as Marriage, Conditions, Leadership, Ethics, Values and STCC. 20 of the courses were delivered to employees of a company that was having lot of problems, and thanks to those courses the company has improved its condition and the Manager is very thankful to Scientology and ready to go up the Bridge. Ignacio also delivered Life Conditions Workshop to 7 people.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Ignacio Mota (OTC Member), together with other Scientologists, helped delivering a TWTH Conference to 1,200 people, many teenagers girls from 10 to 18 years old attended. They gave away 50 TWHT booklets to strategic people.
The next day, Ignacio had a meeting with the Mayor of Alamos Sonora (city in the North of Mexico), Mayor’s wife and the Secretary of Public Safety (similar to Homeland Security Office/Ministry), where he talked about the needs of the city and how TWTH can help to overcome the difficulties they are facing related to security and crime. In the evening of same day, Ignacio delivered another conference at Zocalo Central Square of the city. There were about 700 people attending the conference and about 400 TWHT booklets were distributed. 3 newspapers made articles about this event at Zocalo, mentioning especially how TWTH is effectively helping on the safety of the city.
Ignacio reached a total of 1,941 people and distributed about 1800 TWTH Booklets, with the help of Rosalba Cordero and Lorena Martinez, both OTC members.
Human Rights
Ana La Salvia (OTC Member) attended an event at the Mexico House of Representatives. The event was about Human Rights and against human trafficking. Ana could show the Human Rights videos to the Communication Director of Mexico City. She also showed the Human Rights videos to Ricardo Vazquez, Commercial Director of Woolworth (chain of Department stores), who got very interested on delivering this message to improve the values and awareness in his company, including the over 8,000 employees in Mexico. Ana run another event to support the fight against human trafficking and she talked about how important it is to know our values and rights. She also went to TabascoCity with Raul Arias and Mary Shutherword to have a meeting with the Governor, who signed an agreement to educate all children at schools on Human Rights!!
She has been organizing more Human Rights events with Mauricio Toledo (Coyoacan’s Delegate). Additionally, Ana hold a meeting with the Governor of Oaxaca, together with Raul Arias, to propose also the introduction of Human Rights education in all schools of Oaxaca.
Rosalba (OT Ambassador and OTC Member) delivered 151 TWTH Conferences and Courses in 10 prisons of Mexico City, and in several Elementary and High Schools which have a dangerous environment and problematic children. She reached 8,238 inmates, guards and children with TWTH precepts and donated herself 6,518 TWTH booklets and DVDs. Rosalba was invited to ChapultepecCastle with the USA Ambassador in Mexico, the Chief Representative of Government in Mexico City and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, among other VIPs and OLs. The President gave his message and thanked Rosalba and her group/association for joining the efforts of 80,000 policemen to have a peaceful Mexico. He said “It’s great to know that in some statistics the crime is actually going down, like in homicide, thanks to the help of this association. I congratulate and recognize this Group and we are open to hear from you and to join efforts to make Peace in Mexico a reality”.
Rosalba and Jose Maria Cordero attended an important radio station and talked about TWTH for about one hour, reaching a potential 8,605,239 people from 9 different states of Mexico.
Silberen Conzuelo (OTC Chairman) worked with a team of Scientologists at the Tennis Open in Tampico city, giving out TWTH booklets. They worked on the stand installation, stamps for brochures, conference assistant, singing and doing a musical show, a PR Campaign and public data collection. The group delivered 3 Conferences in 2 University Campuses, including the Monterrey College of Tech. Silberen had a TV interview and sang the TWTH and Human Rights songs she composed.
Bethel Flores (OTC Member) talked about Scientology at the TV Novels Summit, and gave them a conference about ARC. She disseminated Scientology to several people at the TV Novels Summit in Puerto Rico.
Bethel showed TWTH trailers to Manuel Jasso from CONACULTA (National Board of Culture and Arts) and he broadcasted them during two days at the Movie World Fair.
Christian Cordero and Jonathan Molina (OTC Members) are part of Rosalba Cordero´s team and they delivered about 20 TWTH Conferences to 2,379 children at different Elementary Schools in Mexico City; and about 2,395 TWTH booklets and DVDs were distributed. They delivered TWTH Conferences in 3 Penitentiaries in Mexico City to about 200 mentally ill inmates, about 300 inmates and 100 guards of the Prisons.
They delivered several CCHR Informative Packages into the hand of Doctors and Psychiatrists.
Other Major Activities.
ACD OTC was the first OTC in Latam to complete the OT Ambassador Program!! 23 Objectives of the OT Ambassador Program completed only this quarter!!
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Rosalba Cordero (OT Ambassador and OTC Member) delivered about 151 TWTH conferences and courses reaching about 8,238 between children, inmates and guards and given out 6,518 booklets; and worked with government, policemen and guards for TWTH campaign expansion in Mexico City.
Ana La Salvia (OTC Member) is a professional TV Presenter and as a VIP she brought Human Rights campaign to many VIPs, OL and members of the Government.
Ignacio Mota (OTC Member) as a Field Auditor brought LRH Tech to many people in the North of Mexico and delivered a lot of Div 6 Courses.
Bogotá OTC had an average of 14 active members per week since September, with a total of more than 2,410 volunteer’s hours. They dedicated those hours to help Bogota Org to disseminate Scientology in their area of influence and to help IAS to raise $13,125. A total of 29 publics started their Basics and they helped to get 3 publics to sign as staff members of Bogota Org. They also helped by organizing 43 events and meetings!!!!
Sandra Poveda, OT Ambassador and OTC Chairman completed her OT 8!!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II. OTC members have embraced the GAT II crusade enlighten the public on the importance of getting the training, going through their Basics to be ready for GAT II, in a raising vertical movement!
OTC helped on calling for the GAT II event. This event had the highest-ever attendance!! More than 300 people attended the event at the Convention Center, and they got fully and happily impacted by the release, enthusiastically wondering which their next step on the Bridge would be and what they should start doing in an immediate basis! The event took 6 hours with couple of breaks to show the released materials to the public. The Convention Center was packed with people.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs & IAS
In coordination with Bogotá Org and IAS, OTC members supported the IAS event held at CM Auditorium of Bogotá by actively doing call-in, organizing the logistics, sound and set up the event. This was a great, high tone event, the best ever attendance on a fundraising event: more than 100 publics and a total of $90,000 were pledged.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
On October 4th, OTC members Claudia Mosquera and Andres Motta, I/Cs of 4D Project Say No to Drugs delivered a seminar to more than 1,800 students at AgustinianoSchool in the North of Bogotá city. The event raised the students tone, and at the end, all of them signed “A Drug Free World” pledge.
OT Committee members have been helping a Sea Org mission on the projects of fundraising and CF for the new Ideal Org.
Several activities were organized to prepare the public for GAT II, contacting public off lines, sending lot of promotion and organizing special events. For the GAT II events, they contributed with massive promotion and call-in, and as a result 500 people attended the event!!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Continuing our OT Nights, Mr Mariano Tuffano, on OT 7, and Mr. Julio Jaimes from Colombia, visited Buenos Aires org and helped to bring public through the “OT Games” Conference, with the purpose of motivating them on the importance of being on study doing the Basics and the training in general. OTC members helped on promotion, call-in and logistics of the event, with 25 attendees. Money was fundraised for the renovations of the org.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
OTC members contributed to 3 events organized to fundraise for the ideal org by sending massive promotion and doing call-in for those events.
The campaign had the motto “donate your brick”. A value per square meter was established to give reality on how much is needed to complete the renovations, allowing the public to help contributing by the donation of “bricks”.
On one of the events, they had a karaoke, and famous characters in Argentina “Willy Pachanga” and “Jonny Alegria” were performed by Mr. Guillermo Abal and Mr Gabriel Destefani, together with Argentinean mascot “Pepe, the Toad”.
A total of U$ 38,718 dollars was raised!!
Progress on Files Projects.
OTC members continued working on reviewing and organizing old lists of public, together with Sea Org mission. As a result of this work, they compiled a list of 500 people that attended the GAT II event!!
Getting New Public into the Org.
Gabriela Arraga, OTC member, organized and participated in a radio station program. This is a very important radio that reaches thousands of people in Buenos Aires. She, together with Gustavo Libardi, Buenos Aires Org DSA, are participating in a program that is on air every Saturday, promoting LRH works, courses, and offering help through the tech.
This activity is helping to get public to reach the Org to buy books and start courses. They don’t have yet the figure of how many came because of the program.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Laura Melero, OT 7 and OTC member, volunteered lot of hours to organize the call-in for the events. She also recovered blown students, and did ethics handling to public to help them to go back onto services.
Lucia Arraga, OTC member, contributed many hours on call-in, organization and logistics for the events. She also became Alumni for the Ideal Org Project.
Gaston Varrenti, Clear and OTC Chairman, created and sent all the promotional items for the different events –fundraising and GAT II events-. He also achieved the status of Vanguard with Honors for the Ideal Org Project.
Gabriela Arraga disseminated for the Org, especially the Dianetics Intro routes, through the radio station program and book sales.
COSTA RICA OT COMMITTEE DECEMBER 2013 REPORT (There is no org in Costa Rica)
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
OTC members Marco Zúñiga and Tatiana Salgado, well known by their support to Costa Rica Mission and the Freewinds, also got involved on important campaigns such as TWTH campaign and the Ideal Org building. They organized at the ship a raffle with just 20 tickets, offering the winner the plane ticket, convention ticket and 1 week of accommodations to be at the Freewinds for the GAT II event. Public of Costa Rica mission, Mr Vesalio Rodriguez, won the raffle. He is a very new Scientologist who is at this moment receiving Book 1 auditing and doing basic courses.
On October 19, OTC members organized at Holiday Inn Hotel a very special dinner, with the purpose of fundraising for OTC projects. There were 80 attendees at the dinner. The event was very pleasant with beautiful music and delicious food. There was a raffle of Source Materials and a trip to the Freewinds. OTC members Adrian Cubero and Renan Aguilar were key members on the organization and success of this event.
On these last weeks, OTC member Walter Puente attested at Flag his State of Clear, just a few days before GAI II release. He was thrilled because of the wins, cognitions and knowledge he obtained going through this journey, an adventure.
As a consequence, on November 29th an event on his accomplishment was organized at the mission. He talked to the attendees about his journey from being a Div 6 public to the state of Clear, letting them know how this route to eternity is open to anybody who really decide to do it, as simple as it sounds. Walter has just paid for his OT Levels up to OT V.
Getting New Public into the Org.
On September 13, Costa Rica OTC and Costa Rica Mission hold the “FSMs Night” event, where the best FSMs for the second quarter of LRH Birthday Game were awarded: Renán Aguilar, Braulio Vargas y Adrián Vargas.
Mr. Aguilar emphasized how rewarding is just the activity of helping people to overcome all the barriers they created by their selves. He also stated how bringing public to the mission for courses and processing is part of the Scientologist Code, and his privilege and pleasure to work shoulder to shoulder with Mission staff to achieve this goal.
OTC Mario Morales and Adrian Vargas were contacted by the company named Sanité, which is an organization sponsored by Costa Rica Government. This organization is working beyond Costa Rica frontiers helping with Health related issues to other Central America areas. Mr. Morales delivered them several seminars on Truth about Drugs, Cause of Suppression and “Attention Units”, based on LRH Studies and Works. The Board Committee were fascinated by the technology and unanimously approved to get Mr Morales to help them also with the Admin Tech. These OTC members also got the approval for a series of conferences and seminars with the purpose of bringing top members (OLs) of this organization to the Mission for courses and auditing.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
TWTH Association in Costa Rica run by OTC member Yadira Orias continued getting stellar accomplishment in the country. To mention some of them:
On September 25th, OTC members group Yadira Orias and Deyanira Chinchilla, together with publics from the mission Grace Flores, Andres Chacon, Vesalio Rodriguez and the little girl Andrea Calderon participated on the “Peace Day” organized by Justice Ministry of Costa Rica. OTC member Gustavo Carballo donated 800 hundreds TWTH booklets and all of them were distributed during the event.
There was a very special meeting that TWTH group attended on October 2nd with the President of the Doctors and Surgeons Association. The purpose of the meeting was to create a partnership between TWTH and the Association to print 2,000 booklets with the Association as cover page. The project was approved and the booklets have been started to be distributed!
This team has been dedicating its effort to enlighten on TWTH principles to people from the area of highest crime level in Costa Rica.
On November 4th Mrs Deyanira Chinchilla and Mrs Grace Flores delivered 4 seminars in Puntarenas county schools with 1,046 attendees. Public got fascinated with the public services ads, asking for more DVDs, while the teachers asked for the Educator’s Guide. Doctors and Administrators of several hospitals and clinics asked for more seminars and conferences.
Same day on a different location, Mrs Orias, President of TWTH association in Costa Rica, delivered workshops to 157 students at Santa Ana Private school. The workshop had also some city and Patrol policemen from Santa Ana and San Jose and they asked Mrs. Orias to deliver the workshop also at other counties in order to educate a greater number of kids, educators and parents on the subject of moral and social values.
On November 19th a TWTH seminar was held for the administrators of MonseñorSanabriaHospital at Puntarenas. It was delivered by Deyanira Chinchilla, Andres Chacon and Grace Flores. 30 booklets with the Association of Doctors and Surgeons as cover page were distributed. The attendees were so satisfied that requested longer seminars so all the precepts could be covered.
OTC member Juan José Navarro is the VMs I/C in Costa Rica. His key and main activity is developed at La Reforma Penitentiary. Each Tuesday OTC members Adrián Vargas, Juan Carlos Arias and Juan Jose Navarro, plus Jorge Valverde and Esteban Morales (publics of the mission) go to supervise at the penitentiary premises the TWTH, Learning How to Learn and Volunteer Minister courses. Since September 2013 and up today, 30 students have completed TWTH course. More than 90% of all inmates who finished their courses have resigned to do the next course of Learning How to Learn. All the students have expressed the critical change in their lives and how their future seem brighter and best aligned for the moment they will be released thanks to the course. Right now 72 students are enrolled on course. The psychologists at the prison are sending students to enroll on these courses delivered by Volunteer Ministers of Costa Rica.
OTC members Renán Aguilar, Andres Chacon and public Camilo Guzman were very active on Nanconon Costa Rica program:
On November 1st, at PasoAnchoSchool he delivered a conference to 72 teachers. He gave out 144 TWTH booklets and 100 of “10 things your friends may not know about Drugs”. He gave TWTH DVDs to use them in class.
On November 4th Andres Chacon delivered same type of conference and gave booklets on the SpecialSchool for Young Adults in the same city.
On November 16th and 17th Renan and Camilo Guzman went to deliver drugs prevention seminars in schools and colleges of Guanacaste province. They delivered to all sectors of the communities, from teachers to local government representatives and police forces. 300 people were introduced to the Truth About Drugs, in an area with the highest concentration of drugs’ abuse. The seminars went pretty well, attendees were really happy to have a tool to fight against the core problem of their community, and they asked our OTC members to please come back to deliver more conferences on the subject to help to control and eradicate the drugs problem.
Scientology Mexico Ideal Org OTC members had several outstanding contributions since the beginning of this quarter: 278 people reached through 17 different conferences, briefings and workshops, delivered by OTC members.
On the 3rd and 4th Dynamic campaigns, Lucy and Salo Dabbah reached another 85 people. In total they distributed around 3,200 pieces for Say No to Drugs Campaign!!
Several OTC members were key for the IAS campaign! I/C Gurris Chacon, OTC member, IAS Medal Winner, and IAS I/C Jose David Mujica, OTC member, Lecturer I/C, worked very hard to enlighten the public on the purpose of IAS and its achievements.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Clarisse Meschoulam, OTC member Lecturer, was the heart of the conferences and seminars delivered at the org. She reached herself around 131 people. She again delivered conferences all around the world, contacting many scientologists to get them up the Bridge.
After GAT Phase II release, Clarisse did a workshop for FSMs at the Org, to create a group of FSMs all of them aligned with the purpose of getting the public into GAT II through several conferences and workshops.
OTC members helped to get around 23 steps on the Bridge and 27 courses completions, including also to 2 publics to start GAT II St Hat. They helped also to recover 3 students.
OTC members started new courses: 4 with GAT 2, Gurris Chacon and Ilana Salame started Student Hat, Clarisse Mescoulam started Objectives and Leon Salame his OT 6A!!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Clarisse Meschoulam, OTC member Speaker, was the first person in LATAM to attest all Basics B&L, PDC, Congresses and ACCs.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
OTC members are helping to fundraise for other orgs in Mexico and this quarter they helped to raise $1,149. Clarisse Meschoulam, OTC member Lecturer, organized a poetry event, where they collected $250 for Ideal Orgs.
Getting New Public into the Org.
Conferences, workshops and OT Nights delivered by OTC Members to Scientologist too helped to get 6 new public into the Org for services.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
On the 3rd and 4th Dynamic campaigns they reached around 85 people, and around 3,200 promo pieces, flyers, books and booklets were distributed. OTC member Enrique Hernandez de Tejada presented Say No to Drugs campaign to 85 people. In September at Condesa Park around 800 booklets were distributed. On Oct. 17, they gave out around 1200 booklets at Miguel Hidalgo Delegation. On Oct 20th at Naucalpan they distributed around 1200 booklets.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Gurris Chacon, did several amazing cycles for the IAS, and she was the key leader FSMing people. Those publics finished around 18 steps on the Bridge and 10 courses.
Ruth Lan, OTC Chairman, coordinates every event, seminar or conference, helped the IAS and United Mexico for Ideal Orgs in Mexico.
Clarisse Meschoulam reached 131 people with her conferences, briefings and workshops around the world.
OTC members delivered a conference to 62 new people, which was the highest-ever of new people starting at the org by the OTC Members contribution!! Laura Lopez, OTC member, brought 10 people to an Author Services presentation and she sold a whole Science Fiction set.
A Freewinds Seminar was held at the Org, where Alejandro Palacios, ODD OTC Chairman Org, handled 9 people to go to the Freewinds for courses and seminars. OTC members brought 13 scientologists into the org that started 13 courses.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
Alejandro Aristi, OTC Member, helped Iliana Salame to go through her CCRD, her last Bridge step to achieve the state of CLEAR!
Alejandro Palacios, OTC Chairman, helped a public to start his Bridge by routing him to the Purification Rundown.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Alejandro Palacios brought 3 people for the Universes Congress.
Laura López, OTC events I/C, routed a public to start de Universes Congress too; she also paid her congresses with the purpose to also encourage other publics to complete their conferences.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The OTC worked along with the SO and the other Mexican orgs to make fundraising events, and the major achievements of ODD OTC members were as follow:
In a dinner Alejandro Aristi, OTC Member, fundraised $11,111.
In a common fundraising event $913.31 were fundraised by Laura López (Events I/C) $413.41, Alejandro Palacios and Héctor Cruzado $499.99 from the stage. During the “Between Lives Area” conference, organized by ODD OTC members, they fundraised $5,132.81 dollars.
This quarter, OTC members of ODD raised a total of $18,070 for their Ideal Org Project!!
Getting New Public into the Org.
Alejandro Palacios organized an Ethics seminar, where 15 new publics attended. Ricardo Colin (OTC Member) delivered a conference to 62 new people, which was the highest-ever of new people starting at the org by the contribution of OTC members.
OTC members sold this quarter 90 books to new people, and once again Ricardo Colin was top bookseller, with 24 books sold.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
$1,500 were raised by OTC Members to help IAS projects: $500 by Verónica Fernández (CF I/C) and $1000 by Alejandro Palacios.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
This quarter OTC Members worked very hard to make well known in Mexico the fourth dynamic campaigns.
OTC helped to organize and filled it with public the conference “How to Make a Thetan Stronger and Powerful”. The public enjoyed the conference and TWTH TWTH Venezuela and Mexico briefings and Freewinds PPRO and famous actress Maria Lara’s speech. Several OTC members worked hard to get public to attend the conferenceand to regs for the ship. As a result, 9 people arrived to the Freewinds for courses and conferences.
Oriana Cordero, OTC member, brought 55 new people to the Org for a TWTH conference and 55 booklets were given to these people. This conference was filmed.
Other Major Activities.
Production of all the graphic and printed materials for OTC events, as well as other Ideal Org events in Mexico, done by Antonio de La Fuente, OTC Member. He not only helped ODD but also other Orgs and CLO Latam!!!
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Congratulations to Alejandro Palacios (new OTC Chairman) for making a real OTC group and for achieving very valuable products this quarter.
During the latest two months, Valencia OTC has supported the Org by: Bringing 3 new public for Division 6 services, 16 books sold, an average of 25 active members per week, 52,919 raised for IAS projects and 5 new status, 8 starts on the Bridge, 258,295 and 1,855 volunteer hours!!!
It was a great achievement to help the Org during the IAS World Tour and break the worldwide record of fundraising!!! The best ever event in Scientology Venezuela for the IAS
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
OTC members helped SH Tour by organizing 2 briefings about the Bridge. The briefings were attended by 22 people and 15 people. As a result of this activity, more than 10 publics have started to pay for their OT levels in Saint Hill y 2 of them have an arrival date already set up.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
OTC members organized two key events with the purpose of maintaining the spirit of game and give a big push to the Ideal Org Project. Those 2 activities resulted on more than $100,000 for Valencia Ideal Org. OTC helped with the food, decorations, call-in and fundraising.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Angie Sanchez, TWTH I/C of Valencia OTC, contributed to disseminate TWTH precepts in their area of influence by distributing 4,000 booklets, and participating in “tele-marathon” which is a bazaar to help children and families in need.
OTC members are handing out TWTH books in their businesses to their clients, friends and staff.
TWTH was advertised by a radio station that covers 3 main Venezuela states where some of the precepts were read aloud to the audience.
In this quarter Brescia OTC organized special projects to recover OTs that then will be put on the OTC org board. The org board is getting completed from the top and a plan has been worked out for the Ideal Org, revitalizing the reges and the field.
An effective plan for promo and marketing has been done with 4 monthly flows (one each week). The first one is promoting what is happening at the OTC meeting, the second on the 4th dynamic campaigns, the third one is on what happens at the Ideal Org events and the fourth one is called “the lion campaign” and is done to keep informed everybody, also the ones that don’t come to the events, meeting, etc.
Also the project to move people towards OT is going on with Fulvio Bandera, an OTC member OT8. He held 12 lectures to promote the Bridge with 108 people attending. All the lectures were on the importance of going up the Bridge. His seminars also put attention on the importance of third dynamic as that is the work that is done by the pre-OT on the OT levels. There were several people that were at these lectures that decided to do their next level on the Bridge. One is Valeria Valle that now is doing her OT5.
Of course this project is continued and is becoming more and more effective thanks also to the GAT 2. After the release of GAT 2 there are 10 people on new courses with great enthusiasm.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The OTC pushed to have the members finish the Basics in order to be ready for GAT2; 11 people completed.
A board was prepared with the progress of the field on the Basics, to control everybody on the route.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
In this quarter, only one event for the Ideal Org was held. it was exciting and enthralling for all the public. It was a Karaoke Event. And the leader wanted to involve the audience in singing, thinking that people were shy and don’t want to sing.!!! Not at all! They were taking turn to sing and do their donations! Also a little girl only 4 years wanted to sing and do her donation! Here is a little piece of the success of the mother: “I’ve decided to donate for the ideal org because I want that my daughter will do her Bridge in her Ideal Org…”
Progress on Files Projects.
The Central Files Program is still going on. In 2013, we finished the Student folder Project, and now we are putting in PT the treasury folders. A group of 7 people has already started to work on the PC folders. They have done around 1100 hours of volunteering so far.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Youth for Human Rights: Since September, there is a new I/C, Domenico Franchi. The association has created and published a DVD in support of educational initiatives at the Prison Verziano Brescia. It is visible on the web site of the “Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia”. A FaceBook page was created dedicated to these activities that was visited in two months by 7500 people and that now has 585 followers.
The association participated in one important event of the Sikh community where it was launched a message on the human rights followed by 4000 Indians that lives in Italy. There were published, from September, around 20 stories on web channels and there were done 3 tv interviews on a local network.
CCHR: 3 OTC members, lead by Mariella Brunelli and Luigi Modonesi (both OTC members) have disseminated about the ADHD and electro shock. There are weekly actions that are done: each week end there is a stall in front of the hospital of Brescia (is the main hospital of the city and the second hospital in all Italy) to collect signatures against the electro shock and for the appeal for the rights of children against abuse of psychotropic drugs and psychiatric labels. 174 signatures of people that were completely informed on what is going on with the electroshock and around 200 signatures for the psychiatric labels were collected. These 200 signatures were sent directly to the minister of instruction, university and research, in the Italian parliament.
Moreover a local radio, “RADIO VERA”, has published on its web site banners that promote CCHR. On youtube a video was published with the interview done by the TV “Tele Pota” (a local TV station) with the CCHR I/C Luigi Modonesi. There he talked about the issue of child abduction from households by social workers and psychologists placing children in foster homes. This interview is on the youtube channel and is receiving good comments. In total there were 3500 people informed on ADHD in these last three months.
TWTH: The I/C of this campaign, Angelo Zanini, with his group, have brought forward the project to give every family in Brescia booklet The Way to Happiness. To complete the project 60 thousand booklets are needed.
First of all Angelo has handled some suppliers to his company, who are not Scientologists, to join the campaign and to create their personalized copies of TWTH. 3 companies accepted for a total of 8000 booklets.
Angelo, with his company, has printed 29.500 copies and also his printer joined the campaign deciding to print other 5000 copies for free.
Also the association “Girasole” (Applied Scholastic) has printed 1000 copies with their logo that were distributed to the family of the neighborhood where they operate.
The distribution was done in a systematic and personalized way. Each booklet is put in a white envelope with a letter that present and explain the mission and the purpose of TWTH. There were 14,000 distributed. A lot of volunteer were involved in this project both for bagging brochures with letters and for door to door distribution.
The logo of TWTH and the web site continues to be visible in the Brescia area (and also close to Bergamo) thanks to the trucks and cars of the company of Angelo that has the logo printed on.
Around 20 local TV stations received a copy of the DVD TWTH with a letter that explains the purpose of the campaign and invite them to broadcast the advices.
SNTD: The I/C of this campaign, Luciano Cavagna, is keeping alive the distribution of the booklets in the area. Every week booklets are distributed in front of discotheques, schools and parks and where teens meet.
Last month a very famous circus in Italy, the Orfei Circus, was here in Brescia. The volunteers went there to distribute booklets. They were helped by the circus itself that joined the campaign. Thanks to their help around 5000 booklets were distributed.
Some cafés, restaurants, shops and car schools are displaying the booklets and they are periodically supplied by new materials. In this quarter there were distributed 7250 booklets.
The association “Epas Calcio” published its own brochure and in one of his last edition has dedicated a space to the campaign say no to drugs by putting the logo and a brief description of it
Recent Stellar Achievers.
ANGELO ZANINI – he is very active in the TWTH campaign. He has handled 4 wog companies so that they sponsor the booklets. This is the first time that happens in Italy. He is absolutely determined to continue and conclude the project to fill the city of Brescia with booklets.
DOMENICO FRANCHI – he is taking care of the Human Rights with lectures, pulling together 4 religions in the name of Human Rights, also with radio interviews.
EDDA RIGAMONTI – she has taken responsibility wearing the hat of HES in the OTC in a new unit of time. She also helps in the field like in THTH and Applied Scholastic
The main production and activities on the OTC has been on 4th dynamic campaign and in the organization of Ideal org events which the OTC has taken on fully the hat in organizing the events and fundraising.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
1) 28 September: The END OF SUMMER SALE EVENT, very theta event with fun and creation. The theme was: selling towels, sun bed and all other items for the beach, for summer 2014.
2) 31st October: The Halloween Ideal Org Fundraising event.
Very nice event with people coming in Halloween theme dress. It was very up tone with lot of fun. There were 56 attendees (32 publics+24 staff)
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
OTC Member participated in the following activities:
1) On the 28th of September, there was the Bicycle World Cup Race in Florence. 10 OTC Members participated in the distribution of 3000 Truth about Drugs Booklets and promoted the campaign by taking photos with the security personnel, the Red Cross and with the Fiorentina football players.
2) The yearly city event “CORRI LA VITA” organized from the city council and the association for research on breast cancer had 6 OTC Members participating in the distribution of 1000 The truth about drug booklets. Both of the events have been key event to create impact on the Drug Free World Campaign.
In both of these occasions there were THOUSANDS of people around who saw the OTC members distributing the booklets. In the second event two CC Florence DSA staff Members went on stage to present the campaign with the speaker and took photos with the Florence Football trainer and with an important member of the council of the city.
3) On 26 October 2013 there was the Lucca Marathon. This is a fair in Lucca in which 4 OTC members distributed around 1000 booklet of The Truth about Drug campaign. They had also a stand in the fair with a big sign of the Campaign. This activity has been well accepted and created a good PR on the people around in the fair.
4) From the 25th of November to the 2nd of December OTC members in charge of the CCHR Activities organized the CCHR exhibition with videos in the main Auditorium in the city centre, 200 meters away from the very famous “Santa Maria in Fiore Church” the Duomo of Florence, one of the main attraction for 100 000s tourists. OTC members helped in the distribution of thousands of leaflets outside the Auditorium and sent people in to watch the videos. Others did call-in to make sure that Scientologist and OTC member were confirmed to help. 905 in total people watched the exhibition. The people were impressed and showed interest. This exhibition has been key also for the reason that the psychs had a convention in the same period of time in the Hotel right 100 meters away from the exhibition! Also few psychs saw the exhibition before their convention!
On the 30th of November the Antonucci Award was held with 100 people attending. (Antonucci is a doctor who worked in 2 Italian psych hospital, freed people from their restraints and worked to change the system of treating people who were closed in a psych hospital and defended their rights).
On the 3rd of December the “DSM, the Lottery of the Mental Health” convention was held with 70 attendees.
In the last 3 months Milano OTC has maintained the production of the last quarter having new OTs and Clears in several sectors of production like for the Program of the OT Ambassadors.
The weekly average of the OT active is 75 people that send their products and participate in the Friday night meeting. This meeting is a standard production meeting, where each I/C shows the weekly stat, with also the active members for that project, and communicates the condition and the target for the next week.
What characterizes the OTC Milano is the cooperation and the tone level that arose a lot.
What pushes the OTC is the challenge that Sacramento OT Committee made on active members and hours of production.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Milano OTC has contributed in this quarter with several actions to help people to be ready for GAT2. It was done an all hands by all the OT that enrolled for their next course of books and lectures so that everyone was ready (with all the basics finished) for the GAT2.
Moreover there some evenings were organized to inform people on the importance on finishing the Basics. The starts in div 4 went straight up and vertical.
The action that worked the most was the fact that each OT took responsibility that another OT would enroll on a course of div 4 or 6.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
As said before, when COB announced the launch of GAT2 each OT took responsibility for another OT would enroll on a course in div 4 or 6.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
The fundraising for the Ideal Org continued and on average €60,000.00 is collected. The people involved are around 15 call-iner’s and 20 regges that meets every week for the production muster and organizes dinners in the different areas close to Milano like Como, Bergamo, Lecco, etc.
They organized event about every two weeks where around 100 people participated and from this they collected €150,000.00. The I/C for this project is Franco Losa (OT8) and, for the coordination of the calliner, Klaudia Bulawa (OT8).
Progress on Files Projects.
A key person was recovered onto this project. This was OT 8 Luciano Apperti who gave more strength to the project involving more people and volunteering more hours. Now there are around 100/150 hours a week done by 20/30 people that actively coordinates to finish this project. Giovanna Penaghi, OT8, before was the I/C of this project and now is leading it with Luciano.
Getting New Public into the Org.
In these last three months Highest Ever has been reached with 16 Starts a week in Div 6. This has been accomplished by Giovanni Del’Aria e Giovanni Rusconi both OT8 and OTC members. They have been participating in the FSM nights organized in the org and then brought a lot of new people in.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
The I/C of the project, Mariano Fazi, with his team of 4/5 people, weekly closes an average of 2/3 statuses. This production goes with the production of the org and together they reached the status of Diamond Gold Meritorious for the org. Milano OTC has was awarded in the last IAS event held at Flag in November.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
TWH activity has increased hugely. The I/C of the project is Arianna Lopes and she has brought the quota of the booklets distributed from 200 weekly to 1000 weekly. Now there are around 20 people dedicated to this project. There were several very successful Marathons where TWTH has participated.
Only for this project the Italian Sports League has created a “mini marathon” called TWTH. All along the path there are stops for each precept as outlined in the book by Ron.
Other Major Activities.
Another activity that expanded a lot is the WISE network where the I/C Giovanni Rusconi, OT8, with his team of veterans OT8 like Franco Useri and Pino Gangidino have opened other 4 WISE groups in the north of Italy.
Then in this quarter, the OTC has seen new I/Cs for the OT Ambassador program like Silvia Rusconi, OT7, for Human Rights.
Tiziana Vico, OT8 and I/C of the Recoveries project with her team, has worked on around 50 people that came back in the org both for training or auditing.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
The main achievers are the HCO area I/Cs because in this quarter they had a quota of 5 people hatted a week, with a total of production hours that went from 200 to 860 a week. A fantastic 4x! The I/Cs are: Francesca Rusconi, HES and OT8, Lucia Nicoletti, DI&R and OT8, Cecilia Natale, I/C of call in and OT8.
It was possible to create all of this thanks to the help and coordination of the president of the OTC, Roberto Baroni.
Other stellar achievers were obtained in the recovery area where weekly are used around 40/60 hours with Tiziana Vico, I/C of the project and OT8 and Piero Cucchiara, OT8.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
The OTC organized a very nice activity to strengthen the group of the more active Scientologist in the area. Friday 13th September a dinner was organized at a nearby farm. 30 Scientologists attended and when they found out the last news about the building they strengthened the purpose of getting it in short time. €1500.00 were collected that evening.
On Saturday 12th October the OTC organized an evening in the new building of Milano, to support it in getting the funds for renovations. They raised a further €1500.00.
Jasmine Jardeva, OTC member and I/C of the project, has sold in this quarter, 70 books and 83 booklets from the Scientology handbook in several fairs and markets in the city.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
The OTC member Ivana Mutti, I/C of TWTH has collected donations to buy the booklets. In June and July they organized the campaign “happy Monza” where they distributed over 3 Sundays, 3100 booklets. On the 22nd September they distributed other 2000 booklets to the people in Monza with a lot of favorable opinions collected.
On the 13th November Laura Arnaboldi, OTC member and I/C of the SNTD campaign participated with her team in the concert of a famous singer (Emma) in the city of Morbegno. They distributed the booklets to thousands of people. The police that was at the concert appreciated and supported the group in the distribution.
These were months full of activities. The OTC members were really engaged on the IAS campaign and on other activities to help the Org in aligning for the delivery of GAT 2.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
In the months of July and October the OTC organized, in the fantastic Ideal Org, two great parties with the purpose of recovering disaffected public and tempting people to attend the course to get ready for GAT2.
It was a great success. A lot of Scientologist that were not coming anymore to the org came and declared that they were happy to breath a new fresh air. Also the ED’s of the org have noticed more theta in the area and new people that were asking information for the courses.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
The OTC has organized and offered a wonderful dinner, very elegant and upstat, in honor of the Basics. It was done in the fantastic chapel with very famous catering.
A video was presented with the successes of the OTC members that finished the Basics. During the dinner the people present were entertained with live music and several moments in which technical terminals were talking about Basics.
There were around 100 Scientologist attending and they were all very happy, well impressed and involved, included the org management.
Getting New Public into the Org.
In this activity was particularly marked Lorenza Migliorato, a Clear and member of the OTC, that for months is delivering weekly seminars on prosperity in the org and also the mission with 20/30 people attending. Some of these people have also started some div 6 courses.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
This year, thanks to the active support of the OTC members, the 4d campaigns are having great success in the area. In the OTC there are I/Cs for every campaign.
In November 2013 with the support of the OTC members an exhibition on Psychiatry in Abano Terme, municipality of Padova was organized. The exhibition was visited by a lot of people, authority and students. It was held also a convention named “Psychotropic drugs to kids, my first drug?”. The attendance was made by important personalities and there was also an important lawyer expert in family right and juvenile law.
Another very important event was done by Youth for Human Rights. The mayor of the municipality of Grantorto, in the province of Padova, has proclaimed the 10th November the “international day for Youth for Human Rights”. It is the first county outside the USA that has originated this proclamation.
At the event Daniela Fava, New OT VIII, OT Ambassador and spokeswoman of “youth for human rights international” for Italy attended. And from now on, each year, the municipality of Grantorto, each 10th November will give a certificate of merit to the best young man/woman, association or group that distinguished themselves during the year for action towards human rights.
TWTH: for around 10 years, the association TWTH Padova organizes, at Christmas time, a collection of gifts that then will be given to the old people that live in the nursing homes. This activity has always been very appreciated and asked for from the municipality of Padova and today more and more. In fact this year the association organizes this activity in cooperation with Caritas (a very important National association). They started to prepare everything already from November and this year the collection of gifts will be also for the family in need and kids. This activity involves a lot of OTC members and will receive great acceptance for the ideal org of Padova.
Approaching the end of the year 2013, the activities of our OTC increased a lot.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
In consideration of the monumental release of the GAT II, many activities have been done: OTC Members speeded on their study and started on the GAT2 services (Purif, Student Hat, L11 and OT Levels).
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Also, they helped their selectees to avail themselves on the GAT II training and processing. A special mention goes to Manuela Baccari and Fabio Lo Fria, Chiara and Joe Garcia for their eccellent FSM production.
Enzo Fruncillo and Georgia Mazzei helped many Scientiologists, recovered in the field, and got them going throught the Basics Books and Lectures. Enzo and Georgia also helped as coachs many students on the Academy levels and the Solo 1 course.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The Rome OTC members joined to help the Fundraising for the next Ideal Org in Italy: Milano.
4 EVENTS have been organized and sponsored by the OTC, and the events were also held by two OTC members, Riccardo Rosso and Manuela Baccari. More than 40.000,00 Euros have been raised.
Pino Leone is a very stable datum on the bookselling, with tens of books in the hands of new public. But the game is still open: Carmela Pala, Francesca Pala and Sandro Brusco are going very well on the bookselling.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Fabio Lo Fria helped in the IAS fundraising and held some events.
All the Members of the OTC are moving up and are closer and closer to their next status in the IAS.
Paolo Strinati and Tina Pagnutti helped in IAS interviews and obtained a new Lifetime membership.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Riccardo Rosso, Marcella Coccanari and Paolo Onorati with the help of Maria Luisa Dezi, during the UN International PEACE Day, organized a soccer game in the Sabaudia stadium with two excellent teams: the national TV station sport journalists and the movie and theater actors. They gave their free support to the event, playing soccer and inviting people to join the Human Rights Campaign. Many politicians, the Mayor, opinion leaders and authorities attended the event.
Gianni Brunetti and Giovanni Vianello reached about 1 thousand of students with the Human Rights lessons in the School. Laura Marcucci organized a conference & show in one of the most important theaters of Naples. Many politicians & Opinion leaders attended.
Paolo Strinati and Tina Pagnutti passed out hundreds of Truth about Drugs booklets weekly. They also held a successful event in a city near Rome, with hundreds of booklets and a conference attended by many people.
Elena Martini made an event in Alatri for the Alatri Music for signing, with 50 trees “hugged” by the banners of Human Rights campaign and PSA showed on the stage for 4 days. She also organized, for the UN Children Day, a Walk in the Streets of Formello with alla the students of the Schools of the city, reading the Human Rights to the public present. The Mayor was present.
Other Major Activities
A special note goes to Valentina Gasparato, the HAS of Rome OTC and fully trained LRH translator: she did hundreds of hours and pages of translating and editing to obtain the GAT II release. To Valentina joined Pino Leone and Arianna Ariè, members of the OTC, who also contributed to the release. From the end of November to mid Jan. 14 Valentina was also full time on a CMO INT Translation Project at Flag.
The OTC Sardegna committed themselves unreservedly, to reaching of the primary goals for the expansion of our religion. Finally we can say that the purchase of the new building for the Ideal Org is DONE!!!
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OTC Sardinia has continued in the enlightening action on the advantages and needs in going on the study of the Basics, also as primary requisite to make the most from GAT2. Our leader, the OT Ambassador Antonietta Fadda, personally held the majority of the briefings and workshops on several subjects like “the admin scale”, “the conditions”, “the dynamics”, the PR tech”, etc.
People were helped in restoring the personnel priority of completing the Basics as a big help of their going up the Bridge.
Several groups of OTC members have carried forward an enlightening program with some Scientologist of the area, contacting and interviewing them to arouse the interest towards their Bridge, toward the study of the Basics and toward the fantastic goal of the Sardinian Ideal Org. Thanks to this activity there were 3 people recovered on the Basics and LICs.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
In this quarter the personal effort and commitment of all the OTC members towards the goal of buying the building has reached the level of “blood, sweat and tears”.
The difficulties there were coming were huge but our tenacity and good stubbornness, never forgetting the motto “I prefer to see you dead than incapable” let us overcome the insidious barriers of the bank, keeping the purpose alive… above the pressure of the MEST universe.
Knowing that we had the decisive event for the completion of the cycle of the Building, some members of the OTC, during the weeks before the event, gave interviews for hours to several scientologists so that they had their interest on the goal of creating the Ideal Org again.
Thanks also to these activities, during the memorable event held the 12th October, with around 80 people, the OTC cooperating with the I/C of the fund raising Franco Nigro and Gian Luca Bussacchetti (SO members) and with the Org of Sardinia and the Missions of Nuoro and Olbia, pushed all the attendees to donate.
Obviously the OTC members have given the necessary push with personal financial engagement in the fund raising until we have reached the end of the cycle, DONE!
During that event there were promised and then raised euro 25.000 euro (the OTC members gave 13.000 euro).
The evening was really beautiful, with live music, games and skits, but the main thing was the Theta all around and the spirit of game that involved all the people present, enthusiastic and determined in completing the goal.
The week after the completion of the cycle, as an ack for the help received, the OTC Sardinia with the Org of Sardinia, Nuoro and Olbia MSN has organized a thank you party for the Fundraising I/C Franco Nigro and Gianluca Bussacchetti (FBO Org Sardinia.)
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
In November the IAS event was held in Cagliari and Olbia, with more than 150 people attending. OTC Sardinia played its role with call-in and personal contacts to have people at the event and, during the event, donating. There were several statuses reached: 3 lifetime and a Patron, reached by Antonietta Fadda (OT8 and OT Ambassador) and her son.
In this quarter the OTC have raised more than 36.000 $.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
The OTC members have continued the distribution of the booklets of the different 4D campaigns.
In particular, 490 copies of TWTC were distributed in just a few days by a veteran member of the OTC 490 copies of TWTH, while another group, in cooperation with a staff of Nuoro Mission distributed in one hour, in one day, 190 booklets on Human Rights in the main street of Nuoro.
These activities have caused great acceptance and a lot of good remarks from several people that, with the booklet in their hands, were interested and thanking the Scientologist for the initiative.
An OTC member is working with the schools in the region of Nuoro, enlightening them on the need of making the students know about Human Rights, showing them the humanitarian purposes and presenting some formal initiative to have this issue officially in the school programs of the new year.
The 18th November there was a disaster in some area in Sardegna. In a few hours a violent hurricane released a quantity of water that usually comes in 6 months. There were 17 people dead and serious damage to houses that were flooded by 150 cm of mud. There was very serious damage also to the streets and a lot of animals died. In the OTC Sardegna there are some VM. They moved rapidly to bring help to the devastated people. Groups organized with the national protection, helped in the city of Olbia where the majority of the damage was. They helped the people in trouble by cleaning the houses from the mud and in recovering what it was possible to recover.
Another group organized a food and comfort items from all over Sardegna, transporting them on trucks to the places hit by the hurricane.
Some other members organized a collection and bought food, then gave it to some families with kids that were in trouble. The same members also helped in cleaning the houses, washing clothes and giving theta and help to these people. There were involved in these activities 23 members of the OTC that did 800 volunteer hours.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Our leader, the OT Ambassador OT VIII, Antonietta Fadda, always first in organizing productive initiatives, encourages and unites the group. She held a series of seminars and briefings on Conditions, Ethics, Dynamics, PR tech, etc. to several different groups of Scientologist. She also organized some group processing (delivered by C/S Italy) with 24 people. Antonietta is a stable datum for all the Sardinian scientologists and everybody can receive her help, right and targeted advices that address people to be more causative. She takes care of the I Help group “Sardegna Ideale” and she is decisive in each useful strategy for the fund raising for the Ideal Org.
Daniela Fois, OT VII, Cl IV Auditor and C/S. Daniela is our absolute Landmark on tech Processing. There were really a lot of people helped with professional auditing and ethics cycles. Daniela is incredibly capable in addressing people on the vital purpose of getting on the Bridge. It doesn’t matter if they are at the beginning or on the OT levels, her Theta determinism is very contagious.
Daniela pushes tirelessly people towards spiritual betterment, she always gives great help, on every occasion, precious and spiritual.
Cinzia Curreli, our great friend, she is now auditing on OT VII. She is a great lawyer, and from this hat has helped unreserved (and she continues doing it) in a lot of legal vicissitudes, also difficult, concerning Scientologists but also MSN and ORG, locally and nationally. She has literally overturned for the best, some dangerous situations putting back juridical peace and avoiding malignant kickback from anti- scientologists. Cinzia is very good in talking with people and help them not only in the legal field but also in the ethical and professional matters, addressing them with some easy data on ethics in the working area. Moreover she has saved several people from the psych hands, taking them away also from psych drugs, with a very functional informative on drugs.
NOTE, it seems that what used to be two orgs — Cagliari and Nuoro are now “consolidated” into one now named Sardegna. Like CC London was “consolidated” with London Org it seems that rather than orgs being OPENED they are being “consolidated.” I wonder who was declared for these “Suppressive Acts”?
During this quarter the OTC has volunteered 680 hours for the different projects of the OT Ambassador Program.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The OTC has continued to push the public forward on the Basics and there were 16 steps done on the courses.
Progress on Files Projects.
Some OTC members weekly work on it to reorder the folders and update the addresses to make efficient CF and in present time.
During this quarter the OTC members have continued the activity of book selling participating more than once to several stalls and selling book in the city of Torino. There were sold 36 books.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
During the IAS World Tour the OTC actively worked both as donators but also in helping the public go on their next status. In this quarter there were raised 114.000,00 dollars and reached 4 new Status: a patron by the family Ferro-Campini, a Patron Meritorius by Magda Morra, a Silver Meritorius by the family Startari.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
During this quarter there was a marathon in Torino and the OTC have sponsored some runners that wore the logo of TWTH. Some members of the OTC have distributed booklets in the key points of the city during the marathon.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
The Verona OTC was primarily involved in helping Milano OT Committee in their fundraising. Max Speri, the OT Committee chairman in Milano for an entire month helping the local OTC in regging and enlightening the Scientologist. We organized tours from Verona to Milan for visit to the new building of Milan to potential donors.
Verona has organized and having some events fundraising for Milan and always have been collected in total approximately $70,000.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
After the release of GAT II, a member of the Verona OTC became the first in Europe to start and complete the new Student Hat. Today he is in training as a field auditor as long career.
Thanks to the activity of some members of the OTC, especially the field auditor, we had some new people that have started their path in scientology.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
CCHR is carrying on with the campaign, in particular working on the matters of “TSO” (in Italian means Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio, that translated is “mandatory sanitary treatment”) on children. They did an event in Trento and there were articles on news paper about it.
The Say No To Drugs Campaign has distributed leaflets in central square during the Verona Summer Music festival.
Missing reports from at least PORDENONE and CATANIA.
The last 3 months have been the most exciting months in their history as an org with religious recognition finally achieved in Holland after a 20-year battle.
They now hold events in “their” Ideal Org. Since they own the building, they are able to utilize the space to provide staff and public with high havingness and a vision of what the future will behold once they have all the renovations paid for and done.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The first Ideal Org event in their newly purchased building was held on September 19th. The first floor is half empty so this was set up as an event hall with decorated tables and chairs. This was the first time that the public had seen the inside of the building. The public was curious with 80 people showing up, including many who do not normally attend fundraising events. They were all very excited and kept commenting on how great the building is, that the location is just perfect, etc. One could witness them keying out by just being in the building.
The public toured the building including the 3rd floor, with the spectacular roof terrace with incredible views over Amsterdam. The parking garage is important to many public.
As part of the event, a Skype call was put through on the video screen with Anna Mazza, FSC, who was at Flag. She gave a taste of the buzz going on at Flag with the release of Golden Age of Tech II. The public had a sparkly in their eyes as they got excited about the future and what this means for them and all of Scientology. Then the OES gave a short briefing about how easy Golden Age of Tech training is and how each person in the room can do it too but that they need to be ready (using what COB said about the Basics).
The FBO took over and gave a short speech about phase II of the building, the construction phase. A fun slideshow was done showing items the public could donate such as paint, chairs, etc.
The FBO announced the first pledges with the Remmerswaal family pledging their New Civilization Builder with Honours status and the Humanitarian status of U-man in Belgium. The public was keyed out and saw that it IS possible to get the renovation money regged also. Then a speed drill fundraising was done. At the event 4,590 Euro was raised with a total of $406,000 in pledges.
On October 20th, they had one of the most theta-incredible events ever to celebrate not only their Ideal Org but with news that Scientology Holland has achieved religious recognition. The DSA announced in his speech that Holland had received the Public Benefit status. He then explained how big of a deal this actually is. The public enthusiastically applauded and was completely keyed out about this.
The DSA turned the event over to the PRO, who gave some of the background stories on the responses coming in from the lawyer, the professor who helped enormously on the cycle, the public and of course the media. One of the media had the headline: “Court: Scientology is a real church”. When this headline was read to the public they were VVVGI’s.
The theta in the room kept expanding. The FBO announced Mr Ideal Org, Joop Remmerswaal, who pledged to be a New Civilization Builder. Joop received a huge applause and then spoke to the public. Following that the ED started the fundraising with the FCS, Hein Kleinveld, who came on stage. He gave a speech about how Scientology is “IT,” and that he had made a decision to be a Humanitarian. Huge applause.
Then something very special happened. D/ED Dick den Hartog came forward and said that we needed to realize that religious recognition in Holland is such a big thing, and that it has so much more influence then we think. He made it very real that we cannot wait any longer and that the building needs to open next year for sure. He announced his Humanitarian! So much theta was generated and everyone stayed throughout the evening of fundraising. Smaller donations and flows were received and the event was closed with a nice LRH quote.
On 2nd of November there was a follow up event to celebrate the religious recognition and what that really means to Amsterdam Scientologists. Julia Rijnvis who was the DSA for Amsterdam for many years came from OSA Int to celebrate and tell the story of the 20-year battle with the tax office. She handed out commendations to all who worked on the 4D campaigns, as they had been vital in proving that we do provide a valuable service to society and therefore contributing to the definition of a religious group deserving this status for the public good. Especially commended was Karel Jeelof, who tirelessly worked on this and never gave up despite all the setbacks experienced. This demonstrated to everyone present that you must persevere and you will get there in the end. This is exciting for the public as it means that their donations are now tax deductible.
Getting New Public into the Org.
WISE member and top FSM Mike Heyl has been as busy as ever lecturing and FSMíng new public into the org. He had 3 Purif starts in Amsterdam and 4 in Dusseldorf. 5 PC’s started on intro auditing with a further 2 scheduled to start. 9 interviews done with Free Case Analysis’. He told the story of a client whose company with 150 staff was stuck. Mike was at a loss as to how to get him through. The client was on holiday so Mike decided to call him in and invite him to his house. He took the E-meter and explained it to him. The client has a technical background and was very interested and liked it. Now he is on his 4th intensive of auditing.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
Delegates from Youth for Human Rights Holland Gerbrig Leistra and Carola Goodwin attended the 10th International Youth Summit in Brussels held by Youth for Human Rights International.
It was an inspiring event with many speakers from all over the world, including youth delegates and keynote speakers from the field of Human Rights. From Holland we had invited Mr. Lousewies van der Laan, Vice President of the ALDE party in the Europarlement and Mr Igbal and his wife who is a Human Rights advocate from Sri Lanka who works closely with the UN. Ms. Lousewies van der Laan, former Dutch politician and party leader of D66 and now the vice president of the ALDE party in Europe, delivered a very inspiring speech addressing the youth specifically. Her personal experiences regarding human rights issues developed her passion for human rights and became her drive to become political active. “If you want to be the change you want to see in the world, I would really encourage you to become advocates for peace and tolerance or become political involved yourself”, was her message to all youth. Also attending as a new Dutch delegate was Andre Damian, a law student in Utrecht, who is now organizing youth in Holland to get involved via social media.
Holland with their team of regular volunteers Eve Perard, Marcella and Oge Kruijt and Sophie Coulomb have been holding their regular events, attending local markets and handing out flyers and receiving stories from the public. One public said “if you want to be poor get a lawyer if you want to go crazy visit a psychiatrist.” One psychiatric nurse so disagreed with the side effects experienced by her patients, that she is training to become a Naturopath to see if she can use more natural methods. In total 1,250 flyers have been distributed and 400 DVDs have been sent out to interested parties.
Carola Goodwin has been asked to function as a moderator for discussion panels run by the Amsterdam Women Group for Religious Tolerance. She was invited to a lecture by a member of the group held in the Liberal Jewish Synagogue about the Jewish faith. Interesting was that they do not personify God and Carola stood up and introduced herself as a member of the Church of Scientology stating that recently the Church had received religious recognition and that they also did not personify God. She received a mention in their newsletter. After this Carola was asked if she could be the moderator as they really liked the way she had moderated a meeting of religious groups held in the Org, ensuring that everyone was treated with respect and that common ground was found with all present.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Mike Heyl — OT5 — who continually brings in new public to the org and regularly gives lectures in the field.
Gerbrig Leistra — OT5 — who is bringing YFHR to another level in Holland and who ensured that influential speakers attended the World Summit in Brussels.
Karel Jeelof — OT5 — who persisted for 20 years in getting our religious recognition in Holland.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
A public, who had been off lines and recovered 3 years ago with the help of OTC Chairman, François Chauchet, is now progressing very well on the Basics; which increased a lot her interest for the Bridge. She recently completed the Co-Audit Objectives Course, and wants now to move onto the Grades. So, with the help of François, who is also her FSM, she just overcame all the barriers and bought a 15 intensives auditing package. She immediately started on the Happiness Rundown, and got very big wins on it, and is now about to start the Grades!
Angers OTC members have helped as well to organize the Golden Age of Tech Phase II events so that they can be very successful. OTC members have done a massive call-in. Eliane Chauchet, OT Ambassador, contacted as well directly 2 publics off-lines since years, and talked to them to invite them to the events, and more generally to help to recover them. Jean-François Charpenet, OTC member, closed as well a public who rarely comes for the events to attend.
All these actions helped to have a big attendance to these historical events.
Right after the GAT II event when the Mark Ultra VIII has been released, Eliane Chauchet, OT Ambassador, got immediately her own E-Meter, and contacted several other OTs to encourage them to do so. Hervé Delafraye and Patrick Delafraye, both OTC members, bought immediately as well their new Mark Ultra VIII! 3 other OTC members did same in the week right after the events. That was for a major part in the fact that Angers org has been the first European Class V Org to reach its quota of sales of the new Mark Ultra VIII.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
OTC members have of course continued their own study of the Golden Age of Knowledge materials.
As the supervisors of the org were still at Flag in training for GAT 2, help was asked to the publics who are trained as supervisors to help, so that publics can progress on their Basics. 2 OTC members answered this call.
Maïna Danion, OT Ambassador, overcame the MEST barriers –as she lives 250km away from the org – and delivered many days of supervision in the course room. And Evelyne Cougoulic, despite distance (200km) and a very busy schedule (as she is a Solo NOTs auditor) delivered also several days of supervision. That was a great help to enable the publics to continue to their route of the Golden Age of Knowledge.
François Chauchet also disseminated his sister, who is on the HQS course! She has already completed all the beginners’ books extension courses, and as she wanted to continue on her study of Golden Age of Knowledge, she completed, with the help of her FSM François, her whole collection of Basics books and lectures, and then started on her next extension course.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
After having during several months focused on the French National Alliance, OTC members in coordination with the staff of Angers org have organized a local event of fundraising. Publics were very happy to contribute again directly to the local project.
OTC members did call-in, they prepared as well the food and helped to prepare the room and everything else for the event. After the briefing given by Nicolas Lafon, Angers Flag Rep, François Chauchet and Patrick Delafraye, OTC members, have done the stage fundraising, which enabled to collect more funds in order to get the building needed for our Ideal Org.
It should be noted that OTC has a new active member, Eric Du Petit Thouars, who decided to directly contribute to the creation of his new Ideal Org, by becoming a fundraiser for this project.
This is one of the most important target worked on by the OTC since several years, coordinated by Rose-May Gorostiza, OTC member. 9 OTC members participate on a regular basis to stress test and book-selling in the streets. In addition to these persons, 6 other publics or OTC members help on special periods, mainly during Bookathons.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
One local fund-raising event has been organized in Angers, in October, with a Freedom Medal Winner. OTC members helped for the call-in and the organization.
OTC members helped as well for the call-in to confirm attendees for IAS Anniversary local event.
And it should be noted that Jacqueline Delafraye (ED of Angers Org) and Patrick Delafraye (OTC member) decided to become the first Silver Patron Meritorious of Angers just before the IAS Anniversary this year!!!
Patrick did as well the stage fundraising with Nicolas Lafon (Angers FR); and Angers met its quota of fund-raising for this event.
From September 2013 till November 2013 Athens OTC had various activities: Fundraising, progress on the Bridge, translations, 4D IAS Campaigns, Ideal Org events with the purpose of building the Ideal Athens Org.
Athens OTC members volunteered totally 1,523 hours during this quarter, doing projects outlined in the OT Ambassador Program.
The major successes regarding Bridge Progress was that Athens OTC members, Christina Papadaki, attesting to the state of Clear and George Stratigos, attested to New OT VII!
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Athens OT Committee members supported the release GAT II by calling in public to attend the events. The OT Committee together with Athens Org staff managed to bring to the two GAT II events the highest ever number of people attending an event in Athens, as Athens ED proudly announced! Public who had not come for years for services to Athens Org, came to GAT II events! Many public also came to the events from other Greek cities. The GAT II events were a total success!!!
1 person was recovered to PTS/SP Course and totally 12 others onto various service starts. Amongst them there was the 1st person who started and completed Grade I with GAT II in just one day!
Athens OTC Chairman, Julia Malama, completed the Purification Rundown and Objectives with GAT II! Then she started the new GAT II Student Hat!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
During this quarter there were 14 starts on Basics books and lectures, 2 of them were recoveries back on course!
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
There were 2 Ideal Org events and the total amount collected was $58,629. In one of the events the Fundraising I/C Lambros Malamas presented a fantastic model of Athens Ideal Building! This model was decorated with little lights around it, providing a very theta and bright appearance! On top of the building model was a slot where someone could put a donation envelope! It was so beautiful and inspiring that many Athens OTC members and public were literally throwing their donations into the slot!
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
Athens OTC member Zoe Loukopoulou distributed many TWTH booklets to shops at the center of Athens. OTC members participated in another 4 TWTH distribution events, most of them in front of the Greek parliament.There were also 4 CCHR and 2 YFHR distribution events, and 2 YFHR plus 2 TWTH presentations to school classes.
Other Major Activities.
During this quarter 5 Athens OTC members contributed a total of 446 volunteer hours for translations, mainly GAT II materials!!!
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
This quarter Francisco Albiach, OTC member, attested New OT VIII! Oriol Ferrer, staff, attested Clear! Bosco Castro, OTC member, attested R6EW!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
OTC HES Herminia, gave short lectures about Basics at Friday night’s graduations. Consequently in the past 3 months there were two more full Basics boks & lectures completions.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The OTC organized two events, one with the purpose to activate people to join the OTC and the second a Halloween event to fundraising for the Ideal Org. Public came to the new Barcelona test centre dressed up in costumes. From the two events the total raised was of $2,616
Progress on Files Projects.
This last month the work on the CF room of the org was completed and the CF tasks have restarted.
Barcelona Org has stalls almost every weekend in village fairs surrounding Barcelona. The org also had a stall at the longest fair in Europe, a street full of stalls from end to end – 1,500 meters. OTC members helped in the street fair selling 4 books.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
This quarter has seen 3 new statuses attained, 2 Patrons and 1 Crusader. The amount raised was of $7,535.
During the past 3 months the OTC members helped with call-ins, personal recoveries, decoration of halls and stages, preparation of dinners, music-performances for
– 7 Ideal-Org Basel Fundraising-Events, and
– 3 Swiss Alliance-Ideal-Org Events.
They further organized and held 2 Ideal-Org Basel OTC-brunches on Sunday mornings with 35 attendees all up, and over 10 new statuses made.
And held after the weekly OTC meetings one seminar about ‘Creation, Play and Games’ with 13 attendees; in addition held two Ideal-Org Basel pizza events with over 35 attendees.
Fundraising for Ideal Org Basel
22.09.2013: Theme ‘Ideal Org Basel’ Sunday morning OTC-brunch in the canteen of the Basel org. They decorated the canteen and prepared a delicious brunch with all kinds of bread, finest Swiss ham, traditional Swiss ‘Bündtner Fleisch’, around 10 different Swiss cheeses, grapes, pineapple, finest Swiss yoghurts and Swiss ‘Birchermuesli’. 18 attendees enjoyed the brunch and enthusiastically created over 4 new Ideal-Org Statuses.
02.11.2013: Swiss Alliance Ideal Org Event ‘SWISS FREEDOM EVENT’ held in one of the historical most important places in the Switzerland of today: Sempach. At this place the important battle of Sempach happened, were one single man made it possible to win the battle and to further free the Swiss population from suppression. A new status was announced, named ‘1739’, the year of the historical battle at Sempach.
The enthusiastic crowd responded with over 65 new statuses made and the event finished with a big enthusiastic hand for LRH. The OTC did all-hands call-in to get the Basler public to attend, helped to prepare the hall, decorated the tables in red and white and the stage with a stage-sized poster showing the lake of Sempach, performed on stage as musicians during the event and helped to clean up the hall after the event.
30.11.2013 Ideal Org Basel Event, Theme´100% Ideal’ held in the Adonai Lounge in Basel. 30 Scientologists from Basel, publics and staff attended. An elegant dinner was served including fine cheeses, fresh salads, cookies, mandarins, nuts and coffee.
Then the unforgettable fundraising event began for REAL. One miracle after the other happened – 4 Humanitarian status completions – 2 Humanitarians with Honors and 2 Silver Humanitarians – 5 Swiss Genius Status completions – and on and on. The enthusiastic crowd stood on their chairs to salute all those big beings who gave their last to get ‘100% Ideal’, and inspired the attendees to beyond all imagination! A phone call from a Bern Public came in letting the 30 attendees know that for the next half-hour each donation was going to be doubled by this public. The attendees played the game like on fire and donations were rolling in.
After this game another public climbed on the stage and announced that he would donate for each person climbing the stage with a disguise – there where flimsy sunglasses and golden hats around – and everybody being able to move his or her body rushed around to put them on and sprinted on to the stage – which included everyone in the room on stage!
Then the next one climbed the stage and announced that he would donate for each minute of drum-solo CHF 1,000! The drummer of the music group SMASH performed an over 8-minutes drum-solo, accompanied by dance and followed with giant applauses by the enthusiastic and gone completely wild attendees. The targeted donation quota was long since 4x by the time the event ended finishing off with a thundering applause for LRH.
30 dedicated beings, which are never going to forget this miraculous event. They will have something to tell their grandchildren: ‘you know, once upon a time 30 decided beings came together for the Ideal Org Basel event called ‘100% Ideal’ and, did the unthinkable….
Getting New Public into the Org.
18.10.2013: Seminar ‘Have you lived before this life?’ Held for new Public by OTC-Chairman Kurt Wicki. Over 12 persons attended the seminar, 2 books were sold and 1 free Dianetic session delivered.
15.11.2013: Seminar ‘Have you lived before this life?’ Held for new Public by OTC-Chairman Kurt Wicki. Over 12 persons attended the seminar.
Other Major Activities.
OTC-members did call-in all hand to get the Basler public to the GAT II events resulting in over 80 attendees including 7 public that had not attended an event in years.
Over the last 3 Months OTC-Members distributed over 24 FOT DVD’s, Fear DVD’s, VM-booklets on Ethics, Drugs, and Marriage and sold 10 Dianetics books to new people.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Kurt Wicki, OTC-Chairman, New OT VIII, OT-Ambassador: For his great contributions holding two seminars for new public and for his performances as musician, at each Ideal Org Basel and Swiss Alliance event as member of the band SMASH.
Edda Wicki, OTC-Member, New OT VIII, OT-Ambassador: For the preparation of the finest food at the Ideal-Org Basel brunches, for her wonderful cakes she bakes for the OTC meetings and for her continued, very effective call-in activities.
Bernard Halbeisen, OTC-Member, and New OT V: for his performances. As musician on the keyboard, at each Ideal-Org Basel and Swiss Alliance event as member of the Band SMASH.
Since September 2013 the Berlin OTC have strengthened their hatting efforts. Posts within the OTC were reorganized. An admin scale is now in place, and the OTC can be found drilling “Recovering of Students & PCs” as part of their weekly meetings. The OTC Berlin contributed 1,903 hours, resulting in 21 starts for training and 4 starts for auditing.
Help Scientologists in the field, to move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
The OTC conducted two events under the direction of Uwe Biesterfeldt (New OT VII and OTC member) and OTC member Elena Vogman. Call-in was coordinated, promo was made up and sent via email. The night was primarily devoted to the enlightenment of the OT levels. The speakers of the event were Ruth Löw (86 years old, new Solo NOTs Auditor and staff member at Berlin org). The other speaker was OTC member Ingrid Biesterfeldt, who just came back as New OT V from AOSH EU.
In the second event the dissemination drill was discussed and drilled. Following is one success of one of the 58 attendees during those nights: “Thank you for this great OT-Night! I thank Uwe B. for these fantastic subjects, it is like TR3, again and again – how important it is, to go up the Bridge. There can’t be any other thing; Ingrid and Ruth have been talking so much full of power and energy, I could see and experience their change, their happiness in life. For me there isn’t any more important goal anymore than moving up the Bridge. I’ll start in November 2013. Thank you Uwe, thank you Ron.“
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
To help Scientologists in Berlin to study the Basic books and lectures, successes about Basics are announced by OTC members during OTC events and in personal conversations with Berlin public. During the last 3 months 4 starts on the Basics were initiated by OTC Berlin.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
As FSMs Silvia and Uwe Meyer (both OT VIII and OTC members) started two Scientologists on the new Solo course and sold them the new Ultra Mark VIII E-meter. Both public study fulltime at AOSH EU and Flag for their OT levels. Another public started on the Grades with GAT II. That person had already completed ARC Straightwire and now Grade 0!
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
Youth for Human Rights.
As part of the Berlin Literary Festival Russian musicians devoted their concert “To Russia with Love” in support of the victims of political persecution in Russia. Before the concert, Amnesty International is organizing with other human rights groups a forum with exhibitions, panel discussions and solidarity actions. The concert was sold out. Together with the DSA of Berlin Org, the members of OTC Berlin flanked the building and exits to hand out Human Rights booklets distributing 551 booklets within 1 hour.
Sabine Hellwig and Jannette Rudert (both members of the OTC) are the WISE I/Cs for the Berlin OTC. They introduced the MAKH program to local business people indicating results public achieved, who had previously completed the program. Thanks to these introductions two new memberships for WISE were signed up.
Other Major Activities.
OTC Berlin supported the Berlin org with an all-hands call-in for the GAT II event. Two teams were created who played against each other on who can get the most confirms.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Marco Schott (OTC member) supported the Berlin org by supervising while the staff members were at Flag for training for GAT II.
Uwe Meyer (OTC member) delivers weekly FSM seminars for the past months revitalizes Berlin public as FSM.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
On 5th Oct an Ideal Org event was organized under the motto of “Greek Night”. 40 public attended to great ambience. $19,000 were raised all for Basel to help get the first Ideal Org in Switzerland open.
Several public from Bern attended a Swiss Alliance Events and donated or pledged about $15,000 for Basel.
Getting New Public into the Org.
Bern OTC’s major emphasis in Div6 is the Bookselling Program (see below). 1 person came into the Org for an OCA after his initial contact at a bookstand.
13 bookstands were setup in Bern and other smaller cities in the area. A big tent housing bookselling and VM activities was placed in a top location in Bern near the house of parliament. It was manned up with helpers from Zurich and Lausanne as part of a bookselling-alliance resulting in 54 Books and DVDs sold, 20 NNCF produced by 22 Booksellers and assistants over 130 hrs.
These book stalls are the Bern Org’s main activities to reach out into the field, help them to get in contact with thousands of publics and bring them in contact with LRH materials. It’s very good PR for Dianetics and Scientology and because of its continuous action of time almost no entheta is encountered anymore.
Also important: the bookstall I/C Dieter Gugerli established an excellent comm line and good PR with administrative bodies in the town and communities of the area. There are no longer any problems in obtaining the needed permits to put up the stalls.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
On Saturday, 23rd Nov the Bern TWTH Group organized a big TWTH booklet distribution campaign in Bern’s main station and distributed about 1,000 booklets.
CSE (Brussels) OT COMMITTEE December 2013 REPORT
The last quarter of 2013 was highlighted by two major events: the 10th Annual International Human Rights Summit, for which Brussels was selected as the Ideal Location (just as it was last year for the 9th International Summit) and then, of course, the GAT 2 events.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT
September – December two OTC members started their preparative actions for Solo NOTs: Jozef De Zwarte (New OT 5) and Ilse Van Hoof (New OT 5) did their Solo Specialist course and their Preps at Flag. Since then, Ilse started her auditor training (also at Flag, commencing with the brand new Student Hat course). Once through the program, she will route onto 6B.
Locally, at CSE, two public completed Method One co-audit (sisters Evelyne and Katrien Decavele) and will of course continue to co-audit up the Bridge with the GAT 2 training.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II
CSE had two Basics completions (both OTC members: OT V’s Françoise Deneyer and Monique Declerck.) They completed the full books & lectures line-up a few weeks before the release of GAT 2 and both immediately started on the Congresses.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
On Nov 9th, 2013, another Ideal Org Alliance event was held, with the support of Amsterdam OTC Chairman Hans Beeckmans (new OT 8) who did the fundraising. The OTC had been very active in preparing the catering, which was a big success – as usual. The home made quiches, cakes and pastry were a hit and just that part of the activities yielded almost $1,000 in donations for Holland. In total, $5,955 was from the event.
Our top bookseller, Monique Vanderlinde has been out and about practically every weekend, going to fairs, selling on the streets, and visiting shops. This quarter, she had help from OTC member Homeira Kroone who quickly demonstrated that she can sell, too. Together with our third top bookseller, Marc De Turck, the trio sold 160 books between Oct 1st and Dec 5th, 2013.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
On the 4D campaigns, one has made “waves”: YFHR was the main focus this quarter, for the simple reason that Brussels was – for the second year in a row – selected as the hosting city for the celebration of the 10 Annual International Human Rights Summit.
The DSA office organized a major event and the OTC members and public pitched in, to make it a success. And a success it was, with more than 120 volunteer hours done by the OTC members.
Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, Founder and President of Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI), welcomed the honored guests including UN officials and UN country mission representatives, human rights and religious leaders, NGOs, local community activists and the community at large.
Other Major Activities.
Needless to say, the absolute top events of this quarter were the GAT 2 events. Call-in had never been so easy – all publics were waiting for the news to be announced. And when the video was shown, the room was packed. More than 170 public and staff attended – a highest ever. Moreover, some “old timers” were present who were very happy to find out about the good news.
And the very first public sale took place the day after the second event, when Chris Meganck (New OT5 and member of TWTH Belgium) proudly came to show us his brand new E-meter!
Recent Stellar Achievers.
The one stellar achiever this quarter was no doubt Annick Robergeon, who joined the Translation Unit in Denmark to work on the GAT 2 translations. She stayed in Denmark for almost 3 months without interruption, totaling 578 hours as a translator or proofreader.
Budapest OTC welcomed the launch of GAT II with tremendous growth in the number of study hours, with substantial contribution to the highest-ever attendance of 1,700 public at the GAT II event and with raising funds for the IAS.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing
Budapest OTC and AOSHEU joined hands in organizing a Bridge Flow event in Budapest, briefing potential public for the OT levels. They even did a live SOLO session demo!
A Clear-OT party was also organized for public close to getting onto the OT levels where reality on the OT levels was given, and questions about every facet of it were answered.
Four OTC members have done some 20 OT steps and three others have completed SOLO NOTs.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II
Budapest OTC members helped over 50 public and many more recovered Scientologists onto Basics books and lectures courses.
To set a good example for all, some two thirds of the nearly 50-member-strong OTC are on course in the Org, studying 90% more now than last year. One third of all OTC members are full Basics completions.
Progress on Files Projects
OTC members worked some 88 hours, handling PC folders, making a quantum leap in the direction of having the entire job “done”.
Getting New Public into the Org
Regular briefings and lectures were conducted in various Missions to over 400 people.
OTC members organized Mr Pier Paderni to give a lecture on the Anatomy of the Human Mind to Hungarian OLs, with great success. They resumed doing the regular Anatomy of the Human Mind lectures in the Org, as well.
Five OTC members regularly help in the Org’s OCA test line thus contributing to the 50 or more new public starts. They have put over 50 LRH books in the hands of new public through lectures and briefings.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
OTC members raised some $100,000 for the IAS, thus helping Budapest Org achieve Gold Meritorious status. OTC member Dr Gabor Schalli completed two stellar achievements at this time – his Silver Meritorious status as a gift to LRH for GATT II and his SOLO NOTs.
Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
TWTH promo was put on Facebook and has already received over 38,000 likes.
A trash-picking project was done in Budapest by OTC’s TWTH I/C and members.
OTC members introduced 15 members of the Sociology Department of the University of Budapest, along with their Dean to NARCONON Hungary.
Recent Stellar Achievers
TU translators Regina Molnar and Sandor Nozdroviczki have worked an average of 50 hours a week to be done with GAT II translations for the event.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Several of the OTC members who are trained are now going through their High Crimes and onto Student Hat to do the full technical line–up.
One public, an OTC member has been working on recovering for 1 year, was invited to the GAT 2 event. She had been off lines for 15 years. After the event she was completely blown out, and now wants sessions and will start her Purif in January together with her daughter.
The course rooms of the local AO and DK org are buzzing with auditors and sups that are now doing their GAT 2 line up.
Another 2 public that had been off lines for a while were super- enthusiastic and routed into DK org, to get their next TE and routed onto SRD a few days ago.
Many public have been interviewed about their next step on the Bridge and workouts are in progress to get them all started and moving along.
The OTC has assisted several people in moving up the Bridge and done many recoveries for the local orgs. Some recent OT completions are several OT VIIIs, OT VIIs and OT levels from 1-3, and 5.
From the OTC, 2 members have over the last months joined staff in the DK org as well. We have 1 person who joined the SO also assisted by an OTC member.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Our Recovery I/C just completed her full Basics book & lecture line up last month.
Through their recovery activity in the OTC they have gotten many people back onto their Basics and keep a close eye on them, and if or when they fall off they smoothly assist them back onto course.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
A minimum of 1 event is held every week. Each time with a new and inspiring theme. The OTC is fully responsible for the set up, preps, AV, shopping, call-in etc. of these events. It represents 100´s of hours of OTC manpower every single week.
About every Tuesday there is a fundraising meeting with all fundraisers and key players, where they reg, do call-in, get bright ideas, brainstorm and generally work on the weeks strategy for the fundraising.
Since June 2013 they have over 500 status upgrades in the fundraising project and around 24 million Danish Kroner (equivalent to $4,418,352 raised – which is a HIGHEST EVER funds raised in 6 months, since the project started!!!!!!!!!
Progress on Files Projects.
The OTC has now completed a MAJOR project on the CF program, its project “training data to CF #5.”
Over 35,000 stickers were put on folders, and training success copied and routed into the CF folders. This project was finished 4 weeks ago and 100´s and 100´s of hours have been put into this step of the project.
Getting New Public into the Org.
A raw public book buyer that an OTC member connected up with Mimi Holm, public Reg in DKF, two weeks ago came into the org and got 3 Dianetics intro sessions.
A neighbour (raw public) that an OTC member connected up with Mimi last week came to the org and got two intro services.
The book sales team is also very active in this line as they help sell books in the test centre.
The book sales team are at every book-a-thon assisting with sales, stress tests and closing. In between book-a-thons they are in Div 6 every week doing stress tests and selling books. Some sell books over the phone during OCA evals as well.
A total of approx. 20 books have been sold over the last 3 months by the OTC book sales team.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
A HE attendance at the last international event last week! Freedom medal winner Alfreddie Johnson was here and had the public excited and in awe. Together with DK org and AOSH a total of $125,000 was raised.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
“Youth for Human Rights” in Denmark have had quite a wild year with a lot of great victories and wins that they would love to share with you:
First, they are now the very proud owners of a “Human rights Hero Award”, which was bestowed at the International Youth for Human Rights summit in Brussels in September.
The group has worked mainly on directing teachers, politicians and young peoples attention to what human rights are, and in particular looking at our country’s responsibility in what goes on in the world around us, and what young people in Denmark can do about the bad situations going on in the world around us, that they see and hear about daily in the media.
“Youth for Human Rights” in Denmark have been doing annual Walks for Human Rights in December and the walks have grown over the years and garnered front page media. Last year was the fifth walk in a row and more than 220 mainly students participated and the Walk ended with a big event in a community hall owned by the City of Copenhagen. The MC was a City Council member and the whole event was sponsored by the City of Copenhagen with a grant of $5,000!
During winter and spring “Youth for Human Rights” in Denmark set up screenings of a movie called “Free China – the Courage to Believe”. The movie is about the violent acts against human rights in China. At these events our own movie “History of Human Rights” was shown as an introduction. A few of these events where set up for youth political groups, and were very successful. The director of the movie and the woman who tells her story in the movie decided to come to one of the events and it made a great impression on the young politicians. Human rights were absolutely a focus and of strong interest which our materials demonstrate.
In March the group attended a huge fair for schoolteachers and educators, in Roskilde. The “Youth for Human Rights” materials where presented, and many teachers came to look and talk about the materials and different situations they run into as teachers. They reached a large number during the fair. One of the people who came by was a very interested woman who worked in the Arhus University library. This is the library where teachers from all over Denmark go to find books and materials to use in their schools. She ordered an Education Kit, which was delivered to her in person and was set up on display, so it is easy to spot for anyone who enters the library.
To further promote the educational materials, ads were placed in educators magazines, promoting the website where teachers could order the materials. And this year the national teachers magazine “Skolen” (school), had a two page article about Youth for Human Rights activities and promoted the materials.
Further, this year Youth for Human Rights Denmark opened a Youth Club for young activists in the age of 13-18 years. On International Youth Day 10th of August the Youth Club set up in the famous Danish Walking Street with a 6 meter long petition and collected signatures in support of putting human rights into Danish law. Just last weekend, they were part of Youth for Human Rights 5th year in the Taste the World festival held by the City of Copenhagen, introducing thousands of Danes to human rights.
Other activities include:
A whole day of radio shows about human rights, interviews etc., educating school kids in human rights.
Visiting a home for refugees and giving them an education kit.
Attending a hearing in the “Institute of Human rights in Denmark” regarding incorporating human rights into the law in Denmark. Making sure that our opinion on the matter became part of the hearing.
“Youth for Human Rights” in Denmark is rapidly becoming an active and valuable member of a European Network dealing with human rights and working against racism.
“Youth for Human Rights” in Denmark became members of a national Network of all opinion leading NGO’s in the field of education on human rights.
Arranging a Peace Walk together with “your global heart”, on United Nations international day of peace, through Copenhagen, with musicians, politicians and many other groups that work on making the world a better place. Funded by the City of Copenhagen. People from all over the city joined the walk.
Say no to drugs and CCHR.
1000´s of Say No to Drugs flyers have gone out over the last months as well as CCHR flyers. These flyers are seen in shops, streets and stairwells all over the city.
Copenhagen has a local TWTH I/C who received funds to get new booklets with a surveyed cover, which had a much bigger impact on the Danes. They are now reaching for the book and reading it. The i/c has spend many hours on getting memberships from public, so that the new booklet could be printed and distributed.
Recent Stellar Achievers:
Susanne Lanciai – the OTC Chairman is one of the most stellar members averaging doing over 25 hours a week in the OTC. On fundraising, events, running the OTC, recovery, recruitment and field group activities in her own field practice.
Bodil Astrupgaard – She is the heart and soul behind every weekly fundraising event set up. She puts in tons of hours every week, on coordinating and setting up these weekly events. She handles food and runs the whole food team with 100% excellence!
Gabor Toth – Holds 2 MAJOR posts in the OTC. He is the Events I/C and the CF I/C. He is the overall I/C for the events and does this every single Saturday including running the AV during the events. He also runs the CF project which for 4 weeks was in affluence on hours done.
Another place where it seems there has been a “consolidation” and COPENHAGEN and DENMARK orgs are now one.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in the field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
After the release of GAT II the OTC met to get into action on how to get everybody activated using the data from the release. OTC members also felt inspired by GAT II to accelerate their own way up the Bridge and to help others. The OTC chairman got the process started by contacting veteran Scientologists on their Bridge and get them started again where indicated.
Helping Scientologists in the field onto and through the Basics Book & Lectures.
OTC members Ruediger Tuschen and Ingrid Gibson-Tuschen have the hat to collect up data regarding progress on the Basics and to motivate persons to start or to accelerate their studies on the Basics. Currently 60 public are on this project.
Fundraising for Ideal CC.
All fundraising for the Ideal CC is conducted in conjunction with the IAS. OTC members attended the “United for Expansion” events in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. In the last three months $ 94,500 was collected for the Ideal Org.
Getting new Publics into the CC.
In the last three months 10 new persons started in the CC on services. One of these persons was started by OTC member Olivia Mackoviak.
Yellow-tent activities with stress tests were organized between CC Duss and Duss org in the center of the City Duesseldorf, 64 books were sold to public persons, of which approximately 20 books were sold by OTC members.
The OTC chairman, Hans Ruscheweyh, sold “DIANETICS” to a client of his company, who later took an OCA test at the CC.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
The CCHR (KVPM)-group of Duesseldorf organized monthly anti-drug flyer distribution in the city of Duesseldorf. Close to 7,000 flyers were distributed to public within the last three months. The group got positive feedback.
In September a gala event was held to help with the expansion of the CCHR group with 41 attending.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The Golden Age of Tech Phase II events were celebrated at Duss Org. OTC members helped a lot with call-ins, recovery actions, decorations, buffet and surveys for this outstanding event.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
OTC members are making progress doing their Basics book & lectures and congresses.
One OTC member finished his first Advanced Clinical Congress. Two others make progress on the Advanced Clinical Congress.
Progress on Files Projects.
OTC members are working on the CF, writing letters to people without phone numbers invite into the org them for briefings and so forth.
Getting New Public into the Org.
OTC members organize monthly lectures for raw public. One of the attendees started his first service after such a lecture.
One OTC Member conducts FSM drilling for the OTC members every week.
Another OTC Member started to audit Book I for the org as an Introduction Service.
The bookstand is run on a regular basis and OTC members support it with selling books and giving stress test.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
The IAS Event “IAS United” in November saw 15 attendees and an OTC member made his Patron with Honors. Another public became Lifetime member and another one a Crusader. In total they raised $ 7,650.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
The CCHR groups under the leadership of OTC members holding info demonstrations once a month in a popular place in the center of the city. They won allies. Thousands of pamphlets, flyers and a lot of DVD´s are handed out interested public.
One other OTC member organizes an anti-drug stand on a regular basis.
Other Major Activities.
Two OTC members helped a lot with translations for GAT II at the TU Europe.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Peter S, OT VIII, is the new chairman and he is doing a great job getting OTC members on post and on the org-board. As a Patron meritorious he sets a great example in supporting the IAS.
Beatrix L, finished OT VIII and is now active in the OTC as HES.
Ursula H, on OT VII, is the new Dir I & R in the OTC. She has had excellent products from her ethics handlings.
Klaus K, OT VII, went to the Kosovo and delivered a lecture to a University professor and students from his book based on LRH Tech. A Minister for Universities and Prisons received a The Way to Happiness booklet. Work is underway translating the Criminon program for prisoners in Kosovo.
Since 1998 the Chairman of the OTC, Heike P., New OT VIII, OT Ambassador and the Deputy Chairman Elisabeth K., New OT VIII have been successfully leading OTC Frankfurt. They are working together with their excellent team to get the OT Ambassador Program targets to a done.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
OTC Frankfurt was active in helping people going up The Bridge, including getting 5 people on to their next step on The Bridge. This resulted in 1 New OT IV and 3 New OT VIII. All together, Frankfurt has now 23 New OT VIII.
Every second Friday, Karin M., New OT VIII, OT Ambassador and the Bridge Flow I/C of the OTC Frankfurt conducts an FSM Meeting together with the PSS of the Frankfurt Org.
In November a Bridge Flow Event took place, prepared by OES Sabine M., New OT VIII, and the Event I/C of the Frankfurt OTC, Susette L. 3 New OT VIIIs presented their wins. 46 attendees enjoyed the event especially the wins. Delicious food and alcohol-free champagne was served by the OTC.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Baerbel S., New OT VIII, Basics I/C and I/C of the Neighborhood Campaign is continuously working on starting people on their Basics and getting them through. There were 16 Basics completions from the Frankfurt OTC, including 2 full Basics Books & Lectures completions. OTC members were responsible for getting 31 training starts since 5th of September, of which 2 were First Service Starts.
The OTC Basics Promotion Campaign has a monthly interview about wins and successes from doing the Basics. Stefanie S., on New OT VII is the I/C for this project.
Annette V., Power and Power Plus completion, Basics Game I/C and OTC member is responsible for the Basics Game of the Frankfurt OTC. 162 Scientologists are playing the game. 44 of them have fully completed the Basics Books & Lectures.
The Neighborhood Campaign is still running with 3 OTC member staying in comm with the recoveries. For the Recovery I/C Beate L.-S., New OT VIII, it is important to regularly enlighten the people going up the Bridge to total freedom.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
There was a total of $ 2,096 in donations for the Ideal Org. Most of this is done by regular monthly payments.
Progress on Files Projects.
Ottmar S., New OT V, is the CF Project I/C of the OTC Frankfurt and is doing a great job for many years is fixing-up the Central Files.
There were 300 member hours put into the CF Project since 5th of September and the Frankfurt OTC has now gotten the project completed through Letter “G”. 6 members of the OTC are regularly working for the CF Project every week.
To speed up the project they organized a monthly All-Hands-Action. To make this action more attractive they have started a game where the most productive helper gets a special reward at the end of the year.
The CF Team held a very beautiful event with songs, stories and comedy to get reality about the CF project and donations for the files. Heinz L., one of the most eager CF team member was dressed as a swagman (tramp or hobo) and he sang “Waltzing Matilda“. It was a very entertaining event.
A win coming from putting more order in the CF: A person from the org’s CF contacted the org again after 23 years – he had bought DMSMH in 1990 – asking for help for his wife who’s was suffering postnatal depressions. This person’s CF file — thanks to the diligent work of the OTC on the CF — could not only be found effortlessly, but also contained ALL the data pertinent to that person, so that this time his reach could be handled appropriately.
Since 5th of September members of the Frankfurt OTC sold 38 books to raw public. Most of them were sold by the field group “Family Schaefer” (3 OTC members).
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Aydogan P., Clear, is the Fundraising I/C of the Frankfurt OTC. She and several OTC members raised a total of $20,663 for the IAS.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
Saila D., New OT VIII and OTC member as well, was part of the Youth for Human Right Summit in Brussels this past September. Upon return from the summit, Saila ran a YHR stall in Frankfurt on the “Zeil”, a big pedestrian precinct, very successfully. 3 teachers came to the stall and the all were interested in getting the Education Pack to use it in their lessons.
In November Saila organized another stall in Frankfurt at the famous “Konstablerwache” for the Day of Tolerance. Saila laminated every single human right and hung them all on a rope. This attracted the attention of the pedestrians.
End of November CCHR staged a demonstration against psychiatry on the “Zeil”. This was run by OTC member Kurt A. and Annette V.
Other Major Activities.
Luisa B., Grad 4 and OTC member helped at the September Book Fair in Warsaw. 37 books were sold, 9 by Luisa.
The famous Frankfurt book fair took place in October with 7,300 exhibitors from more then 100 nations. Several OTC members were helping. Ottmar S. was dressed as an Indian, which created some attraction from passers by. Saila D. talked to people who came by the stall, and asked if they want to have a photo taken with the Indian.
Frank D. und Karsten H. took the pictures got the addresses of the people to send the photos by mail while Saila spoke to people at the stand. 843 people have been at the stand in the 4 1/2days. 696 of them were publishers. They held 150 meetings and 70 presentations of the Ron series.
3 OTC members helped with translations for the TU. Since the 5th of September they had donated 527 volunteer hours. Most of these hours were done by Kristine T., New OT V who did 420 hours averaging more than 32 hours per week.
Under the new Chairman, Louisa Chaubert, the Geneva OTC concentrated on dissemination, recovery activities, as well as the Ideal Org project during the last quarter.
A major win for Geneva OTC was the recruitment of Catherine Peguet as FSM I/C. Catherine was very active in the 1980s as a key FSM for Geneva and Flag. She recruited the majority of the veteran staff members of Geneva Org and was a stable datum for the area for many years. The OTC Chairman, after hearing rumors of Catherine’s capabilities, contacted her and proposed that she joins the OTC to help it reach its goals. It was the perfect moment since Catherine, through her study of the Basics, realized that she should come back and take her place once more in the group.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
A selectee of OT Ambassador, Luisella Pugliatti, completed the full Basics line up during the last quarter. Luisella’s selectee has brought three new public into the org during the last month.
Catherine Peguet also recovered an ex-staff member and put him on the Basics and got three off-lines people to see the GAT II events.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
Over the last quarter the Geneva OTC has been actively helping the Swiss Alliance with the Ideal Org strategy. The first org, which the Alliance is completing is Basel org. Geneva OTC helped organize three events with Lausanne OTC, this created strong links between the two orgs and it was agreed to carry out other joint activities in the future.
Georges Sallouk announced at one of the events of the Swiss Alliance that he had decided to take the post of Dissem Sec within the Geneva OTC. Since taking on this post Georges has become a Humanitarian with Honors himself and has helped another person become a Humanitarian. Geneva OTC has helped with 25 status completions for Basel Org over the last quarter. This is all could happen thanks to the energy and enthusiasm generated by Georges.
Georges has also set up an Ideal Org project office within his business premises to facilitate his search for a building for Geneva. There are now three people actively searching for an ideal building in Geneva one staff member and two OTC members.
Getting New Public into the Org.
During the last quarter the Geneva OTC organized its first Dianetics weekend which comprises a conference on “Have You Lived Before This Life,” Dianetics seminar and an FSM rally over 3 days. After the weekend the FBO wrote to the OTC Chairman stating the following “this was a total success for FSMs and for the new public who discovered Scientology and for Scientologists who discovered how simple it was to disseminate and apply Dianetics. It brought new public into the Org and was very successful and had the PCS from Basel Org wanting to duplicate the conference.” The results were as follows: 8 success stories, 2 first starts in the org, another who did an OCA and 5 NBSRAW. Carine Franceschetti, OTC PES was responsible for logistics and Darrel Schlereth was the main speaker from Canada. The entire OTC contributed, a wonderful example of teamwork.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
16 November 2013 was the United Nations International Tolerance Day and Youth for Human Rights Geneva organized a conference to celebrate this by inviting top speakers and showing the PSAs on Human Rights.
Geneva OTC helped for this conference to be a success by providing audiovisual services (Jean-Marc Chaubert, OTC Member), 2 speakers on the panel, 12 other OLs, as well as participating in the event and discussions. Nicolas Franceschetti, OTC Member, was responsible for the VIPs and OLs.
The Conference was a great success with the word « Scientology » mentioned 10 times in the form of praise and condemning the discrimination Scientologists suffered in France. 126 people in total attended and the PR responsible for Germany, and former DSA for Switzerland, Juerg Stättler, said he could not have imagined that such an international level conference could be organized at a local level, with almost no resources. The stellar result was due to the excellent coordination between the OTC, a field group (Youth for Human Rights, Geneva), and OSA.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Members of Gothenburg OTC have assisted with course supervision in the org while the staff supervisors were on training at Flag.
OTC members have been engaged in promotion call-in for the local GAT II release events. These events were well attended.
The OTC is now engaged in getting local Scientologists on to the GAT II training courses. This will be a continuing action, with a follow-up at weekly meetings.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
The OTC is continuing to push for getting local Scientologist and OTC members through the Basic courses and lectures.
OTC member Anita Kennedal has now completed the full set of courses for Basic books and lectures. She has also completed NED and Power and Power plus.
OTC member Anders Håkmar, doing chronological study, has completed Extension Courses for ACC 7 and for Creation of Human Ability. He has recently been at Flag and completed OT V.
OTC Chairman Bo Kennedal has completed PDC and is now doing the Factors lectures of the Basics line-up.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The OTC has organized two Ideal Org seminars in Gothenburg for the Scandinavian Alliance, which is doing the fund raising for the Continental DK Org. Sum of fundraising: Approx 120 – 130 000 SEK.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
The OTC has assisted organizing an IAS event at the Gothenburg Org, where fundraising was done. One of the OTC members is now working with getting local Scientologists to give monthly donations on regular basis.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Two OTC members have a field group, which has set up a weekly broadcasting of The Way to Happiness on a local TV channel.
Other Major Activities.
After GAT II the main focus is helping the org to get people on services here. It started with an open house this past weekend where OTC helped on call-in and assisting with public on the day.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Georgia Kandanolekis – volunteer course supervisor at the Org while staff supervisors were trained at Flag.
Carina Rångeby – volunteer course supervisor at the Org while staff supervisors were at Flag for training.
Anita Kennedal – completed Basics books and lectures.
Anders Håkmar – completed OT V.
During this recent quarter the OTC Hamburg was active and achieved some excellent results.
An important point to mention is a press message from the newspaper “Zeit“ on 28th November 2013 that the observation of Scientology in Germany by the secret service (BND) will be ended after 15 years of observation!
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OTC member Rainer Biermann delivered a seminar about the Admin Scale inside the org and spoke as well on the OT night after his return from a 3 week trip to the Freewinds.
OTC member Simone Lorenzen audited a Scientology celebrity (someone who has donated several millions to the church) on some objectives processes on the SRD Co Audit, because he could not find a twin. He had very, very big wins and is now very appreciative of the Hamburg Org OTC. Simone had done the SRD at Flag.
OTC members Simone Lorenzen and Dennis Romeiser attended the live Golden AGE of Tech II event at Flag. They briefed the OTC about the event and the importance of GAT II and Super Power upon returning home.
OTC members Sabine and Arne Schneider-Brendel started 2 persons on the Student Hat. Sabine did the Purification RD at Flag. She and her husband Arne organized an OT night event with about 15 participants. After the event Sabine spoke to the attendees to motivate them on the next Bridge step.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
OTC member Rainer Biermann started 8 persons on a Bridge service.
OTC member Gloria Schlüter did the Purif I/C course, Internship and the Purif C/S course, where she is now doing the internship. She also helped for 6 weeks in the Purification Center.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
OTC members Dennis Romeiser and Simone Lorenzen donated for their Patron Meritorious and also became a Super Power Key Contributor.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
OTC member Rainer Biermann worked about 10-15 hrs/week on VM-activities.
OTC members Gloria Schlüter and Rainer Biermann conducted 13 radio broadcasts on the subject of human rights.
OTC member Gaby Braun with the help of 14 members of the group “Say no to drugs“ conducted some 75 individual actions. These were Information stands, distribution activities in shops, mailboxes and on events. All together 19,170 information booklets were distributed to the public through placements in 857 shops. Teachers, educators, parents, students and pupils took the booklet with interest, either because they had a personal interest or the intention of handing them to others.
The Lausanne OTC continues to have increasing and excellent stats. The OT Ambassadors program is been completed. All targets are done. They also increased the number of members and the OTC was very involved in the Ideal Org project.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The OTC was involved very much involved again this quarter in the recovery of students and pc’s. This time they worked together with Lausanne org pouring over lists of prospects and then make appointments by phone.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
They are working first of all with the OTC members to make sure they go trough their Basics so to be ready for GAT 2. This activity is then extended to the rest of the field, closely monitored and assisted by the org’s Qual Sec.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
This quarter was very unique because 35 Lausanne org public were at Flag for services. They continued to fundraise but with regular and smaller amounts collected. Then Lausanne OTC agreed to join the Swiss alliance to push to complete-Basel Org. They had some events for and with Basel, collecting more then Chf 100’000.
Getting New Public into the Org.
In collaboration with the Org’s Div 6 events are held regularly to activate FSM’s and help them with drills.
Some members of the OTC help on a regular basis on the Volunteer Ministers book selling. They helped on the Ron books distribution to some politicians and libraries.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Some really great IAS events were held this past quarter. One in particular stands out with more then Chf 200’000 collected thanks to a game proposed by the biggest donator in Lausanne. Everyone was very uptone and willing to do big donations. Big statuses were brought to completion. With new Patron Meritorious and Patrons.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Truth about drugs: flyers and booklets are distributed on a regular basis in different cities. Some OTC members participated in Running Races wearing “Truth about Drugs” t-shirts.
The Munich Org and CC Munich OT Committees combined this past year and production is reported as the Munich OTC. Overall production increased and covers more sectors than ever before, with wider spread activities. This has been a great move and fun for all! There was an average of 31 active OTC members and 133 volunteer hours per week.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
9 publics moved up to Clear and OT and 43 on other Bridge steps, which is an average total of nearly four per week. This is due to the continuous activities of many individual OTC members.
The bi-monthly “OT Night” held by a Munich OTC team under OTC members Klaus W. and OT VII Djana P., with OT VIII Milko T. as MC, is a big booster and shows what wins the upper Bridge holds in store. It took place on 11.10.13, with presentation of recent Org, AO, Flag and Ship completions who related their wins including a NED Case completion, Power completion, L10 and L12 completions, New Solo NOTs auditor and an OT VIII completion. Approx. 40 people attended, from all levels on the Bridge. They enjoyed the very personal wins, from people they have known for long time. This made the results of the upper levels more personal and therefore more real to them and something to speed up towards and look forward to.
Another activity is the Bridge-Flow Group with 14 OTC members taking part. It is led by OTC Member OT VIII Milko T. Scientologists are recovered, ethics and technical steps are done, they talk with people to help them arrive in Qual, Ethics, on the course or at the registrar. The team meets for three weeks to coordinate its activities.
And of course the fabulous GAT II release events on 22 and 23.11.13 with nearly 600 attendees. There were great wins as the blocks to rapid Bridge flow were removed. Many people who attended were recoveries who changed their minds about continuing on the Bridge. This will change the future and of course the Munich Bridge flow in this large field.
Progress on Files Projects.
OTC Members OT VII Djana P. and Margit C. are I/C of the Filing Project. Currently phase II of the project is in progress, which is to put the particles into the files. The plan is to complete that phase by the end of this year.
Getting New Public into the Org.
A specialty in the CC is the Show Case which is held the first Friday of every month by OTC Member Makob Wegmann. This is a colorful presentation of artists from all sectors: musicians, singers, actors, painters, comedians, circus performers, etc. There are newcomers with their first appearances on stage, very well-known artists who like to come to the CC, Scientologists and Non-Scientologists, and famous and successful artists attending. A highlight was the Show Case on 08.11.13 with star tenor Gregor Praecht (Non Scientologist), a young stand-up comedian, and the band Gin Tonic who gave a jam session. The Show Case is used by FSMs to bring people into the CC for a first contact, which works very well. More than 15 new people came to the Show Cases in this quarter.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
In Germany, the main stress is on IAS Fundraising and no specific fundraising for the Ideal Org. Many small and large IAS Events were held nearly every second week. The Halloween – IAS Event on 26.10.13 in the CC was very successful. The room was packed, and both public and performers wore fantastic costumes. Makob Wegmann and his creepy rock band provided the entertainment. German Freedom Medal Winner Nicola Cramer briefed about the activities and wins of CCHR Germany, the fundraising was fun and successful.
Another successful action is that German Orgs unite and meet to get every Org in Germany ideal. In the current quarter there was a meeting in Stuttgart, the org which is preparing to become an Ideal Org very soon. Munich OTC members raised a total of $38,708 in the quarter.
Munich has reached the quarterly IAS quota in all three quarters of the running year. That puts Munich into the top range of European Orgs in IAS fundraising.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
OTC member OT V Juergen Heise was very successful with his activity “Say No To Drugs – Say Yes To Life”. The requests for information material, mostly packages for police stations and schools, grow steadily compared to the year before, also the shipments of Anti-Drug Booklets, Anti-Drug Fliers and DVDs. The stats are rising for the sixth year in a row.
This strong public reach is remarkable despite government campaigns attacking Scientology, educating children against Scientology and forbidding all LRH material in schools and public sector. Most of the inquiries are for distribution to others, to give it to friends, policemen to give it to young people, teachers and students use it for seminars about drugs. The subject is very popular in Germany, and SNTD is the only activity which provides the correct information.
Other Major Activities
In the beginning of November CO FSSO Sharron Webber called into the OTC Meeting and promoted a special convention for Germany with the Topic “Power and Expansion”. The OTC had already sent 11 people to the ship for that seminar in spring, which had been very successful for all participants. So the OTC members promised Sharron to send 25 people, and worked to get that done. Finally 32 people from the Munich field went to the ship and learned about Power and Expansion, how postulates become true, etc. They returned with great wins.
Here is the quarterly report of the Paris OTC, lead by Nolwenn Canonne and his deputy Isabelle Moulin.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Paris OTC members worked with the Org and did call-in to get the org packed with public for both events.
Patrick D., the public recovered last quarter by Marie-Christine Descarpentries, OTC member, is progressing on his Objectives in the org and getting ready to go to FSO for the Ls and Super Power (he is the first French public to sign up for Super Power).
Marie-Christine also helped several other publics. Sylvain R started 6A a few years ago, is preparing to sell his house in order to arrive to FSO for the Advance Solo Course, the project is progressing well and the GAT 2 events helped him a lot. Another public, Armi J., decided after the GAT 2 event and learning intensives prices decreased to buy intensives in AOSHEU for her review on V (first step to set her up to be able to come to FSO, as she is 79 years old and travelling by plane is not feasible for her at this stage.)
Marie-Christine, as I/C of 10,000 on VII, regularly gives briefings on VII and reads recent success stories and wins from comps and people on VII. She also read the first success stories from Super Power.
Martine L. regularly helps the org on recovery and contacted and brought a public into the org who was blown for the past 8 years. He attended the GAT 2 event and is now scheduled for auditing next week.
Martine P. recovered Maryline D. on her Basic course. She is doing well on OT VII and went to FSO on 30 Nov for her Refresher.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Martine P. completed the Special Course on Human Evaluation and started the South African Congress.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
Paris Org OTC organized the renovation of a space in the org, so as to set it up as an upstat briefing and meeting office, which will also be used by the IAS.
In September and October, several successful and well attended events were held together with the CC Paris.
Getting New Public into the Org.
Martine and Michel Fesneau, Paris Org public, distribute a lot of Div 6 promo every week. In the past 3 months, they distributed in the Paris region 19,000 flyers and 8,650 flyers outside the Paris region (17 different cities).
Martine P. and two other public (Ilan and Thomas) have created a dissemination group and have created a website to sell Basics books. This quarter the website was maintained and updated with quotes and photographs, they have started selling books with it.
Other Major Activities.
Translations – several Paris Org OTC members worked intensively on translations over the past months: Daniel Jung did more than 159 hours of editing (i.e. 296 edited pages). Henri Borne, OTC member, helped the Management TU in CLO EU with 145 hours of translation in French. He also did 20 hours of translations for OSA/CCHR. Anne-Marie Castin, OTC member, worked as a proof reader on GAT 2 issues in Copenhagen (in the TU), for 65 hours per week for 5 weeks, thus 325 hours of proof reading this quarter. Patricia P. and Elisabeth F. also worked on translations/proof reading this quarter.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Marie-Thérèse Brunet (recently attested OT VII and is currently on the ship) and Hayat El Quandili worked together on Applied Scholastics in France. They have 12 franchisees and 3 who applied for it, and 235 students. With the Study Tech applied, parents realize that their children are better prepared to go back to school.
The OT Committee has continued to manage successful events for Ideal Org, the major change was the hat turn over Odile Delomez (OTA), who was our org’s Ideal Org I/C for many years and who did a fantastic job. She gave her post at Laurence Dambrin (OTA) who has taken it with pleasure and very good willingness.
OT committee members worked a lot together for the successful event of GAT II.
Good win, an OTC member Claude Michaux, completed OT8 and signed up for staff at the CCP.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing
The Recovery Group: Annelise Ahl, Daniel Ichbiah, Pierre Vassort, Brigitte and Bernard Dimanche.
Annelise Ahl recovered one person back on his Basics for Paris Org. The group has been in contact with the Chaplain to coordinate some recoveries. They’ve also been active on recovering people by making them come and see the Gat II event. The group got 10 people back for the event. Well done!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II
The Be OT group (4 OT8’s Loïc Cornet, Nadine Vigneron, Anne Lise Ahl and Brigitte Emmenecker) organized a seminar called: Achieve your next step of the Bridge.
The seminar based on the Data Series was delivered by Brigitte Emmenecker (New OT 8) in 2 parts. The first part presented key LRH quotes on ideal scene, how to build one, how to mock up it fully and the comparison to existing scene. Each public worked out his own ideal scene on their next step of the Bridge, up to the point they were fully satisfied.
The second part of the seminar focused on resources and bright ideas to build the program. Each public was individually helped to progress on his own admin scale with a very realistic angle.
Some of them were then set up in alignment with the service releases of GAT 2. One started Student Hat, another the Purif, another is starting on advanced payments toward the next service.
CCP had several OT 3, 5 and 7 & 8 completions this last quarter. And 16 OTC members started the new GAT 2 Student Hat.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
During this period the OTC committee CCP did three events, and collected $258,060 about 350,000€.
On the 7th of September the national French Alliance Event in Montreuil was held. The theme was Greek’s Gods. The entire event was coordinated by Odile Delomez OT Ambassador and Ideal Org I/C. The call-in unit led by I/C Geraldine Valluet and Ideal Org I/C Odile Delomez OT Ambassador, helped by the D/Chairman Annie Dufour confirmed 117 persons. The total attendees was 272 and for the CC 191.
The artist’s team of the CC Paris OTC lead by Sabine Assouline, OTC member performed in an aesthetic Greek costume on clouds on the stage, as if they were the real Gods.
Marc Delomez, congratulated all the Humanitarians. ED Paris congratulated Dominique and Laurence Dambrin both OT Ambassadors, for having achieved their Ruby Humanitarian prior to the event. Didier conducted the stage regging. 219, 975 euros (CC 95,334) could be put on the board that night.
After the event Odile Delomez passed on her hat to Laurence Dambrin OT Ambassador for the Ideal org as she planned to go to Flag with her husband to do intensive training for one year.
On 21 September they had an event in the Paris Org academy. The theme was the fall/autumn, postulating that considerations might fall like leaves in the fall. Total public was 108 of which 60 were from the CC. The OTC confirmed about 30 persons. Marc Delomez and Aude Lederer OTC member congratulated everyone who contributed to their new status. Didier Michaux Public, conducted the stage regging and 32,048 Euros were put on board.
For the 26 October event the OTC chose the theme: Rock’n’Roll 1950. There were 92 attendees. Everyone was in-costume with leather jackets, jeans and for the girls pink rollers in the hair with sun glasses for the boys, and pink glasses for girls. Some public dressed like Elvis Presley and other rock stars.
The artistic team of the OTC performed with Axel Gandois as the master of ceremony. He created an ambiance that at the end made people stand up and dance Rock ’N’ Roll. Laurence Dambrin, OT Ambassador introduced Nonwell Canone OT 8, chairman of Paris Org to congratulate the new statuses. Didier Michaux came on stage and started fundraising. Pascal Cornet OTC, Gold Humanitarian, Yoann Dambrin and Axel Gandois astonished everyone with their Rock ’N’ Roll song. It was a very up tone event! To further keep the spirit up, Robert Fresco OTC member composed a poem about Ideal Orgs inspired by a French rocker. Overall the night was light and filled spirit of play. 90,866 € were put on board.
OTC members Bernard and Brigitte Dimanche gave a seminar on “What makes a Thetan strong, what makes a Thetan weak.” This seminar is based on LRH’s data found in Basics and ACCs. It gives understanding and tools for people to stay up tone and win in their life. They gave 4 seminars to 105 persons and 2 seminars to 68 persons bringing in 7,500€. Those seminars were always very successful and appreciated delivered with lots of theta, fun and professionalism.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
The volunteers of The Way to Happiness moved on to Phase 2 of their plan – with the pilot project “More Cool Life” organized for the strategic town of Saint- Denis.
The printing of 10,000 books was funded by the spouse (not a Scientologist) of Anne Bastien, Scientologist and creator of the public campaign in conjunction with Stéphane Maleuvre (Member of the OT Committee and president of the Association TWTH France).
Two main actions were conducted between early October and late November:
1) Cleaning: These actions were intended to highlight the precepts ‘Take care of your environment’ and ‘Set an example.’ A dozen volunteers cleaned the streets of downtown and dozens of bags were filled with various debris. It showed people that they need to do something to have a cleaner and more pleasant street. Volunteers received many messages of encouragement, thanks and congratulations. Additionally, flyers explaining the project were distributed to passers-by and a hundred books were provided for the people interested. A local radio station reported on the program. City officials widely appreciated the project’s purpose of educating people who behave badly by throwing their trash anywhere.
2) Establishment of a stall for “Coolest Life with Way to Happiness” in the city centre: Volunteers informed passers-by about the rampant crime in the city and that there’s a solution with The Way To Happiness booklet. It had a special youth oriented cover design that would be attractive to young people and also to their parents.
The stand was awesome featuring two water drops that were visible from over 100 meters away, a large billboard listing the 21 precepts and a large table adorned with a banner. Volunteers addressed passers-by who receive a booklet and asked to sign an undertaking to comply with the precepts of the booklet.
During these 5 outings, 4,600 booklets were distributed with nearly 500 signatures. 30 volunteers actively participated in at least one of these distribution operations. The team received a lot of encouragement. Some people have returned several times to the stand for more booklets. Several contacts were also established with officials of association, religious leaders and influential people in the field of education.
And finally, the police, overwhelmed by the problem of delinquency approved our actions and as they said “everyone has a role to play” including you (Scientologists) This is great win!
The group Say No To Drugs: A distribution and information booth was held in busy areas of Paris. Approximately 50 shops around the Celebrity Centre have welcomed the booklets and distribute them to their customers.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Anne Bastien and Stephane Maleuvre reached and helped many people with the Way to Happiness booklets. They continue to create expansively in this area. They are in action and produce with fun and determination. Their PR and professionalism are well known by orgs of Paris and by raw public in the street.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Key Madrid OTC members actively worked with Madrid Org to call-in public to the recent official org showings of the GAT II events. María Mateos was very dedicated and effective on the call-in.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Recently, the Madrid OTC organized an “artistic graduation” and barbeque together with Madrid org’s Div 6, so as to bring a lot of public in and get them back on lines and connected up to the org.
It was a resounding success, with twice the usual number of attendees to a “normal” event and many people coming, who would not usually be present. It was very theta and artistic, with poetry readings, accompanied by music and dance, all performed by Scientologist artists.
Getting New Public into the Org.
Several OTC members helped giving out promotion and helped with body routing for Madrid org, especially Carlos Vazquez and Mario Filidor.
The Madrid OTC helped Madrid org man a bookstand at the “esoteric fair” at the central train station of Atocha, which was held for about 10 days. It is an event for people “looking for answers” and heavily attended by public. It is centrally located and full of body traffic.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
OTC member Pilar Izquierdo, a teacher who is a member of the OTC has been successfully promoting the Anti-Drug and Human Rights campaigns to her pupils and also to other teachers at her school.
Other Major Activities.
Several OTC Members contributed to Criminon, which is now actively delivering services to inmates, directly in several Spanish prisons.
This includes OTC members Isabel Ayuso, Ángeles González, Virginia Castellanos and Felipe Castellanos among others.
They reported getting so much theta and having such good results and PR that they barely have to go through any security inspection themselves, even if they come loaded with lots of instructional materials. Note: these institutions are very security minded.
They are mainly delivering The Way to Happiness and also Integrity, Learning and other courses. They are reporting life-changing wins on the inmates, with some ex-drug dealers, suddenly turning around completely.
OTC member Felipe Castellanos opened two Hubbard Colleges in Spain last month, the main one in Toledo (an hour from Madrid) and the other in Madrid. Local Toledo TV and various important local politicians and representatives from the chamber of commerce and others assisted and were very appreciative of the initiative.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
María Mateos, OTC member, has been contributing continuously and effectively in coordination with Madrid org in call-in, recovery and bridge flow.
Juan Carlos Priego is clocking high production on dissemination, recovery and Bridge Flow week after week.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
The OT committee of St Pete regularly holds seminars with Clears and OTs to educate the public regarding advancing on the Bridge. For the past 3 months the OTC organized and held about 20 meetings!
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
St Pete OTC member, Mymrina Asya, Clear, is responsible for advancing the public on the Basics, for the last 3 months she actively worked on returning people on services. As a result of her work the statistics of starts on Basics in the organization is in affluence 4 weeks in a row!
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
St Pete OTC member Smolyakova Tamara, OT 3, responsible for collecting donations for Ideal Org of St Pete, together with Moscow OTC held at the end of September an Ideal Org fundraising event for over 120 people in Moscow! That evening $34000 were collected and donations are still coming!
Getting New Public into the Org.
St Pete OTC members Mymrina Asya and Brednev Mikhail repeatedly participated at a seminar called “Meeting with a Clear”. The new public asked them questions as to the state of Clear and were very interested in achievement of this state!
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
In October 2013, the OTC of St Pete organized a meeting with a Freedom Medal winner and invited public to this seminar, members of the OTC actively participated in collecting donations for the IAS of more than $50,000.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
St Pete OTC members Matusevich Evgeny and Kumaritova Galina held anti-drug lectures at schools and other institutions in St Pete. Also St Pete OTC member Nikolay Kilimenny conducted lectures on The Way to Happiness for 80 employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations! And in the middle of October St Pete OTC member Mymrina Asya helped organize and hold the annual CHHR exhibition!
Other Major Activities.
With the help of OTC members 5 briefings on the Bridge and on the “Our House” project (Ideal Org) were carried out in various missions of Russia for the past 3 months! Practically all St Pete OTC members sponsored the opening of a new mission of St. Petersburg: “Nevsky”; donating about $7,500!
OTC Stockholm changed Chairman, as the earlier OTC Chairman Tomas Björklund joined staff and assumed the post in the org as ED. The new OTC Chairman is Christina Tonelord who took on the responsibility upon her return from Flag.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Several members of OTC Stockholm have been engaged in the translations of the materials for the GAT II evolution. Both from the field and by joining the special projects in TU at CLO EU.
OTC STM did a massive action on event call-in to get as many people from the field to attend the events for the release of GAT II. The events had highest ever attendees, and public have started on services right away as a result. Several others are planning to start in the next weeks.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
In the last quarter, an inventory of public and where they are on their Basics has been started with the purpose of getting everyone through.
The Stress-test team with book sales has been strengthened during the summer months with weekly set-ups with permissions received now for book sales in the core of Stockholm City. Stress-tests, distribution of flyers and book sales has been done by members of the OTC. A project to raise funds for a large tent (with a heating system) has also been done and the tent is now on order. This is so that the team is able to continue the stress-tests activities even when it is colder in Stockholm.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
CCHR: During the fall there have been 4 demonstrations in the city of Stockholm that CCHR has arranged. These have been well attended by OTC members and other Scientologists. Information about CCHR has been distributed and the general public informed about atrocities by the psychs. 3,000 copies of CCHR DVDs have been sent out to Swedish opinion leaders in different fields, as well as 800 copies of CCHR DVDs sent to medical students to inform about the destructiveness of psychiatry. CCHR STM also sends out weekly press releases (sometimes more than once a week) with information about specific cases and revelations about the destructiveness of psychiatry.
TWTH: During early summer there were riots in a particular part of Stockholm. TWTH Foundation STM got OTC members and Scientologists together to distribute TWTH booklets regularly throughout the summer and fall and soon even local citizens joined in. TWTH Foundation STM ran out of copies of the booklet and a special designed Stockholm edition of the booklet has been prepared and is now on order for further distribution.
WISE: Actions to get together professionals in Stockholm to make them more successful has been spearheaded by members of OTC STM. 2 successful events were held during past three months for this purpose.
Other Major Activities.
As a known successful action, OTC Stockholm has engaged in Bridge Flow. An invitation to AOSH UK to come for a Bridge Flow Event was carried out in September, which resulted in more public from Stockholm arriving at Saint Hill for services and debugs on their Bridges.
A large local event was planned and executed in early October which very good attendance and which promoted wins from the Bridge, both locally in Stockholm org as well as higher orgs. It was well attended and inspiring.
Another area, which STM OTC members engage themselves are to give intro lectures to school students and teachers. As the new school year started in September this has been a weekly activity and with at least one such intro lecture has been given weekly some weeks more than one.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
OTC member Marcus Nyman has spent hours upon hours as both a Field translator and Field editor to make it possible to get the GAT II materials into Swedish.
New OT VIII Lars Brask-Jensen has both engaged regularly in the stress-test/book sales activities as well as helped the org out on a weekly basis as a supervisor in the Academy while supervisors were training at Flag.
New OT VIII Pirjo Ramberg has weekly been participating in the stress-test/book sales team. She has also been instrumental in helping to get the funds together for the tent.
OTC Members Raimo Määkelä and Martin Ekwall have given weekly intro lectures to school students and teachers about Scientology. (Martin, as the OTC photographer, has also created photos for the new Stockholm edition of TWTH booklet.)
A lot of progress has been made in the last quarter on making Stuttgart an Ideal Org with the Day and Foundation split being done and the CF Filing Project making forward progress. Stuttgart Org was commended for being the fastest expanding Org as regards to recruitment of new staff with the number of staff more than doubled in the last 5 months. Stuttgart by now is the largest German Org and the first one that is Day and Foundation. The OTC had a major part in this with 11 OTC members joining staff.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The Release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II was a major blowout for everyone and the OTC put a lot of work into making these events in Stuttgart the best visited events ever. A lot of call-in and interviews were done and the event attendance was a Highest Ever with more than 420 people attending the events. There was a lot of good news right at the event and the days following:
One OTC member paid for the new Academy – she was the first public to pay in for this service.
The OTC Basics I/C had started on her new Student Hat right before the OTC meeting 2 days after the event and showed the new Student Hat pack and dictionary etc. at the OTC meeting. She briefed about her wins on just going through the definitions of the first words she was clearing. Directly after that several other OTC members started on the Student Hat and the course room was packed to the point that one had to fight to get a place at a CD player.
The OTC Chairman and D/Chairman also were the first publics to buy the new E-Meter which were delivered to them during the OTC meeting, where everybody wanted to touch and see it.
The first OTC meeting after the event covered tons of wins from OTC members concerning the Golden Age of Tech Phase II events and the releases. The D/OTC Chairman for example stated that she had been working for a longer time unsuccessfully on getting the wife of one of her company staff started on services to become a Scientologist. The staff member and his wife then attended the events and were blown out. Right after the event the wife came up and stated that the Student Hat is her thing and that her and her husband both already signed up for it at the registrar. Then she went on and on about the fact that she is so happy to have married a Scientologist.
Another OTC member also stated that one of his selectees had been Q and Aing on going to the event as he does not like events that much. He came anyhow and stated afterwards, that he was so glad to have been there and that he wants to have Super Power NOW.
One OTC member brought his 16-year-old daughter to the event and had considerations if she would understand every thing as she has not done any major service yet. She was completely blown out by the event.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
In the last quarter there were tremendous wins from public on the Objectives and Purif. An example was a huge win of one OT VIII from Stuttgart, who had been doing her Objectives in Flag. She has been sitting in the wheelchair with one side of her body lame since a stroke a few years ago. Shortly before completing her Objectives, she got up out of the wheelchair after the session and walked to the examiner. Not only the auditor, but also the examiner and several staffs and publics in the HGC shed tears of joy, seeing her walking.
There was yet another OT VII completion from Stuttgart which brings the OT VII and VIII completions to a Highest Ever in 2013. The OT VII completion shared his wins at the OTC meeting and stated that on the level he regained the ability to be happy and the ability to make friends with many new friends and commlines now, whereas he was a loner before. Another win was that he no longer is concerned about his future but can direct and postulate his future.
There were 2 new Clears from Stuttgart in the last 5 weeks. Altogether there were 3 OTs onto next steps and 7 Clears onto next steps.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
The majority of the OTC members are either done with the Basics now or on the PDC. 5 courses were completed in the last quarter and there was one full Basics Completion.
Progress on Files Projects.
The CF Files Mission arrived in the org and has been working in tight coordination with the OTC to get the project done. In order to get more people active in the CF an Activation I/C and a Promo I/C were posted in the OTC. Weekly Newsletters for the CF Filing are being sent out by the OTC as well as routine mailings throughout the week to get people activated.
In order to get the number of CF helpers expanded, the OTC Chairman and D/Chairman worked out a game to get more people activated for the CF. This consists of a competition between all groups and companies in the field to get the maximum manpower onto the CF filing. The Chairman and D/Chairman started off this game by enlightening all of their company staff to do one evening of CF filing in the org with the entire company. This was promoted in the newsletters and attracted much positive attention. This has been very successful with the helpers increasing to 50 people per week and the hours on the CF filing doubled. Several OTC members were commended for surpassing 100 hours of CF work and one OTC member surpassed 400 hours. With lots of creative events such as Filing-Weekends with popcorn and movies at the end of the day, weekly OTC filing parties, etc. several projects were completed in the last quarter such as the PC folder project. With the CF project there has also been an increase of volunteer hours in the OTC with a Highest Ever in one week with 320 volunteer hours.
Getting New Public into the Org.
The OTC Lecturer continued giving his (WISE) lectures in the org to new public. Altogether there were 46 attendants to his lectures.
Good news on this was also the fact that the Church Academy (a Christian Church) asked for him as a Lecturer again. ½ a year ago he had given a lecture about WISE to a group of 20 students from the protestant Church Academy, which gained a lot of interest. He was now asked by the Church if he could give the seminar again as the next group of students is ready.
One OTC member started 2 new persons on Life Improvement Courses in the Tech Mission. Another OTC member started a new person on the Ups and Downs in Life Course.
There was really good news on Div 6 lines with a recent Div 6 Seminar held in the org. 5 people who came from the bookstands attended and there was an immediate First Service Start off of this.
There was a lot of good news on Div 6 lines by one OTC member who sells LRH books via the Internet. She stated that the flows have really opened up. There are 3-4 books being sold via this Internet line every week at the moment. This OTC member then sent out a few invitations for a Hubbard Dianetics Seminar on this line and got very good inflow with 4 people visiting the mission for a Dianetics Seminar and 2 people starting Book-1 auditing right after the seminar.
Since the city changed their considerations and laws in regards to Scientology bookselling (in Stuttgart Scientologists were not allowed to sell books on the streets which was changed in summer this year), there have been regular Dianetics bookstands in the middle of the city which have been very successful and with which OTC members help regularly. Off of these bookstands people have come to Div 6 seminars in the Org and this has resulted in several First Service Starts.
Altogether 25 books were sold by OTC members in the last quarter.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
A big highlight on the IAS Fundraising activity was the achievement of the IAS target for Stuttgart at the end of November, which the OTC Chairman and some OTC Fundraisers had worked on with Org terminals. Part of the activity on this was the Germany Convention, which took place in Stuttgart. There were a lot of good originations and teamwork from the OTC, including 3 OTC members servicing the publics and staff fulltime throughout the convention and handling the kitchen and set up of the hall. There were 3 IAS Status completions produced by the OTC Fundraisers, including a new Patron, a Lifetime Membership and a Crusader. Several OTC members came forward and donated and also regged others. In a follow-up of the convention a new Patron Meritorious was made as well as a Patron with Honors consisting of 2 OTC members who are also business partners and did this status together. Altogether 50,000 Euros were regged by OTC members and Org staff during the convention and the majority of donations came from Stuttgart. The OTC and particularly the OTC Chairman were highly commended for their products by the org.
One OTC member stated that she had a huge win on her Patron status, which she paid at the Germany Convention. She stated that it somehow gave her a lot of power to have done that status and that this win is still continuing.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
A TWTH info-stand was done in the center of the city and 800 booklets were distributed.
There was a lot of good news at Say No to Drugs info stands, which was also held in the centre of the city. At one info-stand there were 20 OTC members and public who produced a Highest Ever of 4,800 booklets distributed that day. This is a new Highest Ever of booklets distributed.
There were a lot of positive statements from people coming to the stand, including one father whose son has been to jail 3 times for drug trafficking and has reverted 3 times. He stated that his whole family despaired over the drug abuse of the son and this now gave him some hope and he appreciates what we are doing.
Another person, who is currently on a drug rehab in the hospital, took a whole bunch of booklets to distribute in the hospital. A teacher also took a bunch of booklets for her class and all info materials and asked for a lecture done by us for the class.
At another successful Say No to Drugs info-stand 3,200 booklets were distributed and there was also a lot of positive feedback from people coming by. An ex-junkie came by and took 15 booklets to bring to junkies he knows, to help get them off drugs. A woman who is working in the psychiatry department of a hospital, doing drug counselling came by and asked if this was from Scientology. She was told that this is one of the campaigns being paid for and done by Scientologists, and then she took 15 booklets.
A street musician came by and asked if we also take donations for this activity. He then donated 20 Euros as he felt this was the exact right thing to support.
Altogether there were 2,284 volunteer hours produced by OTC members in the last 3 months.
Recent Stellar Achievers:
OTC Chairman, Bernhard Gut (on OT VII) has regged most of the new IAS status completions and been the major mover on every project.
OTC Activation I/C, Sonja Kohl (OT V) has taken responsibility for getting helpers for the CF project and is in comm with the entire field and doing a lot in the Filing project herself routinely.
OT Night I/C and CF Files Party I/C, Bodo Burkhardt (OT V) holds 3 I/C posts in the OTC and has taken full responsibility for every one of these hats, getting products on great events and set ups for various Filing Parties, including new “filing songs” which he performs.
This is our final report for 2013. This quarter was full of historical events and many amazing news.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing
OTC members helped on call-ins to the very successful GAT II event. A few OTC members met several times at the org’s CF and got a list of public to call and called them.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II
The TAV OTC meets every Sunday for a few hours, before the weekly OTC meeting and works with the org’s D/ED on the list of recoveries. They then do call-in to the public and schedule them for a specific time to come to the org. The D/ED then gives the previous week statistics.
On this quarter OTC TAV statistics are:
114 schedules made.
65 Academy recoveries done.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made
Shuki Mizrahi our IAS I/C, raised $200,000 for the IAS and contributed himself another $300,000.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
OTC member Eli Haim (with the help of Shuki Mizrahi and other OTC members) participated in the local “Psychiatry The Industry Of Death” exhibition in Jaffa, Israel. The Exhibition had the Highest Ever attendance and received a second IAS Grant to continue the exhibition for another 2 weeks.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
As the GAT II Event was only 1 ½ weeks ago, the OTC was mainly involved in call-ins, they got some recoveries and contributed to the buffet.
Beppo Riedler (OTC) did his OT Debug in UK and is ready to go to Flag for his OT VII. He also was one of the first starts on the new Student Hat in Vienna Org. Maggy Fuhrmann’s (OTC OT Ambassador) selectee Fritz Howanietz went to Flag to do Super Power as the first Austrian. Silvia Hufnagl (OTC) sent a friend of hers to UK, to continue on her OT V.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Silvia Hufnagl (OTC) recovered with the help of Gerd Pölzl (public) and the chaplain, a long time ARC-Xen public from the Org. They helped him with the sort-out and now he is happily studying the Basics.
Progress on Files Projects.
315 CF Folders were gotten into new alphabetical order, were repaired or renewed and 228 particles were filed in.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
This year`s CCHR Exhibition was from 28.11.2013 to 9.11.2013 daily from 10am to 9pm. They had 2,051 visitors and distributed 30,000 fliers. Dr. Maria Hagemeister, a book author, was there for the opening. A lady from the district council saw the exhibition and wants more info, a social worker for the child nursery wants lectures about ADHS and info for the parents.
They had 3 press releases (each reaches 40,000 journalists). A TV-team was in Vienna in the CCHR office and they are interested to get more info about ADHS and are working on a TV spot.
Other Major Activities.
One of our helpers, Valerie Rupp, was working on the legal items for putting an information stand in front of the org. It needs a lot of paperwork and ok`s from different terminals, so she is on her way to get this through.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Irmi Mörz and Maria Fiedler (both OTC Members) are our stellar achievers. As mentioned above, Irmi Mörz and Maria Fiedler are working very effectively for CCHR. In November Irmi worked 108 hours and Maria worked 169 hours to get her products done. Maria Fiedler was also I/C of the CCHR-exhibition.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Over 400 Scientologists attended the GAT II events and were totally enthusiastic about all the monumental releases and the tremendous work, which was going along that way. Many decided to take their first step on the GAT II courses and routed in to start.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
According to local statistics of OTC Zurich the following have been completed or are on their next step to Clear and OT since March.
ü 4 attested to new OT 7.
ü 2 started to audit on new OT 7
ü 2 started on new OT 6 at Flag and working on their goal to come back home and audit on Solo NOTs.
ü 1 did her L12 at Flag
ü 2 completed their OT 5.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
OTC members are busy studying their Basics and sharing their wins in life. From March till now 24 Basics courses have been completed by OTC members alone.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The main priority in the OTC has been and still is the Ideal Org Building. Together with org staff they have continued with their Ideal Org fundraising events almost every single weekend for the past five years. These events are run on a complete org board with all posts covered by OTC and/or Org staff terminals. Every event is done according to a theme such as “Rock’n’Roll”, “Swiss Alliance event”, “Hunter fever”, “Swiss Freedom Event” or “Red Carpet (Hollywood)”, with appropriate costumes, artistic presentations and theatre shows. Many artists donated their artwork as a reward for the contributors to the ideal Org. Here is a description of an ideal org event held just recently. The theme was “Red carpet (Hollywood)”
The event hall was decorated with double portrait photographs – one half was featuring a famous actor or a celebrity and the other half was a portrait of a Humanitarian who looked similar to the celebrity. This was highly admired and created much positive attention. First FBO Zurich gave a short presentation on the results of Ideal Orgs planet wide. Then the audience was shown the two Int Mgmt. videos on ideal Orgs. HES Basel then spoke about the Swiss Alliance and about the state of the project in Basel. After these briefings the acknowledgements of donors and the actual fundraising started. In between there were performances by the Org artist troupe.
They collected for Zurich $7,350 that week. They collected for Basel $52,652 that week. After several ideal org events fundraising totaled $273,308 for the ideal Orgs from September till now.
The chairman of the OTC Zurich established a “Young OTC”, which is actually manned by Scientologists of the next generation.
Progress on Files Projects.
The CF completed their preparing work on the computers to get rolling on the CF files. In the last 3 months two persons completed the CF files.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Events are promoted in the weekly minutes of OTC meeting and sent out to the field. In each OTC, the participants are confirmed for the IAS events with regular call-ins to confirm all the IAS events. One couple, both OTC members paid their Patron just a few weeks ago.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
CCHR very week has an info booth in large cities throughout Switzerland to inform people about the harmful effects of psychiatry and psychiatric drugs. This week they sent additionally 1,024 anti-drug DVD’s to teachers throughout the country.
They are gaining more and more wins in the government against the prescription of Ritalin. They sent an application that on every psych medicine there should be a huge warning on the outside of the package.
Missed MOSCOW and MALMO reports, BOTH IDEAL ORGS. Also missing OSLO, St. ETIENNE, LYON, CLERMONT FERRAND AND LISBON. I think there used to be an org in HELSINKI. And one in Arhuus too…
This quarter, while getting ready for GAT II, the Montreal OT Committee became more organized to meet the coming expansion. Its major accomplishments were organizing a big march against the psychs in Ottawa with CCHR Montreal, organizing several events and seminars to help Scientologists progress on The Bridge and getting a new I/C for the Ideal Org Fundraising project.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Sunday 15 Sept – OTC chairman Guy Tourville and OT VIII France d’Amour held a briefing entitled “Want to go OT? We have the recipe!” which gave information on how to be OT now and join the Montreal OT Committee.
Sat 21 Sept: OT night with newest OT VIII completion Thérèse Gélinas, together with 3 other OT VIIIs: France d’Amour, Sylvie Viau and Guy Tourville. A very successful evening where over 60 public heard the OTs successful actions in getting up the Bridge and ending with everyone deciding to get onto their next step and also studying their full Basics lineup.
Sat 26 Oct: OT briefing by OT VIII France d’Amour entitled “Discover the tools you need to go OT”.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
This quarter, the Montreal OTC held 3 ideal Org fundraising events: on Sat 14 Sept, Sat 19 Oct and Sat 2 Nov. The last one was also cause for excitement with the announcement of the new Ideal Org Project I/C, Richer Dumais. Since taking on his post, Richer has been working diligently on building a strong team to organize and finish the fundraising and renovations for the Montreal Ideal Org.
World-famous FSM Yves Fiset also held 2 seminars on Big League Sales to help Scientologists with their sales technique on all their dynamics. These were held on Wednesdays, Oct 23rd & 30th.
4D Campaign Activities: CCHR Montreal
Sat 7 Sept: CCHR Montreal held an event to brief Scientologists on CCHR and prepare a big anti-psych demonstration to be held in Ottawa at the end of September.
Sat 28 Sept: CCHR Montreal organized a big march with over 100 public and staff from Montreal, Quebec city and Ottawa present in the streets of Ottawa to demonstrate against the psychs who were having a national convention. The main theme of the demonstration was: “STOP psychiatric drugging of children NOW!”
The march ended with the official opening of the exhibit “The Truth about Psychiatric Abuse” which then was open to the public for the following week.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The Quebec OTC has worked with the org in order to get the events of the GAT II being well attended. A total of 7 people have routed onto GAT II Training and Processing.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
The Quebec OTC has gotten into doing OT Hatting nights in order to get the field more active and onto their Basics and training, which really encourages them. They have done 2 events with 35 people in attendance.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The Quebec OTC held an auction event starting with a silent auction, followed by a loud auction. They had different types of art donated by various public/artists that was part of the auction.
Quebec has being doing one event a month for the Montreal Org. This encourages the Montreal OTC and their public to get their org done. The Quebec OTC has contributed and has donated over $6,500 for the Montreal Ideal Org.
Getting New Public into the Org.
The Quebec OTC has been helping in Div 6 getting new public touring the displays and they have gotten 2 new public on services as a result.
A conference and a seminar was delivered in New Brunswick and a couple purchased 36 hours of Book One and has since started the Purif at the org.
The Quebec OTC has been contributing to selling books to new public by going to different flea markets and doing Stress Tests and they have gotten over 10 books sold.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
The Quebec OTC has assisted the org and the IAS in getting the IAS Events being attended and has donated $1,000.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
The Quebec OTC has being passing out pamphlets for Say No to Drugs, to different outlets in the city. They helped in getting members as well as public to Toronto for the march against psychiatry.
The Toronto OT Committee has gone out the roof this last quarter on making New OT VIIs and VIIIs, and since the release of the Golden Age of Tech II, the OTC has been working on getting public into the org and onto services as appropriate. Ideal Org fundraising events have been continuing.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The OTC has had two meetings in the week of and two days since the release of the Golden Age of Tech II and immediately got into production by dividing up the 53 names of public who attended the events who are not on a course or service at the Toronto Org. A number of products have already been gotten of public routed into the org for Bridge Consultations and then onto Student Hats or Purifs, and so on. At the second OTC meeting, 12 OTs were added to the list to be recovered onto a service.
Of note, there has been stellar OT Bridge motion happening in Toronto: there have been 7 New OT VII completions (Diane Dobson-Smith, Rhona Shekter, Gwen VanKleef, Liz Zahari, Lina Luckman, Tony Pateropoulos, and Ed Standish) in the last quarter and 4 New OTVIIIs completed (Diane, Rhona, Gwen and Liz; Lina is on New OTVIII) and 2 new people onto New OT VII (Heather Coutain and Gary McKague). One New OT V (Nicole Crellin) was also created.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The 26.10.2013 Ideal Org Event was held at Pie in the Sky Studio which was lavishly decorated and a fabulous catered dinner was served to the 62 public and 34 staff who attended. Beautiful leather jackets were presented to 25 Humanitarians and were very well received. A brand new inspirational Marketing Campaign designed by Olivia Wilkens was released. She also made a fabulous video about the reasons for donating to the Toronto Ideal Org which was very moving. $25,345 was put on the board.
Progress on Files Projects.
The Project I/C, Liz Zahari, was away finishing New OTVII and doing New OTVIII for a few months and the project went a bit onto hold in her absence. She is now back and restarting the project and gathering her people up again and getting them into the org to work on it. While she was away, the whole of CF had to be shuffled into a smaller space so as to make room for a bigger course room for the Golden Age of Tech II delivery. A bunch of public came in to help with that. It is now beautifully set up and ready to continue to prepare the files for the Ideal Org.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
There have been a few notable IAS cycles that have gone down in the last quarter, namely: Dianne Shuck of the OTC helped reg Mike Dolbaczuk for $54,000 for the IAS. Dave Erison helped make a Patron the last week of November.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Truth About Drugs:
Recover Day 2013 in Toronto, Ontario: This was a City sponsored event attended 500 people, many of whom were druggies and mental health people. 5 Scientologists attended and manned up a tent where they distributed 430 Truth About Drugs booklets. Earl Smith, New OT VIII, met and talked to various City Officials.
Youth For Human Rights:
Nicole Crellin, New OTV, was invited to attend the Youth Alliance Summit in Brussels to receive the prestigious Human Rights Hero Award. She took a youth delegate with her and there were 30 delegates from various countries attending this event.
The IAS sponsored the traveling Museum of Death Exhibit to come to Toronto and it was ensconced in large space of a building in the downtown core of Toronto. Many hundreds of people toured the exhibit and were suitably enlightened during the 2 week period. Also, several seminars were conducted on psych meds and marketing of madness, etc.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Dave Erison, New OT VIII, continues to be a stellar producer in terms of fundraising, is the Stage Reg at all Ideal Org Events and also FSMs for the Toronto Org and Flag non-stop.
Pat Filippi, New OT V, took on the mantle of the Deputy OTC Toronto and has helped to put in organization with an Org Board and weekly Minutes of the OTC Meetings that are now sent out to all OTs so everyone is briefed.
During the last quarter, the Vancouver OT Committee reached a new milestone for most Ideal Org fund-raising raised within 90 days (over $250,000). The OTC is continuing to capitalize on the Int Mgmt approval received for the prospective Ideal Org building! Meanwhile, negotiations with the building’s owner are continuing.Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
On short notice, the Vancouver OTC rallied public to attend the GAT II Events weekend at Flag, and a total of ten OTC members and public were at Flag for the events!
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
In mid-September, the OTC held a gala “Humanitarian Ideal Org Event”, honoring its humanitarians and inspiring others to join that very special group. It was a formal dinner event for nearly 100 people and featured live jazz entertainment and evocative speeches from Vancouver’s humanitarians. Canada’s CO COLO flew to Vancouver to speak at the event, which raised $100,000 and created another new humanitarian before the night was over!
On September 28, the OTC held an Ideal Org event at the org, featuring guest speaker Francesca Swartz, Portland Ideal Org fund-raiser and Silver Humanitarian. Francesca shared her wins about becoming a humanitarian and helping others do so too, and briefed the crowd on Portland org’s booming stats since going Ideal. Sixty people attended the event, which raised $20,000.
On Oct. 19, the OTC held a “Nights of the Round Table” Ideal Org event, complete with medieval decorations and even a chocolate fountain. Over 80 public and staff attended this lively and entertaining event, which raised $25000 in donations and pledges.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister).
Two members of Vancouver’s OTC attended the “First Nations Truth and Reconciliation Walk” in conjunction with two DSA staff from Vancouver org. In the their bright yellow VM jackets, the group raised Scientology’s profile in the community, providing directions, help in locating a lost child, and being noticed and welcomed by the mayor of Vancouver.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Evy Iverson – For continuing to lead the OT Committee as Chair, and providing the enthusiasm, energy and drive to keep it moving forward!
Working with the EDs and CO CLO on fundraising. Closing people to arrive for the GAT II event at Flag
Hilarie Rockl for fundraising and closing their latest humanitarian with honors
Gale Spick – one of the top ideal org fundraisers
Julie Stewart – holding the events I/C hat and putting on all of their events, especially their very successful Celebration of Humanitarians dinner.
Really poor show from Canada. No report from CAMBRIDGE “Ideal Org”. No report from EDMONTON or CALGARY. Not sure if KITCHENER still exists or if this and LONDON were both “consolidated” into “Cambridge.”
This quarter has seen a tremendous focus on completion of the Sydney Ideal Org and the OT committee has backed this strategy up fully.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The Chairman, Andrea Nevill, did a Remedy M handling cycle on a public who was not moving on The Bridge and off lines. The result of this was getting this public into session and her BPC handled and she is now continuing on with her auditing and in good comm with the org.
Andrea has also helped debug the Bridge progress on two other public who will start their purifs over Christmas.
Andrea Nevill and Nicholas Costello, Deputy Chairman, have started their Student Hats and Nicholas is also on the Survival Rundown. They are both having great wins on these courses.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books & Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Two committee members completed their Basics in this quarter – Nella Kerr and Jann Horvatic.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
As the fundraising for our Ideal Org building is complete this quarter has involved fundraising for the Files Project. Committee members, Nella Kerr, Colin & Nerina Sherman put together baskets of ‘goodies’ to be raffled.
Progress on Files Projects.
Good progress has been made this quarter on the Sydney Ideal Org Files Project, particularly in the past month. The Student Files are nearing completion, the PC folders are now all in alphabetical order and the Treasury files are in chronological order. Members of the committee, Andrea Nevill and Jennifer Costello, have done call-in to activate public to help on this cycle. All committee members have worked on the Files Project – Nicholas and Jennifer Costello putting in several hours each week.
Several events have been held to activate public in the Files project and also to recruit for Sydney Ideal Org. Nicholas and Jennifer Costello were involved in food preparations and set-ups for these. The theme for the one held last week was “The Rubber Meets the Road” – a very high-toned occasion with good products gotten.
Getting New Public into the Org.
Nerina and Colin Sherman have audited public on Dianetics to good results – one is on the Purif now and another is having Life Repair.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
There have been several IAS events in this quarter and members have helped confirm public for them. Donations have been made by Nicholas and Jennifer Costello and Nella Kerr.
Other Major Activities.
Committee member, Oliver Dixon completed both OTVII and OTVIII this quarter and his partner has joined Sydney Org Staff.
Committee member, Jann Horvatic has rejoined Sydney Org staff also.
Andrea Nevill and Jennifer Costello helped at the opening of the CCHR exhibition by handing out fliers to public and directing them to attend the exhibition.
Progress on Files Projects.
Canberra OTC appointed Martin Barnett as the new CF i/c. He has taken on this project with vigor and due diligence, recently adding another vital resource to the task with former CF & Addo Officer John Favaro. The org terminals working with the CF have already noticed the difference when they are now handling the files… there are data in there that are pertinent to the person they want to contact!!!
Canberra OT Committee supported Sydney org in their mammoth Files Project with 4 members making the 300k-journey volunteering approx. 80 hours in manpower which brought up the 25%-done-rate on pc folders rejuvenation to 50%!
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
YHR Canberra was very busy in this last quarter. The Canberra Cavalry Baseball League D/Manager contacted the local church a few months ago inviting them to come along to a major game in December and promote on of their social betterment activities. The D/Manager has worked with YHR L.A. in L.A. with great success and positive public feedback. It was therefore only natural for Canberra Cavalry Baseball League Australia to seek the same for Canberra.
YHR Canberra got busy organizing the information stall for Dec 7th. The workout included representatives from YHR to sing-in the game with the national anthem. The backup singers of no less then Kate Ceberano, Australian Celebrity entertainer and YHR Australia embassador, flew down from Melbourne to do take on this challenge: many thanks to Alison Ainsworth and Jessica Fairlie. The other contingency was for someone from YHR team to do – what’s called – the “first pitch off.” YHR thanks the youth who volunteered to do that, and a expert job he did!
The Canberra OTC assisted with a good show of hands with all the logistics and the tasks of the day. As a result they had 40 volunteers, some coming from 300km-away Sydney attending the game and putting time in at the tent to handing out Human Rights booklets and collecting signatures.
This particular petition is very specific and unique to the Australian Human Rights situation – it is asking for the Australian government to put in our own National Human Rights act, something that has been demanded by the public for some time, but so far the government has not complied. We intend to help make that happen with 100,000 collected signatures by next year.
On the next day Canberra YHR held it’s first ever Human Rights walk. The 40-person strong attendees met at a local prominent park alongside the city center’s main lake. Due to the recent passing of Human Rights activist Mr Nelson Mandela YHR i/c Renate Barton invited the South African High Commission to come along to help them dedicate this walk to Mr Mandela. (Mrs Barton had visited the High Commission last December introducing them to their YHR campaign program.) Human Rights i/c ANZO and 2nd Secretary to the High Commission of Sth Africa, Mr Nakabeni each in turn gave a welcome speech before setting off on the 40-minutes walk across Commonwealth bridge to Reconciliation place opposite Old Parliament house.
On conclusion of the walk more signatures were collected for Australia’s National petition. YHR i/c Canberra acknowledged and thanked the representative of the Sth African HC for his attendance and speech and presented him with an YHR T-shirt upon he commented, “that he now truly belongs to the team.”
These we activities resulted in an exposure of our Human Rights message to over 1,000 baseball fans, 550 HR booklets distributed and close to 100 signatures collected.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Renate Barton, OTC Chairman, on OTVII, YHR i/c Canberra, for her hard work and professionalism in organizing the YHR weekend events Dec 7 & 8, 2013 resulting in broad exposure of our Human Rights message and ushering in the first ever Human Rights walk in Canberra.
Harry Crawford, Martin Barnett and Lucy Barton for their initiative supporting Syd org in their Files Project.
Since the funds completion of their Ideal Org, the Sydney OT Committee has immediately concentrated into the next phase for their building opening: Central Files!!!
Progress on Files Projects.
The OTC’s has been having a super production in this area by continuously calling in the public to do central files. The OTC has pushed the cycle by promoting org training rewards as a token. In the last three months, the OTC has successfully booked more than 200 public and 30 of these are coming in to do files at least 2 to 3 times a week in a regular basis!!!
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
OT Ambassador, Caroline Collen, is a winner!!! All by herself in the US while attending all the Golden Age of Tech Two and IAS Event, Caroline helped Ruth Lennie to complete Patron with Honors. Joe Azzopardi also achieved the status of Silver Meritorious with Honors by Caroline’s help. And this is not the end. Very recently, Caroline and her husband OT Ambassador, Len Collen, achieved the status of Silver Meritorious with Honors as well!!!
Other Major Activities.
OTC members Maria, Joe Kingi and Kim Fitzgerald have accomplished one of a kind FSM activity. The whole Aroha Pacifica team (11 members) has completed the Leader and Competency Course!!! This group of teenagers who are dancing and singing entertainers just arrived from the ship. The wins were A M A Z I N G. These kids are looking very much on purpose and very eager to continue doing Scientology courses! The OTC members above did a terrific job not only by working out the travel logistics of 15 people in total, but also FSMing, word clearing and supporting while the kids were on the course at the ship. As soon as the team arrived, the OTC had a big welcome feast and a kick off of Central Files Marathon was launched with a BBQ hosted by the Aroha Pasifica team.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
Caroline Collen: Caroline is the highest OTC contributor for IAS reg cycles. In the last quarter, 3 major statuses were completed with her help; one of them being herself!!!
Char Shipman: FSM is Char’s specialty. Char’s FSM production is in it’s highest. More than 40 bridge and training completions were done by Char’s guidance. One of Char’s selectees very recently attested to OT VIII and now enrolled on his Student Hat!!!
Maria and Joe Kingi: Team work. Maria and Joe are all about the 3rd dynamic and very recently the whole Aroha Pacifica team completed the Leader and Competency Course. This FSM activity was a product of these 2 great OTC members.
Reo Schamroth: Reo spends most days at Sydney Org helping the executive team and all around the Org. Reo is one of the highest producers of hours spent on volunteer activities for the OTC. Reo spent an average of 36 hours weekly at the Org in the last quarter.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
OTC Member Chris Tingley’s, daughter Freya Tingley, started the purification rundown after the GAT 2 events.
The Perth Royal show was held in September. There was a good team of OTC members and volunteers that manned the stand in conjunction with staff members. There was stress testing done over the 8 days and a total of books sold during that period was 22 and 16 public helped.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Jo Cannon with her partner Joe Wallace upgraded their family IAS Status to Patron.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
Fighting proposed changes to Local Act of Parliament “Mental Health”
Rebecca Serfco, on OT VII worked with the local DSA raising awareness in the general public about the proposed changes to the Mental Health Act.
In conjunction with the org’s DSA they ran a campaign that had public write letters to members of parliament. There were days of flyers being passed out in the city and many volunteers hours were done.
In anticipation of Tokyo’s Ideal Org building, the OT Committee has been working to get better established and complete preparation for the org’s ideal transformation. The committee revised their org board and recruited new members.
The OTC members have continued to assist with IAS fundraising events and regging, helping people to move up the Bridge to Clear and OT, and public book sales. Other specific actions are covered below.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
During this quarter, the OT Committee supported a Freewinds event helping to get enrollees to Freewinds for the Competence and Leadership Seminar. As further support, members – Minoru Motokawa (OTC Chairman), Hiromichi Seki, Yoshie Judge and Kanako Taguchi – went to the Freewinds as part of the team.
As usual, the OTC worked on getting public to the AO and Flag for advanced services. Their work resulted in completion of two OT 1’s, an OT 2, three OT 3’s, two OT 4’s, two OT 5’s and an OT 6A.
Progress on Files Projects.
C/F File Project I/C, Emi Hamada, is getting C/F volunteer work done every week including OTC members working together every Sunday. The current project is the Public Divisions student files.
OT Committee has been playing a key role in translating materials for the GAT II releases. The most prominent of these members has been Atsuko Wakita who clocked over 230 hours of translations work in the quarter.
Other Major Activities.
Thirteen members of the OT Committee completed a major population survey in this quarter. The survey was done to gather local attitudes and information for setting up the new org building. One thousand public were surveyed.
Recent Stellar Achievers.
The most stellar member this quarter has been Atsuko Wakita for her high volume of work, including translating nearly 700 pages of LRH material, taking over 230 hours.
Extremely poor show from ANZO. No report from their ONLY IDEAL ORG MELBOURNE. Also no reports from ADELAIDE, BRISBANE and AUCKLAND. That is half their orgs that have even LESS activity than CANBERRA which is hard to believe.
There is a huge buzz across the African continent following the release of GAT2, with Joburg Org having more sign-ups in a week than at any time in its history. And here’s another News Flash: virtually the entire Port Elizabeth OTC has joined staff! There were several fund raisers across the continent over the last quarter as Cape Town, Durban and Joburg North head down the home straight in readiness for becoming Ideal Orgs. Our newest Ideal Org, Pretoria, has settled into its wonderful new premises and public are streaming into the Org to experience first hand LRH’s legacy and postulates for Africa.
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
Cape Town OTC did call-in for the GATII events which were held at The Strand Towers, a very upstat hotel close to the Org. The space was large, chairs comfortable and the visual display and sound excellent and each event ended with five star catering.
61 Public and 17 staff attended the first event held on Friday 22nd November and several ‘out of town’ trained and experienced public, who had come in from the West Coast, sat mesmerized by what was being ‘rolled out’. The tone level of the public kept increasing throughout the evening. At the close of the event the ED Cape Town Day introduced her GATII trained staff stating that they were ready and willing to produce Clears.
There were 57 Public and 8 Staff attendees at the Saturday night event. Everyone was totally keyed out by the data given and couldn’t wait to touch the new e-meter on display and get the data, bombarding Org staff with questions and making plans to get onto training and auditing lines. One OT, who had been on the Briefing Course with LRH in the ‘60s, was heard to say “I will definitely be doing the Student Hat now!”
Study materials and promotional booklets were on display and the new personal Bridge to Total Freedom was enthusiastically accepted by the Public.
One OTC member has signed up and started on his Student Hat Course this is his success story.
Progress on Files Projects.
During this quarter OTC members continued with their successful action of maintaining current filing particles to keep the CF files in PT and putting the CF files into chronological order.
OTC was advised that the Org would move in November. CF I/C Claudia N identified past successful actions of CF moves, which included: – identifying suitable space and obtaining ED CTD approval as quickly as possible, correct labelling and securing of the CF file boxes and moving the entire CF prior to the Org move.
An OTC team was established, transport organised and the CF, with related MEST, was moved on Saturday 9th November. 156 Boxes were moved and set up in alphabetical order ready for production by the end of the day and the space secured with the installation of a new lock.
Active OTC book-sellers have done well this quarter, disseminating LRH books and DVDs, selling a total of 65.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Three IAS briefing events were held this quarter – OTC assisted with call-ins, appointments and regging. A total of R50,000 was collected.
25th October a briefing was held at the Org by IAS AF Mr Alex Pena to approximately 15 attendees to give them the good news – his purpose in SA is to help open the AO AF and gave news of what IAS campaigns are doing. CFD AF Elmien briefed attendees that she is now working with the IAS and all the buildings are under her management.
26th October an IAS event dinner was held to 30 attendees (23 Public + 7 Staff) with Mr Alex Pena and CFD AF. The event was awesome. Mr. Pena spoke about command intention regarding Africa and how the AO will serve the whole of the African continent. The CFD AF then briefed attendees that official permission had been obtained to go ahead and build the AO on the Kyalami Castle land and said that Kyalami Castle will be retained as an up stat hotel for Scientologists to use while taking services at the AO.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
The Truth About Drugs campaign run by Narconon has been very productive this past quarter. Drug education was carried out at 22 schools and institutions to 2,548 students. The Way to Happiness PSAs were presented to 2,793 students.
For the first time the Western Cape Education Department invited, and paid, for the program to be run in 5 of their schools. As Narconon has worked with their schools for the past 14 years this is a major breakthrough. The event was videoed and the Social Worker at the Education Department arranged to show it to other staff members. Narconon has also done work for the City of Cape Town and are now on their official vendor database.
Peer Leader Training was given to 160 students; this is a two hour workshop where the students are taught 3 assists, locational, nerve and havingness, enabling them to help others. A video has been posted on the web https://vimeo.com/80480120.
CCHR DVDs, Marketing of Madness, Age of Fear and Dead Wrong, Human Rights and Drug PSA’s, continued to be aired on the Cape Town TV community station to mid November.
CCHR I/C, Erica C, has been involved with helping a 21 year old get off psych and street drugs who has started on the program run by Narconon, Darling. His mom jumped on board to help and landed up doing the Purif with him.
Truth About Drugs booklets and DVDs have been donated to a lady to distribute at a youth group in Fish Hoek where she helps out.
The OTC Ambassador program was completed at the end of the last quarter
Actions taken to help Scientologists in your field to fully avail themselves of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing.
The biggest news which outstripped everything else was the launch of GAT II and the return of two of our Outer Org Trainees Brett Kidd and Runesu Chazvemba for the launch, so that our Academy could offer day and foundation schedules for the first time in several years.
Our two ED’s Taryn Retief (Day) and Grant Morgan (Foundation) travelled to Flag for the ED summit and returned to spark the promotion for the release of GAT II in Durban.All hands call in was begun 4 weeks before the event and achieved 200 confirms, the highest ever for a Scientology event in Durban since the 1960’s.
An on source GAT II academy has opened the gates to expansion and several public whose next step was objectives have now routed onto the SRD, amongst these are OTC members Krish Govender and Jason Anthony.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
OTC member Marina Howarth arranged 3 Skype briefings by ANZO tech staff during this quarter. A Bridge Briefing by Paul Grigg, Class IX Auditor and Class VIII C/S on Sunday 1st September with 23 public attending, another on the 6th October where 13 attended and another on the 3rd November with 15 public attending.
During this quarter pending the arrival of Flag trained course supervisors, the academy was opened between 16:00 and 18:00 by Marina Howarth and Julia Aronowitz coming in to supervise.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
- Krish Govender completed the Command of Theta Lectures.
- Nick Howarth completed Phoenix Lectures.
- Heide Peens completed Factors
- Chris Hamilton completed the 4th ACC
All OTC members are either on or through the basics
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
Three Ideal Org fundraisers were held during this quarter.
The first was on Saturday, 14th September with a Beach Party theme – 12 people attended and R13600 was raised. The second was a Pirates of the Caribbean theme at the Org on Saturday 28th September with 9 attendees and R14 000 was raised. The final fundraiser of the quarter was held at Woodhall Manor with a Halloween theme where 12 public attended and R10 000 was raised.
Getting New Public into the Org.
New public are arriving regularly from the National campaigns wanting Dianetic auditing.
Veteran Dianetics auditor Grant Morgan signed a staff contract in this quarter and is now our new ED Durban Fdn.
WISE BEC seminars were held on three Wednesdays during the quarter by Marina Howarth; 25th September, 30th October and 27th November. The format is light and effective. On average there are 5 – 7 attendees and the wins are recorded in the successes written after each seminar.
Bookselling, more and more effective under the able OTC member, Krish Govender recorded highest ever sales of 42 books sold at the Musgrave Shopping Centre on the 6th, 7th and 8th of September.
The Durban staff and members of the Durban OTC have also been giving Free Introductory Dianetics sessions to public coming in through the new Dianetics website.
IAS Fundraising Activities and major statuses made.
Marina Howarth moved up to a Lifetime membership status this quarter.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
OTC Chairman Richard Bizzell delivered assists every second day for 2 months to give some relief to the Gauteng Commissioner of Police emeritus who is terminally ill.
OTC member Krish Govender delivered a Truth About Drugs seminar to 53 at the Hammersdale Church. Social Outreach Programme I/C Alan Wohrnitz held seminar for 150 children in Phoenix.
Nick Howarth arranged for the University of Kwa Zulu Natal (Durban Westvile campus) to deliver the Truth About Drugs to 12 Heads of Departments.
Criminon I/C Michael Lane arranged for the distribution of 25 WTH DVD’s into Kwa Zulu Natal prisons.
Allan and Judy Wohrnitz reported a total of 42 000 Truth About Drugs delivered into 98 Kwa Zulu Natal schools to date during this quarter.
Recent Stellar Achievers
Nick Howarth is commended for his work as Stage / On the Floor Fundraiser at all three of the Ideal Org Fundraising Events for keeping it up-tone, fun and for making his targets.
Krish Govender has been running very successful Dianetics book-a-thons and consistently sells on average 25 books on a weekend. But topped this at the last book-a-thon with a highest ever of 42 books sold in one weekend.
What major activities, events, production and successes has your OTC had in moving Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT?
The release of GAT 2 was the most exhilarating experience in history of Scientology and Joburg OTC members wasted no time in taking advantage of this golden opportunity to receive the Tech as LRH intended it. The GAT 2 event was held at a brand new auditorium in Fordsburg, Johannesburg, and was attended by several hundred Scientologists from both Joburg and Joburg North Orgs.
The atmosphere was intense as COB detailed the work that had gone into verifying and validating every piece of tech that LRH developed. The audience were at times in stitches from laughter, and at other times in tears, at the revelations made by COB on what had happened to the tech over the last 60 years.
Meantime, our OTC members have made full use of the mind-blowing news that going up the Bridge is cheaper and quicker than ever before. Warren Bruckmann and Isabella Ryan both arrived on service at ANZO to do OT levels, Diane Bruckmann returned from Flag on OT7, Shannon Green and Neil Singh started the Purification Rundown, Didi Singh started a Progress program and will then route onto the Purif.
Joburg OTC contributed majorly to Joburg Org’s 80 sign-ups immediately post the GAT 2 event, the highest in the Org’s history. A further 33 people signed up for courses in the week following the event (though not all from the OTC).
OTC chairman Renie Habib, OT Ambassador Sally Anne Cooke and our Basics I/C Marie Frankel were particularly active in recovering people back onto the Bridge and Basics during the quarter.
OTC volunteer hours on various activities – running the Purif for the Org, files projects, 4D campaigns, etc, amounted to 1,730 for the last 3 months. All OTC members were actively involved in call-in for the GAT 2 event, one of the best attended events in our history.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures
Our Basics recovery project continues to set the tone for the rest of the country, under basics I/C Mike & Marie Frankel. A total of 25 people were recovered onto the Basics during the quarter. Each OTC member was assigned 3 to 5 Basics students from the Joburg Field to recover, and the OTC member is required to keep in contact with these people and ensure they are moving and winning on their Basics. This has been done on a weekly basis and the Academy in the Org has started filling up, particularly since the launch of GAT 2. In fact, on some evenings there is no space for those listening to LRH lectures, so public have realised they have to get in early!
Basics recovery stats are monitored by the Basics Project administrator who gathers data from the Academy every Thursday. From these reports, we are able to maintain tight control on the public that are in the process of being recovered.
New names are given out regularly. The appointed OTC member stays in comm with his/her recovery ensuring that the public is progressing and winning on course. The project is driven by Marie & Mike Frankel, who took on the post of Basics I/Cs, and ensures that targets are being met, public recovered, and that OTC members themselves are cruising on their Basics.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs
Joburg Org OTC participated in several fund raising activities to raise funds for Joburg North Org, which is to be the next Ideal Org in Africa (and the second in Africa). The total amount of funds raised for Ideal Orgs over the last 3 months was $133,962. Our two-time Grammy Award winner Robin Hogarth, and Mike Frankel, continue to raise the bar in terms of their efforts to get all Orgs in Africa up to the level of St Hill size, so that AO Africa can open without delay. Robin spends dozens of hours each week, including travelling overseas, to assist in the Ideal Org fund raising drive.
The Joburg Alliance helped with numerous Joburg North fundraisers, including the Bollywood-themed fundraiser which – as the name suggests – had a particularly strong Indian theme. A total of R400,000 ($40,000) was raised, and was the best attended Joburg North fundraiser to date. Joburg OTC helped with set-ups and call-in for this fundraiser. This was followed with a very successful Halloween-themed fundraiser at Joburg Org called Witches and Wizards. Again, an amount of R400,000 ($40,000) was raised at this fundraiser. OTC member Robin Hogarth organised a concert at the fundraiser, where the children were given a chance to show off their acting skills. It was one of the most successful and hilarious capers yet put on by the OTC. Joburg North fundraisers are all very well attended by Joburg OTC members, who also routinely help with set-up and call-in.
Progress on Files Projects
Joburg OTC continued with its files project, focusing on the student and Org ethics filing. Sabina Laktionova is the I/C of the project and has arranged various public to help the OTC complete this task.
A total of 394 books were sold to public over the last three months, most of them by our star book seller, Dave Atkinson, who is also our top Power FSM in South Africa. The Joburg OTC took part in a bookathon where several books were sold.
IAS Donations
Joburg OTC also got behind the IAS campaign to bring sanity and LRH tech to the world. A total of $15,700 was raised by OTC members during the quarter. Nirvana Cooke (4D campaign project I/C) helped the IAS i/c, Alex Pinah, arrange an event at the LRH house, where 2 Lifetime memberships were sold. Karen Richards, Mike Stern and Don Moll (all from JHB org OTC became family patrons). Nirvana Cooke also raised $1000 from Victor Lopes for the IAS. More than half the Joburg OTC members are now Patrons!
4D Campaigns
Mike Stern from Joburg Org OT Committee arranged two Truth about Drugs talks at Geluksdal community centre. The second event resulted in the training of Geluksdal church group on how to disseminate the Truth about Drugs book and get drug education taking place in the community.
Fiona Caulder, 4D campaign project OTC member helped to distribute the Truth about Drugs booklets at a march organized by the Edenvale police. She distributed over 4,000 Truth about Drugs booklets.
Helping Scientologists in your field move up The Bridge to Clear and OT
The release of GAT 2 was a dream realised and created a huge revitalisation of the field. People who had not been seen for many years came to the event and they could be seen looking over the new E-meter, talking about the Basics and becoming part of the group again.
The Joburg North team arrived back from Flag and were presented to the field.
The day after the event the Org became busy setting up the Purif Centre, painting it, cleaning out the area and getting ready for the inflow. Our Flag-trained auditor has already got down to business and is auditing the field. Enquiries for the purif are coming in at about the rate of 5 per day.
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures, and through the complete Routes to Knowledge, and further services
Joburg North OTC member Hero Dresser has been supervising the Basics every morning while the Sups were overseas training. Saturday and Sunday schedules have also been set up by Hero to encourage more people to continue with their basics. Since the GATII event more and more people are moving faster on their basics and taking advantage of the extra weekend sessions.
Fundraising for Ideal Orgs.
The African Alliance has been revitalized and Joburg OTC has given great assistance to the events which have been held for the Joburg North Ideal Org.
OTC member Ken Humphries went to Pretoria Org to give them a briefing on the progress being made and also to get them revitalized about finishing off the Gauteng Ideal Org triangle before moving onto the rest of South Africa.
OTC Chairman Jean Gonsalves and Fund Raiser I/C and Deputy Chair, Philip Park attended a Joburg OTC meeting and thanked them for their continual help and further discussions were held regarding a future fund raising event to be held at Joburg North.
All the Joburg North Events are Alliance events. Joburg North has been very fortunate to have Sea Org member Kimberlee and Seb Howarth regularly at Joburg North OTC meetings. With Kimberlee, Seb and OTC Event theme I/C Mandi Walbaum amazing events were created and an amount of $133.962 was raised.
The events became so exciting with themes etc that on the confirmeds the percentages were 75% of those confirmed arrived. In the past it had only been between 25 and 35%.
Joburg North OTC together with Kimberlee and Mandi set the themes for exciting events. Joburg OTC assist tremendously with call ins.
A couple of the Events held were:
Bollywood- an amazing event, the majority of those who attended dressed in Bollywood attire and there was even a team of Bollywood dancers organised for the evening to assist further with creating the atmosphere. A total of R400,000 ($40,000) was raised.
Witches and Wizards was the next event. Joburg Org OTC member Robin Hogarth organised a concert at the fundraiser and where the children were given a chance to show off their acting skills. It was one of the most successful and hilarious capers yet put on by the OTC. Joburg North fundraisers. R400,000 ($40,000).
Progress on Files Projects
The mammoth project of getting the files from different areas of the org were collected together and the sorting began.
OTC Members Ashley Pillay, Ken Humphries, Philip Park and Jean Gonsalves are the regulars every Saturday morning. It was then a matter of getting these sorted files into accessible containers. John Abbot, OTC member, together with Philip Park, organized to get filing cabinets. This made the files accessible ready for Phase II and also created space in which to work.
Phase 1 is completed a huge target attained.
OTC members help regularly at the stress testing and in the International Stress test weekend, Joburg North was the top org on the planet for book sales during that weekend.
4D Campaigns
The Way to Happiness continues to be distributed by Carron Mancini and her partner to the Mine areas in and around Johannesburg. When the ‘uprising’ at the Marikana mine occurred (an international reported disaster) Carron and her partner drove down to the mine where the police and miners were fighting and distribute the Way to Happiness book in the thousands. They continue to distribute to other mines ensuring that no such incident happens again.
Moving People Up the Bridge:
An amazing situation occurred within our OTC. We had a really gung-ho group of 5 OTC members in Port Elizabeth assisting in the Org and in the field, and they decided – what the hell – let’s all joint staff! So our OTC numbers may have dwindled a bit in the last few weeks, but our staff sign-ups are through the roof!
We have recruited 1 person in PE and had another prospect, but she too signed up for Staff.
Our Committee is at this point spread along the coast from East London to the North of PE (4 hours drive, one way) and George to the South of PE (also 4 hours drive away).
Helping Scientologists in your field onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures to get ready for Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
One public was recovered who had stopped doing his Basics about 1 year ago. He is back on his Extension Courses and is sending in Lessons daily.
Another girl has also been recovered. She is now doing very well and is having magic wins.
4D Campaign Activities (Truth about Drugs, CCHR, Youth for Human Rights, Way to Happiness, Volunteer Minister)
In Plettenberg Bay and George much work is done in getting TWTH Booklets out in the community. More than 1000 booklets are given out per week.
5 members are doing great work with TWTH in Plettenburg Bay and George area, 1 member in Port Alfred which is 1 hour from PE who goes into the Org weekly and gives BEC Workshops and 2 members have a Field Group in East London delivering Intro Lectures, Basic Life Improvement Courses and Book One auditing.
Helping Scientologists in the field to move up the Bridge to Clear and OT and helping Scientologists to get through the Basics
As an OT committee, the importance of moving up the Bridge to Clear and OT was emphasised in the following ways:
- Ensuring members of the Pretoria Field are moving up the Bridge both in the Org and in the Field. This has included 9 starts on the Bridge between Life Repair and NED processing
- One of the OTC members is currently at Flag, having completed OT VI-A, VI-B and has started on OT VI-C
- Technical briefings have been given by members of the Pretoria OTC covering LRH tech related to Finance, Ups and Downs, the Bridge and Personal Values and Integrity, where the introductory courses were promoted, which resulted in courses being purchased by the public.
- At graduation, one of the OTC members gave a briefing on LRH Admin Tech.
- Another member of the OTC continues to Audit on OT VII and has recently been back to Flag for his 6 month check.
- Members of the public and the OTC continue on with the Basics.
Assisting in the building of Ideal Orgs
The Ideal Org Alliance meetings have been attended by Lee-Hazel de Bruyn, of the Pretoria OT Committee, as the representative from our committee. In addition, she has assisted with some of the setting op of the décor for Ideal Org Fundraisers. Other members of the committee have also attended some of these meetings, as well as some of the Johannesburg Fundraisers.
Book Sales:
The OTC member in charge of book sales, is Robbie Knott, who has assisted in setting up book-selling in shopping centres on a monthly basis.
Books have also been sold by other members of the OTC. A total of 36 books have been sold by these OTC members over the past 3 months.
Business Expansion Club:
A breakfast was held at the Pretoria Org, which was attended by about 12 members of public, a talk was presented by a business person where success was shared on the application of LRH Admin tech in his business.
An OTC member is working with the Royal families of South Africa to introduce LRH Admin tech.
Two of the OTC members, Eduard and Sandra Kleyn, continue with Afrikaans translations as requested by the Translations unit.
The project currently being worked on is the Afrikaans Way to Happiness Film, the DMSMH Film having been completed.
Information on handling the Drug problems:
An information meeting was held at the Pretoria Org where about 65 non-Scientology Public attending a briefing. The briefing was given by OSA on the Truth about Drugs. The Pretoria OTC members assisted at that briefing.
Birthday Game
The OTC members support the birthday game and have a new OTC Committee member (Roelof Lategan) as the Birthday Game I/C for the committee.
The two orgs in Zimbabwe — HARARE and BULAWAYO seem to no longer exist in reality, though the “IAS” proudly announced they had purchased a building for Harare (I think) about 8 years ago…
How the OT committee schemed to take the last retirement savings of a ’70 year old new scientologist and staff member named Ethnie Ward’:
“Another key cycle was when the OTC collectively helped to push staff member Ethnie Ward over the line so as she could achieve the status of Humanitarian. Ethnie is 70 years old and quite a new Scientologist with a big heart. We held a group meeting and then Chairman Robert Lawson spent time with Ethnie which resulted in her finding the funds to complete the cycle – it was very theta!”
It was only a matter of several low-pay weeks before Miss Ward realized what a drastic mistake she had made. Now she ponders how she will survive the future penniless.
No org in London, Ontario, unless it is top secret.
Ottawa org exists – no report.
Thanks for your blog, Mike.
What an incredible treatise on the subject of dev-t, aka how to look busy, while utterly off purpose. (dev-t means, unnecessary and developed traffic) This has absolutely nothing to do with providing spiritual gains, to those who desire it, with dignity, respect, diligence and care. The title should read “spiritual bankruptcy”.
“Another key cycle was when the OTC collectively helped to push staff member Ethnie Ward over the line so as she could achieve the status of Humanitarian. Ethnie is 70 years old and quite a new Scientologist with a big heart. We held a group meeting and then Chairman Robert Lawson spent time with Ethnie which resulted in her finding the funds to complete the cycle ”
Pushed her “over the line” or “over the edge” I wonder? If 70 year old recent convert Ethnie’s got kids I wonder what they are making of this. Spending time with Ethnie until she ‘finds the funds’; would that be re-mortgaging the family home, cashing in the pension plan, maxing out on credit cards or all three perhaps?
How many decades has Scientology been at Saint Hill? And they still haven’t got past the stage of leafleting a few local towns. They can’t clear a county let alone the planet.
Good work,the numbers don’t lie
Even if Scientology took in and retained 50 million per week
most would not live long enough to reach OT 8 because of arbitrary cross orders, price structure
and squirreled tech.
PAINFUL to read. BTW – Who remembers Milano Org circa ’82? “nuff said by that question alone…
The two things that stood out, from the bits I managed t o read, were the poor hapless guy who won a PORSCHE in a raffle, and was promptly regged to sell it in order to achieve being a Humanitarian!!!!
Jesus, what is humanitarian about that! That’s just DUMB! About as dumb as Ray Mifhoff and Guilaume Lesevre having to sell off their cars ‘because they were made in Germany’.
Then there was the Amsterdam report – the win was to show the public what a lovely view the new Ideal Org has overlooking the city….not just selling the public the line that MEST matters…but look at the view you get too!!!!
It’s all mad…the emphasis is that you should be getting 100% technical results…miracles as usual. Instead it’s all down to selling your prize car and looking at beautiful horizons. That group has lost the plot.
There is only one word I can find which conveys the true essence of these reports:
I waded through some of those reports.
Here’s the reality: Earth’s population increases about 228,000 per day (that’s births minus deaths per day).
Therefore, Scientology would need to bring in (and retain) 228,000 people daily JUST TO KEEP EVEN with Earth’s population growth.
To “clear” the planet, the growth in Scientology would need to be many times 228,000 a day. Instead, Scientology is falling further and further behind.
If Scientology brought in (and retained) about 500,000 a day, Earth would be cleared in about a century (roughly calculated).
Of course, Scientology could turn that around immediately: just show the world even one clear as defined in DMSMH or one OT VIII as originally defined by Hubbard (at cause over MEST, life, and thought, both objectively and subjectively). Just one, objectively and scientifically verifiable clear or OT. Just one.
They do not want or need people in the Orgs.
They want donations. Does no one understand this?
Its like the Banking sector, who do not want customers, they simply want cheap Central Bank money to play the markets, manipulate share values and pocket commissions and here is where Scientology is like the Banks.
If it all goes belly up ask for, and get a bailout.
This is how all Pnsey schemes run
What a wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
The “Church” of Scientology believes in GANG BANG activity. What is GANG BANG ?
Re: Africa – One OT, who had been on the Briefing Course with LRH in the ‘60s, was heard to say “I will definitely be doing the Student Hat now!”
They must really be short on positive things to report.
Thanks Mike for getting the truth out. It has been a downward trend since the eighties with an upward bump when Hawkings and his unit got the Ads for the Dianetics campaign out.
Once again, I tried. I really did try to read this report. However, after 2 minutes I fell into one of the deepest naps I’ve ever had. I awoke refreshed and energized. Can’t thank you enough, Mike!
Glad to oblige….
omfckinggd, that is a Humongous Report.
Have you ever tried to get entered into the Guinness Book of Records for Longest Blog Post About $cientology?
I just added the Africa report. As usual, I didnt read it, but could not help noticing the proud announcement that the OTC had come to the rescue and “opened the Academy” in Durban org FROM 16:00 to 18:00. Amazing the truths that come out of the guileless.
tnx, Mike.
Well, well. These stats looks quite sad. I wonder how the orgs that did not submit stats (or whose stats were not incuded) did.
Mike, I understand you not wanting to actually read every word of the whole “report”.
Here is a summary:
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
There are probably a few more blahs but I lost count.
Thanks for the summary, Espiritu, you should apply for a job at CliffNotes. You are good at capturing the essence in a few words.
I noticed something wrong there too.
“65 people back onto their basics. This does not include resigns etc.”
Not only is is weird that there would be so many people blown from their “basics courses”, one might wonder what their stats (if any) are for “resigns”. They were not mentioned for some reason. Nor did I see any mention of new sign-ups.
Clever little mind-benders aren’t they?
It’s all about Fundraising. I just blurred by them as I scrolled down.
Thanks, Mike, for putting this in public record. Glad it’s there. Glad I didn’t read it all. 🙂 I scrolled through it all and saw that Fundraising for Ideal Orgs and Fundraising for IAS is prominent. Whew. Glad I’m no longer there.
Again.. you’re doing an AMAZING job, Mike. Thank you!
What Zana just said, Mike. Thanks.
Here’s a few stats listed for each org, a condensed version of what Mike posted.
UK Orgs
AOSH UK: One person did the Student Hat for the third time. 8 other OTs are doing Student Hat.
Birmingham Org: Moving people up the bridge is “in progress” because the “events happened so recently.” Now that’s planetary clearing.
Brighton: $2800 was raised for the ideal org this quarter. At this rate they will be able to afford the new e-meters for the org in another couple years or so. Little or no Book One auditing for raw public is happening, because the auditor hasn’t been able to move to the UK yet… so there will be some stats to report in “future quarters.”
HAPI: Two people were recovered this quarter… one an old-timer from the 1980s whose big Bridge progress was buying Book One. They raised a couple thousand for their Purif center.
London: A single nameless VIP was gotten in session, and they had a concert. They don’t even have any regging or fundraising to report.
Plymouth: A whopping £70, or $120 was raised for the ideal org. Estimated org completion date: the year 3000.
ACD Mexico City: Six people started courses, and three people got back on their basics. A company forced 20-30 of its employees to take some intro courses. $50,000 was raised for the ideal org. Even at this seemingly fast rate, they still have at least ten years of fundraising to go. (It’d take them ten years to raise a paltry $2 million.)
Bogota: There are apparently 300 Scientologists in the whole country as that’s how many supposedly went to the events. There are at least 10 million active Catholics in Colombia.
Buenos Aires: 500 Scientologists in a country with at least 10 million active Catholics. The org sucked $38,000 from its ‘parishioners’ for the new building… so only 10-12 more years of fundraising to go.
Costa Rica: A guy went Clear and this was the big news. Costa Rica has 5 million people.
SCN Mexico Ideal Org: The OT committee got two people to start Student Hat, and got three people to go back on doing some courses . They raised $1,500 for other orgs. 6 raw public started a course this whole quarter.
ODD: At this Mexico City org, a guy went clear, and a guy started a course. They raised $18,000 for their ideal org. At a rate of $72,000 a year, a new ideal org is surely imminent.
Venezuela: The org leeched $100,000 for its new building. Not bad. But then the OTC brags that only 22 people could be arsed to attend an event with Saint Hill staff- 22 people in the entire country of Venezuela. And the org got three raw public this quarter.
Italy Orgs
Brescia: Ten people started new courses. They had a karaoke fundraiser for their ideal org, but apparently the funds raised were so miniscule they weren’t worth reporting.
CC Firenze: Apparently the Italy orgs are too embarrassed to report their Ideal Org fundraising stats from their “very theta” party events. This OTC hasn’t even gotten anyone into the org or onto courses, as they claim their “main production and activities have been on the 4th dynamic.”
Milano: 75 OTs in Milano, a city of 1.5 million. They brag about getting 16 new starts a week, whatever that means (I highly doubt they are pulling 800 new people into the org every ear). But even at that rate, it’d take them 2000 years to get all of Milan into the org. Still, they have good “cooperation” and “tone level” and “Div 4 stats are straight up and vertical,” whatever that means.
Monza: A whole $4,000 was raised for the org. Apparently they gave out a lot of booklets, but don’t have any real training or Bridge stats to report.
Padova: “A lot of Scientologists that were not coming anymore” came back to the org, apparently. Things are “more theta.” But apparently this booming Ideal Org could only swing “around 100 people” for its big events.
Roma: The OTC only saw fit to report two stats. First, they raised $50,000 for their building. Second, they put CCHR banners on 50 trees. Also, “a lot of people” started GAT II courses, a number so small it’s not worth reporting, apparently.
Sardegna: The OTC is proud to announce that the building is purchased. But for which org? I didn’t know there was a Sardegna org. Also, 3 whole people were recovered to Basics and intro Div 6 courses, so Sardegna is obviously on track to win the Birthday Game. And don’t miss out on Mike’s note… that apparently we have an org consolidation going on here, just like how CC London was shuttered and “consolidated.”
Torino: The OTC raised a bunch of money for the IAS. But when it comes to the Bridge and dissemination, their big action this quarter was to sell 36 books. And 16 “steps were done” on the Basics… meaning what, four people each checked off four things on their checksheets?
Verona: “Some new people have started their path in Scientology.” Here we have a really straight up and vertical stat.
Europe Orgs
Amsterdam: A fundraiser raised $400,000 in “pledges,” but only $5,000 in actual cash. The top FSM for the org got seven people to start the Purif, and got a guy to do some auditing. So he’s really been busy, I guess.
Angers: The OTC got three lost public recovered to come to the events. Five people bought their new e-meters. The Ideal Org fundraising apparently wasn’t a big enough amount to be worth mentioning.
Athens: One person in all of Greece became an OT VIII this quarter. Only 11.5 million to go.
Barcelona: One guy went OT VIII, another guy went Clear, and some guy is really proud of finishing R6EW, something I have never seen reported as a big brag stat before. The org raised a massive $2,600 for its new building.
Basel: 35 people came to Ideal Org pizza parties. In eight paragraphs rambling on about the food and games at the orgs, not one stat about how much money was raised… just a lot of blather about how “30 dedicated beings” will “never forget this miraculous event.” I guess the cheese and the pizza must’ve been good. Oh, also, 2 books were sold to raw public this quarter.
Berlin: 4 people started the Basics. One person started on their Grades. One couple bought new e-meters.
Bern: One person came in to the org out of curiosity and got an OCA done this quarter. 54 books were sold at bookstands.
Brussels: Two people finished Method One co-audit. One person started Student Hat. Two people finished the Basics. They raised $6,000 for their org. At least these guys were gutsy enough to report actual stats, even if those stats were minuscule.
Budapest: Four OTs each checked off a few things on their checksheets. Three people finished OT VII. Supposedly, 50 new public started courses. Only 9.9 million Hungarians left to reach.
Copenhagen: One person was recovered and was “totally blown out” by the events, and might start the Purif. “Several” people finished OT levels. 2 raw public came in and did a couple of courses. 2 people joined staff. Note that this report is both for the regular org and for the AO.
CC Dusseldorf: I had no idea there were so many celebrities in Dusseldorf. Anyway, apparently 60 people are on the Basics and 10 raw public came into the org to start services. The org was very proud that it got 40 people to show up to a big CCHR event.
Dusseldorf: I’ll bet you cash money this will be consolidated with the CC within the next couple years. Anyway, one OT finished a single ACC. Two others “made progress” on their ACCs. One raw public started a course after coming to a lecture.
Frankfurt: Four people finished OT levels. Apparently they are very proud that Frankfurt has 23 OT VIIIs. Only 700,000 more people in Frankfurt to go, guys. 2 raw public started courses, so they are really making progress fast.
Geneva: No Ideal Org fundraising happened, but one guy decided to take on the hat of “Dissemination Secretary.” 2 raw public started courses this quarter and bought five books.
Gothenburg: The org raised $2,000 for their new building. One person finished their Basics. Another guy finished an ACC and finished OT V. A third guy did PDC. Big progress being made.
Hamburg: A couple of people started the new Student Hat. Two people went to Flag for the events. 8 people started some sort of Bridge service.
Lausanne: Supposedly 35 public are at Flag. This is mentioned as being a big deal, so we’ll be conservative and guess that’s what, a third of their public? 100 Scientologists in Lausanne, maybe. But these guys should be proud: they rounded up $225,000 for Miscavige’s IAS fund, so good going on that one.
Munich: There are 30-40 OTs and supposedly 500-600 Scientologists in this city of 1.4 million. 15 new public came to some concerts held at the org, but no report on whether any of them actually bought any courses.
Paris: One lady finished one intro course and a congress. One guy who stopped his OT VI progress a few years ago might go to Flag to finish it. One 80 year old lady decided to buy some intensives to finally finish OT V. They gave out a ton of fliers, but no news about any new public starting.
CC Paris: Why is this an org? Anyway, it’s big news to get one guy recovered on his basics, and 10 people recovered to come see an event. Sixteen people started Student Hat, another started the Purif, and one decided to start paying money for future intensives. “Several” people finished OT levels. Only 2.5 million Parisians to go.
Madrid: Not one actual stat listed in the entire report, just a lot of vague platitudes about bringing in “lots of public” and having “very theta and artistic” events.
St. Petersburg: In “affluence” in the Basics. A couple new raw public came to a seminar and asked some questions.
Stockholm: “Public have started on services” after the events and “several others are planning to start.” But not one single stat regarding Bridge progress or raw public.
Stuttgart: Very proud that they are the only German org big enough “to have a Day and Foundation.” A couple people bought e-meters and started the new Student Hat. One OT VIII went to Flag to do Objectives and was miraculously healed and able to walk. Another guy finished OT VII. Two new Clears in a city of 700,000.
Tel Aviv: One poor soul donated $300,000 to the IAS and regged $200,000 from others (getting $20,000 for himself). The group is proud that they made phone calls to schedule 114 separate appointments for public, and “65 academy recoveries were done.” Keep in mind that this does not mean 65 people. And even if it did, we are talking about recoveries here. Not one single stat listed about raw public.
Vienna: The OTC “contributed to the buffet” for the GAT II event, whatever that means… they brought sausages, maybe? One guy was recovered for the basics. All quarter, they put in 228 particles into CF folders. This means they probably cleaned up what, 5-10 folders?
Zurich: 6 people finished an OT level. One person finished L12. Apparently 400 people came to the events. If so, why aren’t the OT completions higher?
Canada Orgs
Montreal: A few fundraisers were held but apparently the amount they raised is not worth mentioning. 100 people participated in a CCHR march. A guy did a couple of seminars on the Les Dane book.
Quebec: 35 people came to OTC events. They raised $6,000 for other Canadian ideal orgs. 2 new public started services all quarter. 10 books were sold.
Toronto: 12 people finished OT levels. But apparently, there are also 12 OTs out there who have bailed on the org who are on a list “to be recovered.”
Vancouver: Ten people were sent to Flag to go to the events. No report on Bridge progress or on raw public, just fundraising blather.
AOSH ANZO: Two people finished their Basics. Two raw public started the Purif and Life Repair.
Canberra: Not one word about Bridge progress, raw public, or fundraising… just a lot of jibber-jabber about a CCHR event they did where they handed out 500 booklets at a baseball game and got 100 people to sign a petition.
Sydney: There are apparently only a little over 200 public at this org, as the OTC is very proud that they got 200 to agree to volunteer on pointless CF file paperwork. Not one word about raw public in this update, though they are very proud they sent a dozen teenagers to the Freewinds to do a course together.
Perth: One woman started the Purif. 22 books were sold. One family gave some money to the IAS. That’s it.
Tokyo: 11 people finished OT levels. Well, 10… one guy got partway through OT VI. Only 35 million more people to go in the Tokyo metro area.
Wow — gold star award to Truth Revealed. Thank you so much for making this halfway confrontable.
^^^ What he said – thanks!
Thank you Truth Revealed for taking the drivel out of the reports and laying bare the actual facts.
Stellar achievement, thank you so much for the summary. To me the news coming out of the bubble sounds like they are coming out of non-existence (I don’t know what reports were like 10 years a go). It sounds like the beginnings of renewed success. Time will tell whether the upwards trend will continue.
What I do find telling is that some of these orgs have been around for 40+ years, yet can muster a field of no more than 300-400 people. That’s an average influx of 7-10 people a year who stick around for more. In Scientology it is usually the “suppressive media, government, churches and psychs” who are to blame for its lack of expansion. Scientology, the only group with the technology and confront to recognise and handle SPs, is strangely fragile.
Renewed success…coming out of Non-E!
The drivel in the reports above is standard word-smith stuff. Padding. These guys are all of them in group confusion…they’re all mixed up. Un-patterned flows and so on
Great summation. And I still don’t understand why the burden of delivery, recovery and book sales and marketing and real estate and begging is on the public, except that all of the staff must be too busy fundraising.
All in all bloody pathetic!
Expansion ? looks remarkably like contraction to me
What’s with the Canberra bashing? I was ED there once. Even go the place to thirty staff or so. And zero dateline. They fired me of course.
Mate! What do you expect?
One big generality. Things like “worked on” show no real products. Anyone ever show these idiots the policy on Progress reports?
“They did an amazing job and between the Basics Project, and the OTC Recoveries Project run by OT 8 Hanny Barram they recovered over 65 people back onto their basics. This does not include resigns etc.”
Well, pretty interesting that there were 65 blown students who could be recovered. Wonder if the same group will need to be re-recovered next month. I guess it doesn’t matter, because if they don’t have any blown students, how can they take credit for recoveries?
I would guess that they currently have far more blown students than students who haven’t blown.
There are so many glaring out points in these reports that it would be impossible to really do an eval. Just as a guess, since I don’t really care about them anymore, I would say that the OTC members have learned the fine art of glutz PR and glowing, but FALSE reports from their fearless leader. They all seem to be on board the same train named Delusion.
Yeah, 65 people recovered back onto their Basics is really quite some unwitting admission. Wonder how many more still need recovering.
1,639,064 booklets distributed and 1,182 books sold in one day in London per the New Years event video – yet no mention of this stellar production at all here in a report which manages to scrape up and hype even the most insignificant and mundane of ‘products’. Yet another omitted outpoint.
And if the CF filing and merge with CC is as reported, why are the Life Improvement and STCC course rooms on the first floor exclusively occupied by tons of blue bankers boxes instead of students?
Even the recovery of a 10-year blown public takes on a different complexion when you consider he’s been on the org chaplain’s recovery list for about that same time, ie; it’s taken almost 10 years to get that one product!
Doing the math and spotting the outpoints. Good one LDW!
Any and all Scientology parishioner get-togethers seem now also organized by “Open Hands”. Can’t get any social venue going in the field unless it also involves fundraising, otherwise it’s woggy-wog, out-ethics and off-purpose. How about an “At-Home” fundraiser birthday party for your kid? All presents must be in monetary form, and the birthday boy happily remits it to the Ideal Org and given a round of applause in exchange. Invited neighbour kids are taught to play “Show me your pockets” and practice drawing on “Fun-papers” which mention a billion years.
How far can the CO$/IAS/Ideal Org dollar be encroached into your life?
I can see why you couldn’t read it all. A lot of words about Nothin’, really. I have this idea that they will never get the files completed, because if they did the shelves would be almost empty.
Seems like the” Universe” AKA The real World is watching the Super Bowl.
Fundraising events OMG some fish will bite on any bait.
I can only imagine how pissed they are that these eye-opening internal reports keep getting leaked to you. Keep up the good work Mike, it’s greatly appreciated!