Scientologists actually believe “OT’s” can influence the weather, bring down the Berlin Wall and restore calm to areas plagued by violence.
Their fantastical thinking never seems to take into account the fact that these OT’s can’t seem to manage to deal with the massive negative PR associated with scientology. See the arguments made by Danny Masterson’s lawyers, splashed all over the media “There is a really negative view of Scientology… the general public’s view of Scientology is more negative than any other religion.” Or the fact that the hurricane even came near Flag and shut down their operations for days.
It is common for scientologists to be extremely selective in what they choose to see. They will announce loudly that Hubbard was a champion of the family, completely ignoring his OWN trail of terrible marriages and abandoned children and his policies of disconnection that have destroyed thousands of families. Scientology is “clearing the planet” while they are making zero impact on anything anywhere. “We are gay friendly” while scientology dogma teaches you can “audit the gay away.”
Evidence plays no role in the thinking of scientology bubble-dwellers.
Oh, yes, they are so powerful, these OTs!
They can handle the weather so that it never rains on the day of the annual July OTC Picnic!
The fierce hurricane winds swirl around Flag wreaking havoc but nary a brick in Scientology’s Mecca is disturbed.
And yet, powerful as these OTs are, they still can’t handle their own bodies.
They still get sick – very sick, plenty of them.
They drop dead way before their time, plenty of them.
Why? If they’re so powerful?
Do they have death wishes or something?
Do they have succumb postulates, these “kick-ass OTs”?
I don’t get it.
I’ve never gotten it.
Somehow, as powerful as they are, they’re incapable of communicating with anyone who has left Scientology. They can’t dialogue with anyone who is not in total lockstep with them. Instead, they’ll scurry away like cockroaches when the lights get turned on.
I pity these people, I really do. They belong in institutions for the mentally ill.
Its one thing to be weak and powerless and to know that you’re weak and powerless. At least you KNOW. At least you are AWARE.
But when you’re weak and powerless while under the delusion that you are strong and powerful, well – you’re nuts, that’s all. And truly pitiable.
Maybe that’s where they get the idea they have the biggest private relief force on earth. The old, “look ma, no hands!” trick.
With the goofy think of Scientologists, they answer the question, “how many thetans can you get on the head of a pin?” with, “enough.”
I was crazy enough to believe some of the batshit crazy stuff of Hubbard’s back when I was in. It was a pretty illusion, but I was never that delusional as to believe what passes off as real to a Scientologist today.
Bedlam’s patients have got nothing on how far and wide a Scientologist can be off the mark.
It has rained for days here. Now I realize that the OTs are in control of the weather which keeps people from going out to purchase Mike’s book. It almost worked on me, but with Holy Xenu/Xemu as my guide, I prevailed. Hail, Xenu/Xemu!
You should also thank Stan Lee who created the character Xemnu for Marvel Comics. Xemnu of the Magic Planet comes to mind. Tubbard couldn’t even be original with his names.
OTD, don’t you know? OTs have their different areas of responsibility and zones of control. Some OTs handle the weather – the expected storm will never damage their house; the sun will definitely shine on Janie’s birthday, etc. Some are Parking Lot OTs who create much needed parking spaces. And then there are the Time Stoppers – those OTs who with their postulates can stop time if/as necessary to ensure they are never late for an appointment. And then there are your Phone Call OTs, and E-Mail OTs who receive exactly the communication they need from exactly the correct person at the correct time.
These are all OT abilities, not to be attempted by lesser beings. One must first spend half a million dollars and reach the exalted state of OT 7 or 8; then is one’s OT power is unleashed.
I must be the OT of lost causes then, mmm,,, explains a lot.
Yawn, my whole comment was tongue in cheek. What I truly believe is that each of us has our own individual “OT” abilities and perceptions which vary in degree and type, person to person, and can vary in degree and type as well within an individual as well, depending upon the situation he or she may be in.
What about that woman who lifted a car off of her son and saved his life? How did she, a small woman, do that?
How about Beethoven who composed the most hauntingly beautiful and complicated music although he was mostly deaf?
The above are examples of extreme “OT”ness but infinite examples of unexplained perceptions and unknown abilities exist within all of us. A mundane example:
One of my Aunts, my mother’s youngest sister, could, from the time she could sit up straight on a piano bench, play chords on the piano. Someone could sing a melody and from the time she was a small child she could play chords that accompanied that tune very well. Never had a lesson. She could just do it. There were 8 children, the family was scraping by in those days and the piano had been left in their small, cramped 5th floor walk up apartment by the former tenants. All the children banged on the piano but Petra, from the age of 3 or 4, could play chords, and accompany someone singing in any key. How did she do that? No one knew. She just could.
I’m sure you have your own, innate “OT” abilities and perceptions Yawn. I believe every one of us does. Now, how these can manifest and where and when and to what degree they manifest can vary a great deal.
Do I understand this? No. But I’ve observed my share of OTness in people who had no certificates on their wall.
You’re not wrong about astounding abilities in people. You have to be tongue in cheek with Scios concept of OT (geezes… they invented that term and here we trying to relate to it, doh!). From what I have seen and experienced in Scientology is that they are pretty good at screwing up people’s lives with how it’s all bad and getting them to forgo their abilities to join the “cause”. Then get them to marvel that they knew where their car keys were or something like that and make them write long SS’s about it! Scientology degrades the world people live in and supplants that with anything good about you is because of Scientology and how wonderful you are that you found Scientology! – that really sucks and is a whopping big lie! It’s gaslighting! If you’ve ever read the early PABs by Hubbard he raves on & on about how the the invalidation of the PCs own home universe was the catalyst of their woes and their entrapment. What he really did was reverse and mask that with Scientology as being the only solution for you “regaining your abilities.” (What if you already have them?) Probably the perfect example is the Life Orientation Course. It is assumed and enforces you to accept you are in a lower condition and makes you do the ethics formulas to get yourself out – ha, what a cruel joke! The Truth Rdn, the Ls (all those nasty overts you have) are similar types of things. Then along with the creation of the SO to oversee and enforce all aspects of Scientology, it’s just a big black pit. No one is permitted to be self determined or creative in Scientology. Reflect on their ‘command intention’ enforcement of obedience for a sec. If there are exceptional people such as celebrities for example in Scientology, they were talented long before Scientology came along. Simple auditing is a nice thing, handles some upsets in life etc but it is turned around to be the carrot you’re always chasing. You never get the initial buzz back the higher you go up the bridge. Insidious!
A friend of mine’s daughter at about 10ish was given a guitar. In a couple of weeks she was playing along with the radio and singing at the same time, she had no lessons. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself. She was just a natural, a great kid and generally a bit quiet in a world of her own but her musical and art talents were remarkable. I asked her how could she hear a song and then play it? (I was jealous) and more or less she relied with a puzzled look on her face, “that’s the way it’s supposed to be isn’t it?” She’s very much an older teenager now, found boys and I rarely, if ever see her, except as a flash to get somewhere.
My comment was very much tongue in cheek too, my only real bummer about Scientology is I wouldn’t mind the years they stole off me back. Now that would be an OT trick & a 1/2 wouldn’t it?
There’s an old saying, “if you have gotta ask what jazz is, you ain’t ever going to know.” Don’t know if that applies here exactly, but there sure seems some magical type of thing occurs when anyone finds something they really like doing.
I love your comment because it comes right from the heart. Yawn, don’t regret what you did. Don’t regret the years you gave to the cult, because you cared, because you wanted to help people, because you wanted the world to be a better place for everyone. This desire of yours – actually what might be not only a desire but a need to help, to make conditions better for mankind – its beautiful It is ” OT” The natural, unstrained, help flow – it is the highest aesthetic. At least, that’s what eons of famous poets and philosophers including Shakespeare have said. Be glad that you have this as part of you. You haven’t wasted it. THEY wasted it. They wasted this wonderful quality, this ability of yours to CARE about others – about people you possibly didn’t even know – to care and dedicate yourself to the betterment of others. There’s no shame in this – for YOU. The SHAME is THEIRS. For not using what you offered. For ABusing what you offered. I’ll bet plenty of people have recognized this quality in you and it has NOT been wasted on them. This precious quality, this high ability to perceive that truly helping othesr is helping oneself – this is “OT”. I mean, you can call it OT or you can call it whatever you like, but its the best of a person, the highest and best within each of us. No, no you must never regret those years because you offered yourself to help and let yourself be vulnerable. You were being yourself. You were expressing yourself in a way that was very natural to you that also is – I’m going to use this word, with no exaggeration – exalted. The betterment of others being at the same time your betterment. This is an exalted operating state. Again, don’t believe me; writers down the ages have all said this.
Kind words Aqua, thank you, and they could only come from someone who sees such things as what poets, writers & artists have for eons grappled to communicate. Religion, unfortunately has played on that too and created a quagmire of belief, then set it up as a pseudo sanctuary for the unwary.
Hubbard tapped into such areas of the human spirits desire to simply be itself. For all his apparent genius of observation he just could control himself and used it to dominate, and from my perspective got lost in the money & power of it all. He had a huge chip on his shoulder and shoved it down everyone’s throat. If he would have simply not tried to take the establishment on in a toe to toe ‘fist fight’ and instead quietly got on with protecting the betterment he was capable of delivering with his more simpler auditing, we’d all have a better chance of using it for some good.
But no, everything was about him and his delusions of grandeur, no matter how much he lied to the contrary. It must have been a very dark shadow that passed over his soul when he realized he hadn’t found the cure all, hence wasn’t ’cause’ after all. Then went into hiding to die a lonely death.
In simple terms. he fucked up badly and then let someone like Miscavige sit on his moldy throne.
Well, at least yours was tongue in cheek and not head up butt like corn cobs would be.
But that is just me.
Laugh & and a good one at that. It’s very refreshing your ‘just me’ gets straight to the point!
I still reckon he that he was visiting a French zoo (and trying to work out a name for his evil supervillain) he overheard a child saying, “Ze gnu! I want to see ze gnu.” That’s it, he thought. I’ll just swap the “z” for an “x” which makes the word sound so much spacey (not Kevin) and intergalacticky and evillier.
I think the super powers were actually:
1. Find out which direction the winds were coming from.
2. Get all the super-dooper super powered $camologists to go to the Fort Harrison Hotel and that bloody awful blue building the day before.
3. One super-dooper super powered $camologist per room that is facing the oncoming winds.
4. Eat the three kilos of rice and beans that is waiting for them.
5. Wait a couple of hours. Strip off. Open windows and stick arses out.
6. On a prearranged signal let loose the massive flatulence that has been building in a giant synchronised burst.
7. Oncoming high winds slowed down as if by magic super-dooper super powers.
8. Fort Harrison Hotel to be renamed Fart Harrison Hotel in honour of the brave super-dooper super powered OT’s who risked severe damge to their bungholes.
Good one!
Yea, O.T.’s are doing their job alright. The worst hurricane in years, total devastation all around, many deaths….yea, good job.
If you can stop a hurricane, send it back out to sea before it causes so much harm.
O.T. phenomena….yea it’s a phenomena alright.
I absolutely loved your chat with Derek on the Mythvision podcast Mike. I wasn’t sure what to expect given he’s not a Scientology specialist or a professional journalist but I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable interviews I’ve seen you do for a long time, you seemed to have a good rapport and he’d clearly not just read, but understood and remembered the book and your story, and it was just the right level to not be too detailed but not like a ten minute tv interview where everything is rushed and barely mentioned. Great stuff!
Without a doubt, hundreds of Scientologists believe that they personally helped steer the hurricane away from Flag and Clearwater just using their minds. Now if they could all just combine their powers and unclog that toilet up in Room 877 of the Fort Harrison Hotel.
Room 877 FH?
I believe that that was the room that the NOTs auditor went up to with his Pre-OT to give him a session and found that the door to the room was gone. He came back down and reamed my ass as I was the HGC Admin 4A responsible for providing everything the auditors needed.
When I checked it out I found that the RPF ( those fucking R/Sers) had stolen the door so those auditors with other fish to fry could not continue to fuck over the RPF’s targets as they were commanded to renovate that room but couldn’t as some fucking cockroach NOTs auditor ( In this case CMDR Ken Urquhart former LRH Communicator from the Apollo) had CI on them getting their product.
I can understand that. Bill; but is it not tue that CMDR Urquhart was the one who wrote the FO that established the RPF?
Hi Mike,
Wondering if you are doing a book tour….and if yes, where. Hope so!
If Kati is an example of an OT her lack of ability to spell correctly in her post says quite a bit. She wrote Then instead of Than. Go to Cramming Kati.
Lol. That’s the real truth…they are selective in what they choose as evidence of their powers. Lol. Some of these comments are Hilary!!
Mike, do you think the OT’s n Clearwater are the reason that Tom Brady transferred to Tampa Bay a couple years ago and were also cause of Tampa Bay winning the super bowl that year? I mean who would have ever thought that Tom Brady would transfer to Tampa Bay after such a long and successful career in New England.
On another note I just bought your book and look forward to reading it.
I’m still crying about it.
Claiming some thing which cannot be objectively verified and on top of that selling its as product/ service like ordinary course of business is only possible in Uncle Sam country. This is purely business activity subject to consumer protection which give rights to claim refund if unsatisfied.
Never seen Zen Buddist ,Yogi, Sufis , Kabalist ,Gnoscits selling ” how to be superhuman” and charging fee.
That’s why it’s better to leave Wog world and live in isolation for next 50 years. and focus on poultry and dairy farming.
It’s not me , it’s written on the wall.🤓
OT = Obvious Tools
Did you mean to say, “OT = Oblivious Tools”?
Reality is unreal to the bubble dwellers.
Reality is off gradient
Gradients make me short of breath.
OT=Onanist Twerkers
OT= Omniscient Twats
OT= Obnoxious Thinkablenesses
Legends of The McSavage Grind
Nuggets From Hubbard’s Flaccid Behind
Turds of a cultic feather
Piss in a gale together…
Off Target Twits
You got all of my college band names.
It’s just typical of a scientologist to care only about themselves. These OT’s stopped the direct hit and strong winds in their area, while devastating Fort Meyers. Save the whole area; stop the hurricanes in their tracks or just turn them toward an empty ocean next time. Sheesh! Care about your fellow man next time.
Thank you for your comment. These were my thoughts exactly when I saw this poor deluded woman’s post. How does she square this “I got mine; everyone else can go to hell” comment with the claim that elron was the greatest humanitarian ever, that theirs is the greatest relief force of all and that they are humanity’s last hope? All of this under the constant vigilance of DM, the “most ethical, most compassionate, etc” human being of all, if Tom Cruise is to be believed.
Or even with the claims that they are a “church?” Imagine a real church putting one of their taxpayer-subsidized employees to work and posting “Our entire neighborhood flooded. But our building, not a drop. The power of prayer!”
Right! Or how about…”…devastation all around us, but our synagogue was untouched. We ARE the Chosen People!” I mean, can you even IMAGINE Jewish adherents posting something like that on social media, or American Muslims crowing about their mosque not being harmed due to the hurricane, nor would any adherents of any sane, decent Christian denomination. None of these people would EVER communicate this way on social media – to do so is at best in very bad taste, and at worst, cruel.
Exactly right! Wow, Mary. What you just described would be exactly how people with real OT powers and abilities would “handle” a hurricane!
That is what they were doing, Mary.
The MAA received a Knowledge Report that a girl who left because she refused to abort her child was headed that way.
It was the greatest good for the greatest number of DM’s dynamics that she get swept out to sea.
Thanks for everything Scientology.
Hip hip horray!