This happy looking, uptone pitchman is Jon DeVries — formerly an executive in CMO International is now an ideal org fundraiser in South Africa.
He has come up with a novel raft of lies to try to gather $6 million for “the last two ideal orgs in S. Africa” (I guess they have abandoned the two orgs in Zimbabwe).
Like every scientologist everywhere he has found an LRH quote that seems to justify handing over money.
This is what Hubbard said that he quotes:
“The giving of something is a very high goal. You have to be in good shape to give things. If you’re in good shape you can. Without any liability at all. You should be able to. Why you want anything in the first place I wouldn’t know.”
Of course this translates into “you can give us all your money without any liability to you at all.”
Funny how this concept doesn’t work in reverse…
He goes on with this amazing lie:
LRH paid out of his pocket for most of the research of dianetics and scientology.
Hubbard of course made hundreds of millions from scientology. In fact, scientology lost its tax exempt status because Hubbard profited so much,
He bought St. Hill with his own money.
And then used that to demand scientology repay him not just for the building but for all his research and work.
LRH never made a single dime for all that work.
Yeah, right Jon…. And then he says “Let’s be like Ron…”
How things get twisted, always to the advantage of scientology is always something to be marveled at!
What a lying slime ball.
Hubbard himself didn’t give as much as he stole – he left a trail of bad debts going back to his sailing expeditions starting in the 1930s, and even the money loaned to him to buy Saint Hill, not to mention a long series of failed promises to (paying) followers such as being able to get rid of their eyeglasses or become a “clear” with perfect memory, or being able to get refunds (particularly for money “on account” as advance payments).
And like so many things in his CofS, giving only goes one way – and similarly the principle of being ‘exchange’ only flows downhill, used to keep members indentured to the org but applied absolving the org of any “responsibility” (another scientology principle that only goes one way) such as failure to deliver as promised.
And again , watching this guy make his case , even though ten years have passed , the exhilirating feeling comes back : “ I am out..”
“Just think if that means you’re crazy, then that means LRH was too. And let’s be like him.”
“The giving of something is a very high goal”.
I agree, Creep.
And I’m going to give you something.
To give you something is definitely a goal of mine.
But first the plumber has to clean out the septic tank.
Much love,
Nothing can be more true. All over the world, there are countless medium and small organizations where they have put into operation ‘the ideal pumps,’ pumping all the money they could from the public, both for building and renovations, and yet no one has seen anything, or at most, a distant photo of an empty building to be renovated. Those funds have then fattened the SO reserves. And what they will see in the future will be more requests for money. Meanwhile, the number of staff has remained the same or has decreased and are inadeguate. There isnt any hope to see anything
And yet the remaining skeleton Class V org staff cling on, in vain hope.
Sometimes I feel compassion for them. The staff I know – about 20 or so people at my former org and of another nearby org – who are still clinging on have devoted their entire adult lives to Scientology. Realizing its all been a waste would have to be a devastating fact to confront. They are good people, all of them. They have, or had, strong purposes to help. They liked helping; one could see they enjoyed it. Of course they don’t speak to me any more; they’re not allowed, even though I haven’t been formally declared with goldenrod. No matter, I am most certainly deadfiled and “known” to be a dangerous SP, someone with whom they are forbidden to communicate! And that’s OK. I understand the reasons. Its been 12 years now since I’ve been out. They are good people. They were good people and I’m sure they still are. They had a strong purpose to help. Valuable quality, valuable people. And here they still are today only instead of auditing and training people they’re doing Ideal Org Fundraising, busy planning one fundraiser afer another, scamming endless money for the coffers of the IAS. Being good people, I suppose they MUST believe the delusion that what they’re doing is worthwhile and helping humanity. Its extremely sad, the waste of it all. The waste of money, certainly, but most of all, most serious of all, the exploitation of, individually and collectively, these folks’ honest and pure desire to help, to make a difference, and the huge waste of their efforts and time. Its just very sad, that’s all, and sometimes I feel strong compassion for their plight, and the utter waste of it all.
On the other hand (Rant Alert) there are times when I’m totally exasperated and resentful of them, and am filled with contempt for them! (Look, I know this is not the right attitude, not a healthy emotion, but I’m being candid with you so please deal with it, OK?)
I don’t resent or feel exasperated or contemptuous at times because they won’t speak to me, no! THAT I understand.
No, its because to date I have never been able to understand how, precisely HOW these people, THESE STAFF MEMBERS AND FORMER FRIENDS that I knew can be so fucking stupid? So blinD? They’re NOT criminals! I KNOW them! Their purposes are GOOD purposes. OK, fine, so how is it that year after year after year of doing the same unworkable stuff, of getting NO product (as defined by LRH), of visible SHRINKING of their orgs…I could go on but you get the idea…how can they NOT see? How can they UNKNOWINGLY continue to do the unworkable? No, Its impossible. They have to know. They HAVE to have seen this, YEARS ago. And having seen it, HOW can they justify carrying on with all programs, year after year, that continue to prove fruitless? HOW…DO…THEY…DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Putting some exCLAM tech in there for emphasis.) Anyway, on such days when this question predominates and swamps my better nature (and today is one of those days) then I’m filled with irritation, impatience and contempt for them for a while, because I truly do NOT understand how its possible to not see what’s right in front of them…Ok, I’ll stop. Fortunately the negative feelings don’t last very long and I go back into compassion mode. They are good people. They mean well; I know they do. End of rant.
Aqua, I have read and understood what you mean well. First of all, I agree that the vast majority (although not all, as there are some big tricksters) are good people. They hope for something and want to help.
However, it is necessary to understand a fundamental aspect in order to see things in a free and coherent way. They have been indoctrinated for years and years with specific information welded into their subconscious with ethics and a sense of guilt.
For example: concepts like going on the bridge at all costs and contributing to clear the planet have been repeatedly implanted within them as the ultimate and greatest good. If you ask them what is truly the most important thing, they will tell you this. Not family, friends, or even your own life unless they are aligned with the greatest good. Cleverly, sure you remember, the concept of ‘morality’ has been diminished to be replaced with ethics. Respect for family, friends, and others, and all our behaviors in relation to them are seen as simple ‘morality’ unless they contribute. If they hinder you from doing that, they are all “dev-t” or even SP valences.
Once inside this path, manipulation continues with carrots and false promises, but unfortunately, they want to believe it, and for many accepting that they have been fooled would be literally like dying. Scn does not operate on the spirit, it operates on the ego.
So when you see them and they don’t greet you or you wonder why they are so gullible, well, Ihope this might help you.
Ah, I forgot one thing. Another aspect which perhaps has been implanted even deeper, so much so that it cannot be removed, is the total unwavering “certainty” of knowing they are doing right because hubbard told them so. This factor eliminates any capacity for judgment and critical thinking. One sees everything, absolutely everything, through these filters of total “certainty. Their ability to see things has been “hacked” and is run by and hidden program. Every responce to external stimule must fit with the program.
He even looks like a conman. “He could have made trillions” What a deluded fool.
Jon DeVries I believe did know that Sarge was in the final entourage with LRH.
I wonder if Jon knows that Sarge said LRH admitted he’d failed?
LRH told Sarge he’s not coming back to earth, and LRH is supposedly out doing the “OT Running Program” (star circling, to “rehab” himself as a pure OT). That’s ka-ka too, if you think about it, this “running in circles” “causatively” is just bogus, just like exorcising Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans off one’s body during OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 supposedly—it’s just far fetched snipe-hunting factually.
Anyways, to “be like Ron” one should quit Scientology, like Hubbard told Sarge he was quitting earth!
Plus, it is KSW #1 to “…quit fast….” which is an option, in that all time important guiding policy.
Best to quit immediately!
It didn’t take long, from the recent “crim regging” pause they did, busting all their “crim regges”.
JDV is back! Finding new loopholes to “hard sell” again.
Scientology is a con, and “hard sell” and Hubbard’s whole setup proves itself a con by repeatedly cyclically “hard sell” “crim regging.”
Scientology is selling a space opera past-lives soul memories pseudo-therapy, and it’s selling even worse their exorcism/soul-freeing of Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans that they teach at the Advanced Orgs, like where Jon DeVries is starting up a new round of crim regging.
It’s a scam, quit Scientology, all the Hubbard writings can be found for free on the internet, and especially just skim through the following:
a) Subject Vol 3
b) Subject Vol 4
c) The OT Volume
See what the Hubbard quackery is, for free, first, before you waste a dime on having this quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism done on yourself.
I say skip it all, period, find a better 8th dynamic activity or hobby.
(We humans are NOT full of Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans awaiting OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Hubbard exorcism/soul-freeing. The “Advanced Orgs” get a person started on this exorcism/soul-freeing of Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans (not really of course) but the AO’s do the core scam of Scientology).
And I seem to remember that Hubbard also said: never give away the services, make them pay dearly for the privilege.
Hey, Jon. Nice quote.
I understand that Ron wouldn’t know why I would want things; sometimes it’s not even clear to me why I would want a burger rather than a steak. I guess it has to do with individual preferences.
PS: Annie says: I’m sure I’m a million times happier than he is.
This is the most disgusting perversion of LRH quotes I’ve observed in a long time. What a disgrace this Jon Devries is. Given his former experience he surely must know better. Engaging in Ideal Org fundraising for the Church of Scientology equates to being a criminal or at the very least and accessory to a crime. Not a legal crime, its not against any country’s laws, but a moral and ethical crime nevertheless.
It remains beyond my ability to comprehend how long term Sea Org members and Class V staff use pretzel logic to justify their participation in an activity which takes all the money it can from its members and gives them nothing in return – nothing!
And people like this guy believe they’re going to “go free”? Reach higher states of beingness and ability? Hah! Guess again, creeps.
I may not have done the OT levels and I may be a blown Scientologist SP, but one thing I do know iand that the road to spiritual freedom is not open to crooks, and that includes people who don’t know that they’re operating as crooks.
Down the ages, every religion and philosophy that has lasted says that, each in its own way, but the message is the same.
Devries and many in the Scn cult like him, who with legal impunity are operating as moral and ethical criminals – far from “going free” are instead going nowhere but straight DOWN, in every sense of that word.
Rant’s end, thank you.
[Excerpt from HCO Policy Letter of 24 February 1964
Urgent-Org Programming)
If the Org slumps: Don’t engage in “fund raising” or “selling postcards” or borrowing money.
Just make more income with Scientology.
It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.
For Orgs as for pcs “Solve It With Scientology”.
Every time I myself have sought to solve finance or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that Org solvency lies in More Scientology, not patented combs or fund raising Barbecues.
Yes, exactly! How do they justify flouting these policies? Blows my mind, I tell you! It blew my mind 12 years ago, and it still blows my mind! How do they do it? How do they mentally twist themselves into not only operating 180 degrees opposite to what these words say, but believing that it will somehow turn out well? I don’t think I’ll ever understand!
Bravo! If this isn’t clear enough, what else is?
One of the few hubbard policies based on true direct experience.
This tells us how DM and scn have become like little crazy squirrels – regardless of the subject’s functionality.
Indeed, hubbard gave so much to the tax authorities that he had to flee abroad, make a similar mess in UK, then escape out to sea, and then hide here and there until he passed away in solitude.
Moreover, if the sentence suggests that one has to be in good shape – financial condition I suppose – to give, it doesn’t mean that if you do, you’ll end up in financial trouble like most of the scnists, does it?
Man, JDV looks OOOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD! I didn’t even recognize him until he started talking. So, since I’m sure I look old too (What? Impossible!), I’ll stay away from mirrors for today only. I’ll be over it by tomorrow… but he’ll still be in the Sea Org. Old or not, I’m sure I’m a million times happier than he is.
Quote of the day Anne:
I’m sure I’m a million times happier than he is.