One of our faithful readers sent me this recently.
It is a screencap of the scientology website he had taken back in 2013.
The ideal org program had been going for nearly 10 years by this time, and the hype had been maintained at a pretty high level.
But with 9 years of hindsight, it is clear just how much bs Miscavige was peddling.
The ideal orgs that were promised to have opened in THAT year that eventually opened:
Sydney: May 2014
Basel: April 2015
Bogota: July 2015
Budapest: July 2016
Harlem: July 2016
San Diego: November 2016
Auckland: January 2017
Valley: March 2017
Copenhagen: May 2017
Birmingham: October 2017
Detroit: October 2018
Kansas City: November 2019
Columbus: November 2019
The ones that have STILL NOT OPENED — many of them have had buildings for a decade or more:
Battle Creek
New Haven
St. Louis
Cape Town
Pt Elizabeth
Las Lomas
What is incredible is that scientology is still able to convince people to hand over money for this boondoggle.
It’s been nearly 20 years of beating the ideal org fundraising dead horse and anyone who actually looks, rather than listens, will see that not a thing has improved in scientology over this time period. In fact, scientology has continued to shrink in every respect other than the value of property owned and money in Sea Org Reserves. There are less people today and less organizations than there were 20 years ago.
Superb post, Mike.
Good post, Mike. I never understood why Miscavige felt the need to push this insane program, IHow did he slither his way around the policies about orgs and their buildings? Was there ever any org that increased it’s reach and production of this monumentally dense idea? Miscavige has definitely proven that Stupidity is second only to Hydrogen as the most common element.
I wonder what the total real estate is worth worldwide, maybe two billion dollars? That’s a lot of money invested over the years. I think it’s said that Hubbard’s net worth when he passed away was about 500 million dollars or a half billion so he did pretty well for himself. A supposed short cut to Nirvana has been profitable.
Copenhagen did open, in 2017. Not, of course, within the projected time 🙂
The only update the Toronto building will ever get is when it eventually falls over, and ends up on CP24 for debris blocking traffic.
St Louis is paying $60,000 a year for real estate taxes on their Idle Morgue
They bought the huge building and next door lot at 2343 & 2351 Lafayette in St Louis in 2007.
The poor saps who went broke donating
Still empty – sitting vacant
Scientology is a complete and utter scam!
Totally O/T but did any UTRs reading here attend or get the scoop on Friday nights WIDER Bridge reveal? I am betting there were desperate and deluded hard cores that were deep down hoping it would be an announcement of new OT levels. Of course after years of ‘Epic’ ‘Ultra’ ‘Mega’ ‘Awe Inspiring’ Bridge reveals only to turn out to be more of the same old same old most people know these announcements are just puff pieces for Miscaviges newest money racket. Since Mike is %99.999 sure the big reveal was just dropping Miscaviges Covid restrictions and letting the Orgs have their Purif back it would still be great to hear from someone who actually was there and heard the ‘good news’ in person.
Mike might be planning to do an update on this anyway. But if any of you out there feel like spreading the ‘good’ news we are all ears.
Going to do an update on Monday. They are SUPER excited. They no longer have to wear masks and gloves in the org! So the “Wider Bridge” is the same old Bridge. Orgs can deliver the Purif and TR’s again.
But you do still have to quarantine for 3 days if you are from “out of town…”
Aaron Smith-Levin did a fun video on this, too:
Should say something about the same old thing…
Scientology stands on the back of Hubbard’s prolific output, in the Scientology books, and charts, and courses, and packs, and drills, and the Emeter, and all the intricate training.
The stepladder for Scientology have the staffs all doing their jobs, per the LRH rules for each of their jobs, in their buildings, with their rooms set up in the ways LRH said to set things up.
They carry out their training per the Hubbard rules, their sit down one on one spiritual therapy and their exorcism, all per rules, all the same way.
It’s all laid out, a huge outlay of rooms, and things and ways of doing the steps in their charts, their “Bridge” (syllabus), all per the Hubbard prolifically laid out steps and rules.
It’s a big auto pilot operation, training of staffs and followers, per the Hubbard laid out rules.
It’s a self running machine, that as long as people can read and listen to instructions, and have paperwork steps to follow, and others oversee the paperwork others do to show what they did, they oversee each other.
Auto pilot overseeing each other follow Hubbard prolific layout of steps.
Dead Hubbard’s world can continue, so long as you pump in new people into their buildings, who can read and do the paperwork, and keep the show going.
The perfect captured audience auto pilot self perpetuating system.
– Chuck Beatty
paperwork department 1975-2003 Team Xenu
“House of cards” was a popular hindsight critical observation I remember reading often back in the early 2000s when I was a newbie quitter of Scientology.
Maybe some robots like “Flippy” the hamburger flipping robot could be purchased. In the long run this would reduce labor costs. Automated, auto pilot religion – Wow
The late Paul Adams came up with a robot auditor to interact with anyone wishing robot auditing on the internet.
It is very important to copy and record those old websites for posterity. Otherwise you will have to rely on the wayback machines. And that only keeps the TEXT of the website. When the church ddos attacked my website the wayback machine was the only way to have it still online for months. And, because my site was down, even that copy had no graphics or photos.
Yes, and AFAIK the owner of an archived website also can demand they delete any old or new versions they saved, so no guarantee at all that any archived version is going to stay online. I don’t know about Scientology’s habits regarding that, though.
That says nothing good about the freedom of information on the net. If DM could do that to my website public archives he clearly would since he has invested so much into stopping and my YT channels.
Angry Gay Pope – That was the first time I looked at your website and it certainly has a wealth of information. You can click on any topic or heading and there is a lot of interesting and detailed information. I enjoyed reading how you came up with the Pope hat and got the nickname. I also browsed the Gold Base topic and was surprised to see all the detailed information you provided.
I don’t particularly agree with going to a scn facility and antagonizing staff members but that’s just my opinion. Regarding the Pope mock up, before reading your description I kind of put you in the same category as the guy with the horns who invaded the Capitol Building on Jan 6 – one of a kind and quite original!
The guy at the capitol was crazy and wore weird headgear. I am crazy like a fox and wear weird headgear! Actually the stranger I look the more the police cannot arrest me on nonsense charges as Sci would like. The times I have wanted to get arrested and get a TRO I was dressed in unassuming clothing. Thanks for the comments on my site. Parts of it are still very unfinished like the personnel at HGB.
The pandemic gave them international zoom regging events.
The last orgs are being cash cow fundraised by “Alliance” games.
Probably to the everlasting relief to the 3 man pony shows keeping these last perennially empty orgs limping along for years.
Commissions are to be had, another bright spot for them.
Although I agree with this article 100%, just to be fair and complete, other orgs not spoken of in the 2013 webpiece have since opened, like Amsterdam in the Netherlands in 2017.
Of course, their fate is the same as the others…
OMG did some new Scientology orgs openings go unnoticed!
Cor Xenu!
Dead Hubbard would be pissed to have some accomplishments go unnoticed.
Survey question:
Do you think Scientology would do better to better describe their practices as:
We do
a) spiritual therapy to fix your bad karma
b) a lot of exorcism to strip off invisible souls which leak unnoticed bad karma onto you
CLEAR your soul
Clean off your soul of surplus souls leaking bad karma onto you!
Do you think that’d help them to be more upfront?
– Chuck Beatty
ex Team Xenu 75 to 03
LRH promised to pay back the funds Jack Parsons loaned to him. When one sees Scientology (as a Never in) one sees broken promises all over the place.
Who would own and occupy a ten story building in the center of downtown Toronto and then vacate it for almost two decades while you ‘raise funds to renovate it’ ?
And this group wants to run the planet ? Maybe we would all move to Pluto while we renovate earth.
OMG! Is Toronto org still empty? I was there back in the 80s. I always thought that it was such an extravagant waste to have an 8 story office block right downtown, with the org and CLO occupying 3 floors and then 5 full floors virtually empty, year after year. Now fully empty and boarded up for 20 years??!! Is there any Scientologist out there that can figure out what is wrong with this picture?