L. Ron Hubbard came up with a theory that he explained at great length in his book Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health.
He presented is as scientifically proven fact, which it was not. Scientology to this day STILL claims that scientology is where science meets religion — and the most fundamental “science” is the so called “discovery” of the Reactive Mind.
Hubbard describes the Reactive Mind this way (this is taken from the “Technical Dictionary” and is the first definition):
REACTIVE MIND, 1. a portion of a person’s mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, which is not under his volitional control, and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. Stored in the reactive mind are engrams, and here we find the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills.
If you ask a scientologist to explain the reactive mind this is what they will describe with varying degrees of accuracy. But the concept is definitely that this is a mind that dictates your crazy outside your control. It’s an interesting construct and sells itself pretty easily. Everything wrong with you and all your problems, pains and unwanted emotions are caused by this thing that you have no control over. It is not “you” it is your reactive mind. And if you pay us we will get rid of it like we were cutting out a brain tumor that is making you act irrationally.
But in 1952, this was essentially abandoned as a concept after Hubbard lost the rights to Dianetics. Scientology became the “new things” and Dianetics was pretty much scrapped. Everything became about the thetan with new theories about how it is the spirit that controls all.
It was not until 1955 when he managed to get the rights to Dianetics back, and he “integrated” Dianetics and Scientology with a Congress and his book Dianetics 55. This brought Dianetics back as something to sell again and it has remained part of scientology since.
But even today, scientology promotes things like this:
Well, excuse me Ron, but didn’t you say the reactive mind (bank) is NOT under a person’s volitional control? And isn’t this still what it says in Dianetics and other places?
Is it or isn’t it? Is it really a stimulus-response mind beneath the consciousness of the individual? This is how you sell it to people when they come into scientology to this day. It’s how scientologists today understand the reactive mind. But numbskulls like the person who designed this promo piece don’t even notice anything odd about their selected quote….
But it is worse than this — you actually TEACH them that they have a Reactive Mind, something they had NO CLUE about before they contact scientology. You then convince them you have found the method to erase the reactive mind and get them to pay for this. They are sstill on the lengthy quest to erase their reactive mind by running engrams. Hundreds of hours of auditing may be entailed.
Yet when they reach the vaunted state of Clear they are supposed to arrive at an understanding that they just “mocked up” their Reactive Mind. In other words, it all vanishes when they realize they “created it.” Tens of thousands of dollars later. Not only is it not true that you are at complete effect of something, but all that is required to vanquish it is to realize you made it that way.
Even the “you mocked it up” is cleverly sold. “Only now have you become aware enough and at cause enough to overcome the reactive mind by seeing it for what it really is. It means you have become incredibly powerful. And forget all the things we told you would happen once you got rid of your reactive mind, they were just make-believe too.”
And if this was all protected under the cloak of religion and tax exempt status — well, it is a pretty much perfect con.
From the end of the 19 until the early 19, author William S. Burroughs used Hubbard’s reactive mind theory as the basis of his cut-up method, which was applied to novels such as University of Oxford biology professor Richard Dawkins wrote that Scientology purports to use scientific tools such as its controversial E-meter
There isn’t any universally accepted definition of the mind or a memory and maybe there never will be. It would seem it comes down to a belief and people find facts to support their belief. Without nitpicking details, analytical mind – reactive mind – somatic mind is an understandable model for ordinary people to use if there was ever any intention to make auditing widely available and used by the public.
“Clear” might be the subjective reality that nothing in the past (memories) need affect one in the present. This is probably the goal of most therapies and theoretically achievable through introspection in auditing.
I’m not promoting scn or auditing, just presenting an alternative point of view.
Richard – “I’m not promoting scn or auditing, just presenting an alternative point of view.” It seems that every time I read your comments you are either explaining, defending or apologizing for scientology and you do the same with Foolproofs comments.
Yes, Richard’s (fair) comments makes a change from the usual vile and vitriolic nonsense! I wish in many ways I could be so balanced. But then…
Welcome back, FP.
Thank you for your contributions, it keeps me cognizant of where I could of wound up.
Well you certainly could HAVE (not “of”) bettered your understanding and use of English by doing a few courses in Scientology!
But the same is true for me although vice versa.
If you want to take what Hubbard produced on faith, fine. It’s a free country, you can choose your religion freely.
But if you are trying to apply his work as a fact, a construct to make sense of the world or your own mind, you are going to be in a world of hurt.
What Hubbard produced is a theory at best, there was no scientific method applied in the production of any of his ‘work’.
For me, and my reading of him, I wouldn’t live by anything he produced and view anything attributed to him as suspicious and possibly dangerous.
Another “scientist” joins the ranks of the Lab Rats. Firstly can you name another sciencce of the mind or even a “theory”, secondly has it been subjected to “scientific testing”? Thirdly has it changed anyone for the better?
As to Hubbard’s theory “at best”, I think you will find it is applied in auditing sessions. Did you really think about what you wrote instead of blurting out the first nonsense that came to your mind and hoped that no one would notice the nonsense?
From where I am at FP, you need to turn your critical attention to your own writing.
Considering Hubbard attempted to claim legitimacy with the title of his creation being SCIENtology, I find it funny that you seem to have contempt for the scientific process, especially if it is applied critically to your beliefs.
Physiological psychology or
biological psychology
What is the purpose of this “other point of view”.
Have you actually ever had any auditing yourself, or do you simply have to make a comment about a subject you have no knowledge of or any actual experience?
Have you ever seen a psychologist?
The concept of “mental poison” or klesha in Buddhism is somewhat similar to the concept of reactive mind.
The mental poisons control us and when they arise the ordinary being is powerless, as in the citation: “this is a mind that dictates your crazy outside your control.”
Mental poisons are control factors such as attachment, aversion, anger, jealousy, lazziness, pride, ignorance, etc.
Mental poisons can be triggered by external factors, that is another similarity with the reactive mind. When they arise, we are powerless against them, unless we are enlightened.
But the cause is different: according to Hubbard, the reactive mind comes from engrams, when according to Buddha the main cause of the mental poisons is our fundamental ignorance of the true nature of reality.
We see things and beings as separate entities, when they are not. So we have to decide whether these entities are good or bad for us. When they are good, we get attachment and desire for them, when they are bad we get aversion, anger, etc. There are 26 main mental poisons that dictate our behavior.
Mental poisons trigger negative thoughts and actions that leave karmic imprints in our mind. The karmic imprints can be restimulated by external events and boost mental poisons. So the concept of karmic imprint is similar to the concept of engram, but there is a difference: the engram has to include unconsciousness, when karmic imprints come most of the time from conscious thoughts and actions.
Both Buddhism and dianetics want to free man from these unwanted mental factors, but the therapy is quite different. Dianetics and Scientology are working with the incidents from the past under the control of an auditor, when Buddhism is promoting a present time practice where one is observing one’s own mind, without auditor, to detect the unwanted factors and and apply the appropriate antidotes. For example the antidotes to anger are patience and generosity, the antidote to laziness is enthusiasm, etc.
The prerequisite also is to apply ethics in order free our mind from negative stuff, as out-ethics is occluding our perceptions.
Hi Curiosus – A while back you posted the Dr. Tan Homepage on a blog and your comment reminded me of it. I just went and read a couple of topics and it was a good dose of “theta”.
I’ve been experiencing laziness for about a week which I’ve called taking a vacation at home. Working up some enthusiasm is good advice. I’ll do it – tomorrow. (joke)
Hi Richard,
In Buddhism, the main definition of laziness is “not being enthusiastic about or engaging in virtuous activity”. So you may be engaging in a lot of activity with a lot of energy, but if they are not virtuous or useful on the spiritual level, that is laziness.
Laziness is a serious blocking factor on the spiritual path, as under its influence we prefer frivolous and useless activities and we do not progress on the spiritual path. If we do not progress on the spiritual path in this lifetime, which is very short, the consequence could be rebirth with a lower quality form such as an animal form.
The reason is that after our death, when leaving on our one-way trip, our only companions are not our family or friends, but the spiritual studies and qualities we have accumulated in this lifetime, and the quality of our rebirth depends on our spiritual knowledge and qualities.
Curiosus – Thanks for the clarification. I’ll redefine my condition as procrastination. After I posted my comment I went out and cut the grass which should have been done three days ago so it was good advice even if misinterpreted.
I believe that Buddhism and other Eastern religion suggests that when and if we return we arrive in essentially the same condition as when we left so for the time being I’m going with that. I’ve had a couple of transcendental type of experiences which came out of nowhere so I agree there is the possibility of a carryover.
I see even Mike is now joining the ranks of the Lab Rats with “scientifically proven” and all that jazz. Goes down a treat here doesn’t it, despite there being no other workable technology of the human mind and spirit issued forth from “scientists”. But anyway, MisUs to one side, Mike, why don’t you simply title these articles as “MIKE’s MISUNDERSTOODS AND THE MISCONCEPTIONS THEREOF”! Then we could help you with your word clearing. But surely your Mrs could Method 9 you, like in the good old days?
“despite there being no other workable technology of the human mind and spirit issued forth from “scientists”……”
No workable technology in dianetics either! It’s all make believe…………….
Yep, carry on, it’s all make believe… See the definition of “Dub-In” in the Technical Dictionary, or more pertinent for you perhaps “Dub-In of Dub-In”
Foolproof -“But surely your Mrs could Method 9 you, like in the good old days?”. It’s comments like these that make you despicable. What was the point of this comment except to insidiously introvert ?- oh, yeah, let me see per the great tech aren’t you just being 1.1? A change from your usual antagonism. Going down tone are you? Has Davey been pouncing on you?
Well if you understood it that way, then that is your problem. It was actually stated in a flippant somewhat jocular tone, not that I am really worried about excusing myself to you. Mike I think would not have interpreted it your way. I suggest you do Tone Scale drills then come back when you can spot tone levels clearly, including your own.
If Scientology is the only workable technology of the human mind and spirit, please explain why it has done nothing to improve the world at large. Shouldn’t the planet be cleared by now, if that’s the goal of the technology and the technology works?
Well you see most people are implanted to reject any workable technology of the mind and have to overcome this and their impulses to make daft comments on an anti-Scientology blog! And of course people have been betrayed so often by the promise of such from other “therapies”. But some seem to brush this off and pick up the cans.
Then, I guess we are agreed that the tech doesn’t actually work. If it does not work on most human beings, due to their implants, and the goal of Scientology tech is to clear all humanity, then it fails at its stated goal. Glad we cleared that up, FP.
Never said that, so try not to warp my statements by twisting my words to suit the particular bee in your bonnet. And even you will have to pick up the cans – one day.
Then answer the question I asked. How can you say this is the only workable technology to heal the human mind if most humans are not able to use it? Does that make sense to you? You deride other therapies because they haven’t helped anyone. How many people has Scientology helped? A few hundred people, maybe? That’s a speck of dust along the road of human history. Or are you just thinking of yourself? As long as it’s helped you, it’s the only technology that counts and the only one that could help anybody.
I’m not trying to be a smartass here or trade insults. I just don’t understand your logic. Explain to me how Scientology tech is going to help the world.
Good luck getting a straight answer, like most trolls he’ll twist and squirm and try to change the subject in the hope that you will give up trying to pin him. Expect name calling when you start to annoy him as well.
“Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health”
What a dull, dull book, and the pomposity oozes off the pages.
Particularly irksome is Hubbard’s constant bullshit and make-believe history, suggesting the research and testing was done by a crack team of white lab-coat-wearing scientists, all men obviously, holding clipboards and scribbling data…”we” tested and “we” proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.
As if all the crap that came out of Hubbard’s diseased mind was rigorously tested, yeah right.
His big dupe might have worked in the age before the internet and social media. Not anymore.
The whole world knows scientology is a dangerous cult, and to assholes like Miscavige, the good ‘ole days of uninformed “fresh meat” is just a memory. Thank heaven!
So, when someone reacts badly about the cult, it’s not really them, but is them, but not really them, – it’s those little parasite aliens – but in the end it really is them – clear as mud. Well, it should be clear that they’ve been punked. Why in the world would anyone stay.
Bingo !
Bingo? Did you win a prize?
Over on Tony O’s blog, a number of commenters are reporting that Miscavige’s Colombian medal ceremony happened without the knowledge of the Colombian police. It turns out a retired general dressed up in uniform and pretended he represented the Colombian Police.
As someone once said, lying is a Scientology sacrament.
The mind is always reacting. That’s what the mind does. I see a beautiful women: I react.
I see a beautiful sunset: the mind reacts.
It’s always reacting. The key is to be aware and conscious of it. By being the un-entangled witness of the reactions we can be in control of the reaction and calm it down with practice.
The absolute state of clear as promoted by Hubbard is a falsehood and an assumed ego identity in the church.
Clear is not an absolute state. Clear is a way of dealing with the mind. The more we are conscious, the more the mind is controllable..
Clear is a verb not a noun.
Anyone who claims they don’t react anymore is deluded.
I still react. I just don’t always let that reaction find it’s way to my mouth when it’s negative. Then I can redefine my inner reaction and neutralize it. That’s clear.
Clear is a verb not an absolute state. That’s my experience.
Well, Hubbard (the inventor of the term) says it is a noun. A STATE. The verb form is “Clearing.”
I’m being creative with my view: meaning that we are constantly clearing ourselves by being at cause over reactivity.
It’s an on going process. This negative thing happens to us, and we have a choice to be reactive or loving and kind. When I overcome my need to be judgemental or angry; clear becomes a verb, a doing not a being.
Hubbard’s definition of being a clear person was so mechanical and limiting.
I’m taking creative license here to call clear a verb. It’s how I’ve defined it for myself. It’s how I deal with my shit.
Don’t have a heart attack now Brian, but I mostly agree with you on this one.
I read about this whole fiasco years ago and some Hubbard writhing’s too while at it. Some were interesting, some i could only qualify as synthesized brew of cognitive dissonance. To describe a mind in whatever state with just one word is for me like seeing a quote “Thank god i am an atheist” being written by an atheist…a miracle.
Short of prefrontal lobotomy and reality check i wondered how ‘Clear’ he was. Sci fi writers have a very open and creative mind, being able to visualize and describe lots of details like Arthur C.Clarke or I.Asimov. They tend to be very convincing in what they do…obviously he exceeded there with the right audience.
Hubbard was a crap SciFi writer, but a master manipulator.
When I was on the Freewinds in July, 1988, I used this passage
from Book 5 of Milton’s Paradise Lost to trace the OT VIII level.
Hubbard was using Lucifer’s words to define an OT.
In general, Lucifer is talking about Theta/MEST in this passage.
“Doctrine [ EDITOR: The tech ] which we would know whence learnt: who saw
When this creation was? [ ED: Whole track, Incident 1] rememberst thou [ ED: Amnesia]
Thy making, while the Maker gave thee being? [ED: obviously Hubbard is cause]
We know no time when we were not as now; [ ED: Route to infinity, recovery from Amnesia on whole track]
Know none before us, self-begot, self-rais’d [ ED: Before the beginning: The thetan as cause ]
By our own quick’ning power [ ED: Power Auditing processing ], when fatal course
Had circl’d his full Orbe, the birth mature [ Trillions of years ago]
Of this our native Heav’n [ED: Native state] , Ethereal Sons. [ ED: Occult – derived from theta or thetans, also called Akasa]
Hubbard probably never read Paradise Lost, but he sure did fit the pattern of Lucifer.
He trapped me for seventeen years.
fifty years tainted
thirty years recovering
Haha – is it April Fool’s Day already? Here is George the Jesuit Inquisitor desperately trying to revive interest in his silly little 10 dollar pamphlet book on this theme made up by some malicious swine. Sales flagging or non-existent George? Stats “spontaneously combusted” or gone to hell and damnation? Still, the one good thing about it George is that if anyone buys it, and then gets past the first few paragraphs without rolling on the floor laughing or thinking “he can’t be serious” (you that is), this would actually function as a good filter mechanism as anyone who believes this drivel would be far too stupid to study Scientology and of course they would spontaneously combust shortly afterwards anyway! Jesus wept!
Foolproof, you make me laugh ?.
Pleasure Brian – good to hear it! Haha!
George, you have a book?
I’ll have to check it out.
Thanks for letting me know, Foolproof!
Yes, please buy a few copies and give them out to those “friends” of yours that you always wanted to disconnect from! Hey Presto! They’ll think you are a complete nut and avoid you like the plague!
“They’ll think you’re a complete nut and avoid you like the plague.”
Well, you would know.
Ah! Katherine Invalidate, of course! Yes I would know, from reading the drivel on here.
Foolproof, you only express resentment and sarcasm to Scientology critics. I think you are still in the church. I think this is your job.
How’s the pay?
So, now I get a cute little pet name which stems from Hubbard’s horseshit?
Lol….I’ll take it.
To Brian: should I “turn the other cheek” to Scientology critics then? As to still being “in” the Church, if me and about 50,000 – 100,000 people like me were still there this blog would never have existed.
So, what’s your beef and agenda then?
To Katherine Invalidate: You’re welcome!
“his silly little 10 dollar pamphlet book on this theme made up by some malicious swine”
Not a native English reader here, but is there any chance by “some malicious swine” you mean L. Ron Hubbard?
If that’s the case I agree with you.
Great to hear from you, Foolproof. Thanks for the compliments. I give credit to the Jesuits for getting me out of Scientology. That is an interesting twist. If a Jesuit had to get me out of Scientology, just imagine the sorry state that Scientology is in.
You are correct about book sales. They are now non-existent thanks to your wonderful reviews. I do confess to ADHD but you must know it was given to me by Scientology and Hubbard. When I wrote the book in 2015, I was still damaged by Scientology. I am happy when people roll on the floor laughing because it at least gives me a viewpoint. You should be overjoyed to know that I have been steaming along in my research into the Occult roots of Scientology. What a story it is going to make! Hubbard even got the Occult all wrong.
How can you make a reference to Jesus weeping? Is that some sort of illusion in your mind? Maybe the space aliens implanted it.
You are going to love the revisions to my book when the ADHD given to me by Scientology finally vanishes. I am proud to have the title “the very worst book on Scientology” out of all twenty-five. It rings of some secrets that Hubbard had.
So you have a religion called Scientology which does not even honor its trademarks. It is not Scientology since Miscavige eliminated the primary Church doctrine of Hubbard’s role as Lucifer. Actually, Lucifer is not a bad idea for Scientology. Implementing his ideas as Hubbard intended would improve the religion.
Excellent response to foolish George.
Thank you, Bob!
I would rather err with Foolproof than spontaneously combust with George! (Harvey, Galen etc. for the uneducated masses).
And does that mean you actually believe this nonsense Robert?
Can you disclose who you are? Hiding is the wrong position to take to honestly exchange ideas in support of scientology, particularly if you are paid to protect these Scientolgy criminals. I learned they are criminals after 40 years and taking every Scientolgy service. What are your qualifications for your beliefs?
Laughter! This is becoming a true athenaeum and exchange of ideas.
oops – try again
Very well done, Richard. You could sell Scientology.
“He is divinity, Omniscient
Seeing the world revolve with spite
The surge of humanity, Oblivious
To the diviine whom bringeth light
Let there be night”
Poor, poor, declared, rejected Fool. All your zealotry for all things Hubtard turned out to be misguided. You can’t accept that you were hoodwinked, like the other scilons. Now it’s all sour grapes for you, not even good tasting kool-aid. Your prophet was a con man. Boohoooohooo for Fool.
Misguided? Hoodwinked? Sour grapes? Kool Aid? Moi? Here is a prefect example of misduplication caused by misunderstood words. Try again in a few years when you’ve grown up. (Mike you really shouldn’t let children post comments!)
Mike tries to be fair to all concerned Effy Poo. That includes You when ‘good buddy’ opens yer cage, even if you are ” Misguided? Hoodwinked? Sour grapes? {and drinkin the } Kool Aid?.
Mike does not try to be fair he simply sits back and watches all the lunatics with out rudiments do their thing after a posting.
Its quite clever actually.
As long as it go along with his methodology and game it is fine.
If not, one gets crucified and vilified.
I always enjoy FoolProofs comments as he rips apart all the lunacy and stupidity of dullards and idiots.
There is a remark that says everybody is entitled to their opinion.
This may be true, however, where one looks at the state of the world and the insanity, the poverty the financial plundering, etc etc.
None of this will be fixed by stating an opinion, only action and effort will change this.
That second quote: “Don’t listen to your bank” etc:kl, absolute gibberish. The clams pretend to understand it when there’s nothing there to understand.
Bit like your trumpet blowing then?
Since you haven’t heard my trumpet playing, your little dig is a stupid one, Foolproof. I didn’t think you’d resort to such a childish retort.
Ah this is interesting. Here speaks someone who has never had auditing or training as I recall you saying and yet professes to espouse that Scientology is gibberish! So you have never heard the Scientology trumpets playing but it is ok for you to make a big dig at Dianetics and Scientology then? Hoisted with you own petard here it seems! I didn’t think you’d resort to such a childish theory. Or do you now know all about Scientology?
Bix is commenting on the specific quote that was posted in this article. All he needs to know is how to read to decide that it’s gibberish.
Hold on there, Mr. or Ms. Foolproof. I said the quoted passage was gibberish, that’s all. I wasn’t talking about scientology in general as you claim I did. Gibberish is gibberish. It would still be gibberish if it had been written by Pope Francis, Noam Chomsky, Sartre or the Dalai Lama. I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say here, but I’ll address what I can.
As for “scientolgy trumpet playing:” I listened to something Ron Miscavige recorded a few decades ago, and I thought it was pretty good – not great, but a very listenable fusion piece (can’t recall its title, but it was on a CD and well-known in its day).
I’ll make the same suggestion that I made to you a few weeks ago: copy this quote out, minus the author’s name. Take it to a learned intellectual of your choice and ask him or her to interpret for you. When I suggest this previously, you dismissed it with: “What have professors ever done for the human race,” or something like that. Go ahead; take it to a neutral party; someone who knows nothing about scientology Hubbard and have them interpret it. I guess that’s it for now.
How about answering my question or is that too difficult?
Ron the Con bamboozled you too, Fool. Get over it.
You don’t like being corrected do you?
So I can’t go inside my bank anymore? Whoa! How do I access my funds? Can anyone spare a couple of bucks?
Ok, before I start: tl/dr The short version: How in the F*&# was I duped so thoroughly?
My father was a radiological engineer. By the time I was 14, I was spending more time at the chem lab at the plant than I was anywhere else. So, needless to say, I had just a touch of scientific background from hanging around with chemists all afternoon and sometimes late into the evening – even blowing up the chem lab one time (whoops!) but they still let me back. Well, OK, I was a severe science nerd complete with the thick glasses who carried around multiple textbooks and enjoyed dusty reference stacks in the library.
Imagine, if you can, the cognitive dissonance I had when I began reading DMSMH. By the 1970’s, it was once again an “introductory” book one all the good little doobees were supposed to read sometime after the Comm Course and a few other courses while doing other courses.
I, someone who would rather read than almost anything in the world, was struggling through this book, because I kept running up against things that DIDN’T MAKE ANY DAMN SENSE. Yet I kept persisting because of course, it was my MUs not that the book was pure balderdash.
I never did finish reading the book because it made me so uncomfortable. Every time I started to read it, I got the feeling that the man who wrote it was laughing at the fact that anyone was taking this seriously and all I could think of was that I needed to leave scientology. I wish I had listened to myself then. Instead, I pretended that I had finished the book and dove headfirst into scientology.
My next book “All About Radiation” – OMG. No really. My father worked at a Uranium Mine as the chief radiologist FFS, and my Uncle Vern http://ethw.org/Vernal_Josephson was part of Trinity in Los Alamos New Mexico. My mind clanged and banged and the cognitive dissonance was so loud that book just went the way of DMSMH.
I look now at the way LRH talks, and read portions of the books he wrote, well as far as I can get before I pee my pants laughing, and wonder just what it was that convinced me that he was such a damn genius.
I guess the bottom line is that I really didn’t want to take responsibility for how I acted – despite scientology preaching “you are totally responsible for the condition you are in” – they also tell you that it’s your mind’s fault, not yours – so chose to believe that “my mind made me do it.” Then after clear, it was my body thetans.
Another paradox in scientology, it’s never your fault, no matter how far you get on the bridge, but if anything, anything at all goes wrong anywhere, it’s always your damn fault.
I’m glad that by OTV I could no longer pretend that the whole thing wasn’t just make believe and made my escape.
PS FWIW Uncle Vern (a real scientist) is actually traceable at his Target II, he was buried in space. https://www.celestis.com/participants-testimonials/vernal-josephson/ Occasionally I like to track where his satellite is orbiting.
As part of the Ivy group years back I did a book report on “All About Radiation” and gave it a pass at the Popular Mechanics level. Hubbard flunked Science in college and it shows.
The ‘new Lafayette’ also goofs up atomic particles in his bulletins. Still trying to wrap the mantle of SCIENCE into his writings.
Thanx for a fascinating article today Mike. Perfectly and succinctly said. I would be so pissed after OT VIII!!! People have to think are you freaking kidding me?
I remember watching a man get on the podium, with a frown on his face saying: I am a new OT8. No smile. I often wonder what happened to that man.
Oh him!? He’s still negotiating.
What I discovered about “HUBBARD’S REACTIVE MIND” – is it actually is that part of your mind that warns you that SCIENTOLOGY IS DANGEROUS.
It is telling you constantly to get out, run, hide your check book, hide your kids, don’t let these people into your business….don’t read the books or tapes written by the criminal con man.
Hubbard’s tech is designed to get you to “look trustworthy” if you are a staff member and if you are getting services – it manipulates you to “TRUST” the staff members.
TRUST it is at the top of L Ron Hubbard’s Tone Scale.
It is nothing but a horrible SCAM.
Thank you Mike and Leah – for helping me go CLEAR.
I am making my way OUT of this evil organization disguised as a religion and I plan to take people with me.
Your comments make me very, very happy.
I am glad you see the con for what it is and are leaving scientology.
Oh, and thank you for taking some scientologists with you on your exit. Hopefully they bring a few with them too.
This is a wonderful thing!
Well…thank you. After all, LRH says “DELIVER A BLOW” and I intend to!
It will be legal, ethical and moral…but it will hurt Scientology.
How do you deliver a blow to Scientology?
Read the TECH – LRH tells you how you damage Scientology.
The “TECH” works when standardly applied, right?
Dentist watching, I don’t suppose you’re on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, by chance? I moved here recently and need to find a good dentist. My hearfelt best wishes to you and yours in any case.
Dentist watching…you are spot on,
Thanks for all of this, Mike.
This article and others like it could be very helpful in our quest to help wake up the Still Ins.
One of the big things I had parked in the backlot of my mind was the whole area of inconsistencies and resultant questions about the claims of Dianetics versus what I experienced myself and witnessed all about me.
Dianetics painted a beautiful dream and solution, as you’ve outlined, and they were the goal for me. I wanted the sane, rational, happy, successful and “causative” state it claimed. I wanted the techniques to help others achieve this with me. I was comforted and made to feel secure, knowing that all of this important stuff had been researched, discovered, and taped out.
During the decades in I had many times wherein the inconsistencies haunted me, I would inevitably be successful in parking it for later, until the time when my awareness or bridge progress could answer the questions.
How could there be such abundant evidence that Clears still threw temper tantrums, wore glasses, got sick, were losing in life, why they were still ass-hats or down-tone, couldn’t get a 2D, etc.? All around me there were so many ways that someone might not seem to be the SuperMan Clear. This applied to myself of course as well, why my memory wasn’t as described, why I had to quell and squelch bad emotions, and so on.
I assume that this is common among many Scios.
Everything we can do to succinctly illustrate the false claims of Dianetics could be useful in helping to shake up the parked doubts of Still Ins.
I’m always glad you’re here.
Yes it’s never ending. Buy auditing to get rid of your case. Your case is why you don’t pay us. Your case is telling you to not get a 3 rd mortgage on your house and spend your kids college fun. Your case is stopping you from joining staff and after OT8 it’s your out ethics is why you don’t want to do what they say. You don’t understand why you do these things but we do. We are the expert. So, Spend every dime join staff for eternity even though you are still miserable. There’s no way out. It’s your fault. It’s your case. It’s a Hamster wheel. You are Stuck with them and the misery of being there until you just can’t take it anymore. So you blow proving them right and you just don’t give a dam anymore. Ugh
Scientologist: “I don’t understand these deep, brilliant, world-saving insights. I must be stupid and have MUs.”
Non-Brainwashed Person: “This is a made-up language masquerading as English. I won’t waste my brain cells trying to make sense of it.”
This is sure to bring out the loyalists and diehards.
To me, the bottom line is that the one study actually done into Hubbard’s reactive mind theory, showed that it was wrong. Nitpickers can point out that it was a less than ideally done study – but then, why after all this time aren’t they able to produce better-done, convincing research that supports their claims?
Real, incontrovertible proof that Dianetics and Scientology actually worked beyond anecdotes and placebo effects, would be one thing that would surely cause the orgs to actually “boom.” The lack of it has got to be one of the major things that instead undermines their credibility and marketability in the 21st century – even if people don’t specifically think to ask about such things, studies and research are such a background of modern society that claims for supposed science that fail such implicit expectations, are going to get discounted like snake oil and patent medicines. That inability to meed modern standards of proof has also got to get under the skin of the apologists, even if they won’t admit it.
Doing some research recently, I noticed that the original Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation appears to still be in existence. Given their present vast wealth and resources, why hasn’t Scientology put it to use to do the one thing that would gain them real currency in the 21st century? My guess is that actually, as is known to have happened with Narconon, some research was indeed done in search of verifiable results – and when that turned out to be a bust, it was quietly swept under the rug. Even former mission holder Sarge Gerbode was able to perform research for his TIR showing results, and get it published, though it tended to indicate that all that underlies Dianetics is a technique marginally effective compared to other modern therapies, that only works as far as it does when stripped of the trappings Hubbard added to the abreaction therapy he’d seen practiced in naval hospitals (the year before Dianetics was published, the Navy had abandoned it due to lack of effectiveness, and adverse effects such as actually making some people worse).
Dianetics and Scientology are an all too real and costly version of the classic Monty Python dead parrot sketch where a pet store clerk tries to pass it off as “resting”:
Well, look Peacemaker, I know this isn’t scientific, as it is only a personal anecdote, and I know it is only a sample size of one, with hardly a scratch of scientific vigor… but Hubbard was able to turn a lowly tomato like me from a vegetative state into the conscious and functioning OT (Operating Tomato™) you see before you.
To LRH! Thank you, SIR!
Not only are they protected under the cloak of religion and are tax exempt, they are aided by copyright laws and other similar civil protections.
There I am… don’t I look cute?
Cute as a bug!
In my opinion the protection under the 1st Amendment was actually removed from Madison’s initial draft:
On June 8, 1789, James Madison proposed a religious freedom amendment to the Constitution:
“That in article 1st, section 9, between clauses 3 and 4, be inserted these clauses, to wit: The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext, infringed.”
It went through various rewordings until the final version:
On September 24 House accepted the language. Septmember 25, the Senate accepted the language that became our First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Notice how “The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship” had been removed–specifically: civil rights of none shall be abridged…
The uncivil behaviour of the CofS is now NOT restrained because of this alteration of Madison’s careful protection of civility
This is why I call for a revision of the 1st Amendment to again include the requirement of ALL, religious or not, to not abridge the civil rights of NONE.
Well stated. The interpretation of the courts over many years has been to protect the rights of the organizations to the detriment of individuals who are harmed by the organizations. Exhibit 1: the Garcia Case
Thanks Mike
The only “case” or reactive mind incidents I ever ran in the hundreds of hours in auditing were all ones I created so I’d have something to run. Kind of makes me smile to admit that now. None of the incidents were real; all just mocked up (imagined) in the fruitless effort to tumble further down the rabbit hole and the forever fruitless effort to get something to work and obtain a result that proved the shit actually worked. What a rabbit hole indeed. Maze may better describe it too. Thankfully, I finally realized it was all bullshit I walked out. L. Con Blubbard. The absolute master of dog and pony shows.
LRH did mention Freud somewhere as, in fact, he is the one that uncovered the unconscious part of the mind. Psychoanalysis has the purpose to help the individual find that event of his life that prompted the individual to occlude something when confronted with something he did not know how to handle.
Guiding the patient with communication the psychoanalysis aids the individual to find that occluded event, become aware of it and then realize what was causing his mental state in a certain area. And that is it.
“Case” in Scientology was misused: no case on post, it’s your case acting up, has a bad case condition, a by-passed case, and so on. Evaluative beyond belief and a source of manipulation of the individual from the part of C/S, Auditor, Registrars, Executives and even RTC.
Then, once Clear, you still have more “case” to handle and for that you have to pay another set of hundreds of hours to handle the “OT Case”.
And this word ‘case’ has been a source of income for Scientology.
He thanks Freud at the beginning of SOS. At least the early versions.
“But in 1952, this was essentially abandoned as a concept after Hubbard lost the rights to Dianetics.” Then Mike said that in 1955 Ron got back the rights to Dianetics. This all is news to me. I never knew the back story of this. Can you elaborate on it and tell us how he lost the rights to Dn? And how he gained back the rights to it? This sounds like it is the history that was written out of the history of the church.
Read Russell Miller’s excellent book Bare Faced Messiah
Thanks Mike! I just ordered it from the library. Interesting to note: I looked at several libraries over the years for LRH or Scn or Dn books. They didn’t have any or had one token book, but it was NOT Dianetics. And they had NO Basics books at all. In spite of many parishoners being leaned on to buy full packages of Basic books at thousands of dollars for the purpose of donating them to the libraries in their areas, there were none there. Ha! NONE of the libraries carry ANY Basics books. Yet they DO carry Russell Miller’s “Bare Faced Messiah” in both book and audio form. So Miscavige’s grand scheme to flood the libraries with free Scn and Dn materials failed miserably and the libraries just offloaded them to the trash pile. So much for that idea. Got any other bright ideas, Davey?
I know someone who has a used book store. Copies of Dianetics constantly show up as donations. Nobody wants them. I think they should be taken to the zoo and ground up as cage bed liner. I seriously can not think of a better use.
The newest edition of the book “Dianetics ” has a slightly revised title…..
It’s now called DIARRHEA…….because it’s nothing but shit….
I’ve read that book twice. THE most informative book on Scientology. I urge everyone to read it.
Too many years ago I read Freud (and Jung and Adler) as a gullible teenager. Hubbard’s description of the “reactive mind” sounds very much like he “borrowed” it from Freud’s concept of the Id. I surmise that at the time he was still trying to get a nod of approval from the American Psychiatric Association. When they told him to take a hike with his ridiculous babblings, he went into his characteristic vindictive mode. He “never forgot” and $cion inherited his lifelong war against the “psychs.” Ridiculous, considering how much they stole from psychiatry, the whole “auditing” process “and so on and so forth.”
I don’t know of any other con that sells you a piece of Lron’s imagination and then, after many years and perhaps over 1/2 million dollars, admits that the whole thing was a scam.
How freakin stupid do you have to be to hang around after OT 8?
You’d have to be part of the walking dead.
From what I’ve determined in listening to former members who reached OT 8, it’s not anything I would classify as “stupid” in their cases, but more of a desperation to not lose something precious, such as their family members.
As one example, on Mary Kahn’s Aftermath episode, when she said she realized “they owned me” and said that all she wanted to do for the longest time is just to keep her family together intact, that’s when I realized that there is much more that goes into the trap that Scientology places people in. After much thought and reflection and trying to put myself in her shoes, I must concede that I would be very tempted to stay in something like that as well if it meant I might never see my children again if I leave, even with what I know now.
When it comes to your children? Those are some major heart strings that Scientology pulls that seem as though they would be very difficult for one to cut until they reached a point of absolute desperation, even if they had previously “woken up” to the reality of Scientology.
And you have identified (one of) the cruel crime(s) of scientology, Mick.
A person hits OT VIII, realizes it is a sham, and can’t leave for fear of losing one’s family. And, a person can’t even quietly distance oneself from the ever-reaching clutches of scientology, oh no; the “church” monitors its members and the membership reviews have been ramping up lately… Why haven’t you been to Flag? Why weren’t you at the last (reg’d) function? Why aren’t you donating? Why aren’t you keeping scientology working? And then it is only time before the person is called on the carpet, berated, threatened, fleeced, and abused again.
This truly is a criminal enterprise.
I agree 100% Mick…when Mary said that “they owned me” & when Ramina N said something like…. “No religion should separate you from your children/family ” THAT took my breath away. To see Mary’s & Ramina’s face…the HEART ACHE of KNOWING without question what “disconnection” does to a parent just tore my heart in half.
To read “Crimes” i.e. how someone is “called on the carpet, berated, threatened, fleeced, and abused again” is a life of continued beat downs & threats to keep the “brethren” loyal to the cause for fear of being tossed in the well known “hole” or transferred far away from one’s spouse, children, parents against their will (sounds like human trafficking to me) ….for having the guts to stand up to the COB.
As we’ve seen there ARE parents who are so dedicated being separated from their own flesh and blood children means little to them as long as they can advance themselves up that God forsaken bridge…..to nowhere.
When someone is old, sick, dementia they are tossed aside like an old shoe…turned over to the government to support in a nursing home because …well…they have NO funds…seems like they donated to their “cherch” so WE on the outside now support them financially since the COB has invested so much money in Real Estate to continue the so called expansion of the organization to keep well ahead of an IRS probe…..what’s the use….
I am a never in, but I’ve read & heard enough….if it were up to me an investigation would have been started a long time ago.
And Balletlady, there are also the grown up 20 somthing and older “CHILDREN” who have lost their souls and are fine with giving their PARENTS the middle finger, fine with never seeing their own parents again, because their parents insist on RIGHTS TO BE WHO THEY ARE, and refuse to toe the cherch line. Some of them are even OK with publicly trashing their parents because they won’t toe the line. Now, I know that these parents of these charming youngsters, posting here and elsewhere don’t hate these “kids” – some of them pushing forty and beyond – and well do know I shouldn’t hate them, but truthfully? I really, REALLY do. Stupid, smug, stonehearted brats. And, yes, I know this is VERY wrong of me and completely not workable and I’m working on it but right now, that’s really the way it is. I know its horrid of me but I hate them. They’re not worthy of having loving, loyal, kind, understanding parents and I hope that next lifetime they’re orphans in the slums of Bangladesh drinking gutter water and picking thru garbage because this is what they deserve. End of rant.
Aqua…..We must keep in mind that THIS is ALL those kids know. Most of them have never been exposed to anything outside of the Bubble that is Scientology. They’ve more or less been threatened with basically “eternal damnation” should they try to find answers out side the realm of “Davey World”.
If one reviews other strict religions one sees a pattern….i.e. “home schooling to limit access to anything other than what their religious beliefs are…..the constant mind fucking of how everyone on the outside is out to hurt them….that everything outside is full of lies & deceit…their way is the ONLY way to get to live many lives over and over…..WHY would a kid WANT to be close to their parents when in the NEXT life these parents will not longer be there parents.
Add to that the Sea Org expectations that your children will NOT be raised by the biological parents, but by someone within the confines of the organization. How can these kids trust their own parents when they aren’t around them, and their care is being “handled” (no pun intended) by someone who’s not even related to them. They HAVE to do this in order to control what the child learns, thinks & feels. To show affection shows weakness, makes the child more dependent on the biological parent…when the child is dependent only of their parent “the organization” loses control of that child because he/she is being influenced by what the parent is telling them, & NOT by what COS is filling their head/brain with. If berated, picked on, punished, threatened enough a child will believe whatever it’s been told by the people who more or less “look after them”….even when most times they’re left on their own to try to survive in that cold hearted world.
Young children have a way of blaming themselves for things that go wrong as in “maybe if I were a better kid, my parents would want me around them” & then the ever present mandatory obligation as Sea Org Staff to dedicate oneself ONLY to COS. We’ve certainly heard many stories of nearly total abandonment by parental choice because that too has been ingrained from the very beginning.
These kids have never seen the other side of the coin…they’ve only been allowed to see the one side continually as they’re not allowed to view the other side, let alone even THINK about WANTING to see the other side….it’s too risky…..there will always be retribution for an act of MUTINY for child & parents.
It took so many here to wake up and smell the coffee…you know, the one with the curdled creamer that tastes bad, looks bad, smelled bad the ENTIRE time…yet everyone still drank it. One day they take off their blinders & give a good sniff & taste & only THEN do they really think for themselves for the first time…What the HELL AM I DRINKING…& they get OUT.
We can only hope that some of these adult kids like Mike’s daughter Taryn will one day come to the realization that she’s been through no fault of her own since infancy, been spoon fed & indoctrinated into something quite harmful……but somehow I doubt it.
Aqua my dear friend….I’ve said it so many times…..You can’t save someone who does not want to be saved…… Don’t Hate them…PITY THEM…..
To continue your analogy: When all you’ve ever had is really bad coffee with curdled creamer, and that coffee gives you the caffeine jolt you need to make it through yet another 20 hour day, you do not realize that the rest of the world gets coffee that tastes good. It’s hard to miss something you never had.
We need to keep kindly telling them there is good out here. All they are exposed to is yelling, screaming, attack. If we attack them, we are just giving them more of what they are used to.
Balletlady that is beautifully said! TY.
Balletlady, I
I am grateful for your caring and very detailed and well thought out response to my screed of yesterday.
Everything you’re saying is spot on. I have to look from the viewpoint of these young people.
In particular, what you said about those who refuse to be helped. Its true; someone has to be at the level to reach for help.
These “kids” are far below that because they exist in the delusion that they have ALL the answers, provided they toe the cherch line. All they’ve ever known, from infancy, has been Scientology.
Their entire lives have consisted of training which could or would one day enable them to turn their backs on any friends, family or loved ones who speak against the cherch.
Last night while doing the dishes it occurred to me that this violent resentment that flared up in me on the blog all of a sudden about the Scientology “kids” disconnecting from their parents had not much to do with THEM and plenty to do with ME, and deaths that I experienced back in the day.
I took a “look” at what was making me angry and saw that there was it was regret about my own behavior, way back in the day, before losing people, MY behavior, before various deaths.
Long story and quite complex but to sum up i did get a handle on the actual source of the anger I was feeling toward the Scientology kids, which was, if you can believe this, a kind of furious jealousy and resentment. Yes! Jealous of them! Wild stuff, but that’s what it is/was.
The reason? In a nutshell, its: that THEY are going to get a second chance. Another chance to communicate, to make everything OK.
Your wise and kind words today grounded me in present time. One day they will know the truth and know they need help and reach for it, and they will be given it, and that’s the way it should be. Thanks so much, Balletlady.
Thank you Ann, it breaks my heart time and time again when all I would rather do is “knock some sense into these adult children”….BUT the sad FACT is that “sense of a different kind has already been knocked into them through the use of lack of sleep & brain washing which cause..well, you know the rest Ann.
Excellent! Thanks Mike!
I find the term “monkey mind” a more workable term than reactive mind. Monkey mind constantly chatters at you and tells you negative things about yourself. It is there for a purpose but defining it in a useful way helps to deal with it. In this case, ignore the chattering monkey and enjoy your life.
Hmm, someone’s done a bit of Buddhist meditation here. One of the first things I read about scientology was that it was very much against any type of meditation or contemplation and that told me right away that the whole “tech” was useless.
One of my favorite questions.. is.. “Why are you still mad if you are CLEAR?”
Which definition of ‘mad’ are you using here, Michael? Angry, insane or both?
Ummmmm…..because “Clear” is make believe. As is everything else in Scientology?
In the history of scams, Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff were pikers compared to LRH and COB.
Like Ponzi, sooner or later, a scam like scientology will be called a Hubbard Scam, to be avoided at all times.