L. Ron Hubbard made many lofty claims about what he would bring to the world. End war, insanity, cruelty, criminality and unhappiness. Not even a blip.
He promised to raise everyone’s IQ, free them from fears, unwanted emotions, upsets, disease and usher them into an eternity of enlightenment and spiritual freedom. Instead, he created a bubble of people who lightened their bank accounts in exchange for status — on one hand certificates that recognized them for achieving states and abilities that they can never demonstrate and on the other handing out pins and bowling trophies for giving even more money to establish status in their community.
Hubbard’s true lasting, tangible legacy is the Us v. Them mindset ingrained into Scientologists. It justifies disconnection and breaking up families — tangible, real results for the Hubbard balance sheet. And a step further — the attitude towards anyone who questions or opposes them in any way. Scientologists believe such people should literally be dead. This IS what they have been taught— it is not a natural instinct, it is instilled. It is Hubbard’s poison legacy.
In the past weeks there have been a number of Scientology trolls who have come to this blog with comments that make this point abundantly clear. I include just two:
Wishing you all the best, Mike.
I have been rewatching The Aftermath and this stuff still just astounds me, even watching it the second or third time through.
Are there any programs ongoing that resemble the mission of The Lisa McPherson Trust? I am not a Scientologist, but hearing the stories of all of the people who have left and escaped, has made me want to help in any way that I can.
“The Legacy of Scientology”. Well, part of that legacy is going to be the cult sanctioned support of Donald Trump for President by the cult’s billionaire whales.
Some legacy. Here we have Mike and Christie projecting – with all the challenges they face on every dynamic – with all that they have to confront and handle together – yet, here they are together with loving friends projecting joy and gratitude…Scientology would call this “THETA”.
And then, there’s our President Elect, spewing out HIS Christmas message…bitter, sarcastic, sneering, vindictive…starting off seemingly OK with “Merry Christmas To All” and 34 posts later ending with “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL”. This, on Christmas morning, from the President of the United States of America…fuming for an hour on Truth Social about the past. Well, congratulations, Scientology! You really picked a winner! His dementia has definitely taken hold. This is who you wanted.
And I shouldn’t leave out Don Jr, and his contribution to the joy of the season: “He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice, we’re gonna find out who’s getting deported by ICE”. So uplifting! So theta! Well, as they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
So there you go, cult. Coming attractions from your guy. We’re going to be flooded with shit like this, non stop. THIS is what you wanted and this is what you got. Your legacy! All this theta! So well done!
Aqua, right. In Italy, we say, “Dio li fa e poi li accoppia,” which would translate to, “God makes them and then pairs them up.”
Scn, as I’ve mentioned before, completely dismantles any sense of empathy, replacing it with its TRs and “communication cycles.” You end up becoming an alien. I think everyone has seen something like this happen at least a couple of times.
The person loses their sense of reality, justifying what happens with robotic phrases like “pull in,” “it’s their condition,” “it’s their case,” or other nonsense like that.
So, imagine how much they care about the poor, the homeless, persecuted and deported people, and broken families. Absolutely nothing. They are swimming in their swampy waters.
Thanks! You’ve brightened many a day with your upbeat, positive, loving words. LOL. If hatred such as you spew is indicative of the level of mental acuity you possess, I think you MUST be best friends with the current occupant of the White House.
Another good article.
On a daily basis the Church of Scientology violates contract and labor laws, and is currently being accused of human trafficking, with its practice of having minors sign contracts to become members of its staff. These contracts range from 2 to 1,000,000,000 (one-billion) years.
The full article is here:
Has anybody seen that YouTube channel called Church Of Satiretology? It’s hilarious! They take Scientology film clips and use AI technology to alter the content! You’ll love their version of the ABC interview between Ted Kopell and David Miscavige!
KOPELL: David, your organization has been accused of stealing money from parishioners through charging high fees for services.
MISCAVIGE: Ted, that’s a lie! All Scientologists know that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Our members have open access to the technology that will improve their lives!
KOPELL: David, what about those who don’t have the means to pay for this technology?
MISCAVIGE: Ted, that’s a lie! Our…..
Or something similar to that. Anyway, check it out!
Thanks a BUNCH Alcoboy. Great stuff on that site.
Thanks for posting the link!
You’re totally welcome. Always like to help.
Insanely hilarious.
I used to read “Humor is the Best Medicine” in Reader’s Digest, growing up.
The talented stuff people put out on Scientology is so welcome.
Really very funny. Scn is incapable of self-irony, so it will end up being a farce in everyone’s eyes (it already is). Miss Cabbage, with all that ego of his (clearly showing he suffers from serious self-esteem and self-awareness issues, which he masks with abuse), is the perfect caricature for these satirical portrayals.
Thanks a heap! I nearly choked on my piece of toast and peanut butter from laughing. I imagine $camalotofmoneyology is none too pleased with the Church Of Satiretology
Whilst reading the emails from those two scientologists would be distressing to many im glad you posted them in order to show the disgusting way they operate – the ironi is that according to Hubbard behaviour of this manner is meant to assist the organisation but in reality the opposite occurs – only a dim wit would join after reading this filth – i say youve well and truely won this battle is a peaceful fashion at the same time making these two look like fools.
Talking about fighting, you are a great Australian battler – keep fighting.
Ps go swans
Pps go pies
Ppps go crows
Pppps and most importantly- GO MIGHTY PORT MELBOURNE BOROUGH!!!!
Greetings Mike, I’m sending you love and healing thoughts for you and your family
Thoughts: the degradation of morals, the destruction of decency, the creation of being a sociopath is what happens in cults. Once objective reality and imagination lose their distinction through unquestioning acceptance of doctrines created by a Malignant Narcissist normally decent people become dangerous self righteous devils.
These disgusting words wishing death I can only imagine it’s someone working through the conditions and inflicting a blow against the enemy.
In the end truth will destroy Scientology. Actually my prayer is for Scientology to fail and my church across the street from the Blue Whale on Sunset acquires it to have a school to teach human beings to meditate and serve humanity with love.
Happy Holidays to you and yours. Sending big hugs and gratitude for the opportunity you have given all of us to heal from the nightmare of LRH.
The vile, vulgar person who spewed this venom – well who kinows his or her identity – OSA, possibly or just some degraded, toxic freak – who knows and frankly, who cares because there’s only one thing worth knowing about someone like this and that’s that no matter his or her certs on the wall, he or she will never go “OT”. There is no spiritual freedom possible for such a person.
I’m so happy to learn that you were with your lovely family and friends this Thanksgiving, Mike.
Aqua, I agree with your post and feel that some people, like the asshole who sent those emails to Mike, are just petty little pieces of shit. It’s like you said, they will never achieve OT levels, whatever that may be. And there is this gent on our blog who feels that Mike’s feelings about the emails is a ‘perceived slight’. Aside from that, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you have a wonderful Christmas!
Hi, thanks for your agreement. Its quite possible that the person (its obviously one person who wrote both emails) doesn’t even know Mike. And by the way, if you take apart what he (or she) wrote, it makes no sense. Someone who cared enough about Mike’s purpose in exposing the truth about Scientology’s ruthless Fair Game and Disconnection policies – cared enough and believed in Mike enough to donate “THOUSANDS” of dollars , not knowing that he was ill, then asking for a favor, being refused the small favor and THEN finding out that Mike is battling severe cancer,..and .that REACTION being extreme anger and bitterness and the desire fro revenge, doesn’t make sense. Someone who cared enough and believed enough to support Mike’s efforts with thousands of dollars finding out all of a suddenthat he’s quite ill and being ANGRY with him, hating him, hoping he’ll die a painful death, etc. etc.? No matter that he had been refused a favor; its just not a logical sequence, its not a normal response from a true supporter. The normal response would have been shock and concern for Mike, not fury and bitterness and contempt. You see? It doesn’t make sense.
And as for “a gent” who characterizes the receipt of these toxic insults as a “perceived slight” on Mike’s part, a singular perception of Mike’s that would not be shared by most others, I’m glad I don’t know who he is – possibly a crank, a friend of Aaron’s maybe? Or someone on the autism scale? Or probably just a pot-stirrer who enjoys fighting with people online.
Well said, Aqua. These are deliberately hateful messages. Hatred is a condition tied to the individual, almost never to the facts. It’s part of the nature of those who write such nonsense. Hatred is one of the most extreme forms of separation and is therefore very close to insanity
People already predisposed to these conditions, when exposed to what scn truly is (separation), end up completing the cycle and becoming like this. Whether they’re working for OSA or are ticking time bombs like that Aaron guy, it doesn’t really matter.
Disagreements are one thing, but when it crosses into gratuitous hatred, it’s pure insanity—especially when the person writing this garbage doesn’t even have the guts to show themselves and hides behind an anonymous keyboard.
Let’s never forget that this cult, by its very nature, sows only separation, NEVER inclusion, and here are some of the “natural” consequences. Take care.
Yes, deliberate hate, and yet, I’d wager that this (very likely) OSA troll doesn’t even know Mike and is just following orders and at the same time firmly in the belief that what he is doing is !00% right.
This ugly hate-spewing to Mike is just a small example of what I’ve been puzzling over, and marveling at for the past year or so, ever since I watched the film “Judgement At Nurenberg” again.
Its just so amazing that fundamentally decent people can be persuaded to act horrifically, to commit atrocities merely by convincing them beyond all doubt that what they do – no matter how awful or painful, is for the overall good. Persuade them somehow that they are fulfilling a higher noble pure purpose and they can be made to do anything – anything!
Extreme examples of this in history abound – the Holocaust, the kidknapping of black Africans to be the slaves of Americans and Europeans in their colonies,the Crusades, the Inquisition, and on and on, going into antiquity, m the most atrociousl acts all justified, all squared around via some noble, righteous purpose or another implanted in the minds of the perpetrators…someone, somehow convinced them that what they were doing was right. Man’s inhumanity to man – and these are only a few of the notable historical examples.
Back then, as now, there would have to have been thousands of instances of cruelty and injustices major and minor perpetratred by people dramatizing their lowest, most barbaric impulses simply because someone or something had convinced them that it was for a just and holy purpose.
In Scientology we have parents disconnecting from their children and grandchildren, we have children turning their backs on the parents who love them and long for them and would kiss the ground to hear a word from them…this is viciousness and cruelty but are these people by nature vicious and cruel? No, they’ve just been persuaded that whatever pain they’re causing is nothing compared to the fulfillment of the ultimate purpose by which they live. They’re only doing what’s right…they’re completely convinced of this. Amaizing .
Oh, well, how I am running on! Let me stop now 🙂
Aqua, all true. Scn kills any form of empathy, replacing it with mechanical and unnatural behaviors.
A “just cause” is often the perfect conditioning system—essentially manipulation—for certain individuals, and it manages to ferment in them a beastly hatred. I believe that something is already latent there, tied, as I mentioned before, to their level of separation from the rest of the world, but also, in a particular way, internally, with what they’ve had to live through. Hard to explain in just a few words.
Hatred is always the murky bottom of one’s own barrel, and when someone finds themselves scraping it, it shows where they are in terms of insanity.
So sad…so much hate…”Can’t we all just get along?”. Back in the day, Rodney King said it simply, perfectly. Honestly, can’t we just freaking get along? Would it really be that hard?
Great article by a Catholic who lays out in detail what faithful catholics can learn from Mike:
Very recommended reading!
An Ex, thanks a lot for sharing.
I have certainly not seen anything remotely redeeming or of value or significance from LRH and I’m incredibly sad to see what he created that has negatively impacted so.many.people for too many years!
I am thankful for you Mike Rinder and everyone sitting around your Thanksgiving table who have given so much of themselves, despite the ugly and the awful they have all been subjected to from Scientology, to help others, right the wrongs and let goodness prevail! And prevail it will!
Keeping great thoughts and prayers for you and your family every day!
Mike’s podcast with Valerie Ross.
MUST LISTEN TO, even if you listen to this years from reading this comment:
This podcast should be required listening by ALL current OSA Int staffers.
Valerie and Mike unravel the Guardian’s Office and Office of Special Affairts.
Priceless dissection.
Mike you truly have done unprecedented counter exposing of Scientology/Hubbard.
I’m now listening to all your podcasts, there is SO MUCH vital info.
Chuck Beatty
Thanks for recommending this one Chuck. It was a great time talking about it with Mike. We actually recorded this the weekend before he started chemo. Alex and I did one a couple of weeks ago about the compartmentalization in Scientology and how people are only doing what was ordered. It dovetails nicely with that one.
I hope you get a chance to listen to it too.
I also hope the day comes that I get to do another podcast with Mike. There’s so much left to say.
The legacy of Scientology?
I think the question of what someone believes this is can act as a guide to their degree of being aware of reality or rejecting it.
As anyone who knows me knows, I was in Scientology for twenty-five years (1989-2014) and thanks to the work of a lot of people, such as Tony Ortega, Arnie Lerma, and especially Jon Atack I was able to escape from the prison of the mind and Hubbard’s web of lies and lift the spell he had spread with Scientology (if you will forgive me for mixing metaphors!), to be clear I needed to examine the work of Robert Jay Lifton, Margaret Singer, Leon Festinger, Steve Hassan, Janja Lalich and many others – but without the people who I first discovered and understood, I likely would never have escaped Hubbard’s miasma of lies and started years of work.
I recently waa asked about the legacy of Scientology and over the decade since I escaped my views have evolved.
I see the main products of Scientology in a very different light, now.
First off we have broken families, as virtually every single Scientologist I have known ended up disconnecting from family members, spouses, children, friends and on and on and on if they spent a significant amount of time more than slightly involved in Scientology. I met hundreds of people in Scientology and have communicated with far more people in the ten years since leaving.
Almost to a one, people disconnect with their parents, their siblings, their wives and husbands, their sons and daughters. Scientology destroys families. Period.
I can’t overstate the fact.
I can also tell you about widows and widowers and parents left bereft of their children. You probably have heard some of the stories. I can tell you their are far more. I am sure there are more parents and spouses, mothers and fathers, who are sure that Scientology cost the lives of their loved ones than I can count or even remember.
Scientology additionally harms people through numerous psychological and emotional effects that are extremely detrimental. This comes from the indoctrination, auditing and numerous other methods in the practices of Scientology.
Just as families are destroyed and degraded by Scientology by the thousands so to are individuals who are unfortunate enough to be in Scientology, whether through deceptive recruitment or via being born into the cult. I personally don’t blame people for either, as anyone can be lied to or simply be born to parents who have been lied to.
It’s easy to understand that Scientology also drains bank accounts and leaves people financially ruined quite often as well. The billions of dollars Scientology cons people out of are used to protect the crimes and abuses from exposure and prosecution.
It’s tragic that Scientology encourages the development of narcissism, sadism, selfishness, cruelty and downright evil in individuals, often under the guise of benevolence, people become ruthless to the extreme.
When I deal with people who have been under the sway of Hubbard and Miscavige I see that some people are virtually copies of one or both in their disposition and conduct without ever realizing it while others mercifully avoid that fate or almost miraculously somehow escape it.
These are the true legacy of Scientology.
Whether it’s a scientologist working for the OSA or a former scientologist, the origin of the hatred matrix toward those who oppose them is always the same.
Scn, by its very nature, fosters an inner extremism where hatred for those who are not aligned is fully justified.
The “good guy” will always act this way—even after long time—without even realizing it. This is INTRINSIC to the conditioning scn instills in people, exploiting their goodwill and their belief in being on the right side.
One can only break free by admitting to themselves that this is how things really were and not keep justifying it.
It is all to take it always with the words of LRH… doesn’t matter at which time or under which circumstances he has said that… very interestingly… … but in all facettes about his tech and his promises about OT… there is still no real OT on this planet… some are still there, but these guys wonder why the promise of LRH did fail… …but surely I said in my past… It looked to me that you must be already an OT before becoming an OT in Scientology… so on…
That message looks like it actually came from Scientology Leader David Miscavige and his minions. Miscavige is filled with hatred and his soul is black. You did a lot to expose the truth about Scientology and did a lot of damage to this cult -= you stats are in POWER. Good job Mike. I wish you and your family the very best.
What the emails truly say is that Mike and Leah are doing their job and causing an effect on them. And reading between the lines it says to me I’m scared, to be free of this washed brain. HELP ME.
I’d take a wild guess that its that little plug ugly Cardone. Similar writing style, plus the crudeness, vulgarity … Just a wild guess.
These messages bring to mind an encounter between RTC’s Warren McShane and a protester (or possibly a squirrel) on LRH Way, way back. As McShane walked past the protester, he began hissing and swearing at him with utter contempt—an outburst I never expected, especially from someone representing the highest level of the (supposedly so religious) org board.
I know that you do the appropriate thing with these kind of “messages” and have probably been doing that for a long time. Their level of hatred contrasts with your wonderful friends and family in the Thanksgiving picture.
Before retiring I represented prisoners on death row and I don’t think that even they would something like this. I am sad not only for you but for the people who write such things.
Ugh, absolutely pathetic. I’m sorry you have to deal with this shit. Imagine being this sad and full of hate – just completely poison. Wishing you well, Mike, as always. Ignore the haters (I know you do).
After Alexander Jentzsch died at age 27, David Miscavige would not allow Karen to see her dead son and kiss him goodbye. That is pure sadism as are these vile letters OSA has written to Mike Rinder.
OSA lawyer Vicki Podberesky had even called the mortuary owner and threatened legal action if he allowed Karen to see her dead son. I know this because I spoke with the owner.
Alexander’s death was entirely preventable and his in-laws should have been charged with negligent homicide. LAPD investigated Alexander’s death and their files are still sealed. I have attempted to get them using FOIA many times. LAPD, imo, is protecting Scientology.
Scientology is a viciously insane cult that destroys families, trafficks people, destroys families, and bankrupts people.
When you see Scientology up close it is the face of pure evil.
Ah, it’s the old create multiple accounts trick so some nasty and very immature dipshit can pretend to be different people.
What Tub O’Lard started may have taken off like a small rocket, but has since become a balloon with a leak and is farting its way to oblivion.
Useful and unwitting idiots for OSA?
It’s sad to know that these type of people exist…let them stew in their own hate. Their hearts are already blackened and there is, likely, little joy in their lives.
Embrace your joy! You are surrounded by good & true friends, great family and many who are grateful for your help over the years.
These attack messages are disgusting, depraved, degenerate, and shameful. They are from immoral and corrupt persons who most likely are within the Office of Special Affairs, which is funded with tax-exempt IAS donations. To kick a suffering patient when he is down is despicable. Such vicious and venomous emails demonstrate the real nature of this evil organization. My heart goes out to Mike, his family, and his friends.
You know, Graham, what they say – “Sticks and stones…” After the first shock, this can’t be hurting Mike Rinder too much. He knows too much,.
By now I’d bet is chuckling at this OSA troll’s desperate words, or maybe its some famished and exhausted Sea Org member who f**ked up royally and is now in Lowers having to get thru Liability or maybe even Doubt. I mean, I’m reading this crap again, and now I’m getting shades of “Methinks he doth protest too much”…
I am sure these are OSA posts.
If these weren’t written by the same person, they were written with the same template. Like Hubbard’s faux counseling requiring rote commands, I guess only certain words can be used when someone is being assigned to brutally attack a person they probably don’t even know.
Selfish prick. Piss on grave. It looks like the assignment required that those words be included in the attack. They are cookie cutter posts written by people who have been ordered to do so. It is a shame that Scientology creates people who can no longer function as human beings then forces them to pretend to be sane.
“I guess only certain words can be used when someone is being assigned to brutally attack a person they probalby don’t even know’…”It looks like the assignment required that those words be included.” I think you nailed it, ValR.
Definitely not a real person with some sort of beef to motivate him to get back at you.
Instead this is just a fabricated message designed to utterly destroy. Who sent it? Osa volunteer most likely but it actually doesn’t matter. They’re just a tiny actor performing their part in the play. It’s a sick one. Hope I got that about right.
God bless you Mike for fighting the good fight the last decades to help exposing the evil within this godless cult. I appreciate you and acknowledge the incredible gift you’re giving to all of us X-Scn and xso. You have made up the damage from your role within the cult. No one has made it up better. You can rest assured we know. Thank you.
When I read a post like this, I understand more why Hubbard felt he was haunted by an EVIL body thetan (attached spirit) that he could not get rid of.
Why Hubbard once wrote that he was the anti-Christ. even stating he was Lucifer, an awareness of his own EVIL within.
There is no question that the hate posts were written by a Scientologist.
Whether OSA (which I lean to) or some demented OSA volunteer, likely an OT 8 with 3 Ls !
This is how you can detect a long term radical Scientologist
The writing is the personification of HATRED and ATTACK.
Hubbard’s legacy of what you become if you stay in the cult long enough.
These posts are the evidence of what Scientology does to an indoctrinated fool.
Deeply disturbed individuals writes stuff like this. I´m sure Miscavige is of this clientele as well.
I believe the same person wrote both of these emails. It’s just one very angry individual who took his perceived slight deeply personal.
The “perceived slight” never happened… Don’t be gullible
Mike is right. The construction of the message shows clear rationalization – the process of constructing arguments to support a belief, decision, or conclusion.
No reason behind statements filled with such hatred can be justified, not even if they come from someone mentally unwell.
Kevin, this is not what could be called a ‘perceived slight’. Wishing someone a speedy death so one can desecrate their final resting place is lower than low. Attacking Mike because ‘he didn’t give me what I wanted’ is childish and totally…….well, I can’t think of another word to describe it. Mike, I wish you and your family all the best! Thank you for opening my eyes and telling me the truth about an organization that I agave two and a half years of my life to.
You misunderstand me. I was refering to the writer of those two emails. He is the one who believes he was slighted by Mike.
I dont in any way agree with what he wrote to Mike. I think it is disturbing he would write something like that and send it to anyone.
Well, I’m sorry but even Mike told you that those emails were not a ‘perceived slight’.
Just drop it dude. You’re making something out of nothing.
I am. No. You were and are.
Kevin, I owe you an apology. I reread the comments and now get what you were saying. Again, my profuse apologies. Confounded ADHD! Causes me to not correctly perceive at times. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Thank you and no worries. Have a great Christmas 🎄
Mike, please don’t personalize this nonsense for even a moment. That’s the natural result of the distorted extremism scn leads to. So don’t accumulate negativity.
The illusion most scnists have is that the planet will soon be cleared and that they possess an unshakable “certainty” about everything, handed to them by hubbard.
In reality, as you say, it only amplifies their sense of duality, whereas a true spiritual path should lead to the understanding that duality is merely an illusion.
The obvious result is hatred and separation (what a wonderful outcome, right?).
It’s a mental and spiritual prison with a depth—and serious implications—they haven’t even begin to imagine.
Those two emails tell one all they need to know about Scientology.
Once you are committed and once you have given so much of yourself: your time, effort and money towards Scientology you now have a vested interest in it “working”.
If it does NOT work in the end, then you will have wasted…everything…and it would be a horrible loss.
All efforts are made to resist such an outcome. Anyone suggesting that Scientology does not work is now an enemy to be destroyed.
And so those emails…
What a horrible fucking legacy.
On the other hand, I want to comment on your legacy.
The title of your blog tells your legacy perfectly: Something Can Be Done About It
All of us who worked for the church are tormented by how we treated others. It’s a stain that does not wash out easily.
Your efforts have made it easier for all of us to heal. I cannot thank you enough.
From my view, Mike, you have done more to expose the corruption of Scientology than anyone.
Clearly, persistently and effectively you have shown all of us that Something Can Be Done About it!
Andy Porter
Andy, those posts Mike showed us remind me of an incident when I was on staff at Celebrity Centre Nashville. I was in a car with some Sea Org members. We drove past the Vanderbilt University Psychiatric Hospital and one of the Sea Borg voiced her opinion that she would like to throw a bomb through one of the windows and blow up the building. I was taken aback. Really? You want to blow up a psychiatric hospital and kill innocent people just because your religion opposes psychiatry? That would be like the Salvation Army blowing up beer joints and nightclubs because they’re opposed to alcohol! It’s nothing but extremism and a product of this twisted ideology!
(Incidentally, the Salvation Army would never resort to blowing up drinking establishments. We consider the customers inside as precious to the Lord.)
If you had witnessed as I have “ECT forced on helpless human beings”, heavy drugs pumped into victims veins in a vain atttempt to “cure them” you would undertstand her remarks.
Myself I do not agree with the violence, but when saving lives from pure evil violence is necessary.
If you do not understand that then simply stand aside when the evil arrives at your door in some form and no one is there to help you as you watch your loved ones victimised and assaulted.
The right to bear arms is holy, sadly, it is true.
RIP Mike
Hope Lee is next
We hope your Thanksgiving was a wonderful time with good friends. That is the message I saw in your video Mike.
For those that only have hate in their hearts I suppose that the Cult of Scientology is the only place of refuge for them. So glad I am in a different place these days and I hope you and your family can do/be the same.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
One thing I learned from one of the old guard top critics, ignore the Scientology needling. My old boss at the newspaper I used to work at, said essentially the same thing.
Just ignore the vicious ones in particular.
Good to expose their viciousness but ignore.
Have a nice day, do things you like, and just ignore the vicious needlers.
I always hit back with Xenu talk or mention the number of beatings Miscavige gave people, say things that cause OSA downstats.
Has Miscavige stopped beating staff? I would guess he knows when the statute of limitations ended for his last beating. I wonder if he has ever run any OWs on the beatings he did and who his sec checker was?
Was it Hansuelli or Greg W?
Someone released the flying monkeys.
Typical trolls, hiding under their Bridge to Total Fiefdom.
While most of the rest of the world go about their lives trying to actually better their world and leave a real legacy of friends and family and better environments behind them.
Their delusions about their God Emperors All Wrong Hubris and the Demented Maggot and Their ravings would be laughable except for the incredible toxicity such BS has generated (and sadly continues to).
I’m off to enjoy the cicadas and wallabies on my morning walk after a great work Xmas party last night where we laughed, joked and chatted at the local waterside club for hours. Got more “case gain” for that at no cost to me at all than any of the “sessions” I ever received.
The Fat Fraud was occasionally right, Mike. When He said that peeps who attack you are smaller and meaner than you, He wasn’t talking about Hisself but those of “us” (like you, Leah and many, many other REAL heroes) are who are really working to better the world.
Hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving – you deserve it.
I don’t have to worry about looking for Wallabies where I live. I get up about 6.30 am to let the ducks out of the shed, only to greeted by up 6 wallabies (2 with bubs in the pouch) all waiting with their, figuratively speaking, tin cups for the left over duck seed and pellets from the day before when I open the back door.
Usually there are cicadas galore in the trees about now, but I’m beginning to think the run off from the heavy rains over past few days may have killed a lot of them off before they come out of the ground. Hope I’m wrong.
The wallies do take my chook food if I’m not careful but the deer are a bigger menace here. Just lost some celery and other stuff to them wandering in and going on the munch.
I’ll trade you cicada plague if you like – we have literally thousands around right now. You drive under a tree and you need wipers there’s so many