We have seen these crowing posters from Tampa before. But I haven’t noticed this statement previously: We were the First and only Org on the planet to have over 60 Clears and OTs on staff.
Stop to think about this statement for a minute.
Only ONE org (which is both a Day and Foundation as they mention in 5 above) has 60 Clears and above on staff.
How is it that this could be? Either all of these “ideal” and “St Hill Size” orgs have less than 60 staff, or these orgs that give free training and auditing to their staff in this “Golden Age” of “super-fast” tech are NOT giving any auditing to their staff and they are not making it to Clear. Apparently even the model double SH Size 200 Sea Org member LA Org doesn’t have one third of it’s staff “clear.”
It really isn’t much to accomplish 60 staff in an org — after all, there has been 47X expansion since the Golden Age of Tech II according to International Scientology News.
In among the endless stream of lies, sometimes there are truths. Usually when someone is trying to make clear how great they are compared to everyone else.
This statement is not only an indictment of all the other “ideal orgs” and “SH Size orgs” it is an indictment of being on staff in general – you do NOT go up the Bridge on staff, and of the “Golden Age of Tech.”
And then, here is the final kicker.
With all this magnificence, they still cannot get their Central Files in order. This was all supposed to be “Done Sir!” for Maiden Voyage. They can never catch up or keep their filing current. Even in this, the bestest org that ever was or will be… Says everything you need to know about “standard admin tech” – it’s an un-achievable pipe dream. If it cannot be achieved in the “Greatest Class V Org” it cannot be achieved anywhere. This supposedly perfect system of administration just does not work. It never has and nobody has ever figure out how to get it to work, despite what Source says that it is perfect and simply requires following the policy.
putting aside the notion that there is no such thing as “clear” or “OT,” it is interesting that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is restricting the numbers. Must be because the stick part of the old “stick and carrot” duality is all they have.
All those “were’s”!
They WERE this, they WERE that!
They stat pushed til their old staff collapsed and bombed from all their false reporting, and now they need new dupe hopeful idiots to take over from all their collapsed staff who’ve quit.
It used to be that an org’s false reported glories were taboo to rebroadcast.
Lying about one’s false stat stat pushing accomplishments is the new normal.
Scientology Ideal Orgs new status quo false stat glories are okay to hype.
I was promised Class 8 auditor to join staff which was a total lie.
Whats the difference being promised OT 8 here,
nothing from nothing is still nothing.
What an edcation
Ten reasons to join staff –
1. Because we’re desperate.
2.See 1.
3.See 1.
4. We’ll give you free glass of water and a biscuit.
5. See 1.
6. Ditto.
7. What do you mean CoB has found out?
8. Oh shit!
9. See 8.
10. See 8.
Good morning laugh, Krono! Thanks.
I shake my head every time you post one of these mailers asking for help with CF, Mike. It is such an outmoded and stupid idea, and anyone who isn’t a Kool-Aid drinker could easily figure out a better way of keeping their mailing lists current without much effort at all. But that’s the rub. They’re all wog ideas, right? And that automatically ends the discussion in their minds. Makes me wonder if they really do still use telex machines.
Hi edge, Miss Ann strongly hopes they do not still use Telex not only for her sake but anyone trying to receive a telex sent by me.CF!did I spend time in that paper cave.Ron proclaimed it CF way back when as the way it was to be done.Like running around the pole except you have to carry CF folders too.xo
When I was doing an internship at Tampa they had around 135 staff. At that time they had around 100 public actively doing service. They had about eight or nine public on basic courses at best.
I always wondered what the heck they needed more staff for. Just a big fat stat-push.
When I first got on lines in the early 70’s there were around 45 staff servicing well over 100 people. Twenty five to thirty people daily on basic courses having pretty good wins.
The more staff they hired, the less productive they were.
Now they have about 80 people total; half of them on staff.
Predictable death spiral for a once vibrant organization which promised so much but failed to deliver on way too much of it.
Mike, some of my favorite posts are when you’re lampooning their inadvertent admissions.
11. First Org to pay their staff a living wage.
Good one! It’s more like a dying wage….
Well, even in 1981-1982, paris org had more. Lyon (my org) had more. All nonsense based on lies from L. Ron Hubbard in DMSMH then in 1978 “natural clears” etc bulletins.
Roger, juste parce qu’un “Ideal Org” est dotée de nombreux Efface et OT de ne pas en aucune façon en font un lieu de modèle pour faire quoi que ce soit. La plupart des hors-éthique et O / W de dans l’église sont perpétrés par des Clairs et ergothérapeutes, parce que ce sont les seules personnes de l’église va permettre d’accrocher assez longtemps pour qu’ils puissent déchirer leur pantalon avec tout leur argent encore dans leur les poches. Un fait qui dit Tampa Org est “tel ou tel endroit» ne veut rien dire si l’endroit est rempli de crime. Et quand je dis crime Roger, je veux qualifier cela, je veux dire le crime. 🙂
In English:
Roger, just because an “Ideal Org” is staffed with many Clears and OT’s does not in any way make it a model place to do anything. Most of the out-ethics and O/W’s in the church are perpetrated by Clears and OT’s, because these are the only people the church will permit to hang around long enough so that they might rip their pants off with all their money still in their pockets. One fact that says Tampa Org is “such and such a place” means nothing if the place is filled with crime. And when I say crime Roger, I want to qualify that, I mean crime. 🙂
Once I did an analysis for the ASHO CF which had soooo much backlog. I contacted a WOG (lol) company specialized in Scanning documents. They came over and check everything… I got a quote for it. It was huge… but if done, they would not have any problems with backlog by now… Well I was sent to Ethics 🙂 as this was not LRH policies :):) Now I am laughing at it… but at that time, I thought it was a greatest ideas and that everybody would go for it… ANSWER : Go to ETHICS and find your MU’s LOL.
Stupid isn’t it ?
EMAN, it absolutely was THE best idea! No question about it! And it WOULD have made their lives much better. But, it was a Wog company. Now, EMAN, you know the cult don’t need no stinkin’ Wogs telling them what to do! They have the Tech! Beyond stupid…..
Hear, hear!
LOL. Yes and this is why I got sent to Ethics 🙂 LOL…. Well, they are stuck into time 🙂 with those LRH policies which are totally out of date… I was brainwashed for many years and took me 2 years to disconnect from those guys. I am happy to have been declared… if not I would still be brainwashed… I am sure.
Well, if one were to really face the truth of it, the most advanced administrative technology in the world and possibly the universe is based on a business model of not having to pay any wages to those that use it.
Orgs have everything going for them – little or no taxes, no minimum payroll, no government interference, a “monopoly” on the tech – a capitalist’s wet dream. And still they manage to fuck it up.
Yeah, I noticed that too! I really think ‘fucking things up’ is woven into their collective DNA. Seriously, the shoot themselves in the feet constantly! It’s almost like they want to fail….
Lol, Stat Push!
I made a comment and didn’t see it so I’ll make it again, but Mike, delete it if you get two of the same.
My ex friend, Lisa, is a faithful KA drinking OT. She disconnected from me when word got out. Yet this is the same person who for two or more years never told her steady “wog” boyfriend that she was a Scn. When it came up at a party at her house and people started making fun of and deriding Scn, she never stood up for her religion. She didn’t even admit that she is a Scn. Lisa went so far as to remove the Scn books from her living room bookshelves so that the boyfriend wouldn’t see them. She is clearly terrified he will leave her once he finds out she is in the cult. But she then disconnected from me for being honest about being a Scn and deciding to leave the church when DM squirrelled the tech. So she is being a hypocrite. Her justifier to me was, “I don’t want to do anything wrong because I want my OT Levels and my spiritual eternity and this is the only game in town.” Ah, there’s the rub. The PR line the church puts out to all its members is, “your spiritual eternity is at stake and this is the only game in town.” They don’t want you to know that you can do all your Bridge in the Indie field with highly trained and successful field auditors. Clearly, the corporate C of $ is NOT the only game in town.
Ah yes… That most magnanimous of creatures… The Scientologist.
I want my OAtee Levels.
I want my eternity.
I want. I want. I want.
Therefore I cannot abide by your concerns because mine are all that concern me.
Egos and elbows.
Bit like a feral toddler.
I had a feral toddler once. He snapped at me.
The Rolling Stones appropriately wrote “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
when in the hotel that is now the Flag building.
No, the Flag Building is what we call the Super Power Building. The Stones wrote Satisfaction in the Fort Homicide Hotel. Scilon-owned-and-operated-for-Scilons-only, but not Flag.
Go to this link and look at the pictures, especially the second one from the top, of Mick Jagger poolside:
If you have ever been to Flag, notice the pink church in the background, and be reminded of the pink church across Pierce St, which is on the North border of the Flag base.
You mean you didn’t write any songs while being flogged?
so true! so unbelievably destructive to anyone who becomes part of this vicious cycle and their lives
I know when I was in the process of being declared my “spiritual eternity” weighed heavily. I went through a brief period of uncertainty. Do I succumb to the pressure of the church and agree that their lies were in fact “truth”? Or do I stand by my own knowningness and what I knew to be true?
I took a hard look at all the “OTs” I knew for decades and covertly surveyed them. None of them had ever been exterior with perceptions. None of them had any real certainty on what would happen to them at the time of death. This included OT8s.
I combined that with reliable data about LRH and his state of being near the end of his life, and concluded that Scn – as an applied religious philosophy – DID NOT deliver on its promises. These objectives had not been achieved by (as far as I could tell) – ANYONE.
So much for “spiritual eternity”. After that the decision was easy.
When I faced the same crises of isn’t Scientology the only way to spiritual freedom. I resolved as could I really get my spiritual eternity from a dishonest organisation and created by a dishonest man?? Shouldn’t true spiritual freedom mean being free to have total integrity?? Real integrity like being able to speak the truth to an authority figure that puts a heavy penalty on speaking it! What a minute?? I might have actually achieved my goals through Scientology and thus had no reason to stay. Thanks Ron, The Tech works as I intended it should.
Hey Cindy, your ex-friend Lisa will still have to answer for keeping a boyfriend and hiding that fact that she is a Scientologist from him. When Lisa shows up to do her OT levels, this will come out on her OT eligibility. She will be KR’d by her auditor and off to the MAA she goes for an Ethics program. That scene will not fly and she knows it. They do check for these types of situations on OT eligibility. Still, disconnecting from a person or group that’s been declared is way more important to a MAA than hiding Scientology from the boyfriend, as we know well.
What Lisa doesn’t seem to realize is she has already forfeited her OT levels. Once she goes to get the crap sec-checked out of her (AKA “eligibility), her boyfriend’s gonna come up, and listening to wogs deride the cult without defending it will come up too.
So unless she comes clean with her boyfriend and either gets him in or dumps him (which will certainly result in some great PR) and then goes and delivers an effective blow to one of the cult’s inexhaustible supply of enemies, she may as well just save herself the trouble and get out now. She’s already aware of the cult’s horrid PR since she’s been lying to her boyfriend about it for two years!
I can hardly wait to get to the Tampa org!
All lies, aside, ………..
Our town had a cultural festival on Saturday, and I met up with a couple of churchies walking around handing out personality test forms. One old timer from the org who I know to see, but not by name and a newbie (evidently an idiotic ignoramus, which are their best to “get in” and brain wash types). They are only kind to come near the orgs now.
The old timer recognized me well. I have been declared and refused entry more than once, with the latest last fall. So I am relatively well known there.
I did what ever I could to try and get into comm with them, (in the relatively safe zone of the crowd) so I could get a few words in. (So I could ruffle his feathers a bit.)
I don’t remember exactly what I all said, but it was something to the effect of:
I asked what kind of response they were getting?
He said, Oh, …………some….
I asked if they have many people on course?
He said,………. there are some.
I said it is pretty empty, eh?
He said, People are not ready yet.
I said that is nonsense.
Then I went on a bit of a sermon rant.
I said I read all the books and that there are some good things in the books.
I said: if the church was doings right, there would be a line up at the door.
I said the problem is because the church has such a bad reputation. It has the worst reputation of any organization in all the history of the world.
I said the cos is a criminal organization.
I said DM is the most dangerous criminal in the world. He should be hung in the public square.
I said, everything he tells you is lies. Don’t believe a thing he says. Think for yourself. Go on line and read for yourself. Don’t let them tell you what to do. I said do your own thinking and research.
The old guy really felt uncomfortable, especially with the newbie hearing what I was saying.
He was telling the newbie not to pay attention to me.
And he was trying to get away from me.
We parted ways about then.
That was my outflow for now.
I was happy that I got a few cents worth in.
Dio, I REALLY wish you wouldn’t hold back! It’s not good for you!
Outstanding post! I’m glad you said what you did. All you were doing is warning them. If they’d rather have an IV Kool-Aid drip, well, that’s their choice. But they can’t say you didn’t warn them. And, of course, everything you said is completely true!
Thanks OSD,
I strive to tell only the truth.
Only the truth will solve anyone’s problems.
I would like to know if the SO is still recruiting these days. I find it hard to believe that PAC, ASHO, LA Org, FSSO or even FSO generate enough income to keep them afloat. Even if the FSO kept the others above water in the past, I doubt in the recent past that this is the case. Maybe I’m wrong; maybe the L’s and the few suckers that stay or get on 7 generate the income needed to pay the FP1.
I’d love to read Mat Pesch’s take on this or anyone else here that might have an educated opinion on the matter.
McCarran, although numbers have drastically reduced, the SO is still recruiting. I know of four young adults who have joined within the past year. Amazing to me is that some of them have graduated from University and have degrees. You would think in this day and age of information that these kids would have gotten the skinny on Scientology/CoS. But these are second gens who grew up deeply saturated in it, with parents pushing them to the church. The recruiters know their job well and the KA is strong.
Also, the job situation for Young 20-somethings is still not good. That’s a generality but I personally know a number millenials, both Scn and Non Scn, the latter expensively educated at universities with degrees, and either not working or under-employed. The lucky ones from both groups have fallen into their families’ businesses. I would imagine the SO recruiters are capitalizing on this situation.
Yeah, but, Aqua, ANY job would be better than joining the SO! And those poor folks from Europe joining the SO! They have no idea what they are getting themselves into! I’ve heard after a couple of months or so, many start to route out….
Plus don’t forget that people leave the SO all the time for one reason or another and they need to be replaced. Keeping up appearances is crucial for an intact bubble.
This makes sense as to why some are joining.
Reworded quote from the Matrix: “The human mind is like a computer in the sense that given enough time any mind or computer can be hacked.”
The SO have nothing but time and tricks up their sleeve and a paper thin veil of being “the most ethical group ever anywhere.” If you don’t know about hard selling techniques your chances aren’t good. Fake Phones Calls and hidden data lines between salesman. CHECK! Relentlessness sales interrogations hoping to catch you at a moment of weakness. CHECK! And used car salesmen don’t threaten your eternity or family relations when you ask them to stop! Getting you down a tunnel of agreement then using your integrity and/or your own need for face-saving against when you try to back out of the tunnel. CHECK!
Yeah, they still get some. They go for the kids of clams. Unlike normal kids, they’ve been brought up not to look at all the entheta at their fingertips (in the form of teh interwebz).
I know of a kid who just got recruited – 18 years old, parents are clams. They promised the kid a plumb job, but of course they’ll post him on whatever shit job everyone else has failed at but they need filled.
And they really go for the Delphi graduate clam kids. I mean, the recruiters fucking *love* them and work them hard to join. I’d even bet the recruiter gets a nice bonus for a Delphi grad, especially one from the Oregon school. I mean, the kid’s already familiar with dorm living and community eating, so they could say “it’s just like Delphi!” Of course, the dorms and food in the SO are a far, far, goddamned cry from those at Delphi, but the poor kid won’t find that out until they’re in.
The parents of course have to just suck it up, even though they just paid $40,000.00+ per year for their kid’s education just to have it flushed down the fucking toilet so their kid can clean fucking toilets for not even a living. What a goddamned waste of money and a young life, and it just really pisses me off more than I can express.
Other than child molesters, murderers, and rapists, I think sea org recruiters are the worst goddamned scum of the Earth. Lying, cheating, stealing, arrogant pieces of shit who shill for the most unethical group on the planet. I know I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help wishing them eternal misery even if they ever do wake up and get out, given the incalculable damage they cause.
Gus, I have always said that the Sea Org recruiters who go after minors and teens are Predators. I try to refrain from name calling, but their actions are predatory and there is no other way to put it.
CF problem is such a joke. I was CF at Belleair Mission In my final two years IN. 90% of all mail or particles to be filed are “return” mail with a new address or mainly “address unknown.”
I remember that at AO & FSO level in the late 70’s early 80’s. Most was “addunk” address unknown stuff. Required updating addresso and CF. A never ending (well at some point) evolution as people left scamology.
In my org it was the CF Officer who wasn’t routing particles and that kept our CF from being in PT. Man, you should’ve seen this guy’s IN box!
I seriously doubt that any CF at any given Idle Morgue, has any chance of finding someone that would like to come back. But, this is what they’ve been reduced to: Calling phone numbers on pieces of paper to find someone….ANYONE, who will pick up the phone.
Since I didn’t attest to Clear, they’re probably looking for me…
Doesn’t make sense. I went by that org numerous time and I have barely seen anyone there. Do they mean 60 Clear staff since the beginning of time? Being a long time Flag staff I know staff hardly ever gets auditing. The only reason they have business is that when FSO doesn’t want to handle a pc ( for example suicidical history or medical case) they assign it to Tampa org.
That’s what I was thinking. I highly doubt they have 60 staff now.
Hmmmmmm. Hey Mary! How much do you think the ‘unit’ is worth at Tampa? 25 cents? Less?
Attila … it is definitely 60 clears since the European discovery of Florida, and includes natural clears too … I think Ponce de Leon was the first.
The Universe Corps was at Tampa for a short time and any staff that got ‘trained’ are probably gone now. Turnover at staff level has always been high.
They claim to have sold Dianetics to 1% of the Tampa population. Tampa has a population of about 353 thousand. That’s 3,530 books. I simply can’t believe that. Ok, maybe they sold those books over a 10 or 20 year period, but still that number is unbelievable. I doubt that there are 3500 clams in the Tampa/Clearwater area.
Well if they sell 100 Dianetics books each to 4 whales they are more than 10% there….
I’m still wondering why Lynn Irons jumped ship at Tampa several years ago – and NOW they’re trumpeting how well they’re doing. Heck, if they’re pinning the SP label on this man, there’s no doubt the cult is psychotic.
You mean you had doubts before that cult wasn’t psychotic?
Aqua, El Con had almost all the best staff from the original booming St Hill declared. El Con & the cult have been psychotic for WAY over 50 years.
El Con is WELL known for “rubbing out” staff he deemed a threat to his dictatorship due to popularity.
El Con was one of THE biggest sociopaths ever to inhabit Teegeeack. He was really one fucked up dude……
OSD, he was the ORIGINAL tax evader on Teegeeack!
Mike W, I hear what you’re saying and don’t dispute it, but in this instance, assuming he had been a good E/D for Tampa, if Lynn Irons didn’ t just up and quit and was instead forced out in some way it would not have been LRH’s doing as Irons’ leave taking occurred in 2013.
Let me put that trough the acceptable truth translator. Output: We were the first (Only?) to get enough people doing lower conditions to buy Dianetics to equal 1% of our population. Should the population want a copy they can find any number in our garages or the local landfill.
I’m intrigued by #7: “first to sell Dianetics to 1% of our population.” Let’s pretend that this particular stat is not a complete fabrication, though of course given that we’re talking about Scientology stats it could well be.
First, consider that the metropolitan area of Tampa (which includes Clearwater) has about 5.7 million people. That means they’re saying that in 60 years they’ve sold 57,000 copies of Dianetics, including a bunch undoubtedly purchased by existing Scientologists in some campaign to inflate sales and get Dianetics on some best-seller list. Not exactly a rip-roaring book-selling success.
Second, consider that Dianetics is supposed to be the gateway to getting people to start taking courses and eventually get them on the “Bridge.” I seem to recall seeing Scientology documents that say that perhaps only 2% to 3% of people who buy Dianetics from an org actually come back and do anything with it. 2% of 57,000 is 1,140 people who actually “join” the church (and of course, few that take their first course end up making it to any sort of OT level). Again, when spread over decades, this doesn’t sound like “straight up and vertical expansion” to me.
Third, given that Hubbard promised that “clearing the planet” would be easy, I’m surprised that they are making the claim that the allegedly “best” org in the US would be bragging that this paltry 1% of population buying a book is dramatically far out front of all the other orgs. The other orgs must be pathetic indeed. I wonder when they last sold even a single book in Battle Creek or New Haven much less actually got anyone on course. Well, when I think of that, perhaps Tampa is not so pathetic after all.
John P …. the key word is “our” in “our population” …. Is that just in the org building? … or does it extend out a couple of blocks in one direction …. correct definitions, my friend, correct definitions …. (we could even be talking about just how many staff bought the book, but I think 1% may be a little high as to how many have actually read it)
“Were” to me was the standout word!
Were, were, were, were, were this, were that…..
were, were and more were.
No wonder they need new staff, everyone collapsed after all their stat pushing it took to false report all those glorious PR accomplishments.
Of the 20,000 bubble dwellers, there are very few that have completed their re-do of the bottom of the Bridge. I believe this is an indication that many members have given up and have become UTR Under the Radar members who CAN look at the internet with no consequences by just keeping their mouth shut and go to events when requested. They stay connected but are UTR because they have friends, family , businesses that require them to stay connected.
“The Bridge” is so badly broken today that the population of UTR’s may exceed the “faithful” right now. Who knows.
The strategy to have OT’s redo the bottom of the bridge and at the same time lie about expansion when they are really contracting is really, really dumb. It makes the UTRs and the faithful look extraordinarily stupid to the outside world. Outside of staff members, who is going to admit they are a Scientologist today let alone disseminate the subject.
Terrific post, Robert Almblad. I went UTR for a few years before leaving. It was my solution to processing the info I was reading on the internet and deciding what I wanted to do, while keeping a low profile and drawing no attention to myself. That was my safe, and not at all brave, exit strategy, although back then when I was mid process I didn’t label it as such. There was so much contradictory information and so much information, period, that I needed time to sort thru it all. I wanted the truth. I got into Scientology because I wanted truth, and left it because I wanted truth. Ah, the irony.
I don’t even think staff member reveal that they’re Scientologists. The toxicity of the cult makes the staff introverted….
While, I’m sure the UTRs are quite high especially with the younger who were never really enchanted by the tech. I think that a larger section belongs to the hopeful but disenchanted. These are people who want cool-aid but can’t stand COS’s current flavor. They don’t look on the internet and but rarely show up for events and much less bridge actions. They know things aren’t right but they still won’t look online. They want Scientology to work and don’t want risk any troubles when ‘the tech’ magically kicks in a Scientology fixes itself. Maybe they blame imperfections in Tech Application or they might believe that there is an SP in management or even that DM is SP. But they still believe in the tech itself and that you must do it with the official Church.
No Thank you.
10 reason’s why you should join Scientology Staff….
1 billion reasons why you SHOULD NOT….GOGGLE SCIENTOLOGY CULT