Special seating reserved in any church of scientology for the most important people in scientology today. Those who give the most money to the IAS.
Not to auditors, who according to L. Ron Hubbard are “the most valuable beings on earth,” not to the Volunteer Ministers who supposedly are working 24/7 to help the unfortunate, not to the staff who work 7 days a week for virtually no money under the impression they are helping, and not to the longest term members who have supported the church for years.
No, a special place is reserved for the money. Like an Amway convention or Herbalife rally, the heroes of scientology, the ones who are given special treatment and put on a pedestal are those who can generate the most money for the organization.
Truly, the worship of the almighty dollar is the sacrament of the scientology 501(c)3 exempt organization.
Dear IAS Member,
The OT Summit events held on this year’s Maiden Voyage Cruise are being presented to you, at your local org, starting this weekend.
If you are a Patron of the IAS, in recognition of your support, the PES of your local org will ensure that you are appropriately seated in the Patron reserved section.
All Orgs around the world will be showing the IAS Maiden Voyage event on the weekend of 11 July. Please mark you calendar and make your plans to attend.
If you are attending the events here on the PAC Base, I look forward to seeing you here.
Miriam Bright
Public Officer
Membership Office WUS
How do I get back the money they extorted from me for that “oh so necessary” patron status?
I have some friends who have stuck by me and some who have not. I am blessed that no-one in my family has disconnected from me.
Once in the ’90s I had a conversation with a Flag MAA who insisted that I disconnect from my favorite auditor with whom I had had many, many wins. My auditor was not saying bad things about the COS, but had simply requested a repayment of unused funds that he had on account for his own reasons. When I said that would not disconnect from him, the MAA asked incredulously, “Why not?” I replied, “Because he is not a suppressive person.” To which the MAA said, “And how do YOU know that?” My last reply was, “The same way YOU know it. In fact you have his ethics folder on your desk, so you have all of the documentation of his many commendations right in front of you!”
Funny thing was the truth may have impinged on that MAA because he shut his mouth, and I never heard another word about it. 10 years later I still had not been “shunned”. I don’t think that would probably work today, but then again I didn’t do it because I thought it would “work”. I did it because it was the right thing to do. I highly recommend standing up for what is right and not compromising one’s reality. That is what real Scientologists, real Amish people and all good people are supposed to do.
I hope that any current members of the COS who might be lurking here will heed these words.
Eloquent post Joe P. So true. And great posts Statpush and Espiritu and others. I just saw a random show on TV, true story about an Amish guy who was a undiagnosed schizophrenic at that time. He went bonkers and brutally murdered his wife. He went to prison and a psych hospital, and the Amish shunned him (like our disconnection). After he came out of the psych hospital, he had nowhere to go, nothing to live on, so he asked his Amish brothers if he could live with them. They at first said no because the Amish leader said that they would be shunned if they took him in. (Sound familiar?) So after a while of this the brothers decided to go against the rulings and took him in anyway even though it meant shunning.
When I saw that I was struck at how he had to commit a very brutal murder of a family member to be shunned. Compare that to our “church.” There, you can do good deeds, give lots of donations, and still be shunned for nothing more than reading on one of the internet blogs the truth about the church. Many have lost their family over reading the truth. I was also struck by how his brothers finally decided to help their flesh and blood and the rules be damned. How many of us here have kids, spouses, parents etc who are in the church who decided to stick by us because they know we are not SP’s and they love us? None that I know of. Yet a “mere wog” (church of scn talk), made the right decision to take in and help their troubled brother. Seems like the “mere wogs” are able to do the right thing more than our highly evolved and enlightened church bretheren.
Hi Espiritu,Beautifully said post.Thank you. Ann.
hahahahahahaha…. breathe…. hahahahahahahahahahahna
Careful, Anita…
You’re reminding me of that Tom Cruise interview clip on Going Clear, where had the crazed look and laughed and laughed and laughed and …
(Didn’t breath)
Laughed and laughed and laughed…
Very well stated, Joe. The simplicity of it all is that one cannot buy status. Status is something that may be offered by others and might be humbly accepted, but should never be sought after. Those who seek status are egotistical, fools, and not quite bright. Those who bow down to money have empty hearts. They crave admiration but have not yet learned to love people themselves enough to truly earn it with deeds of goodness and kindness. So, they try to buy it. Can’t be done.
alas, the mania of L.Ron toward the One and Only almighty Gawd started in may, 1950. Perhapshe was so bad in school that he did not get enough coins for his weekly expenses?
Hi Dan Locke, Thank you for your perfect post.I love it! I guess we are supposed to use the make it go right intention & put on those boots & take them off standing up,& don’t let me see your feet touch the floor while doing so! Always Ann.
Hi Bruce Ploetz,Wonderful to meet you,a superb most funny experience & I can picture you in Ron’ s Chair! I guess Ron was watching his version of TV from a different vantage point, but David Miscavige wanting to watch the Alien Autopsy! Shades of Zenu & spy robots,those pesky little aliens!Yet if I look closely I am glad you got a talking to about the Never Sit In That Chair & not something more.I feel if some other terminal had come along,they might have wired you to that satellite!Always Ann.
“…seated in the Patron reserved section…”
ROFL! Because you know the seating is going to be packed, standing room only, totally full-up and so crowded the crooks are going to have to turn people away. 🙂 Snicker.
Everyone take photos of org parking lots on the 11th. Should be interesting to see how many people show up for this massive, monumental occasion. I’m sure seating will be limited in Cincinnati and Nashville, woooo hoooo. Darn lucky those Patons.
I recall a cramming cycle I did on Miriam at PAC. The invites for IAS patron ball had gone out with a typo. The invites were done under Miriam’s supervision. So Miriam was being required to pay OUT OF HER OWN PERSONAL POCKET to have the invites redone, and re-mailed.
That’s right. A Sea Org member who makes pennies per hour and who worked for an org with at least a billion in the bank, was being required to PERSONALLY fund a second print run and mailing.
The IAS Sea Org members make a bit more than normal Sea Org members…but not THAT much more. Miriam was not an IAS reg. She’s more in charge of putting on events.
The cramming cycle was to find the “WHY” that she had allowed this overt product to occur.
In Scientology of course it’s never acceptable to simply admit the worldly truth that SOMETIMES mistakes actually happen because PERFECTION is an imaginary concept. There has to be a specific reason that you CAUSED the mistake.
Some might call that empowering. But when taken to it’s extreme, it’s is pure insanity.
Miriam was PISSED that she was being made to pay for this thing, and her overall disaffection with the IAS was pretty apparent in the cramming cycle.
It was a superficial cycle with both of us having the same idea…”let’s make this easy on each other, get it over with, pretend like we found “the why”, F/N at exams, and get on with pretending like we’re doing something important”.
That was a handful of years ago.And she’s still pretending. Miriam is a nice gal. I hope she sees the light before it’s too late for her to have kids and enjoy a family.
The funny part is that for all that money IAS “Patrons” are awarded the ultimate booby prize: Special seating for a video screening of LHD spewing a re-jumbled collection of the same nonsense phrases they’ve heard a hundred times before. I just don’t get the value proposition. I guess I never will.
If you look at it in terms of something like the court of Louis XIV, who was the absolute ruler of France, just as COB is the absolute ruler of RTC, and hence the whole of Scientology, the parallels are there. There was a certain status for being at the King’s table, or his water closet, or hunting with him, etc. The selling Of levels of status is what Charles II did when Parliment wasn’t forthcoming with money for the Royal Exchequer, he invented the title of Baronet to sell to rich merchants and others who wanted to put more distance between themselves and their undoubted plebeian origins.
Biologically speaking, we are a hierarchical primate species, and that’s what gets exploited here.
Great analogy, and even more incisive for the contrast than for the similarity. Louis XIV was absolute ruler of one of the richest nations on this planet. The Owner of Scientology presides over a puny empire of wretched adherents and a collection of useless real estate.
“I look forward to seeing you here.” And for those suckers who don’t show, Miriam makes house calls.
Alas, Miriam needs a proofreader …
Oh yes! Please, please, pun-leez reserve your SPECIAL seat. The usual way: money up front and again immediately after you get your pedestal.
But, be careful, as our pedestals are really, really high and really, really rickety. Falls are not uncommon and sometimes injurious.
And bear in mind, you can only keep your pedestal for a limited time as quantities are limited. You must pay up again before the time window expires. Too slow, then we have security staff in place to knock you off the pedestal ASAP, quickly, and without regret. Injuries are sometimes serious, but you will still need a sec check for further funds irregardless. We may even do a Joberg in the medical office, if necessary.
Hi James Morrish, I loved your post. The pedestal being rickety & the call to pay up before the time window expired very true.I related the most to further sec checking & a joburg in the medical office,come to think of it @ Asho D & F if we had a medical officer he or she was completely invisible.All I ever heard was go originate your problem to Qual & keep those TRs & Ethics in or your medical problem will be a lot worse!Ann.
Thank you, Ann.
Bits and pieces of your story are coming to me: I salute you, as to where you are, what you came through to get here, your helping hand–evenly given, and this the most, your cheerful and indomitable spirit!
People like you hearten me that there WILL be help for the broken ones should the cherch fall with a catastrophic and resounding crash of glass and the boom of the collision of mountains! I fear there would be blood should the cult not fail slowly and with only a whimper.
Hi James Morris, Thant you for your sweet & sensitive post. I am very humbled by it. We all here have indomitable spirits & thank the universes we do! Look forward to more of your posts.I’m always trying to be better,kinder more understanding & soar higher without OT help thank you Ron.Always Ann.
There is a lecture given from LRH on The First Postulate series (ACC) .. special cases .. and it means, if somebodies name is Miriam Bright .. she has to be bright ..
“He told me he was obsessed by “an insatiable lust for power and money”. He said it very emphatically. He thought it wasn’t possible to get enough. He didn’t say it as if it was a fault, just his frustration that he couldn’t get enough.”
David Mayo relating a conversation Ron had with him about money and power.
Scientology’s perverse relationship with money has always been. From Ron secretly ushering suitcases to Lichtenstein and telling us the orgs owe him money and he doesn’t receive a cent (lie) from Dave’s IAS.
The blueprint for this attitude is Ron. Certainly Ron concentrated on service being the source of money and Dave just wants money, but greed has always been there.
Scientology: the cult of greed, is not a new revelation. As the church says in trying to minimize criticsim…………………..
“it’s old news”
Should read,”TO Dave’s IAS. Not “from”
Hi Brian, Another amazing post.I really like ” the blueprint for this attitude is Ron ” So true. Also when the church says It’s old news, I say it may not be news anymore since the word on this can travel the Internet in a split second, but it is not old,all you still iners,as you reinvent greed every second 24/7.A while back here a poster mentioned you should put together a book using your postings & viewpoints on Ron etc.I would certainly buy it as your book would look beautiful on my shelf of XSO & cos public who left books, but would also be a shield against any entheta headed my way.Better than the Sword Excalibur by the time it was passed to me the use of it was not the mythology of the Round Table.More like the Universe according to Ron & don’t I ever forget who is guarding my destiny! So glad to be out.Always to you both Ann.
Thank you Ann, I appreciate your confidence in my words. I may start saving significant ones as short essays.
Hi Brian, If you decide to use significant postings as short essays,I would be very very happy.Ann.
Hi Espiritu, Just getting around to your post & I hear you & understand. I am glad you were not declared because you did the right thing,you followed your heart & conscience & did what you knew was right for you.I just want to insert a slightly different viewpoint.Your MAA stood up for whatever reason for the auditor.In the SO I had a favorite auditor too,I had much trouble with auditing because I had F/ns all over the place but no pictures to go along with them.I was paying for auditing in the SO so had many good ones but they were in a quandary about me because at times in session I would say this light bulb is going to blow & it would 1 second later & freak them out.Finally when I was on XDN before Power I had an amazing auditor & C/S from Flag.We were going great guns & then the GOI decided they needed to hunt me.Right after I finished XDN I was hauled in by GOI & told my C/S & auditor were RPFed for being PTS & they were taking over my case.So I had no chance to do,the right thing I was trapped.I will be honest here it did not help,that I & an Officer had a very intense relationship that I am sure now the GOI had bee tracking all along & when he was promoted to CO, that was more incentive for me to blow because I did not want him to be RPFed because of me.So I was trying to do the right thing but in the SO it was so hard when your body mind & spirit are under attack on all fronts.Plus I had to plan my escape for months.I was a real SO member yet still had to rip away the hold Ron had on me simultaneously while trying to see how I could get out into the wog world again. Very very difficult.Thank you Ann.
Do you get anything in the Patron Reserved section? More comfortable chairs? Swag bag? Complimentary cocktail? Your own dedicated personal reg for the evening? Anything at all? Probably not. They’re too cheap for that.
Anything that provides less for your money than your average airline frequent flyer program or the VIP Room of your average strip club does not deserve my support.
Espiando, what one “gets” in the Patron Reserved section are registrars prepped to reg Patrons to their next level. That’s the real reason that still ins are segregated as to their donation levels at IAS events. Instead of being regged willy nilly, with Lifetime Members sitting next to Annual members interspersed with a Patron or a Bla Bla Silver Meritorius here and there, instead the sheeple are precisely grouped as to their donation level so as to be targeted with the correct, and undoubtedly drilled and redrilled, patter designed to push them to their next level, whatever that would be. Another benefit of segregating as to donation level is that the Big Beings don’t overhear any of the protestations of poverty which are rife amongst the Annual and Lifetime Members ala, “I can’t afford it!”, which might get the Big Beings themselves to thinking, “Hmmm, actually, neither can I”.
Did Miriam Bright used to be Miriam Glass (married to Matt Glass) ?
If so I have an interesting 1st hand story about her way of handling money back in the late 80s.
And of course there is no longer an acknowledgment of the auditors ~ and it’s likely the few left are not fully certed up to RTC standards with all the re-dos. It just doesn’t look like the place I left and it was pretty bad then in ’96 or I should say the actually intentions were more covered up back then. Only Angela Alvet Cook was running round haggard looking for money in PAC over and above the per policy %s from the income. I had figured out how to rig the bank reconciliations to show more in outstanding checks so I could keep a bit of a float in the accounts.
Ann Archer had a place in the course room at Flag AO where she always sat. It didn’t have her name on it, she just always sat at that place. One day, I got there earlier than she, so I sat in that spot. I was asked to move when she arrived… I had a little BPC (“unexpressed resentment”) on that… haha
Hi anitawarren1, Good to meet you.I don’t blame you regarding ” unexpressed resentment ” over Ann Archer’s space.Here is the big no no I managed to execute.My first week in the SO @ Asho F,before I went to the Excalibur I had my first stint standing QM.Those who know my posts know I was terrible on the PBX,so I was given other tasks such as cleaning stations on both CO ‘s offices & Ron’s.At the Temple St location we had one office for Ron because there was not enough room for two.So I am cleaning away after 11:30 PM,& I feel a little faint,mid rats were not til midnight,so I decided to sit down at Ron’s Desk in Ron’s chair & dust from there.As fate would have it a Division 7 Exec.passed by the Office & you never saw one poor expediter dragged out of that chair so fast & sent to Ethics the next day.I ended up cleaning out the double dumpsters in the parking lot & TSPing the bathrooms! I learned very quickly Do Not Sit In Ron’s Chair Ever.Now I see why he might jump out & teleport you to the RPF! Ann.
Hahaha, Ann, what a great story!
Now, how’s any Scientologist anywhere ever going to put on Ron’s “boots of responsibility” without anyone ever allowing any of us to sit on Ron’s chair? (Adaptation of an Aesop’s or Thousand Nights moral…)
Ann B, very funny, at the Int base for a while they had a special little table for Ron set up next to the fireplace in the “Galley” (Massacre Canyon Inn). God help any newbie that sat at that table, not knowing it was for Ron!
But I did even worse one time, I spent all night in the old Bonnie View house that we rebuilt for Ron. I had to set up the satellite TV system, which involved a lot of careful tweaking of the system so you could just select the satellite you want with the remote. By this time in the late 80s it was pretty clear that Ron was not coming back to live in his house, but Dave often wanted to record satellite TV shows like the Alien Dissection video. It all had to be ready for his every whim.
So there I was in what seemed like a normal chair, valiantly trying to stay awake, watching TV in L Ron Hubbard’s house at around 6 AM, when in swept Ron’s housekeeper Paco Suarez. I was informed in very severe and emphatic terms that We Do Not sit in Ron’s Chair.
Mike, it’s utterly amazing to me that none of them realize the sleigh ride on which they’ve been so smoothly taken. I think of Hollywood stars as often being arrogant and egotistical, but these dumbells, led by a recently enriched drug king, really constantly amaze me.
Hi thegman77, My sentiments exactly.Sometimes when I post about celebs I do think of them as being ” holier than thou”& using their material wealth to flash cash & no class to the masses who are not on the top of the money mountain with them. But when you put their actions the way you posted, they really are dumbbells with no compassion or soul.Always Ann.
Every day, in every way, I count my blessings that I am OUT!
Hi Cognated and Out, Good to meet you.Count me in your camp.Freedom never felt so good!Ann.
Congratulations! Here’s to a long and happy life.
Me too!
Organized Scientology has no soul, heart or conscience. It’s like a programmed Terminator with only one mission. Say and do anything necessary to get as much money as possible. Period.
“Listen. Understand. That Registrar is out there. It can’t be reasoned with, it can’t be bargained with. It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead.”
Hasta la vista baby…
or better still,
“Come with me if you want to live…”
Sad but true.
On Tony’s blog some photos were posted ay FH Maiden V showing. There is not too many people. If you look at the photo in detail I could surmise that there is not even half of the attendance of what there used to be. Another point is there are no staff, nor outer Org trains to speak of. During past events public got swamped by staff asking “Cask or Credit?”
Tick Tock.
Maybe the reason you see no staff or OOT’s there in the picture, Silvia, is because the few people in the pic ARE staff, but they are wearing “civvies” to try to appear as if they are public there for the event.
Hi Mike,Our Siamese cat is talking this Sun morning,so I’m up. I totally agree $ are the new sacrament of the cos. Money and more of it has always been one of the main tenets,but now the complete adoration & pedestal offering to whomever can give the most or is the biggest celeb giver or biggest whale is truly disgusting.It seems to me to be all about $ and mest : real estate toys etc.The”great super powers”of Clear & OT are handed out like party favors,& then back to the bottom of the twisted broken Bridge one goes.That is why I posted a few days ago that big big givers are now going to be ferociously protected & coddled.Cos wants all TC’s very mediocre action only movies to be hits around the globe.Groan,but I am sure in his interviews any off topic questions about cos will not be allowed at any turn.On a lighter note,Walter said Oh no we can’t have a nice quiet steak chocolate olive salad & my zin at home for #34 on7/11, we have to rush out & sneak into an Org for The OT Summit Event for the pathetic Maiden Voyage.Darn you David Miscavige how did you know the date! Always Ann.
Hi Ann, speaking of TC’s mediocre action movies, just read today that he’s doing a sequel to Top Gun, that’s 30 years since the original, Tom’s getting a little long in the tooth for that role!! He definitely may need CoS help to make that one a big hit!!
Hi Kathy H, Thank you for the info.I did not know Top Gun will be redone 30 years on.Do you & I smell desperation & much merriment from critics in the air? What grand role will TC play? Aging drill master to a newbie top gunner? Shades of Ron & David Miscavige perhaps? Always Ann.
There is no lasting status in Scientology. It doesn’t matter what you have contributed, what you have produced or how many people you have helped. Nothing earns you any lasting status. There would be no Church of Scientology wihout the contributions of Mary Sue Hubbard, whatever her overts may have been. But she has no status. You can contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars such as Tony de Phillips or Leah Remini and then be expelled from the church for having independent thought. You can be a Cl XII auditor trained by Ron himself such as Karen DLC and have the vilest type of venom broadcast about you by the church you served at the highest level for decades.
The people who contribute all their money or all their time or their heart and soul are severely mistaken if they think they have earned any lasting appreciation in the Church of Scientology. That kind of appreciation and fellowship DOESN’T EXIST IN THIS CHURCH. The people who reach for that status or fellowship have been fooled and are ultimately fools themselves for agreeing to be blind.
You only earn true status in life with the people you love and help. Maybe even those who disconnect from you remember those times and love, maybe they don’t, maybe they will some day, maybe they won’t.
Hi Joe Pendleton, Thank you for your most insightful post.I suppose all the In KoolAid drinkers need to be fawned over & duped over & over again,& still they remain blind.Following Command Intention has always been heavily promoted,even to the point of running over the edge of the abyss.Ann.
Excellent points, Joe. There truly is no loyalty in the cherch. Let me clarify that…individuals can and do maintain enduring loyalty to Scn and the group; however, the reverse is not true. In the eyes of the cherch, EVERYONE is expendable, regardless of past contributions.
The cherch “lives” in the NOW (which ceases to be at Thursday at 2:00). This may explain why:
1) They never learn from their mistakes
2) Are ignorant of their own history
3) Are incapable of foreseeing or planning a future
The significance of past contributions or donations expired at the end of the week. It doesn’t matter what you have done, all that matters is what you are DOING NOW; which translates into “what stat are you capable of moving?”
And we have LRH to thank for that.
I personally was insulted during my OT Elig, when my years as a staff member and having gotten 1000s of people into Scn were seemingly without value. All the MAA seemed to care about was my involvement in the Ideal Org campaign and if I was active as an FSM. During this time I saw relatively new Scnists, with no staff experience and no FSMing, but heavy contributors to the IAS, waltz their way onto the OT Levels.
Hi statpush,An insightful & amazing post.It is always ” what are your stats this week up or down ” & just when you feel you have worked your tail off,as you did getting 1000 of bodies in the shop for cos it never is enough.I CSWed for 4 days to leave & see my late grandmother in 76, & she was not well then.After a long flight back to Hollywood from Boston landing at 11:00 PM I was informed at the H’wood Inn check in desk to get my ass to Asho & handle all the letters in for me that had piled up since I was gone.This was the only time I ever took leave in the SO.I got to my desk & there were over 12 big cardboard boxes stuffed with CF folders surrounding my desk & chair.I used a very old fashioned cassette dictaphone machine then & I literally existed on coffee & my pack a week of horrid Kools for over 14 hours to get though all the comm.My typists had fits! Half falling over at muster the next day for Asho F I got a big vwd because my letters out stat was so high.Did not matter one bit I was half dead! I definitely hear & second your post.Ann.
Agreed, and that “true status in life with the people you love and help” will be especially true when the fraud that is CoS collapses, when COB takes the cash and flees the country, and a lot of very damaged people will have to suddenly find their way back into the real world…then that love and help will mean everything.
I hope he does not abscond with the money, but if he controls the bank accounts, he just may. I would hope that the authorities would hunt him down and hold him accountable for the fraud he has perpetuated on thousands of Scientologists for thirty plus years.
Hi Beryl, I hope so too, but anyone as paranoid as Miscavige must already have an escape plan in place, money probably already stashed in offshore accounts…he knows things are falling apart!!
Amen to that brother, well stated Joe
Joe Pendleton,
I always appreciate your comments but this one is “over the moon” good and accurate. Even the highest protective status of all, Kha-Khan, granted by Hubbard himself can be revoked. (Class XII Otto Roos went from Kha-Khan to SP almost overnight.)
The org will be empty, but fear not! You will still receive special seating in the (also empty) Patron section.
Be advised the ‘exit’ from the Patron area leads directly to the reg’s office. Stop in to say hi!
(Actually, all exits from the org lead to the reg’s office, but as a Patron you are special. We’ll ‘meet’ with you first…….to discuss important news……a secret special briefing on the status of COB’s accomplishments…….. then you’ll be asked to donate 10 sets of Basics………again befitting your importance.)
The posting on the Issue regarding who gives the most Money for special sititng / events / etc, I am afraid
has been like that for years .Its people unable to see it that its been like that for years.
Hi Hadley, Yes the most money for special seating scam has been that way for years.I certainly have seen it,but I am an ancient X SO mariner & I feel today the whole set up is more outrageous & money grubbing because of all the emphasis on Status etc & paying for it.Sure that element was always present but the days when Auditors were very important & sucess stories were unedited are long long gone.Don’t get me wrong,I rejoice they are gone but there is a difference when cos is protected by the cloak of religion & does whatever using tax exempt status as the big excuse.Ann.
Good points, Ann. These whales must believe that people are getting auditing in droves somewhere on the planet, otherwise how can planetary clearing become a reality? I believe some of the these whales do not want to even consider that it might be a scam, because they would then have to confront the reality that their donations were helping no one.
Hi Beryl,Thank you.Sounds pretty correct to me too. No one likes to admit they have been made a fool of.No matter how rich or how much noteriety they may posses.Ann.
It’s an incredibly successful ploy so it seems to keep using the “grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” scam to keep people hypnotised into something that clearly doesn’t work in actuality and is a lie. It’s all a delusion in the mind to expect something that never comes. Auditing must occur for their business to delivery but they don’t, won’t and can’t deliver it anyway, they are inept at everything except lying. A new term might have be adopted for the members of the RCS, they are breaking new ground in the susceptible fool category.
The delusion keeps sucking new payers in apparently but overall dwindling overall numbers means the lies need to be fancied up and delivered at an increased rate. I personally find it quite a sickening phenomena to witness such a scam still in operation, but it did take a long time to end the foolishness of the Vietnam war I remember.
I read once when the Nazis first marched into eastern Russia some towns greeted them as liberators – good God! just how bad things must have been. The RCS must really be 3rd partying how bad life is outside the bubble big time. And now they live in a deluded world based entirely on undeliverable promises and they are as yet unable to see the trap they have walked into even though their money is gone. In consequence they are now mentally committed to varying degrees to keep the delusion going, justification is a powerful motivation. However and a BIG but, how in the world could someone like miscavige been seen as a saviour of mankind after the evidence to the contrary is stacked up to the ceiling…and court case abound against his actions, he’s a criminal, and Tom Cruise is his second! – holy cow bullshit runs pretty thick in that neck of the woods, mind where you step.
Yes, special seating has been going on for a while. When I went on the Fakewinds for a convention, we would have the ‘convention’ at night after course. One night I went into the speaking room and I saw a public guy made his own ‘Reserved for Patron’ sign and put it on the two seats that he wanted. The room was large and probably only 20 people max were going into this seminar. It struck me as really funny, and pathetic at the same time.