This is the next installment of the RPF Insider documents contained in the FBI files release.
See Part 1.
Our old friend Chuck Beatty added some helpful information in a comment on the first post which I include below:
I’m not sure if RPF Insider ever was outed. I was in phone contact with him as he posted his series back when it posted.
Telling the details in his postings is excellent. The framework, him being not actually in the RPF, but was out, and was posting like he was in it, just to goad Miscavige, was his call. (Theoretically he could have been, example, before I was gone gone, routed out, I was going to the LA Public Library, and going onto the internet, I never thought of posting though, but I could have, had my mind been straight enough, so technically what he did, I could have done, I just didn’t have that mindset. But I was going to the LA Public Library when I was still technically RPF’s RPF in PAC.)
What he says is great news, he just wasn’t in the RPF when he was posting these, but he’d been there recently.
I’m listed as being on the RPF, I’d left a couple years prior, I left March 29, 2003, and the RPF Insider posts were a couple years later.
Anyways, the points and details are all raw good info.
I’m getting TIRED of waiting! When will Dwarfenführer® finally give up and allow the Potemkin village to fall of its own accord? This slow process is just excruciating.
The two really most significant things I experienced in my RPFing years (Jan to Apr/May 1989 my first RPF; then Jul 96 to Nov 2000 at the Happy Valley “Int RPF”; then Nov 2000 to March 2003 PAC RPF) were:
a) When I got my Introspection Rundown, it was audited by Rich Gilbert, an OT 8, really good guy was/is Rich. He and his wife were the OT 8s at CST they did the proofreading of the metal plates with OT 8 on them, I think Rich’s wife is still at CST and Rich was demoted to Gold after his RPFing. But, Rich as an OT 8 frankly answered all my suppressed questions, like, could he exteriorize at will, answer no. Could he do ESP, only to the degree that is wishy washy attained by anyone, with much error, in fact normal error percentage. He deflated my OT 8 delusional wishful thinking, that OT 8s were indeed attaining OT powers by doing the whole syllabus (“Bridge”). Rich’s normal goodness I realized was him, he brought his innate ability and decency to Sea Org, and no OT powers. He was an excellent auditor, he did the introspection Rundown first step auditing, which is a hugely tricky thing to do, it’s a “right indication” of the bad stuff that caused my mental “breakdown”. The first auditing step of the Introspection Rundown only “works” because the auditor and C/S really do the folder study deep enough to find and make a wording that is simply “given” to the preclear, and if the working of the “right indication” of what precipitated the “mental breakdown” is a huge relief. Rich and Bruce Hines did the homework for my “right indication” and I “line charged” uncontrollably for 2-3 minutes, and my Introspection Rundown was considered complete and I went on to the next step of my RPF quackery problem. So I can’t fault that smart people, Rich and Buce Hines are truly smart people, can do the Hubbard tricky quackery to some good effects, I experienced it. BUT that Rich was just a decent human being, and not “OT” was huge, it punctured why I was holding out for hope that the Sea Org and making OTs on the “Bridge” assembly line, was a valid life’s pursuit.
b) Second thing I learned on the RPF and liked, was rather the people, all the busted Sea Org members were one for one, capable people. Just NOT having post responsibilities, just being in RPF positions in the RPF, was a natural relief environment, people could just chill out, and I’d say almost all of them, for most of the time, were back to their normal selves in life. Not being wound up in normal Sea Org post responsibilities, is just such a relief ,and people could just be their normal prior to Sea Org selves. (Second or third gen Sea Org members who hadn’t have lives prior to being in Sea Org, are a different kettle of fish, they don’t have some basic personality to fall back into;and my years in the PAC RPF which was majority second or third gen Sea Org members, was by itself something that needs be written about more carefully.)
Scientology Sea Org life as told the last 10 plus years by ex’s is so tragic to hear. I didn’t realize that if someone doesn’t have a life prior to Scientology/Sea Org, they really have nothing to “go back to.”
Scientology’s future, as more and more second and third gen Scientologists are the one’s “left standing” “left holding the bag” will not have the “viewpoint” necessary to see the 1950s era critics of Hubbard views.
Hubbard is a failure for reasons the older 1950s era first gen contemporaries of Hubbard saw Hubbard as a really bad alternative quack therapy “founder.” Dianetics is really bad quack therapy, just ludicrous, when you take it in context.
I think, and hope, all second and third gen ex’s take a read of two 1950s writings, and try to grasp that Hubbard was an oddball crackpot type of person, taken in context.
it’s always worth it to read Roy Wallis “The Road to Total Freedom” has loads of 1950s era Scientology history in it.
Then it’s always good for second gen, third gen ex’s to read Jon Atack’s books, and Russell Miller’s book.
The devastating critics of Hubbard from day one, have never been wrong.
Dianetics and Scientology do not merit people’s being so drawn into it.
It’s a battle of words. Hubbard’s voluminous words vs the criticism validly putting Hubbard’s whole output in context.
Ron was a crackpot.
Hey Mike, thank you for sharing these RPF postings. The hair on my neck stood up when I remembered how the RPF was promoted; it was an honor to come clean and get re-indoctrinated. Does Miscavige still run an RPF? I imagine he does because I can’t see him ever being willing to look at the truth about Scientology.
When I left PAC SO about time of this series I can confirm the accuracy of the report from RPF insider. The comings and goings of boilersuit clad worker slaves was hidden from most, confined to basement,2nd floor, woodshop and few other places fully out of public eye .
After over 30 years of working for the cult I packed up all my belongings in my old beat up compact car and started the long drive away from Big Blue. I was truly a prisoner in that 2 block prison. As the miles stretched I felt more and more relief the further I traveled. I thank God for a loving family who forgave me for the years of semi-disconnection that was forced from being in this horrible godless cult. Since then I have mentored many lost souls who were victims of addiction and all types of abuse.
What kind of people run this organization? Have they really had all their humanity rubbed out of them? Possibly. It boggles the mind and shockingly, with full knowledge of the authorities especially the highly politicized FBI. They should be ashamed of themselves for letting the abuse continue.
Thank you Mike for providing a forum where people can expose the real things that happen behind these closed, locked and barred gates holding people back from their humanity.
Church of Scientology and Treatment of Children in the RPF Gulag
Made by German documentarian.
Good data points. Its a 3 min clip.
Thanks for the clip, Karen. I fell over laughing at your other practices skit:
“And you go to church at the Salvation Army? No, no, no, no!”
I had to laugh at Chuck’s mention of the “RPF’s RPF”. How low can you go? Lol
I thought the Newsletters might just be a big list of abuses but I was surprised to find that the author has a sense of humor and the Newsletters are loaded with funny and facetious observations.
He mentions someone who once twinned with Ray Mitoff but blew the RPF in 2004 and got SP declared. He remarks that Ray Mitoff ” . . . is currently the Senior C/S International. One would think that the top technical person on the planet should be able to get a product on his twin. Guess he missed some withholds on her or she got fed up with DM and his regime.”
Another part describes people showing up at scn bases with their life’s possessions causing massive headaches with storage problems and the CoS bitching about having to rent storage bins and dumpsters to handle the overflow. The list goes on. laughter
I need to amend my above comment. I posted it after quickly scanning the above Newsletters and a couple of funny statements caught my eye but they are factually serious documents. I looked back at the first six Newsletters which I had not previously read and they are even more serious and not a laughing matter. The author does have a sense of humor but attempts to stay matter of fact in his reporting.
I personally didn’t experience any abuse in scn but I’m now well aware of the abuses which have and continue to occur in the CoS. To me there is a difference between things being horrific or absurd. Child abuse is horrific but people willingly sleeping in bunk beds stacked four high is an absurdity.
Mike!!!! I’m watching Aftermath. I just wanted to reach out and say how amazing you and Leah, and all of your contributors are. You’re incredible and doing good work in the world. Keep going. I’ve never been exposed to Scientology, and didn’t know anything about it… after a couple seasons, I know way more about Scientology than I ever thought I would. It’s not the religion that’s interesting to me, and why I keep watching, it’s the story of people who have been beaten down and choose to rise up against their abusers. I think so many people can relate to that story… but of course, this work you’re doing will be so powerful to educate the public as to what this is, and get people out before they even get in.
Anyhow… thanks again. Your spirit really shines through in the show. It’s obvious what a strong compassionate force of good you are. Stay strong, and keep going.
All the love in the world to back you!!!! We are all cheering you on!
Glad to know Mariette is out, happily remarried to Dan Koon, and a very successful author of cult horror fiction, as we know! I love the Fog Island series and can hardly wait until book 3 is translated into English.
Gag. Uggh. Hell on Earth. Humans turned into their own worst enemies. People voluntarily enduring such nonsense and hardship, for what? For nothing, in the end. No super powers, no increased IQ, nothing learned except whatever manual labor trades they might pick up during their “voluntary” forced labor.
If they were upset at all the BS in their living and working conditions on the RPF they dare not mention it to anyone, because they would get written up on a Knowledge Report and be in trouble.
But, and here is the kicker, even if they were not turned in for their “transgressions” or bad thoughts about COB, the RPF, the SO, Hubbard, etc, they were sure everything would come out during their next sec check on the emeter. The e-meter is at best an very imperfect type of truth or lie detector, so people being sec checked must feel very much guilt, or upset, or some strong emotion to have the e-meter needle jump for thoughts they had weeks earlier. That is some strong prison of belief!
To: Ammo Alamo
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: disparaging the e-meter.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: auditor credentials.
You, the inventor of the e-meter?
What a laugh! WHAT A LAUGH!
You were expelled from auditor training for slapping your PC! What would you know about an e-meter?
Hey, that must be where your nickname ‘slappy’ comes from!
Oh, and again, how’s your wife?
No love at all,
Well, Dave did pay the consulting firm to invent the MK VIII. Not with his own money of course, IAS donors and Flag public came up with the actual dollars.
Then he added years to the process by insisting on inane “improvements”.
So you could say he “invented” the MK VIII, in the same way as they say that Louis IV “built” the Palace of Versailles. I don’t think the Sun King touched a brick or cut a timber.
Dave knows just enough about electronics to get himself into serious trouble very quickly. Nobody can tell him his guesses and fantasies are wrong, tending to result in a Winchester Mystery House design. Stairways that lead to ceilings, rooms with no doors and so on.
If you wonder why you can buy a laptop with much more capability than a MK VIII for a tenth of the cost, wonder no more. The design was obsolete before it was released.
Just goes to show you how pathetic the little runt really is.
A couple years ago someone posted a video of two guys who were filming their own version of the “Storage Wars” TV show where people buy abandoned storage lockers. As they were rooting through the stuff they came across a brand new Mark V e-meter in the original packaging. While the lid was still on one guy guessed it was a radio and the other one guessed it was a microscope. When they opened the lid and saw “Hubbard” on it one guy said, “Hey, isn’t this something Scientologists use when they do readings or something?” The other guy responded, “Yeah. Maybe we should contact Tom Cruise and see if he wants to buy it.”
Unlikely Tom would be interested but it might have fetched a decent price on ebay considering the condition. In the mid 1970’s my trusty Mark V cost about $150, maybe a week of take home pay at the time.
Here’s a thread on Ex Scientologist Message Board Redux about some guy currently designing and building his own e-meter. Lots of technical information for techies as well as various possible case designs, one of them steam punk.
On the opening page it has a picture of the Mark and some other e-meters the guy has collected and fooled around with.
Bruce – I questioned him what he thought the worldwide market might be even if it was a top notch e-meter. This was his response.
“The market includes many people and groups, both those researching psychological phenomena and those using them for religious purposes. The area of sports and performance medicine also has a peripheral interest. The Electropsychometer (or e-meter) goes by a number of other names in different subjects, depending on their beliefs: Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter, psychogalvanometer, biofeedback device, etc. I first came across a similar instrument in a 1967 copy of Psychology Today, and there have been crude devices published by various electronics magazines.
I don’t claim to be designing the best-ever e-meter, just a good basic e-meter at a reasonable price. I don’t expect the demand to be huge, due to the fact that most people aren’t anywhere near ready for help. As an indication of this, I sell anti-ageing supplements in my business and haven’t made a sale since January. Another indication is the pressure the CoS has to exert to get people to progress up the bridge.
In the long term the market is huge, but I’ll be long gone. I see my contribution as a stopgap measure to fulfill a short-term need.”
Interesting. I don’t think the e-meter has any value, but certainly the best way to do it if you wanted to today would be to use a tablet or phone as the display/control device. A simple USB dongle. There was someone doing this, calling it the “Theta Meter”.
Tony Dunleavy, e-meter expert from the old Saint Hill days, came up with a meter after he left.
You will also find meters around made by Pat Flanagan of “Pyramid Power” fame.
We did a display for Hubbard’s big mansion of all the meters from the 50s on, including subminiature tube meters, the famous Japanese toy meters, beep meters, American Blue and Gold, dozens of them. Sadly no one can visit there anymore.
Bruce, did you ever see the “remote” meter at BV?
No, that was supposed to be a deep dark secret even from me (though I did overhear Marc Ferreira and John McCormick talking about it). Many have tried to measure electromagnetic fields and so on around the body but there is no evidence of it as far as I know.
Kirlian photography just shows artifacts from high voltage. You get the same effects with dead plants and wet objects of all kinds.
After I left scn in 1980 I did two or three “sessions” with another ex who did some type of “healing” or body procedure. You would lie face down on his portable table and he would pass his hands over your body about six inches above and apparently could detect “stuck or blocked body flows” if you want to call it that. In one of the sessions I said, “Steve, I’m feeling this great flow.” He replied. “Yes. It’s light red and flowing from your head and down through your feet.” That was exactly what I was experiencing.
Another time I had severely wrenched my knee and couldn’t stand up and was crawling around my apartment on my hands and knees. I decided to give Steve a call and see if he could do anything for me. He did a healing on the phone and got me up walking around again.
Some people say they can see auras. A scientific experiment might be getting some of these people to describe the auras of a test group and see how closely they agree. Probably won’t happen. No money in it. Oh well.
Can’t comment about what people think they can see or feel. No way to prove anything.
However I work all day in an office surrounded by instruments that carefully measure electromagnetic fields. They never pick up anything different when people are around. Possibly there are very weak fields, or at frequencies up in the 5G UWB region that are not measurable by what I have.
A field that deserves some basic research, but nothing I have seen so far looks very promising.
Richard, I think most people looking for a meter for ‘research’ these days would want a much more sophisticated biofeedback device, taking multiple inputs including probably EEG (brain waves) – and such devices are in fact on the market, for personal use. An improved Mathison/Hubbard style meter with an analog dial and ‘cans’ is probably only of interest to nostalgic independent scientologists, who seem to be a very small and rapidly dwindling market.
That’s emblematic of the ways Hubbard left his ‘work’ mired in the past, and now looking very dated and un-scientific. Even by the 1960s, scientology e-meters were probably 2 generations behind in biofeedback technology. And now the cutting edge that is revealing really interesting things about the workings of the brain and mind, is really advanced technology like functional MRIs.
PeaceMaker – I agree. The guy never said what type of scn “procedures” he himself is still engaging in. As some kind of Indy he believes he’s performing a valuable service for current and future people doing scn or scn type auditing or counselling. Time will tell when he gets his meter built and on the market if anyone buys it. Good luck. I guess Volney Mathieson (sp?) did okay.
From Wikipedia
In 1935, Mathison was employed building short wave radios.[3] He was also a chiropractor and psychoanalyst.[1][11][12][13] According to some critics of Scientology, Mathison designed and built the first E-meter in the 1940s,[1][14] which he called a Mathison Electropsychometer,[15] or E-meter, to read electrodermal activity.[11] However, Mathison wrote in his own book, Electropsychometry, that he first began considering the subject of E-meters when he attended a series of lectures in 1950[16] and other writers identify the lecturer as L. Ron Hubbard.[17]
The E-meter “has a needle that swings back and forth across a scale when a patient holds on to two electrical contacts”.[1] He used the device to investigate the psychoanalytic problems of his patients.[15] He then employed self-hypnosis tapes, and instructed his patients to use them to address those issues.[15] The device became popular and was used among other chiropractors.[1]
And so on and so forth. Lol
There is some question about who actually wrote or edited “Electropsychometry” and whether he was just trying to get Hubbard’s crazed followers to buy more of his meters.
In any case, we did a very exhaustive search to find any lectures that match the story about Mathison being inspired to invent the meter. None were ever found, though it is possible this was a lecture that was not recorded.
They put a clip from a lecture in one of the Tech films that supposedly matches the story, but if you look at it in context it doesn’t match at all.
Hubbard later told tall tales about experimenting with the Avometer (we have one in the shop, it looks like one of those old black Bakelite Simpson volt-ohmmeters). Then about Mathison coming up with the e-meter when hearing about it. Far more likely that Mathison knew all about the e-meter before he even met Hubbard. Apparently Jung experimented with it around the turn of the last century and rejected it even then.
Hubbard got a lot more from Mathison than otherwise. Major parts of the so-called “tech”, like the Tone Scale and creative processing (nowadays they call it guided imagery. Abandoned in the 50s by Hubbard but used in other contexts by others). I repaired one of Mathison’s Chiropractic Beep Meters and it does work, but probably doesn’t do what they think it does.
Here’s the wiki link. There seems to be inconsistencies in the article but it’s still a short and interesting read. I didn’t know he was also a writer and wrote some science fiction, right up Hubbard’s alley. Peas in a pod. haha
Having been on the RPF I can confirm the futility of it. It is only for those who send you, since afterwards they will have a member totally molded and under control.
Another one of those random hubbard farts that are then disguised as another ‘big tech’.
Later, after I got out, I realized that simply following your breath can do a lot more than just scn all together.
Simply having and talking to a friend is more valuable than all of scientology’s techniques put together, since all Hubbard’s techniques do is hypnotize the practitioners.