The statements in the email below really tell you everything you need to know about the delusion inside the bubble.
And what cognitive dissonance people will accept without apparently feeling the pain.
Remember, this “Cause Resurgence Rundown” literally consists of running in circles. Ideally it would NOT be done in a body according to L. Ron Hubbard — the physical exercise forms no part of this “rundown.” Thus, it is why I have mad ea firm decision that if I ever decide to do it again I will opt for either driving a golf cart around in circles or take a seat on a carousel.
But put that aside, somehow it is acceptable for people who have “done the entire Bridge” to pimp the Running Pgm as the greatest thing since sliced bread. How is this possible? There is no auditor? No Emeter. No “commands.” No “comm cycle.” No “auditor plus pc is greater than the pc’s bank.”
How can all of these things are promoted as being what separates scientology from all other practices, and the very things that guarantee it works 100% of the time every time NOT be present? Yet this running in circles trumps all that stuff? And even makes that other, lesser auditing “work better”?
And isn’t it strange that the FIRST testimonial is about making money? (Hardly)
And that trumps the one from the OT VIII at the end…
Experience amazing technology never before seen on this planet and in this age. A rundown so powerful, it can pull a thetan out of anything. You won’t just get rid of facsimiles and ridges. You’ll restore your innate power to generate your own energy and flows. It’s based on research in an area of the track that predates this current planet by countless millennia. It’s an OT whole track objective process like no other. A thetan exterior process you can do in a body.
What is life like after doing Cause Resurgence at Flag?
“I have an affluence trend going on my sales after finishing CRRD – totally awesome. I looked at my sales graph the other day, saw the affluence trend, looked at the date when it started; it was after I completed my CRRD.” – W.H.
“Life after Cause Resurgence is a completely new state, a completely new life. It’s calmer, more orderly, more purposeful, braver, freer and just all around greater! The wins do not stop; they continue and take many interesting forms.” – G.B.
“Cause Resurgence has sped up my auditing sooooooo much – it’s crazy! I can really feel a difference while auditing and am having so much more control and being so much more cause over my case. Life has been great, just flying up the Bridge. I love it. I am confronting things I was not able to confront before. I am creating communication where I otherwise in the past would not have. It’s just fantastic!” – N.I.
“Because I’m in PT, I am very calm and that is a big change. I’m not getting rattled by life. I am also a much better student and I’m having a lot of wins on study. Overall life is just easier.” – D.M.
“The width of each of my attention units has 10Xed since Cause Resurgence, that means there is so much more intention, confront and certainty to direct toward daily projects and tasks.” – K.M.
“The best thing for me is the way in which my life has turned from being an octopus-like tangle of different directions across my dynamics to a series of bold, glowing straight lines which I can see and tread along. It is not to say that there aren’t barriers and challenges; there most definitely are. But since Cause Resurgence I can pick myself up, dust myself down and keep going with a renewed vigor that I haven’t had for a very long time.” – G.B.
“Things are fantastic! We actually have an investor who is willing to put half a million dollars into our next feature production. Something I’ve been trying to do for many, many years and which is very exhilarating.” – D.R.
“I am writing to you to tell you that I am enjoying remarkable continuing wins from Cause Resurgence. I am very pleasurably in present time, and I have remarkably increased ARC with people in general. A range of personal power is immediately available any time I need or want it. There is a snap and pop to my existence that was not there before. Plus I am pretty damned happy, PERIOD. I have definite plans on updating myself to Grad V Golden Age of Tech Phase II (I am an old Class VIII). I would guess that getting CRRD completions through and out is having big effects, far and wide.” – R.F.
“I have done the entire Bridge on both sides and I can say that to this day, Cause Resurgence is one of my favorite rundowns! There is absolutely nothing else that we do on the Bridge that compares to it. It is something different that at first you really can’t believe you are doing it. It gave me power. I discovered a very deep hidden aberration that was really killing me each day. I did not even realize that this trap was around my neck. LRH pulled me out of this and it is something I would have never discovered anywhere else. Now, I operate as a gigantic thetan with this true power that is mine. There is not a day that goes by when I stop and realized the power the Cause Resurgence gave me. Trust me, it is a Rundown that I will do every year – there simply is not anything more spiritual than being in that space.” – K.F.
Personally I think that everybody should do this rundown. Connect up with me and I will tell you why! The prerequisites are a completed Purif, SRD and not in the middle of any major action.
Call me or write anytime for anything!
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
1308 L Ron Hubbard Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027
323 872 3585
I think that the infinity sign configuration would be the better choice as it would balance out the stresses from the sacrum on down. I do a version of that rundown in the privacy of my own shop everyday but I leave three dimensional objects lying around just for randomity, it keeps me alert and agile.
When I was the Lyon org’s CO in the 80ies, and received the first HCOB about running around a pole, I thought immediately that LRH had become crazier than ever. I had had already some clue…
So, it was one of thge few HCOBs I never showed in the org neither translated. Another of the same size of craziness was the HCOB about Sex and Pain. There as well, I thought he had real sexual problems and was much more crazy than the psychs he was running after!
Roger – thaaaaaaaaaaank you for what you said about the Pain and Sex reference. Oh man. SOOO many people are confused by that. I have seen Scientologists – men especially – seem to go into this androgynous beingness on sex, after reading it.
The thinking pattern seems to be, “I love sex. But pain equals sex. So sex must be bad for people. Sex must be bad for me. I must have been bad when I had so much fun with sex. OH! Those must have been overts I committed on those women and I shouldn’t commit overts – so I shouldn’t have (or at least enjoy)sex.”
Crazy, crazy doodle.
And then the woman and the man game became homogenized into one. “Thetans are thetans. Men are thetans and women are thetans. There are no differences. Sex was just a means to entrap so I shouldn’t further the lie that sex is good because it is bad. A woman should be a man because men are neutral thetans.”
I’d look at these people, so confused, and try to kind of word clear them on the reference but, the reference itself was confusing so it was very difficult to clear. Total cat chasing its tail. The closest I got to making it make sense is that sex may have been used to trap and pain was a way to enslave people, but pain does not EQUAL sex.
Having said that, I always sort of squinted when I read it, trying to see the logic. With these eyes now, it doesn’t appear that there was any.
But it sure was used to trap and enslave a lot of SO members (and screw up the public – pardon the pun) and to get thousands of dollars out of masterbators, so it benefited someone.
My God, this is insane.
I remember after auditing assigning cause of subsequent happy happenings to the auditing or whatever process just run. I also remember the cognitive dissonance when a whole of bad news arrived or unhappy happenings occurred. I would merely push these things under the carpet hardly paying this contradiction any notice.
However, slowly I did start to pay attention to this in my own life and especially to OTs who were failing in life, generally having a hard time.
Does anyone know how much Barbara Dews makes in commissions?
Before this became a “rundown” LRH was looking the punish David Mayo in the early 80’s. I was the Security Chief at the Int base and LRH sent down a despatch that basically said to have David spend the entirety (minus sleep time) of each day running circles around a tree. LRH said to have him continue until he wore the ground so deep that only his head could be seen. Of course David went lame in no time and still he was pushed to go around that tree. This was in the desert of California. When I saw David he didn’t seem to be having any “wins”. This is now reduced to 5 hours a day and the person runs around a pole on an air conditioned track and pays thousands of dollars for the privilege. The only way to complete the “rundown” is to express the most outragious Scientology bullshit “win”. You know, like, “I went to a crowded mall and found a parking spot in the first row due to my new powers!!!!!”
I also saw the LRH despatch asking that David be spit on and told it was from him. Who knows, could be the next BIG rundown at Flag.
Did the little prick forge that document?
I read somewhere the Miscavige actually took the despatch literally and spat on David Mayo. Compliance, sir! Miscarriage is just a snot-nosed punk.
Right, Jethro. Ron also said that R2-45 was a quick exteriorization process, but everyone knew it was a joke.
Having said that, I have read that Ron could key into some real spitefulness so he may have meant it when he wrote it but chilled out later.
I know a woman who was overboarded 5 times by LRH. And they were friends! 😀 Some time later, the conversation turned to those overboardings. He said, “I did that to you?” She said yes, to which he said, “That wasn’t very gentlemanly of me, was it?” “No, it wasn’t,” she replied.
That tells me two things. Apparently, he wasn’t to clear on who he overboarded, when, so what influence was he under? Some have said that Ron used certain drugs. Maybe he “musta got high” and did some ridicuouls stuff. Or, he just lost his mind for pockets at a time. Maybe both?
One thing I read about some of his last days was that he asked, “Do you think they’ll remember me?” So sad. Y’all can try to demonize the man but that’s what he was; a man. Full of faults and some pockets of severely flawed stupidity (as some men are known to have – and some women too).
Human being. Bigger than life so everything was amplified – the good and the bad.
Wow. Do you know what David Mayo did to piss LRH off like that? Did he say (the truth) that he had a hand in developing NOTS? What was the big deal?
No wonder David Mayo left.
I know I shouldn’t leak this as it’s highly confidential, but here goes: Once you complete the CRRD you get to watch a video of COB congratulating you on your stellar achievement. Here’s a snippet: “Well done for getting through the program. You are now among the top 10% of the top 1% of special beings who have cognited on the only road out. Now, more than ever I am counting on you to increase your status in the IAS and help me make OT IX and X a reality. After you see the reg, feel free to let me know that you’ve complied so I can send you a special key chain and t-shirt that says ‘I’m With The Program’. See you at the next Maiden Voyage.
Scary! Just plain scary…
Blinders Off, is this a joke? Or did this really happen? It’s disgusting.
I wanna see LRH on that program!!! Well, I’ll settle for Kirstie with thunder thighs a-flapping running around that pole. I’d pay for that.
I’d rather go blind.
And you would!
And it would be worth it if it was Kirstie…
It’s hard to believe that the CRRD is comprised of running in circles and that these are the “wins” from it. I just can’t believe it. It’s too far fetched. I mean, if I read that stuff and then paid the 30k or whatever it costs and found myself running in circles I’d probably kick my own ass. Is this serious? It’s not even April 1st.
Grasshopper, you must see the wisdom in what our master, Davio Mixup, says as it is for our own good. The price is cheap for the knowledge you get. With every step on Cause Resurgence Rundown, you will gain insight. Know that the money will go to DM and that he will put it to good use. Single malt Scotch, as we all know, does not come cheap. And only when he’s hammered, does he do his best thinking for us and the group. Everything he does, and make no mistake, he does for mankind. He’s our best friend as well as our worst enemy. You can’t have one without the other, Grasshopper, it’s the ying and yang of life itself. So, young Grasshopper, go in peace knowing that Davio Mixup is standing guard over us.
When I did the CCRD, it was not running around a pole. It was things like Date / Locate when and where you went Clear and making sure they had the Clear Cog and if not, fishing for more that might have not been said at the time. This was followed up with the Sunshine R/D which was a locational done by yourself on yourself in your newfound Clear state.
You mixed up the Cause Resurgence Rundown (CRRD) with the Clear Certainty Rundown (CCRD). Easy mistake to make given Scientology’s acronym applesauce.
Give the Church credit for marketing chutzpah. Who needs OT IX and X? With a little creative rebranding they could be delivering a whole new line of amazing services.
The Rack: Ligament Expansion Rundown
Water Boarding: Hydration Enhancement Rundown
Thumbscrew: Dynamic Dexterity Rundown
For Scios who will buy anything called “Hubbard Technology.”
Oh! I absolutely LOVED the Water Boarding! It felt like a waterfall coming down on my face. I couldn’t breathe, but, that’s all part of the excitement!
New Dissemination Drill
Once you’ve found someone with money, say the following golden age patter:
1. You’re inadequate (Tone 40)
2. Scientology can handle that (love bomb)
3. Cash or charge? (positive postulate)
“Because I’m in PT, I am very calm and that is a big change. I’m not getting rattled by life. I am also a much better student and I’m having a lot of wins on study. Overall life is just easier.” – D.M.
Hey, I signed up for Cause Resurgence because I thought it dealt with the whole track.
Didn’t think they were talking about a whole running track!
Fuck you Barbara Dews!
(There, I feel better!)
Hell, I don’t even know her and I feel better! Thanks, vince!
and the cogs in the wheel go round and round
round and round
round and round
the cogs in wheel go round and round . Round and round.
just finished running in circles for an hour outside. I threw up, I am dizzy, and I can’t breathe. I want my money back Dave. I will be at the Celebrity Center at five have my million dollar check so I could run in circles.
On another note hopefully after what I read on the Underground Bunker, authorities are investigating all aspects of the Co$. No one else should die
Right! How many? How many more is our Federal Government going to allow this evil entity kill and harm there citizens?!?Did you notice it REALLY looks like they gave her the noose to hang herself??! Right after she declined to join the church?! After declining and stating she wanted to open her own rehab center after THEY trained her they handed her,her deadly vice on account its natural it is fine(is this scientologists fair gaming a future squirrel?) she can be tricked and lied to after making it clear she was not ever going to be A SiLON! Wow,secular,narcanon,no. It really looks to me as another touch assist suicide,eliminating a future squirrel/enemy with knowledge of the man behind the curtain in narcanon
Re: How many more is our Federal Government going to allow this evil entity to kill and harm there citizens? Good News! It’s not quite a billion years!
A shocking, sick story. I hope her father can get his other daughter out of there. They didn’t even call her family, what a mind*uck.
Those wins are babble, babble, and more babble. They’re sounding a bit like a cult. 🙂
But…just a tiny bit, right?
Do these guys know when they sign up for the “cause resurgence rundown” that it is nothing more than running around a pole? Or is it kept super secret like the OT III story?
Do people who have done the running around in circles rundown have to sign a waiver that they won’t disclose the details of the so-called rundown?
Do people who are on the rundown leave items unlocked in the change rooms? Items like credit cards with balances still on them?
Has anyone who completed the rundown ever said to the registrar, “what a friggin rip! I could have done that for free at my gym”?
Inquiring minds need to know.
I am wondering the same thing. Do they know when they sign up for it? are they told to bring running shoes or they provide them?
I know someone close to me but disconnected who is going next month. She can barely walk fast for half a mile! Does she know what she is in for?
I heard from a teenager that was doing it that she had to sign a $20,000 penalty letter if she disclosed what she was doing on the run down.
Ummmmmm…..I know I’m taking a long shot, but, running? Nah! It can’t be that simple. I give up, Pete2, go ahead and tell me.
Dear LDW, let me clear it up for you once and for all: It’s a very special pole.
The most special pole in this or any other universe…
We are very pleased to announce the new Dave Miscavige Scholarship Program. For donating $1,000,000 to the IAS, COB will give back 1% towards your next Bridge action. Take advantage of this generous opportunity while it lasts!
RTC Finance Authority Worldwide
Is it too late to sign up?
An old friend sent me this in an e-mail today:
“A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
I think I’ll just go for a walk now.
Interesting that Heinlein knew LRH all those years and never joined the cult. Speaks volumes.
“The Moscow City Court on Monday (Nov. 23) accepted arguments from the Justice Ministry that the term “Scientology” is trademarked and thus cannot be considered a religious organization covered by the constitution’s freedom-of-religion clause.”
Uh oh! Hey, I think this will send a message to other countries. Seems like a valid point.
Church of Scientology looses this much territory today:
Well, this is a ruling that effects Moscow. Not St Petersburg or the rest of Russia…
What happens in Moscow tends to drive the nation there. The ruling makes complete sense, trademarks restrict the freedom of religion. The contagion of reason is a force.
OF course that’s true. Just like DC drives the nation here. But a city court in DC isn’t going to shut down scientology in the country. The Appeals process may result in that, but this ruling won’t have impact outside Moscow. Will do a post about this shortly.
Better you than me, laughter! Looking forward to reading your take and translation on this!
Just posted it…
Wait on it. The Orthodox Church has been part of the Russian government for centuries, and Putin has been increasing this relationship for the last decade and a half. They don’t like competition. The door’s now open for a full banhammer.
Under Commander Miscavige, restricting religious freedom, caught on video.
This amazing paper defining the word “cult” comes out and, omg, it looks like the spitting image of, (can it possibly be?) the church of scamology (heard of it?)
Please let me list those bullet points here and now, listing the red flags,
– meaning you may be talking to a CULT, when you see these markers:
This is not so much a diagnostic instrument as it is an analytical tool.
-The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
-Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
-Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
-The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
-The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
-The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
-The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).
-The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
-The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt iin order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
-Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
-The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
-The group is preoccupied with making money.
-Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
-Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
-The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave.
Although it may sound otherwise, this guy was not speceifically talking about scientology, rather cults in general and how to identify them. The link was provided by a poster here in today’s blog, but I can’t find him now. I would like to thank that person for leading me to this informative report.
me again. i’m checking out of the lobby for awhile to tend to said personal project and wanted to say love, shout out to all, i’m not gone.
hey Everybody, thanks so much.
-it’s not game over for me just time-out, earned personal leave priviledge, thanks. Special tapout to Joe who got me started here (when i was being kinda a dork) Thanks for keeping the issue on the front burner and know i am, too. – mork –
sorry, imeant mark marco
post mark agent mm
You’re still great, Mark!
thx Dude my man!
say, I’ve asked Mike to send you my eMail address.
My car is rebuilt! I am taking a vacation!
(from North Pacific Coast)
I want to see that big blue building,
(is it real? and, is it creepy in real-life as it looks in the movie?)
and then I think I will be awfully close to your beloved beach…
or mine, Redondo-Huntington-Manhattan.
Let’s show the guys inside how fun real life can be.
“The representatives of the Church of Scientology have created many legal conflicts by themselves by restricting the religious freedom through the use of trade marks,” the Ministry of Justice said.
They got it right in Russia. Miscavige restricts religious freedom. They must have seen the Squirrel Busters video? Thanks O.S.A.!
I would have expected a ruling based on “predatory financial practices”, etc., but this is actually quite a sophisticated understanding of religious freedom and quite right! Another major footnuke of unintended consequences…
Footbullet 101
Have Dave open his mouth.
“The rulers in Moscow are just trying to remain relevant.” Laughter!
Footbullet 101: Have Dave open his mouth and insert foot…
Rufus, it makes total sense. This is a bomb. Hard to believe our own judicial system in America could not see this obvious truth. This reasoning is going to spread to America. It is a truth.
Don’t forget: for the longest time, the cherch was a tiger by the tail in the American courts and a lot of fingers were burnt. Just the sheer amount time wasted on motion after motion over niggling matters important to Scientology is phenomenal.
The IRS and FBI have both been involved in protracted and painful court proceedings.
It’ll take time, but slowly, the government agencies will become more willing to contend with the cherch despite the freedoms of speech and religion protecting it. Especially in light of the fact that the media is becoming more willing to risk facing a huge lawsuit to say things embarrassing to the cherch.
Dave Miscavige SOOOOOOOOOOO upstat today!
Ha ha! Moscow branch of the Cult is now closed! The Ruskies don’t mess around.
Where is the I.A.S. when you really need “them”? Who are them anyway?
There are downsides to being obsessed with improving yourself. One of them is you never really get down to appreciating what it means to live without a sense of inadequacy. Scientology needs you to feel inadequate. It needs that of you for its survival. How ironic that people will run in circles because they think they’re fucked-up.
I’m pretty sure most people were running in circles to get [un-screwed] because that is what they were ordered to do, and not as if there was some choice in the matter.
hahahahaha, Roger, THIS is the line of the day man, phuqing hilarious! “How ironic that people will run in circles because they think they’re fucked-up.”
Damn, that really says it all!
-Sneaky Little Phuq
ha? well, no. Even as a bad joke, i still don’t get it. Sounds way too much like mocking the abused.
What an insufficient word that was. “Oppressed, psychologically manipulated
(a psychotic anti-social action), and criminally disrespected “working” scientologist. Yeah, that guy. The, abused.
Hey man, that’s my turf, sorry, my target audience.
There is going to be some damage control, and…
Being sick of wasting time I need to readdress an unanswered Q i posted WEEKS ago (sorry i’ll quit sceaming, soon) :
Why must we act like the enemies of ourselves? And Im outta here, just gotta go. It’s a rhetorical question anyway.
Got my trail shoes on and the dog is ready to go. Every day is beautiful to get outside. It’s free too 🙂
I’ll follow you to make sure you stay out of harms way. Only $1,500. And I’ll included running clothes for you, Bea.
“Technology so amazing, it works just by thinking you are thinking scientology!”-mm
I think nobody who has gotten this far thinks that scn offers real help in actually navigating through the human mind, murky waters though that may be.
I hope nobody thinks that scn is out for any reason other than getting richer than kings.
We are on the right track now, getting the place shut down, thank god with an honorable mention to ourselves, really.
I hope everybody has, rather, gotten their collective capacity to think restored DESPITE the suppressive arts and techniques employed by this insidious and calculated cretin of a “church” [omg], The Church of Deceit. Go follow your leader to the next plane, cult, and don’t leave slowly… you can be silent but it would be best if you left the planet promptly.
All souls with any capacity to employ critical thought are invited to stay and be happy, naturally. The rest of you pack up and board your DC-9 spaceships, game over, our kids want nothing to do with you.
The bubble dwellers are simply amazing. I see a constant reference to ‘present time’ in their success stories. Really!?
The present time state of their church is dismal, members broke and only valued for their money are leaving in great numbers and their leader lives in grandeur, has his own private cruise ship, dives the Caribbean, jets around world spending other people’s money, his own chef or two, dresses immaculately and has all but eliminated everyone he use to be in co-management with. The church technology has been purposely altered and applied with such suppression, the only result acceptable is complete introversion and obedience. The internal social structure of church members is now governed on ‘statuses’ of who handed over the most amount of money for nothing – ZERO exchange! And their bridge has stalled at the entrance gates to it.
This ‘present time’ mentioned and so often seen in bubble dweller’s success stories leads me to an obvious assumption that the vast majority of success stories are bogus – they are simply not believable to anyone who has any sort of inkling of what the bridge processes and logics are actually meant to do. They are probably written by a select handful of staff members tucked away in secret and being given strict instructions on what to write from above so as to influence their remaining flock trying to convince them that the stuff they sell works. Photo-shopping crowds into their PR is along the same lines of deceit.
I noticed a religious leader in Singapore was convicted recently for channelling millions of dollars of parishioners money into the career of his wife’s pop singing endeavours. Even though convicted (awaiting appeal time to expire before sentencing) their bubble dwellers flocked to his aid with support. HUH? He was ripping them off – such is life! People can be really stupid sometimes and organisational scientologists rate among some of the most deluded people on earth. To have something to believe in even if it surpasses survival and all reference to common sense is hung onto so hard, it stagnates their minds with complete effectiveness, they are common sense dead for the want of better words.
I have two card carrying OT8s in the family – I know a little of what I’m talking about.
Well, if this is the case and you can blow facsimiles and ridges, then they don’t need Dianetics auditing any longer.
And if you can handle all flows, may as well get rid of the Ls Rundowns.
Getting smaller and smaller in perspective and greater and bigger in lies…now that is expansion!
Just for kicks I looked up the definition of rundown in the tech dict….”A series of steps which are auditing actions and processes designed to handle a specific aspect of a case and which have a known end phenomena”.
By definition the Cause Resurgence action should not be called a rundown.
Better to call it the Cause Resurgence Runaround.
And what is best about this runaround is that one has plenty of time to think about what they will say in their success story.
Wait…a tech dick? Oh, my bad. You meant a tech dictionary. Got it! However, I’m sure there are plenty of tech dicks in the cult.
Thought Bubble 1:
Isn’t there some reference about not spinning children in circles?
Then there is some sort of reference about jackhammers doing something bad to you?
Thought Bubble 2:
HOW are super successful (non-scientologist) people able to BE SUCCESSFUL if they didn’t do this stupid rundown? Don’t these people wonder this EVER? Or is it that everyone measures themselves up to Tom Cruise or DM as a gauge?
Thought Bubble 3:
I was thinking about J-Lo today.
If she were to choose to participate in scientology I’d bet she would be rushed to OT8 (after quickly getting their pockets full of dirt on her). She’s so successful! She’s beautiful! She seems kind. She seems tough. But she did it WITHOUT the church of scientology, without any help from L.Ron Hubbard or David Miscaviage. (Spell check keeps wanting me to use Miscarriage…too bad his mom didn’t).
Thought Bubble 4:
The story at The Underground Bunker today is so sad. Not to spread sadness, but it is ANOTHER human being lost believing their technology is superior. I’m not shocked (but I am pissed) that they did not even tell the young girl’s parents she’d died directly. Stupid scientology. Stupid narCONon. Stupid idiots that support any essence of it.
Final Thought Bubble:
This “religion” needs to have every regulation applied to it as a BUSINESS would.
Is there anything further we can do to help SHUT THEM DOWN?
I have written my legislators, the White House and the IRS with my own personal experiences (with plenty of evidence in writing and recorded to back it up)?
J. Lo also has the ability to care about Leah Remini, when Scientologists can not. Every time you are forced to disconnect from someone, you are given a disability.
True about JLo. No need to worry about her joining the CoS. It will never happen. She’s been around it for years through her father who is a Scientologist, and she never turned to it. Her best friend is Leah, even when Leah herself was in the CoS. It appears that JLo is steadfast where Scientology is concerned. We won’t be seeing her making an IAS donation anytime soon.
Hey Bea! How come JLo doesn’t have to disconnect from her father? I mean, she’s hanging with a KNOWN SP? I just don’t get it…
RF says, “(I am an old Class VIII.)”
Yes, with GAT2 he is old, background, not used anymore.
There is no auditor? No Emeter. No “commands.” No “comm cycle.” No “auditor plus pc is greater than the pc’s bank.”
And there you have it….David Miscavige’s Scientology.
I was an old CL VIII and but now I want to be a GAG Grad V. Now that is a perfect example of the “blind leading the blind”.
My image of the rundown is David Miscavige running around a prison yard being pursued by several horny convicts who are just dying to initiate him into his new life.
I see said the blind man who picked up a hammer and saw….
” It’s based on research in an area of the track that predates this current planet by countless millennia. It’s an OT whole track objective process like no other. A thetan exterior process you can do in a body.”
OMFX!!! Wow!!! So, Hubbard told these poor saps that his research was done in past lives!!!!! That explains so much! Because, he was always bragging about all the research he did for his scientific discoveries. Fair enough….where is the evidence of the past life research? Surely he would have written it down for the benefit of all mankind. Hieroglyphics? Cuneiform? Pictograms? A cunning rock formation? A pyramid or Druid circle? Anything?!?
Wow. Just wow!!!
I can relate to these stories. I ran five miles around a running track this morning at the YMCA. On the drive home from the gym I only hit two red lights which is very unusual, I normally hit at least three.
Whoa! Hey Doug, are you going to start your own religion now? I mean, that’s one hellava success story.
I just might do that, thanks Old Surfer Dude for the suggestion!
You could call it, “The Church of the Holy Sprinkle.”
And anyone caught not running in circles in accordance with standard tech will be sent to the RPF’s RPF immediately.
Wait…you mean there’s no RPFs, RPFs, RPF? I thought for sure they did everything in triplicate…
Still working on the policy for the RPFs RPFs RPF. This is still a fairly new religion after all.
“Thoughts have mass” always made me chuckle, but to learn that “attention” not only have units, but also have width made me bust a gut.
My attention units are so wide, It’s hard for me to carry them around.
Truth in advertising….
“Cause Resurgence….IT’S CRAZY………”– N.I.
In looking at the first testimonial quote: “…I looked at my sales graph the other day, saw the affluence trend, looked at the date when it started; it was after I completed my CRRD.”
My guess he that this person now had more time to devote to his/her work rather than run in circles. Thus, the increased income. Talk about obnosis.
One thing scientology does is strip you from the human condition – the natural ups and downs of the human condition. If you believe in PTS gobble-de-gook, up is because of scientology and down is because of the lack of it. Once you wrap your mind around that, you are OWNED by this church. Now it’s all about what you just did or are doing or not doing in the church of scientology. And david miscavige’s clothes are beautiful!
Oh thank God! So you saw his clothes too, Mary? I thought I was the only one. Guess I’m not losing my mind after all…
“Things are fantastic! We actually have an investor who is willing to put half a million dollars into our next feature production. Something I’ve been trying to do for many, many years and which is very exhilarating.” – D.R.
This guy is sooooooo screwed! How many regges camp on his doorstep every day after that pronouncement? Not. A. Single. Penny. Of that half million (if it ever arrives) will ever make it to the intended project.
Exercise feels great. Probably better than someone sitting in front of them saying “what’s that? And waiting for a 3 swing f/n. In all honesty, they may really get something out of this. It’s called a runner’s high. Maybe it really is the best thing they experienced, or at least not harmful. Even then, the wins are WTF.
I think you’re right – it’s a runner’s high. Because scientologists have no time for healthy exercise, it must feel extraordinary indeed.
“Things are fantastic! We actually have an investor who is willing to put half a million dollars into our next feature production. Something I’ve been trying to do for many, many years and which is very exhilarating.” – D.R.
This might have something to do with a thing called a ‘work ethic.’
If D.R. has been at it for many, many years, then D.R.’s probably been working hard. It’s always sad to see someone attribute their innate talents and abilities to “Scientology” or “LRH.” Even worse to see them assign rewards for good old fashioned hard work to it too.
Further back along the time track homo saps ran their meat bodies from point A to point B in order to survive, e.g., catching food or escaping from predators.
So, do Homo Novi run in circles in order to stimulate the survival rush of their ancestors and thereby reconnect with their primative past?
Nah….they do it because some fat dead guy tells them to. But first, they pay a little short guy who took over for the dead guy lots of money for the prvielage to do. You just can’t call it running in circles.
I would say the whole cult of Dave is run-down.
The wheels fell off… and is being run around & around by silly people. True Monty Python material.
You know, I Yawn, maybe when it does all fall apart, the networks will create a sitcom on the cult. Laughing at them is always so much fun!
“…it can pull a thetan out of anything.”
Should I say it or just wait for Old Surfer Dude to have the honors?
Thanks, Bystander. Now…would this have anything to do with Davy and Lou?
My first thought was, sadly, more scatalogical.
Alright. DO OVER! Would this have to do with Davy boy pulling his head out of some body orifice?
My thought, Mike, was that in order to complete this “rundown”, one HAS TO write out-the-top “wins and gains”. Or else they WILL be ordered to do it – and pay for it – all again.
Reading any of these ‘win’ statements is much akin to reading the ‘confessions’ of POWs, dictated documents done under duress merely to stop the torture. But with less credibility.
What you said.
Yea. Well. Today I got behind my emotions and felt the happiness that I dictated I should feel because I’m in beautiful mountain country in 35 degree temperature. It must be because I read these success stories and got closer to Source.
Oh, yeah! That’s gotta be it! I’m here at the beach and it’s 78 degrees. When I was grabbing some rays earlier, I actually became SOURCE. So, Mary, please send me a check.
:). It’s in the mail.
Hmmmm. Are you jess pullin’ old OSD’s leg, Mary?
Look under the carpets of these so called win’s
and life improvements. Barbara Dews pushes
the Kool aid and hammers on weak minded public for
win’s that do not match the picture.
“I just completed the CRRD and let me tell you, it makes the wins on OT VIII seem like dogshit. I feel 100 times more powerful than COB and would welcome taking him on any time, any place. I have no one to thank but myself as I did it all and am CAUSE. Beg, borrow or steal the money (I can help you with that) and do this rundown, even if it means quitting your current job. In fact, I tell all my selectees to just not show up for work and cash in any life savings and irrelevant college funds for their kids. When you’re cause, you won’t need this crap as you’ll be superior to the wog world like me but for real this time. See you at the other end of the pole.”
Carl von Causewitz
“CCRD is the continuation of stupidity by other means.” CvC
Blinders, my wife and I just signed over our house to you and I gotta, I’ve NEVER, EVER had such incredible wins! I mean, we’re surrounded by beautiful foliage, sunshine and furry creatures. The word that comes to mind is miraculous!
Now, it does mean we’re homeless, but, hey, it’s just fucking MEST. And the raccoon’s pretty much leave us alone,except when they’re hungry. Today they surrounded us and forced us to leave our home in the bushes. We’re currently walking north with the last of our belongings. We hope to hook up with you soon.
Very well done OSD! And good news – you don’t have to be homeless because you and your wife can stay in my garage – the fumes are really not that bad I’ve been told. And you can work for me as a telemarketer on a straight 5% commission basis for my new company ERI, Emerging Resurgence , Inc. Welcome to the Cause Club polemate!
Wow! Blinders, I…I just don’t know how to thank you! I mean, my parents kept me in the garage with our cars engines running for about 12 years, so, hey, I’m use to it. Although it’s impacted my brain a little bit. And 5%??? Are you sure I’m worth that, Mr. Blinders? That’s an awful lot of commission! And, geeze, you even made me a member of the Cause Club Polemate! This is the best day of my life!
You’re most welcome OSD. An ancillary win from the rundown was acquiring what I like to call cobpassion – it’s like compassion 47x. You’ll know what I’m talking about once you do the rundown and become pole-arized. I like to call it Ped for OTs.
Wow! PED for OTs! AND, I can become pole-arized too! This is almost too good to be true….
Is a cereal box version coming out anytime soon?
The other church has all my stuff and I’m in debt for the rest of my natural eternity.
Sounds good though.
“Life after Witness Protection is (in) a completely new state, a completely new life. It’s calmer, more orderly, more purposeful, braver, freer and just all around greater! The wins do not stop; they continue and take many interesting forms.” – Witness Protection Rundown Actual Success Story
“and not in the middle of any major action.”…………like being in the RPF? Is that what she means?? LoL
Shouldn’t matter. Our motto is: “If you’ve got the cash, we’ve got the pole.”
uhhh…how about changing that to “…we’ve got the shaft.”?
That’ll work too.
If I’ve been given the shaft, do I still get the pole?
Laughter! Every stripper on the planet that has been flying around a stripper pole for years can go straight to the attest!
Now that’s an wobbly image that has a tendency to attract attention. Goes well with a beer I am told.
Normally a 12 pack….
I like “You got the cash, we’ll give you the runaround”
And wait for DM to soon announce that newly discovered LRH research from quadrillenia before the earth was formed has shown running round the pole one way throws your body thetans off balance and makes them dizzy to the point where they tightly hang on and are even harder to expel from the body. So in the next golden age everybody has to get the equal run around in the opposite direction.
……..To be later superceded by the Golden Age of Bipolar Cause Resurgence where it has to be redone again around two poles for twice the price based on newly discovered blah blah……..
Welcome to the brand new on source SRD aka Schizophrenic Rundown. You can get twice or three times or more gains by each of you doing it.