This “success story” is not unusual, but it highlights the utter delusion that is fostered in scientology.
It either attracts or creates people who have truly lost touch with reality.
It is like Trekkies or Star Wars fanatics who live in a world of make-believe, except rather than thinking Captain Kirk is a hero or Darth Vader is a bad guy, scientologists are certain L. Ron Hubbard is the savior of earth, “the psychs” are trying to kill them and that by handing over more money to scientology it will make them “responsible” for the world and give them an elite status as a “humanitarian.”
This guy with his rubber duckies, doing his best “Ron” pose is following in his illustrious leader’s footsteps.
In 1950 Hubbard “decided to Clear the Planet” — he only made it 36 years before expiring in failure. Other Ron has been at it for 48 years according to his account. What could be better evidence of delusion than announcing “I decided 48 years ago to Clear this planet” — achieving absolutely nothing, and still saying it like it’s real? He might as well have said “I decided 48 years ago to become a billionaire and all I have is two rubber duckies — how’s that for making my postulates a reality!”
The certainty with which these people proclaim their imaginary greatness is sad.
Duped and deluded, they continue on a course of abject failure — shouting from the rooftops “look at me, I am winning” as if this makes it so.
To be declared a Suppressive Person is extremely rare and results in expulsion from the Scientology religion. This occurs in instances of serious offenses against the Scientology faith and can also occur when an individual is found to be actively working to suppress the well-being of others. This can be done through criminal acts already recognized by society as unlawful or through the commitment of acts deemed Suppressive Acts in the Scientology Justice Codes—which includes the Suppressive Act of publicly renouncing the faith, an act which in Scientology, as well as almost every religion, is grounds for automatic expulsion. When someone has been expelled from the religion, that person loses both his or her fellowship with the Church as well as with other Scientologists. The condition lasts until they have been restored to good standing. Once the person has been restored to good standing, the prohibition against fellowship with other Scientologists is lifted. Similar practices have been part of religious communities for thousands of years and have been recognized by courts of law as a fundamental right.
Aren’t SP declares actually quite common – speaking of delusion – and often ordered for trivial reasons, such as someone refusing to stop having even minimal social contact with a family member or good friend who has been declared? There are many, many stories confirming that, including here, Tony Ortega’s blog, the two Ex Scientologist Message Boards, and even a whole website dedicated to stopping the abuse:
In addition, it’s been determined from Scientology’s own published lists, that of the 50 key staffers at the famous Saint Hill center in England in its heyday, 38 have been declared, for a rate of 76%:
In another list, an executive directive of 1992, the Church’s “International Justice Chief” lists over 400 groups and over 2,300 individuals considered to be Suppressive:
For a group that’s never been able to demonstrate that it has more than about 20,000 members – a figure fitting with the relatively small size of even its largest international gatherings, and the accounts former insiders with access to organizational information – that’s also a very high rate overall, and if it has increased at the same pace as it did between 1950 and 1992, the list would be over 4,000 nowadays.
Are you by any chance posting here as part of an “amends” project to avoid being declared suppressive yourself?
Bingo. She is probably posting here as part of an “amends” project to avoid being declared herself.
And quite possibly to avoid being declared and expelled for something trivial, as she actually has probably seen is all too common. While Hubbard initially talked about 2.5% of the population being suppressive, he made later references to 17.5% or higher, which seem more in line with current Scientology practices.
From all accounts it’s pretty clear that anyone involved in Scientology today, must have observed for themselves that being declared SP happens fairly often. Though reportedly formal, posted declarations have become rare, while members know to abide by and enforce the new de facto system.
Hours of Trs (basicly staring) can bring about changes in mental state. Eg: A person may slip into a theta trance state, which is a light sleep state where rationale is subdued and the subconscious open to manipulation. Or an alpha trance state which enhances imagination and is a hallucinatory, dreamlike state.
Coupled with numerous other manipulative techniques so many have been trapped.
On the topic before last Brian mentioned “The Teddy Bear Universe”. Mr. Penner likes ducks. No big deal.
What’s going on here with these sorts of “success stories” is that the person has taken large risks and writes about them. The risks were flow triggers, which releases a cascade of brain chemicals that makes a person feel on top of the world. Now there is nothing wrong with releasing these endorphins, in fact, I think auditing can do that for some. The big problem is that it costs way too much. You can experience the same “highs” at a much cheaper cost without all the baggage that comes with Scientology.
Other people who experience this sort of “flow” don’t generally express delusion, but that’s instilled into these people by Hubbard’s “super powers” claim with the OT levels. Unfortunately, reality will catch up with this guy too.
This guy has had the brains literally washed out of him.
He allowed it.
No one could have done this to him, year in and year out, without his permission.
48 years in.
But there’s still hope for him.
He could have a realization.
Unlikely, but its possible.
But, feel sorry for him?
No. I’m done with wasting emotion on these people.
Save your pity.for when it can do some good.
Instead, get the truth out to them, somehow.
Get it out there somehow and let them reach for it.
If they reach, good.
If they don’t, well, this is a free country and people are free to delude themselves and waste their lives.
Maybe he’s just stupid.
Maybe if Scientology were not lying to him and defrauding him then some other group or person would be. Look, I don’t know.
There has to be SOME personal responsibility involved.
WE took responsibility, didn’t we?
Why not them?
Are we – any of us – that brilliant, that unusual?
Respectfully, and with no intended invalidation of any us including myself, I don’t think so.
We were just WILLING to take responsibility for what we KNEW.
That doesn’t make us geniuses!
Most children have this ability, quite naturally, from birth!
In any event, one can only get the truth out, and actively support getting the truth out, and then, the rest is up to the recipients.
A number of them will be reached with the truth(gradiently, perhaps, but still, reached on some level) and will take responsibility for what they know.
The rest will turn a blind eye and a deaf ear and get sucked further into the quicksand.
How they handle the truth will amount to their personal choice and personal responsibility level.
It was like that for us, and they’re no different!
I know a number of Still Ins who WORK at NEVER seeing or hearing ANYTHING that would “enturbulate” them. They don’t HAVE TO “handle” the truth because they deal with NOTHING which would upset their mental apple cart. I encounter them from time to time and I make sure to “good roads good weather them” but I see how wary they are around me, how careful. I surmise that via my org’s Whispering Campaign they have been told that I am disaffected and to be careful when they encounter me. Some of these people are auditing on OTVII and I know that are DEATHLY afraid of me saying something that they’ll have to report on their next 6 month Sec Check which will cost them no small sum! I watch them…I have to laugh, inwardly. Sometimes I have the evil impulse to put on long false nails and imitate a vampire, make an evil face and say something to them in a vampire voice like, “Vatch aaahoot…ze time iss coming…I am going to ssssuck your BLOD…” and turn around and walk away. Someday I might do it
Hey, now Trekkie here, and I have to say I’ve NEVER known a Trekkie who was not aware that it was fiction. They may spend their time and spending money doing odd things, but I’ve never known one to disconnect from family (who’s basement will they live in?) or go deep into debt to pay for “Starfleet” Classes.
Reading this guy’s story, seeing his photo and seeing today’s various comments, I just feel compassion for this guy. What a waste of a life! 48 years! Years when he really could have done something to make the world a better place. How sad.
I was thinking the same Bix…here’s this guy and he needs help…but I feel like he will never wake up. He will go in debt to get Cali ‘Ideal’ knowing Int mngt/landlord will take over that building then charge them rent on it…after they’ve sweated blood to get it built. I wonder how many times he’s had to re-do his Clear and OT levels…I bet it’s more than once.
I think your service facsimile need to be questioned.
Big Beings? Really? Do we really need more clowns doing the following?
Jumping onto and of off tables while screaming to punch and choke staff doesn’t sound very big to me. Meet the real Davey boy.
Nor does spending $millions to avoid appearing in court where the ‘truth might actually be revealed’. What ah yah got to hide Davey Boy?
Of course jumping from roof tops and injuring one’s ankle doesn’t quite to seem to fit the bill either. Cruise mission flopped
How about knock of all the shouting and instead locating the valence that is you and walk away from delusional ones installed by the years of indoctrination and inappropriately validated imagined incidents and BT’s.
Has someone suggested that you must follow someone else’s thought pattern and that you must not think for yourself?
Oh wait,
that is OTVIII.
Take a breath in eternity and free yourself from the indoc.
That is ethics.
wishing you true freedom,
the choice is always yours.
“tciay” – Just for the record, Tom Cruise’s last Mission Impossible movie that came out in 2018 was a great success. It’s funny how little beings always want to take down a bigger being.
“Mission: Impossible – Fallout has earned over $700 million at the worldwide box office, including $212m in North America alone. That makes the Paramount/Viacom Inc. release their biggest movie since Transformers: Age of Extinction ($245m domestic/$1.1 billion worldwide) in June of 2014.”
So? The VAST majority of idiots on Hubtard’s Oat Tea levels are near or actually bankrupt. What IS your point other than you cannot use logic in your rantings?
WOAD, for the record, Big beings such as Cruz and Miscavige cannot keep a real successful marriage going. With all his money and fame Cruz cannot create a (2nd Dynamic). I seem to remember Hubbard saying that all the dynamics are connected and that one “out dynamic” will affect all the dynamics. Cruz’s box office “stats” mean nothing as far as what kind of person he is. What about his reputation. Not so good with public anymore. And seems he is not talking about Scientology these days. Why would that be?
Being in a steel chair 10 hours a day doing TRs sounds like brainwashing, or at least thought reform – something the North Koreans would subject people to.
And not only is “Clear this planet” not working out, but Scientology has virtually died out in his old “zone of responsibility,” as noted earlier.
A cautionary tale.
That poor guy.
My cringing and wincing went to 10X expansion upon reading this sap’s lifetime commitment to LRH’s con.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
My, oh, my, what a horrible day
Plenty of trouble headin’ my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave!
Mister BT’s on my shoulder
Hubbard’s tech, ain’t “actch’ll”
Nothing here is “satisfactch’ll”
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-dave
Godawful feeling, horrible day!
Yes, sir
Love it Scribe.
Another winner, Scribe.
Is there any hope that this man might regain control of himself and understand what’s been done to him? Will he ever pull out his mobile phone, google scientology and find out what it really is? It’s 2019, and every scientologist has been walking around with easy access to the truth in their pockets for over 10 years now. The ones that are still gung ho about it? Very sad.
Sadly, I think there’s little hope for many of the dead-enders. Those who remain have almost inherently had their critical faculties severely compromised; and they are so psychologically invested that I suspect that many of them, given a conscious choice between facing the truth or paying to have the illusion kept up for what remains of their lives, would chose the latter – and perhaps that’s literally what we see at work with some of the fundraising.
The unfortunate fellow in this case is around 70, and has effectively been in Scientology for his entire adult life. In some ways that’s worse than being born in. Which is a reminder, maybe he’s really an UTR who has kids and grandchildren in, and no choice but to continue to pay up or lose his family.
Superb comment, AnonyMaker.
He most likely has a net nanny and wears Depends.
Yes, there’s hope. It could happen. Not likely at his age but it could happen.
This comment was in response to Scienethics’ (possibly rhetorical) question.
“I took on all of Illinois, from Chicago to St Louis.”
Umm… can somebody get this guy a map of Illinois?
Maybe he missed the exit sign for East St Louis, IL and got stuck on the bridge
I know Ron Penner. Extremely sad to see him that delusional.
I’m sorry BKMole – I definitely couldn’t laugh or find it funny at all simply because it’s so very sad to me that he’s wasted his entire adult life. On top of it, his comments about how challenging it was to become a “humanitarian,” etc. means the likelihood that co$ took advantage and emptied his accounts, charged cards old and new up the wazoo are highly likely. It’s just plain sad to see this poor man like this!
And ewwww…that bust of LRH is creepy and disgusting.
It really is…
It really looks evil. I think the sculpor who created it intended it as hagiography – like those statues of the Kims in Pyong Yang. However, quite unconsciously, he created a work that reveals Hubbard in all his diabolical malevolence. As the German soldier used to say on Laugh in: “Very interesting.”
“The Creature From The Black Lagoon” – Mr. Penner rescued Rubber Ducky from it.
The picture first appeared in the Duckyville Times where Mr. Penner was honored for his heroism. Duckyville is located just east of East St. Louis and the Black Lagoon is just east of that. Numerous sightings of the creature which bears a remarkable resemblance to L. Ron Hubbard have been reported but as yet there has been no scientific verification.
The picture makes no sense unless you know the backstory. Someone might think the bust is of Mr. Hubbard when in fact it’s an artists interpretation of the Creature from eye witness accounts. People travel from far and wide hoping to get a glimpse of the Creature and scientific investigation is underway.
The St. Louis org should include that tourist attraction as part of its promotion.
Ron Penner says he spent his first few weeks at The Urbana mission doing TRs 10 hours a day and getting auditing and training. He took responsibility for that entire area of 100,000 people, then the State of Illinois, then the entire eastern US. He’s a proud and confident guy. He’s done a terrific job and had amazingly long-lasting results.
The metro area of Champagne-Urbana has grown to a population of 230,000. But the Urbana Mission (in a strip mall between a nail & eyebrow salon and several pizza restaurants) only needs to be open from 7-9 pm Monday to Wednesday evenings. The Urbana Mission is still just a mission and not an org, and now just six hours a week are sufficient to “clear” a population that has doubled in size since 1971. He could no longer even do the 10-hour training stints he did there so long ago.
Thank you, Ron, for taking responsibility for California too! May your influence have the very same effect in the west as it had in the east. You may be responsible for single-handedly driving Scientology out of business.
I looked up the mission’s address in the 1979 WIS list, and back then it was in Champaign right by the university, in a nice old brick apartment or office building, across the street from a couple of mansion-like fraternity and sorority houses. In fact they snared a student who ultimately became involved in the infamous federal office break-ins of the “Snow White” scandal.
The longstanding Peoria mission sort of between it and Chicago died out a couple of years ago, and several other missions in the state have come and gone, as well as ones in nearby areas of Indiana. That leaves it as the only remaining outpost between Chicago and St. Louis – two large cities that have only single orgs, both struggling and saddled with old buildings bought over a decade ago that they haven’t been able to renovate to move in to. Oh, and Chicago had one of the Celebrity Centers that mysteriously vanished without a trace, which is technically a sort of stealth org closing.
He left his “zone of responsibility” for Scientology to whither and die there. But while Scientology’s demise is perhaps most obvious in the Midwest, California has always been more of their bastion, with bigger missions and orgs to start with, and is probably not far behind in the downward trajectory as demonstrated by all the missions closing in that state, as well.
In fact, if history holds, the Ventura mission will either be cannibalized or go defunct with the opening of the big new building there, so he’s actually helping put a nail in the coffin of yet another one.
Dear Mr. Penner:
Understood that you are responsible clearing the state of Illinois, St. Louis, Missouri, the city of Pasadena and most recently all of California.
That’s amazing!
What an incredible, Big Being you are!
Now, I might mention that there are people in mental institutions who believe that they are Napoleon, Jesus Christ, Cleopatra or General McArthur.
Their caregivers are trained not to argue with them.
I think it not amiss to take my cue from them.
So you go, guy!
Carry on!
You’re doing a swell job!
Much love,
Much love,
I’m sorry to seem naive but I have to ask : Which one is the rubber ducky?
I have known people just like this guy. They were staff and usually closer to being on estates all the time due to their low IQ way of dealing with their job. He says “his zone,” was a the whole state of Illinois the his zone began to include DC. then California? Well…flunk!! Your zone has not surpassed any milestones than existed in the 70’s. The orgs are empty, the abuses are known worldwide now, so flunk! But no one could ever convince this guy of anything but what he says a being the truth. If he says it…it’s true! LOL
Rosemarie, one cannot argue with the insane.
This really is so sad. This poor guy has spent 48 years in the cult and is only an OT7. What would happen to him if he did scrape up enough money to get to OT8 only to find out that it’s all been for nothing?
This is more than sad. 48 years, still on OT 7, has only a rubber duck. For sure he has no retirement, has not paid into Social Security, cannot afford his Medicare Part B premium…
The delusion Scientology creates IS the intended product. It is what Hubbard wanted.
I have a short post on OT VIII Delusion Fulfilled.
I think a lot of OT VIIIs are similar to George “batshit crazy” Baillie and not just the British ones. I have known several myself and the unreal and almost manic nature of the behavior they exhibit is legendary in the US and around the world. I have some stories and heard quite a few good ones that show this has been going on with some folks from Scientology going way back to the fifties for a few of them . Obviously the people in the fifties were not OT VIIIs but some had been convinced of states like Cleared Theta Clear Even beyond the Operating Thetan levels comes the “Cleared Theta Clear”, a godlike state which Hubbard describes this way:
“A thetan who is completely rehabilitated and can do everything a thetan should do, such as move MEST and control others from a distance, or create his own universe; a person who is able to create his own universe or, living in the MEST universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle MEST universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies or even the MEST universe to keep himself and his friends interested in existence”. From Scientology 8-8008, pg 114 (1st ed), pg. 151 (1990 ed.)Scientology 8-8008 is a Scientology book by Ron Hubbard published on December 1, 1952
I have met an OLD time Scientoloigst who TOLD me he was a Cleared Theta Clear and he was CERTAIN he had the abilities promised – despite aging like a human and having money troubles and family troubles and no demonstrable increase in sanity or competence and… you get the idea.
I remember one in particular who I am sure said he was a Cleared Theta Clear and I guess Hubbard or some other high level auditor convinced this guy that he fully attained this exalted state . I did not understand it and he insisted I take him VERY seriously .
I did not know at the time in the 1988- 1992ish period some of the old Scientologists who felt they were “full OT” or something like that felt that unless you were Hubbard or someone else they respected you had no authority over them and anything you released was beneath their level as attained under Hubbard . Lots of pretentious posturing once you realize none of the states Scientology promises are real !
Only years later would I understand this .Really only from 2014 on as I left the cult .
The OT VIIIs I met often has the same delusional mindset complete with the idea that they had restored their godhood and everything they experience is their intention and it cannot be any other way – despite any evidence that does not support this claim . This is confirmation bias taken to the highest level .
It is designed to destroy their ability to tell truth from fiction regarding their own memory and intentions fully – it is called truth revealed but is delusion fulfilled . It is meant to obliterate any remaining objective reason and critical and independent thinking until death as it is the last OT level and its purpose is to conceal the con and never wear off . If you study hypnosis and thought reform and psychology and the exact route of the bridge and the commands executed on the OT levels from III up this is where you are headed. You are meant to be permanently confused and “solve” this confusion with submission to Hubbard and now DM and to assert Hubbard’s claims until you die .
Note the definition: “ a person who is able to…OR living in the MEST universe is able to create ILLUSIONS PERCEIVABLE by others at will “
You can compare that to the state that other people are put in by Scientology as pieces and broken pieces.
“There are conditions worse than being unable to see, and that is imagining one sees.”
Lecture, Scientology and Effective Knowledge (15 July 1957).Ron Hubbard
Hubbard made statements in his affirmations (private self-hypnosis commands intended for himself and no one else) that I call the Rosetta Stone of Scientology because they help ex Scientologists decipher the information in Scientology.
I have them posted at Mockingbird’s Nest as
A Psychiatric View With Comments On The Admissions By Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1947)
I will put a few excerpts here to highlight Hubbard’s intention regarding hypnosis and in general. To understand Scientology I absolutely recommend reading the post in full. These excerpts are just for this post on his intentions.
LRH is obviously L Ron Hubbard
LRH:Your psychology is good. You worked to darken your own children. This failure, with them, was only apparent. The evident lack of effectiveness was “ordered.” The same psychology works perfectly on everyone else. You use it with great confidence.
LRH: Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves. Elemental spirits are your slaves. You are power among powers, light in the darkness, beauty in all.
LRH : Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler.
LRH: No matter what lies you may tell others they have no physical effect on you of any kind.
LRH: Lord help women when you begin to fondle them. You are master of their bodies, master of their souls as you may consciously wish. You have no karma to pay for these acts.
LRH: You can tell all the romantic tales you wish. You will remember them, you do remember them. But you know which ones were lies. You are so logical you will tell nothing which cannot be believed.
LRH: You use the minds of men. They do not use your mind or affect it in any way.
So, Hubbard in his private affirmations clearly described his “psychology” as such that it “hypnotizes” people and that men are his slaves and regarding women that he was master of their bodies and souls. He described himself as being able to lie and be both believed and he was immune to physical effects from his lies. He described himself as the ruler of people who uses the minds of men but they do not use or affect his mind.
Imagine having these goals and using self-hypnosis commands repeatedly for years to bring these things into your mind.
Thank you, Mockingbird. The Affirmations are a must-read for any folks just leaving the cult. Read them, and you can bypass that tragic waste of time known as “Indie Scientology “. A turd is a turd, whether it’s wet or dry, stationary or in motion, fresh or old, rolling or flying.
Scientology is the ne plus ultra of rank, toxic, evil cults. The so-called philosophy, or
euphemistically named” tech “, is not reformable, or partially valuable, or somewhat truthful. It is the shitty, soul-raping creation of a sociopathic malignant narcissist, period.
What you say about old-time Scientologists not respecting people other than Hubbard applies to my father. He did Original OT VIII in the ‘70s.
After Miscavige gave that amazing speech announcing the death of Hubbard, Dad thoughtfully announced to my mother and I that he liked him, meaning he trusted him. I can see now the cognitive dissonance on his face as he said it. There wasn’t another choice, was there? Had he lived longer, Miscavige may have turned him against what Scientology had become.
We know Hubbard was a sexist misogynist, but there’s another vile example.
“He described himself as being able to lie and be both believed and he was immune to physical effects from his lies. He described himself as the ruler of people who uses the minds of men but they do not use or affect his mind”
Great description of Hubbard which I noticed in some of his taped lectures. The tone of his voice would change just before he told a lie. For example, when he said that he attended Kant’s lectures in Germany in the 18th Century, he sort of said it with the intention that it was true for him and that it was reality.
Also, on the Time Track of Theta Tapes, I think Hubbard was on drugs because he make statements about life on Venus but again changes the tone of his voice before he lies.
I think Hubbard knew that a certain percentage would always believe everything he said.
LRH: Lord help women when you begin to fondle them. You are master of their bodies, master of their souls as you may consciously wish. You have no karma to pay for these acts.
Oh that makes me want to vomit! Just the image of the rotting teeth, cigarette mouth, and the “physique”. I find it interesting that he states “Lord help women… He has just subjugated himself to Jesus, though I’m sure he said it in a sarcastic manner. Just surprised he gave any credence to someone having more power than he bestowed upon himself.
Such deviousness against your fellow man
for money and power.
People like long-time cult victim Ron Penner have been drinking the KA so long they have no idea how foolish and gullible they look or what’s up and what’s down, such is the scattered and confused thinking $cientology deliberately creates. The rubber ducky brazenly clinches the completely off-mental deal. Sad what the cult turns people into and delivers nothing in return, only takes until they have nothing left to give and then summarily discarded.
Ok Davey, are you listening? The irony of you approving a billboard that says “Don’t believe what you hear, believe what you see.”: We ONLY HEAR statements put out by the church. Tweets by fast Eddie, and some lame ass success stories. We don’t SEE you coming out to give your side. We only HEAR it. Now on the other side of the coin, we see hundreds of people speaking out, writing books, doing interviews on TV, lawsuits being filed. We SEE all those things. Yet we see nothing from your stupid ass.
You’re a fucking moron Davey.
“The irony of you approving a billboard that says “Don’t believe what you hear, believe what you see”
My irony meter regularly explodes with these guys. My irony needle doesn’t so much float, it plummets screaming off a cliff. LRH and the ones who follow him are the biggest examples of what psychological projection looks like that I have ever seen.
Not surprising though. LRH was a serious narcissist/antisocial personality. Lies, projection, a false facade and cruelty were just part of normal life for him. Unfortunately, he and his tech seem to have been attempting to create people in his own image. With some people it worked very well indeed, like DM at the moment, by all accounts. Thankfully others were only temporarily behaving sociopathically and recovered their humanity when they escaped, and for most people it didn’t work at all.
Scientologists in control control their premiepension.
Never heard the word premiepension. What’s it mean? Couldn’t find it in Random House Webster’s Unabridged. Thanks.
It´s a swedish word, translation;
Premium pension
Every year, 2.5% of your salary is set aside for your premium pension. Premium pension is the part of your retirement pension which you yourself can invest in mutual funds
Let the “critics”, “naysayers” and “natterers” say what they will; the REAL Operating Thetans know what to do and aren’t in a Q&A about how to get to the show on road. Seriously, is everyone here stuck in the VICTIM VALENCE? Is anyone here in their own valence? Is there a BIG BEING in the house? I’d really like to communicate to an uptone thetan, for a change. Too bad we don’t have a planet full of Mr. Miscaviges and Mr. Tom Cruises, but unfortunately small beings out-number big beings by about 10,000 to 1 (LRH). Clearing this planet is a lonely, unthanked job, but someone has to do it. GET YOUR ETHICS IN!!! And knock off the service facsimiles.
Foolproof, is that you??
I told you someone else wood pop up. FP is old news and his deflecting technique is known.
Tooth Fairy……. is that you?
Oh crap, maybe it’s Teddy Bear. He sounds pissed
I think it is Foolproof. C’mon back, FP. You miss us. And that’s OK. We miss you too. Or maybe I shouldn’t speak for the group, so.. I miss you, alright? C’mon back, you’re among, frenemies…you get the concept
I think it’s a brand new nasty sleep walker
If we had a planet full of Miscreants, who would collect all the money?
After all, Miscreants are happy to receive the money. But they never give any money or anything else.
Life just would never work out if the only people on this planet suffered from the “Short Man Syndrome”. Ain’t it kind of funny that both those guys are pipsqueaks? No wonder they need every one to call them, “Sir! Yes Sir! Many short men handle that without a problem. But for some of them, unfortunately, it drives them CRAAAA-ZY! They go through life with a crushing chip on their shoulders. It makes their lives unbearable and makes the lives of everyone around them even worse.
His brother Toolpoop.
No, but let’s just say I’m a friend; great minds think alike. I can’t tell if you want to have a serious discussion about the future of this planet or it’s the usual sarcasm and J & D.
The usual J&D…
A serious discussion? Us? Are you serious?
You realize WOAD, that we see you like a cat sees a mouse, or how an ex addict sees addicts.
You will also serve UTR people as an illustration of the dangers of Scientology.
But in your hypnotic state, you fantasize that you are saving the planet.
Here, writing words with your keyboard, being nasty to people who see you as you actually are, you think is fighting cosmic enemies.
Your mental state can even make the leap that you are a Loyal Officer and we the enemy of mankind.
Your arrogance, that is trained into you, won’t let you see how foolish you sound.
But Scientology “knowingness” does make circus clowns.
Your presence, as long as you don’t side with pedophiles like FP, will be instructive.
I think you should explain to us what you do everyday to save the planet.
It’s funny in a sad sort of way but it’s often hard to distinguish a delusional $ci from a parody of a delusional $ci.
I know, I know….what are my crimes?
I really hate to correct your post, especially when is supposedly a quote from LRH, but the correct order of mgnitude of small beings -vs- big beings (per your definitions) is not 10,000 to 1 as you wrote, but 10,000,000,000 to one. We out number you tremendously, including our Reality. I guess you will have to learn to endure eons of being unthanked.
If “Big Beings’ are on your mind you might rerun the implant set in the OT2 package (cira 1970) that is titled BIG BEING.
That sounds a little arrogant. I understand though – how can you not sound that way when your religion constantly strokes your ego and tells you you’re special? The cognitive dissonance must be pretty hard on you.
“…unfortunately small beings out-number big beings by about 10,000 to 1”
Hang on, if we’re all billion-years old thetans then surely we’re all the same size? I think that whether you call it a thetan, a soul or a life, we all have the same importance.
You are important and have value as a human being wherever and whoever you are, and whether you’re in a cult or out of one. I really hope you know that.
1: Will the “real OT’s” please step forward and ID yourself’s so we can see you Sterling examples.
2: Or, will you remain cloaked because you are simply insane cult members.
Which is it, 1 or 2 ?
WHINING_ON_ALL_DYNAMICS, we’re all waiting patiently for your next rejoinder with the utmost anticipation.
Simple. Look up the policy on degraded beings and see he states that degraded beings outnumber big beings by 18 to 1.
Who are you? Obviously confused.
You thoroughly confirm what Mike stated. Evidenced by the guy in the article. You are as he is.
This means you will defend him, as you have.
WOAD, what a wonderful new jester. Miscavige built his Empire on the backs of slaves and capable people who are now out of Hubbards ghost of an organization. What he is left with is stimulus response programmed Sciebots and Seaborgs. I very familiar with both the history and people who built Scientology. 95% of those people are gone. You want to meet some big beings. Don’t look in your own backyard.
Typo “I am very familiar…..”
LOL. That’s some good satire. Not great, but good. I needed a laugh today, so, thanks!
Dear “Winning” —
You’ve got to be trolling because that was some laugh out loud funny shit.
For your sake, I hope that was sarcasm.
Why is it that all of the $cilons that post sound like my childhood friend who suffers from manic episodes and delusional paranoia when he is off his meds?
Is it possible that $camology is a refuge for, or a filter that finds, these irrational minds?
Hubbard seems to have tended towards something like bipolar disorder, going from highs crashing to lows as his various schemes boomed and then went bust, and his “latest, greatest” techniques when from seeming like the answer to everything to failing. And he was certainly paranoid, and delusional to at least some degree. Dianetics and Scientology sort of seek to implant his personality on others, so there’s definitely some sort of connection there, though it’s a chicken-and-egg paradox.
The topic mocks a man who is at best delusional and possibly insane. Whether he would have become that way in another cult or religion is debatable.
Richard, it’s an interesting question whether his case is a legitimate expository example, or is being treated with unnecessary derision.
But in another group he would at least have been less likely to be left completely broke and abandoned in his old age.
Which gets to another point, he’s got to be around 70, and so laws about abuse and financial exploitation of the elderly would apply in his case – theoretically. An investment adviser who got him to cash everything in and put it in something that turned out to be worthy nothing and left him broke, would fall afoul of such laws; it’s unfortunate that doesn’t seem to apply to Scientology, though it’s an interesting question as to whether the “FSM” commissioned fundraisers encouraging and profiting off of this might bear some liability.
So his case could also be framed in terms of exploitation, rather than delusion.
And do you ever wonder whether your auditing, helped get someone hooked like that?
I haven’t talked to a practicing scientologist in 35 years so I have no idea if Penner is typical. Mike says he is and some people agree.
Penner was apparently able to pay his way up the bridge including re-does, donations and whatever else he had to pay for and he’s still at it.
For all we know he’s blowing smoke out of his ass and looking for attention by writing the most grandiose success story ever.
I don’t regret any auditing I did. The people I audited were satisfied and like myself 95% of them left and it was a learning experience.
Penner is obviously looking for attention by posing with his rubber ducky. He also mentions doing TRs for 10 hours a day, an heroic act by any scientologist’s standards. Some people just gotta get attention – lol
The guy is such a bullshit artist that even Hubbard would be proud of him!
A planet full of Miscaviges?

W.O.A.D. thank you for verifying that you are simply insane cult member.
Big Beings with Big a’Brains, righhht…

Eyes talk and ears shut up Deaf live in their own world.
Oh my, that’s just sad. Really reminds me of when my mom was in the nursing home it wasn’t uncommon to see some poor souls sitting and holding baby dolls. I’m sure it was a comfort to them.
Maybe this guy with the duck has early Alzheimer’s. If for no other reason I’m relieved to be no longer associated with a “religion” that would even DREAM of posting a picture like this. Talk about embarrassing! But I guess these people don’t get embarrassed. They’re pretty far gone.
Ron Penner thanks for the chuckle. Here’s what I got from reading your success story:
“In 1971 I decided to clear the planet but settled for this here rubber ducky. I may be broke but at least I have someone to play with in the tub.”
In a way, it’s kind of comforting to finally understand the difference between crackers and quackers.
This quacker is crackers.
After 48 years he is still on OT VII. That is the key to his insanity. Hubbard’s Bridge was created in his role as Lucifer. Lucifer is going to make you go slow and feel the pain. There are so many steps on the Bridge which are totally irrelevant. I can imagine that this man spent decades removing imaginary “Body Thetans”. Hubbard himself only did about seven OT VII auditing sessions. I remember a guy at the Miami org who was on OT VII for at least twelve years. He was a legend. After OT VIII failed in 1988, Miscavige revised OT VII and had people on the level for years. Miscavige’s famous briefing after he did the Data Series on the level failure was a joke. He concluded that no one could “as is” a Body Thetan without communicating with it directly. So you put people into even slower motion so they had to talk to millions of little critters. It is only possible to accept OT VII when one has the idea that somehow the elimination of body thetans improves one’s mind. To a certain extent this is possible on the level by assigning responsibility to something other than self. I think this is where people either accept the level or get hung up. I completed the level and the E/P in those days was simply “No more BT’s found”. In the end it all turns out to be nonsense. When you get onto OT VIII you see the total insanity that was Hubbard. Hubbard had the idea that this thetan existed and he tried to “hijack” original Buddhism to totally align with a future Scientology. One of the dumbest ideas of the 20th century. All formal religions on planet earth are in decline at present. Original Buddhism was nothing like Hubbard imagined it to be since he even misunderstood the badly translated texts used in the 1970-1980 time period. In “Hymn of Asia” Hubbard talks about enlightenment. It turns out that the idea really did not take hold until at least a century after original Buddhism. So all of Hubbard’s lies about his being the Buddha are totally false. No one ever concluded that the Buddha knew about Marcab implants except Hubbard. To be sure, even a Marcab implant is completely irrelevant in Original Buddhism so Hubbard was totally confused. This man will stay on OT VII and get onto a truncated OT VIII and never get the chance to question Hubbard’s logic since the anti-Christ Bulletin has been eliminated.
Very informative George.Thanks.
Do you something I can read on this. I’ve never seen this referenced before George:
“Miscavige’s famous briefing after he did the Data Series on the level failure was a joke. He concluded that no one could “as is” a Body Thetan without communicating with it directly.”
I was allowed to read Miscavige’s 36 page document in the early 2000’s at Flag. I know of no other published source. He wrote it after original OT VIII was pulled. It was intended to get us all back to Flag for re-tread. It was total BS.
Yes I remember that. We were told that BTs could no longer be ‘blown by inspection’. You had to audit every single one.
Yes, that is how I feel, it is sad to see the degree of trust this man has, without knowing that he is dealing with a criminal organization that only cares about money.
Betrayal big time.
Also all those (wasted) years only OT7? I wonder what he thinks he’s actually accomplished?
The only thing eternal about scamology is being in debt.
Did you ever know that there is a St. Louis in Illinois? I guess it may be true that, “you learn something new every day.”
But, seriously, …… Can anybody tell me why it is that I cannot locate the word, “cognited” anywhere in any dictionary? Is that a special Scamology word?
I tried looking it up and down in every dictionary that I could. But I could not find it anywhere. Not anywhere and not nowhere either.
Mr. Duck said, “I cognited that I was, for the first time, a part of a true group “.
I wonder if he was one of the ducks that I saw flying over my home in a V shape the other day.
I’d really like to know why it is that he can fill up his writing with a whole bunch of commas, but is unable to specify what “cognited” means. In the context of his writing, it would seem to mean, “thought” or something similar. I just don’t unnerstand why it seems to be so difficult to get an answer to this question. I feel like I must conclude that Mr. Rubber Ducky has lost his mate somewhere and that his mind is spinning around cuz he is lonely for her. I get the feeling she maybe flew South for the winter and left him behind. I’m not sure. But if she did, could you blame her? He seems kind of like a crackpot to me. Or maybe that is a “quack pot”? You think?
You would thought that she might have stopped to quack, “Goodbye” to her mallard man and you would have thought that he might have stopped to warn her to stay clear of Peking on her flight. After all, we all have heard of, “Peking duck”. Know what I mean?
I do Skyler. Unfortunately Ron’s mind got shot down because he was a sitting duck.
Serious question?
Google cognition, definition. Then turn that noun into a made up verb. Voila.
“But, seriously, …… Can anybody tell me why it is that I cannot locate the word, “cognited” anywhere in any dictionary? Is that a special Scamology word?”
You answered your own question. Tubby didn’t think “realized” was a good enough word, so created Cognited out of thin air … or a fart, or something equally vacuous.
I believe “cognited” is a variant of “cognition,” thus becoming aware. My guess is that you don’t have a scio dictionary and that’s likely where you’d find it.
cognition | ˌkäɡˈniSH(ə)n |
the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
• a result of this; a perception, sensation, notion, or intuition.
cognitional | -SHənl | adjective
late Middle English: from Latin cognitio(-), from cognoscere ‘get to know’.
That was one of the few of his made up words which was clear (if you’ll excuse that word) to me.