How many people should two “St Hill” size Ideal Orgs (Jbg D & F), plus another Ideal Org (Pretoria) plus another org on the “launching pad” to become the “next” Ideal Org be able to round up to watch the One Time Only showing of the greatest speech since the Gettysburg address? A few thousand for sure… Right? After all, due to their massive expansion, these guys have their own “Advanced Org” already purchased and CGI’d for the world to see! It must be rocking and rolling in Joburg in this period of the greatest expansion in history. The floorboards must be caving in…
Well, if they PROMOTE the attendance was 160, and you can bet half of them were staff (after all, these St Hill size orgs between them have 300 staff according to their PR….) then that’s 40 people per org.
That is if you believe the 160 figure. Maybe, if you include children…. If you count the heads in the photos its not more than 100. And let’s not forget, this is also the “Cont Org” and the CLO is there and this crowd includes AT LEAST 10 vampires from the SO hungry for blood.
And this is what they are proud to present to Mr. Miscavige in compliance to the endless stream of orders to get EVERYONE to this ONE TIME ONLY spectacular.
Straight up and vertical is looking pretty limp….
Last Saturday, the 1st of June, a showing of the Portland Ideal Org Opening was held in all orgs on the planet. In Johannesburg, 160 arrived to hear the briefing done by Chairman Of the Board RTC on the Battle of Portland, 1985.
The one-time showing of the in-depth briefing was very well received and gave all a new view on what happened at that epic victory.
After the showing a fundraiser was held for Johannesburg North Ideal Org, and it was a huge success! The valiant attendees fundraised up a storm and did it in true Scientology style – uptone and determined!
See below for the fun!!
“If anyone ever had any doubts about where we are going, what management is doing, the Portland event revitalizes one as a Scientologist and puts one 100 percent behind our Management. This event revitalized all my OT VIII wins. I had tears in my eyes during the briefing.” – JG
“This event was very spectacular. The History of Portland was SPECTCULAR. I remember at that time, I was very new to Scientology and I remembered that we were under attack and it was absolutely crucial that we had to WIN. When we finally did, we celebrated but we never knew the story why. Now hearing it, I fully understand why that was considered the make-break point. The event itself, the setup, the presentation was great, loved all of it, very high-toned. To me, this event was very emotional due to my history with it. I was also very happy to see the beautiful Ideal Org in Portland, its a very big size, the building is beautiful and I am really happy to see that org open.” – WH
Oh, and what a surprise — the REAL reason for getting everyone to see this monumental event — it was a fundraiser.
Who could have guessed?
Oh my word!! What kind of foolish “religion” is this? Seriously, aliens and critters and stuff? If there something wrong with your brains that you believe this crap? L Ron Hubbard has taken everyone for a fool and is still smiling in his grave. It boggles the mind
You don’t heard about the aliens etc until much later in the process, years later in fact! Please watch the episode of Mike & Leah’s show with Paul Haggis, he does a good job of explaining it.
I am seeking information on my father Bill Vlado Peharda (Bozic) who was a Scientology “priest”.
He married Mari-Like Hill 30 October 1981 Morninghill, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
I believe Mari immigrated to Australia with Bill but soon divorced.
At level 8 I can regenerate flesh wounds and d cast magic missiles. .no.. wait..
I got out of Scientology in 1990, and I have only occasionally read articles about how the cult is doing. I just figured Scientology was still expanding as that is all they had ever touted the whole time I was on and off lines from 1977-1990. In 1990 I routed out in a condition of doubt as a public Scientologist.
In January 2013 I was reged over the phone from LA org. for the Basic Books extension course. I blitzed through the first book, and was praised for how good a student I was, yada yada yada. Since I was having wins and they still needed money, they reged me for the Congress Lectures extension course (or some such thing), and two hours after I went to sleep I woke up in a state of panic realizing that I had made a big mistake.
I got on the internet and was amazed to read all the entheta regarding the current state of Scientology and that David Miscavige was the cause of much of it. They tried to reel me back in, but by that time I had changed my cell phone number and disconnected my land line., and I have been out of comm ever since. Now I have 5K of books and lectures which are enough to cover a large part of the floor of a big closet I have in my spare bedroom. I would rather have the money, but I am not going to go through with asking for a refund because of the stress it would place on me–moreover, who knows, they might spy on me. I might even be declared, but of course that would not really matter.
I have much respect for all of you. will take them off your hands though I’m not sure the cheapest way to ship to Canada.
In the end there will be maybe 50 high rollers left as they will
have a difficult time to justify their millions of dollar mistake.
LRH had a remedy for that too: the grades of a. Moving out
of fixed conditions. b. Freedom from dramatizations. c.
freedom from overwhelm and just about every other grade
or level.
Better not give them any more auditing.
My favorite part is ” I am also very happy to se the beautiful ideal org in portland, it is a very big size, the building is beautiful, and I am really happy to see that Org open.”
That comment sure doesnt seem to be inserted with a shoe horn. It also really sounds natural, very spontaneous, like comming from the person himself, truly, it didnt remind me of a hypnotized cult follower!
Yes Rine, I agree. I know those people very well. “WH” is a Pretoria public, who has probably made the largest donations in South Africa. He has a heart of gold. Kind, sweet……. He gets the red carpet treatment, and is heavily invested in the ideal org project. He could not possibly pay for the whole project himself, and to make sense of his donations, he has to get others on board. But he is a very kind hearted guy, and that is what the RCS takes advantage of. “JG” is on the OTC, and it is her job to get the ideal org project done.
If only WH knew what I knew – especially about the debit order system that we had going there. I had a huge row with Elmien Lochner and the ED Joburg North, because the debit orders were signed up for two years – and when the two years were up, they were content to leave them in place unless the public noticed it and cancelled. i.e they were going to keep taking money off people’s account after the expiry of two years. They told me they had legal advice on this!! (I am a lawyer – that “advice” was crap). When I said to Elmien, “How can you do this to the field? And how can you do this to WH who has given you so much?” she looked embarrassed. Eventually, the the debit orders were stopped and people were invited to sign new debit orders if they wanted to. Go figure. I put their ethics in and I am the SP according to them. BS! WH and the rest of the field are ignorant of how they were nearly screwed over on that cycle. I almost wish I had let it alone and then the field would have seen their true colours. But even then I just thought, its our guys (badly hatted, dodgy ethics) in Africa who do this shit, it wouldn’t happen in the USA. Hah! Little did I know.
just as LRH stated, (paraphrasing) to determine the tone level of a city, you only need to open and read a local newspaper to see the stories they’re buying.
Conversely, you only need to read what these staff and public write, to see the tone, attitude and current state of affairs in poor little davey’s shrinking-at-a-rapid-rate cult. That would be:
That David is force of nature! Revitalizing and fundraising with taped history lessons! People even forget why they need to be “revitalized” in the first place, is because they have gone into apathy with his mismanagement! He is a serial thriller!
And in a recently released PR shot the attendance jumped to 16,000 with a photoshopped version of this photo. 7 additional halls appeared on the outer edges of the picture where the walls were and the crowd seemed to be soccer supporters but it was not clear as some graphics artist had covered their faces with “straight up and vertical graphs.
Karin Pouw a robotic answer machine stated that anyone that doubted the attendance had not been around a new Ideal org and they were living in the past. Ironically this event was also about living in the past when Scientology was actually still worth a crap and had parishioners that attended things like the original Portland event.
160 attendees is dismal. The public here in South Africa were fundraiser-fatigued a year or more ago when I last attended such an event, and it appears to be considerably worse now.
I am still fascinated that the alleged story of Portland only comes out now. Flunk for comm lag, Int Management!
And yes, as someone said here before – “if anyone had any doubts…” speaks to those that do doubt – Mrs Pattycake is in the house!
Yes, it is always “their fault” and not “my fault” when your are DM. SP’s wrong target all the time. So while he flogs the staff for actively having CI and refusing to get their public in or deliberately keeping their public away, the orgs continue to shrink, attendance at events is almost nonexistent (if you subtract the staff who are forced to go to warm the chairs), and he never thinks to apply LRH which says among other things, that orgs shrink because of non delivery or out tech and no results. If DM kept stats on no results, the straight up and vertical would be true for once.
Poor David Miscavige – betrayed yet again. He has worked tirelessly and endlessly 24/7 to produce this speech and video, which is absolutely guaranteed to revitalized every single Scientologist in any org’s field, and enable them to easily complete their Ideal Org fundraising right now – all the org staff and OTC members have to do is get every Scientologist in their field into the org to watch the video. But these stupid, inferior, DB, SP, SOB staff in the orgs can’t hardly get anyone in to see the video. These staff and so-called OTs are actively CI and refusing to get their public in, or worse yet, deliberately keeping their public away….
Hmmmm — unless that WAS all the Corporate Scientologists that are left….
“After the showing a fundraiser was held for Johannesburg North Ideal Org, and it was a huge success! The valiant attendees fundraised up a storm and did it in true Scientology style – uptone and determined!”
Really? A FUNDRAISER done in “true scientology style.”
And that was written by an OT VIII? Mr. Truth Revealed completion?
Gawd I’m glad to be out of that cult.
I think that one of the main reasons a level of about 500 Outer Org Trainees have been maintained at Flag for the last 15 years is for their visual affect. I’m not kidding. Ruth Echard Hall holds about 2,200 people and its a HUGE problem to fill it for Scientology events. There are 1,000 Sea Org members posted at Flag,
500 outer org staff trainees and 200 on board public staying in the hotels. That leaves another 500 seats to fill with a team of constant Call In staff. Free transport to Flag is provided to Scientology staff and public living in Atlanta, Tampa and Miami. Clearwater is supposed to be the home of 5,000 public Scientologists.
With a HUGE amount of effort and threats there are always plenty of empty seats which staff are directed to fill in where the cameras can see.
I see public post about having to watch Flag Graduation events from the Ballroom like it shows how popular the speaker is. The Flag auditorium only holds about 1,200 people. Do the math. Its getting harder and harder to create the illusion even at Flag, despite staff and public from around the world being funneled there by any means possible.
Mat — the church claims 10,000 Scientologists in Clearwater or 10% of the population in the Tampa Bay area (see their idiotic response to surveys showing how few Scientologists there really are and them claiming the surveys were skewed and if they had done them in Tampa Bay they would have gotten 10% of the population (they are too stupid to even realize that would mean nearly 450,000 as the population of Tampa Bay is nudging 4.5 million!!!!!).
Out of “10000” people they can’t get 500 seats filled? hahahaha. Sorry. This is pathetic.
I joined staff in the early 1980’s, at which time the world population was 4.5 billion. Right now world population is around 7 billion. The population increased by 2.5 billion. At the same time my estimate is that Scientology population is very similar now to how it was in 1985. I would say that under David Miscaviges brutal mismanagement Scientology is being left behind. As the world population grows, it has the effect of shrinking Scientology’s influence in the world. Scientology is shrinking like Alice. In ten more years there will probably still only be around 10,000 serious Scientologists and the world population will be closer to 10 billion. Scientology will be lost in the noise and bustle, a voice too small to be heard. That probably would have already happened if not for Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Lisa Marie Presley and a few other celebrities. Imagine for a moment they were gone. The 10,000 or so dedicated Scientologists would be lost, swimming a world of 7 billion people- irrelevant and ignored. Scientologists who can look and confront are aware of the slow contraction of the Scientology religion shown with small event turnouts and empty churches. They are not comparing that slow contraction to the explosion of the rest of the world around them. To accurately understand Scientology expansion or contraction you have to compare it to the environment. An environment with an exploding population compared to a religion in a slow slump gives an apparency of slow contraction but a reality of very rapid shirinking. The world bounds ahead as Scientology slowly slumps into oblivion. This is David Miscagives legacy to Scientology and Scientologists. Unable to confront even that Scientology is shrinking, Scientologists are very much like the passengers of the Titanic, dancing in ball gowns and tuxedos as the ship settles in the water and begins to slowly sink. The music is still playing and the lights are still on. The human race has proved over and over again than people will close their eyes and sing and dance as their world burns around them. It’s just very painful to have to be on the sidelines watching people you know doing it.
Roy, your facts are always impeccable and your writing is sheer poetry. I wish you would have replaced Sherman of he who speaks Shermanspeak for he who must not be named! But then again if you’d done that, we wouldn’t have your brain and wit in the Indy world. I’m copying your post about Titanic to save and might steal a few lines from it (with your permission) when I write my coming out speech. Is that OK?
Thank you so much for your kind words. My cheeks are bright red. You are welcome to take anything I wrote and use it as you will. I personally would love to see you here on this blog with your thoughts from your heart.
Interesting set of numbers, Mat & Mike.
May 9th at the Ruth Eckerd Hall used to be one of the regular events pulling all those cats off of their usual jobs and it was omitted this year.
Perhaps there wasn’t enough good news captured in video or those impossible new property targets set by DM could not be met by the shrinking talent left to produce those things.
Most likely it’s filling up those seats in the Hall – how many trainees, public and staff are there left? Flag graduations were needed to be done as an “event” to fill these ranks.
The call to the Portland Idle Org opening, busing staff and public for thousands of mile around still needed to have photos of the crowds processed and stretched from the actual 450-750 attendees to the claimed 2,500. Now this event needed to be recycled to local events in order to produce another fundraiser?
Straight up and vertical is looking pretty limp indeed!
I was an OOT at Flag in 1999-2000. While I was on staff there were three rounds of OOT’s sent to Flag for different programs. I was in the SSO,EO,Chaplain one. Some of the same people were sent for more than one training evolution. That means people were sent to Flag for training, put on post, and then a year or so later, sent back to Flag to train for another disrelated post. There was at my org a very, very limited pool of prospects of people who could and were willing to go for training.
Oops, my dates are off now that I look at that period. I was there during 9/11 so that was 2001.
I’ve often wondered this myself, about a reason for the Outer Org Trainee program being its visual effect. I don’t necessarily think that’s the only reason it exists but I have wondered whether it is a main reason or not.
Whenever a film was needed to be made to which was supposed to show that there were a lot of people at Flag, we Outer Org Trainees were assigned to be in the filming. We would do things like all pack into one courseroom pretending we were studying, or we would be the ones who were in the background pretending to have conversations while the speaker being filmed for the Flag World Tour event was doing his or her talk to the camera. Or they would tell us to all walk into the entrance to the Sandcastle, in such a way as to make it look like there was an amazing amount of body traffic of people who were onlines there. Stuff like that.
There would be huge staff training programs where each org had to send like three people to Flag; one time there was a PTS / SP evolution where each org had to train an SSO, a Chaplain and and Ethics Officer, so as to handle PTSness in the orgs. The program had its successes but I also noticed that soon after the trainees completed and went back to their orgs, very little attention was put by management on what those specific trainees were doing back in their orgs. I personally noticed very little affect that these trainees had on the expansion of orgs, even though you would have thought that it would have had a big impact.
So I thought that if management wasn’t putting as much attention on the graduated trainees when they were back at their orgs as they were to get them to get to Flag for the training in the first place, maybe there was another reason for those trainees to be sent to Flag.
Not to mention the fact that org’s debts to Flag for their staff to be trained there has been in the many millions with very little if any prospect of payment ever in sight.
I remember those days, Dave. Luckily I was balding and heavier than the young bucks, so they always put me way in the back, if ever putting me in a shot – LOL! I often remember them searching out the few black people to “add color to the shot.” I actually heard them use that phrase often.
That place is a joke. The people running it are either ancient ex-CMO angry assholes or 2nd gen teenagers who know nothing of the real world.
And they had to give them a meal to get them there.
I like the success story of the guy who starts out with, “If anyone ever had any doubts about where we are going, what management is doing, …” Interesting to consider that he has had doubts and he thinks others have too…hmmm…but I thought since everything was so great on the fastest, expanding religion that, why would anyone ever have a doubt?
OK Bela, that’s enough of that sort of analytical thinking….
It was probably written by one of the Sea Org members in attendance. 🙂
Yes, Mike. I’m afraid that someone forgot to send this guy the memo that using the “D” word and “management” in the same sentence is an act of Treason. I hope he has some $$ in the bank for purchasing the Basics for his amends project.
Sorry…One more thing…and, I don’t mean to make you wrong, Mike, as you are our gracious host here, but…the guy says he is OT8, so, he couldn’t possibly be a Sea Org member. OK, I’m done now. 🙂
Great catch!
I’ve been struck by quite a bit of this kind of thing lately — like someone’s reference to “the dwindling spiral” in a communication that Mike published here a couple of days ago. And remember the “dead agent” pack aimed at combating criticism of the whole Ideal Org strategy?
Such things seem to hint at a widespread crisis of confidence. And I doubt that it will be assuaged by these feeble efforts to rally the troops.
Scientologists are accustomed with the duty to write a “success report” at the examiner before finishing a level or grade. Since there is no training and auditing anymore they now obviously have to write their “success report” before they leave such a fundraising-event.
” I had tears in my eyes during the briefing.” he wrote….. 🙂 He should have continued: ” I could see the IAS regges already looking at me”