Joe Childs of the Tampa Bay Times filed a story about Denise Miscavige this evening. You can read it here.
Perhaps more than anything, it exposes the hypocrisy of “true believers” who have absolute certainty that they KNOW the answers to all problems in society. The quotes from sworn testimony cited in the article highlight just how unreal this mentality is.
I hope this is enough to wake Denise up. And I hope she comes through this OK — she was the first auditor I ever had in the Sea Org at St Hill in 1973.
Her brother (Dave, not Ronnie) is going to rain scorn and hatred upon her for “tarnishing his image” and everything that is done from here on out will be with the view of how it effects HIM. Her well-being will play no part in any decisions made about how this situation and she are handled.
DM’s only concern this how this affects his image. Denise WILL get thrown under the bus as needed. However, its hard to feel sympathy for Denise as this “sit” was own doing and she needs to take responsibility for it. Denise has a long history of using her status as DM’s twin to get preferential treatment. The Digital Lightwave debacle and the Kyle Brennan affair are just two examples where her status was used to get out of some messy predicaments (these incidents are well documented in other places on the net). Compare this to her brother Ronnie who was in the Sea Org for several years and never once called in favors due to his familial connection (based on my short experience of working with him). I know if any other public Scientologist created a similar legal and PR flap, they would be declared SP. If they were a Sea Org member and had done something like this, it would be an immediate RPF assignment.
Be that as it may, Denise is in serious need of real substance abuse help. However, her “ethics cycle” is now outside of the realm of what the Flag MAA can do it. It’s not only a mega flap for DM and his “church”, but there’s a very real possibility she may need to do some jail time. Maybe she can do a plea deal where she goes to a “diversion program” like Narconon, assuming they haven’t been completely closed down by them.
Substance abuse help for smoking a little weed? It is really getting to me the way this woman is being described as an utter train wreck because she smoked a little weed from time to time. This is WAAAAY overboard. Using too much lipstick is substance abuse.
If she ever reads the comments on the Net about how she looks, she will probably need some morphine too.
She looks fine to me. She looks like someone in a mug shot, These are not usually cheerful photos as they are never taken on one’s own determinism . She does not look “older than her years”. and she is not posing for the cover of Vogue and it has not been airbrushed and she probably looks NOTHING like this in real person under usual circumstances!
She is NOT a RAVAGED TRAIN WRECK! She is only a woman who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe the right place at the wrong time. Whatever…. Let’s keep it REAL. She doesn’t have CMO messengers to do HER bidding O.K.?
I never called her a RAVAGED TRAIN WRECK. She got a DUI which implies she has a drinking problem. She committed a criminal act by driving recklessly and this put others in danger. And for a Scientologist at that level of the bridge to develop a drug habit where she collects the monthly rent in blunts, she needs substance abuse handling. She didn’t try marijuana a couple of times; she was obviously someone with a habit. If you thinking putting on too much lipstick is also substance abuse, then you have an MU. But perhaps they worst thing of all is for her as a Scientologist, who is supposedly against illegal drugs, to condone the drug trafficking that was occurring in the slumlord apartments she was managing. The fact that she knowingly allowed drug dealers to live in her apartments make her an accessory. The Cops even had to raid the place because she took no action even when it was brought to her attention.
One other thing – generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal drugs. Most professionals in the field of drug abuse prevention argue that any use of illegal drugs is by definition abuse. Those drugs got to be illegal in the first place because they are potentially addictive or can cause severe negative health effects; therefore, any use of illegal substances is dangerous and abusive. In addition to that, any person that calls themselves a “Scientologist” never uses any illegal drugs for any reason. That’s one of the first things that you learn when you walk in the door. Denise being a Scientologist high on the bridge (OT 5) and part of “Scientology royalty” makes the PR flap that much worse.
All of this hoopla about what a train wreck someone is because of a little weed has me about two steps away from doing my own series of videos. One showing me smoking opimum and still having a home the next day. One showing me smoking weed and still being able to put dinner on the table. One showing me taking an aspirin and still being able to swim.
Look at all of the people killing themselves in plain sight from food addiction and then let’s get back to the weed O.K.? Go bust someone at the do-nut shop.
Oracle, with all respect, this is not about you, nor is this about a woman who “smokes a little weed”.
This is about a 53 year old woman about whom it is alleged drives drunk, knowingly rents her apartment units to drug dealers, knowingly permits drug dealing on the properties she owns without trying to evict them and/or report them to the police, and accepts marijuana, an illegal substance, iieu of rent.
Forget that she’s a Scientologist. Forget that she’s on her OT levels at Flag, and forget that she’s David Miscavige’s sister – leave all that out of the equation and just look at the essential allegations which the state of Florida needs to prove against her. This is a human being who is accused of violating very clear and serious laws. Do you have children? If so, how would you feel about her if you knew that your kids were being sold drugs by one of her tenants? Have you ever known anyone who lost a loved one because of a drunk driver? I trust I make my points on these scores.
That said, is this woman in extreme mental and emotional pain? I would opine so. But then, most people who are destructive to themselves as well as actively or potentially destructive to others ARE themselves in extreme pain.
As Freedom Magazine will make clear in an upcoming special edition, Denise Miscavige Gentile was set up and framed in a classic PDH Psych caper.
Said Psych caper was designed to impugn the good name and sterling reputation of COB RTC David Miscavige on the eve of his personal efforts to bring Peace to the Middle East and solve the Planetary energy crisis.
A special briefing for OT’s only is located at our website:
I don’t know this woman but her face looks far more ravaged than that of a woman who just smokes pot. Whether it is the effect of much harder drugs and/or alcohol, whether it is her PTSness to the Dwarf, or whether it is physical or emotional in nature or a combination of both, this is a woman looks at least 10 years older and is under some very severe stress.
To anyone here who knew/knows Denise Gentile, what are your thoughts on her alleged involvement in the death of 20 year old Kyle Brennan, a non-Scientologist young man who killed himself after his Scientologist father allegedly took away his psychiatric medication under Denise’s instruction?
Maybe this scene can somehow work in her favor. Necessity level comes up. Then she is able to take a good honest look at her Bro and the Church and exit. That itself may be enough to straighten things out for her. If not, plenty of good Auditors out here.
Oracle if you could explain what these abbreviations mean I would appreciate it. I don’t think they are curse words is this something from the church that anyone might know the answer “ser fac”, “SER FACING”?
Also Oracle & Mike if you care to comment on this subject. Is david known to be a heavy drinker? can he hold his liquor ? I’m guessing he is a mean drunk if he get’s that way? Does he try to hide it from everyone at Int base or just not care?
SER FACING refers to a “service facsimile”, which is, in very brief, “You are wrong, and I am right”. Abbreviated “ser fac” or “service fac:. It has nothing to do with actual logic of right and wrong, but is a manifestation of internal emotional pressures and relative lack of analytical ability and lack of responsibility for a situation – an involuntary defense mechanism, a default response. So “ser fac-ing” is the operation of a service facsimile. Here’s an example: “Now read what I wrote and try to learn something!” You did nothing wrong, I just made it sound like a) you didn’t read, and b) implicitly, you are stupid.) It’s actually a fascinating and distinct mechanism with roots in failures and excuses.(If I failed to explain this well, then your are wrong for not understanding my bad explanation.) It gives the appearance of serving the indivdual, but it is very unpleasant to be on the receiving end of one. Think of having the proverbial “bad boss” and you probably have a working example. Some people have more of them than others. That’s my understanding of service facs. A more precise definition is in the Scn Tech dictionary.
Thanks! XXOO
Denise willl be fine. She doesn’t march the goosestep as most would think and she has always had a bit of hell in her soul. Davey will be positively nuts and, as Mike says, not because of his immense compassion for his family. Curious as so why this is just coming out now.
I think it is just coming out now because it was kept under wraps for a long time and somehow it leaked out and Joe Childs then got onto it. From reading the story, he spent some time gathering the facts. But I am sure that everything possible was done to keep this out of the public eye.
When I was doing a Supervisor internship at Flag, Denise was one of the students in the courseroom I was supervising. The Flag Sup that I was working under told me she was COB’s sister.
Of course I had at least a slight amount of trepidation, like what if I did something wrong as a Sup on COB’s sister, what sort of trouble would I be in, or whatever. But of course I knew I had to just do my job regardless.
It turned out she was very nice and friendly, more so than your average student, and this put me at ease.
Doesn’t have any bearing on the story here about the drugs, I just wanted to give my only experience with this person.
David, in a purely social setting she is extremely nice and likeable. She is also VERY friendly to anyone who she thinks can help her. But in business and on the 2D, she has the ethics level of an alley cat in heat. I have witnessed her dishonesty and her extrmeme betrayal of those who have relied on her and trusted her.
It may be that she is extremely PTS to her brother, and i think this is actually true. But she is still responsible for her actions.
OK. Just giving my one experience.
An Open Letter to Denise.
Dear Denise,
Some fucking twin your brother turned to be right? Didn’t he read the defintion of “Twin” . Then why the hell did he leave you slumming it down in the fucking swamps? Now what? He is just going to ser fac all over your ass on top of HIS hat drop? Fuck Hiiiiim Denise. He just wants to suppress the fuck out of you so you don’t write the nest “tell all”. He’s sitting out in the desert living like a rock star and has been for YEARS on slave labor and now he expects YOU to become the effect of his ser facs? Tell him to shut up and SHOW YOU THE MONEY! It’s HIM that let YOU down. And a few others I might add. Has he called you once to find out if YOU need anything? No! Because it has ALWAYS been about HIM right? After you shared your food in the womb for nine months and gave HIM equal opportunity! He has been loaded on Scotch for YEARS! Tell him to take a hike to A.A. and handle his fucking drinking problem why not? Don’t let him “Lord it over you” just because he posted bail and paid an attorney! You know “He” didn’t REALLY pay anything, the I.A.S. did. The fact that you smoked a little weed is NOTHING compared to his FRAUD, EMBEZZLEMENT, DOMESTIC ABUSE and a host of OTHER BULLSHIT. He IS SER FACING right? Setting it up so you will “OWE” him right? Don’t fall for that crap. I personally don’t think anyone who smoked a little weed needs to be parked in “Rehab”. “Rehabiltiation” has a different meaning in Scientology if you know what I mean? Fuck Rehab. You are FINE just the way you ARE. OWN IT PROUDLY! I am proud of you Denise! XXOO T.O.
The Oracle is ON FIRE!
This letter to Denise deserves it’s own post.
Dear Mike,
I am not the kind of person to kick someone when they are down.
So, I do not want to kick this woman.
What I do MIND, is the HYPOCRISY of the Church about drugs!
I was on staff at the F.S.O., if someone went type three there, they were put on drugs. The Church has no problem giving people drugs when it solves one of their problems.
I am not going to out anybody, but there were people in the Church on the OT levels, one an OT8, one an OTVll, that reverted to drugs. The OT8 went on psych drugs for “anxiety attacks”.
Frankly, I don’t care if she smoked a little weed. I think the ser facs and punishments the Church levies on people for this are WAY over the top. One Mission Holder who was an OTlV was declared because he snorted some cocaine. So what? He snorted some coke! He was running a mission and his P.C.’s were doing FINE. Couldn’t he have been sorted out with Scientology instead of being thrown under the bus?
I lost the urge to take drugs during H.Q.S.! And I have been totally ambivalent about them since I finished my Dianetics drug rundown. The fact that other have such charge on it in the Church I see as an outpoint.
Her complete HYPOCRISY is what I find disturbing.
The Church’s hypocrisy is what I find disturbing. They are willing to declare a mission holder for snorting some coke at a party. Yet they are the first ones to dope up a “customer” that becomes a problem.
Karen’s son died from drugs. They didn’t mind him taking drugs. They STOPPED her from knowing about it by making him disconnect! Oh, she would have known. She would have seen it.
The truth is the Church blows this way and that with drugs and they use them whenever it suits their need.
They have no right to tell parents to disconnect from their children if they are on drugs and condemn others and declare others.
It is the HYPOCRISY , not the DRUGS that is my issue here. And while David is at the Base hiring local police to watch over him because of your party, their PARTNERS are planning a bust on his sister and the news papers know every detail.
The hypocrisy has hit him like a full on tidal wave. The police are working for him and busting his sister at the same time!
He thinks he has the local cops in his pocket because he paiys a few for off duty work?
He doesn’t know cops and clearly he doesn’t OWN them in Clearwater as he makes it APPEAR as though he does.
Those Cops remember the Church picketing against them down there.
The BREAKING news is that he makes it appear as though he has local law enforcement in his pocket and he owns the town.
Guess what? He is having a S.R.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so are a lot of other people in town!
Wow! That was awesome.
Thank you Oracle! Good information.
Bravo Oracle!
The only things missing from this tragedy are a trashy single-wide trailer, a poorly feed dog chained to a decrepit front porch and a late 60’s Firebird with primer all over it parked out front on the lawn.
Frankly, if I’d had the Evil Elf on my lines since before I even born, I’d probably be wanting some chemical relief myself. Too bad Denise saw her connection to Davey as a ticket to success, instead of moving someplace far away from him and living a normal life.
I met Denise back in the 90’s when she worked for Digital Lightwave. I have always liked her. Back in 2006/2007 she was getting audited at FSO by RTC. I believe Craig Jensen’s daughter was auditing her. She commented that she could not sleep and was hearing the TV in her head. So, she wasn’t sleeping but was being audited by RTC. Talk about out tech. Looks like alcohol and pot was a remedy for the mental torture she was going through. Denise really needs to wake up and go join her Dad and brother Ronnie. Under the policy “Antisocial personality the Anti-Scientologist” it says under the Antisocial ATTRIBUTES – “Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding. Such people make trouble for others…Physically treated, such associates commonly do not recover in the expected time but worsen and have poor convalescences. It is quite useless to treat or help or train such persons so long as they remain under the influence of the antisocial connection…Unjustly we seldom see the antisocial personality actually in an institution. Only his ‘friends’ and family are there…” I pray she wakes up and sees her brother for what he really is and disconnects before it is really too late.
I hope Denise miscavige gets better.
Nice to have you fill in some blanks with your reply to Karen on what may be occurring. As this happened a few months ago do you think that the church of scientology already knew about it?
Or do you think that denise was hoping the story would never see the light of day and is now paying hell for it?
It’s an interesting article they go into some detail on the gentile’s finances it’s rather comprehensive actually.
Clearly, Denise needs Super Power. Or GAT II. Or The Basics. Or an SP declare. Or something. Maybe a friend.
That was on my mind, but I was afraid to upset the universe by posting it. Of all the people at wherever she was, presumably the SO or Flag or whatever, with her training and auditing, you’d think SOMEONE would be alert enough to notice she was in deep trouble, and try to help. I mean, the church is all about helping individuals who … oh … wait ….
I have people I just know from work or casually in the course of living, and they can usually tell if I’m having an off-day, and will ask about how my life is going, and will also see when I’m having a great day. One day I dropped a spoon into a plate of marinara and got sauce splatter all over my shirt. A complete stranger at the supermarket, some 18 yead -old girl, got one glance and quiipped, “Great pasta?!” How could her condition go unnoticed? Oh, I already answered that, I guess. I forgot that at Flag no one is supposed to look at anything. I could go on, but what’s the point? Maybe there were circumstances I don’t know about, but it sure seems wierd on the face of it. Man. Cops can tell if you’re wrecked, and my deli guy can tell at a glance if I have an upset stomach. I just see bra sizes, but what the heck.
An SP declare and a friendly hand from the Indy field would do more for her future that anything else at this time IMHO.
Accepting ‘help’ from her brother in the form of attorneys fees and belittling and denial of the facts (and possibly lying about it all) will make sure that the whole sordid mess will continue to be part of her future. She needs to connect up with the crew and lose the dwarf.
Excellent advice Coop.
I second that motion Cooper!
mike, you had previously stated to me that any overboarding on the apollo at lrh’s commands took place from the promenade deck that was no more than ten feet from the water. your response was a direct reply to my theory that lrh had instituted a culture of abuse and violence within scientology that, while he did not strike people himself, he routinely ordered others to follow through on said physical punishment. i then pointed out that jesse prince, among many other sea org/apollo survivors, stated that the overboarding was done from various decks, ranging up to 40 feet from the water. this, coupled with the danger of striking the steel rubber strake and the razor-sharp barnacles on the way down along with the practice of blindfolding and binding the hands and feet of the overboardee turned the overboarding into a very real and dangerous punishment. in contradicting this, you stated that you only saw lrh strike someone once and that the overboarding was done from the promenade deck. i have found other scientology members who have a different recollection than you. for instance, jon atack, in a piece of blue sky, said “Scientologists who joined after 1970 are often unaware that overboarding took place. Most who have heard of it, and those who were subjected to it, dismiss it as a passing phase; unpleasant, but no longer significant. People who experienced it often shrug it off, and even insist that it was “research.” It can take persistence to extract an admission of the reality of overboarding. Students and crew were lined up on deck in the early hours every morning. They waited to hear whether they were on the day’s list of miscreants. Those who knew they were would remove their shoes, jackets and wristwatches in anticipation. The drop was between fifteen and forty feet, depending upon which deck was used. Sometimes people were blindfolded first, and either their feet or hands loosely tied. Non-swimmers were tied to a rope. Being hurled such a distance, blindfolded and restrained, into cold sea water, must have been terrifying. Worst of all was the fear that you would hit the side of the ship as you fell, your flesh ripped open by the barnacles. Overboarding was a very traumatic experience.” in addition, you had doubted that children were locked in the chain cabin for days at a time. atack also goes on to tell the story of tony, a 4 year old boy who was confined to the apollo chain locker for days for “eating” lrh’s yellow telexes. here is the quote “The four-year-old boy could no longer cry. He had been nearly 48 hours in the chain locker of the flagship Apollo and his entire body was aching from his efforts to chip off rust. His knees and hands were raw with cuts and bruises. His voice was raspy from crying, and he was desperately afraid. He was constantly making resolutions to never, never again eat the Commodore’s telexes–the most recent crime of which he had been accused.” i am having trouble reconciling other scientology members’ memories with yours. in trying to determine who may be correct, i am again reminded of lrh’s maxim that what is true for you is what you have observed yourself. is it possible that you simply did not see any of the overboarding from the higher decks and/or the children being locked in the chain locker? there is just too much evidence available to say that these events did not happen.
I like your name, but beyond that I have no idea what your point is. You misquote me. You are trying to “reconcile” my statements with the statements of John Atack and Jesse Prince who were never even ON the Apollo. I never said overboarding did not occur nor did I say people in the chain locker didnt occur. I said most of the “overboardings” happened from either the Cattle Doors or the Aft Well Deck. The Cattle doors were 2 feet above the waterline, the Aft Well Deck about 8 feet above the waterline. I also said I had dived off the prom deck numerous times. This comment is completely off topic. You believe whatever you want to believe. It’s not going to matter much either way…. But this is a warning that any further off topic comments will be overboarded….
I was overboarded 3 times in 1969 and it was definitely higher than 2 or 8 feet. To the best I remember it was at least 15-20 feet. I was never tied up, but being thrown by others made it very awkward and uncomfortable, and hard to control how one landed in the water. It was winter and the water was bitterly cold. As a 24 year old who had swum my entire life I survived it, but it was extremely unpleasant. Later that year at AOLA the Class VIII students would hose down their fellow students for flubs. This was especially degrading even to watch. The hose was passed from student to student so they all had to participate. The pressure of the water was fairly high, it was done at the first muster in the morning, again in winter, and it was cold. It was definitely violent and degrading in my opinion to all involved. Hard even for me to watch, as a student stood at attention and had all the other students hose him down with a fairly high pressure hose often directed to the face. It was ugly.
Thanks for your information. I never said it was pleasant. It’s the effort to portray it as some sort of life threatening experience with the potential of drowing or being ripped to shreds by barnacles that I object to. But regardless, this is completely off topic… 🙂
Pinellas County Criminal Court Cases:
CTC139842HAUASP (Possession of marijuana)
06/24/2013 – Waived Right to Speedy Trial
07/25/2013 – Pre-Trial Hearing, 8:30am, Division F.
Public records link for criminal docket:
Simply log in using the “Guest” button.
In utero with one of the most sadistic people ever to live! OMG, I can only wince at that thought.
A little brew and a hit of the sacred plant from time to time seems pretty innocent given the shoes she’s been walking in. Face it guys, she got dealt a total bummer.
Suddenly, “overboarding” begins to make sense. I’ve heard rumors a lot of people in Clearwater would LOVE to tip the whole Flag Land Base over into the ocean.
That story that she was getting auditing at Flag is made up. Flag Auditing would have picked up any outnesses immediately, INSTANTLY, even before the session started. “Any drugs alcohol, or medicine since your last session?”
Pah leeeeze! The auditors would not ask her that question. Why would they even need to? After all, she is the anointed ones’ sister.
That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. LOL Wut?
By their crimes you will know them.
He’s flying back right now to deal with the situation personally.
La famiglia is of primarly importance to mafioso; in Scientology, “family” is expendable, especially if it gets in the way of the $$ flow.
That is a very good point. Even the *MAFIA* has better repute as far as caring about their families, than Darth Midget and his Church of Black Scientology
Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
“Scientology’s First Family” I guess. If you mean “family” in a Mafia sense.
Nothing is ever what it appears to be in Scio any longer. If it ever were.
Dear Mike,
I am interested to know if Church monies will protect her and if these monies come from extortions from Parishioners.
QUOTE from Joe Childs
“Denise Gentile, 53, has pleaded not guilty. She is fighting the marijuana and DUI charges with the help of Tampa criminal defense attorney Jo Ann Palchak. Palchak is an associate at Zuckerman Spaeder, a firm the church has hired to represent it in court. She would not say who is paying for Gentile’s defense.
Karen — probably something we will never know the answer to. Who pays a lawyer is generally not information that can be discovered. For sure it is not a coincidence that Zuckerman Spaeder have continuously represented the church since the McPherson case and they were hired on the recommendation of Jerry Feffer due to the connections of the partners in Tampa — one a former US Atty and the other a former State Atty. I can imagine it being justified that the church pay for her defense because of the negative ramifications the situation will have on David Miscavige and the reputation of the church. It would be reasonable to assume that this was the case given what is known, including the financial circumstances of the Gentiles as reported in the article. It may even have been done by ZS taking her on as a pro bono client due to all the other business the church gives them.
Thank you Michael.
Got it on the Zuckerman Spaeder *connections*