Things are looking grim in the scientology bubble.
You likely saw the story about the “ideal org” in Boston that was covered in the Boston Globe and they didn’t cover the full story by any means. The level of incompetence on display there is amazing. They could not keep their “statement” building because it was too small though it’s never been maxed out — so were ordered to sell it. They had a buyer willing to pay $20 million but they couldn’t get approval to sell. When they finally got the go ahead, the market had crashed and they got $12 million but had committed to a larger wreck which used up all their funds and now they have a ghost horror house they cannot afford to renovate and have lost their beautiful building and are being sued for breaking other lease contracts.
Similar stories are repeated around the world with insane decisions made to purchase buildings and then NOT renovate or move into them, they sit idle, become eyesores and money pits. Just off the top of my head I know this scenario has happened in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, Battle Creek, Kansas City, Vancouver, Montreal, Albuquerque, Atlanta, Birmingham, Manchester, Sunderland, Auckland, Plymouth, Capetown, Durban, Bulawayo, Harare and there are probably others that have slipped my mind.
In the meantime, the ideal orgs that actually HAVE had their ribbons yanked are EMPTY. A report just in from Dallas that they have nobody on course and are having to try to negotiate with the utilities companies to keep power and water on by begging for a “deal” because they are a “church.” They literally cannot afford to pay for the lights to stay on. Berlin’s elevators stopped working years ago and their phones were shut off. Denver is renting out their parking lot for baseball games to try and make ends meet. Minneapolis is renting out their theater. Brussels is reportedly a shell and they don’t even turn on the lights in most of the building. Same in Malmo. And it’s a pattern repeated all over the world.
But the one that tells the real story of the failure of this “strategy” best is Valley.
Here is their latest “thermometer”. They have raised HALF of what they need to get this building done.
And everything has been thrown at this to make it happen. The pressure (and hype) is relentless. They have ALL the other “ideal orgs” and management right there pushing for them. They have the “biggest concentration of scientologists on earth” right there in LA. Bart Simpson is underwriting them with the virtually unlimited royalty stream that a 25 year US Network TV shows brings. And the full might of the church hype machine “The most important Ideal Org on earth” is behind it.
And with all that — more than 10 YEARS into the “Ideal Org Strategy” — they are HALFWAY there.
And having flogged most of the dead horses to the point where they are flat as floor rugs, that second $8 million is not going to be as easy to come by as the first half.
The church is going to have to cough up because they cannot afford to let this embarrassment continue for too long. And it will be the start of “new” ideal org game — how long can any org hold out before COB relents and orders that they just get the thing done.
This “strategy” has just about run its course. It’s been milked for hundreds of millions of dollars, but it’s pretty much tapped out.
I also just love the tag line at the top — as if this insanity is “Ron’s vision”. You can convince a bubble dweller to give money for anything with just a couple of three key phrases and their many variations: “It’s what Ron wanted”, “we are making planetary clearing a reality” and “it’s HUGE good news of MASSIVE expansion.”
The latest “briefing” on Valley Fundraising Events, showing the assembled crowd gathered as “LA United”.
Well, if this is “LA United” behind the most important Ideal Org as part of THE strategy for planetary clearing, then they should all bend over and kiss their asses goodbye….
I count no more than 50 people, closer to 40 behind the “LA United” banner.
This is pathetic. It’s hardly worth the time to chronicle.
In all honesty, I would not continue to spend time with this blog or anything else if it wasn’t for the ongoing abuses that remain in this shrinking world of scientology.
Today, the scientology bubble is like a mosquito on the side of an aircraft carrier. And the mosquito is proclaiming to itself that it holds the destiny of the aircraft carrier in its tiny little hands, and that with its superior technology it will ensure the aircraft carrier makes it safely to port. Nobody would be bothered with it other than the fact that it bites people and carries deadly diseases.
Pepper says
Scientology may be a mosquito on the side of an aircraft carrier, but YOU are certainly no mosquito latched onto the side of the Scientology Bubble, Mike!
Please carry on with your articles – so many people check in here and read them everyday and it helps. Less and less people are getting, or will get their lives destroyed by the activities of the Bubble Cult.
Espiritu says
Wow. Dave is just a genius at investing in real estate, isn’t he?
I can just hear his next blathering pronouncement announcing the new “Ideal, Ideal Org program”:
“This Ideal, Ideal Org program is the result of an eval done personally by COB which determined that the ‘why’ for the failure of the original Ideal Org program was that certain ‘vested interests’ had infiltrated the organization through our OT Committees and pushed to make the acquisition and development of real estate the central activity of creating Ideal Orgs!
This was obviously a complete misdirection of the energy of all dedicated Scientologists. Those guilty and their collaborators on staff have been identified and removed from post. Therefore, we are now recruiting to fill these positions in every org. There are quite a few openings due to the extent of this evil conspiracy so hurry down to fill out those applications while there are still openings and take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of this New Beginning for Ideal Orgs. ”
Excuse me……I have to stop channeling DM now so that I can puke.
Pepper says
Hingle McCringleberry says
I’m not an expert, but it seems to me that there is some fairly obvious photoshopping in the group photo. Notice the disembodied arm on the right side. Also, notice the proportions on the size of people’s heads to one another in the back rows. Then there’s the way the light hits the people unevenly throughout. My guess all of the front row and most of the middle and left sides are real, but the rest has been heavily shooped. Sad state to have to edit it up to 40 people. . .
Battlefield Teegeeack says
I am an expert and count 13 photoshopped in in the back (10 obvious and 3 probable). Yes, the way the light hits the face, the proportion and also the different color balance and saturation levels are a dead give-away. A couple of heads in the back actually look like they were shot in black and white. Additionally, unnatural edge definitions on several.
Pepper says
I agree and I am no expert either. I immediately saw the head in the back were photoshopped in too. They are a completely different color and look flat.
Gus Cox says
Me too, Widow Denk 🙂
The lack of young people at that gathering, to me, is shocking. When I was a kid and went to the old mission, the only people in the 50s were the mission holders. Everyone else was in their 20s and 30s.
Those 20-30 year olds became the people in the photos from Valley Org. No new people are coming in.
Which, frankly, is a very good indicator as to the state of the world.
Gus Cox says
Well, Miscavige knows all about architecture. And interior design. Just like he knows all about C/Sing.
Gus Cox says
That due struck me for different reasons – I had met the parents of one of the girls some time in the past – they are nice people. Sweet kid, too. I had hoped they all had got out, but I guess not. I’m surprised I recognized the kid – she’s grown a bit. Sigh. At least the girl and her brother didn’t join the SO.
Kronomex says
Why doesn’t Cap’n Sociopath just use his SUPER POWERS to think all the orgs into their final glorious states and then exert his massive mental powers to control all the people in the world to join Scamology…no wait, gads what a thought…teleport all the money in the big banks into Gold Base.
J. Swift says
The Church of Scientology has billions of dollars and can fully afford to pay all of its bills. However, Church finance policy is so robotic that that it must hoard cash in untouchable reserves that reduce the Orgs to paupers begging for free electricity. I’m surprised some enterprising OTC hasn’t run a covert three phase set up to an adjacent utility pole to hijack some wog electricity for the greatest good.
In any case, I plan to contact the Dallas utility company and whistle blow on the Dallas Org’s attempt to freeload for free electricity. This is shameless given the Church’s billions.
The Church of Scientology reminds me of notoriously cheap and wealthy misers like Leona Helmsley.
The scammy Church corporate structure makes the Church hard to sue. Conversely, this same bogus corporate structure leaves Orgs unable to pay utility bills let alone pay staff members.
What a strange disconnect: These Orgs generally cost about fifteen-to-twenty million to purchase and renovate only to have Church finance policy leave them broke after the ribbon is cut.
Lordburg12 says
My Class V org, like many others, had an unpaid rent lawsuit ongoing for a year or more, despite the fact that we had 60K plus in the Building Fund and the General Liability Fund reserves, which would have paid the backlog in full. We were not allowed to touch that money, despite the horrible out PR and stress of the lawsuit. The reason Management gave, in their infinite wisdom, was that “income demand” needed to be created to handle the situation. I queried this, stating quite truthfully that before these reserve payments and other fixed allocations to SO Reserves were enforced, we were always able to pay the rent.
The ED and I were threatened with immediate Comm Ev and possible declare if we ever mentioned it again.
Pepper says
“The Church of Scientology reminds me of notoriously cheap and wealthy misers like Leona Helmsley.”
Very true, JSwift. I recall when the Asian tsunami occurred in 2004 and then Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, and I clearly noticed that no donations were made by the Church of Scientology / IAS to any relief fund.
This really bothered me because I saw that so many other churches, corporations, private businesses, private citizens, celebrities, literally everyone else was making donations to help the people affected by these disasters. Not a single penny from the CoS / IAS. I thought “Why is this?” Truly, I already knew the answer to that because I had been in for a while and knew the drill. The IAS is its own ‘relief force’ and asserts itself as superior to all others.
Whenever I was approached to make a donation to the IAS for these events or any other disaster, I would politely tell the person that I had already donated to the Red Cross, which I always do. That didn’t always go over very well, you can imagine. It’s just that I know a few simple things: Bodies die in a short period of time without water or food, blood saves lives, and morphine is a fantastic pain reliever for broken, torn up bodies.
MJ says
Pray that Hurricane Hubbard decimates the Int Base.
SadStateofAffairs says
I believe that unless reserves pitches in the money to renovate this particular building, Boston org will not be able to make it happen. That would put the exclamation point on the destruction of this org.
zemooo says
The Idle mOrgs campaign is a wonderful success story and a testament to COB’s intellect and foresightedness. Where else could he get local members of the CO$ to buy, rebuild and staff new buildings in the decrepit down towns of rust belt cities and then rake off a large percentage of the raised funds, and then keep ownership for the corporate entity, totally screwing the locals? Who else could pull this off? Bernie Madoff didn’t have balls this big.
The truly good thing is that now, you get your ‘status’ by direct buying, no strenuous memorization of the wit of Lron, no holding of the cans until you confess your withholds, no exorcism of billions of BTs, no getting past the wall of fire and then reading ‘you mocked it all up’. All you have to do is cough up some money. And you get a nice bowling trophy if you pay enough.
Each cognitive dissonance sends a few more out the door. That is the only success story I can see, and that is a success.
shannester says
I am immensely grateful for your continued efforts in publishing this blog. It has been essential to my own journey out of the cult of Scientology. I realized the other day that I have been reading your blog (and the Bunker) for a year now, so I am celebrating my first anniversary as an increasingly independent and clear thinker.
There was a time I lived in fear and hatred of Scientology, consumed with a sort of pathetic and impotent rage against an unassailable Goliath. I stopped going years ago but didn’t realize how much I still believed or how much it dominated my mindset and viewpoints. When I stumbled across your blog, I was stunned at the snarky tone. At first I thought it was just more J&D but then noted that the snark was balanced with a strain of deep humanism. You leveled your passion and wit against those who deserved it yet demonstrated restraint and humanity toward the poor tools who continue to labor under their delusions.
You helped me to learn to laugh at Scientology, even as I ached inside for so many of my school mates, friends, lovers and loved ones still trapped in the RCS bubble of delusion.
I’m definitely not afraid of Scientology any more, and sometimes I wonder how I ever could have been afraid. Scientology is just sad and pathetic now, as you have catalogued so well. If people I love were still not being hurt every day by this hateful cult, I would be more than happy to ignore it, just like you.
But, just like you, I know the damage continues, and we must remain vigilent, waiting with open arms to those who are ready to open their eyes and become truly free.
My own journey to freedom was something that you helped with. Thank you again for your efforts.
Hallie Jane says
Thanks for that genuine comment shannester. I have shared many of the same feelings.
George says
Michael Cox says
What a great post! I love the mosquito analogy. Perfect!
deElizabethan says
Swampland4Sale says
Forget the horse being as flat as a rug. It has already been through the glue factory.
Since DM ONLY runs the “church” on criminal donation games this IS the end. Not the end of the end perhaps, but at least, the beginning of the end.
Friend says
In all honesty, I would not continue to spend time with this blog or anything else if it wasn’t for the ongoing abuses that remain in this shrinking world of scientology ..
But in some part of your heart you may think that all can become good as like as you wanted at the start of your journey ..
Let’s say something, probably not importend, when I spoke out in 1973 that I became a scientologist, there were lot of people who asked me what it is and what I am doing there .. when I say today that I am a sicentologist I am simply an idiot who will have power of the world .. but that is a media product ..
I have still the meaning that scientology can give help for a lot of people, it is not so bad what LRH has wriitten down .. but you cannot get that through with Miscavige ideas .. you can go with proper buildings but it is a trap .. means rich people would like it .. but poor people would feel unconfortable ..
Battlefield Teegeeack says
I count no more than 50 people, closer to 40 behind the “LA United” banner.
Agree Mike — I counted 37 and am thinking some in the back may have been photoshopped in.
Old Surfer Dude says
Well, the cult is certainly well versed in photo shopping! I doubt there’s ever been a so-called “Grand Opening” that wasn’t photo shopped. I believe it;s mandatory now…
Mike Leopold says
This is reminiscent of the violins that played on the decks of the Titanic as she began to list and slowly sink beneath the waters. The denial of death.
The death of Scientology, though, is hardly tragic, and should be toasted and cheered.
And it is not yet too late for the OSA staff to join the others in the lifeboats, and speak aloud your crimes.
They were NOT your supposed crimes against Miscavige. They were crimes against humanity.
Old Surfer Dude says
^ What Mike just said! Very well put. And, yes Mike, these were crimes against humanity!
Marie guerin says
yeah, reading about people losing their money and other silliness doesn’t keep me on the blog.
Knowing that the abuses are still going on keeps me reading , it is all about human rights violations and destruction of families.
Valley has always looked like that , I recognize a good many people.
How they figure that they are going to fill the place is just baffling.
In my naivete I thought our declare would be a red flag in our community , but not so , there is zero evidence that anybody looked into the bizarreness of the whole thing.
So I will keep reading your blog , Mike .
McCarran says
Believe me Marie, your declare made another crack in the fascade of the church of scientology.
Cooper J Kessel says
I agree. The analogy I use is like leaves on a tree; one lost leaf does not cause a serious problem but no leaves is a death sentence. So how do the leaves fall from a tree?
One leaf at a time, sometimes two or three. So let’s keep the still-ins leafing!! Thanks to everyone here who has left and to you Mike for manning the rake.
non-scientologist says
The other thing that the whole ideal org fiasco has made clear, is that DM is far more comfortable with buildings, then parishioners and getting those parishioners up the bridge. This is not surprising for a guy who may have failed his first and only auditing gig.
If the head of an organization as tightly regulated as scientology does not care about recruiting new members, and properly training them in “tech” then the rest of the organization will not care either. Given Scientology’s ferocious rate of eating it’s own, and DM’s probable stay on top of the organization for another twenty plus years, he’ll probably be down to less to five thousand $cientologists in the world when he finally dies, or steps down.
Kevin says
Many people realize this but certainly not everyone. From the modest house, to the largest building, there is a constant level of maintenance required to keep the structures in good shape. Is the plumbing being maintained? How about the HVAC system? Is anyone checking on the roof or gutters for damage?
Not only are these buildings sitting idle but they are slowly decaying away.
And all I have to say to that is “Good!”.
threefeetback says
Once Dave cognites on this for real, his ‘run with the money’ strategy will begin.
Aquamarine says
threefeetback, you said, “Once Dave cognites on this for real, his ‘Run for the money’ strategy will begin.”
This resonated with me, for some reason, though I don’t know to what you were referring: cognites on what?
DollarMorgue says
Cost of upkeep, I presume.
Cooper J Kessel says
At some point I think Dear Leader will step back and do an eval on the cost of maintaining the slave labor population against the ability of those slaves to maintain a positive cash flow. The Ideal Morgue campaign works well so long as enough staff remain to create the false flag of expansion.
So in LA, if there are 2000 staffers then each week they have to cough up enough food and pay to cover basic costs which for arguments sake lets say is $50.00 per week per person.($20 for pay and $30 for rice and beans). Their other hard costs are utilities and and a small stipend for rodent control each month. Say utilities for big blue, HGB, CC and the other misc facilities are $20K/mo.
All totaled:
$50 x 2000 x 4.3 wks/mo = $430K/mo plus utilities rounds to $450,000.00/mo
Until the expenses exceed the costs I suspect the charade will continue. The Morgue program seems to mainly provide cover for Darth Vader along with a plausible explanation for 501c.3 compliant use of funds.
The good news is that all of us outies have cut the funding source. That combined with the net effect of all the bad (spelled TRUTHFUL) data we share about the cult further erodes the funding. For those of us with kids still in, we know that without connections to their boomer parents retirement funds, their is little chance they will be able to donate. So life support becomes the whales still in.
I can’t wait for the final curtain call. If my numbers are out of whack I will defer to Mike for an accurate eval!
non-scientologist says
Mike, I’m curious. If DM was willing to pay to complete all failed Ideal Org projects that are well on their way to completion, while skipping an occasional small market like New Haven. How much would that set Scientology back? 100 million? 200 million? I suspect they’d rather waste the money on Lawyers.
Mike Rinder says
Average it at 10 million a piece for renovations. There are probably 30 orgs that have buildings already sitting empty. There are 40 or so done. There are another 80 or so to find a building and renovate it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Mike, this was one of your best stories! I’ve got a HUGE smile on my face right now! I have certainty now that the cult will, indeed, collapse soon. And when that happens, Earth will be a much, much better place to live. Families will be reunited. Friends will be reunited. No more fundraising in those “fundraising halls.” No more insanity. And then, the final coup: Party at my place.
Man, I’m so giddy right now I don’t think I can get any work done! Guess I better grab my board and go surfing. It will probably be my best surf session ever…
McCarran says
I’ll be there, DID.
Old Surfer Dude says
You better! BTW, what does DID stand for?
McCarran says
Spell correct changed OSD to DID and I didnt notice. I meant OSD.
threefeetback says
The only public stat that is possibly in the millions, is the number of people who will get closure after keeping tabs on the cult from the corner of their eye.
George says
Mike, agree with your mosquito analogy. My (actual and only) reason for being on this blog is my (obviously disconnected) kids still in the SO. I want to still have an idea of what their lives look like, what their reality is – so I can talk with some understanding when they eventually walk away and be able to better help them and not just go HHHuuu ??
The Idle Org Strategy (the failure thereof) has the potential to wake the public up (the SO members and staff will be last as they are under the most pressure and delusion 24/7) as its failure is so visible. Unfortunately I believe it will be a while before somebody says a loud and audible NO to this nonsense in an org, at a fundraiser or another bs event – and start an internal revolt. Once that happens and some momentum builds (others saying No as well) it will be over as quickly as the Berlin wall.
Because Scientologists are like druggies.
Even though they know it all is some sort of a nightmare they keep coming to events where they know they will get regged for money they don’t have, they know they can’t talk freely but pretend to each other how great it all is, the Bridge sort of keeps moving away from them whenever they decide to step onto it (like the rock that keeps rolling down the hill after you almost got it over the top) – they still want more KoolAid. Apparently the withdrawal symptoms from it are unbearable and when we look back, probably many of us thought so too.
El Ron Laughayette said somewhere that people receiving ECT would be on some sort of hypnotic command when told to come back for more – as they apparently would do so, even though it was anything but a pleasure. Scientologists do just that. They keep coming back on command even though they didn’t like what they got the last time.
We all had our snapping points when we finally had enough and we didn’t care anymore about our eternity, our friends, and yes, whatever consequences that would have to what was left of our families. Continuing was more unbearable than the withdrawal symptoms.
And this is where I think the Idle Morgue Strategy has great potential. The more empty, rotten and unused buildings they accumulate the more visible the failure (and con) will become. And when its painful enough they will actually say it.
Every one of their events and hype is another nail into their own coffins – and when they will consider themselves utter failures and drop into this coffin they will find out that it has a false bottom and that the “Way out” is “the way through …. “, the bottom” that is. Laughayette, you got it wrong and the laughs are on you.
“Freedom is just another word, for nothing left to lose” Janis Joplin – who would have thought that this applies to what we once considered worthwhile.
cindy says
“In all honesty, I would not continue to spend time with this blog or anything else if it wasn’t for the ongoing abuses that remain in this shrinking world of scientology.” Mike, I for one, am very thankful that you do take the time to create this blog every day with no time off for good behavior practically. YOu are doing the much needed job of chronicling the lies, overts, atrocities, scams perpetrated by DM and his minions. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated, needed and wanted and we love you. And great analogy of the fly on the airplane. That is so true of the attitude of those in the RCS.
McCarran says
Old Surfer Dude says
George, first off, I’m so sorry you have a family member still in. We all stand behind you.
Second, what a great post! You laid out everything perfectly! We all look forward to your family reuniting!
Martin Padfield says
Mike, your mosquito analogy is just perfect. Just perfect. In exactly three weeks David Miscavige will stand in front of about 2500 (+ actors) people and spend 3 hours telling them in various garbled ways that they are part of the “most vital movement in history, expanding like never before” – and most of them will, to some extent, still believe it. Some, having seen a collective of exes, Indies and Anons welcoming them, will continue their self-questioning and will leave befuddled. In not many years from now, there won’t be any welcoming party because there won’t be any event. That day can’t come soon enough for the bewitched, the hypnotized and the befuddled. Nor for me – got better things to do.
Visitor says
Good mosquito analogy!
Bruce says
Mike, I suppose that there are times as you chronicle the slow withering of Co$ when you wonder if its worth it to even show the odds and ends of those pathetic gatherings that show the real pathetic nature of the over-flogged dead horse.
Well, I for one really appreciate all the examples, big and small, that you publish here…and I appreciate even more your analyses of the mtg reports, and the “reading between the lines” that you do of the various email communiques and flyers —- all of which help us to get a better feel for what’s going on inside the bubble there….
And with your credentials having been at the top of the Co$ hierarchy and having known Davey MisCarriage personally, You have the “insider expertise” and insight to make sense of all that stuff, and while it is mind-numbing and probably depressing work for you to carry on day by day, we on the outside really appreciate it!
Keep on rockin’, sir!
Cooper J Kessel says
Aquamarine says
I second that. The people who are being affected by the abuses of this cult numbers-wise are only a miniscule portion of the planet’s population, however, the destruction of these people along all their dynamics is right up there, if not surpassing, the worst abuses in history. This cult isn’t satisfied with just bodily enslavement and destruction. It seeks and works tirelessly for the enslavement of YOU. To me, there is no greater crime than this. What Mike is doing with this blog, applying “Pen is mighter than the sword” tech, by getting out the truth, is very important, because truth is the only weapon that the Co$ can’t fight They can only dodge it, obfuscate it, bury it, pay it to go away. But they can’t stand there and fight it. They are going down, because the truth pens ARE mightier than all their swords. Thank you, Mike.
Eileen says
Surpassing the worst abuses in history? Can’t agree with you on that.
Zephyr says
I third that!
Mike, your peeling of the onion to show the underlying truth is HIGHLY appreciated including
the daily laughs this provides from your sharp pen and other bloggers here.
The Spirit of Play CAN survive here…
McCarran says
Yes. I agree.
Alanzo says
Mike wrote:
“I count no more than 50 people, closer to 40 behind the “LA United” banner.
This is pathetic. It’s hardly worth the time to chronicle.
In all honesty, I would not continue to spend time with this blog or anything else if it wasn’t for the ongoing abuses that remain in this shrinking world of scientology.
Today, the scientology bubble is like a mosquito on the side of an aircraft carrier. And the mosquito is proclaiming to itself that it holds the destiny of the aircraft carrier in its tiny little hands, and that with its superior technology it will ensure the aircraft carrier makes it safely to port. Nobody would be bothered with it other than the fact that it bites people and carries deadly diseases.”
You’re a really good writer, Mike.
I think you have captured here exactly why anyone spends any time chronicling, or even thinking about, Scientology at all.
Cooper J Kessel says
threefeetback says
One can hope that the Texas Court allows the deadly mosquito to be slapped.
Katniss Everdeen says
My guess is that Oklahoma will be their real Waterloo.
DollarMorgue says
To remain a member of this group in this day and age requires that you are either a giant in your own mind, or thrive of hope and sacrifice.
However, bear in mind that there are also people in this organisation that need it and depend on DM doing his parlour tricks.
tony-b says
DN’s parlour is a one triick money counting chamber
KFrancis says
Im in Billings, MT. this morning on my way home from Idaho where Independents out there are currently delivering to folks from Canada, Kansas, Califonia and Colorado. Everyone was excited about their service and doing well in a very nice but humble setting. I didn’t see a single towering physical structure but I did see a lot of smiling faces and people in comunication with one-another. It looked pretty ideal to me.
Hallie Jane says
Thanks for this KFrancis. It’s important to keep perspective and include true reports, of all colors . Last weekend I spoke to 2 long time scngts, who were both making bridge progress for the first time in decades and were having a wonderful experience. Both were doing it on their own terms, and reported that the auditor cared only about their well being, and their life and issues. One of the guys was someone who I’ve worked with in the past, who seemed incredibly happy and contented in a subtle but beautiful way. Auditing done with decency and care is available for those who wish it. Personally, I hate to see long time, dedicated scngsts, abandon all of their original purposes and beliefs. Really horrible things have occurred but I just don’t believe that intelligent, decent people gave so many years, because it meant nothing to them. My Christian friends say “have faith” and I’ve come to understand that this means, take stock of every good thing, every blessing that you have experienced and believe that these positives are possible again. LRH says that what created the affluence is capable of creating it again and this is true for me. I see a hundreds of millions of dollars worth, of giving people, who wanted to help, to create positive change, to make the world better. We are still capable of that and can work on it in any way we choose. I encourage everyone, especially those who feel bitter, to actively embrace their positive goals, and make progress.
MJ says
Like the song goes Hallie Jane, accentuate the positive. 😉
Jose Chung says
I read the Boston Globe article. Renovating that antique, are you crazy ! A dozen Arab Princes wouldn’t touch that project.
The Ideal Org program is David Miscaviges EBOLA VIRUS and Vietnam with a Cernoble on Top !!!!
Old Surfer Dude says
Seriously, Jose, don’t hold back! Don’t sugar coat it! Don’t beat around the bush! Just come out and tell us how you REALLY feel!
BTW, great post!
Jose Chung says
I would rather have serious enemies than fake friends.
The Ideal Org program is so much betrayal it goes beyond gassing Jews and burning them in ovens.
Mike Rinder says
Hmmm, not really….
I assume this is tongue in cheek.
McCarran says
Your final summation is very well put.
I, too, would move as far away as possible from this boil on the rump of mankind if it weren’t for the love I have for my son.
I live for the day that shattered families created by this “church” are reunited.
Cooper J Kessel says
I’m pullin for you McCarran. I hope your son wakes up before the collapse.
McCarran says
Thank you! Me too.
Zephyr says
Isn’t it time for a class law suit by all of the shattered families to put an end to this depraved practice?
cindy says
I’m down with a class action suit! Anyone have any info on them good or bad?
Old Surfer Dude says
We’re all pulling for you! May that day come sooner than you think.
McCarran says
I really appreciate that OSD
Draco says
McCarran – this is one of the main reasons that I still read the blogs and comment. Disconnection is one of the biggest evils of CoS. It is an obscenity that needs to be eradicated. We tend to see the more heart breaking stories out here, but there are thousands of “smaller” stories never told in public. The tentacles of disconnection cause constant fear and anxiety for so many.
As far as I am concerned, if these fools want to keep throwing their money into the black hole of fund raising, that’s their lookout. But I want the CoS to stop fucking with family and friends in order to hold onto their small, pathetic shrinking little cesspit of a cult.
McCarran says
Yes. Me too. And a few other abuses need to stop as well.
Old Surfer Dude says
Draco, there was a time when cult members would verbally spare with Indies or those out completely, in some chat rooms. I can’t remember the site right now. But, I do remember one cult member say, when the topic was disconnection, that, “Disconnection can actually save lives.” I kid you not.
Pepper says
+1 McCarran. I hope all children and parents reconcile soon. Alloying affinity between spouses, parents and children, siblings, friends and any other human being for the sake of ‘Scientology’ is useless and evil.
Ken says
Nice description of the bubble.
deanblair06 says
I am so glad that I am no longer part of this. I had been a staff member in both the SO and in Class 5 orgs and I really feel for the poor sods who are trying to forward David Miscavige’s insanity. Maybe it is time for DM to get a couple of shots of Vistaril to go along with his Scotch.
Old Surfer Dude says
whostolemycog says
Great closing analogy…CoS is more than nuisance to the planet. It is a genuine threat to the still ins, exes, and of course the tragically split families which really embody for me the callous uncaring insanity that is COB and his supporting cast of whales and minions.
Potpie says
A bunch of old farts….they would be better
off going to bingo parlors. At least they
would have a chance to get their money back.
TheWidowDenk says
My thoughts exactly Potpie. However, especially in my case, it takes one “old fart” to recognize another.
Deacon says
Mike, your summation of the mosquito and the aircraft carrier was great. This site and others like it are the insect repellent to protect society. As far as Boston, It could not possibly have been a worse outcome for them. Hard to believe. There we see a death spiral in plain sight. Even if DM put up the money tomorrow to renovate and open the new building, that location is not a good one and they are forever marginalized in that city. They will never, never, never get out of non-existence in Boston.
Eclipse-girl says
In regards to Boston, if you notice the lot next to the hotel is empty. That is also owned by Co$. I believe it was the Ivory Beans building. It was never renovated when purchased, and eventually the city insisted it be torn down as bricks were falling from the facade. While Co$ claims they want to renovate the hotel, they have also stated it will take two more years of planning, at least. Then it will go the the bureaucracy of the city planning dept. I suspect that this hotel will eventually need to be torn down.
threefeetback says
As the house of cards begins to implode.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’ve got some beach chairs, hot dogs & beer. We can relax and watch as the house of cards truly implodes! What fun!
tony-b says
Eclipse Girl. The Boston Globe article says “Boston Scientologists said they are drawing up plans for a less elaborate renovation and expect to finish within two years”. Sounds like some spokesperson from COS has led the the Globe to think the reno will be finished in 24 months. We all know what the odds of that are. And with DM having a pile of ideal reno plans on his desk to handle next to a and even bigger pile of legal court case paperwork as it will take ages for him to micromanage and change his mind on what color marble should be in the corridors. Somehow I can’t see him falling for a less elaborate building than his tastefull high standards have been to date,
Jens TINGLEFF says
The liquid in the donation thermometer is shows as red. How very appropriate.
thegman77 says
Their own photos tell the story. You know well that if they had a really big turnout, at least one photo would have shown it. So lots of singles and doubles. And those who were actually there just couldn’t “get it” that “fail” was the message of the evening. Quite sad, actually.
Cooper J Kessel says
Looks like an esciola outbreak to me. Should be easily contained as there are only 40 infected and the others are not inclined to mingle with the rest of humanity.
Look for the Ideal Morgue outbreak to disappear although there may be a few areas (like Hemet, big blue and Flag) that will need to be quarantined for some time.
statpush says
Gosh, such a horrible state of affairs. Those staff and public should be ashamed of themselves, letting COB down like that. I mean, he is after all, a “leader of leaders”, working tirelessly and relentlessly to bring about a Cleared Planet. Truly a man of vision, inspiration and brilliance. And to think after all of HIS hard work, the staff and public fail to uphold their end of the deal. Well, to say I am disappointed is putting it mildly.
Maybe COB is just ahead of his time? Maybe the world is just not ready for his greatness? Maybe he just thinks TOO BIG? That others just don’t GET IT?
Yes, that must be it.
Friend says
No it isn’t .. I simply do not like this guy .. I liked Steve Jobs from Apple .. he was above the world .. and knew for what others will give a reach .. you could promote Scientology years ago .. but today is nobody really interested in it .. you cannot say, your mind your body your responsibility your help when you have to pay thousands for the Basics at the beginning .. most people have not enough place in her shelfs for storage that .. or have not enough time to read all this stuff .. it will not go well .. cannot be done ..
Beryl says
So true…and these days, a lot of reading is done online and on kindles. Books are no longer the only way to get out this information.
threefeetback says
Ever wonder about Dave’s next wrong targeted ‘head on a pike’? Possibly some of that boiler suit lifestyle in your future? (Don’t play the route-out game, walk away.)
Henk de Vries says
To my knowledge, in the list of Idle Morgues staying empty, Mike missed the following: Zurich, San Diego, New Haven, Copenhagen, St Louis, and Cagliari/Sardinia. I’m sure there’s even more around though.
San Diego:
New Haven:
St Louis:
As far as I’m aware, none of the above has opened in the meanwhile.
Old Surfer Dude says
Excellent, Henk! Everyone should take a look at these Idle Morgues. Truly this is a global scam of biblical proportions! This evidence will show you what’s really going on.
cindy says
OSD, don’t say it is a scam of “biblical proportions”…. they might then get the idea that the RCS is an actual church. NOT.
Zephyr says
Henk, thanks a bunch.
OMG! re Zuerich org. They had a nice building and were busy in 1990 in the middle of town. Made ‘St. Hill size’ then but of course with false stats…
If this is the new Ideal Org this guarantees never making it out there. That MUST BE planned that way, DM’s
true colors!
hgc10 says
“A performance of pure aesthetics” is an expression of pure hogwash. It’s just a duo playing and singing, after all. They act like it’s Jesus flying in on a winged unicorn with chocolate eclairs for everyone.
shannester says
Ha! Between a “mosquito on the side of an aircraft carrier” and “Jesus flying in on a winged unicorn with chocolate eclairs”, my snarky metaphor needs have been fully satisfied for the day!
Sean says
Yes it’s dying a slow death. Here in Joburg I’m in regular contact with (among others!) two people waiting to start their SRD. The one, after waiting about three months finally got the go-ahead to start this week and the other individual cannot find a twin for love of money after four months trying. The impression – cut through the PR of greatest expansion ever – and its like a little knitting club where all the members have to go to bed early. It’s just snoozeville.
cindy says
I know two KA drinkers who can’t find a twin for SRD or Objs for love nor money either. Both asked me if I would twin with them and then found out I’m declared. But they still are looking for a twin to re-do their lower Bridge with. I just can’ thlep but think how stupid they are to not wake up and smell the coffee. Neither were VGI’s on doing it. It was more a resigned, “Oh if I must….” kind of thing.
Aquamarine says
“Both asked me if I would twin with them and then found out I’m declared.”
That’s really funny! Did you suggest that they CSW? Any port in a storm, right? Oh, how I wish that had happened to me!
cindy says
YOu can’t make this shit up, Aqua!
Bystander says
I look forward to the day when I look around and ask myself, “I wonder what ever happened to Mike Rinder? After scientology [collapsed/disappeared/imploded/indicted…] and he managed to get his kids back, the guy dropped out of sight. I wish him well.”
That will be a great day.
Mike Rinder says
WIS says
I look forward to the day he has his kids back, but is also a respected authority on the dangers of cults and other insanities=)
At the very least, I hope he continues to write with the brevity of constant wit he displays here daily.
Is that too selfish of me?
I don’t know.
He should have his privacy, yes.
But he should continue to mine and harvest his intellect (and share it with those of us who have become addicted to it.)
cindy says
Thank you WIS for saying what I’m thinking too! I will go through withdrawals if I don’t have my Mike Rinder Blog in the a.m. He is such a needed and wanted and I for one also love his wit and truth.