Oh dear, the spin doctors have spun themselves into a complete dizzy mess.
Remember when the big pitch was that Valley Org was the last, missing link to clearing all of SoCal? Well, before the ribbon was even yanked, there is now something else that is needed. MORE MONEY for the “last” (and “new”?) ideal org — the most northern southern California org.
What a surprise. Clearing is going to have to wait a little longer.
But if you think about this for a second, what they are really pitching here is the Great News that Santa Barbara will no longer have any org at all.
But Venture WILL have one? Those folks in Santa Barbara don’t really need an org apparently. They can now drive down the coast for 45 minutes to come to the “new” org. Obviously, they didn’t need their own.
This is such typical scientology “think” — turn every failure into a “win.”
But this is the simple question: Why not have an org in Santa Barbara AND one in Ventura to serve the million people within 30 minutes? Why not open an actual NEW org? That has been so forgotten in the world of scientology that most scientologists apparently have no idea that it is possible to open a NEW org…
You can open new buildings. And you can move old orgs to new cities (Cambridge also comes to mind). You can even close down and combine orgs (CCLV and LV, CC London and London etc etc). But the idea that a new org could open is just not in anyone’s thought process. I think the last totally new org was in Taiwan, and before that perhaps St Petersburg or Budapest or Athens. But those were in the 90’s as I recall.
Why are there no NEW ORGS? Doesn’t Santa Barbara need one AND Ventura? And Bakersfield? And Fresno? And, and, and…
This era of golden shower expansion has NOT seen any new orgs open anywhere in the world. And the number of Missions has also shrunk in the last 20 years.
Scientology “expansion” is a figment of Miscavige imagination that he has managed to convince his loyal subjects is true. And they actually buy the idea that 8 “ideal orgs” are going to clear 20 million people. That is 2.5 MILLION people for each org. And they throw this out like it is a foregone conclusion that because Dear Leader told them this is what is needed, it is now going to happen. If those orgs were going to clear southern California in 10 years it would be 250,000 Clears per year EACH. That is 5,000 Clears per WEEK. Combined they have not made 5,000 Clears in a decade, even though 7 of them are ALREADY “ideal.”
Math is not their strong suit.
NOTE: Postings and moderating of comments may be sporadic over the next few weeks or months due to work commencing on the next installments of Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath. I am sure you will understand… There are only so many hours in a day.
Just drove by the new building today. It made me want to throw up.
Me too. Drove a couple of times up Seward and my god there were 25 buses full of people being brought in. Yuck. I still feel so taken aback by how many people buy into the Scientology crap/cult.
There appears to still be a Scientology Church at 524 State Street in Santa Barbara… google maps shoes the storefront with the sign that has the hours the store is open. Granted, that street-view is from September 2018. Hope it does close. We have enough weirdo things here, lol.
Mike, love your and Leah’s show. 🙂
Orgs within 30 minutes of everyone in CA? Of Alturas? Redding? Yreka? Palm Springs? El Centro? Apparently, geography is not their strong suit,either.
I am estatic about another season! I knew it would happen. I love the work you are both doing, and appreciate it. Please keep me posted on the date I can watch.
“Postings and moderating of comments may be sporadic over the next few weeks or months due to work commencing on the next installments of Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath…”
How’s Ventura mission doing these days?
Mike, “this era of golden shower expansion” I had to read that line twice. At first I thought you were “Putin” me on!
When did $camology go into the fast food business? Surely that’s what they meant when they serve 20,000,000 people…oohh, wait a minute, I know what’s going on. They’re going into the soon to be burgeoning cannibal fast food business. Now I know what they meant about “serving”. That sorts it all out…oh great one of the cats is running around on the roof.
Can you imagine the tiny size burger you’ll get when you ask for a Miscavige with the works. At least the meat will be well marinated and have a hint of expensive whisky.
Mike and Leah…can’t wait for the 2nd season..!! You both are rock stars
I agree! So many people harmed by the cult and these two are indeed rock stars. Knowing they will be attacked by the cult and slappy Dave the corn COB but they know how important it is to expose the cult and that they have now given so many others the courage to also stand up and share their horrific stories. I think they will be the beginning of the end for slappy and his band of misfits.
Woo Alert:
ONE org will “serve” a MILLION “thetans”.
One org.
Scientology is doing its own version of the Miracle of The Loaves and Fishes.
Since Scn is a “1 in a million” religion, they will only serve 1 person. And that poor chap or gal will have to bring their own toilet paper.
Mike, so exciting that you are on your second season. Congratulations to you and Leah.
I’m able to see both sides and you all are making a huge difference.
Serving 20 million people in southern California, and now able to service another 1 million within a 30 minute drive of this “planned” new one. God I hope I wasn’t that stupid when I was in.
Mike, you really make my day! In this world, we don’t get to see the “good guys” win too often, but every day I see you keeping up the good fight after escaping from COB’s reign of terror, it help me in my own fight to keep after corruption and do the work that I do. Not to be all corny or butt kissy, but you and your family are an inspiration to me and millions of others who see what you do!
Mike, very well done to you and Leah for getting the second season. If I do say so myself, I’ll take a win on the fact that I predicted back at the beginning of the first season that it was going to have a greater audience and bigger effect than the documentary Going Clear – and it has.
Actually, besides educating the public about the CoS, this show is an education on cults in general and how easy it is to fall into their trap if you don’t know how they work. I hope Leah’s series morphs into regular programming at A&E – like their “Intervention” series, which has been running for years now. Education on cults is also very much needed, and I hope accomplishing this is going to be your legacy.
Sending you love and so really glad that Season 2 is going to strike even harder at the fortress bubble of this evil cult. Shine On.????
Mike, thank you so much for this blog. Never in, but I’m learning so much from reading. And? about myself and my indoctrinations. I appreciate the civility of this blog.
You and Miss Leah are phenomenal!! But yall be careful, putting yourself front line again.
I can not understand how the cos keeps claiming that there goal is to clear everyone, When they make the cost of the services beyond the reach of normal people. Something doesn’t make sense.
“Something doesn’t make sense.”
Paul, that’s probably the most common phrase that pops in my head when I try to analyze why CofS does what it does about pretty much ANYTHING…..
Makes me wonder how far the Mormons have gotten in baptizing the dead. There are a lot more of those.
Nothing about $cientology makes sense until you understand the basic on His chain. It’s all about the money, the control and being a good sociopath.
You are correct sir something does not make sense. Everything about Scientology should make sense or else it should correct itself until it does. That will never happen because there are lies behind lies covered up by more lies. Scientology and it’s backers are liars liars liars.
To a criminal it makes perfect sense and even creates an enormous sense of jealously to those wishing to enter the religious racket.
Godspeed Mike. Thank you for what you and Leah are doing. Keep up the good fight against this church and its abuses.
Heh OSA! It ain’t about the religion. It’s about the abuses. Stop disconnection. Stop with the horrific work and sleep conditions of staff and Sea Org. Stop human trafficking. Stop harraging people for money. Stop the abuses. Period.
It’s sort of like trying to tell a Leopard to lose his spots Mary! How about this ……
Yo Dave,
How about you cease to be such a short miserable piece of human excrement?
Just three things.
1. Why do they call it Santa Barbara if it is in Ventura?
2. The new “Mountain View Idle Morgue” remains untouched, with no signs of construction. Perhaps all the local members quit the cult!
3. Go Mike and Leah!!!!!
“1. Why do they call it Santa Barbara if it is in Ventura?”
My guess is that COB thought that the “Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim” was the most brilliant marketing idea ever.
For those not familiar with Southern California, it takes 1.5 hours to drive from LA to Anaheim… to see a “Los Angeles” Angels game.
The Mormons solve a similar problem of demonstrating global influence by baptizing the dead (usually encouraged to limit it to their own ancestors). Maybe CoS could perform a parallel service and just clear those millions by proxy. It would be a much less painful way to maintain a revenue stream (donations to “clear the unsuspecting” – not like it’s cheap). Not as much bad publicity for human rights violations. Less overhead (publishing costs of new courses if nothing else) and more ROI. Anything to cut down on all that paper. Useful reason to train and employ more slave auditors (and less lawyers).
If DM wants to really make claims that are not transparently false – why can’t he simply think of a way for the tech to operate remotely and put all those people to work doing something they can brag about. Retroactive auditing those billions. Isn’t time travel one of the perks of being a high level OT? And it would be loads more fun than filing. It’s easier to make quantitative claims about success if you don’t need an actual live body count. Derp! Time to automate!
Mormons do not baptize the dead but do baptisms for their dead ancestors if they did not have
the opportunity to be baptized. Please…do not connect The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) with the Church of Scientology. There is NO connection. Check out Mormon website at lds.org.
The Mormons believe in families together forever not families separated forever.
There may not be any connection between the organizations, but there are similar practices in the LDS and FLDS communities that parallel the abuse.
Mormons are having their own wake up calls with the suicide epidemic, defections and mormonleaks.
“The Mormons believe in families together forever not families separated forever.” – Tell that to the countless number of gay mormons whose families are most definitely not intact.
Banrion, there are some similarities in general organizational practices which come from the fact that Joseph Smith adapted rituals and elements of Freemasonry, while Hubbard adapted rituals and elements from the Ordo Templi Orientis and at least one other group that are peripherally related to, and structured similarly to, Freemasonry. There may be some general similarities because Hubbard’s work also has roots in 19th century movements like New Thought that were contemporary with the development of Mormonism, and reflective of some of the same influences and trends in American society.
As for abuses, I haven’t researched or thought through the parallels, but I would say they are largely due to the dynamics that tend to happen in insular religious groups, and particularly those with authoritarian structures. It does occur to me that fundamentalist Mormons (FLDS) and Scientologists also have similar beliefs that young girls can be treated as being mature enough for sex and marriage, which is used to justify the abuse of underage girls.
I was born and raised in the LDS church and an active member for 45 years. After asking myself how anyone could be so foolish not to see what’s right in front of them in regards to Scientology, I had to ask myself some very difficult questions. I recently resigned, as did my family. No disrespect meant but….its all bullshit
Mormons count the dead…Scientology counts the Body Thetans.
Silly you! The dead can’t pay for anything…
We’re working on that… never say die!
Um what part of ‘Free coffee, donuts and bagels inside’ do they not get? If you have free food people will walk into anything including junior high schools, new age books stores, mortuaries and sewage treatment plants. Come in have a cuppa and look at some lovely brochures…so what brings you in today, are there areas of your life you feel you’d like to make some improvements on, do you have a credit card, have you heard of Dianetics, do you have a credit card. You know Tom Cruise loves this shit. More coffee…
Go get em Mike!
I’m sure all commenters here understand that what you’re doing with Leah in exposing these CoS abuses and increasing awareness of these human rights violations is much more important than tending to a blog. The personal stories of devastation really hit home for never-in folks.
And as an added bonus, I bet Miscavige is losing his shit right about now wondering what you two are going to come up with for Season 2. Can’t wait for these new episodes to air.
P.S. When I said it’s “more important than tending to a blog”, I wasn’t implying this blog isn’t important. It is very important. I meant it’s more important than getting all of our comments moderated as quickly as you usually do.
” I bet Miscavige is losing his shit right about now …”
Mick, That is one thing He will never ever run short on…!
Good luck and many thanks to you and Leah for the work you are doing.
And once Ventura is completed (probably years from now), then suddenly Salt Lake City or Albuquerque will become part of Scientology SoCal and need to be completed with the money of the fools in LA.
The new Santa Barbara org moves to Ventura where it may better serve the greater need. Indeed its strategic location can been seen by hundreds of thousands of passing cars per day with even more people seeing it as they pass by and pass by and pass by and pass by.
I have a question. Up here in Sacramento we have lots of Scientology buildings. I’m not calling them churches.
Are these Orgs? Are they the same thing? I don’t know how much more “clear” Sacto can become.
There is one Idle Morgue on 2nd and J next to the new stadium. Where are all the others you refer to?
There are missions around the area. Tree Nebecker runs the River Park Mission, Rohn Walker runs the Capitol mission and I think there used to be one in Auburn and maybe one in Folsom.
All the best with the Leah and the show. It’s great to have something positive to look forward to on the Scientology front.
Yo Dave,
About the part where You are ‘servicing one million thetans within a 30 minute drive’ ………………
(If you are a real Oh Tea Dave you don’t need no stinking car for christ’s sake. Restudy Your materials!)
And ‘ At the top of the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes the tone level soars and “the future is endlessly beautiful”.’
(Wait until You Blow that stinkin pop stand you call a cherch Dave. Real gains await on the fringes of the internet ……………. and in watching Season Two of the Mike and Leah reality TV show)
Say to yourself Dave and repeat after me good buddy…….
“I can make any good thing real.”
Santa Barbara has no org, and, by complete coincidence, is one of the nicest places to live in the entire USA.
All good wishes on filming the second season of Aftermath, Mike. I hope you and Leah take time to care for yourselves so you don’t get emotionally and physically drained.
Thanks for the note about the possibility of fewer posts — I get a little panicky if you’re AWOL. (“OMG he’s sick! His family is sick! He’s exhausted! He’s being chased by OSA! He just can’t with us any more! He’s gone back to Scientology!!!!”)
One million thetans. How many BTs is that?
how many?
Is an ex OT8 here to answer this correct??
Good to see that you are making progress toward hunkering down your cult to the next best thing than Christian Science Reading Rooms.
Duggan, Scientology’s biggest whale, lives in Santa Barbara.
I wonder what he thinks about having no more Scientology in his city?
Surely he must suspect that something’s wrong with this picture.
He moved to Palo Alto and “claims” he is a Fl resident in Belleair Shores.
In the oldie moldie dirty laundry department, years ago the Santa Barbara field OT committee or whatever this group of public called themselves at the time started fundraising for a new building. I believe they raised about $250,000.00. I could be mistaken.
I donated to it.
It wasn’t the hard-core tiresome fundraising they have today.
Anyway this was when Reed Slatkin and his pal the ex-manager of the Grateful Dead lived in town, never did services, but showed up at occasional events.
A number of wealthy local scientologists were investing with him. It was like a badge of richness that you could buy services and afford to invest your excesses with Reed.
Some locals like Hitchman’s and Hahn’s were early investors. Hitchman’s made out very positively from his Ponzi scheme and moved to SA rather than give back some of their ‘gains’ as other had to in the litigation that followed.
Back to my laundry, the fundraising committee decided at no doubt Reed’s urging, to invest the raised money with him. Well, when the fan started spraying excreta from the aforementioned Reed’s ponzi scheme discovery by law enforcement, the money that came from the new building fundraising vanished.
I once asked a staff member about it and got silence and the person suddenly remembered something crucial they had to do.
I asked a couple of other people and got no data, but looks of quelling.
I quit asking.
But the purported 16 day miracle of fundraising hype prompted me to dredge up this memory from somewhere in the eighties. My couple of hundred bucks went into the toilet and didn’t come back.
This happened.
Oh, for all its visual beauty, the lovely coastal area north of LA is heavily polluted with Scientology. In addition to that piece of shit Slatkin, the last Mission of Ventura swindled a brain-injured man of everything he had:
After the mission got nailed in court, clams in LA were regging for donations, saying that the mission needed money because it was being “attacked by German psychs” or some such bullshit. I remembered that when I read this story in the New Times LA when it first came out and realized the real reason that shit mission was in trouble.
All the usual scientology scum suspects were involved – Ken Moxon (to whom I award my Shittus Scatatorious with Festering Turds status) (you should smell the trophy that goes with that), Kurt Weiland… and Brent Jones who went on to a life of politics in Nevada:
Anyway, this was the story that made me leave that shitty organization for real. Years later when they did the same thing to another brain-injured man, Isaac Hayes, by quitting South Park for him right after Isaac had a stroke and was in no condition to quit anything, well that made me really hate the shitty organization that I had already left.
But anyway, no Scientologist can read what happened to Lopez and deny that it’s true. I was all in when I read it and I knew it was all true. Every clam knows regges who have done what those regges did, every clam knows people who have lent other clams money for “bridge cycles” or have done it themselves, and every clam knows that pretty much all of those clam loans defaulted. And every clam knows that it wasn’t just some “rogue out-ethics staff.” We all know that shit happens ALL THE TIME.
So, Ventura finally has a mission again and they’re so proud of themselves. Turds.
Raul was my auditor at the Ventura mission on Ashwood Rd. I am good friends with his daughters and son-in-law.
He is a really good guy actually. I think he still runs a purif program from his home as well as auditing. I am long out of the CoS, just wanted to say he is a good dude.
Badafuco, there were some other staff members I liked too. Great people stuck in the muck just like I was at the time.
Gus Cox, the Steiners being paid to take over Baton Rouge mission was the beginning of the end for me… I had never seen such a thing in Cof$ before.
Gus, what I mean is, I really hadn’t encountered people like them in the Cof$ before they took over.
This would be like one of my kids coming home and saying
Kid: I got a D on my test!
Me: why is that good news?
Kid: I didn’t get an F!
Hooray! That’s a win! Make sure to thank MOB (Mother of the Board) when you write your success story
I’m noticing that as things deteriorate, and their PR gets sloppier, they are making more tacit admissions of the sad state of affairs. “The small community of scientologists in Santa Barbara and Ventura” is in there, probably because someone is thinking that somehow shows how powerful even a few of them are. Oops.
And obviously, of course, the fact that despite all the hype there are probably fewer scientologists in that area now than at any time in about the last half-century, is not obvious to those conditioned to ignore the cognitive dissonance of contradictions.
Do you think there’s anyone left in Southern California who could see this notice as a win? Honest question. Or are they all heaving a collective sigh of dread and exhaustion?
Dread and exhaustion rule the day…by a long shot!
Dread and exhaustion, scientology in a nutshell.
Scn management is Delusional Management. You find it everywhere in Scn. Org programmes with targets like “Get 50 fully trained auditors on staff, posted and producing”
These people do not have a clue.
What is ironic about it, is they say or do these things because they think it is “theta” or “thinking big”, that somehow this is a “win”. The reality is quite the opposite. It is a big lose for everyone involved, staff and public. No one EVER meets any of these targets. It’s just loss after loss after loss.
The history of organizations, and even of individuals is always interesting, and in this respect, in the ways behaviors are repeated that worked once or that worked in certain circumstances, but which are no longer productive – or have even become counterproductive. And then there’s the extra irony that Dianetics and Scientology are supposed to rid individuals of self-defeating behaviors, and yet we can see that as an organization they fail to engage in any self-correction or self-improvement.
There was a time, when Dianetics and Scientology were viable and growing, that their internal motivation systems probably did help to increase their statistics somewhat. However, their management systems never seem to have produced stable organizations, probably because they miss a number of the factors that would be necessary to create truly viable organizations. As much as they now fail to produce any real growth, the old sales boiler-room tactics are probably helping them stave off real collapse a while longer.
Telex: “By not completing these orders, you are out of step with the rest of Scientology and are slowing the progress of your org to St Hill Size.”
Mike….I just wanted to let you and Leah know how much I admire the both of you. You are doing a great thing….and making a tremendous difference. You have given a voice to people who might have otherwise remained silent.
Don’t stop….keep Going.
Yours….. OverTheBridgeTPA
“raising funds to buy their building in just 16 days.” Sixteen years is closer to the mark. They had to sell their multi-million dollar old org building on State Street in Santa Barbara and secure a another million bucks from out-of-town, deep-pockets whale, Bob Dugan to purchase this new building in Ventura.
On their own, the Scientologists in Santa Barbara would have needed two or three decades more to come up with the money to buy a new building (though, of course, they all would have died first since their average age is 60+).
The Santa Barbara Org has been insolvent since the late seventy’s. The community has never supported them and in the last thirty years they’ve cleared no more than a few people.
The reason they’re moving to Ventura is that there’re more Scientologist down there, real estate is cheaper, and Scientology Santa Barbara has failed.
Terra, they could have made it even bigger since they have 244 parking spaces and only use about 15 of them.
OSD: 15 parking spaces? You’re obviously in a generous mood today. Or had one too many Negro Modelos.
But I can relate. I’m an old beach person myself. We probably crossed paths at Rincon years ago before the days of leashes. I was the one on the yellow Yater twi-fin.
I started surfing at Bolsa Chica State Beach, with the old gronks (really big surfboards) in ’66. No wetsuits, no leashes. And, I’m still paddling out…
Hmm, buy a multi-million dollar building in a town where they had to pack up and close because they couldnt even pay rent on a little office space? Zero foot traffic and not even close to any …the scam is on!
The scam has been on since 1950…
I was at the Santa Barbara Org back in ’87. It was by far the nicest CLV Org I’ve ever been to. I likened it to a “mini Flag”. They were struggling back then. More proof that swanky quarters have absolutely nothing to do with the viability of an org.
Statpush: They’ve struggled from the day they signed their mortgage papers.
Interestingly, they’re situated on a block that has the highest concentration of bars in town. Throw in the restaurants, and there’re only a few places that don’t sell alcohol. Their course room overlooks three loud bars directly across the street. On any given evening, drunk patrons cheer and boo raucously according to which team just scored.
As for it being a “mini Flag,” behind the org’s facade of fresh paint, lay an ancient plumbing and electrical system that was never fixed, much less, updated. From day one, the building was a ball and chain around the staff’s ankles; their new “game” became “pay the mortgage.” For many years, one retired patron kept them afloat with his largess.
Fun fact: Santa Barbara is where David Mayo set up shop after getting the boot from the church. Half of the “Scientologists” in the area went over to his organization. Alas, his group didn’t last long. I suspect the pressure from OSA was too much after a while.
“…absolutely nothing to do with the viability of an org.”
And everything to do with fleecing the suckers.
They’ve ‘cleared’ only a few people in the last 30 years? I would say more like ZERO. ‘Clear’ hasn’t been achieved by anyone in scientology that I know of despite the fancy certificates.
Good point Ms. B. My bad.
It’s not about clear anymore…now it’s about making members re, or re, re, or re,re,re, re do the Student Hat, Purif & Survival Rundown into their Eternity…
Terra, you need to stop injecting all these facts and opinions based upon direct observations into the discussion Would you please stop being so darned sensible and truthful? OSA reads this blog and you’re just confusing them. Thank you.
Firstly, congrats on the “golden shower…” comment. Simply hilarious!
Secondly, what is the difference between a regular org and an “ideal org?” I’ve wondered this for quite some time and now i guess is my time to be able to ask.
Lastly, good luck to you and Leah on the second season. I can’t wait until it airs. Have watched the first season several times and my heart breaks for you all every time. May God protect and bless you all as you
Well, there is a policy letter written by Hubbard called “The Ideal Org” that lays out all the things an org should be. Busy. Lots of auditing and training. New people coming in etc etc. And a single line that says “adequate premises to provide the service” (very paraphrased).
Miscavige co-opted that concept and said “in order for an organization to be able to do all those things described as an ideal org, it must have a large enough building, with enough auditing rooms and course rooms and a Div 6 that will fit all his corny introductory videos etc etc.” So, the focus became on buying and renovating big buildings. These are called “ideal orgs” though they satisfy none of the requirements described by Hubbard and defy all sorts of other things Hubbard said about org buildings and how you “build an org” (and to be fair, none of those have proven successful either).
So, an “ideal org” is simply a building larger than 50,000 sq ft that has been fully and expensively renovated and now sits largely unused and empty.
Didn’t COB’s presentation show the ideal orgs generating other orgs and missions that would then become ideal and so on? I guess he decided to skip the “building up need” step and decided to go straight to “More ideal orgs step”
Yep! That’s an Idle Morgue for you! Huge, unused and very, very empty…
I’ve often wondered why they don’t house the staff and SO in these huge empty buildings? Surely, these buildings are in much better condition then the horrid, squalid, vermin infested, housing they have them in?
Nope! The dwarf will continue to make life hard for SO & staff. Why? Because, according to the wee one, they’re all CSCI idiots who SCOHB.
More proof that Davey doesn’t get enough crazy from LRH, he needs to make up his own. (From what I read of the actual Ideal Org letter, it sounds fairly common sense stuff like you might see in the Church Growth movement.) I love the term Idle Morgue – it’s a perfect description of them.
It doesn’t make sense does it, they have such a large number of people ‘all eager to avail themselves of the tech’ and yet they move one org to another area rather than actually expanding by opening a new one. Still if it is spun just right – a simple case of mentioning the new org in Ventura and not mention the dead one in SB – then it sounds great to the guillable ‘masses’.
That’s correct, Gimpy. The Sheeple demonstrate continually their ability and willingness believe anything they’re told by their cherch. It doesn’t have to necessarily make sense. The cherch knows that when they tell these idiots something and it makes no sense, the idiots, not understanding what they’re being told, will assume that the reason is misunderstood words. And if the idiots every so often DON’T assume ithis n favor of the cherch, they get shunted to Ethics, and if THAT doesn’t work and the idiots STILL don’t agree that the cherch is doing the right thing in the face of the actions making no sense whatsoever, well, then the cherch decides that they’re not idiots, that somehow they grew a brain, which in turn means they must be reading the internet, which in turn means that the former idiots are one foot out the door anyway, so the cherch closes ranks and shuns the no-longer-an-idiot parishioner, or gives him or her the yo-heave.
Just like McDonald’s, SCN in reality has turned into a real estate company. At least McDonald’s still have great French Fries and of course their buildings aren’t empty of public.
And they sell a much better product than the cult…
I think scientology is more like a demented dairy farm. Milk the parishioners until they are utterly spent, and when you can not milk them any further, simply send them to the slaughterhouse. There is no love or compassion in that cruel “religion”.
“Over 1 million thetans served.”
Scientology does make hamburger out of people and their families though.
I agree about MacDonald’s fries – yummy! They are consistently good worldwide from what I’ve gathered. My wife is from Idaho and says it’s because they only use russet potatoes. You can’t get russets at the supermarkets in Australia but I know they are grown here, and by all people/companies, J R Simplot. Guess they all go to MacDonald’s, restaurants or exported.
Didn’t realize you were Aussie! Good on ya, mate! I spent two weeks in Melbourne back in the late 90s. Loved the city! Loved the people, too!
Yeah, not OT enough to chose my parents, location or neighbors for that matter. Melbourne is cool. Best restaurants ever in that place and they really know how to have a good time down there. Sydney used to be great too, but it’s kinda of like a Asian, come Middle Eastern type of city now with so many cultures jammed into one place. Too busy for my taste, I’m on the wilderness coast, very few people and lots of uneducated fish (hehehe…).
I have lived in Ventura since 1982. I love this city. I did a lot of services at the Ventura mission back in the day which was run by Tom and Cathy Steiner. I did my purif, TRs and Os, lecturs and other courses. Even life repair auditing. (I was 15 at the time, how much repair was needed?)
I had also done services up at the SB Org. Nice building, friendly staff.
This news though, is depressing. I drive past that building on my way to the beach to surf or fish almost daily. As I and a few others have pointed out, sure it’s visible from the freeway but it is on a dead end road, there is ZERO foot traffic on that road. None. By the time you see it from the freeway southbound, you have passed it at 70mph. If you are going north, you have to really turn your head and look as you come around a bend. Nobody in Ventura county is going to even notice this building became a front for the COS. If there has been any write-ups in our local newspaper or tv stations, I have missed it.
I may just have to take a drive by every so often to see all the Clears flowing out of there.
Make sure you tell us about it!
It sounds like Bates Motel.
Hee hee. Too true.
Except unlike Norman Bates and his mummified mother, it will be David Miscavige and his mummified Hubbard.
Good Lord, Saturday Night Live should do a skit on this idea! (With all acknowledgments to GravitySucks)
Oh, how coincidental! The New Ideal Morgue is right across the freeway from a huge Cemetary. Those must be the theta. ns they were referring to
Does anyone have the story handy on how CoS scammed Santa Barbara out of the building there?
“Scientology SoCal serves 20 million people”
Serves them what? Or, serves as what may be a better question.
Let’s come up with some examples.
“Scientology SoCal serves as an example 20 million people what a dangerous cult looks like”
Now that’s truth in advertising! Well done, Mike!
Heh – Scientologist’s – I know you don’t believe us – but the Wog World does not have any interest in your cult. The “cat” is out of the bag – so to speak.
Xenu sucks and so do you and your Idle Morgues.
You may want to reverse the flow of your VM’s and have them HELP YOU…you will need it when you find out the entire “religion” is nothing but a horrible hoax.
Besides that – Wognitions are free out here.
+1! Outstanding post! Well done, Idle!
I. M. yup, I agree with this:. ” but the Wog World does not have any interest in your cult.”
In the minds of the WOG public, Scientology has been quickly moving from a “new, unknown religion” to a “dangerous cult”. Ask 10 random WOGs today if they heard of Scientology and most will mention Leah and the Aftermath TV pgm and then will confirm it is probably a dangerous cult. Only 1 or 2 years ago most of them would have said either they didn’t know what Scientology is or they thought it was a new (maybe weird) religion with Tom Cruise.
Miscavige has gone out of his way to destroy Ex member’s reputations and in so doing he has inadvertently forced the disclosure to the WOG public that the true nature of Scientology is its bait and switch tactics to either get all your money or to make you a slave (staff).
Yes, the cat is out of the bag. Nobody wants this. Maybe this year the IRS will wake up and revoke their tax free status.
Before this, it was South Park making fun of the Xenu story.
“Maybe this year the IRS will wake up and revoke their tax free status.”
From your lips to Hubbard, oops, I mean God!
Please IRS, revoke their status, go after their unpaid taxes, and excuse my language, nail these f***ers to the wall.
My greatest wish in life is to see David Miscavige handcuffed and weeping, sent to a federal prison for the terrible crimes he has committed.
Please cover child labour in Series 2. And perhaps the infiltration of the ex-Scientologists turned estate agents in Last Vegas by Dave Lebeau (something like that).
Dave Lebow. AKA Dave Leblow.
Mike – Have you thought about asking some regular comment-writers here to be moderators, to ease the burden? Good luck with the show!
No worries, we understand the pull of duty. We’ll enjoy what you post when you can.
“The age of golden shower expansion”… I swear to God! I almost fell on the floor!!
Same here. Great description!
Loved it!
Bwahahahahaha – totally appropriate too.