Following is a report from our Special Correspondent in Western Africa.
My Story by ‘Emeke Amanze
My adventure in Scientology began in January 2002 when I came across a Dianetics flier. Within hours of receiving the flier, I located Lagos, Nigeria msn, bought DMSMH, and read it. It made a lot of sense, and I became a frequent visitor to the msn.
In August 2004, I joined staff at the msn. I was the only staff, so I wore the hat of PES. My duties were primarily to disseminate Dianetics by distributing promos, and selling Book one to raw public. I also doubled as the receptionist and handled clerical cycles.
Learning about the mind, spirit, and life in general holds a particular attraction for me, and my reasons for joining staff were to get tech training, processing, and then start helping others in return. Together with a handful of Lagos public Scientologists, the MH and I put in a lot of effort to disseminate Scientology using Dianetics as an entry point. We organised Dn seminars, LRH Birthday events, MV events, and delivered VM courses.
Lagos msn was the only msn in West Africa, and our goal was to build up a delivery team, and start serving the public in Nigeria, and the English speaking public in the region. As with all pioneering ventures, we ran into a lot of obstacles, the major of which were: recruiting trainees, raising funds to pay for training in a CL V Org abroad (We chose Jo’burg Org because of proximity, and economic reasons), and handling the ever difficult visa cycle. These counter-efforts persisted, and despite a lot of perseverance on my part, in March 2006, after three years on staff, I left and started preparing to go to college.
Between 2007 and 2011, I successfully completed my college cycle at the University of Lagos, all the while applying all I learnt from Scn, especially Study Tech.
Now, coming to the present time; and to the main theme of my story. Sometime in March this year, after about a 7-year hiatus from Scn, I had a comm cycle with another Scientologist. Our discussion was about getting back together to revive the msn. At a point in the conversation, I originated that there was apparently something wrong with the leadership of Scn as a movement, and that I felt that it was the major reason for our lack of progress, and failure to expand.
Let me also add that, as per earlier indoctrination, I had religiously avoided looking at anti-Scn data, either on the internet, or any source. Despite this precaution, my doubts, question marks, and confusions grew steadily. I just couldn’t say what it was. I dealt with my distress by shrugging them off, and trying to see things in a positive light.
A few days after, I decided to “research” Scn online. It was mind-blowing! First, I stumbled on the BBC Panorama Documentaries featuring some ex-Sea org members. I recognised Mike Rinder from the old Scn mags I used to read at the msn. Next, I arrived at his blog- Something Can be Done About it. Not knowing what to expect, I carefully read the blog’s four Important Articles: 31 Factors by Marty Rathbun; Debbie Cook’s New Year’s Email; A Letter from Garcia; and DROR Centre Independence.
It was then it “hit me”. In the space of a few days I clearly REALIZED the source of my earlier doubts and confusions. And as I continued to LOOK, my tone level began to rise. From boredom to anger. And then to enthusiasm. It’s just like what I learnt in Dn. I mean, it was like running an engram. You feel the doubts, pains, and confusions, but you are unable to pinpoint the exact source, because it exists outside the scope of your awareness. Then the auditor helps you locate and confront the engram. Then, all of a sudden, you KNOW. And with that KNOWING comes relief.
Thanks to my decision to observe for myself, I now know inter alia why Scn is not expanding anywhere in the world. In Nigeria, the most populous black nation, with a population of over 162.5 million people, we can only boast of a handful of Scientologists (only a few of this few have been able to do any major Bridge actions). There are no tech trained terminals. To put it in clear terms: “Scientology is non-existent in my country.”
Thanks to the internet, and to the courage and integrity of Independent Scientologists, all the abuses, malfeasance, embarrassing outpoints and outright treachery have now been exposed for all to see. I need not harp on them. I believe that there is ample evidence that these allegations are true. I find it curious that the CoScn leadership’s only reaction to these allegations (apart from denying them) has been to recruit an army of PI’s and goon squads to harass, intimidate and discredit their critics. All these they’ve done to the point of comical absurdity.
Also, the fact that some exiting Sea Org members have been offered cash payments (hush money) to keep mum about their experiences while on staff is a clear indication that something fishy is going on.
In view of the foregoing, I now consider myself an Independent Scientologist, and all I hope for is that the downward trend be reversed, and the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology will be preserved and made available to all genuine “seekers” (not just the rich and powerful). And that those Scientologists who are still trapped behind the “Orwellian Iron Curtain” will take a cue from history and begin to realise that “Comrade Napoleon is not always right!”
`Emeka Amanze
Lagos, Nigeria.
[email protected]
Welcome aboard, loved your refreshing story and ability to observe the obvious, that takes intelligence!
Thank you Emeke, for this perceptive and intelligent report. I’m also glad you went to college for perspective, of the world we all share. With all the ridiculous fund raising and wasteful spending that has gone on, I cringe to think that you could have been trained to Cl VIII and started a beautiful renaissance of theta in Lagos. This postulate touches my heart……Best wishes to you!
Emeke, welcome, and thanks for your write up. You covered a lot of track in a relatively short amount of space, which indicates you are an A to B type guy. I am certain that this attitude will take you where you want to go.
Now that’s a wonderful success story – for you as well as for this blog!
Thank you for this, Emeka.
Good for you listening to your inner voice on the route to truth.
I wish you good luck with the creation of Independent Scientology in your country.
How many people could have been helped if the management just let the pioneers do what they think is best.
Stunniing write up! Congatulations on your education and your ability to percieve. Your santiy and theta was like a breath of fresh air. I wish you the very best in all that you are stiving for in life.
“Comrade Napoleon is not always right!”
Unfortunately, while reading the last line in your post I was drinking some water and almost choked!
……but it was worth it! Miscavige’s new name encompasses all of his shortcomings. “Comrade Napoleon”! That ranks right up here with Mike Rinder’s “Dear Leader”.
Anyway, now that my lungs are cleared out of water, I want to welcome you as an Independent Scientologist and thank you for your integrity and validate the fact that you have a “good nose for the truth”.
Somehow, I think that West Aftrica is now on the Road to Freedom.
Doesn’t it feel good to be out from under that suppression? I sure had a release when I spotted where the suppression was coming from. Once you know that, then you can do something about it.
‘Emeka…u Rock!!!
Thank you for your write up and declaration of freedom from the Cult!
You are intelligent and wise beyond belief !
Welcome out and may you flourish and prosper in all that you do!
`Emeka – Thank you for the information. I admire your confront, courage and intellectual honesty. I wish you the very best on your journey. May I ask what you studied at University of Lagos? What is your profession? Just curious if we have intellectual interests in common other than Scientology.
Cross-posted to the Facebook Group Scientology Invasion of the Black Community as I thought this post might be of interest to that group:
Cross-posted as SOP to WWP:
Cross-posted as SOP to ESMB:
Again, thanks for your write-up.
What a nice write up. So glad you went to college. So glad you ‘found out’ about the current situation without harm.
Well done ‘Emeke.
Good luck on this new journey.
I will offer my 2 cents worth: find others near you who feel the same way and build yourself a small group however few it may be at first.
Check who in South Africa thinks the same way. You mentioned them being a link to your past training requirements? Based upon what I see on this and some other blogs, there are people there who see things as you do. Connect with them.
Then, get some kind of delivery capacity started , again, however small to start with. Talk to those you get into your new group and talk to anyone from Nigeria down to SA to build your power base.
I am sure Mike has some contacts, if he hasn’t given them to you already?
God speed my friend.
Hello Emeka, We’re proud of you and priviledged to have you as our friend. We, at Dror Center, would gladly offer you training and support so you too can open a thriving Scientology center in Nigeria. Write me again, Dani
I warmly acknowledge you for possessing the courage, self-honesty and tenacity to bring yourself out of the murky darkness of confusion and doubt into the sunlit clarity of truth. Thank you for sharing your integral journey with us, and welcome 🙂
Great news Emeka! So glad you LOOK! So glad you want to KNOW! You have a planet wide field of friends to help you with whatever you may need to move forward in this Scientology adventure!
Welcome, Emeka!
Very glad to see you had the courage to look and think for yourself. You just made it easier for others to do the same.
My god, that is one of the clearest, most-concise, and straight from the heart Independent declarations I have ever seen! And wow, what can take years – the cognitive dissonance, the struggle, the emergence – seems to have taken you merest days! Wow!
There something to be said about those people..
Good on you for having the courage and intelligence to look and think for yourself.
Great story-The truth not only goes through steel, but many miles of space and the far corners of the planet!
Such a clean and heartfelt communication, Emeke. I congratulate you for having the courage to give yourself permission to LOOK. You defied the suppressive groupthink command to close your eyes and ears to the truth, and have freed yourself in the process. It’s a process that has been producing megatons of TA and case gain around the planet, resulting in people who are now free to achieve the full gains of Dianetics and Scientology as Ron intended. Like thousands before you, you’ve now joined the great realignment of the true group, and the emancipation of this vital technology. Welcome!
Thanks for sharing your story, ‘Emeka. Very well told! I hope you can now get all the things from Scn you’ve hoped for.
Thank you for your story Emeka. Glad you are free now.
Excellent and informative write up ‘Emeka! Good onya for following your intuition and looking, and seeing.
Excellently written and congratulations!
Great write-up! Welcome to the group.
What a great write-up Emeka!
I am so happy that you found out the truth and now get some of the wins minus the insanity.
Emeka, welcome to the Independents and we are here to back you up. Wish you well