The holes in the decaying fence around scientology’s shrinking empire continue to grow. Those holes are about the only thing that IS expanding in the scientology world.
Today, the Chairman of the Bored is supposed to yanks his ribbon in the parking lot of a new building in an Orlando office park. Last time they postponed at the last minute. They now moved it forward a week at the last minute. Maybe it will just be all CGI – the first Jurassic Park style yanking? They could still show it at the next event along with all the other CGI “fly through” and “exploding graphs” and that’s what is really important so it’s not out of the realm of possibility. They keep talking about Orlando magic…
But if Dear Leader does show up he will spout forth Shermanspeak gibberish about how this “new” “church” is bringing hope to Orlando blah blah. Miscavige will try to make it appear that this facility has been opened in response to the enormous demand for scientology in yet another city where scientology would be grateful to be included as a footnote in anything. Of course it’s a massive lie that any demand for scientology exists anywhere.
Orlando’s “ideal org” is as artificial as Disney World but without the people. A facade constructed to fill one purpose — a video that can be used to “prove” the “massive international expansion” of scientology.
And then there is this:
Forget the fact that they were doing all this planning for the opening on 19 May and then two days before it was switched to 12 May. The new date only be for one reason — it was more convenient for David Miscavige. They’re certainly not ready to open the place and nobody would pull it forward a week and ruin the plans of some to attend unless it was of paramount importance. And that can only mean one thing. The COB.
But more importantly, this message reveals much about this “org” and the “ideal orgs” in general.
Why would public at Flag be setting up housing for staff in Orlando? Why isn’t the ORG doing this? Or at a stretch, the ORLANDO public? Of course everyone knows the answer to this, there is no org ,staff or public in Orlando.
But even more amazing: Org staff should be recruited from org public. That is, people that LIVE in the city… Nobody should need to be providing housing for these people at all.
It means the staff are from out of town, Likely from out of the country. Who knows what promises were made to get them to move to Orlando. But one thing is a certainty — whatever they were promised will soon be revealed as a lie and within a month, two at the most, there won’t be any need for “staff housing” as these people will be gone.
Everything in scientology is smoke and mirrors. Facades. Lies. Pretense.
The ideal orgs epitomize real Fake News.
Ugh I can’t even believe this shit, Western Australia is home to the newest scientology church, SMH. I can’t believe it.
I’m curious to know if there are 7,000 scientologists in Australia?
I think their census pegged the number at 217.5 or something. Someone here is going to know the number or look it up. But it was a LOT less than 7000.
No worries, society. Western Australia is a mighty big place.
And per the census Mike Rinder quoted, there are only 217 Scientologists in ALL of Australia!
That was not the real number. Didnthave time to look it up myself
😉 Helps that us here in WA are technically the most isolated place on the planet,
“Take the most remote major city in the world, sandwiched between largely empty vistas of oceans and deserts; add in wave after wave of hardy and hearty pioneers from England, Scotland, Italy, China, Vietnam, Greece and a score of other ethnic homelands; cook all of that in with the gung-ho, can-do spirit of Down Under; throw in battalions of gold prospectors and diamond miners; sing a couple of bars of Waltzing Matilda, add a kangaroo or two and you have the setting for the planet’s newest Church of Scientology: Perth, the capital and largest city in Western Australia.
The new light in this “City of Lights” is just one block away from the Great Eastern Highway, a mere fifteen minutes from the Perth city centre and located by the famous Swan River that is home to the majestic black birds after which the river is named. It is here more than 1,000 Scientologists and their guests—some crossing thousands of miles to reach Perth—gathered on Saturday, May 5, 2018 to celebrate the grand opening of a new Church of Scientology.
_ source:
Oh a city of “lights” it keeps getting … more sinister.. Cheers guys I dare say they will be on a recruitment drive in* West Aussie.
Off topic but relevant. I recently moved to a new town in the greater Seattle area. In the process of doing a little spiritual searching and trying to get connected here, I visited two churches on consecutive Sunday mornings (it doesn’t matter what denomination). Both of those churches were doing things to help their fellow human beings. One was sponsoring a medical clinic in Uganda; the other was doing great things locally for seniors and the local hospsice. These are not mega churches rolling in dough; just decent people practicing Christian charity.
By contrast, the church of scientology, with all its billions, doe NOTHING to help humanity – just a lot of blather about “clearing the planet” and yellow shirt photo ops. And they have the nerve to send SO slaves to the food stamp office? I can’t think of anything that infuriates me more at the moment. I hope i live long enough to see this horrible monstronsity shut down, or at least reduced to harmless irrelevance.
Bix, this is the truth.
I want all the SeaOrg slaves to know this.
I want all the busywork, pantsuit-wearing “sirs” to know this.
I want all the financially milked members to know this.
I want all the John Travoltas, Kirstie Allies, Bart Simpsons, and Handmaids to know this.
Tom Cruise and David Miscavige can burn in hell.
But for all the other members of scientology, the church of scientology, with all its billions, does nothing – NOTHING – to help humanity.
At first I laughed.
Then I read it again. This OTC letter just screams incompetence of organization and poor planning trying to deal with short sighted goals.
A job for 1,2,3,or 4 weeks? How the hell would you need a position filled for such a variable time? 1-4 weeks, but not 5? You either need to feed people or you don’t. It’s not a variable option.
The need to barber / dye hair? Are they cleaning up street people? People so desperate, poor, or unprofessional that they aren’t coming onto the job presentable?
Wanted : rugs,linens, etc. 18 chest of drawers. 20 truckloads of furniture. But no cleaning supplies or personal hygiene products needed? If you are importing people that need a barber, guess not.
Airline tickets and VISAS still needed? This popped red flags like crazy for me. Who are they staffing that needs air travel and visas?
Could you imagine throwing yourself on the mercy of this group to provide for you? Don’t plan on food after 1,2,3 or 4 weeks….
How the month has flown since our ribbon yanking!
Just a FEW things needed since then. We could really use these things before June 13th!
1. A cook. One week only. We stretched the last set of meals for four weeks, so one week of cooking will get us into July!
2. One toilet plunger. This is extremely important and must be had before the 13th! Call Therese.
3. I have a FINAL shopping list for the staff houses. 29 bars of soap, 29 bottles of shampoo, one washcloth, and two towels.
4. We still need forks! Everyone did great with the spoons and knives. With Day and Foundation sharing we only need 15 forks!
Thank you! Thank you all for your wonderful support, especially the Spanish, Russian, Latvian, and (whatever language is that Sub-Sahara African), translators! We couldn’t of done it without you!
Peggy Selwert
Program OP Flag OTC/Logistics Orlando
This comment is so awesome!
A bit off post – but whilst Misgavige is busy stiring his pot if evil plans to make more money or how to hide money there are so many mothers out there today feeling the sadness of not being able to spend mothers day with their daughters – me included ?
Moving Forward, I want to wish you a very happy Mother’s Day.
There is hope. I know you will be reunited one day! Please find comfort.
Me too. That why this ‘church’ needs to be exposed. There are thousands of broken families with members being indoctrinated that all that doesn’t matter. Hang on, the curtain is becoming translucent. We’ll have our families back someday 🙂
Pardon the aside: I was having my morning look at The Underground Bunker and saw the following –
And what caught my attention straight away was, “All Without Drugs” and thought I would not have a Diuretic…oops, Dianetic Lesson WITHOUT being bombed out of my mind.
Just looked at it. Not sure how many clients she’ll get. If any…
Nothing says Sea Org cock-up like that desperate letter. That they have to import staff is bad enough, but Christ, they don’t even have the airfares for them yet? They have to provide housing and they don’t even have basic household items? Now that His Highness of Holy Hooey has bumped it up a week, I think a lot of people will be sleeping on the floor.
What a mess.
Scientologists Ken Delusion, Alicia Selverson, and Jonas Hammond were there for the opening of Orlando along with 120,000 other area Scientologists. Unfortunately, the event was marred when COB dislocated his shoulder while pulling the rope. “Some CICS forgot to untie the rope from a wall anchor,” said Delusion. “So when COB pulled the rope it didn’t give way. COB is being treated while an OSA manhunt is underway conducted for the criminal who ‘forgot’ to untie the rope. This was definitely sabotage on COB’s lines,” Delusion noted.
Alicia Selverson. Hah. Lyin’tology will never live that boner down.
Freaken’ clowns.
Who are they going to service?
This post is just mind blowing – a class 5 org offering housing to get staff? – Unbelievable and, more to the point, unsustainable.
If they don’t have their own thriving org and field to create an ideal org in the first place, how will they pay to feed and house the staff after the grand opening?
Where is the money coming from?
A cook for 4 weeks? Then what? Where’s the money for chow?
I imagine we’re all assuming that the SO is funding this, augmenting whatever they got from the dwindling list of whales, but surely they won’t just keep that up for long… ? (4 weeks, anyone?)
Mike keeps trying to mini-hat DM with solutions, pointing out to him the deep pockets and how scn could afford to PAY people to be on course and go up the bridge….
So they buy themselves a building and buy a roster of foreign staff…. set it all up and throw a bit of confetti as they ribbon yank……….
then what?
Who will be in there?
What a useless disheartening endeavor.
Rattling around a big empty building,
“Now what?”
It’s all so unfathomable
Once again, Mike, you’ve nailed it right on the head!
I mean, look at that OTC memo:
‘ someone to cut/color hair for a day’. What the hell is this, the Hunger Games?
Staff housing? Even if they did recruit 160 staff, I bet 75% of them blow in the first week or month. What good would housing be at that point.
All I can say is: been there, done that.
Mike, keep up the good work.
” someone to cut/color hair for a day’. What the hell is this, the Hunger Games?” LMAO
I was a Hunger Gamer once. The food was crap.
Why cant they get bathmats on Amazon? Is Amazon suppressive?
You forget…..they don’t have access to the internet ???
My local dollar store has some really pretty bath mats!! And shower curtains! And they match!! Total cost for both……$2.00.
Whoa! $2.00?! Man, that’s way too expensive. What’s this world coming to?
Peggy Selwert could probably find enough coins under the cushions on the donated couches to cover the cost.
Yes, big problem indeed. A cook needs to be found and expected to be hired for 4 weeks.
Once the 4 weeks are gone, then what? Are the staff going to cook themselves or maybe even eat outside the premises. But, with what funds are they going to pay for their meals if the income is 0?
Big problem for them.
Miscavige would not care at all; he would have his video to show up on TV and that is what counts. The rest, well, not his problem really.
” But, with what Funds are they going to pay for their meals if the income is 0?”
SILVIA, they’ll probably have to do what we did when I was on staff; go over to Social Services and sign up for an EBT card. Yep, go on food stamps.
Shameful, isn’t it?
And LRH said in a PL somewhere that that was alright.
So Scientology pays no taxes and no wages, and the taxpayers have to fund food stamps for staffers??? Omg. Every day I learn something nuttier than the day before!
This is one of scientology’s many crimes against humanity, Miss Q.
Scientology is the biggest freeloaders on the planet, and humanity is getting mighty sick of their little antics. They are children, and the time for play is over.
How tiny are your girlish wrists, Miscavige,?
…Because you are being sized up for your perp walk.
Sleep well, little man.
Silvia, as soon as I read “Are the staff going to cook themselves or…” All I could picture was the staff making decisions along the lines of:
“I’ll throw myself on the grill.”
“Okay, then I’ll hop in the pot of satay sauce and simmer slowly.”
“In that case, I’ll coat myself in brandy and custard and get into the oven and lie down on the big cheesecake base and bake myself.”
“We’d better put someone in with the rice and beans just in case some SO ogre decides that we’re too good to feed to the little people.”
Dastardly Miscreant is not going to let them use HIS money for anything that does not personally benefit himself.
They asked for things for 2 staff houses, and it looks like there will be about 10-15 people per staff house, yet they only asked for 2 shower curtains!!! This is very telling of the conditions these poor people will be living in.
That’s exactly what I thought. 29 rugs and 2 shower curtains. That’s a lot of communal showering.
Creepy if you think about it.
Kinky if you think about it.
It’s strange that they’re even talking about staff houses.
Class 5 orgs are non-Sea Org orgs and do not provide housing. When orgs can’t even get toilet paper approved by Financial Planning, how can they even have the money to support a berthing operation.
Maybe staff have to pay the org to live there – like the old ‘company’ store.
It may be a front for human trafficking from other countries – the promo piece does mention air fares are needed. If so, maybe the money is coming from some SO fund and the people being berthed are then routed to other orgs.
Something doesn’t add up..
nomnom, I had forgotten about the “company store/town” paradigm. That must be it. Ever week their stats are below a certain level they go into debt that can only be repaid in cash or a contract extension…
I reg fresh raw meat and what do I get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Xenu don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go
I owe this life to the COB’s store
Perfect Miss Q
our Tech Services used to have a secret roll of TP to hand to the PCs who needed to use the restroom.
and Fdn org used to lock up any available TP supplies so Day org wouldn’t steal it.
Sometimes the whole TP thing would really flap, some upstat guy on course would run into this “problem” at the org and raise hell about why we were such losers. I think it probably helped a few people see the light.
One day our chief officer dumped a full case of 48 rolls of TP on my desk demanding I was supposed to have delivered them to the 6 or 7 restrooms. I purchased them timley. It was up to estates, or at that time each staff assigned a restroom to upkeep, to pick-up at ‘Lines Times’ 1:00-1:30p the TP and deliver. He was such a bully. I was such a brat because I knew who’s job it was. I bet he’s still a bully. I don’t miss those good ol days 🙂
Nonmom, good point re: trafficking.
Brought forward to the 12th because Miscavige has a prior appointment with his meretrix on Aruba next week?
“Real fake news” has been the staple for scientologists for so many years, it’s nearly impossible to comprehend why anyone is there at all, unless you know what this cult does to members: destroys families that dare leave.
There’s nothing redeeming about the cult. Zero. Zip. Nada. It’s all make believe.
Mike, you’ve done a great job of covering the clown show surrounding the Orlando Ideal Org opening. But there’s a deeper bit of nonsense that shows why this org, more than most of the others, is doomed to a life of echoing emptiness in the hallways of this crappy building located in the middle of nowhere.
I did a blog post a couple of weeks ago looking at the economics of the Orlando org. It sure looks like Miscavige is not even trying to raise money from the gullible sheep to build these things any more. He is just buying cheap and renovating cheaper to get them done. That post is here:
About a week ago, I published a post about the overall strategy behind the Ideal Org program. It starts by recounting what you wrote in 2014 about the Buffalo, Johannesbury and Tampa Ideal Orgs, and then looks at why this is a doomed strategy. I’ll cover the fatally flawed economics of the Ideal Org program in the next post and then Dr. Jeff and I will look at some specific case studies of Ideal Orgs gone horribly wrong. Check the strategy piece out here:
Finally, Chris Shelton and I did a podcast that he published this morning going over more depth on the Ideal Org strategy, building on the strategy laid out in the above blog post. It’s here:
Very much enjoyed reading and listening to these. Thanks for your input.
I had input once, Mary. But nobody listened to me.
Used beds. Yuck.
In the Hole, they had ants all over the place. And, of course, you were unable to leave.
Now that’s a weird twist to Holetel California.
Hole-tel. I get it. Nice. Or was that just a typo?
Naw, original… the hole is infamous…
With an expansion rate like this the seize will soon be inadequate!
What did you say?Ideal broom-closet?
Based on what’s been doing the rounds on social media, this 160 number seems primarily made up of Flag public, with the rest made up of locals, ex-locals, some creative staff
relocationspromotions and a shipment of internationals from Europe, Central Asia and Mexico (no doubt sold on the dream of settling in the US, Florida beaches, theme parks, and a paradise lifestyle they’ll never be able to afford on staff). I’d love to know what the expectations are, especially for the newbs. Will they be expected to work both Day and Foundation hours? (If so, are they counted twice?) How long do we give it before the inevitable crash and burn?One, two, three, or four weeks.
I have a question. And forgive my ignorance on this, but if they bring staff from other countries and obtain visas for them, if that person blows and visa eventually expires, isn’t there now an immigration issue? What happens with those people? Do most end up going back home?
The cult keeps the foreign staff’s passports to reduce the chance of leaving. Well less likely to anyway. But if they do leave they will simply join the millions of illegal aliens our government does nothing about. Bottom line the recruits are sold the notion of a better life here (than Mexico, Honduras, Russia, etc) so they very easily take the bait. The answer to your last question “do most end up going back home?” is this is very unlikely; unless of course they are caught and deported.
On an R1, the individual is restricted to working solely for the applicable religious institution for the duration of the visa (3-5 years). They can’t (legally) get a job elsewhere, even when they discover how shite the pay is. If they want a future within the US, they will have to stick it out for a few years before their options improve. Unless they disappear and make their own way under the radar, the Co$ owns them.
Hey, Mike !
I just had a great idea for COB . . . They should build an Org inside EPCOT – LOL !
Dave F.
Now that’s the scariest thing I’ve ever heard.
Why the hell would a class v (not Sea Org) org have staff housing? Scamolgy is SO popular and in demand the staff of such places should be making tons of money.
Can any Hubtard follower (insane cult member) explain? (I notice the few that used to post on this blog have recently taken a powder)
Wynski, thank you for asking precisely what I was puzzling over: why is the cult hustling for housing for Class V org staff? And what’s the point, as its only TEMPORARY housing? where are these staff members going to live after the month is up?
The way I see it, is these new staff members need PERMANENT housing, moonlighting jobs of SOME sort so they can EAT (even if they’re getting paid off the books), transportation to and from the orgs…in brief, these people – unless they have MONEY – need, in order to be on staff at Orlando Morgue, they need their entire lives set up for them with the basics of food, clothing and shelter and of course, transportation to and from the org.
Incredible. But something tells me this will ALL get cobbled together so that the Dwarf can yank the ribbon.
And then? As re those staff members, and then?
They’re fucked!
But for some of them, the foreigners on religious visas, if they can scrimp by for a couple of years, scrimp by somehow, then they can blow the cult and apply for a green card. I wish them well. It takes a lot of guts to take this sort of chance.
But the others, the Americans, hoo boy, they’re going to get soooo unhappy. These are the ones who will blow very quickly.
I just want to say, Mike, that I am so sorry about what your daughter is doing now. I doubt it will make an impact on your A&E gig, but I know it’s painful. My prayers for you and for everyone who has lost a loved one to this garbage, is that you will be reunited with the your family.
Why do they need someone to cut and dye hair for a day? Are scruffy or wrongly-colored hair not allowed to be in the vicinity of miscabbage?
Mike, I keep up with all your posts & find your writing laser sharp, focused and Strong. Thank you with all my heart. The sacrifice you make for your family & the constant rattle snake rumblings from cob & company who still are determined to destroy any and all truth about Scientology and putting in place their lies, I know how it can cause stress. I do believe the spark all of us have created with the power of the Internet, The Aftermaths, The Aftermath Fdn and the truth that is hidden behind Scientology’s mask of deceit, will continue to blossom & bloom free no matter the sewer water the cult tries to throw on all of us. In the end, someway I know they will lose & be a forgotten claw print on the history of greed and exploitation of members for money and if that does not work messing them up so much, they lose control of body, mind and spirit. Hugs & Love to all your beautiful family.???
“It means the staff are from out of town, Likely from out of the country. Who knows what promises were made to get them to move to Orlando. But one thing is a certainty — whatever they were promised will soon be revealed as a lie and within a month, two at the most, there won’t be any need for “staff housing” as these people will be gone.”
-we’ll it does say that 21 air tickets are still needed, (Mike, does that actually mean that Scientology wants someone besides them to pay for the tickets?) as well as visas so it looks like they’re bringing in foreigners to watch Little Davie yank his ribbon.
As Orlando is still waiting for Visas, how can they have all staff in place tomorrow? So much delusion, so much ‘postulate’ in that begging gram.
The bottom of the barrel has been scraped out. Nothing left but wood chips.
Peggy Seiwert’s letter to OTC members just screams desperation from the roof tops. I’m hoping that in a couple of months some of those who have ‘blown’ from the Orlando org will be reading today’s posting and realize that they have been promised everything and received nothing. Perhaps a few of them will see the light. The ‘fresh meat’ recruits being flown in are most likely very new scientologists who are desperate for some sort of opportunity in the US, ANY opportunity in the US and so took the bait. That newness is the best thing that they have going for them. They won’t be like the deluded and hopeless OSA net nannies who read these blogs daily, see clear evidence right in front of their eyes and STILL take another swig of Kool-Aid in hopes of saving their eternities and this week’s stats.
Is it possible that the demented midget is running all of scientology on his big-picture Rundown? It is called the Falseness Rundown. The End Result is to attest that you have become total effect to Command Intention and HCOPL KSW (keeping scientology working) Further, that you are no longer you — you are an object, and you are his.
Man, that’s a scary thought! 1984 comes to mind.
Yea. My husband visited Orlando Org about a year ago – had a tour, the whole nine yards. It was off the beaten path and empty. So, now they’re recruiting for staff and are going to provide them housing? Wow. A whole new approach to a very big problem. Dig deep, dave; you’re gonna have to go into (or keep going into) Sea Org Reserves (or is it IAS Reserves?) to keep up this facade.
Oh and something else, dave. You are soulless and there is nothing you can do about that but you can continue to try – put on the fancy suits; get that botox; plant a few more hair plugs; fire up the tanning bed. It doesn’t hid the fact that you are a cruel, heartless, soulless excuse for a tiny, petty, man.
If SOB looks in a mirror, there’s no reflection.
No OSD he would say,” I would fuck me” as in “Silence of the sheeple.”
“Fuck me! Fuck me!” The Exorcist.
You nailed it Mary.
“Oh and something else, dave. You are soulless and there is nothing you can do about that but you can continue to try – put on the fancy suits; get that botox; plant a few more hair plugs; fire up the tanning bed. It doesn’t hid the fact that you are a cruel, heartless, soulless excuse for a tiny, petty, man.”
The hard work of you and others to school the public outside of this cult as to the kind of snake he is (venomous comes to mind like the tale of the Indian boy who thought he was saving it), hopefully the number of potential victims will dry up.
Demented Midget is the perfect example that past lives exist … No one could possibly get that stupid or evil in just one life time.
OMG Mary, your last paragraph was epic hahahahaha ???? good to know everyone else noticed the hair plugs, botoxed top lip and overly tanned skin hahaha.
Mary, agreed on all you’ve said about DM, but don’t forget he has a negative side 🙂
Aquamarine, ha ha ha. Miscavige’s brain is squirming like a toad.