Captain Miscavige’s Mecca is open. And now the next chapter begins.
Obviously He can’t let the demand for money slow down. Time for a new gimmick.
So after collecting an estimated $300 million for a building that was supposed to cost $40 million (though now they are claiming it cost $260 million which is a staggering $800+sq/ft if it is really 300,000 sq ft), of course there is no money to build the “LRH Hall”. The figure of $260 million now being floated is probably some attempt to counter the Garcia lawsuit — “proving” they did need all that money, though the records of the expenditures would make for interesting reading I am sure.
The briefings now being done to kick off the new fundraising contain some other interesting tidbits too. The clubbed seals are proudly being told that Captain Miscavige inspected the building numerous times from top to bottom, and marked every tiniest imperfection he found with a blue sticker. I took 4 months of repeated inspections and corrections to complete the final touches. This is why the opening was delayed. And this is the guy who will have His lawyers tell the court he has absolutely no time in his impossibly busy schedule to be deposed. Of course not, He is too busy sticking blue post-it notes on bathroom grout that is not the required 3/32nds wide.
The briefing also includes the “fact” that the “LRH Hall” is to seat 7000 people. Note well, as this will eventually be “forgotten” (like GAT 1 “standard tech painstakingly researched by COB to be just as LRH wanted it” has been forgotten) as He is never going to build anything that big as it will be half empty. This hall though is a tough sell. It was OK when it was part of the whole “Super Power Package” where the “donors” are going to be able to get “super powers”…. Who wants to give money to a place where all you get to do is listen to Dearl leader spout Shermanspeak 3 times a year? NOBODY likes going to these events.
So, Dear Leader hit upon a new gimmick. Throw in an “LRH museum”. Why? He just put one front and center in the ground floor of his Mecca (that nobody is allowed to enter without a prepayment for services, payment to IAS and NSA security clearance).
Well, it’s another stroke of double genius:
1. It makes Him seem “On Source” — after all He is “preserving the legacy” of L. Ron Hubbard, but more importantly
2) It can be used as a guilt trip by the regges for the suckers “you do not want to support the legacy of LRH?”
And along with the new gimmick comes new bs statuses.
What you gave previously that was purportedly for the Sooper Power Building AND “L. Ron Hubbard Hall” was apparently NOT for the “L. Ron Hubbard Hall”, you have to start all over again if you want status in the hall. Ah well….
BUT, look on the bright side. For just $10 million you can become “nobility”. Fond memories of the good old days when if you showed enough loyalty to the king and handed over enough gold or troops, he would bestow a rank of nobility upon you. Scientology the religion of the 21st Century? 14th century seems more appropriate.
Honestly, I don’t think this Hall-Museum idea will sell. Other things were supported by “urgent necessity” linked to delivery of Scientology:
Ideal Orgs HAD to be done in order to attract new public and be 100% LRH (at least that was the make-belief)
SuperPower HAD to be done in order to release “LRH prescribed” SuperPower rundowns for staff and government official and so have the power to clear the planet for real.
Even for IAS – continuous fear mongering of how the world would “collapse on itself” if you don’t donate to all the social betterment programs that the IAS supposedly finances. See, you need the world in place in order to continue to do Scientology.
And all these programs had LRH directly behind the (or so was the make-belief).
Hall-Museum? How necessary is that for the delivery of Scientology and continued survival of the world? And where is LRH behind that? I never even heard LRH mention the word “museum.” It’ll be a much harder concept to sell and something that may actually become evident as in fact now taking away from delivering Scientology as I’m sure many are going to want to see the delivery now that all the Ideal Orgs (or most of them) and the SuperPower building are in place.
I would like to see similar lists (i.e. scanned/photographed source documents with statuses and amounts) for all of these donation schemes:
Ideal Org
Celebrity Center Network
Super Power
Freewinds Way to Happiness campaign (I know this one was also financed separately, and I thought WTH was already financed by IAS… go figure…)
Any other separately funded campaigns with statuses and amounts?
I think it would be useful to have all of these lists on record in one place. Has anyone done anything like this already?
This is just so far past lunacy now that words are failing me. Why? Because there are clubbed seals who are not only “going” to donate to this farce but I am sure some already have. Incredible, just incredible. Every failed dictator throughout human history WISHED they had this kind of grip over a gaggle of vacant eyed, bloated sacks of cash.
I mean, how do you come back to reality after being dragged this far and this deep? How can a mind heal and reconcile so much abuse, devastatingly poor decision making, betrayal and financial ruin. I can almost see why they stay. It’s like they have to, they have to keep going, keep donating and keep nodding and smiling knowing they are being lied too and bilked because to do otherwise is to admit that not only were they wrong but that they were foolish too. The levels of shame here on all sides is absolutely staggering. I just can’t see how anyone could make a convincing argument against Miscavige being a sociopath if not psychopathic. From the outside it’s as plain as the nose on your face.
“It’s like they have to, they have to keep going, keep donating and keep nodding and smiling knowing they are being lied to and bilked because to do otherwise is to admit that not only were they wrong but that they were foolish too.”
Exactly. They’ve made too many excuses for too long. They HAVE to be right. Complexity and confront. How not to confront? Swill some more Koolaid and donate some more. Its a way to not have to look or be responsible.
I predict that DM will privately meet with the nobles, er, the whales, and explain to them that they need this hall because certain powerful and evil SPs will continue to interrupt Dear Leader’s fabulous 3 hour speeches with helicopter buzzings, etc.
This hall will literally save the planet because if Dear Leader is prevented from getting is messages out, all will be lost!
And, will the new noble titles outweigh the naval ranks? For example is a Sir Tom of Cruise less powerful than Rear Admiral Cruise?
What a great idea, COB! (Not)
You see everyone, you just have to disagree with MEST, your money your WOG credit score, etc. Give the CofS all of that silly MEST, and you get more able. You get bigger as a being, and as your beingness expands, you are more cause over MEST, money and more. Just apply the tech. Trust the “Church.” It will all work out in the end…
Posted a petition at to get 501.c.e status revoked for Co$ based on being a money making scheme. Need 150 signatures to make it public. Please help! Click the link, read for yourself, and sign if you agree. Currently, there are no petitions of this kind on
Hingle, I’m signing, for sure and I’ll post it on my FB account. Please post this over at, too! I like this idea.
A little off-topic but your blog/website is very friendly. I love the way you set up the revolving Books I Recommend button, and now the link to Amazon button. It’s just very easy to navigate here, and improving all the time. If I ever want to set up a website I am going to find out who set up yours, and then hire him or her.
Just saw this. DM became COB in 1987. Here is a 1990 deposition of DM where he says he had up until that time NEVER done the OEC course. The guy running the whole show hadn’t even done the training that almost every other int-level manager had done.
It was a coups d’état. The host was infected in ’86. Good link Bonnie.
That fact is actually outrageous. Herr Dwarfenfuhrer is a heretic in his own religion? Color me shocked. Still, yet another mark of a horrific leader.
COB RTC David Miscavige used 115,126 blue stickers during his ceaseless inspections of the Flag Building.
COB found chronic noncompliance by wog contractors whose “that’s good enough work for a Clearwater condo” attitude was unacceptable to COB.
Imperfections found by COB included, but were not limited to, nonuniformities in bathroom grout, mirrors that made COB look variously haggard, bloated, or gray and reptilian, as well as a lack of hidden RPF dungeon facilities on each floor.
Additionally, COB found far too many exits that would allow SO to blow and so these had to be sealed off.
The imperfections were many but, like the Tech itself, COB corrected all errors and now it is now perfect.
Onto the new auditorium: We in RTC have ordered new golden shovels for the groundbreaking, an event expected to occur after the first $60,000,000 in hard cash funding is secured in IAS offshore accounts.
Love the mirrors making DM look haggard or grey…. 🙂
LOL! Love your parodies OTXIII!
War a Horse,
Best laugh of the day!!
I think he’s going for one last killing before he disappears. With his deposition on the horizon and the ongoing lawsuits, this fraudulent fundraising in total insanity. Well, we already knew that!
Looks like the final throes of desperation to me. With the upcoming deposition clearly visible on horizon and the numerous lawsuits ongoing, this is total insanity. It is so obviously, “all about the money”, one would have to be blind to miss it.
I love the reference to DM as “tiny boots”.
Me too, I bet they’re pink, stiletto, hooker boots, with super man decals on the sides. 🙂
I’ll bet Herr Tiny Boots prefers more “manly” jackboots.
He’s a disgusting person. Poor Lou.
They have enough money to “Clear” and take to OT VIII all the remaining staff and public. I wonder if DM ever thought what kind of crew he would have if they were all at the top of the bridge. . . . oh . . . wait . . . we ARE talking about Miscavige!
The newest status bridge for staff.
“Noble member”
Someone who did time in prison for the boss.
“Member of distinction”
Someone who lied on sworn affidavits.
“Member of Elite Honor”
Anyone who perjured them self in court.
“Member with Honor”
Anyone who went on the Lam on their own dime.
“Master Member”
Anyone who beats and tortures other staff on command.
“Founding Member”
Anyone that initiates a new P.R. flap that bring David new fame.
“Key Member”
Anyone who successfully kept staff on lock down.
“Elite Member”
Anyone who used their “senior power” to harm attack and suppress others.
Runs with the herd as a “believer” and manifests total compliance without having to know anything at all.
Demonstrates shameless and unique begging skills to cover the legal bills.
Sacrifices a child to “the cause”.
Succumbs utterly to the presence of a C.M.O. D.M. personal loyal officer, on the scene. Even if they have not delivered a message from Hubbard in several decades.
Brilliant! This should be saved somewhere for reference. It’s a great summary scale of attitudes.
As you may know, there is a cat on Tony O’s site who continually updates and saves a list of the thousand nicknames of David Miscavige. I agree that saving these ‘notable statuses (statii?)’ is a worthy thing to do 🙂
As an aside, I don’t know that I agree with Scientology as a thought philosophy, but I support the people who do. And I especially support the unfortunate adherents who are still trapped in the mental prison of the corporate ‘church’ (which I am unsure is even ‘Scientology’ at this point). I appreciate every indie who sticks his neck out to speak against the atrocities going on on our soil, in the name of Co$, yet still loves his beliefs. One can think LRH a fraud – that’s fine – but such bravery among adherents is noteworthy and very American, if you will… These people take real, serious, profound losses in order to fight this machine… That’s why I think that indie respect is important among never-ins on boards like this – it’s okay not to ‘like’ LRH stuff, but the indies are flipping brave, if you ask me. Saving things like “church statuses” and the thousand nicknames of Dear Leader, and boards – as written by indies, especially – can go a long way toward helping a lurker who’s under the radar, big time. (It helped me, a never-in, to be an active protester, for instance…)
Have a great day, gang. I dreamt about Scn last night and that my ex-husband was a Miscavige-like adherent/leader of the Co$… I’d better take a break today 🙂
“how many Scientologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?”
None…light is simply MEST. My reality, which is true for me, is that I can see in the OW that hurt!!!
For 10 million I could buy my way into any countries aristocratic ranks. And better yet that title could be passed down,what r the odds that COB will let it be inherited? 0 I’d say
overrunincalif I think this would be the answer:
Hey, how many Scientologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
10. 1 to screw in the bulb, and 9 to donate $1K each to buy the bulb.
Yes, I suppose your right. Which brings up the next question.
How are Scientologists and a light bulbs similar?
They can easily be turned on and off with a simple switch run by a very short person.
It would start with a WQSB of 10 but only 1 would be putting in the light bulb,, the other 9 would be declared already by the time he reached the ladder
Scientology IS dead. The body is just in the process of toppling over. That motion gives the illusion of life.
If “Indies” want to continue with the ‘movement’, such as it is, they will HAVE to call it something else or they will be DOA, for all practical purposes. You’ll have to dump Hubbard’s name & likeness for the same reason(s).
I think the body is in the process of decomposing, and what you see wriggling is the ma- na, won’t go there.
No, Old School, Scientology is not dead. The name still has some value. In fact, the Co$ has become a feeder Org to the “Idies”, etc…
LRH is promoted by Bridge Publications and they will continue promoting and selling LRH…this will not stop.
So, just be prepared to deliver as Scientology evolves organizationally.
No. The only value it has as a word is to cause laughter when heard by a non-scientologist. ANYONE who has a competent grasp of marketing knows this fact.
I agree Robert Almblad. The indie field has really grown in the last 5 years and people are really winning. I’ve seen this myself.
Most people don’t even know or care what Scientology is since they are not obsessed with the subject like you and the so called “critics”.
In fact the idea that it may be a fringe “cult” which happens to be getting a lot of bad press by the Corporate media these days may actually be selling point to many.
I mean we were getting a lot of bad press during the ’70’s yet it was a period of the Church’s biggest expansion.
It’s like who cares if it isn’t embraced by the establishment.
Scientology is for individuals who can think for themselves and can see that it works by their own observation.
The problem is that the Church no longer allows that diversity of view and has become a microcosm of a Fascist Totalitarian State.
At least that’s my view.
Yours obviously differs.
Robert, did you not get the news about all the alterations in the new books? The Bridge is not promoting or selling the real works of LRH, at least as far as basic books are concerned.
Not true. Scientology is the study of knowledge, LRH founded it, those are facts, and they cannot be changed. Trying to live in a fake PR world – regardless of what it is – does not work. Fifty years from now, I doubt anyone will know who Miscavige is, and will be asking , “Scientology? What’s that?”
Good answer. You give some hope to this old dog.
50 years from now if someone wants to know what scientology was they’ll STILL look it up on the internet and find what a criminal enterprise it was. I deal in reality.
Right Carcha! I’ve been having quite a few conversations with non scngsts who are curious about the controversy. I haven’t met a single person who didn’t easily understand the difference between the cult, run by an asshole, and the true philosophy of scn, which has achieved spiritual gains for many including myself. The “never ins” are a hip bunch that see through all the bs and think LRH’s flaws are of the “normal, human” variety. They always wish me success on whatever spiritual path I choose. I wish them the same.
I know how “quality conscience” Miscavige and the team from RTC are.
My wife worked on the Trellis painting which is on the ceiling of LA Renaissance and they told the artists who worked on it that they didn’t have time to put a fixative and lacquer on it to preserve it so they just hung it up.
So so much for quality control.
At that point after seeing him with Ted on Nightline I only thought he was a moron. After that I knew he was a total fraud.
BTW I’d like to add that all the Non SO who worked on that project were told that they’d get all kindsa of training awards for painting this Trellis and they got nada.
So much for “delivering what was promised”.
Remote – I always loved that Trellis at the Renaissance and wondered who did that. It’s really beautiful.
I cannot believe that no exchange was ever made for that. True to form of NOT delivering what is promised. What a shame.
It goes to show that artists are leeched off of at Celebrity Center.
Hi Pepper,
Some good friends of mine worked on the project including my wife.
Here’s a little secret.
If you look at the occasional Lady Bug on the trellis you’ll find that they are not Lady Bugs but actually Volkswagen Beetles.
I found it was trick that all good artists use to distinguish their art.
Adding some small component that shouldn’t be there.
Remote – not putting a fixative and lacquer on a painting for commercial use that hangs in one of Scientology’s premier buildings is unbelievable. Just because DM thinks its not needed?
This is another display of his arrogance and his ignorance. Not to mention his true lack of art appreciation.
Moron and Fraud, indeed.
+1! This is another good example of the lack of reality of actual work, like the way contractors are treated with constant changes, which results in unmock of their previous work. The care and effort to produce a beautiful art piece is made nothing of, and the autonomy of the artists, to finish their piece, with integrity is disregarded. Giving 1000 orders a day, that are capricious, unreal and stupid is not work, it’s continuous present time overts.
Dear Mike,
Thanks for posting these “LRH Hall Pre-Launch Statuses”.
Unfortunately, while the status of “Member of Nobility” is clearly visible at the top, the lower categories are cut off at the bottom. These are what the Church refers to as “Minus, or sub-Nobility” statuses, for those unwilling to
pay their fair share.
Luckily I obtained a copy of all such statuses, along with the people who have already achieved them. I reprint them here in their entirety:
Knave Martin Padfield
Scalawag Tony DePhillips
Court Jester remoteviewed
Executioner Dan Koon
Faire Maiden/
Vestal Virgin Hallie Jane
Coxcomb Richard Grant
Minstrel Jose Chung
Eunuch K Francis
and Scoundrel Dollar Morgue
Harlot Jane Doe
Alchemist one of those who see
There was one more at the very bottom, but it had markings all over it and so was extremely difficult to read. I will, however, do my best:
Purveyor of the
Black Plague Mike Rinder
Rapscallion and Socundrel? I like the sound of that! 😀
All bow before our feared Purveyor of the Black Plague, of course. Mind you purse!
Darn it! I didn’t make the cut. 🙁
Peasant StatPush
Hilarious! I’m so proud!
I think I know where the $400 million has gone. I assume that when people reach these statuses they get there name engraved on the wall of the building somewhere. I’m sure that every time one of them gets declared there name has to be removed. At the rate captain DM is declaring people it’s got to cost a fortune.
The new names will be written on Velcro strips akin removal that much easier!
“….making removal…..”. Man, I hate autocorrect!
On the subject of statuses and their importance now within the church there was a brilliant story in South Africa. When Gaye & Ernest Corbett got declared they were approached by a “friend of the family” who asked if they would give him their Corner Stone membership so his wife could get preferential treatment when she went to Flag for services. When that didn’t go over as well as he had expected he then convinced his parents to empty out some more savings to buy one for the family.
The money just won’t be there this time. The clubbed seals are bleeding internally.
Mike, very interesting you are getting a Lot of Scoops lately.
Now Scientology raised $300 mil they are now saying the building cost $260 mil amazing.
$866.67 per sq/ft on a building originally budgeted to cost $40 mil. So they should already have $40 mil for this new building right?.
Are they saying anything on how much they need to raise for this new building?
Also is there any further information on the Russian Scientologist that jumped to his death from the 8th floor of that building yesterday?
Again Mike you are doing a Great job of reporting keep up the fantastic work:)
I’m guessing that Craig and Sally Jensen will be right at the top of the list of “Nobles”. I’m sure they consider themselves to be public royalty of Scientology.
Michael and Elizabeth Bayback will be right behind, or neck-to-neck. The rest of the ENABLERS will follow closely, in a race of epic porportions…
Craig and Sally may be being more careful with their money now that they sold Executive off and moved to Clearwater. They nay still be trying to sell off their underwater “estate” up in the La Crescenta hills. The very public lawsuits filed against ESI by a couple of “they’re forcing me to learn Scientology” malcontents really make the Executive Software game unplayable.
I don’t understand – WHO IS STILL IN??????
MP, I’m thinking old timers. I got in, in ’75 and out in ’82. But, many old timers are stiil around. Some are doing (read redoing) courses in Pasadena. But, really, once you go on the internet, it’s 95%+ negative towards the cult. With a couple of clicks, you can read about all of their crimes, abuses, strange deaths, suicides, etc. They have nowhere to hide now.
I got in, in ’73, and left in ’92. BUT THEN I GOT BACK IN, In ’07. I’ve made some mistakes in my life but few top that one.
Old timers, dependents and 2nd/3rd generation hostage Scientologists, plus aspirants from Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia and possible South America. And the “I’m too good for this world” die-hards, of course.
Hmmmmm, a new study may provide some insight:
“Short man syndrome really does exist, Oxford University finds”
I just read the article. So that’s the “why!”
Being 6 foot 1 and having to deal with those little pricks all my life I could told that.
Yeah, it’s like little dogs – they have to bark and be mean a lot more to make up.
Off topic but I heard through the grapevine yesterday that long
time Clearwater Chiropractor Rick Argall and his wife have been declared
because they refused to disconnect from their grandchild.
Can anyone confirm this?
I can confirm this. They reused to disconnect from their son and grandchild. The RCS lost two of their most upstanding citizens in Clearwater and friends to a LOT of people who KNOW they are NOT SP’s. You will find them on Facebook.
Thanks Mike…..I couldn’t agree with you more.
When I joined, I joined to clear the planet, When I left, I left to save my soul,
Oh David Oh David, look what your doing, Your trading your eternity, for Silver and Gold
{NEW STATUS ” Bend Over and take it grand Poo-Bah Status
I don’t understand why these despots don’t just get out while the gettin’s good, and while they have a chance.
Is it really better to have to flee an angry blood-thirsty mob, and be found in a cubby-hole, or drain-pipe and be savaged by your hunters (Qaddafi, Hussein), or just thrown in prison (Mubarak)?
Each had the opportunity to exit and live a life of luxury.
Gotta be a brain problem situation.
Have you guys seen this?
This won’t seem that strange to former staff, but in hindsight its really wrong IMO. During the time I was in the church things shifts from helping the guy get on service with the intent of helping him to this. What you are seeing here is criminal. This is crazy. Get me the hell out of there.
Yes! What a video!
Criminal and disgusting. I wonder if these SO terminals, who signed up for a billion years to save the planet and who call themselves “the most ethical group on the planet”, ever thought that they’d actually be spending their days perfecting “daylight robbery”.
This goes beyond the pale. This shit has to be stopped now!
Incredible. Then again, business as usual. Massive thanks to everyone getting this kind of footage out where we can see it!
Was that? Was it Rene Norton from ASHO? I watch again to see if I can figure it outl
It is. Man, does that voice bring back memories. She must in her 70’s by now. Sad. I always thought she was a unique lady
Barf! Help! Where do they find the staff?
When I saw the photo at the top,of the post, I too thought it was a joke photo to go with something you were going to say in your blog. It is pathetic when no parody is needed to make Scientology a true laughingstock. They do it to themselves now.
I would be so embarrassed to purchase one of those “statuses”. That David Miscavige is appealing to people inside the bubble to make these kind of donations indicates how truly out there he is. The people who chose to make the donations are either delusional, scared or just need recognition.
No one who donates the money for this could possibly believe that is helping their future or anyone else’s. A Clear planet is becoming more and more a reality – a planet clear of RCS.
It just occurred to me. When COB gives speeches in this amazingly upstat hall, all the people of Earth will “get it.” He will look so grand, thousands of millionaires will flock to the orgs, and every judge will fear him. Pretty clever COB. (Not). 😉
The thing that got me was that shiny gold LRH signature at the top, just above the 10 million donation. I think he’d be just a tad upset about that…..
Amazing. Dear Leader is truly inspiring! At a time when the Church of Scientology is experiencing highest ever attacks by former members, at a time when the church is being utterly lambasted in the media while being exposed for; fraud forced abortion broken families and human trafficking, and during a time when statistics show highest ever level of defections and public disavowal of the church and it’s management, Capt. David Miscavige, our beloved COB, Saviour of the tech is “pouring the coals on the purpose” by pushing forward with ever increasing square footage towards total real estate holdings! Rather than focusing on the petty anoyances generated by the sadly misinformed lesser beings (after all there is NOTHING to substantiate all these suppressive attacks, so why even bother to address any of it? ) he is PROVING to the world his utter genius and rightness and supreme authority by IGNORING IT ALL. And dear Scientologists, you should too! Ignore the fact that the orgs are empty and your friends and family have left and/or in the process of getting declared SP’s. Ignore the off policy kangaroo court Comm Ev’s which (if convened at all) are dispatching with apparent SP’s who have been posing as dedicated contributing Scientologists all along! IGNORE ALL OF THIS and you will be fine. After all, Not-ising all this stuff is kinda what being ‘defiant” is all about, right?
Nicely put. 🙂
I see this as a distracting of the CO$ membership from the negative media stories as well as the usual bizarre applications of “Flourish & Prosper”. Not for the benefit of the parishioners though, but for himself. He seeks to “up” and “override” the external bad PR by further pressuring and threatening the survival of its members within his own walls in order to get their attention back. Deemed better to have them dramatize “No more money” than the publicly exposed CO$ lies and other anti-social acts in the news. Just a “No, no, looka here!” to control the flock.
Policy tells them to ignore negative media irrespective what it’s about, whether valid or not. By forging ahead with even more money pressure cycles he also conveys to the membership the news is “nothing”, ignore, not anything of any importance, ie. making less of it, pretending it’s a no-issue. That’s the internal unannounced PR strategy behind it, hoping it will somehow pass and be forgotten.
Every time media-shit hits the fan, you can always distract by hounding for more money. A dozen or so such daily dono calls can make bad news disappear from one’s mind. It’s a higher anxiety “override” button.
I imagine that the status level of Nobility is aimed squarely at David Wilson.
And once he pays for that, there is the mandatory one-week waiting time, then they’ll hit him up for his “Double-Nobility”.
I am not even kidding.
I don’t know David Wilson, but my heart breaks for the man. Clearly, he has been used, and thoroughly.
So I thought, this time Mike must be joking! OMG. Will go through my day today periodically reflecting on the joy of not being in the hamster wheel.
I thought the same thing. Clearly a sign he’s drinking his own kool-aid. Perhaps the New ideal scene is 200-300 or so public (all multi-millionaires) that are serviced by Flag and all the Orgs close down.
That’s exactly his plan, in my opinion. No one else can afford to actually pay for the Bridge, especially since it’s turned into a down escalator that you have to keep paying to go up.
He’ll keep a few hundred Sea Org slaves (there will always be enough vulnerable people to bamboozle, especially if he recruits from Eastern Europe/Asia where anti-COS info is harder to find in the local language) to polish his platform shoes and his bikes, and keep squeezing money out of the remaining flock.
He’ll consolidate to Clearwater, sell the prison ship, and close down and sell the non-celebrity US orgs as they run out of staff.
And sadly, it will work, because the smaller his operation the less noticeable it will be. It’ll be like the Way International or the LaRouchies…a few people (Tony and Mike) will keep after them but the public will forget they exist and the govt won’t bother with them anymore. It will go on for another 20-30 years until DM dies and it will quietly fall apart.
Dave has lost weight. Still sounds the same though.
Jaw dropping donkey jibberish. When will these “OT’s” WTFU?
strip all religious organizations of their property tax exemptions. clearwater, florida, and my town of palm bay, florida, are choked to the hilt with a stupid frigging church on every corner. this has led to reduced property tax rolls which, in turn, have led to the towns crying poverty. this then leads to an increase in my property tax bills. i do not support religion at all and nor should i be asked to subsidy it, especially the co$. all religions are a business. you are not dwelling in reality if you deny that. cheers!
Put LRH in a museum? Oh, I get it. Hubbard is “history”.
“Member of nobility” huh? I imagine I might be able to move to merry olde England and buy that status for far less than 10 million and actually have it mean something.
Wonder if I can become a “Loiterer of LRH Hall” for $25?
How about a “Miscavige Noble” for $20 million? A “Miscavige alter ego” for $50 Million?
The Orgs are dying and Nero want to build a new extravagant building.
The PAC and CW overdevelopment will continue until the sudden precipitous collapse of Scientology everywhere. “2014 is our year”. To implode.
Scientology Inc. has become a money racket. All I can say it was time to move on and do the bridge out here. I couldn’t care less what reforms they do over there, I’m done with all that. Furthermore, the basic LRH bridge is out here in the FZ/Indies which they no longer sell, so there’s nothing they have I would be interested in anyways.
That’s what I am talking about !!!!! As a farmer I tend to think in terms of food/energy. The choice between a hot dog cart heartburn and a satisfying, fullfilling wholesome meal ……let’s see: ulcers/cancers vs. strength and creative energy to go make life rather than have it continue making you. As I see it, there is nothing there worth having since it’s been altered beyond usefulness. Here’s to a rapid end of THE CHURCH ( already way past that ) and the continued power climb of the Indie field !!
Benefactor, Friend, Nobility, Elite, Master; it all sounds so grand.
So why are the Org statistics so poor? Where have all the parishioners gone? Why isn’t anyone smiling anymore?
“When we trace the cause of a failing business, we will inevitably discover somewhere in its ranks the antisocial personality hard at work.” LRH
Right on!
Are you implying COB works hard? 😉
Status out of thin air.
So if I give D.M.$10 million greenbacks , I’m Nobility ?
What if I want to be a SAINT ?
How about ” Living GOD ?
I’m having a Good day
What about “Noble Saint Living God ?
How much does that cost ?
Can I put it on a credit Card ?
This would make a fantastic pick up line.
Hi there sweet thing,
I’m a Noble Saint living God
(only in Scientology)
Sorry — certain titles are reserved for He Who Must Not Be Named. But you can turn over the money. For $50 million you can be “Chief Muckey Muck”. For a far more modest sum I will bestow upon you the title of “God’s Gift To Women” which has to be the best pickup line of all….
LOL! Ooooh, what money can buy one in the Co$…
In order to buttress newly bestowed title of ‘God’s Gift to Women’, evidence shows that Davey will then actually pimp women to you.
I laughed so loud on this one that I almost fell off my chair. Yes, “God’s Gift To Women” will be your new title and best pickup line of all.
“God’s Gift to Women” you have me with that line. Come on guys, line up at Mike’s door and buy away at that status, I am sure you will have all the “women” falling at your feet. Um, you do of course know that the title will entail growing a pornstache and wearing a bad rug or at least a Donald Trump combover, right?
I’m wondering now if any of the ladies in the church carry a cheat sheet to events that quickly tells them what all these pins and badges the guys are wearing mean in terms of money.
“Friend of LRH” might get you a smile but if you expect to be taking her home you better at least be a
“Master Member”.
“Master Member” as a pick-up line! Coffee spray on that one!
Mike, need your help please ….
I don’t have lose change in 10s of millions, I can only donate 100s of millions.
As there is no title for 100 million, I wonder if I get LRH himself for 100 mil ?
Sorry, that is reserved for He Who Cannot Be Named.
If you were troubled by the burning question of who is the biggest schmuck on Earth, then your answer will come with the naming of the first LRH Hall Member of Nobility.
Dibs on selling the Golden gate bridge to the first noble. oh wait,,
+ 100
The only permit I can find on is a permit to clean windows along Pierce St. That would be the North side of the FH and SP buildings.
I would like to see plans for 7000 seats + stage, backstage, RTC offices and green room in that space on the plan. + where to park that many,…..Oh I forgot the events are padded out with staff members and still not full so forget the parking. Save the parishoners and go back to the FH Auditorium if you can fill that!
I’m quite happy with my SP Declare status. No nobility status for me, thank you very much.
I feel sorry for those who have to deal with the likes of Charmaine Rodgers regging them for THIS now. Just thinking of such punishment gives me the heeby jeebies.
Speaking of Charmaine Rogers, you have to read the 3 part deposition of an Italian whale and former SO member who was taken for $1 Million dollars and is now suing to get it back. In one part of her deposition, she says Charmaine flew to Italy and arrived unannounced and unwelcomed at her house and yelled down from below on the street for her to come pay the cab driver cuz she didn’t have money. So reluctantly she did. Charmaine and troop barged in on the dinner party she was having and sat down and started eating food off Charmaine’s plate. She was horrified and embarrassed. Charmaine then got drunk on the wine and couldn’t walk so had to be helped to bed to sleep it off while the regging continued in the next room. Three hours Charmaine woke up yelling and then proceeded to reg more. The poor Italian whale had to give her money just to get rid of her then told her butler to drive them to the station and put them on anything going away to get rid of them. But read all of her deposition. It’s fascinating,sad, and funny in parts.
Oh my word! Sounds similar to other stories I’ve heard about Charmaine. She has no shame. Thanks, I’ll find the deposition and read the whole thing.
Sounds extremely intrestig. Source?
I clicked on links and from there went to more links so I am not sure where, but I started on Tony O’s site. I’ll look for this one again and post where you can find it. The lady was Italian. Wish I could remember her name. I”ll go searching for it again.
Honestly, I don’t think this Hall-Museum idea will sell. Other things were supported by “urgent necessity” linked to delivery of Scientology:
Ideal Orgs HAD to be done in order to attract new public and be 100% LRH (at least that was the make-belief)
SuperPower HAD to be done in order to release “LRH prescribed” SuperPower rundowns for staff and government official and so have the power to clear the planet for real.
Even for IAS – continuous fear mongering of how the world would “collapse on itself” if you don’t donate to all the social betterment programs that the IAS supposedly finances. See, you need the world in place in order to continue to do Scientology.
And all these programs had LRH directly behind the (or so was the make-belief).
Hall-Museum? How necessary is that for the delivery of Scientology and continued survival of the world? And where is LRH behind that? I never even heard LRH mention the word “museum.” It’ll be a much harder concept to sell and something that may actually become evident as in fact now taking away from delivering Scientology as I’m sure many are going to want to see the delivery now that all the Ideal Orgs (or most of them) and the SuperPower building are in place.
I keep thinking about who’s going to buy all the Flag properties when the whole meshugga goes belly up. And to what use will they be converted? Surely, this is a lazy-afternoon fantasy of non-Scientology realtors in Clearwater. A casino / entertainment complex? A Bible college? The world’s biggest high-rise retirement village? A federal prison?
I wonder this, too. I was in the area not too long ago… There are acres of crazyily, overbuilt monstrosities now, yes? What could one get for such a place as Super Powers, in Clearwater, Florida?? Surely with all those gadgets on the fifth floor, it could fall into disrepair fairly quickly after abandonment; any number of things could go wrong… Not a lot of market for even rich wogs wanting a block-wide building with oil tables and anti-gravity machines.
“… crazily…”
Amusement park.
Wax Museum.
Worlds biggest manicure / pedicure parlor.
Shopping mall maybe. Hopefully with a electronics store selling those baking owens for a touch of irony.
I predict in the year 2014 the Federal Government will seize all property and establish a trust to return funds on account, and cover the liabilities and claims against the Church. At which time people encouraged to make claims will be submitting thousands of petitions.
They ain’t going to get The Freewinds though. And that’s where you’ll find Davy.
You are singing my song Oracle…fitting name…you can see into the very near future. I want all of my money back for this scam of epic-ness!
I think Captain Miscavige provided the TENT in Clearwater to give the clubbed seals the illusion of “running out of spaces” to hold events for the expansion. That was the purpose.
Now phase II of the money extortion, money-laundering scam comes into view….L Ron Hubbard Hall!!
This will go on until another FRAUD lawsuit hits them. With the “free speech” allowed on the internet…it won’t take long for someone to peek, find the Luis Garcia lawsuit and put the puzzle together once and for all!!
Good job with the detective work Mike. I love it that WE know more about The Church of Scientology than these people that have donated MILLIONS!
That’s what I see The last to leave the building won’t be Scns, but government appointed attorneys and accountants.
The big question I have is what happens to the trademarks and copyrights? Will the government simply say that if you want to be a “Church of Scientology,” and bear that name, you can? Will it be simply that there is no Co$ to sue you? I’m assuming that the tax-exempt status will be revoked, and any individual church will have to apply newly for it (and probably be denied).
Also 300 S. Fort Harrison, 305 Osceola and 311 Osceola are scheduled for demolition according to this plan.
Where will the Church of Scientology Religious Trust go, do you think? Also, they own 302 Garden, 308 and 312. Is there anything of note there that will need new quarters?
Most of the celebrity shills’ careers are in the toilet. Wonder if Nancy Cartwright is kicking herself for giving her $10 million already. She should have paced her donations.
Nancy Cartwright will not ever be kicking herself as long as she has one live cell in her spine.
She’s been donating millions if not tens of, to the Valley Ideal scam. Matching donations and all. She’s as hard core as they come.
“The Simpsons” runs internationally and Nancy gets royalties. She’s probably getting a check five times a day, every day of the year.
She lives a fairly modest lifestyle in relation to her income, so there’s plenty of money to burn.
LRH Museum and Hall Timeline
2016 Groundbreaking (Woo-Hoo!)
2017 Cyclone fence erected
2018 Survey done – Portolets rented
2019 Part of slab poured
2020 Change of design plans
2021 …
2022 Foundation corrected
2023 …
2024 For Sale sign posted
Yep, it’s going to be another smokin’ decade!
Thank-you Mike for exposing this insanity and I do mean insanity! How can anyone
with more than 2 brain cells fall for this bunk. Its time we call for a- Call TO Arms!
Time for a well advertised INDY event to Publicly demand DM’s removal.
I’ll be there, you can triple confirm me!!!
As I say, I’m new here, and a never-in, but I do wish that the indies could unite against DM… Tiny Boots would have given Hitler a run for his money – yes, I went there, and no apologies.
As a fellow never in, my view is that DM is doing a great job of discrediting the legacy of LRH. The last thing we should want is anyone slightly more competent taking over. Let him finish the job of destroying organised Scientology. Hopefully quickly.
I agree. Let’s do our own call to arms and get it publicly known all this bs. I couldn’t believe the figure $10 Million. I can’t believe he would ask for that much from one donor. And how do even the whales even have much money left to give after he has already raped, pillaged and plundered them many times already?
And not even a Ka Khan for those big donors?
I know Jane Doe, I can’t believe even a wealthy person would write a check after all the begging that’s gone on. This is so unreal to 99.999999% of hard working people. I have no words for anyone who would participate in this disgusting, money grubbing embarrassment.
TC can write that check. He is the only real $cientologist on the planet anyway!
Great post Mike and totally predictable that DM is doing this to eek even more money from the clubbed seals. Get while the getting is good!
There are plans afoot for a call-to-arms! See this link for Flag Down 2014. It is the next big massing of CI to RCS, DM and his minions.–2
Contribute if you can and be part of this!
I so laughed at the line “For just $10 million you can become “nobility”. Mike, I thought, you are a card – a comic genius. NO ONE could be that tacky and pretentious. Ridiculous as it is, would be a step too far even for Him…. Then I saw the actual issue.
“Mike, I thought, you are a card – a comic genius.”
As much as I don’t want to think this, I can’t help thinking Scientology would be a lot better off if Miscavige stepped aside in favor of somebody with a better sense of humor.
If only Miscavige had treated those who worked selflessly for twenty years and more with the respect, emolument and position they deserve, Scientology would have a team working to make it effective.
Mooser I think you have hit upon something important. When you cannot laugh at yourself or even laugh at anything, it’s a pretty sorry existence. And Miscavige and the RCS take themselves VERY seriously. There is nothing funny — it’s all deadly serious and concerned with the very salvation of every man, woman, child dog and tree on earth. This is a trait of fundamentalists. Those who make jokes, especially if they target Scientology or God forbid, Captain Miscavige, are written off as “Jokers and Degraders”. It’s a term on a par with “Suppressive Person”.
Yea, those damn jokers and degraders.
Hey, how many Scientologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
10. 1 to screw in the bulb, and 9 to handle the routing form.
Dogs can’t donate – they are DBs. Trees are even worse but can easily be cut down if they interfere with His wondrous building strategy.
I agree with you, Martin. I have to say, that I am dumbfounded by the seeming inability of DM to see that very wealthy, known people are beginning to flee this shit – because it never ends. His bullying and extortion in all conceivable areas lost him and Co$, their best and brightest, most able execs and ‘parishioners’. How on EARTH can one extort relentlessly for Super Powers, only to begin extorting for another empty, glittering building IMMEDIATELY after Super Powers finally, actually opens?? These people must know by now that their ‘nobility’ will be erased at ribbon-cutting – they’ll go back to zero immediately and must purchase that ‘nobility’ on another “cause” (read: building or remodel). I don’t see that this is a scam that even DM can pull off without losing more whales. But what do I know? I was never in.
Well imho, the top of that list is so tacky the only people who’ll bite are the ones who’ll bite. Those who are able to actually see what they’re seeing, question statements and connect dots have left. The rest who are actually contributing are just too full of themselves, happy to carry the burden of saving an ungrateful world, very smug that they are “taking more responsibility than anyone else”. They are blinded by their own self satisfaction. And I feel sick that I was ever part of an organisation that would go after a woman in court with 22 (!!) high-paid lawyers.
Absurd, completely absurd, but I am sure some will go for the titles and status, after all is nothing more left than that-a pretended status.