It is always entertaining to read the propaganda sent out by CCHR accusing psychiatry of “scare-mongering.”
Anyone familiar with CCHR (and scientology in general) is aware that their reason for existing is to “scare-monger” about psychology and psychiatry.
How scary is it that they are saying they need to be prepared for a spike in demand as a result of the pandemic? You bet scientology briefings to solicit “donations” are talking about the trauma and “restimulation” of people who all need help and that orgs should be getting them in….
And a “racism pandemic”? How dare they say that? Protests have been massive, cities have been burned. And she is offended by their choice of words?
And talk about scare-mongering. According to CCHR it’s the psychiatrists that have made racism such a problem in this country…. An old CCHR conspiracy theory based on the claim they were responsible for the rise of Hitler and extermination of the Jews. So, where is CCHR decrying Tony Muhammad and the NOI for their anti-Semitism?
And as for “treating” racism, I would love to see what she cites for this unsubstantiated statement…
I wonder exactly how you define “psychiatric racism?” Is this a psychiatrist who is a racist?
As for justice being served. How about some justice for the people raped and abused by scientologists and scientology?
Of course, the final pitch is “send us money” — even though the IAS claims the money they collect is what supports CCHR.
All around, this is a study in hypocrisy.
We have all arrived to the world through a mother a father implanted and we are all the owner of a planet together to do the best of in our greatest interest. Scientologists and psychs have also arrived to the world through a mother a father implanted and they have also an existence in the world.
“Scientologists and psychs have also arrived to the world …”
One of the many problems is that isn’t what Hubbard tells Scientologists. Psychs are from the planet Farsec, don’t you know!
I made it through OT TR 0 and then!searchin/alt.religion.scientology/ot$20tr$200|sort:date/alt.religion.scientology/9V57eTlRnZ8/hsJdZYq1zlUJ
CCHR has posted another six press releases on two PR Newswire services.
IE – We paid to have some ‘newswire’ service on the net publish our crap in the hopes that a mainstream news source would pick it up. Never gonna happen no matter how many times she uses the words ‘racism’ and ‘pandemic’ in the the same sentence. No one out there in the real world, other than fellow conspiracy theorists, believe this tripe about psychiatry. Especially now that the NOI and Sci together are promoting that it’s psychiatry that’s caused all the racism. Just like a religion to cherry pick certain passages from tomes written hundreds of years ago and use it for their agenda. Sounds very familiar.
Medicine and psychiatry are an ever changing profession. We are constantly learning new things and throwing old things out. How many times have you went to the doctor with an illness and been bled with leaches. Never? Well it’s in all the old medical texts going back to Egypt. Along with using crocodile dung as a means of birth control. How about a little arsenic? It was used in a myriad of concoctions sold up until the 1950’s to treat everything from arthritis to syphilis. So what about phrenology? Reading the bumps on the head. Psychiatry was also full of the same palaver. This is my current problem not just Scientology but with the whole damn world. Get over the past. Use it to educate. We have learned from it and we must move on. If we continue to do shite like this CCHR bollox we are just going backwards. We are causing more hate. Why can’t we move forward? Is it a human thing? Do we need to hate each other no matter what.
Right now the whole world seems to be wrapped up in an “I’m right and your wrong and my side is the righteous side…so I don’t give you the right to an opinion or to even exist.” I’ve seen back and forth arguments on Ortega’s comment section that are vicious and nasty about politics, about Indies, about a myriad of things. It’s one of the reasons I don’t comment much over there anymore. There’s some people that no matter what you say they want to argue with you. I swear I could say the sky was blue and I’d have an argument break out about the scientific color schemes of the ever changing sky. Some people don’t give you the right to an opinion different to theirs…all the while professing that they are a champion of peoples ‘rights’. Sounds a lot like a certain organization I’m all too familiar with so I just stay away.
Sorry this is so long guys it made me want to vent.
Oh my gosh Linear13 this has to be one of my all time favorite posts here! Thank you.
Just the usual CO$ horseshit PR.
Don’t expect anything from them that’s not specious, conniving, underhanded and 2-faced in some way.
Toothless screeching by a rabid monkey waving a tin cup chained to a decaying barrel organ being wound by a little drunken rage powered homunculus.
Well, I’m sorry, Kronomex, but your metaphor is highly insulting – to monkeys 🙂 And now I have to look up “homunculus”.
“Psychiatric racism” implies psychiatry is an intrinsically racist ideology with a fixed, pervading theory of white superiority. They base this on selected studies, texts and quotations dating back to 1797 when Benjamin Rush claimed black people were diseased. It is true, psychiatry’s history is replete with racist theories and abuse but CCHR weaves this into an extreme, absolutist narrative that only demonstrates their own ideological bias. That they appear to be pushing heavily on this particular point now suggests they are jumping on the BLM / anti-police bandwagon in an effort to #defundthepsychs.
The irony is that scientology’s jihad against psychiatry is itself cosmic racism. Psychiatrists on Earth are evil immigrants from Farsec and are not tolerated.
Decades ago the “powers that be” decided it was wrong to “warehouse” the mentally disturbed in Psychiatric Hospital. “They” decided these same individuals rights to freedom were being taken away from them & there needed to be a change.
“They” said let’s shut down most of Psychiatric Hospitals where the mentally ill were SUPERVISED 24/7, Given their NEEDED medication ON SCHEDULE, medical care as well as three meals a day & a clean bed to sleep, clean clothes & counseling, access to educational materials, exercise, & The “powers that be” decided that the larger percentage of these mentally ill people should be placed in Nursing Homes, Group Homes or Adult Homes, The same homes would have a “homelike environment” of course…with LIMITED STAFF which means not much supervision.
For some, this might work out…for others NO. My brother has been Schizophrenic since an early teen. My parents DAILY battle was to get him to take the medications that help control his Schizophrenia. My brother did NOT THINK he was “sick”….he THOUGHT he was fine. He could NEVER understand the ONLY REASON HE WAS FINE WAS BECAUSE OF THE ANTI PSYCHOTIC MEDS HE WAS PRESCRIBED.
As he “rolled into his mid 20’s”….he was totally disrespectful & willful….he had had SEVERAL psychotic breakdowns BECAUSE he REFUSED to take his anti psychotic drugs. He would leave home after arguing with our parents…& wander the streets for days WITHOUT MEDS….he’d be picked up & taken to the Psychiatric Hospital where he’d stayed for weeks or months…then back to my parents. The LAST time he “ran off” & was picked up & hospitalized…my parents REFUSED to take him back into their home.
My brother was later placed in a “Group Home”….putting the SAME STUNTS….they call it “BACKWARDS LOGIC”…..I AM FINE…I AM NOT SICK….ONLY SICK PEOPLE TAKE PILLS……(the SAME pills that kept his head on straight).
There ARE mentally ill patients that NEED to be under VERY CLOSE supervision…they’ve LOST “their right” to wander around being a danger to themselves where as my brother…was VICTMIZED several times…beaten up….robbed….etc….by those who took advantage of him when he wandered off from the Group Home. without meds for days.
My brother is now 73…STILL IN A GROUP HOME…still having issues with getting himself to accept he DOES HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS. His behavior has caused estrangement between he & my entire family for decades…..he’s just done this far too many times to have to deal with on a constant basis when we too are in our “golden years” & have health issues too. My parents ONLY escape from him was when they passed away & he could not harass them any longer.
Mentally Ill people NEED more than a “touch assist” or to READ A BOOK OR MOVE UP A BRIDGE……this is far too disturbing for me to even comment further….PLEASE forgive the length of my post.
Mike if this is not acceptable to print…I will understand.
Balletlady – Sending you a big *cyber hug* just because. I don’t know if you’ve ever read “I Never Promised You a Rose Garden” by Joanne Greenberg, but based on this book I absolutely agree that people in need of help have been denied it since those changes. A Safe Place – a competent doctor – meds on schedule – these things can make the difference between a productive life and a tormented one.
And, of course, Scamology denies it too, all because the Psychiatric Community wouldn’t endorse Tubby’s bullshit. The number of lives he has ruined, and the number of ways in which it is done in his name – truly horrifying.
Thank you Briget, Peacemaker & LMR….All you say is no doubt true. For my brother, he NEEDS supervision 24/7 in getting his meds DAILY & in being “checked off” that he has taken them…including a “visual inspection” of his mouth to make sure he’s swallowed them. He’d tuck them in his upper check to “hide them”…..then spit them out…thus NOT consuming them.
Yes, as a former Social Worker in Family Serv & CPS and as a former Spec Ed educator…I’ve seen & heard it all. For my parents…way back THEN….Children who had mental health issues such as Schizophrenia were horribly NOT recognized or diagnosed early on. My brother had “issues” when he was young…but UNTIL he had a FULL BLOWN Psychotic Breakdown at 17 was he accurately diagnosed. Before that…he was “just one of those pesky kids”…. who was always up to something”…
My younger brother didn’t have Schizophrenia but had other mental health issues which were never diagnosed. The way he LIVED his life clearly showed something was amiss. It’s been said IF you have ONE CHILD with Schizophrenia…other children are more than likely to have the SAME issue.
For me as FEMALE,,,,,could have been the “gene factor”…it didn’t affect me or my two kids……..but my brothers problems were what my mother focused on……leaving me pushed aside as my mother said “I didn’t have any problems so thusly I was ignored….my father focused on his job & basically separated himself from having to deal with the problems by ignoring it & us.
My brother does well under supervision…but he’s had “wandering off & not returning issues” too…a day pass means go back at the end of the day, where he sometimes opted out & had to be “found & re-institutionalized” to get him back on meds & straight.
There are facilities for the “criminally insane” & floors in hospitals for “short term stays” to get people back on track…’s all too sad since they SHOVE PEOPLE OUT BEFORE THEY”RE FULLY READY TO BE RELEASED….GOVERNMENT CUT COST.
Those infamous “State Psychiatric Hospitals”…Central Islip State Hospital…Central Islip NY was demolished decades ago…Pilgrim State…basically the same..some parts remain.
Last time I spoke with my brother….courtesy of his NEW “Social Worker” who wanted to “reconnect him to family”………..he’s been “disconnected with” for decades….
I spoke with him & let me just say he was mentally “still out there….telling me how he was going to come & visit me again this week end like he did last week end”….he has NEVER been here in 30 years. Add to it how he “has found an older brother in Ireland”……. There is & never WAS AN OLDER BROTHER as he IS the older brother so no other EXISTS…………………
I explained to the Social Worker that I cannot deal with my brother’s mental instability, that he STILL is exhibiting the SAME scenario of behavior & “fantasyland” as before & at my age & in not good health & with an ill husband…I can do NOTHING to assist my brother & I prefer no further contact. Haven’t heard from him since. Hard to do but it had to be done.
When I speak of mental illness as far as CLOSE RELATIVES GO….I might add that My younger brother who had a troubled life since his teen years….always into some difficulty/trouble….made his OWN life & our family’s life pure HELL….Well after THREE marriages & two kids by two different wives…. ended at age 43 yrs his in 1 993 by suicide…..& he too was estranged from our parents & myself…..
There is a TV Documentary about a young girl who was diagnosed at age 5 or 7 with Schizophrenia….it’s a very sad story….January Schofield….parents Michael & Susan who have a jarring story to tell. Their younger son Bodhi also has some form of mental illness as well…but to SEE & HEAR this story…it’s very informative.
Balletlady, there was a broad movement for de-institutionalization, in part because of the exposure of abuses – typified by the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) – and the efforts of a movement that got started even before Hubbard and Scientology came on the scene. The ideal was that the awful institutions of the past would be mostly replaced by flexible and innovative community-based treatment.
The problem was that the powers that be – or at least the creaky cogs of government, which include an often short-sighted electorate – ended up treating the situation as a cost-cutting opportunity, and not adequately funding new forms of alternative treatment. Reformers and patients’ rights advocates were probably also overly optimistic, if not even radical, in their estimation of many patients’ ability to comply with necessary treatment regimens without rigorous supervision or even institutionalization. That’s the history as I understand it, and I think it’s important to know how the current situation came to be if there is to be appropriate change.
I’m sorry to hear what happened with your brother. That’s indeed sadly what happens all too often in the system as it exists.
I’ve worked with the homeless, including helping set up a winter night shelter for women. And I’ve seen there’s still a struggle with those advocates who are so anti-institutionalization that they believe the mentally ill have a right to live on the streets and even refuse shelter if they “choose,” and a dilemma of those so severely mentally ill that they can’t get along in shelters regardless, problems I think can only be solved by a combination of adequate funding plus institutionalization for more serious cases (the latter already effectively, haphazardly and badly, being done through the criminal justice and penal system).
Scientologists are just another type of mistaken idealists whose theories and efforts are not actually putting us on the road to improving the situation.
Weighing in here with the comment that in my big city it would appear that most homeless are not dangers to society but then I got 40 stitches in my right hand from being attacked with a broken bottle from a homeless crazy person many years ago – totally out of the blue, an unprovoked attack, I had never seen this man before, and he didn’t even try to rob me. I had noticed him drinking a bottle of beer…the next thing I knew his breath was on my neck and I turned around and he was arcing this broken bottle at me, very robotically, his eyes wide and unseeing like a zombie. He was really nuts. And this occurred in broad daylight in a city park in front of scores of witnesses. I’ve told this story here already so I’ll just agree with you Balletlady and say that yes, some of these people ARE dangerous and need to be locked up. As for the rest, the non-dangerous, somewhat mental or alcoholic homeless, I give them something usually, and like Pope Francis says to do, I make a point of looking at them and smiling and saying “Good luck to you” in a friendly way when I give them the dollar or whatever. I love Pope Francis.
OMG my dear one Aqua…I am terribly horribly sorry for the attack you suffered…thankful you survived….so sickening. I knew a coworker who was pushed onto the subway tracks decades ago, luckily several people responded & pulled him up to the subway platform while 3 big burly men held the perpetrator for the police….a recently released from psych ward man…off his meds for days so the story said.
YES…while under Supervision AND WITH MEDS DAILY if that’s what they need…some can flourish without issue. For those like my brother who cannot/will not accept his illness…his demons come back to haunt him terribly. Had my brother cooperated & taken his meds my mother would hand him every day on schedule, he’d probably have been able to live a home for several more years…or at least until our parents passed away.
While in NYC decades ago we were in a fast food restaurant having a quick lunch when this woman in her 40’s came table to table asking for CASH….we offered to BUY Her a LUNCH…she REFUSED…she wanted CASH. When we left there she was out on the sidewalk with a group of men swigging from a brown paper bag….she wanted money to buy MORE booze to share. Two hours later, we saw two of these same men fighting each other one with a broken bottle in hand & blood on his clothes……terrible
We’ve also left a place with maybe an extra burger & fries in a bag….& handed them off to a street person….several were happy with it…one or two wanted $$$…..& told us “where we could put that food”……as a nearly empty wine bottle or beer cans were scattered about & many of their lives are what they’ve made it so it’s a sad tale.
We do the best we can….the “powers that be seem to know more”…
Ballet Lady reading your comment I could feel what you meant.
Since when dianetics tragically came to life, hubbard said it was “for the able, to make him more able”.
Translation needed: able = wallet.
They have never cured anything. The cases where they pretend to have done some change on the person can be explained in other ways.
Yoga and zen meditation (for free) give even better result.
Hubbard was a charlatan. Selling before having results.
Unfortunately after 70 years of dianetics and scio if something would work there should be results and people in line. There aren’t.
I used to work for the New York State Mental health system and your tale of the revolving door is all too common. Some people just need supervision. The law not only allows, but demands that people who are not a threat to themselves or others be released into the community. Usually to no services that help them maintain themselves in the community. Then the person de-compensates and gets into trouble with the law again and is committed to a psychiatric facility.
The door just revolves because the law doesn’t distinguish between ‘currently sane’ and ‘about to go insane’ people. The mental health community tries to instill in each patient ‘insight’ into their own condition and how they have to treat it. The patient needs to understand what their responsibilities are. Sadly, too many just live like your brother and unless they committ a felony, they may not get the treatment they need. Why do you think that prisons have a cell block devoted to mental patients? Because they need one.
De-institutionalization just sent patients from the hospital to a prison.
Zee Moo….Nailed it…..”Why do you think that prisons have a cell block devoted to mental patients? Because they need one”…… There is so much worry & concern about “harming the mentally ill by keeping them warehoused”….Yet SOME of these people are the ones who will push others on the subway train tracks in NYC for no reason or because the voices “told them to”….or stab someone because “the voice in their head told them to do so”.
Fortunately for my older brother, the “voices in his head” didn’t tell him to harm others…..but he listened to what “they had to say” & it got him into that same “revolving door” you mentioned. I lost count of how many times his BACKWARDS LOGIC gave him permission NOT to take his meds….& then it was off to “fantasyland”…..& he’d end up in a psych ward for a few weeks or months.
COS literally kills me with their BULLSHIT of non treatment for mentally ill people. Look what it did for Hubbard & so many others. My older brothers ONLY release from the DEMONS THAT TAUNT HIM will be the day he passes away. He NEVER held down a job, or was responsible for providing himself with shelter, food, clothing, health care….it was all paid for by Dept of Mental Health……& still is.
Because of the Schizophrenia issue…BOTH of my children have OPTED OUT on HAVING CHILDREN of their own….so I will NEVER be a Grandmother…..then again…I THINK how history MIGHT repeat itself & one of the Grandkids could inherit THAT gene.
So…..If ANY CHILD from a FORMER MEMBER….has NO ACCESS to A GRANDPARENT because of DISCONNECTION POLIC.Y….if they want or need a virtual hug of words of LOVE & encouragement…I AM AVAILABLE as an “ADOPTED GRAMMIE”……….that also encompasses being a “MOM I NEED ADVICE TOO”…..
Wow, Balletlady, there have to be so many little kids who would be over the moon to have you as their “Grandma”. And not necessarily orphans either.
Thank you! If I were a Millionaire….I’d fly …IF invited….to the homes of all former members who “need a substitute Grandparent” in their child’s life….with crayons, coloring books, puzzles, story books….cookie & cupcake recipes to make…..lots of hugs & kisses & walks etc…..
Even older kids or the mom & dad once in awhile need a “sounding board” other than the ear of mom & dad….just listening to them often helps. Mom & Dad often need a HUG TOO!
Just read your last comment and all I can say is:
Never mind the kids for now.
I want you to come to MY place with crayons, cookie and cupcake recipes, puzzles, story books, etc.
I’ll pay the airfare 🙂
You are invited.
Pack for an extended visit 🙂
AAAwww thanks so much! So nice to know I’ve got so really good friends right here for are so caring!
It breaks my heart to know that someone’s OWN flesh & blood Grandkids are being ignored due to disconnection. Sadly for me, BOTH sets of our parents had little to no interest in our children from the time they were born. It’s just the way they were….& for the life of me I will never understand it.. They missed out on so much.
If my husband & I didn’t TAKE OUR KIDS TO SEE THEM….they really wouldn’t have seen their Grandkids at all. My husband’s parents & my parents….well both our fathers passed away within a year of each other.
Our son was 6 & then 7 when our fathers passed away…Our son…he’d seen MY father 4 to 5 times in our sons ENTIRE LIFE…..our daughter being older…saw them a few times more than that.
Thankfully my husband & I had ADOPTED much older close friends who took our kids on as “niece & nephew” & THEY were the Grandparents my kids did not have….
We have a close very close relationship with BOTH of our adult children & my son in law is like another son. My husband & I visit them often & they visit us….as well as we take vacations or week end trips together.
Nothing brings us more JOY than to share time with our kids & their spouse….when my husband & I don’t see them for a few days….even if we talk every other day or few days apart…to our adult kids…we STILL miss them! We especailly enjoy cooking together!
That is SO true! She is that perfect combo of loving and fierce.
I’m betting you are super-Aunty, Aqua!
Thanks, jennyfurr 🙂 Not a blood Aunty but I get on well with children and teens usually. Not sure why. I never had kids, but I like them. Maybe they just pick up on that. I sort of leave them alone in a friendly way and let them come to me, when they want to, or when they’re ready. Seems to work. I’m good with animals, too. Dogs, cats, horses, birds…
Jenyfurr…..I keep thinking about how big that little dolly must be by now… her little feet EVER TOUCH THE FLOOR!! I bet the big brothers can’t resist holding her….and my “Nellie Bell & Lincoln”….growing too.
For AQUA… adopted Great Uncle married late in life…he had NO children either….Yet HE WAS THE BEST UNCLE & GRANDFATHER ANY KID COULD EVER HAVE….HE WAS MORE LIKE A FATHER TO ME THAN MY OWN FATHER. HE WANTED TO BE IN OUR LIVES & OUR KIDS LIVES & WAS UNTIL HE PASSED AWAY AT AGE 86 after winning & then losing after battling cancer for five years.
UNCLE MARTIN….always in my thoughts & prayers…& I miss him terribly. After the OB/GYM & nurses delivered our son….Uncle Martin was the THIRD PERSON TO HOLD HIM after myself, my husband & then Uncle Martin.
He smiled ear to ear with tears of JOY flooding his face….he said
You say it so well. I’ve thought about this bile spewed by co$, CCHR, etc. quite a bit lately. Just like you mentioned above, my own mom does the same. She showed up literally on mine and my brother’s doorstep and nothing but pure chaos ensued even though we both made it clear she wouldn’t be staying with either of us. 4wks of unabated drama even WITH hardline boundaries…
I often WISH the surprise visits and phone calls we get from our relatives, then the subsequent DAILY police and social worker phone calls for weeks on end could be forwarded to co$, CCHR and all of these individuals that “know” so much more than we mere “wogs” about mental illness and how to handle. I’d also love for them to try to “reason” (as if) with our family members amidst a psychotic breakdown – that one I would genuinely PAY to watch!…
I know their answer would be to lock them up and pull the whole “introspection rundown” but there is NO one as manipulative, paranoid, conspiracy-minded or stubborn (about acquiescing to or accepting ANY “help” recommended by anyone) than someone who’s mentally ill, off their meds and amidst a psychotic breakdown. Everyone who’s experienced this firsthand is convinced “that person is DEFINITELY on drugs!!!”
If just a few scientologists experienced the above behaviors for an extended period of time, I think many would question their stance.
100% HERE YOU ON EVERYTHING. I’ve said it before…ONLY THOSE who have had to DEAL with a Mentally Ill person FULLY understand what it’s about.
That new “Social Worker”…..were I NOT in a better frame of mind…I’d have given her an earful. As my brother rambled on about “revisiting me this week end like he did last weekend”….with me KNOWING he had NEVER been here in the 30 years I’ve lived here…SHE HEARD IT ALL….
When I mentioned the conversation to her…she had little to nothing to say about my concerns that my brother was STILL OUT THERE MENTALLY…telling me about an “older brother he had in IRELAND…when NO SUCH BROTHER EXISTS.
I opted OUT a long time ago….I seriously thought maybe he had passed away as my mother could find no address for him BEFORE she passed away herself….he’d had FIVE TO SIX different addressses….in & out of the hospital psych ward & needing to be “REHOUSED” as you loose your bed after so many week….
NEED I SAY MORE….I THOUGHT NOT…you all to well FULLY Understand. I wish I was THERE with you….I AM standing by your side nonetheless in FULL SUPPORT.
Hard to deal with it other than a “stay away order” which we KNOW won’t be obeyed….revolving door on psyche hospitals with “SHORT TERM STAY’…..then BACK on the street again……all too sad.
Sadly COS does NOT recognize the NEED for Psychiatrist…MEDICATION TO CONTROL PSYCHE episodes…to STOP THE VOICES….that is the biggest CRIME.
Balletlady. I don’t think you have to worry about Mike not printing any of your posts because they are “unacceptable”.
You see all the strange stuff I post? Mike has never prevented any of my posts from being published. So I would guess you have nothing to worry about on that score. I think that as long as posts are somehow related to this scam, Mike is OK about allowing them.
Besides, IMO, your posts are a big reason I like to come to this blog. I think it’s pretty obvious that other people feel the same way.
Oh Skyler….Thank you so much. I delight in reading the posts of so many people who’ve become so DEAR TO ME! Sometimes I laugh myself silly & think I am truly ready for “the rubber room”.
MIKE BLESS HIS GOLDEN HEART…..he FULLY KNOWS & understands it all…he’s seen & lived far too much of the damage COS has caused in MANY LIVES.
MENTAL ILLNESS IS NO JOKE>>>IT EXISTS>>>> COS denials of it are sickening beyond belief. They are RISKING LIVES by not recognizing or accepting it.
You can be sure they fear Mike. They have many excellent reasons to fear him (and Leah too)!
They are so dumb. Mike was a big reason why things got done and now that he blew, instead of apologizing and trying to get him back (a hopeless endeavor to be sure), they call him names and lie about his competence?
Typical idiotic reaction. I hope I will live to see the day that Mike and Leah play a pivotal role (or I should say an even more pivotal role) in the demise of this scam and the imprisonment of the head criminal who stupidly calls himself the Pope (what a dope).
It’s official!!! I hate EVERYTHING about SCIENTOLOGY!!!
Hey OSD. I certainly understand the way you feel and the reasons you feel that way. No blame and that is for sure.
One thing they did give us though is Mike & Leah. No one knows more about this scam than they do and no one knows better how to defeat them.
I don’t know if I have the right idea about this. But I think we must keep on making noise about this and keeping these abuses in the eyes of the public. The more we squawk and the more we keep fighting, the more mud gets slung onto these creeps and as Mike has said many times, “They go CRAAAZZZYY”.
I think the longer lawsuits stay in the public eye, the harder it becomes for them to find any new suckers. The idea is to make sure almost everyone knows all about their abuses so that no one else will get suckered into ever giving them another fucking dime!
O/T. An update on the Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology from 1971.
From the Nation of Islam Historical Archives Online and the Muhammad Speaks newspaper: Scientology – Primitive Mysticism.
The Nation of Islam Historical Archives Online recently posted the story “Scientology – Primitive Mysticism” from the.September 17, 1971 issue of the Muhammad Speaks newspaper.
Could the “Rev. A. Marten” be Artie Maren?
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
WHITES IN USA, South Africa, Britain, Sweden, West Germany, and other countries of this sort are fleeing Christianity into other spookist religions such as Scientology. Rev. A. Marten (left) Rev. K. J. Whiteman of New York are spreading the religion which continues belief in ghosts, witches, spirits and demons but conceals this primitive mysticism behind pseudo – science of astrological sort. Electronic devices and other modern gadgets are used because these are felt to be objects whites have ‘faith’ in today.
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Wikipedia explains that:
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Muhammad Speaks was one of the most widely read newspapers ever produced by an African-American organization.[1] It was the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam from 1960 to 1975, founded by a group of Elijah Muhammad’s ministers, including Malcolm X.[2]
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Screenshots are available at:
ESMB Redux:.
The only people being restimulated here are Scientologists! Donate now while you are still angry from reading this sensationalist screed.
If Scientology gets involved, then yes there’s going to be a mental health pandemic (and personal finance pandemics)
Total BS by CCHR. My take is that one of the reasons Hubbard’s military record was so bad was because he was in fact sympathetic to fascism. Yes that is how I see it. Hubbard probably had at least a subconscious attachment to Hitler and Mussolini. The psych’s had nothing to do with it. Today’s psych’s are liberal. I do not see racism in them. Scientology can accept NOI’s attacks on Jews because Scientology is in its core Fascist. So in reality Scientology wants to get rid of Christians and Jews. NOI can attack Jews because fascists are in reality bigots. There is no way in a million years that Scientology could ever defend Jews. NOI gravitates to fascism hence they gravitate to Scientology. It is fascists that hate Jews. Hence NOI hates Jews. Hence Scientology does not attack NOI.
Hubbard made Scientology a mystery because it is based on hate and bigotry.
George, it’s on the record that Hubbard’s fascist tendencies were called out by one of his writer friends – a prominent one who was actually acclaimed and successful at science fiction. L. Sprague de Camp wrote that Heinlein had warned him about Hubbard’s “fascist leanings,” and there may have been others in his circle who noted being rubbed the wrong way on that account, I’m not certain.
Thanks, It makes perfect sense.
The CofS itself is a “merchant of chaos” and profits off of every fear or crisis it can figure out how to exploit. And of course it seems to be part of the fundamental nature of the system of psychological pressure and Orwellian social control they live under, to accuse others of that which they themselves are guilty.
I have lived many decades on planet Earth and have never seen any of the crimes, abuses and racism Jan Eastgate says exists and seeks money to fight against.
I was in Scientology for many decades too. There I did witness many crimes, abuses and discrimination and of course a constant demand for money too.
So the only truth is the cult is “only about money”. Always has been; always will be.
Its all bull shit. Scientology IS bull shit! Everything about the cult IS bull shit!!!
Well said, OSD. Let us hope and pray we will live to see the death of this blight.
I’m right with you!
Yea. Old surfer is…this lady has no clue what she is talking about..
Wonder how much Scn will get in.”donations”
I’d like to know!
I agree. The problem is the demeanor they use comes off with an air of official bullshit people tend to believe. The formal attire, the title of President CCHR, the facade of media ties (3,000 media whatever pickups are), and the citation of facts however misleading and fake they are. They have adopted business formal style for their releases which make the unsuspecting believe this might be true. We all here know it’s bullshit. It’s an attempt to push along some fake narrative that doesn’t even exist in order to make an air of good PR in their favor. They probably cite articles like this when they go to fundraisers to prove the good works they are doing (by writing bullshit fake articles). Holy hell, this is as crazy as it seems after you fully analyze the business-appropriated shit.
Hey OSD, and you are just right. Their mantra is ‘money and stats’. They as a “religious entity” have been as useful to society as the pests in the home are.
You are so right.