Could there be anything more appropriate than adopting the name “Pirates” for scientology businesses?
With the recent spate of bad news about sleazy scientology businessmen being prosecuted — from David Gentile and the GBP Capital gang to Dennis Nobbe, Jay Spina, Robert Lotter and Brent Jones — the most “ethical group on earth” has a pretty poor track record of actually BEING ethical. And of course, let’s not forget the grandaddy of them all, Reed Slatkin. I now wonder if he might end up being overshadowed by Gentile… And who knows where Grant Cardone is headed?
Scientology loves to try to wash its image by constantly referring to themselves as humanitarians, drug-free, ethical people and the like. So it is noteworthy when they even accidentally come up with a moniker that is a more accurate reflection of their true nature.
Thank You
For all the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday. The best thing about birthdays is being reminded how many friends I have. It’s amazing. And along with family, the single most important part of life.
Happy Belated Birthday, Mike! Hope you enjoy many more with your wonderful family and that your other kids come around. You are a good man!
Happy belated birthday, Mike! Hope you had a fantastic day.
Q: What happens to people with minimal professional skills and unattractive job prospects?
A: They join Scn staff.
Cruel, but true.
Belated birthday wishes and may you live long and prosper. Thank you for the hard work of shining a light on this mind control group.
It’s impossible to kill life with the use of the alphabet. Hubbards use of words used as a gun making people to mud isn’t true. People don’t turn into mud when LRH fire his gun. People are able to separate only talking from serious tryings.
Happy Birthday Mike. I hope you have many happy years ahead of you. You deserve them all.
We appreciate everything you and Leah are doing to help expose Scientology.
You have given mankind a gift – exposure and a huge light that you are shining on this evil cult
disguised as a religion called Scientology.
Happy Birthday Mike Rinder!! May your life continue to prosper and flourish like it has been since you left the cult of Scientology. Thank you for all you do.
Happy Birthday Mike! I hope you and Christie and the kids had a wonderful day.
Doubling down seems to be a psychological trait of con persons. Doubling down on their awfulness they naturally are blind to their own faults and vulnerabilities.
Every time in my long career in the Scientology Sea Org dupe cult bureaucrats training department when I was in “Doubt”, I’d self inspire myself with the theory of what Scientology is all about, the salvaging of the soul and helping all the Scientologists reach the OT levels and regain their full soul abilities to soul-fly and do OT supernatural powers again.
Doubling down on the con, doubling down on the supernatural supposedly high minded goals of the Scientology con, it seems all “of a piece”.
Makes sense to one while midst the con.
So Scientology business persons adopting their pirate instincts, seems logical. Right up the alley of their faux religion Scientology’s founder L. Ron Hubbard’s “beingness.”
I wish the broad Scientology public could read all of Hubbard’s “Author Services Inc” orders and advices. He laid on the making of money selling his “LRH products” real heavy to ASI staffers who LRH wished to “look like a million bucks” and be representative of his “Flourishing and Prospering” motif, which is the ASI logo of that cornucopia.
Scientology and LRH’s products were LRH’s cornucopia offering to keep Scientology and LRH’s other projects well funded, etc.
Chuck, it’s definitely my observation that con artists often have gambler-like personalities. Yes they double down, and often they seem to really believe that if they can just keep going they will win big at some point, come out ahead and not only recoup their losses but be able to make their marks whole.
True believers often act similarly. And just as there’s evidence that those prone to uncritical belief are often more gullible and more prone to being scammed, so I also think the more aggressive ones of the type may be more likely to be perpetrators of scams.
The ordinary definition of ethics does not apply to Scientology. To Hubbard, Ethics was a means of control and punishment, nothing more. His psychopathic traits left him with no concept of personal integrity or individual morality, thus he was free to corrupt the definition of Ethics for his own purposes, and to his own advantage. Several recent YouTube vids by Jon Atack (with Mike Rinder) explain this aspect of Hubbard much better than I can. As best I can tell, Hubbard was fully immersed in the philosophy of “Do what thou wilt,” a phrase voiced by Francois Rabelais, and later corrupted by Alastair Crowley.
Happy birthday, fellow Aries!
In the microcosm that is scn, in addition to these best-known names, there is an infinite myriad of similar characters who try to do the same in their own small way.
What matters is the money that will then pay the bridge that will save them.
No matter what they do, they will come out clean. Yes sure.
What is extraordinary is that many often commit financial irregularities. Hubbard talks about it and not well. But what’s more fantastic is that hubbard himself committed them by not paying taxes for decades or by ambushing money somewhere.
This continues to this day, just look at what is taking shape in Australia. Hubbard said there was a relationship between financial irregularities and who was in jail or with possible legal problems.
What a funny coincidence.
Happy, happy birthday, Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike!🎂🎂🎂😃😃😃👍👍👍
ARRRRR….The Customer Factory seems to have lost the game by just a few points. They appear to be a company that sends patients to chiropractors. How socially useful that job is. A chiropractor referral and marketing company is as socially useful as a porcupine in a balloon factory.
Gosh Mike. You have listed the following seven people in this cult who are apparent sleazes. They are: David Gentile, Dennis Nobbe, Jay Spina, Robert Lotter, Brent Jones, Reed Slatkin and Grant Cardone.
But I have never heard of any of them. I certainly can’t blame you for not better informing your readers of these people before (and please forgive me if you have indeed told us about them before and I just missed it). But I don’t usually follow many other sites about this cult besides your blog and Tony Ortega’s site.
I’d like to ask you where I could have been following so that I would not be completely ignorant about these people? Is there another site that has discussed these people? Or have I just been very lazy and not hardly looked enough to find out for myself?
Now as far as this so-called “game” goes. Am I right in assuming this game is just another thinly veiled scam to soak peple out of their wealth disguised under the guise of some game?
P.S. Someone should inform the makers of those films this cult is using their theme music to make money (providing it is not really ethical to do that). I wonder how much they would appreciate that. Any chance they might even sue the greedy crooks?
They are all covered extensively on Tony Ortega’s site. And Jeff Augustine on Scientology Money Project has been onto David Gentile and GBP Capital since before criminal charges were even brought.
Oops. I guess I was lazy. I will take a more detailed look on Tony Ortega’s site. Thank you Mike.
Skyler, also check out Jeffrey Augustine’s Scientology Money Project. He takes deep dives into some subjects, but then has some of the most thoroughly researched information on what he does cover. Also, his partner is Karen de la Carriere, a long-term high-level auditor and former wife of CofS president Heber Jentzsch, and she knows or has access to some of the best insider information.
Thank you kindly PM.
P.S. I found a great read on Reed Slatkin. He was an ordained minister of the cult who was convicted of running the biggest Ponzi scheme in history (at that time) since the original Mr. Ponzi invented the scam.
He died in the penitentiary. I felt so relieved to learn that he was sentenced to a long term in the penitentiary and actually died in there. That gave me hope the same fate may be waiting for THE TWERP. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
For anyone who may be interested, the following link is a very brief but hard-hitting report from Money Week on exactly what he did.
Skyler, In your research did you find that Reed Slatkin stole more money than even Bernie Maddoff? I think compared to Maddoff Slatkin might have been smaller potatoes. But both are bad cdriminals and Reed got what he deserved. Maddoff too.
I think that report from Money Week was careful to make the point that Slatkin stole more money using a Ponzi scheme than anyone else at the time.
I figured that meant that at the time Slatkin got convicted, Madoff had not yet been caught. But you are certainly right in that they both deserve to die in prison.
But all I really want at this time is to see THE TWERP get his justice. I cannot think of hardly anyone else who deserves to be in the pen more so than him.
Reed didn’t die in prison. He got out, was in a half way house and died of a heart attack at age 66.
Mrs. NC, thank you for posting that link. I am quite certain the Money Week article said that he died in prison.
Gosh! I guess you just don’t know who to trust anymore.
Skyler, Grant Cardone is a super sleazy real estate guy. You can check him out in all his sleazy glory on You-Tube.
Happy birthday, Mike!