Scientology sent a statement to the press about our Paul Haggis post.
As with everything in scientology’s PR denial closet, you have to read it closely and parse its terminology carefully. Scientology mastered the technique of “depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is” long before Bill Clinton came along.
Here is the statement in the Hollywood Reporter:
In a statement, the Church of Scientology responded to Remini and Rinder’s letter. The Church’s full response is below:
Leah Remini, Paul Haggis and Mike Rinder have predictably thrown up a reprehensible smokescreen to turn horrific sexual assault and rape allegations made against Haggis by four women into a bigoted attack about their former religion.
Today’s transparent ploy by Remini and Rinder fails to mention that plaintiff Haleigh Breest’s court papers definitively state that “Ms. Breest has nothing to do with Scientology. Being a critic of Scientology does not give a man permission to rape.” Furthermore, Remini and Rinder conveniently fail to mention that the three additional women making allegations against Haggis all are on record to the Associated Press as stating that they are not Scientologists — as if an alleged rape victim’s religion should matter — and that these allegations have nothing to do with the Church. Not only are Remini and Rinder mouthing a debunked conspiracy theory that was dead on arrival when they posted today’s rant, they further offend countless other alleged victims with stunning insensitivity.
To be clear, the Church has never met the women in this case nor their attorneys and knows nothing about the accusations against Haggis other than what has appeared in press reports and public court documents.
Apparently they want to hang their hat on the fact that the accusers are “not scientologists”, as if this is what we said.
If this was a scientology operation, the accusers are unlikely to be scientologists. It would be too easy to trace. Not even scientology is that foolish and I would be the last person to allege that these accusers were scientologists. See my recent blog post about the scientology spy, Heather McAdoo (The Story of a Scientology Spy). She was NOT a scientologist. Just someone who was persuaded by a Private Investigator to do something completely immoral and sordid for money. The LAST person scientology would want as an operative would be a scientologist (it is VERY difficult to hide their involvement). The fact that none of the accusers is a scientologist is dispositive of absolutely nothing.
They then go on to claim we are “mouthing a debunked conspiracy theory that was dead on arrival” — this “debunked conspiracy theory” being what? That scientology engages in activities to frame its enemies? That is FAR from a “debunked theory.” That is a well-documented FACT. See my recent post Framing Whistleblowers — The Scientology Playbook.
So who really is “offending countless other victims with stunning insensitivity”? That would be scientology trying to pretend righteous indignation that they could possibly frame critics. Try telling that to Paulette Cooper. Or Gabe Cazares. Or David Miscavige’s own father.
And the final denial “To be clear, the Church has never met the women in this case nor their attorneys…” This is likely a literally true statement. But once again, one has to look at what it actually says. “The Church” never “met” Heather McAdoo either. She was hired by a Private Investigator who was hired by an attorney. David Miscavige tried this same line about the PI’s caught spying on his father — he didn’t know them.
When things are REALLY sensitive, the cut-outs are carefully constructed. A lawyer hired by scientology retains another lawyer for an “undisclosed” client and that lawyer hires Private Investigators who then hire operatives.
If all this seems sort of far-fetched, remember Harvey Weinstein and the army of high-priced lawyers, PI’s and spies he employed (see my earlier post on this subject Harvey Weinstein and Scientology — Separated at Birth? following the brilliant piece by Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker). Harvey Weinstein was an amateur compared to scientology. Don’t forget, scientology was convicted of engaging in the largest infiltration of the US Government in history. And it is a part of their religious doctrine to destroy their enemies. And L. Ron Hubbard explained in detail how to go about framing someone.
Perhaps these accusers have randomly crawled partly out of the woodwork of their own accord as a pure coincidence. That is possible.
The problem is that scientology has a documented history of engaging in frame-ups of its enemies, and a doctrine that dictates they continue to do so as the gospel according to L. Ron Hubbard. It’s hard to ignore that once you know. Scientology tries to pretend it doesn’t exist for that very reason.
We want ALL the facts to be known.
Is anyone else getting tired of the news media putting the Breest lawsuit out of chronological order in their “reporting”? The Variety article from 15 Dec 17, headlines “Paul Haggis is Hit with Lawsuit for Alleged Rape.”
And buried down in the article is this gem of truth…
“Haggis filed his own suit Friday afternoon, a few hours before Breest filed hers. In his complaint, Haggis concedes that he had a “friendly, and at times flirtatious, relationship” with Breest. But he adamantly denies her rape allegation.
Haggis states that Breest’s lawyer sent him a letter on Nov. 16, which included her unfiled complaint and invited him to respond if he wanted to reach an out-of-court settlement. In a subsequent phone call on Dec. 11, he said the lawyer demanded $9 million.”
Timeline people…
Extortion letter 11/16/17
Telephone demand from Breest’s lawyer 12/11/17
Paul Haggis lawsuits against Breest 12/15/17
Breast lawsuit…1 hour later 12/15/17
Breast had no response to the threats against Paul…almost a month later her lawyer tries to get the $9m over the phone. Gee in that month didn’t she think it would be appropriate to report this heinous experience to authorities? No? Ask for money to keep it quiet, that protects other women from a potential predator…oh wait…no it doesn’t.
This is NOT characteristic of the #Me Too movement! Those victims are standing up, together, with each other, for justice. This Breest and her lawyer are opportunists and therefore it smacks of $camology.
This is not unknown.
Oh boy…I would not want to be her when her case crumbles. Wondering what criminal charges Paul could file against her.
Your timeline is really interesting! How do you know these facts? They should be out there in the media every time there is an article on Paul.
I am a contract manager by profession…I read complicated documents and by the nature of what I do, I am regularly looking for timelines, precedence, etc. I’ve also become a student of the biased news media. All they have to do is report something out of order context, or highlight one fact above another and suddenly Paul is the one being sued instead of his extortionist.
I just read carefully the Variety story about Paul Haggis, noted what was reported and did not draw the conclusion they wanted me to.
Thanks so much for doing that!!
Mike, thanks for a great post. I have not been on your blog in a while – lot going on. I’m sure you heard that Michelle’s book is being released in a matter of months. Won’t the OSA trolls have a ball with that! I’ll now read your post on whistleblowers!
I’m staying Clear (pun intended) of this one….The current climate seems to me like either a Witch-Hunt (and I mean that to sound exactly like it does), or is akin to the “Satanic Panic” of the ’80’s. I reserve the right to Reserve Judgement. That being said, you and Leah are doing great things by Stirring the Pot, and Paul is well, Paul – It just all seems too convenient, somehow. In the heat of the moment, the perspective of future evidence eludes. Without doubt, the Casting Couch mentality of Hollywood needed to be exposed, but to me this just seems like mass hysteria that’s apparently just starting to gain momentum. How many careers will be ruined, and more importantly, how many of those will prove out have been sacrificed on the altar of unfounded and baseless accusations that are ruining many other lives than those of the accused?
I believe Paul Haggis was framed by the CoS. It’s just too easy with this #MeToo movement to destroy someone’s career. Plus it is in CoS Doctrine to destroy its enemies and this have been proven time and time again with others. CoS is such an evil organization and I will be happy when it is shut down.
Just read a story in the Hollywood Reporter by one of Paul Haggis’ accusers. She mentions that she’s decided to remain anonymous because she’s afraid that Mr. Haggis will sue her like he sued another alleged victim. Unless I missed something (I admit that the article disgusted me so much that I didn’t read all of it), this article conveniently leaves out the fact that Mr. Haggis was suing the other accuser for attempted extortion because she demanded $9,000,000.00 to keep quiet. It’s interesting that I didn’t see that fact in the article!!! If anyone is so inclined, and has read this article, please let me know if I missed something. Thanks!!
You missed nothing.
You also didn’t miss the fact that none of these women apparently went to law enforcement with their claims. Unlike Danny Masterson’s victims. Or Mirriam and Saina.
The question is: “Why NOT go to law enforcement?” (one answer perhaps is that it is a crime to provide false statements to the police…)
Hi Mike:
Thanks so much!! Good to know I haven’t lost my marbles.
I also wondered why none of the alleged accusers have made a police report. You’d think at least one of them would have by now unless they’re all full of crap (which I think they are – just my opinion, of course).
Why go to law enforcement when you all you want to do is smear and ruin someone with anonymous allegations?
Probably because, sooner or later, anyone with more than two working brain cells would start to wonder why at least one of those poor, traumatized women wouldn’t do what victims normally do if they’re speaking out already – REPORT THE ALLEGED ABUSER TO THE POLICE!!! Any thinking person would figure out soon enough that Paul Haggis was being framed. If you’re already speaking out and, like most victims, you want justice (not just $9,000,000.00), you file a report!! Most victims of sexual assault don’t tend to make the accusation public without filing a report right before or after. I mean, what would be the point, other than to smear someone? I should think that Mr. Haggis’ accusers would want justice. You don’t have any chance whatsoever of getting that without filing a report. The only reason there would be not to file a police report after you’ve already made your accusation public is that you’re full of crap. A simple, and may I say, obvious, smear job wouldn’t fool most people for too long, especially with scientology being under a very uncomfortable microscope these days. I am also very suspicious of anonymous allegations, as are many others. I guess these women might not be “thinking people,” though.
As someone who has worked with victims and sex offenders for over 30 years,..I always believe the victim, until I don’t. I believe I can tell the difference between fact and fiction in these matters and this claim against Paul Haggis stinks to high heaven. No true victim of rape who speaks out wants money more than she/he wants justice. Tell Paul to hold tight, truth will out
Most women are afraid to go to the police as they feel that the men won’t help them and put the blame on them instead of the perpetrator.
Ms. Breest got one or more medical exam afterwards.
You can’t blame everything on Scientology. Many men are dirty without Scientology. You sound like nuts cases if you don’t get this.
What do you think there is more evidence of?
a. Scientology dirty tricks
b. People trying to shakedown celebrities for hush money
c. Paul Haggis being a “dirty man”
Apparently your answer is “c.” If so, apparently you are a scientologist.
just “A woman” who is definitely not not “A scientologist”, how could you even think such a thing
an individual- is your comment written in a sarcastic vein?? If not, Mike would definetly know of what he speaks as he was the head of OSA for many years, thus knows all of the tricks they posses.
A Woman,
NO ONE is blaming “everything” on Scientology.
Try taking a look, a good LOOK at the EVIDENCE in this PARTICULAR instance, so far.
Try zeroing in on the SPECIFICS, instead of wallowing in vague generalities, whether about the perfidies of men, or about anything.
LOOk at what’s in front of you.
What a concept, eh?
Wow, Dave is getting desperate. Sending someone as stupid as “A Woman” to try and obfuscate the CoS’ role in attacking Haggis.
I say they set several traps for themselves with this one….I think it’s perfect and hope they continue to speak their denials publically. Just more evidence, when the truth is revealed, how corrupt this cult truly is.
Dave is just following in the footsteps of Hubbard, when Hubbard claimed that he ‘had no second wife’.
The cult. Always responding in an incendiary manner with righteous indignation. Yawn Yawn.
The COB doth protest too much, methinks.
Hey COB, do you recognize the reference?
Have you ever read any Shakespeare, or were you too busy crawling up LRH’s polluted butt to ever read anything other than the extremely faulty LRH “tech”? We all know you are about as well-educated as Jethro Bodine, so maybe look into what the reference means.
No matter how this all plays out, scientology is such a toxic and despised brand, the first thing the world thought was that scientology was behind this Paul Haggis shakedown. So chew on that with your scotch tonight.
Catch-22 Update:
You have ensnared yourself in your own carefully crafted cut-outs. How did you go about confirming that you do not know the anonymous accusers? This point alone will get your front girls laughed out of the Courthouse. This will not pass the smell test, let alone even get to first base, with the Abuse Task Force operating outside of the LAPD and LASD.
BTW, does your Mark’s amends include culling celeb and VIP folders for tidbits, and concocting blackmail scenarios?
Yes, exactly….how is it that the cult can deny knowing anonymous people? Open mouth….insert foot…
A scn-ist in good standing would seek permission from scn officials before engaging in legal action against a celebrity apostate.
NOT according to El Con Tubbolard’s policy Richard. Per “policy” permission is already given to attack in any and all ways.
The accusers are NOT members of COS……also Haggis is an FORMER member of the organization who has spoken out against them, therefore he IS fair game.
And the stink of $camology using the current sexual misconduct scandals as a weapon (surprise, surprise) against Mr. Haggis has gone to corpse flower stench.
Scientologists cannot read Mike Rinder and Leah Remini’s statement. BUT they can read this one from CO$. The first sentence is an attack using “predictably” as if this is what they ALWAYS do when this happens…which is never. In the very same sentence they build a case against Paul Haggis by using the word horrific and stating the number of accusers. I am not sure who they are quoting from the court papers with “Being a critic of Scientology does not give a man permission to rape.” But that insinuates that someone has stated the opposite. It seems that they are backhandedly including some statements or opinions for which they cannot be held accountable. It’s not their fault if someone makes the leap from A to B. The verbage is so manipulative and unprofessional. I think another organization would have denied the allegations and distanced themselves without doing exactly what they are being called out for doing. Given the current climate and the seriousness of the topic, I believe that Mike Rinder and Leah Remini carefully considered the decision to release a statement and then what the exact words of that statement would be.
This is a new article out today in Haggis’s hometown (mine too) London, ON. They were going to name a park after him now they want to delay it. With the location of the Cambridge Org being so close you just know they are part of it. We should write letters to the paper in his support to counter the bad ones.
And thanks to Mike & Leah etc for defending him.
Sorry they ALREADY named the park after him in 2011 but are doing work on it and some councilors in local city council wish to rename it. my bad.
Its becoming apparent to me that this accusation against Paul Haggis from this Breest woman will never go to court. She will never file charges. This is a smear job and a shakedown of him, strictly. You called it right from the beginning, Mike. Great job you’re doing, you and Leah. This will not end well for the cult.
If the accusers are reading this…which you know they are….I have to believe that there is some good in them that will compel them to come clean with the truth. If they fear legal action against themselves in doing so, I know Mr. Haggis will personally rally on their behalf if they just decide to come clean. That’s how decent a person, I believe, Mr. Haggis truly is. It’s not what I would do, of course. I’d do everything I could to take them down if they did this to me. The accusers need to really look deep inside and do the right thing…..and pray for forgiveness.
For those of us fortunate enought to have looked at and have seen the facts of the policies their comeback was laughable. It is almost a 6 degrees of separation from the CoS. Far enough not to be connected unless your really dedicated and have enough money to search, but close enough for everyone to get paid…well. I am sure there will be the uninformed, the vapid, and the social justice warriors who will jump on the back of anything to get attention, that will rally around this for 5 minutes and move on to something else. But its our job to get the word out that this kind of stuff is policy with scientology and they are the “ spiritual” mafia when it comes to putting the wheels in motion
Now that Paul Haggis has filed a lawsuit against her for extortion, the pressure will be on her to file criminal charges to back up what she’s alleged thru her lawyer. He called her bluff. She has only one move now in this chess game. Put up or shut up. I’m betting it’ll be the latter.
Lawyers hired by the insane (who has enemies everywhere they MUST, MUST, MUST vanquish or die themselves), in turn hire investigators/PIs etc to do the undercover ground work. Pretty much describes how the Church of Scientrology operates. All in all it’s a good example of the modern science of mental health in action; honesty and integrity is such old hat anyway and there’s no money in it. Lies are far more profitable!
Mike, what an excellent article today showing the C of S for what they are and how they hide behind semantics and scream righteous indignation! Keep on shining the light on the evil.
It is all per the Scn playbook on how to frame critics of the church. Of course the church doesn’t know the woman coming forward — that is part of the plan. But the order was given to the attorney(s) who then hired PI’s and the PI’s hired women to carry this out. The PI’s following David Miscavige’s dad were not Scns. The PI’s following Pat Broeker for 25 years were not Scns, the PI’s following Mike Rinder and going through his trash were not Scns and as you stated, Heather McAdoo, the woman who spied and reported on Mike and his wife, was not a Scn. But she worked for the PI that was hired by Scn via their lawyers. And good point, let’s not forget that the C of S perpetrated the biggest infiltration in history when they infiltrated US government offices and stole files from them. They were tried and convicted and several of their undercover operatives were sent to prison, including the founder’s wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, who took the fall for her husband.
Leaving for a moment the issue of guilt or innocence, the only reason that tactics like this ALONE can work to smear and ruin a person nowadays is because we as a NATION are becoming insane.
We are becoming more and more mob-like, ruled by our emotions, unable to observe what’s in front of us, unable and unwilling to make decisions based on what we SEE. Instead, we make important decisions on how we FEEL. If we like someone, they can do no wrong. If we hate someone and/or if this person REMINDS us of some unpleasant experience WE once had or ARE are having, allegations of wrong doing against this person are automatically true.
Its this CLIMATE that is receptive to being easily gulled and Co$ KNOWS THIS VERY WELL.
The cult has ALREADY accomplished the dumbing down of their Still Ins. Let’s face it, the Still Ins have lost any analytical abilities they might have originally possessed. That’s obvious. Its obvious because if in some way they recoup their ability to reason they leave or get kicked out! Only the dumb remain. Only the dumb are ALLOWED to remain! So that’s obvious.
What’s not so obvious is that we as a nation are becoming the same way – onne huge, malleable cult.
As a nation we tend to believe or disbelieve whatever we’re fed that jives with our preconceived likes and dislikes. We don’t do much thinking, as a nation. We don’t do much observing. Dumb and dumber, as a nation, are we, and its not getting better.
Good comment Aqua. It could be suggest with much nausea, ‘lawyers’ are the go between for much corralling of the nation’s senses. They play the devil’s advocate, wear fancy suits and live in nice houses. They are pals with many bankers and I know here in Australia you basically don’t get very far in politics without being one. A nation that acts as dumb could be related to being a cult on massive proportions. What other type of system would send there young, fit and brightest to go get slaughtered or slaughter others every now and again to appease the powers that be. Much aggression is ‘manufactured.’
Yep, your comment is good, I don’t like it but it’s good.
Tried posting a bigger message. Came up with “invalid security token”……
A smaller two letter message posted! Any ideas?
SAME PROBLEM HERE……………once in a while I can post comments…MOST times I am getting that same on line message.
It started happening with the addition of the “*loading” in the left bottom corner of the comments section…
HELP MIKE or Web Master………
Had the same thing.
Here’s how you do it:
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Type in a short comment like the word “Test”
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Hit Post Comment
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Hit save and the comment is good
I have been having this problem since the editing feature was added. Seems to be a problem with all my browsers and on different machines. Maybe it is because I use WordPress to log in.
Thank you Bruce….appreciate the info & it worked!
Cheers Bruce.
Your method seems to be a fix for something that is wrong, but if you’re seeing this text then it’s worked for me! LOL.
Personally, I do indeed wonder how scientology seems to know one of the accuser’s names at this point!! I thought the accusers’ names hadn’t been released as yet (SOP regarding sexual assault cases, as far as I know – you don’t usually know the accuser’s name(s) until the trial – unless it’s a closed trial). I also wonder why a traumatized rape victim would try to extort $9,000,000.00 from Paul Haggis to make the accusation go away. This doesn’t sound like true victim behavior. Unfortunately, scientology/scientologists have a tendency to lie like rugs. They also have the charming habit of going to great lengths to frame innocent people (think Paulette Cooper, among others). From what I can make out, many of them are just plain vicious. I think I’ll reserve judgment until I hear/read something that doesn’t sound extremely suspicious to me (if this ever happens).
I’m also glad that Mike and Leah are on the case!!!
I too am glad Leah and Mike are ‘on the case’ and keeping us current with this drama. Mike Rinder is THE indispensable player in keeping the rest of us ahead of Scientology’s antics. It is noteworthy and ironic that try-as-they-might there was/is no hesitation from the world majority to point to DM/OSA as the perps in this drama.
I guess that the world majority has seen/heard/read so many horrific things about the cult’s behavior these days that most people, including me, figure anything scientology says is a lie. It’s mostly their own fault that, If even 1% of anything they say might have the tiniest grain of truth in it, most thinking people just wouldn’t believe it at this point.
Yes, Mike and Leah are on this “case” which is being “tried” in the media and there couldn’t be a better team. Mike Rinder, who knows ALL the OSA moves to stay 2 steps ahead of the enemy and Leah Remini whose beauty and star quality and name recognition pulls in all the attention. You go, Mike and Leah! Paul Haggis, we love you and are with you 1000%!
Good catch, Meryl! I, too, thought the other accusers were anonymous so how does COS know they’re not scientologists? Am I missing something?
Hi miche: I don’t think you’re missing a thing. This has the stink of COS all over it. Unless you’re in the courtroom during the proceedings and leak the victim’s name to anyone (I say leak because, in the USA, the victim’s name, if people are behaving properly, should not be leaked to the media), no-one should have any info as to the victims’ names at this point. Another foot-bullet it seems!
Why do you think Haleigh Breest made her rape accusations against Paul? Was she paid off by the scientologists too?
Personally I’d put money on it!
I would too.
I predict that this was a mistake and will bite Miscavige in the ass. It could turn in to another Operation Snow White and be a catalyst for legal action against the church when it comes out that this is an Op.
He is the undisputed sharp shooting champion in the wide world of foot bullets.
It is almost as if he is intentionally SUPPRESSING his church.
Right Karin?
Well, the Church doesn’t do itself any favors in the PR area but as far as handling attacks he’s pretty lucky. The Church hasn’t had any big legal losses for some time, in the US anyway. I know if you follow the blogs you would think it’s in the process of collapsing, but that’s not exactly true.
No big legal losses in the US is the criteria for determining what now?
Chris, if one walks into ANY org in the US it plain to all but the clinically insane that the Church has been collapsing for some time now.
I could have said that same thing when I walked in to my org (Phoenix) the first time in 1992. There were like five staff, the walls were moldy and the roof leaked. They were about six months behind on rent and under constant threat of eviction. Today they are in a huge, nice building and probably have 20 or so staff. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no way in hell the org is viable. They will never have enough public because new people don’t come in.
1992 scamology had about 1/3 of the people in had in ’75. And in ’75 there were no viable orgs.
In ’75 there were over 50,000 scamologiests in the USA. Now, less than 5,000 (and that is HUGELY optimistic figure NOT supported by people seen in orgs). So how in the FUCK do you figure that it is NOT collapsing?
In 2010 there were about 8 trafficked Indie websites (English). Today there are ZERO!
Look, I think we’re more or less on the same side here, except that I don’t think “collapse” means what you think it means. You’re describing a gradual reduction in membership. So when is “the end”? 2075? That’s not a collapse. Membership numbers are not the only factor. The Church has really gotten good at extracting massive donations from rich members (whales), and anyone else they can squeeze dry. They will continue to do that into the future unless something changes. I think there might be more than 5,000 Sea Org staff at Flag.
Just that Miscavige or whoever is making the decisions is doing pretty well or getting lucky in handling things on the legal front. That was all. Whenever something happens, like when the PI’s Dwayne and Daniel Powell got caught you think, maybe something will happen here, but no, it never does. This latest one has potential though. If they paid people to lie so they could blackmail Paul Haggis and it came out, that might be a good one. Somehow they keep getting away with it though. They pay people off and make things go away.
Can you post a link to the feeds, you mentioned above.
If they have nothing to hide SCIENTOLOGY should do it’s own show. Hosted by David’s wife.
Is this for me? I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
I saw the Variety article and posted a comment. They are almost all anti cult. If you want to add a comment here’s the link:
I was on there too & also visited the Daily Mail and it’s so encouraging to see how well informed commenters seem to be now regarding the cult and fair game.
Yes. Scientologies reputation proceeds it.
Great article, Mike. None of what you described concerning Co$’s methods in conducting its super-sensitive black ops sounds far-fetched as its exactly how the CIA operates. And the Mafia.
Thanks to you and Leah, i think most people know its COS up to its evil tricks, you could almost see it coming, please watch your backs, ley Paul know he has a lot of support.
“The lady (COS) doth protest too much!”
I wanted to “Like” this but the constant Loading thingy won’t let me so: ??????????
Same here, my “like” links have said “loading” since a few days after the feature launched. Bummed because I really like that option. I’m typically using iOS/Safari because I use my phone or tablet much of the time.
Oh no Julie – they are just getting warmed up. That’s the way they are clearing the planet, one protest & one lie at a time.
‘…one protest & one lie at a time’
Teegeeack should be completely Cleared by the year 9423.
“…bigoted attack on their former religion.” Outside of constantly misappropriating the word “bigot”, this is just more incoherent dreck from OSA; if it’s their “former” religion, then why is Scn denying they had ANY connection to the church? So what’s it to be then? They were either in or out at one point!
The use of “cut-outs”, such as the “unnamed lawyer” is classic espionage tradecraft, and again, right out of OSA’s quasi-spook playbook. Surveillance, psychological ops and plausible deniability ops are one of the few areas “intelligence” the church gets right on occasion, though in this age of heightened scrutiny, getting away with it is a whole other question…
Mike, well done to you and Leah for bucking the current public pillorying trend in Hollywood, and supporting someone I feel to be honorable, and and as human as the rest of us.
I agree with your general position, but I believe that the pronoun “their” is meant to refer to “Leah Remini, Paul Haggis and Mike Rinder”, not to the four women accusing Haggis. It’s certainly awkward grammar, though.
Ah! Great point, and I hadn’t thought of “their” in that context. Given “their” lack of a modifier, noun, etc., it still fits in a way, given we still don’t know the true demographics of the “other” women involved. Thanks again, JoeyJoJo!
So where is the part, in the co$/o$a statement, about these women ‘pulling it in’ and that co$/$cn can help them with that? And if Paul Haggis was still a $cn they’d be defending him with equal vitriol and poison. Denial denial denial, attack attack attack, frame and destroy. SOP for co$/o$a. These women and their financial situations need to be investigated, like Marty by his ex-lawyers. Follow the money.
Brilliant comment. CoS ALWAYS blames the victim.
Re: “And if Paul Haggis was still a $cn they’d be defending him with equal vitriol and poison:” I suspect that, if Paul Haggis was still a $cn, these attacks would never have happened in the first place! Good point, though!!!
Re my 11:40 am post – probably didn’t word it properly – second sentence should have read: …these accusations would never have happened in the first place!
Let me start this off with I dont make many post on line and not a writer so if my post is a little disjointed have patience. I am old enough to remember those early Dianetics commericals with the volcano but really didnt put much creedence into them thinking they were like all those other alternative lifestyles in the 60’s and beyond. I think the first time i really look into Scientology was i seen a video on Youtube about a protest in front of Mark Bunkers house by two men one of them being Dan Murnan if you watch that than later videos you can”t believe how this man looks completly broken.I admire all who post on here that were ever envolved in this “cult” and hope you find the peace in your life that you truly deserve. I follow every day Mikes blog as well as the Underground bunker and all the videos on Youtube and just when I dont think I will hear anything more unbelievable it happens. Well to get to the point of my first post ever was a quote made by Leonard Cohen I dont know if this was in a song or just something he said but I think it fits in well with you guys do The quote “There’s a crack in everything Thats how the light gets in.” Thank you for your patience in read my rambling and keep up with you guys are doing and hopefully this will come to a end very soon.
Thanks for chiming in Rich. Appreciate your concern and best wishes.
Since the AP doesn’t know the identity of the persons making allegations how does the CoS know that:
1) they are even women?
2) that they are or, are NOT scientologists?
Good point.
Very good point.
Because the Co$ made very sure the women they approached to launch these attacks were not members of the Co$???
YOu got it, LDW! The church knows the women accusing Paul are not members of C of $ because they made sure to hire women who were not members.
That’s actually brilliant, Wynski. How indeed!
Wynski 10/10 and a gold star….
Maybe I’m a little slow (it’s been known to happen more often than I care to admit), but aren’t three of the four women involved in this story anonymous at this point? So, how can anyone say they are not Scientologists? Or anything else about them for that matter?
They are anonymous to everyone except the string of legal and hired Pee Eyes (follow the money and see where it takes you). Let’s hope they file a complaint and come out of the closet so the facts can be checked.
C of S Statement: “…as if an alleged rape victim’s religion should matter…”. No, they only care about whether or not the alleged rapist is a scientologist, and if so, then the victim should be silenced no matter what her religion is (unless she’s a celebrity or extremely wealthy).
There are plenty of women who have been threatened, intimidated, and attempted to be silenced in order to protect scientologists. While they’ve certainly faced threats and intimidation, for many of them, they are no longer staying silent.
Scientology’s own history and their documented policies are the REASON that people suspect their involvement is, at the very least, plausible. They brought this suspicion and scrutiny upon themselves. Great response Mike.
Well, we all knew it was coming. All this does is make me wonder even more where the connection to Scientology is. If Scientology were a true religion (hahahahaha) the only thing they’d be doing is offering their compassion and support. If Scientology had any dignity they’d just keep quiet. Instead, right on cue and exactly as expected, Little Davie gleefully jumps out from under his rock and shouts “nanny nanny boo boo!” Whatever.
So Haggis is deemed guilty by them, but Masterson is innocent. I see how this works.
Dave has a pretty neat game going on once you understand the motives.
$cio critic: guilty of everything ….. must be utterly destroyed in a public way.
$cio Still-In: Publicly guilty of nothing; greatest example of ethical purity and dedication to the peoples of planet earth.
$cio Still-In but does something bad (small $ donation history): Publicly guilty of nothing; internally is suspect. Hammer the bastard till he gives everything up then get the donos flowing to make up the damage.
Yo Danny,
This cannot end well good buddy. You are going to be strip mined unless you step out into the light and come clean. Have a pow wow with Tom, John and Krusty and git er done.
Your comment to Danny Masterson echoes something I posted awhile ago. Danny will be sucked dry financially by scientology forever.
It makes you wonder what dirt they have on Travolta and maybe even the freedom medal of valor winner, and useful idiot, Tom Cruise.
To all Sea Org members who might ever read this, remember that scientology values Tom Cruise more than you and your billion year contract.
I think Paul Haggis will be fine having near heard or read anything about him for me is a good thing. I just look for dirt in show business & Hollywood is a very seedy place anything can be bought. The pedophiles, Kevin Spacey knew about all of them for to many years.
Paul Haggis never even read or heard of an untrimmed fingernail. The letter you & Leah sent was nice I believe he will come out of this unharmed. The public is gullible this is just to far out of this world to land.
I think Paul Haggis has already been caused a great deal of harm.
Which was the intention of the op, all you have to do is allege it and the damage is done.
I disagree with Dana and Alleged. Paul Haggis will come out of this with another award winning film about the abusive cult scientology. It is only a matter of time.
True, he has been damaged in the sense of being extremely emotionally stressed, but he’s fighting back, taking a preemptive stand by suing his “accuser” for attempted extortion. Smart move on his part! The legal ball remains in her court. She was raped? She wants 9 million for this alleged rape? Well, how about filing a charge, then, madam! Its not like you’re anonymous. Everybody knows your name! You were raped? File a charge! Time, place, form, event, get the picture? We’re waiting…
Yes. His decision to go to LE spoke volumes. It was what a innocent person would do IMO. Extortion for rape just doesn’t sit well with me. No matter who. The timing was also suspect.
I just…hurt(?) for a man who seems to have such a kind heart to be vilified to the point of stepping down from a charity he started. Long before the BS started to fly.
Whether Scientologists or not? Most of the others accused of “forced/inappropriate” sexual acts I found credibility in the claims by the accusers.
This sucks.
It will always be part of a search on the www when entering Paul Haggis.
Really sucks. FUBAR
This is for Paul Haggis and Leah and Mike and all of us:
“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” Mahatma Ghandi.
Very True.
I think I am a minority here as the closest I have been to Scientology was standing in front of their building in my hometown Portland Or. It has always interested me, and I followed some of the bad press written about them (Lisa McPherson was one very sad example) Mike’s blog has tons of information (as do other blogs I check) but I have a few specific questions and know this isn’t the appropriate place.
Is there a reputable forum where I can ask specific questions that is managed by ex Scientologists? I don’t want to accidentally post on a site the “troll” has control of. Though honestly the hate articles and videos on members who left and speak out are so blatantly…ignorant? I would hope I would see it immediately. If someone reads this and can advise me of a site I would appreciate it.
The purchase of historical buildings in Portland is a question (thank you Mike) I have and WHO the BS articles and videos about people leaving and speaking out are directed towards? If Scientologists are not supposed to read negative press, and non Scientologists would not really be that interested…EXCEPT their vicious attacks draw attention. At least it did for me.
Mike Rinder, you were in charge of Haggis ethics in 1996 as you were the monstrous OSA in charge. Read in the Haleigh Breest v. Paul Haggis, amended complaint what happened under your watch. You approved of Haggis today and back then too. Fine people you are.
This is the best you can do?
Things have really gone downhill in the world of OSA trolls…
Hi Mike:
Probably shouldn’t even dignify this kind of “OSA troll” post with a response. I’m sure you have much better things to do.
I think it’s terrific that you and Leah are staying in Paul Haggis’ corner. I hope he makes a movie about scientology himself someday.
Take care.
Thanks for the link Jane. Even in the amateur world of scamology this suit as filed, is transparently a poorly scripted lie.
He’ll have no real problems with it.
Hi Jane.
How are the Thursday stats these days?
Did you know the few, the called but rarely chosen, and the dauntless and defiant mighty sea org members weep in bathroom stalls on a daily basis?
Nice organization you are trolling for, Jane.
This blog, Tony Ortega’s blog and the Ex Scientologist Message board
are all great places to ask questions. Mike & Tony both post their email addy’s and may be able to answer questions too.
I’ve never been directly involved in scientology (other than my hubby’s boss trying to recruit him & meddle in our marriage) and the exes at all these sites have been wonderful in pointing me to resources to learn more & answering questions. Plus, since you’re dealing with an international community, usually someone from the local area about which you’re curious will see the questions & respond.
In any medium you get some trolls, but I just explained who I was & why I wanted to know & everyone was super helpful. The regulars are also pretty protective & deal with trolling but tend to be very welcoming to people genuinely interested. I’ve since made some extremely close (IRL) friends on these sites. Very caring community! So if you’re wondering because you want to write to your local reps, city hall, etc. there are a few people who even manage lists of who to contact & where.
Hope that helps!
Thank you jenyfurr
I don’t blame people for having trust issues. Using a child to get close to a ex Scientology Family is low. Disgustingly so.
I am using my real name in case anyone wants to check me out. I’m definitely weird, but it is my hometown motto, “Keep Portland Weird.” lol.
I am without my laptop so am using a cell until it comes back repaired. Then I can really research more about the topics I mentioned. I do plan to go to the forum and introduce myself. I am willing to answer any questions asked about my interests and concerns.
Buying Portland’s historical buildings is puzzling and distressing. There was a law that you needed to open the building to tours for a period of time for a few years. My friend/employer bought a residence and I loved showing up without his prior knowledge, lol. I got the entire tour. It is usually only opened for certain areas. It is private property as I assume the buildings bought by Scientology are. Yet as secretive as they are? Seems odd.
There is probably a “glitch” they managed to bypass.
Or the laws have changed. Either way? I don’t like it. Just that simple.
Oh…”heathensmom” is my blog sign in on WP which I started for single moms. I am again waiting for my laptop to continue with it. Just in case I am signed in when I post here.