We have long heard about the “Facebook Police” of scientology. Their job is to tell people who they can and cannot be friends with.
One of our faithful readers sent in this recent report and it is pretty remarkable.
The PsychoTerrorCult tried to get a NON-SCIENTOLOGIST to remove friends because they are “undesirable” in the eyes of OSA.
The FB Policewoman in this case is one Sabrina Scurto. She reportedly completed OT VIII in 2014. She seems to maintain a Facebook profile for the sole purpose of telling people who they should be in contact with.
Don’t forget, this is the organization that claims they do NOT have a disconnection policy.
All of the messages below were subsequently erased.
Less than a month ago, the non-scientologist contacted several scientologists she knew personally and had been in contact with over the years, after she received a bizarre message from OSA Agent Scurto.
She copied and pasted the OSA message into her E-mail so they could see it and she could ask them what she should do. One of the people she reached out to is Under The Radar. She told her to ignore OSA — though a number of the scientologist told her to comply with the demand to unfriend.
Heh everybody. The Church of Scientology has a new rundown you can only do at the Mecca of Scientology, The Flag Scam Base.
It’s called the Disconnection Rundown. It consists of many precise hatting and drilling processes coupled with Training Routines for Oat Teas.
The cost: $26,000.
You have to be invited onto this level of confronting and shattering suppression. Not everyone will qualify.
It will Clear your planet of anyone who even has thoughts of unmocking the Church. No one will dare even think a critical thought of LRH, DM, Scientology or Dianetics.
Here are some of the amazing wins from Oat Tea Ate Sabrina Scurto:
“ Oh mio santo xenu. Sono così ottimi indicatori Dopo aver eseguito il rundown della disconnessione!
Ora posso disconnettermi facilmente da chiunque senza emozioni e reazioni umane.
Ora posso tonificare altri 40 per disconnettermi anche se non sono Scientologist.
Grazie Maestro Miscavige per la tecnologia. 2 anni di duro lavoro mi hanno aiutato a inginormi contro coloro che osano avere amici che criticano Scientology.”
Translated: ” Oh my holy xenu. They are so great indicators After running the disconnect rundown!
Now I can easily disconnect from anyone without emotions and human reactions.
Now I can tone another 40 to disconnect even if They are notScientologist.
Thank you Maestro Miscavige for the technology. 2 years of hard work have helped me kneel against those who dare to have friends who criticize Scientology.”
Let’s give a hand to Master David Miscavige for the Tech.
Can we give him that hand in the form of an open handed slap in the face?
How’s about a closed handed fist as a punch in the head?
Would it be OK to give him a two handed strangle grip around his throat?
I can think of several other ways to give him a hand. But I don’t think he would like them very much.
That is funny Italian Stallion. Not far fetched either. There is a “new” rundown I heard about from an OT VIII whale. He did it after doing everything else you can do on the Bridge to Total Amnesia. It is called the “Knowledge Rundown”.
Anyone hear of the “Knowledge Rundown”? What the hell is it?
Jesus, Mary and Joseph – if Scientology does not help you “know how to know” after decades, millions and sacrifices beyond belief, another rundown ain’t gonna give it to you.
Someone please tell the Scientologists that there ain’t no Clear’s or OT’s.
You are “mocking it all up”.
As soon as you step out of the Scientology bubble and stay away from the Scientologists who keep it mocked up for you, it all vanishes.
I guess that is why Scientologists all move to Clearwater, Florida.
The psychopath is so stupid that she used scamology lingo in her reply after knowing the person wasn’t a cult member.
FB has tough no bullying rules. She should have been told to report her to FB.
“Those trying to unmock our church,” was especially funny. Most of us wogs actively MOCK Scientology. Apparently Sabrina wants us to do it more. I will be happy to oblige.
I am a never in but was harrassed by the cult with letters in phone calls when one of my friends got sucked in to join staff and kept trying to sell me their garbage. I threatended them with going to the media if they did not stop calling and sending me their propaganda.
I would recite the Clear Cognition along with the Xenu story every time they called (my friend told me to do this) and that worked. I would print out the Xenu story found online and mail that to them in their self addressed stamped envelopes. That worked too. They are now leaving me alone. She finally left the cult completely and cringes with embarassment anytime she talks to me about it. I do now follow Mike Rinder’s Blog, Television Shows and Podcasts. I am hooked to Scientology watching as it swirls the drain. What struck me as an outsider is that the religion must be very weak if people are afraid other others unmocking their “church”. What group can’t handle a little scrutiny, especially when you have the Tech to Clear the Planet. Surely they are not that afraid of criticism but this proved it to me.
Disconnection is nasty and breaking up relationships is evil. May karma kick Scientology’s ass to the curb.
When you are on staff somewhere in scientology, you generally have to pay to quit your job.
Scientology freaky fact O’ the day sponsored by The Truth.
This is a religion built around a talk therapy.
Every talk therapy “works” (to greater or lesser degree) if one thinks that it might.
An organisation that relies heavily, if not solely, on repeat business.
With a setup this flaky, it’s no wonder disconnection is required.
It is an admission of their product’s limited therapeutic value.
If the wins are conditional then it’s not “certainty” they’re selling.
But a fragile belief system born from expectancy.
Aided by preconditioned subconscious narratives brought to the surface during therapy.
Validated by the group and rewarded with higher status.
Exploited by the institution for increasing financial gain.
Thanks for the succinct summary.
Sadly a talk therapy is dependent on a caring and competent guide, who has loads of empathy. Something not found in Scientology any more.
The masters of communication also can’t avoid using inscrutable cult-speak with people in the real world. She refers to “those trying to unmock our church” using a Hubbardian neologism that no one not versed in Scientology would understand.
Outsiders trying to parse that odd statement might guess she really intended to complain about people mocking her church, but of course it’s even more convoluted than that, as she’s actually attempting to make a negative verb form of the scientological concept of “mocking up.” She’s drunk so much koolaid, that she’s as incoherent as a drunken person.
I love the fact that people are sending you intel on how Scientology really works. A co worker is talking about doing some Scientology. He took the personality test on line and was curious. I had a long talk with him about it. Suggested he watch the documentary on Netflix – Scientology; the Aftermath. Also read Going Clear. I told him I did Scientology and it is a rip off. It is a long winding road to nowhere. It is a carrot on a stick. A bait and switch. Scientology is always promising and never delivering with the exception of a few parlor tricks that puts one in a hypnotic trance where they disassociate. I told him they will control who your are friends with. He said he did not believe me. I am printing this out and will leave it on his desk. Thanks Mike, for everything you do. This is really outstanding work.
Let us know how it goes.
Somewhere is a summary of where LRH stole all these therapies from. That may help also. I was told there is a list in the back of Ron Miscavige’s book.
“Let me know when you have blocked it. Thank you!”
Impudent order to give a “compliance report” to OSA of the stopped communication and demanded disconnection.
And then the hypocritical phrase from “The Creed of the Church of Scientology”:
“We of the Church believe: That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
which got taken from Article 19 of the “Univeral Declaration of Human Rights”:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
to pretend that the CoS is for human rights, when in actuality the CoS is an Orwellian regime behind their religious facade.
Hubbard rewrote many truisms to make scn seem original and unique. He even rewrote the Golden Rule somewhere to something like “Only cause those effects which you yourself are willing to experience.” which I guess is supposed to sound more philosophical or scientific – or something.
Scios can get so deeply immersed in their ideology that they become unable to view themselves as others see them. What “outsiders” see as weird and creepy, they consider perfectly normal and understandable.
A scio loses so much as they become more and more indoctrinated. Self-determination, objectivity, compassion, and plain old common sense eventually goes out the window. Some of us eventually see the light, while others apparently never will. I find that fact a bit beyond my understanding.
Describes the way I felt
Chris, I agree “…so deeply immersed in their ideology that they become unable to view themselves as other see them.”
On the point of many still-in NOT being able to “see the light,” I have come to understand that part of the cleverness of the trap is the large amounts of money Scientology requires of you. It can create a “stickiness” factor, much like the emperor’s commitment in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” He gets so deep in that, he cannot (easily) extricate himself.
For so many of us non-celebrity, non-billionaire types, what we have spent amounts to a stunning, large, well-appointed second home. That factor right there, I think, can make it so difficult to see one’s way to LEAVING. Metaphorically requires you blowing up a home on a 5-acre lot with horses, a tennis court, a swimming pool. Metaphorically, of course, but that is rather what it represents. Some of us have spent over the years $300,000 or $500,000 or $1,000,000. To wake up and say, “Well, that was crap–Pack the place with dynamite and light the fuse” can be tough.
It seems another design element is to put you in a service facsimile* with yourself. You are going to personally “suppress” any inclination to the part of you thinking “this is crap.” The Scio You is going to, instead, always “be right.” The game is set up to keep feeding and stoking Scio You. That tends to win against Real You or Common Sense You.
To get out, one must “conquer” this weird inner service facsimile. This is like a semi-delicate surgery that you perform on yourself. This leads me to say, it is a great triumph to have spotted the facts (see beyond “the speak” and the swindle), disagreed with all we had invested, and now with humility grow out, away from, and beyond it. Three cheers! It ain’t easy. It can be a sticky trap, cleverly designed.
*An unofficial, unsanctioned explanation as I know we have Never-Ins who enjoy and participate in this blog: a service facsimile is a type of thing that can be detected on the e-meter and processed out of a person. Its components are “I’m right, you’re wrong. I survive, you don’t. I dominate, you are dominated.” An example might be, for a gal, “All men suck.” It’s a quick “conclusion” that comes into play with such frequency and immediacy, a person forgets they drew up this conclusion and they blanketly use it all the time. It is a facsimile (in the mind) that “serves.” In a non-Scientology world, people study these types of things in category of unconscious bias. This is interesting and helpful work (to spot and address unconscious bias).
I should clarify, whether a billionaire or not, you could easily over your years-in spend in the direction of a million dollars. This means, for ANY person, it can be difficult to face you have been duped. If you are a non-billionaire, your living situation may be sparse. If a staff member, you may live with 4 to 5 others. Those real-world factors of extreme sacrifice make it a big, big “ouch” to tear off this Band-aid. All these years, clothes are thread-bare, vehicle is failing, you do not personally own or live in an adequate home because you were led to believe your several thousands of dollars of “investment” in Scientology were the only true necessary “assets” in this world. I know this is real to so many of us in this blog community.
I should have been declared a Suppressive Person by now for the Dead Prophet Sketch if not for the posting on my blog for LRH[‘s birthday. (https://lesbates.blogspot.com/2021/03/date-of-birth.html) (I never heard a certain term until Basic Infantry Training at Fort Benning, GA)
As an Ex, I’ve been asked to stop following or interacting with certain people on social media by other Exes and SPs.
This seems to be a common practice on both sides of the game.
Well, it’s POLICY on the scientology side. Not sure what the “other” side is? “Exes”? Don’t know which ones you deal with, but it’s nobody I know.
Nobody I know either…I can’t imagine an “Ex” telling another Ex that they cannot communicate with a Scientologist in good standing, or any ‘standing’ for that matter. Just doesn’t happen.
Exactly Mike. You are spot on. And it is policy from a CHURCH that promises that if you take their courses, do their auditing and training you can talk to anyone about anything.
Scientology LIES. Scientology is the 3rd party to all conflict.
Check it out.
Homie – you sound like you are defending the evil cult of Scientology. Perhaps you are an OSA agent? Your EVIL cult called Scientology is getting exposed daily and no amount of defending the cult’s disconnection policy they ENFORCE will stop it. Mike Rinder and Leah Remini along with many others are exposing the con called Scientology and Dianetics. Deal with that reality.
I suggest you hit the door, walk out of the cult and start deprograming your mind that has been programmed, implanted and poisoned by the con man, L Ron Hubbard and his TEK.
The way out is out the door. Slam it shut and start to deprogram so you can find out who you really are. You are not a cult identity. You are so much more than that.
Homie, what is the name of some of the Ex’s who have asked you to do so?
Great post today, Mike. Excellent work on the intel to the UTR.
I love seeing Scientologists getting exposed in the lies.
I am going to forward today’s post to a few Scientologists in a Class 5 Org who told me Scientology does not practice disconnection. They said LRH cancelled it.
One of the biggest lies in Scientology. That disconnection was ‘cancelled’ by LRH. Here’s the Policy Letter.
HCO Policy Letter of 21 October 1968
Cancellation of Fair Game
“The practice of declaring people FAIR GAME will cease. FAIR GAME may not appear on any Ethics Order. It causes bad public relations.
This P/L does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP.”
When mealy mouthed Tommy Davis went on the TV news and made an @ss out of himself he repeatedly said that disconnection was cancelled a long time ago. What he didn’t quote was the last line…that the Policy Letter does NOT cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP. Which as we all know is what every person is labeled when they leave the ‘church’ especially if they dare to speak out against it. Next time any of those currently in try to push the lie that disconnection has been ‘cancelled’ just quote them this P/L and ask about that last line.
From the perspective of a nonbeliever there’s no such thing as Holy Writ. From the perspective of some outside of Scientology many of the things LRH wrote appear to be nonsense. From the perspective of some outside of Scientology harassment still appears to be harassment.
“OSA Scurto then erased all of the messages from FB and unfriended the woman…” Um, confront and shatter???
More like:
Dig hole.
Jump in.
Whew, hidden.
All the “technology” in the world will not guard them against the truth. That’s why these OSA bots and scientologists in good standing CANNOT have an open, honest conversation. Their “logic” will not hold up because they cannot say the truth: “Listen we don’t care what our leader or Source did to abuse people. We don’t care what the members of the church of scientology do to other scientologists to get money. No one can speak out against it or point out the truth of it because it will hurt our image and our number of members and the money we need to make to survive. We need to go on and on as the church of scientology because we are the only group on the planet that can save it. All of the abuses don’t matter.”
If this lady is doing these activities it means that OSA is unable to do them alone.
Although I am Italian I do not have the pleasure of having known her but the way of acting indicates someone who has really reached a high spiritual level which is OT 8 and to whom the truth has been revealed.
She knows. She know that cutting ‘comm’ – communications – is the only really functional tech in scn.
Publicly they speak of ‘freedom’ and of ‘thinking for oneself’.
A bad theater that stages the usual worst.
Sabrina facci un favore: vai e fatti due passi!
(Sabrina do us a favor: go and take a walk!).
I typically lurk here and never post but I had to today.
I know Sabrina Scurto very well and am friends with her on FB.
I had no idea Sabrina was a Scientology spy. Makes me sick she is such a disabled person.
No heart and no soul. That is how most OTVIII’s I know behave.
She used to be a nice woman who had a lot of energy and could get things done.
She has done a lot of Bridge but has lost her power. She can’t even use common sense.
Hopefully, when she gets dragged into ethics, the MAA will show her the post and all the remarks.
I, too, am an ex member of Scientology flying under the radar. I think there are a lot of us because we don’t want to lose family.
I really hate Scientology. I want to get out of the Scientology trap and tell the world how evil Scientology is. Until I can do it, I thank you all for speaking out. Someday soon I hope my family sees your show Mike Rinder with Leah and they wake up and leave for good.
Dear Non dare nell’occhio, I really hope these programs will arrive here in Italy soon. As you well know, there is no mention of it at all in TV or media.
It’s too bad LRH left SO MUCH CLUTTER in all his materials. Oy vey. Many of us remember that opening sequence in the Life Improvement course workbook showing “a sea of data” with the line-drawn human figure selecting a few “senior data” out of this “sea of data.” The ones he selects are the important useful information to bring forward and operate off. (That is what the workbook claims author L. Ron Hubbard has done; what you have in front of you is the good stuff, the real stuff, the stuff you should take on and bring forward.)
I wish headstrong group members such as “OSA helper” Sabrina Scurto would ONLY operate off the right stuff, the good stuff, the stuff worth bringing forward. But they don’t. They frequently operate off any old thing, eeghads: whatever they are told (no personal inspection of the order).
When Still-In, many times with staff and Sea Org members’ inexplicable off-the-chain behavior, I would consider: No one should be allowed to put on a uniform who is not auditor trained and interned through Class IV, so they can see the effects they create (via studying and drilling with an e-meter) with the ridiculous-ness of constant invalidation, evaluation, and “indicating” to people.* On the admin side, I should imagine a minimum standard would be successfully getting through a Volume 0 course, which are org admin basics.
Instead, OSA helper Sabrina Scurto does not even do the most basic administrative sequence of first verifying the target of her “correction” is a Scientologist. Amazing—sadly amazing. That is so sad. One after another, the steady foot bullets keep coming. It is like the line in Star Wars, “The Force is strong in this one.” Only in this instance, “The Narcissism is strong in this one.”
*For the formerly indoctrinated, you recognize indicating can create a case phenomenon of an “out-List”: the act of indicating/enforcing something strongly enough to someone that the person takes it on. Except if not true for the person (wrong item), it creates a case situation of “out-List.” The other way an out-List is created is by pushing a person to SELECT SOMETHING off a list—whether written down or explicitly articulated, could be in conversation only—concerning something of no interest. For example, a strong-minded insistent person in your life demanding you select WHICH LAW SCHOOL you will attend. Except, you have no interest in law school. If you have no interest in that “list” (of law schools to attend), yet you are forced to select one, it can produce an unwanted case phenomenon of “out-List” (wrong list). [Unofficial unsanctioned explanation.]
Peridot. I agree with what you say. Today’s scientologists have changed and have lost the sense of truly communicating.
Before when I was still inside, I remember that we were more likely to solve any situations using communication trying to always find a middle ground.
Now it looks like they’ve been trained just to cut everything clean as long as the other just looks not quite aligned.
This often happens on FB when someone comments on something that is not aligned with what scn thinks, often they (just public) don’t even try to ‘handle the originations’ instead they cut them off directly from friends list.
At the very beginning in scn you can not imagine how many contrasts I found around while disseminating in my small town and what I always did was to talk and settle the different ideas with those who did not agree. It was part of the game. I’ve never told anyone not to hang out with those antagonistic people.
I would have made a real disaster around me. Instead now they know only to “cut any potential entheta communications” at once.
Such a pity.
Peridot, people trained in Hubbard management tech are trained shoot people who disagree with Hubbard. Why the f3ck you’d want them trained on his admin ‘tech” is truly a question worth looking into. By YOU.
And the Indie field (its demise) has PROVEN that his auditing tech is NOT successful in doing anything valuable for people.
1984 anyone? George Orwell saw it coming.
As a t-shirt states:”1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.”
Sadly, we have what we have, and most of us opted-in willingly by joining social media.
Yo Dave,
Looks like you will need to see bout gitten yer Oh Tea Ate’s properly hatted before they blow yer cover on the disconnection policy that doesn’t exist. Best to bring down Yer hammer on Sobrina fast and hard good buddy.
Scheesch ……… ya still have to do everything yerself if ya want it done right.
These OSA people have twisted minds. The posting gives great insight into the rotten core of Scientology. OSA never chased me after leaving Scientology because I developed an ear piercing laugh which communicated and kept them away. I found it was worthless to try to talk to these people in any human language. It was best to act like the Joker and laugh.
I don’t have this problem according to the Security Clearance I/C OSA W/US. She told me and I quote” Ex-Sea Org members do not have friends”.
Now, I did not blow the SO, though I wish I had. I was sent off to die of AIDS that I had gotten in Curacao, their home port. My FB turndown reads as the greatest commendation you ever saw. They was sure (as they were making sure) that I was going to die. They can be very nice to the dead because they make money off of dying people. I had lots of friends in the SO as long as I was dying (they need a supply of martyrs)
but when I started to live ( making them wrong) they said that I have no friends. Well, not amongst them anyway.
Hello Bill!
With “friends” like them, who needs enemies.
Friends help you when you are down & out,
Friends are there for you in time of need & vice versa.
Friends see you through the hard times & stick by your side no matter what.
Friends LISTEN to you & let you unload your burden of pain.
Friends will help you clean, cook, do laundry, shopping, prepare meals when you’re sick & help transport you for medical care when you need it.
Friends will comfort you in time of need & say “it’s gonna be ok”.
Friends will support you in your endeavors
Friends will say “I’m sorry, but next time it’ll will be better for you”.
WOW Bill, sure seems like you have many friends right here, & I am PROUD to say I am ONE of many! YOU screwed THEM over because YOU are STILL HERE !!!!!
WOO HOO & Happy Days!
Congrats on doing “the best revenge” best, Bill!
Mike, Through an under the radar friend I got to see the comments about me after I officially and publicly left the cult. It was amazing the nut jobs I knew who responded to the Scientology FB person and readily put in their two sense about what a horrible person I am. These were people who I stayed away from when I was still in the organization. The cherch is a haven for unbalanced and toxic borderline psychopaths.
Geoff, you had a rare gift, to hear firsthand the lies they spread about you. I’d love to see the “goldenrod”, or whatever if anything was published: What they said about me after they kicked me out as incapable of even being a proper RPF inmate. Though I was right there, they didn’t bother to invite me to whatever ‘ethics’ action led them to show me the open road and say “Get outa here!”