I have written some posts about the delusion that pervades the scientology bubble. Anything possibly negative about scientology is to be avoided at all costs — of course it is not true anyway as scientology is the “only game where everyone wins” according to L. Ron Hubbard. And that means if you don’t “win” it is on you. Because scientology has never done ANYTHING wrong.
This Facebook posting typifies the bubble-think perfectly:
The “SP’s” are of course anyone who does not follow in lockstep with scientology dicta.
Primary on this list are those who speak about the abuses they experienced and/or witnessed in scientology. There are many other “merchants of chaos” — foremost among them “The Psychs”, but also Big Pharma, medical doctors, the World Bank, the FBI, the media, the Rockefellers, the Russians and a long list of others who apparently “oppose the betterment of man.”
The fact that there is negative media (hardly a day goes by without a new negative scientology story, commentary or joke appearing) is “proof” of their success. In the last few days both Bill Maher and Anderson Cooper told Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson that she sounded like scientology because of her opposition to psychiatric drugs — a comparison she found highly offensive. And she is considered a New Age “fringe” person. Miscavige used to disdainfully dismiss his critics (like me) as “bitter defrocked apostates on the fringes of the internet” — now scientology is dismissed as a nasty cult on the fringe of the fringe of society. So much for “mainstream acceptance.”
This attitude is a matter of faith in scientology — pay no attention to the media, except of course when we trick them into covering the “good news” of scientology, or they report on a psych being put in jail. Then we talk about it endlessly and with great fanfare.
What is interesting here is that apparently the sheer volume of “entheta media” is forcing scientology to feel the need to remind everyone not to pay attention to it. (I did another post about this recently “Scientology wouldn’t be in the news so much…”). But it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid. A joke or comment about scientology pops up routinely on TV. If you look up scientology in Wikipedia it is a horror story from the perspective of the bubble-dwellers with Xenu right on the first page. Every story about celebrity scientologists these days mentions The Aftermath or other entheta.
They have to cling to Hubbard’s way of thinking:
As I said in the earlier post, and repeat here. This is truly one of Hubbard’s most Orwellian concepts.
The proof of our good is that people say we are bad, and the more they say it, the better we must be.
“give them all penalties and no wins”
That’s called “scientology ‘ethics'”, isn’t it?
Science of Survival has the tone scale as its central theme.
Let’s LOOK at what Hubbard said about the tone scale. Here are several quotes from Hubbard
Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture tape numbered 39 The games maker tape 1952
“The MEST universe would have you believe this is the only game there is anyplace in the whole of anything. That’s not true! Not even vaguely true.”
“Games are going on with all kinds of rules, terrific interest levels and so forth. All right, I’m going to read off for you this paper just so we’ve got it on the tape. How many minutes we got? – five minutes. That’s plenty.”
“Now we get The rules of games are as follows: Limitations on self and others, obedience to rules, unconsciousness of rules to add reality – we pretend the rules are real.”
“ARC with others to play. Pain as a penalty which will be obeyed – you have to have a penalty that will be obeyed. Otherwise, nobody will stick with the rules.”
“Agreement to rules and penalties is necessary to continue a game. And boy, are they!
Deterioration of a game until no game – cycle of action shows you the whole game is an object with no action.”
“You know, the… the… the wienie finally becomes everything there is, and there is no action even to get the wienie.”
“Work is admission of inability to play – if you have to work, you can’t play, obvious. They really yap about that here.”
“A game of complexity and levels – the Tone Scale is such a game. It’s just a map of MEST universe games.”
“Peculiarity or liability of a maker of game, people attempting to play the game of Maker of Games– it’s a game itself. Your big capitalista or commissar will do that.”
“The game called Maker of Games results in No Game. And the game called Unmaking Games results in a game. 8008.“
“There’s a game called freedom, which is what you’re playing right at this minute.
And Games contain trickery and misdirection to win – your 180 degree vector of Have and Agree.”
“The prize of winning is making a new game– what do you know? Or permitting a new game to be made or making it possible for a new game to be played. Those are all prizes, and that’s all the prizes there are. ”
“The necessity – oh, of course, there’s these gimmicks, these wienies and so forth. But everybody just knows that they’re spurious as hell. Uh… The necessity to have a new game coded before one ends the old game.“ Otherwise, everyone becomes a maker of games with no game.”
“Now, The value of pieces. Ownership of pieces may be also the ownership of players. And the difference between players and pieces, and the difficulty of pieces becoming players“
“boy, when a piece becomes a player, there’s really a hell of an upset in the game; it’ll just blow. Oh, the quarterback walks out of the football game and all of a sudden starts to run the whole football game, and nobody can tell him No. That football game’s dead.”
“Now… so you’ve got to hide the rules from the pieces, otherwise this is going to happen.”
“Now the caste system of game consist of this: The Maker of Games, he has no rules, he runs by no rules.”
“The player of the games, rules known but he obeys them. And the assistant players merely obey the players. And the pieces obey rules as dictated by players, but they don’t know the rules.“
“And then, what do you know. There’s broken pieces, and they aren’t even in the game, but they’re still in the game.”
“And they’re in a terrible maybe: Am I in the game or am I not in the game? Now, How to make a piece. This is how to make a piece: First, deny there is a game. Second, hide the rules from them. Three, give them all penalties and no wins. Four, remove all goals–. Enforce them… their playing. Inhibit their enjoying. Make them look like but forbid their being like players“
“– look like God but uh… you can’t be God.”
“To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and deny the existence of players.“
“Never let the pieces find out that there are players. Now out of these you’re going to get games.”
“Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process.”
“But remember, that up at the top of it there is a big postulate, There must be a game.
Therefore if you want to regain the Spirit of Play, people have got to unmake postulates they’ve made all along, saying, There mustn’t be a game. There mustn’t be a game. It can’t be a game. Don’t play with me. I mustn’t be played with. Life is serious. This isn’t a game. We’re playing for keeps. I’ll never get out of this,“
“and so forth. In other words, the postulates which they’ve made to convince themselves that these are the rules and the only rules that can be played, and these that I’ve just read off to you.
I’m going to have this typed and you can figure it out more or less as you want to. I could, of course, give you even further rundown on this, if you wanted me to, but it takes… takes a little while to do so. It’s actually the backbone of what we are doing. But let’s take a break.” (TAPE ENDS) PDC tape 39 The games maker Ron Hubbard
Let’s really look at what Hubbard told us. (Words bolded by me for emphasis)
“A game of complexity and levels – the Tone Scale is such a game. It’s just a map of MEST universe games.”PDC tape 39 The games maker Ron Hubbard
“There’s a game called freedom, which is what you’re playing right at this minute.
And Games contain trickery and misdirection to win – your 180 degree vector of Have and Agree.”PDC tape 39 The games maker Ron Hubbard
Hubbard told us several things here, all important.
“Now, How to make a piece. This is how to make a piece: First, deny there is a game. Second, hide the rules from them. Three, give them all penalties and no wins. Four, remove all goals”
“Enforce them… their playing. Inhibit their enjoying. Make them look like but forbid their being like players“
“– look like God but uh… you can’t be God.”
“To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and deny the existence of players.“
“Never let the pieces find out that there are players. Now out of these you’re going to get games.”
“It’s actually the backbone of what we are doing. ”
Hubbard told us FIRST, DENY THERE IS A GAME.
Hubbard told us FOUR, REMOVE ALL GOALS.
Scientology is now the game that has David Miscavige as the player.
Ron Hubbard was the games maker.
Here Hubbard laid it out – HIS game is built on TRICKERY and MISDIRECTION. He lied to people to put them into his caste system of pieces and broken pieces. He acted like God but knew he couldn’t openly claim to be God because people who come right out and say that they literally are God aren’t accepted or even worse are accepted as believing it without it being true.
Hubbard made many of his intentions clear here. He wanted to change the goals of people and to use processes (Scientology auditing) to do this.
Scientology has the records of this but we don’t normally ever see the truth about Scientology separated from the lies.
Hubbard made it perfectly clear, but you have to do a lot of digging.
“Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process.” End quote
THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.
Lecture: “Off the Time Track” (June 1952) as quoted in Journal of Scientology issue 18-G, reprinted in Technical Volumes of Dianetics & Scientology Vol. 1, p. 418. Ron Hubbard
From a tape on the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures in 1952 entitled Structure/Function we get this:
Structure/Function: 11 December 1952 page 1
“All processes are based upon the original observation
that an individual could have implanted in him by hypnosis
and removed at will any obsession or aberration,
compulsion, desire, inhibition which you could think of – by hypnosis.“
“Hypnosis, then, was the wild variable;
sometimes it worked,
sometimes it didn’t work.
It worked on some people; it didn’t work on other people.
Any time you have a variable that is as wild as this, study it.
Well, I had a high certainty already –
I had survival. Got that in 1938 or before that. And uh…”Ron Hubbard
From the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lectures we have a couple extremely relevant quotes. The tapes are listed by their number:
“Of course, we go on a tradition “if you learn anything about man that will help him,
you help him with it.” …
“If you learn anything about man that you can manipulate him
You’re going to manipulate men,
you’ve got to change their definitions
and change their goals
and enslave them and do this and do that.”
“Now, brainwashing simply is the trick of mixing up certainties.
All you have to do if you want to know and develop the entire field
of brainwashing as developed by Pavlov,
is simply to make somebody ….. into a confused or hypnotic state in which he can believe anything.” Ron Hubbard
“’Psychiatry’ and ‘psychiatrist’ are easily redefined to mean ‘an anti-social enemy of the people‘. This takes the kill crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions…The redefinition of words is done by associating different emotions and symbols with the word than were intended…Scientologists are redefining ‘doctor‘, ‘Psychiatry’ and ‘psychology’ to mean ‘undesirable antisocial elements‘…The way to redefine a word is to get the new definition repeated as often as possible. Thus it is necessary to redefine medicine, psychiatry and psychology downward and define Dianetics and Scientology upwards. This, so far as words are concerned, is the public opinion battle for belief in your definitions, and not those of the opposition. A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda.”
– Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 5 October 1971, PR Series 12, “Propaganda by Redefinition of Words”
Hubbard keeps talking about changing the goals, certainties and definitions of people to control them and of course to use trickery, misdirection and hiding information from people to control them, to enslave them with lying and that things could be done with hypnosis but it had the wild variable of sometimes working and sometimes not, of working on some people but not others.
“There are conditions worse than being unable to see, and that is imagining one sees.”
Lecture, Scientology and Effective Knowledge (15 July 1957).Ron Hubbard
Mockingbird – I was going to skip over this but I got interested – lol
I stuck with the practical stuff in scientology but a lot of people took an interest in Hubbard’s “deep thoughts” like his axioms, maxims and logics.
In my 1970s scientology experience auditing and auditor training was streamlined. I don’t recall it being required to listen to any of Hubbard’s PDC tapes or going into any depth on the axioms and so on.
On Mark Rathbun’s blog a few years ago there were some conversations about Hubbard’s ideas on how “thetans create universes” and whether or not “thetans have a tiny bit of mass.”
Thanks for responding. May I ask what did you find practical in Scientology ?
By practical I meant application which would be auditing. By the 1970s and possibly earlier the auditing procedures were codified and standard, if you want to call it that. It wasn’t necessary to go into Hubbard’s theories about creation, the static, flows, ridges, games conditions and the rest of his pondering about a multitude of other things he blabbed about.
In auditing I needed to know how to use the e-meter, keep session notes and keep the person in session.
Most Scientologists are broken pieces.
That is a sad but thoughtful observation. Jon Atack has remarked that in another reference Hubbard talks of putting together a world of broken straws, but if those are the broken pieces in his game of Scientology then who broke them ? Hubbard himself.
P.S. Mockingbird – I just took a quick look at “Game theory” in Wikipedia. It’s a Big subject and addressed from many different angles. I’m not suggesting it and it would probably be a pain in the neck but you could add parts of your above essay to the wiki article under the “philosophy” or “popular culture” sub headings.
There is an article in Wikipedia about Scientology and the Occult. An article about Scientology and game theory would add to the body of knowledge. Passing thought.
Richard, Hubbard may have picked up some ideas about game theory at a cocktail party or something, listening to people who had actually read something about the subject. It’s actually very math-based, and not much if all like Hubbard’s cosmological musings.
Or Hubbard’s notions might be entirely based on esoteric works like Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, and others of that genre. The occult, particularly the work of Hubbard’s claimed “very good friend” Aleister Crowley, was unquestionable a major source and strong influence, worthy of documenting.
Hubbard was, ironically, a poor student; it’s clear that he had only a passing knowledge of ideas and philosophies, often picked up informally, and his second (“never had”) wife confirmed that he didn’t have the patience to read and study others’ works, and relied on people like her for ideas from Korczybski’s General Semantics, for instance, that he then cribbed and plagiarized (such as for his supposed “logics”). He produced a muddle of sloppy and often contradictory material that isn’t worth studying, and even NRM “scholars” are only interested in the broad picture of Scientology, and don’t have the stomach for wading through the details of it.
PeaceMaker – Good points and I agree. My MU 🙂 here is equating Game theory with games, games conditions or “maker of games” and they’re not the same subject. This is a daily blog and I wanted to “weigh in” on Mockingbird’s comment before the topic went dead.
For the casual reader, NRM stands for New Religious Movements.
Another way to look at it is that Hubbard was educating his followers on the pitfalls of games so they wouldn’t fall victim to it. In other words, if I want to control people using games, why would I forewarn them? Mind games – haha
It was always “others” doing it Hubbard, scientology or scientologists.
Richard, I think Hubbard sort of spoke out of both sides of his mouth like that early on – he essentially warned people about techniques of manipulation and control, and then went ahead and used them on his audience and followers. It is confusing – but then again, we’ve talked about confusion technique as yet another of Hubbard’s manipulative tools.
My take on several aspects of this, is that he actually hoped to find a few “big beings” to join him in a game in which they would enjoy the exercise power at the expense of the masses who didn’t quite get it. And early on he attracted a few candidates including perhaps most notably “Pope” John McMaster and “Captain” Bill Robertson.
But of course it turned out that in the long run Hubbard was a “tyrant” (as Ken Urquhart concedes) and could never really get along with, or tolerate, any one else as more or less an equal, a colleague or even a friend. That’s both an indictment of his hopelessly warped personality, and a red flag that his “work” really was so flawed and misguided that he couldn’t solve his own fundamental problems, much less anyone else’s.
PeaceMaker – Again I agree and it’s essentially where my own train of thought ended on this conversation.
One last idle thought I had was after rereading the first paragraph quoted from the tape. Hubbard says:
“The MEST universe would have you believe this is the only game there is anyplace in the whole of anything. That’s not true! Not even vaguely true.”
So it seems Hubbard is again tripping out on his idea that we are all trapped in the MEST universe. “Free floating thetans” in a parallel universe or dimension would have no bodily needs so they would need to kill time playing games! laughter
Richard, it reminds me of the sort of things that stoned, tripping college philosophy majors talked about back in my student days. Hubbard had apparently experimenting with lots of drugs including psychedelics around the time of those lectures, so that kind of fits. And “Excalibur” was probably the result of a nitrous oxide high, which can be just as trippy, so it sort of all started with his earliest drug experience.
I also remember some of the old time indies being fascinated by such things. The ones I knew seemed like fundamentally good people, interested in truly bettering themselves and others, so it was at least a harmless scene.
I have read a tiny bit on game theory and never thought of adding Hubbard’s game of Scientology to it. That is a very original take.
Mockingbird – Like yourself I know very little about game theory, just a general familiarity with the term. I’m giving you credit for your extensive research on scientology and to me your exposition on Hubbard’s game theory fits into the wiki article. Hubbard used most of his subject as a means of control unlike others engaged in philosophical inquiry. Later on I’ll post a few paragraphs from the wiki article for general interest.
From the Wikipedia article on “Game theory:
Game theory has been put to several uses in philosophy. Responding to two papers by W.V.O. Quine (1960, 1967), Lewis (1969) used game theory to develop a philosophical account of convention. In so doing, he provided the first analysis of common knowledge and employed it in analyzing play in coordination games. In addition, he first suggested that one can understand meaning in terms of signaling games. This later suggestion has been pursued by several philosophers since Lewis.[66] Following Lewis (1969) game-theoretic account of conventions, Edna Ullmann-Margalit (1977) and Bicchieri (2006) have developed theories of social norms that define them as Nash equilibria that result from transforming a mixed-motive game into a coordination game.[67][68]
Game theory has also challenged philosophers to think in terms of interactive epistemology: what it means for a collective to have common beliefs or knowledge, and what are the consequences of this knowledge for the social outcomes resulting from the interactions of agents. Philosophers who have worked in this area include Bicchieri (1989, 1993),[69][70] Skyrms (1990),[71] and Stalnaker (1999).[72]
In ethics, some (most notably David Gauthier, Gregory Kavka, and Jean Hampton)[who?] authors have attempted to pursue Thomas Hobbes’ project of deriving morality from self-interest. Since games like the prisoner’s dilemma present an apparent conflict between morality and self-interest, explaining why cooperation is required by self-interest is an important component of this project. This general strategy is a component of the general social contract view in political philosophy (for examples, see Gauthier (1986) and Kavka (1986)).[73]
Other authors have attempted to use evolutionary game theory in order to explain the emergence of human attitudes about morality and corresponding animal behaviors. These authors look at several games including the prisoner’s dilemma, stag hunt, and the Nash bargaining game as providing an explanation for the emergence of attitudes about morality (see, e.g., Skyrms (1996, 2004) and Sober and Wilson (1999)).
In popular culture
Based on the 1998 book by Sylvia Nasar,[74] the life story of game theorist and mathematician John Nash was turned into the 2001 biopic A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe as Nash.[75]
The 1959 military science fiction novel Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein mentioned “games theory” and “theory of games”.[76] In the 1997 film of the same name, the character Carl Jenkins referred to his military intelligence assignment as being assigned to “games and theory”.
Apparently Hubbard was talking about “games conditions” before “Game theory” came into use.
If I had an interest in “Game theory” (or “games conditions”) as relating to philosophy I would have an interest in Hubbard’s early ideas.
Richard, game theory is just another case where Hubbard was late to the game (!) and took others’ ideas without credit – as is the case with almost everything. If you go back to the beginning of the Wikipedia article you’ll find it originates in the 1940s or earlier, and was being widely worked on and discussed in certain circles in the 1950s.
The reference to the use of the term by Heinlein is telling. Game theory is the sort of thing that likely would have been discussed in settings where Hubbard would have been present such as get-togethers of sci fi writers, where there might well have been people who’d actually worked through Von Neumann’s writings on the subject. His everyday followers wouldn’t have known of such things, and thus were impressed when he related his take on ideas like that, that he’d picked up at a cocktail party or something. I’m quite familiar with a number of Hubbard’s sources, and see signs of his having that sort of sketchy second-hand understanding all throughout his “work,” spun to make him appear knowledgeable to his credulous audience.
If you’re really interested in the subject, you could read some of the sources referenced in that article. Hubbard isn’t mentioned because his amateurish ponderings, typically shaded by his attempts to either unduly impress or control people, don’t add anything to the subject.
Agreed – I replied to you above before I looked at your comment here. 🙂
Aqua, I think Hubbard’s ponderings about such things really belong here – along with the likes of Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, and of course’ Crowley’s “work” (cited):
Esoteric cosmology
for more along the lines of Heindel:
Esoteric cosmology
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
“From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!”
Not sure if this is a Scottish prayer or not. I don’t believe in ghoulies and ghosties, and long-legged beasties, but I do believe that humans take on those traits. Pedophiles are at the top of my list. The cult of scientology has those. And DM took over the leadership of the cult that protects them and continues to protect the ones that are left. I wonder just what happened with LRH’s daughter when she was kidnapped by dear daddy.
What is more important than protecting children?
Hi everyone, I have said before I have never been indoctrinated (luckily)in what I see as a complete and utter sci-fi story created by a buffoon, I am however very sympathetic to those who have suffered Mental Financial and Physical cruelty by this cult, recently I read on one of the posts about the Anderson report from 1964/65 in Victoria Australia and was quite taken a back by the following extract from it:
The Anderson Report concluded that “Scientology is a delusional belief system, based on fiction and fallacies and propagated by falsehood and deception” and that it “is not, and does not claim to be, a religion”.[12] He continues:
“Scientology is evil, its techniques evil, its practice a serious threat to the community, medically, morally and socially, and its adherents sadly deluded and often mentally ill.”[13]
Anderson acknowledged the emotional tone of his report, justifying it as follows:
If there should be detected in this Report a note of unrelieved denunciation of scientology, it is because the evidence has shown its theories to be fantastic and impossible, its principles perverted and ill-founded, and its techniques debased and harmful. […] While making an appeal to the public as a worthy system whereby ability, intelligence and personality may be improved, it employs techniques which further its real purpose of securing domination over and mental enslavement of its adherents. It involves the administration by persons without any training in medicine or psychology of quasi-psychological treatment, which is harmful medically, morally and socially.[14].
The whole report makes very interesting reading and one which I found very enlightening.
With the advent today of multi media I think people no longer ” trust” anything that promises eternity and betterment over ones peers by way of anything written or thought up by a nincompoop.
I read every day all the posts and still try and understand all the “jargon” but love everyone’s passion in
seeing an end to what I would call a nonsense albeit a very hurtful and costly one, I wish in some small way I could do something, All I have done so far is write to my state premier on this cults purchase of a local building but I admire all of you for your dedication.
Please excuse my grammar etc.
regards Smudge – Australia
Those specific quotes are gems and just what I needed. They encapsulate what I have found to be true for myself. It could be used as a succinct answer as to why I no longer call myself a Scio.
Also, I need to read this report
You actually believe DM is capable of regret?
I don’t think so – not yet…
We’ll perhaps on a bad hangover but he blames that on a bad batch or something.
Addressing the wrong target is a characteristic of an ‘SP’ or whatever HE is.
That’s what his tech says anyway.
Wow, Mike! Someone at the Bunker posted pics of the billboard in Clearwater. I had no idea! Did you mention it recently and I missed it??
I absolutely love how it says “Scientology is “hereby invited to participate in The Aftermath. YOUR MOVE!”
That must have Miscavige so pissed off. I love it.
Please post the link.
Hope this works…
It doesn’t but found it somewhere else.
Weird. Copied the direct link from Twitter. Glad you found it.
I can share a little bit now that things are moving along a little more. The billboard is now up in Clearwater FL, and I was informed that the internal investigation into how the LAPD handles cases related to scientologists is underway. I’m the complaining “witness” but was told to keep it quiet for a bit while they began an internal investigation. I provided multiple examples with pictures as well as posts on social media. It appears to be progressing well. If anyone has anything to add, please contact me so I can give you the contact information to the investigating officer.
I have another appointment to speak with someone in DC- still not holding out much hope there, but it can’t hurt. I am still here, but moved to social media so that I could keep and “eye” on several things over there. I still read the posts!!! I am also going to try to make an official complaint to the Clearwater PD so that an internal investigation is started there as well. I’ve made a complaint to the new elder abuse decision of the FBI, but have not heard from them, so I will make another formal complaint soon. I will let everyone know what happens on all fronts.
Thanks, Kat.
Will await further developments
Thanks Jere!
Wonderful news 😘
Thanks cece!
So you and others funded the billboard? I just assumed it was Mike, Leah, etc…
Very cool.
There were three of us who put it together.
Kat, this is very good news and you are amazing. Thank you!
Thanks aqua! There were three of us who did it- not just me.
Kat, there are 3 big Youtubers that have had experience with LAPD and mishandling of the law & SCN. Angry Gay Pope, California Guardian (who has some court thing going with LAPD and SCN I believe) and I think maybe Nasty Nathaniel.
Thanks for the heads up. I will give them the name and number of the investigator
When the squirrels scream, hold onto your nuts!
Wiser words were never spoken.
@Peacemaker, how could scientology help with that?
Gerson “suffered from delusions, including beliefs that he was God and that he could control events such as volcanoes and earthquakes with his mind.”
Most scientologists who have completed the OT levels have that belief because that is what they are told is going to happen on the OT levels. Gerson just said it out loud.
If one seeks enlightenment there are (generally) a number of steps to getting there. If I read my Buddhism and Hindism correctly one gets up to an elevated state where they see themselves as separate to mortals and ‘superior’ (OT). If these individuals would but work a bit more they could get to the point that they see that they are ‘one’ with all of the universe and there is no longer an “I” that gets in the way of harmony. Hubbard spoke of ‘pan-determinism’ but never seemed to have had an interest in it. One can speculate…..
Jim, Hubbard also redefined pan-determination to mean doing what he/scientology wanted, instead of determining things yourself. One way or the othe, everything came around to doing what he said, disregarding what he did.
By now, everyone has probably gotten weary of the countless YouTube video memes of Hitler ranting about something or other. The pilfered video clip comes from the movie “Downfall,” and is worth watching in its entirety. I recommend viewing it, dare I say, in a “new unit of time.” While it’s a compelling slice of WW II history, it’s also a revealing glimpse into the bubble worlds that fanatical groups create to shield themselves from the outside world.
I’m tempted to create a new Hitler video, but I probably won’t ‘cause I don’t have the time. Still, it would make for an instructive look into Hubbard’s “Signs of Success.”
General Jodl: Mein Fuhrer, the Americans have crossed the Rhine in the West, and the Russians are only 15 miles east of Berlin.
Hitler: Jodl, you worthless dummkopf! Those SPs are making trouble only because we’re winning. Now tell Steiner to regroup his divisions and crush those Russian mongrels. Always attack, never defend!
The first time i saw that video meme, Hitler was ranting about how there was no giant space octopus in “The Watchmen” movie (based on the dystopian alternative history graphic novel).
If you understand German, then the meme falls completely flat. But if you don’t, then it’s totally worth your time to see Adolf Hitler completely lose his shit over some minor thing like an entitled fanboy.
The movie is also worth watching, too. Great performances by some great actors there.
The actor was Bruno Ganz. He tried to stop those videos. He passed on February 16, 2019.
Wow. With all this running around, trying to get squirrels is making me tired. I’m going to take nap with one of my pet squirrels.
Don’t rabbit dude, remember only the tiger survives.
Damn! And here I’m a lion in a tiger’s world.
Be glad you’re not a zebra. Personally I never liked the idea of being raw meat.
Hello and thanks for telling us about Tony’s post. I assume you mean Tony Ortega and his site is:
If possible, could you please tell me where I can find that post? I searched through his above web site but only found one reference to “Rinder” and that didn’t seem to be the one.
If anyone else can post a link, I’d certainly appreciate.
It is today’s story:
Tony Ortega says: “We want to thank Mike Rinder for sending over the photo you see above, which he came across and thought we could use.”
It’s today’s post. He is thanking Mike for the picture that he sent to Tony.
Thank you very much for that clarification. I cannot imagine how I missed it.
Foolproof would write that you went past a MU!
Foolproof is a misunderstood nerd.
Foolproof is just another cult member with nothing to do.
No, Foolproof is an Indie.
If he were truly independent he wouldn’t need any brand of Scientology.
Wow! That is an incredible photo at that link.
That chiropractor appears to be about 3 times as tall as The Rat. He must be a giant.
Alternatively, maybe he is just normal size which would mean The Rat is midget sized?
Very strange.
He is 4’13”. 🤣🤣
He has a 2″ high pompadour of hair implants, and another 2″ high set of shoe implants.
Give him some castanet and classical guitar music and he becomes a Man of iM’Plantcia.
Chuka chuka chuka, strummmm strummmmm.
(It’s not much, but it’s better than just being the Tiny Tyrant, right?)
Man of iM’Plantcia……🤣🤣
Moving up what bridge? No one even gets a chance to make it to the imaginary state of clear before they are forced to do some lower level startup courses or re re re re re do the purif. The only things “on the bridge” these days are intro courses. Both training and auditing are basically non-existent. Fundraising is the only activity given any credence. I’m amazed the email didn’t just say to donate without talking about that silly “moving up the bridge” stuff. If someone believes in scientology, don’t expect to see it practiced in corporate scientology.
This seems to me like a sort of enforced group “thought stopping”* technique.
They have to be getting desperate facing the tidal wave of bad publicity that even hits their members in the checkout line of stores, plus all the hard-to-ignore signs of their failing and shrinking state – including the orgs that are emptier than ever.
* “Thought-stopping is used by predators of all types in order to make you stop thinking for yourself. The quicker a predator can stop you from using your critical thinking skills, the sooner you will fall into their trap. ” – Open Minds Foundation article by Spike Robinson, https://www.openmindsfoundation.org/thought-stopping-phrases-concepts-and-techniques/
FYI Mike – The Truth Rundown link doesn’t work.
YEs, it is broken under “important reading” but seems OK under “Media Links”. Let me know if this is true for you. TBT went a bit weird on their old scientology stuff and it’s not so easy to access these days.
I clicked on Media and didn’t see it.
When I was young that kind of thing really confused me…I had terrible cognitive dissonance. That bulletin was real thought stopper for me. It really sucked for me when I worked there, no pay or very low pay, long 16 hour days, no time off, being yelled at for stats all the time with so much pressure that some people would crack up from it, and go to the press about no money and exorbitant fees etc…yet we were winning!!! That’s why the press is onto that story (which I knew was true,) but hey, we are winning! I think I would have bought the Golden Gate bridge if he had tried to sell it to me. LOL
“Even hero’s have lice”
This is the tactic of evil tyrants like Hitler. Create enemies to cause a solidification of the group. It gives the group of authoritarian tyrant a passionate purpose.
The evil genius of Hubbard was that he was able to define Scientology failure as success. If society is not seeing Hubbard the way he wants us to see him, if PCs are not getting what they paid for and complain it’s because Scientology is so successful.
That’s like taking your car to the mechanic and not getting your car fixed after paying for it, complaining to the Better Business Bureau and the owner of the shop tells his employees that the only time people complain about being ripped off is because our workmanship is so great.
People’s complain of us is a sign that we are really great at fixing cars.
Only a brainwashed person in a high control group could even think like this.
The ability to believe two contradicting ideas at the same time is trained deeply.
LRH says that when they’re really winning the squirrels will be screaming. At other times they will claim that the reason an org is foundering and disaffection is spreading in its field is because “the SPs are running wild”.
Well, which is it? They scream and run amock because you’re winning, or you’re losing because they are screaming and running amock?
Wait – we’re never losing, so that can’t be it. It’s all very confusing…
“It’s all very confusing”
I think that was Hubbard’s MO in Scientology. He knew through his mastery of hypnotism that people who are confused are susceptible to hypnotic commands.
I simply imagine the time I saw sympathy being below hate and hostility on the tone scale, remember my mindset at the time, and recall that my mind was a little confused. “How can hating and being hostile be higher toned than sympathy for the suffering of others”?
Then my mind simply said,” it must be true, Ron said so”.
That was a hypnotic command entering into my mind. He knew the mechanism of control. He has tomes written and tapes recorded on how to manipulate and control people.
We thought that he was teaching us this stuff to warn us about being controlled.
But he was actually revealing to us that he himself was doing to us what he was warning us about.
That is evil brilliance at work. That is the product of a very low level of being.
In the words of the spiritually minded: Hubbard was an evil low natured demon. His demonic powers were his uncanny understanding of psychological manipulation. He completely understood the mechanisms of thought control.
Scientology is proof that he was expert at this black art.
Like the song says, I second that emotion!
@Brian, you are right, sympathy=bad because it is below hate and hostile on the tone scale. I remember just going “oh well if LRH said that it has to be true”. That is when I first started thinking it was a bad idea to have sympathy or empathy. SMDH. Don’t know how I bought into it for so long. Just glad I had an aha moment (or a few aha moments) and left.
Very True Brian, well said.
Thank you George, let’s talk soon.
Having negative comments about this scam pop up frequently in the media is one sign this scam is on the verge of destruction.
Sometimes I get to thinking how The Rat must react every time he sees such comments and I get a warm glow all over. It is a very satisfying feeling.
Yes, it’s impossible for a wog to become curious about Scientology without encountering the mountains of entheta… aka truth… about it. People research everything online. You can’t control information the way you once could. This has probably reduced inflow of new meat to zero.
I believe Alex Gibney’s book and the associated documentary heralded the beginning of the end. It was then that public awareness of Scientology moved in the mind of the public from basically nothing to being universally negative.
But anyway, the recent rumblings that the Ideal Org era is ending (or being given up on) are interesting to me, with respect to your comment. It must be that they feel all the cash has been drained from those capable of funding them and that they’d never finish the rest.
COB realizes this. That’s why they are on now about identifying UTRs, recovering and getting them back on service. They won’t get any new recruits. The entheta prevents it, so this is the only option.
Greetings MarcAnon,
I agree that Alex Gibney’s book and the associated movie was indeed the first major step in the downfall of this scam. But the thing that really sent it rocketing off to Hell was Mike and Leah’s TV show, “Scamatology and the Aftermath”. That TV show must send The Rat’s blood pressure soaring up 10 or 20 points every time he sees it.
Despite what he may say, he has to regret ever laying hands on Mike and abusing Leah and Mike as well as all the other people who knew the inside workings of this scam. When it finally comes crashing down and The Rat is left to sit and stew in his cell for many years, I sure do hope he spends his time reflecting on just what a terrible mistake he made and how he really fucked up this scam with his own stupid actions.
If he ever reads this post, I just want to tell him to, “Go fuck yourself. You miserable sack of shit!”
I think you mean Lawrence Wright’s book and Alex Gibney’s documentary.
The Scientology mindset is like concrete; once it hardens, beliefs become rock solid.
Bravo! You paint a wonderful image with your prose. You make this blog much more fun and interesting every time you post here.
Thanks much Skyler.
So do there brains.
“Gray matter don’t matter.”
LRH as told to his psychiatrist on Target Two.
Indeed, he doesn’t mind, so it doesn’t matter…Or is it: he HAS no mind, so it doesn’t matter?😂
Once in the cult, your mind becomes semiliquid batter. When you finally leave, you come upscale to natter.
Mentaly or psychologically speaking scientologiststs attitude is called ‘denial’, which is defined in the dictionary as: failure to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion or to admit it into consciousness, used as a defense mechanism:
In their own parlance is called ‘no, or very poor confront.’
In cults it is called ‘manipulation and brainwashing’.
Independently of the terminology miscavige is failing big time.
How, realistically, can someone say to themselves that “so many people are moving up the bridge”? Where does Ms. Hopwood see these people? Is she working at Flag or AOLA, maybe the only places where one could see lots of people moving up the Bridge? Does Ms. Hopwood think there are a ton of people in her local mOrg moving up? Do you see flocks of people on service, or is this just what COB is telling you? Look, don’t listen.
On another topic, Mr. Rinder, I think you were on the ship with the old man, weren’t you? Have you ever written here about your time and your personal experience with the great theta himself? I would like to see such a post if you have not!
I know Lydia and she is rabid about Scn and one of the hugest KA drinker around. She is not on staff and so she does not see tons of people moving on the Bridge. What she spouts as truth, “tons of people moving up the Bridge” is a lie that she tells herself because of her beliefs and fixed ideas that are set in concrete. It truly is George Orwellian, “bad is good and black is white.” and “when we lose we win.”
She must be one of those who believes the “expansion” propaganda claims, in spite of the fact that they fly in the face of what someone might observe for themselves if they actually looked. It’s hard to imagine the mindset of a true believer, but Scientology apparently increasingly relies on a hard core of people like that who will just swallow whole whatever lies they are told.
When I was on staff, we just assumed that the reason we we failing was that we were dreck and every other org was doing it right. Of course, we didn’t see into the other orgs.
Lydia, quit being an idiot.
According to Hubtard, “spectacular success can quadruple the number of staff being kidnapped and unlawfully imprisoned.”
I think OT stands for owning thetans.
I owned a thetan once. But I never could find him.
I owned a thetan but had to restrain him.
You’re a tough task master.
That’s what my BTs and clusters all said.
So, bottom line, LRH is fish food (I still think they had him mummified or froze his head so it can be reattached to a monkey or donkey or something once science gets that capability). DM assumed absolute complete control of all the money and practices and policies. Nothing happens without his approval. So, that means if the walls come tumbling down DM is at the top of the pyramid, the one solely responsible for all things scientology, all the bad acts. In his own words he knows all, sees all, controls all. That’s delightful. This might have a happy ending after all 🙂
LRH is clamfood. When clams make it up to land they make Clearwater to Muddywater and give the blame to landliving creatures.
Nice one, Roger. Very creative.
An allegory
1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.
2. a symbolical narrative
Tony has a great post this morning…for which he thanked YOU, Mike. It’s all about scientologist now doing very serious jail time and how criminal are some of the most “successful” ones are. As the old say goes, “What goes around comes around.” We may be sure that Dinky Midget WILL get his comeuppance.
Thanks for that tip, and the “ack” to Mike!
It’s quite the story of the second-gen child of a prominent scientologist, who had an extremely violent encounter with police after a domestic abuse incident, and is now in prison for several decades. According to his attorney, he was suffering from mental illness including delusions – apparently Scientology didn’t help with that, and of course might actually have aggravated it, not only due to denying him proper treatment, but possibly even by subjecting him to the sort of processes that can cause psychosis (“PTS type III”).
Gerson looks like a non person.
Gerson is hurtin’
They probably denied him the necessary psychotropic medication to keep him calm, thinking they could cure him with vitamins, proper food and rest and auditing. Scientology is completely out of its depth in handling severe mental illness.
Scientology is a mental illness.