The signals are getting mixed in the ongoing saga of the marriage of inconvenience between scientology and NOI.
The breakup seemed almost a fait accompli when Tony Muhammad and Alfrauddie Johnson were uninvited to the annual IAS fundraising extravaganza at St Hill in November. A sure sign of trouble to not have recent medal winners in attendance and participating in the photo ops with Dear Leader David Miscavige.
It was understandable given the anti-semitic radioactive glow of the NOI and TonyMo in particular.
And the criminal prosecution of Rizza and Hanan Islam for defrauding the government in their scientology-based scam. Alfrauddie’s stock is at an all time low — scientology is happy to identify him as “Baptist Minister” and forget he is a Freedom Medal Winner and mainline fundraiser for the IAS.
Perhaps the word has not filtered down to whoever is organizing this fundraiser at CC. Top billing is given to TonyMo. And he and a skateboarder are listed above Commanding Officer CC International. Or perhaps it’s as simple as Dear Leader will not be present so the stink of TonyMo’s anti-semitism can be tolerated as there is no chance anyone will snap a shot of the two of them together? That would be embarrassing for Dear Leader. Tony is happy because he gets a chance to make some money if anyone caves in and writes a check at the event. Even in a messy divorce, sometimes economics make strange bedfellows.
You have to wonder what the future of California holds — will TonyMo announce plans to close down the entertainment industry because it’s controlled by “the Jews”? Maybe SuMP can take over? Will he announce a plan to evict the white people from California and secede from the Union as the first non-white state? New laws to require all men to wear bowties and women to wear headscarfs?
I sure wish I could have been there last night. No doubt it was a barn-burner.
Still waiting for the STAND League to denounce the rampant anti-Semitism of the NOI and TonyMo in particular. How come they weren’t outside picketing the event with a bunch of people dressed in dog collars protesting the “hate speech” like they did with A&E?
To sell LRH and his tech is to sell submarines working under the surface.
Maybe it’s more of a trial separation. The way that they got entangled to begin with was rather convoluted and apparently partly accidental or unplanned, so who knows how they will eventually extricate themselves. I suspect that on the NOI side it may not get decided until Farrakhan is succeeded.
Maybe in the future the NOI will have enough “trained” people to start their own Sci “delivery” centers. It seems that a large percentage of.NOI have bought into the idea that Scientology is The Technology while NOI scripture remains The Wisdom.
Operating Muslim 8.
Have you seen the new flyer sent in the mail about LRH being Taylor Swift? Got it today
Trolling scientology
And the downward slide of the CoS continues … There is no limit to how degraded it has become … By the by, any actual”celebrities ” at this event? Or any who have any open involvement with the horror that is now CC?
I believe that I search for the reason for certain actions, but I can not find any rational reason for the sort of hate, this deep hate of people who have done nothing. I had come across at series call Hunting Nazi Fugitives. Better be prepared for the most brutal execution of men, women, children, entire families who had done nothing but belong to a religious group. Watching little children hold the hands of their mother, looking around like where is this place, and may times within 30 minutes died in Nazi furnaces. It’s beyond being able to understand this evil hatred. Yet, DM wants to cozy up, even though this group also claims to hate whites (and probably anyone not of their same race). He has no idea what door he has opened. He’s no match.
Scientology still operates its monthly Peace Rides with Tony Mo. it was founded/started by Tony Mo,,Alfrauddie and Hanan Islam, as UP Fest. aka United in Peace. after the Medi-Cal Raids, it was split between Tony And Alfrauddie, is now registered to the Way To Happiness as the Peace Rides. Alfrauddie runs it as United in Peace in St Louis Missouri..and a NOI minister in Texas also operates a Peace Ride. . its promoted by Scientology front groups ABLE and TWTH on its web sites and PR.
Hanan Islam the founder was dropped from the program.
the cults CoS/NoI have distanced themselves from Hanan Islam
her son Rizza Islam still activly promotes Tony’s Peace Rides in LA,despite his role in the MediCal fraud case.
Speaking of the MediCal frauds, Isn’t there a trial supposed to be going on??? Or did something happen to derail that exercise of Justice?
the Jury Trial starts Feb 14 Valentine’s Day.
Hanan asked the court to fire her previous court-appointed lawyer. and was granted a new attorney.
and had her Marsden Hearing Feb 2nd
Both Hanan and Zakayyah asked for new lawyers
the Judge in the case suggested she ask for time to work with her new attorney
Hanan insisted on a Speedy Trial
Hanan Islam had a Marsden Hearing on Dec 16th
and the Case is set for the first day of the Jury Trial Febuary 14
on a side note, Rizza’s personal attorney was Gary S Brown.. he passed away last year.
Rizza and his Sister Nimat chose to keep thier current lawyers.
Alfreddies presence too a nosedive in July of last year on Social Media, Press Releases and a final Mention. in the Final Call write up of the CoS/NoI front group Peace Rides.
Alfreddie stopped showing up in the Peace Rides PR thats littered all over facebook.
Alfreddie was active promoting the United in Peace Movement with joint involvement with the NOI, mostly with Fue Mei Mathers.
that promotion dried up. to a trickle of recycled Facebook, Instagram and twitter PR.
Ebony Awakenings is registered to Alfreddie on Sun Biz in Florida for Ebony Awakenings.
the CoS hasn’t spit out 1 piece of advertising last year.
EA only exhists to a small closed group on facebook.
Alfreddie has been billing himself as the Spiritual Tycoon.
even registered a company by that name on Sun Biz.
It also used a large office complex up for sale in clearwater
giving 1825 sunset point. as its Non Profit address on Sun Biz
the only PR mentioning Ebony Awakenings was about an EA choir visit the Harlem org as its only whimper.
in this New year, Alfredddie surfaced again and still does his yearly Martin Luther King reg fest with CoS.
so far he’s been dropped at least temporarily by the CoS in their PR
It looks like Hanan Islam had a change of mind on a speedy trial. The court calendar shows the Islams’ criminal pretrial beginning on 04/02/2020 at the Downtown court. If anyone has different information on anything tomorrow, please post it here.
Yes, there is. Go to ‘The scientology money project’. The site covers scientologys money, crimes and legal matters. Loads of factual issues pertaining to co$.
My grandson was so disappointed to learn that Aaron Kyro is a Scientologist. Now it looks like Aaron has joined staff. His skateboarding merchandise business will likely suffer at this point. He’s young. I hope he wakes up before too long.
STAND has a “report discrimination” link. Can one report the NOI for racial discrimination? Or Scientology for sexual discrimination? I don’t think so! I was going to put lol on the end but, nothing is funny about this! It’s disgusting!!!! Scientology is a non-progressive entity. No changes since the onset. I believe that will be ONE of the reasons for self destruction.
“Scientology is a non-progressive entity.”
Understatement is your forté, Shereefe. It’s encased in a black substance quadrillions of years old which keeps it from seeing anything but the writings of an out-of-PT charlatan who was behind the times and out of the loop long before he set finger to keyboard.
Using that link, why couldn’t anyone report the NOI for discrimination and inciting violence against Jews? The evidence is all right there in Tony Mo’s and Farrakhan’s speeches, in writing. plain as day. Why not
Someone should point out to Tony Mo,that the Jews control the entertainment industry,because they created it. The Hollywood film industry only happened because of people like ,Meyer, Goldwyn, Warner, DeMille,Zanuck. You don’t see White people complaining that Motown is controlled by African Americans.
The entire subject of religion in general seems to be in its biggest transformation in the United States. I have personally never experienced so much bold bigotry and so many irrational views. My good friend Larry who is a southern Baptist is now openly supporting the Book of Revelation, prayer, anti-scientific climate views, Trump and the superiority of Christianity. He has worked his views into well developed answers. Even Billy Graham’s legacy rejection of current politics has no effect. I have met NOI people on the streets of Tampa and they sidestep Scientology and anti-Jewish views. My good friend Ed who was a Chaplain in the Army will hear nothing about the contradictions of Lucifer’s presence in current politics. To him only the extreme wealth of the economy now matters. I have totally ceased talking about Buddhism because I live surrounded by Southern Baptists who will not in any way look at another viewpoint. In the meantime surveys tell us that Christians will slip under 60% of the population in a few years. But young people answer to “no religion” now. Even my brother-in-law has stopped talking about heaven. I think in the end anyone can say anything about religion and not be taken seriously.
Lately, I’ve abandoned the Anti-vaxxer rabbit hole the “feewinds” debacle sent me down and have graduated to playing games with the anti-evolutionists who seem to all be young-Earth creationists. It’s sad that folks with enough intelligence to get up and eat breakfast while scanning the InterWebz can be so willfully ignorant and incapable of understanding that real science trumps magic *every* time.
For some fun try out ScimanDan’s youtube channel: “Tinfoil Tuesdays. His other channel is “Flat Earth Fridays”, where he mocks the poor souls who can’t “get” the fact that the Earth is a globe, not flat like the *really* primitive societies thought until the Greeks proved otherwise about 250 BCE.
My son put on a you tube video for us to watch produced by the “Flat Earth” people. It convinced me that the human mind is capable of any belief. Hubbard had me in the palm of his hand.
I believe that whatever any religion believes in, it comes out to be the opposite of what the truth is. The time is coming when all religions have run their course, and the true teachers of the universe, without anyone knowing them, will have their way. It’s coming, but will be hardly noticed………If there is a heaven, I would think that there aren’t too many jobs available. I’m planning on getting a menial job there if it does exist, and work my way up from there. Nothing too fancy……….
George – check out Seth Andrews – he hosts ‘The thinking Atheist’ channel on You Tube. According to his research, the ‘Nones’ (those who do not subscribe to a specific religion) already comprise 24% of the US population; this group is growing at an astounding rate. And, this country is Way behind the rest of the world in its rejection of religion. The Only (seeming) exception to this is Islam, which is growing, but is considered to be more of a Cult than a religion in the extreme.
Idealism versus realism is the way of the world. The smartest, most industrious and/or most politically connected people become the wealthiest. Despite evidence to the contrary many people believe Democratic Socialism works.
“I have totally ceased talking about Buddhism because I live surrounded by Southern Baptists who will not in any way look at another viewpoint.”
Tell my cousins I said hello, George 🙂
I couldn’t live in places like this, surrounded with people like this. Lovely scenery, space galore, great prices on almost everything – its tempting to me, sometimes. It would be so much more economical. I could afford to retire.
But no. I’d be lonely. Even though I LOOK like I’d fit in. I’m certainly white enough, that’s for sure. But it would never work out.
The sort of “my way or the highway” religious fundie types who largely populate these areas of the US are, at best, a bore, and at worst a total bore 🙂
They shipped the entire available stock of dog collars to Clearwater. They want troops in “minister” garb to protest some horrible bigot named Mark Butter.
Thousands of signs, buttons, and T-shirts are already in storage, somewhere, with Mr. Butter’s name printed in huge red letters.
Meanwhile, back at Word Clear Central, seniors are still locked in debate as to whether “Clearwater” is one word, or two.
Words, that is.
Scientology is so hard up for bodies in the shop, they will resort to racist criminal cult members from anther tribe. NOI will be in Scientology until they all die, locked up with Slappy MisManagegment or the group is absorbed by Scientology and Farakahn and Alfraud Johnson are in the RPF’s RPF (GULAG)
If any of the NOI Bafoons can and will work for free and give Scientology money, nothing will change.
Racist Bigot SP, As long as they’re a source of income, NOI will be welcomed with open arms and fake smiles from Davey “slappy” Miscarriage. It’s all about the Money, MORE MONEY, and so forth and so on. Absolute obediance is of course required in both high-control cults, so NOI will be used to that, so it’s not a problem for them.
I was hoping you would post something about this, Mike. Great observations as usual! I was tempted to share yesterday in the comments that I had gotten a voicemail promoting this event – my jaw dropped when I heard Tony Mo was speaking. I think we all had thought there was, as you point out, some distancing going on between him/the NOIS and the CoS. They protect Masterson and point fingers at Haggis, they champion the blatantly antisemitic NOIS and then accuse you and Leah of bigotry! I know their hypocrisy should not surprise and yet it is astounding to behold. I’m just waiting for their glass houses to shatter…
They haven’t gotten the memo that Tony Mo talking is a definite reason to keep far away from the place. Even if you’re not Jewish, his racist rants are too far beyond the pale to listen to. I’m ASTOUNDED that the various groups he denegrates haven’t piled up upon his insane, ignorant butt.
jere, my Jewish friends, associates and acquaintances have a certain attitude about anti-Semitism that puzzles me. Why aren’t they more angry, more upset about this stuff? I get upset about it and I’m not even Jewish! So why are they so passive, why do they shrug off ranting anti-Semites like Farrakhan and Tony Mo? Another friend of mine who is not Jewish offered this possible explanation which I’m paraphrasing:
“They (Jewish people) have a long history of being discriminated against, hated, reviled, persecuted, etc. They also have a long history of surviving attacks and persecutions. What we (Christians) would react to in horror is not new to them. They’ve learned to not incite further hatred by going head to head with it. Instead, they mostly mind their own business and get on with their lives, get on with their plans and goals.”
He also told me a joke which he said sums up this attitude along with the meaning of every Jewish holiday:
They tried to kill us.
We won.
Let’s eat.
Very good point. Why doesn’t STAND protest NOI? Such hypocrites! They don’t have a clue what they stand for They just follow orders when dear leader has the time to get around to them. Ugh.
STAND was created to be a thorn in every ‘enemy of the day’ sides. First it was Rinder and Remini for Aftermath, then it was everyone who ever said anything bad about $cientology.
STAND is the only $cieno group presently ‘confronting’ any anti-$cieno news out in the world. And like like everything Miscavige has done, it is only for internal consumption. No one else knows or cares about STAND and their so called message is drowned out by every bit of $cieno news that gets to the real world.
STAAD is only against anyone with the discriminating taste to reject Dwarfenführer’s little cult.
As long as dear diminutive leader has a good supply of his single malt whiskey and doesn’t have to go to court, he’s happy as a clam.