Hubbard wrote about the “Conditions of Exchange” and scientology uses this as their bible, operating at “Condition 1” — “A group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.”
This is today the hallmark of scientology. Taking money and delivering nothing.
The latest promises concern the “National Church of Scientology for Australia.”
Canberra is a small city. Nobody ever goes there unless they have government business. Everything that happens in Australia happens in the major cities, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Yes, there are plenty of diplomats there — but certainly far less than in Washington DC, London or Brussels, where there are also “national” sort of organizations that are supposedly bringing LRH tech to the counties of the world. To even claim that this tiny, failing org (it has never had more than 5 staff and about 25 public) “has national and global influence and impact” and will “turn the tide on planetary clearing in the Southern Hemisphere” isn’t a joke, it is utter delusion.
Scientology jumped the shark some time ago. It is winding down to nothing as they sleepwalk in a trance of delusion.
I get what you are saying, Aquamarine. I had the same experience and share the same sentiments from around that time. There were a lot of good people sincerely trying to help others and doing so. I think that the behavior patterns we observed and experienced can be ascribed to fear and brainwashing by a Sociopath in a position of power. Sadly, I think that many people have a tendency to be believers with a capital B, rather than learners and observers and this makes them more susceptible to this sort of suppression.
On a lighter note, I think that possibly journeyman union plumbers have a remedy for keeping their apprentices from acquiring bad habits when their “upper management” recommends something stupid or unethical….. I have heard more than one of these guys on a job site pull an apprentice aside and say with a wink “There’s only one thing you need to learn in this trade, son: s**t runs downhill. 😁😉
“Veda” just dragged up this old video in the forum that I hadn’t seen. Wow. Comparing People’s Temple/Jonestown to the Cult of S. We all recognize this footage of Marc and Claire, but also in the video in now retired Senator Jackie Speier who was shot five times on the tarmac attempting to leave Guyana. We have a park here in Foster City, California, in memory of Congressman Leo Ryan who was killed that day in 1978. No shortage of cults to join in the 70’s. And they all end up in the same place.
Near the beginning I read, “This is today the hallmark of scientology. Taking money and delivering nothing.”. I hate to be picayune but that’s not just today. That has been it’s hallmark since Hubbard wrote “Dianetics”.
They paid $8.8 million 4 years ago for the building which is supposed to be the new “ideal org” Where they got the money is anyone’s guess. Nothing has happened of course. How they keep the lights on is a mystery. An Austrian woman named Renate Barton seems to be the boss. Boys she gets grumpy if you stir her up. LOLOLOL
Scientology in a Nuts-hell!
Mike I just became aware of all of this after finding “aftermath “ on tV two weeks ago. I am now listening to all the podcast episodes although I or no one I know is in danger of engaging with this cult I am vested and tell others that this is a cult running at the devils hand . For sure DM is glaring example of an Antichrist , I would liken him to Hitler in some ways.
I am curious … are you apart of and organized religion now ? I am so happy you found a good woman and have more children. God has truly given you a second chance in life ! You are an amazingly strong and courageous individual!!!!
Thank you all you do to save the voiceless !
Thanks Patty. I cover the subject of my religious beliefs in my book. Short answer; No.
So the “Church of Scientology of Australian Capital Territory”, which is a dingy 1st floor office, is going to go ideal? What are they going to do, take over the office next door and declare we are boomimg…ooming…oming…ing…
Although going by the photo it seems that our government is so impressed with $givemiscavigemoneyology that they’ve fallen over themselves to sell parliament house so it will become ideal.
106 Alinga Street:
The first floor tenancy of 154 sqm is currently tenanted by Church Of Scientology on a monthly ongoing basis at $2,772.73 per month. Wow! A whole 40×40 feet.
“A group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. ” Hubbard was describing his scam perfectly.
He often tried to make his followers notice the imaginary nature of his claims, like naming a planet ‘Arslyckus’. But he became so convinced of his imaginary Bridge that he probably wrote that ‘rip-off’ line without any comprehension that he was describing his own life’s work. Yet he admitted at his life’s end that he had failed, whatever failure meant to him.
The Ideal M’Org Scam Project, blindly defended by well trained Class V Org staff I had trusted for decades, staff who had trained ME about org policies – this outrageously off policy program that began to be vehemently pushed circa 2007 at my little org was to me so blatantly off line, off policy and out ethics, so obviously unworkable and doomed to failure and in brief so just plain wrong that I credit it with being the fundamental reason for my leaving the Church of Scientology.
Seems like nothing has changed since I left for good 12 years ago.
Sad, how delusional these Still Ins are. What are they thinking? Are they thinking at all?
That said, despite their stubborness in insisting that I had MUs and/or evil purposes, etc., etc., despite this nonsense of theirs, I will always remember the staff at my little org as good,bright, dedicated, helpful people.
I don’t get how they can…well, never mind, this has all been said before.
I don’t get it and I don’t think I ever will.
End of rant, thank you.