These people have mastered the art of the footbullet.
And the IAS is desperate to try and demonstrate that some of the hundreds of millions of dollars they squeeze out of their marks is actually spent on things they tell them it is so urgently needed for.
But guys, really, the last place you want people being curious about Scientology is on YouTube.
Here is the big news announcement from “Shaked Flash” — can that be a real name?
Subject: YouTube Home Page Takeover – starting tonight! Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:56:20 -0800 From: Shaked Flash <[email protected]> Organization: IAS Administrations1 To:
Dear Annabelle,
I am writing to let you know that the YouTube home page takeover will start tonight at midnight, 27 February, Eastern Standard Time.
What this means is that for a 24-hour period, the Scientology Spiritual Technology ad will be showing at the top of the U.S. YouTube home page ( And it will be the only ad on the top of the webpage!
It is estimated that over 20 million people will log-on to the YouTube home page during that 24-hour period, and every person seeing the ad will be invited into the world of Scientology.
This is massive dissemination and is only made possible through your support of the IAS.
Shaked Flash
Dir Field Dissemination
IAS AdministrationsP.S.: The above schedule is based on Eastern Standard Time, which means that in Los Angeles, the YouTube home page takeover will start three hours earlier, at 9PM on Wednesday the 26th of February and will continue until 9PM on Thursday the 27th of February.
Here is what you get when you search Scientology on YouTube — this is just the TOP items, it goes on for pages and pages in the same vein. You will note a new video “inside a church” that is number 8 that was put up yesterday — I guess they had a last minute realization about this:
- by SurvivingScientology
- Active 2 days ago
- 227 videos
Scientology whistle blower Karen de la Carriere’s Youtube channel. Karen’s journey in Scientology lasted decades.. She worked …- CHANNEL
Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishoner Reveals All
- by Steven Mango
- 1 month ago
This documentary is an inside look at the Scientology Celebrity Centre. I begin by taking you on my journey from a fresh faced …- HD
The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary)
- by NEO2012anonymous
- 9 months ago
The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary) JOIN US: Join us on Twitter: … -
Scientology & Paul Haggis: ‘It’s a Cult’ – NBC News, Part 1 of 2
- by ReportsOnScientology
- 1 year ago
Scientology is a cult, says Academy Award-winning director Paul Haggis, aScientologist for 34 years. Also, one family tells its … -
Mark Bunker on Scientology Injunction
- by Mark Bunker
- 2 weeks ago
2/7/14 – I give an update on Scientology’s attempt to have me evicted from the condo I am renting in Clearwater, Florida.- HD
Scientology: The Ex Files
- by JourneymanVOD
- 2010
Behind Scientology’s high celebrity profile lies an organisation on its knees. In this powerful documentary, a band of former elite …- HD
Mark Bunker tells the story of Anonymous vs. Church of Scientology
- by SurvivingScientology
- 3 months ago
Long time Church of Scientology investigator, videographer and television journalist Mark Bunker explains how he accidentally …- HD
Scientology: Inside a Church of Scientology – 2014
- by Scientology
- 1 day ago
Learn more: Scientology Video: A tour of a Church ofScientology. Description of Scientology services, …- NEW
- HD
Leah Remini and the Scientology Apocalypse with Mark Ebner
- by TheLipTV
- 5 months ago
- Season 7
- Episode 123
- Media Mayhem
Leah Remini has left Scientology and we look at the Church of Scientology’sscandals and current tailspin. David Miscavige’s …- HD
Scientology’s Great Grandson Warns Against the Cult | Interview with Jamie DeWolf
- by breakingtheset
- 3 months ago
Abby Martin interviews Jamie DeWolf, the great-grandson of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. DeWolf calls Scientology a …- HD
Brian Culkin on Scientology
- by Mark Bunker
- 7 months ago
Brian Culkin gave $350000 to the Church of Scientology over the course of one year. After leaving the group he asked for his …- HD
Scientology and me [Documentary Full]
- by NEO2012anonymous
- 9 months ago
Scientology and me [Documentary Full] JOIN US: Join us on Twitter: … -
Mark Bunker tells the story of Anonymous vs. Church of Scientology
- by sifeddinebouzidi
- 3 months ago
Long time Church of Scientology investigator, videographer and television journalist Mark Bunker explains how he accidentally …- HD
Scientology Secrets, Slaves and Mind Control with Insider Tory Christman
- by TheLipTV
- 4 months ago
- Season 7
- Episode 126
- Media Mayhem
Scientology former insider Tory Christman tells all about celebrities, slaves in the sea org, forced abortions, David Miscavige and …- HD
Do some searching on Twitter and see just how DISGUSTED most people are by having a Scientology ad pop up on their homepage.
Those that actually view the homepage, actually. Seriously. How many of you have EVER logged into YouTube’s homepage except by accident?
PLEASE, YouTube viewers! Do a little search for “Scientology.” Go right ahead, there’s lots to see! Mark Bunker and Karen#1 will always appreciate a new audience!
If you watched the new “inside a church” video you will see they now have 11,000 churches, missions and groups. At that rate they hardly need to advertise at all.
Keep in mind that in marketing “Narconon” Scientology was able to minipulate the Web to an extent see:
Oh my God! I’ve seen every single one of the videos listed above on Youtube, some quite a while ago. Well now it’s time for lots of other new people to see them too and be “invited into the world of Scientology,” where they will exit the second they enter.
Talk about living in denial. The Bubble is devoid of common sense.
When I went to the home page of youtube right now (which I never do), I saw a tourism ad for California at the top. No Scn anything.
Whoops, I was off on my time. But I watched several youtube vids during the above-mentioned time period without ever seeing the ad.
Number 6 now with 4008 views. How is this massive dissemination?
Probably most of them from people who read this blog!!!
I missed seeing the actual ad during that 24 hour window but as of the time right now. 7AM on Friday morning their new video has 5,037 views. With 20,000,000 people they estimated would see the ad, assuming all of those views are from new people (yeah right) interested in knowing more about Scientology that means .025% of the 20 million people were interested enough to watch a YouTube video. Now there’s a big win! Because we all know how hard it is to get someone to watch a video on YouTube, they just can’t get enough of Scientology! – LOL
The 5,037 views are Sea Org and Staffer’s clicking on them over and over and over and over again…all day…all night.
167 staff worldwide clicking their stats up before Thursday at 2pm!~
If any public see it and google Scientology – OMG – they will never go into that cult – EVER!
Heh Scientology – you have been suppressed!
Uh oh! Who’s going to end up on the RPF’s RPF for that prime goof! They get a Kha Khan status from all of us!
Who the hell ever logs into the YouTube home page anyway?
So I guess this is how those IAS dollars are spent:
1) Utterly wasted on half of the population.
2) Invitation for the other half to inform themselves on all the tittle-tattle.
Dave, you’re dumber than a box of hammers.
Wow! Trying to teach people the subjects of honesty and Integrity?? WTF!!! C’mon David Miscavige, come out in the open and tell us about your personal level of honesty and integrity, the ones you thoroughly apply when you beat your staff, when you force children to disconnect with their parents and make them hate them like you did with Mike Rinder’s family and countless other, when you drive people to suicide because they are so broke after being forced to “donate” every penny they have, or when you spend millions of parishioner’s hard earned cash to attack and destroy those who disagree with your methods and actions, or the ones who pay you outrageous prices for services you never deliver. Yes David Miscavige, please tell us all about your personal honesty and integrity. We want to hear it directly from you in public. Being the Leader of a “church” who claims to be saving the world from all evils, you shouldn’t have any trouble telling everyone how you are an example of what you are trying to teach others.
Trying to teach people the subject of Honesty and Integrity?? WTF!!!!! C’mon David Miscavige, come out in the open and tell us all about your personal level of Honesty and Integrity, the one you thoroughly apply when you beat your staff, when you force children to disconnect from their parents, when you drive people to suicide because they are so broke after being forced to “donate” every penny they have, or when you spend millions of parishioners money to attack and destroy those who criticize your actions or the ones who pay you their hard earned cash for services you never deliver. Yes, David Miscaviige, please tell us about your personal honesty and Integrity. We want to hear it from you directly in public.
Ah! So well said A.C.
Actually, the flash in the pan states:
“What this means is that for a 24-hour period, the Scientology Spiritual Technology ad will be showing at the top of the U.S. YouTube home page ( And it will be the only ad on the top of the webpage!”
This is factually impossible, the way that Youtube shows the home page for people logged in to youtube.
Any youtube user isn’t going to see anything unless he’s shown interest in the subject before, watched some videos regarding it.
I, for example, get a multitude of tutorials on how to edit video game files, beta testing videos, and anti-scientology videos.
Even logging out, all I see is Seth Rogen, Pepsi commercials, etc.
I am so glad ,that here in LRHs Bulgravia, we do not have $cio adds……
tnx Mike, …… waiting for weekend info….
Who comes up with the ideas for these dreadful infomercials? They are all so BORING. And a “church” where you get to press buttons and watch videos? Seriously?
Scientology, besides knowing nothing about religion, or relationships, or people, obviously knows nothing about sales.
Great call by David Miscavige though… using the power of youtube to create more doubt with those ‘still in.’
Aw, gee MTH: The actual church marketing line was “Press Play. Cognite.”
1) Like that actually happens
2) Like any person outside the bubble understands that.
What a quandry, ordered to look at the internet followed by immediate Sec Check
Guess they must really need $$$$$$
Get out while you can!
I don’t see any ad re Scientology. I get a totally different ad unrelated to the Church.
While we’re on the Dwarf subject, check this out –
“Prisoner in a Scientology Medical Waste Incinerator” is what I noticed on Youtube. It’s Scott Campbell’s story of being locked up behind a sliding steel door with a padlock, fed drugs, interrogated – he says he lost 60 pounds, That video is on Karen de la Carriere’s channel, posted July of 2013.
I think there may be Conditions below Confusion, that have to do with how a being can become inverted into such bizarre states as exist on the minus levels of awareness scale, where he comes to see what is clearly evil as being “good.” LRH mentions somewhere “an inversion of knowingness” characteristic of a suppressive personality. I think most of us have “hated” at some points in our lives. Maybe there are some who haven’t but I have. Yet there is a difference between “hatred” and an action taken – intentionally and knowing there is no justification for it – out of something more ‘intense’ than hatred, and I think that is the demarcation point where “hatred” becomes “evil.” It is one thing to strike someone, even if out of hatred (people hit out of antagonism, and it’s considered a misdemeanor, legally, e,g, bar fight MPs handle), but it is somehow another thing, another step downwards, to “over-strike” someone out of some malice one knows is wrong. I think the law draws the line there, and even in extreme instances differentiates between, for example, “involuntary manslaughter” and “premeditated first degree murder.” French law as it is popularly known makes some allowance for “an act of passion” (e.g. you find your newlywed wife rolling in the sack with the best man at your wedding).
LRH also mentions “inverted interest” on the CDEINR scale (Curious, Desired, Enforced, Inhibited, No, Refused). Perhaps there are people who, having committed evil acts, become so obsessed with their own evil as to become obsessively interested in their inversion of things, and become repeat offenders for truly heinous crimes nobody in their right mind would contemplate.
What in normal individuals is a drive to do good, and be good, and to work towards survival (for all our failures and missteps and regrets), can apparently become inverted into some deeply introverted obsession with evil and destruction. It’s dangerous territory, I have found, to try to second-guess or “improve upon” LRH. So maybe what I’m looking at is just a deeper understanding of how very confused a being can become. But I think that either way, the demarcation point between “hatred” and “evil” is something we are all going to have to sort out carefully at some point in time. Maybe this is what an Introspection Rundown is designed to handle?
Sorry if I got a bit carried away there – I’ve been reading up on things like good and evil recently. Btw, I didn’t mean to suggest an Introspection Rundown for anyone – I meant it objectively, just a thought that perhaps it was designed to handle some sort of obsessive and uncontrolled individual who commits continuous overts (is “evil”).
I too have thought for a long time that there are conditions below Confusion. Like Corporate Scientologist, Miscavige Adherent, Ideal Org Donor.
IAS you do us proud. Brilliant move. We can all agree to watch youtube bahahaha.
Shaked is a common name in Israel, for what it’s worth. It’s pronounced “shah-KEHD” and means “Almond”. It is given more frequently to girls, but can be given to boys as well. So it can be an Israeli person, or an American whose parents liked Hebrew words.
Thanks, that’s really good to know. In English it sounds a bit like Pat Parodi, which I find equally hard to believe is real.
This might be the single most effective ad buy Miscavige has ever made….on behalf of anti-CO$ activists.
It will lead people to a few creepy CO$ videos…. and about 1.2 bazillion videos that will tell the truth about his sad, shrinking little con game.
… And one link leads to another, and the dots are slowly but surely connected.
great post mike.
and that is just a fraction of what can be found on youtube.
their idea of “dissemination” is to run a limited super bowl commercial and an internet ad.
their idea to handle crime, drugs and political strife is to hand out a pamphlet.
clearly scientology is the only hope for humankind……or should i say “homo novis” kind…….oh…….and the heck with the lowly mud people we’ve attached ourselves too…you know these meat body things.
ever notice how scientology doesn’t care about any other type of life? when you’ve been convinced it’s all just a mock up it’s easy to degrade anything.
the “meatbody” the thetan uses isn’t given a thought. why should it, it’s not actually alive, thetans are the only actual life, everything else is a mock up, just a game we are playing.
with that kind of philosophy, do they really care if some guerrillas are marching on the presidential place in the congo or if a typhoon hits manilla? what’s the point of handing out “TWTH”?
they say they care but their view is anything that isn’t them is meaningless because it’s all part of the mockup, they devalue anything that isn’t them, that isn’t “theta”.
every single aspect of scientology i’ve looked at, from every perspective and mindset i can conjur, is rife with inconsistencies and contradictions. like if you have eternity to do something, then “now” doesn’t matter.
why does the planet need to be cleared now? why do you have to go OT this lifetime……… literally have more than a gazillion to the gazillinth power of years to go OT. even if you were a rock in isolated space next go round, still someone over the course of eternity will eventually clear the entire universe and that by definition includes you, whether you were a rock or not someone will have brought you the tech.
so the “urgency” to do anything NOW! just doesn’t make sense.
if the tech works, if it is the truth, and existence is eternal. then how can it fail? it’s inevitable that the tech will clear all beings for all time. so if something is inevitable, then what’s rush?
when there are unlimited numbers of “get’em next time”, then you can’t fail.
when time is not a factor and you have the correct technology, you can not fail. that is a fact.
ironically that’s known as “brute force” in computer jargon. you just keep chugging and eventually you get it.
so what’s the rush?
one of the best things a scientologist who is having trouble can do is to just relax and exhale.
believe what you want, live how you like, but there is no need to run amok, you’re not racing the clock.
@WhitStar: Good questions. Here’s my understanding. There is a dwindling spiral. While a thetan cannot actually “die” it can become so sunk into MEST as to become solid and go unconscious, perhaps forever.
Hubbard claimed to have been the only one to figure out the trap that keeps us from awakening to our true nature. He sometimes referred to people like Christ and perhaps Buddha as “keyed out” OTs — meaning they had temporarily transcended the degraded human state, but without auditing, the traps remained in their mind (or banks, reactive minds) and they would eventually relapse into a lower state of consciousness and ability.
Hence the urgency. The belief is that this is our one and only chance, no one else has found out how to get out of the trap of the MEST universe, and if we don’t get out we will be doomed forever in the dwindling spiral.
This dwindling spiral concept is a little like Hinduism, but not optimistic. In a Hindu, and some versions of Buddhist belief, you can gradually progress as you work off your bad karma and be born into higher states. It may take countless lifetimes of suffering to make it going that route, so even those Eastern philosophies may feel some urgency to get it right in this lifetime.
The Scientology view of this progression is decidedly bleak in comparison. The longer you go life to life, the more engrams you accumulate. The more locks build up (these are moments in which you are reminded of past moments of pain and unconscious or events of severe loss) and the bank (reactive mind) gets bigger and bigger. And the thetan (the person him or herself) becomes more and more buried in these MEST experiences, and declines down the dwindling spiral until it become difficult, maybe impossible to get out.
That’s my take on the very real fear that drives true believers. It is, in their view, their one and only chance. They will therefore suffer no pay, humiliation, RPFs, no sleep, insane deadlines and pressures, and so on because the alternative — losing oneself for all eternity — is horrifying. They believe what Hubbard wrote — that the whole agonized future of every man, woman, and child depends on what we do here and now in Scientology. And that we won’t get a second chance.
What they don’t see — and cannot see or refuse to see — is that this is the same line that keeps people enslaved to true belief in religion in general, whether it be Christianity, Islam, you name it. This aspect of human behavior is why I believe, as many others do, that it is time for the human species to grow up out of the shackles of religion. To me that does not mean the end of spirituality — just the end of fixated true belief in the one and only supposed way.
There’s an interesting quote from James Cameron on TED – failure is an option but fear isn’t.
One thing I’ve woken up to only recently is that this is an entirely fear-driven point of view. How can fear beget ought but fear in the long run? Where is the freedom in that?
FOTF2012 – Suggest something better before dissing what exists. There is great value in the teachings or religions. I have heard some say that what is “most missing” in Scientology is “love” which is a fundamental teaching in Christianity. You have the fundamental problem of trying to educate people in a subject most do not want to hear about: in the briefest brief, “Death.” Your skepticism about “the one and only supposed way” betrays a skepticism of science, which is what Scn is, and you find something wrong with what you would appear to advocate so strongly – at the expense of every religion in the world. When you first meet someone, do you find faults with them and proceed to point them out? Or do you find something right with them, and point that out? If you wanted to mention Confucianism, which most consider to be “religion”, would you find something wrong with that? Offer something positive, offer some solution, make it far-reaching and workable, make it available to all men and women, and let’s see how many people you can get to listen to you, and let’s see the change for the better you bring about the world over. I will be eager to hear it. – Carcha.
@Carcha: Hope you like the taste of Kool-Aid.
For example, you say “… science, which is what Scn is …”
That one so very misinformed statement shows to an educated, informed person that you understand neither science nor Scientology.
FOTF2012 – Hardly worth a reply – I don’t see where you offer anything at all – other than an insult. – Carcha
Fear isn’t what drives the “True believers” in many religions. Your data set is HIGHLY incomplete.
@Carcha: Okay. So please explain your position that Scientology is science. I will gladly — and easily — debate you.
Nothing like live communication to send ideas to penetrate the 6 inch armor plate surrounding the Scientology Bubble!
The Poodle Boy keeps trying to use the Internet to make new Church of Scientologists. Yet he was the guy in 1995 who said that the Internet was filled with “Copyright Terrorists” and needed to be shut down. And then he tried to shut down the parts of the Internet discussing Scientology (alt.religion.scientology), and Fair Game the people who were talking about it.
Here’s an Early History of Scientology on the Internet:
(Sorry Mike)
Now Captain McPoodle wants to try to use Youtube to make more Church of Scientologists.
What a Total Loser.
Here’s more history of Scientology on the Internet for the newly out:
What do they say about great minds thinking alike?
I was just gonna bring up Helena (the Cobra ) Kobrin and the cancel poodle which started the alt. scientology war.
But you beat me to the punch.
I mean before that alt.religion. scientology was just a lil ol’ usenet newsgroup nobody ever heard of till Helena and OSA put ’em on the map and then they were getting more hits than alt.conspiracy.
What can ya say.
‘Cept maybe what George Santayana said:
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Especially if ya got a historically challenged “leader” who thinks suicide bombers attacked Pearl Harbor.
On this monumental momentous straight up and vertical occasion we can the Church reach a new level of foot bullets.
What idiots! The people who are putting the new church video up never look at the internet so of course they would not know what information is available there. It probably has not registered on them that any Scientologist who goes to their link will see the others too. But of course they wouldn’t know that because they have been trained not to look there. They must be so out of touch with their environment that they have no prediction of results or consequences of their actions.
It would be very appropriate if Miscavige were to celebrate is brilliance by putting a stick of dynamite in his mouth and lighting it like a cigar.
I think he has written a ‘how to’ on lighting one’s farts!
Foot Bullet!
I saw that ad. Its probably still up. Its a huge ad where you can play a bunch of videos. Stuff they took from the org video displays.
I guess if you are still in or on staff you might ask yourself why something like that results in virtually no response. If it were a business you would expect some new customers. I’m sure there are many orgs that will not see a single new div sixer from this costly ad.
Brilliant! Even better than directing people to read the 2009 Freedom mag. I predict a few hundred more will begin taking their first steps on the actual bridge to freedom. Three cheers for Scientology footbullets!
This is awesome!!
Too bad I live in Canada and can’t access the US homepage. The results I get are similar. Ideally, the top hit would be the Tom Cruise video, followed by the Jason Beghe interview, They both make Scientology look bad, though one is unintentional. Rounding out my top 3 would be any scene from Battlefield Earth. Endless options for renewal!!
if you look some where on youtube, at the bottom of the page, you should see country flags, click on usa and you should get that version.
@WhiteStar. The USA isn’t an option on the country selector. A bunch of others are, but not the US. There are probably too many corporate content providers who’ve asked youtube not to make their videos available outside America.
@edge.Having not seen the horror that is Battlefield Earth(had heard it was awful) my brother bet me $20 that I could not sit through it.I made it about half way before handing him the money and begging him to make it stop.
My 2 favourite reviews of said film.
Not so much watched as lived through, Battlefield Earth is bad enough to make audiences ashamed to be part of the same species as the people who made it.
Battlefield Earth is a cross between Star Wars and the smell of ass.
Facepalm. When I think He can’t get any stupider, He gets even stupider.
Who in the love of God is advising those idiots? What kind of desperation is driving this stupidity? They’re falling apart!
They are just blowing smoke up our butts!
That is exactly what my YouTube search screenshot looks like!
Yes! Finally! An order from a Scientology executive I can finally get behind. PLEASE tell every single Scientologist you can to get on YouTube and look for Scientology videos right now! In fact, super frantic rush hysterical orders are to go out on this immediately and no one is to secure until every single Scientologist in the entire United States has reported compliance. I want video and written attests from all OTs, GAG II trained personnel, MAAs, Chaplains and all org execs and public that they have personally seen that the Scientology ad is on YouTube AND that they have watched the top 10 videos showing up for Scientology. Get it done!
their net nanny might have some channels blocked. although i doubt all entheta channels are blocked.
Back in the early days (1994 or so) of the WWW and UseNet, it was AFIK very easy to block sites with a “net nanny”. The Scientology nanny was just a list of URLs for which access was blocked by intervening with the transmittal of the URLs.
Today, the web has matured, and there is no possible way for Davie to block access to ANY entheta site, except to permit access for only SCN sites. This could work internally, but not for his public.
The logic and conditions of the two scenarios are entirely different. Given the proliferation of computers of all sorts (computers, pads, phones, etc), it is completely impossible for Davie to block anything that his public can access.
How about an IAS Fundraiser to buy YouTube?
What’s with the entheta at number. 8?
Damn. I was hoping that the Jason Beghe interviews (13 in think) would be on the list of top hits…
I spoke too soon! I went to YouTube to see what would come up and the first thing on the list in the drop down menu after typing in scientology was this gem.
That video is hilarious!
Very funny!
There’s a spot near the beginning where you can see the guy’s thought the whole thing through, and is just about to crack up laughing, and gets it under control. You watch some of the outtakes of comedic routines and they can blow like $100,000 bucks trying to get one scene shot – if the actors could only stop cracking up before the punch lines. Good acting skill, good control.
LOL!. This is great. this is like the Romans proclaiming that Christians are not eaten by lions and inviting everyone to the coliseum to see. :>)
that’s a pretty funny analogy.