Here is a random selection of recent hype from a variety of sheeple.
What is interesting to note about these people and their comments is how well they duplicate what they are fed. They have been trained to hear and see things from “authority” and then regurgitate it as if it was their own thought.
There is not much comment required, but I, as is my wont, have included a few:
From: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:12 AM
Subject: Whoooooo Hoooooo!! Here We Go People!! : )
To: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]>Ok…
I just got “refreshed”at The Sandcastle!I found my very first little taste of “Phase 2” auditing to be amazing and wonderful and FAST and WOW!I happened to be at the Graduation when we got “the Dates!!”Which was stunning!!I got to feel the excitement in the air the whole time I was there!!!The Future looks SOOOOOO bright!!Let’s pour the coals on and let me remind you….This is a FANTASTIC Time to help your friends and family get going on the Bridge andTOTAL Spiritual Freedom! (you know Basics, Courses, anything!)It’s a very cool thing to do!Let me know if I can help you with anyone or anything!!The Stars Wait!! : ))Marc
OT, Staff, Cool
818-269-0988If you don’t want to get emails from me let me know!Bam!!!
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Subject: EMERGENCY BRIEFING for ALL OLs, OT VIIs and VIIIs and FSMsTo Upstat Scientologists, OLs, ALL OT VIIs and VIIIs and FSMs,
You are very urgently needed to attend a EMERGENCY field briefing by the Captains of AOLA and ASHO on Tuesday Nov 5th at 6:30 pm in the ASHO Chapel.
It is vital to get the top Scientologsts to attend this briefing. So spread the word via your personal comm lines. DO NOT POST ON THE RAZZLINE!!!
We need every upstat, on-purpose, on-board Scientologist, all opinion leaders, FSMs, all OT VIIs and OT VIIIs at this briefing. Everyone will be bonded prior to the briefing. THIS IS NOT DATA YOU HAVE HEARD – the Captains have just returned from almost 7 weeks at Flag and the dates for the opening have been announced.
Please reply via email, text or phone to Erica Newman, Dir Clearing AOLA, text or call 916-812-3163 or email [email protected].
See you TUESDAY night.
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
PAC OTC Co Chairs
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2013
From: Aaron Sheppard <[email protected]>
Subject: About to launchHello Xxxxx,
We do not know what is about to launch exactly but we do know its the biggest thing ever and it is going to make a huge difference to our expansion on all 8 dynamics and that is very important.
One of the biggest factors in all of this is the creation of Ideal Orgs around the world. Being that the UK is the center of the universe now is the time to make our UK Ideal Orgs a reality in every major city in the UK and there are many many of you out there who are already helping with that.
This is the time to disseminate to all of your comm lines and get them onto The Bridge, get them involved and help them help theirselves.
So while we have come this far, there is still a road ahead for the future generations and that is where the importance of becoming a UK Ideal Org Humanitarian takes on a whole new meaning.
So keep the postulate there and make it happen. I know you want to.
Thanks for listening.
Kind Regards,
Aaron Sheppard
UK Landlord
We do not know what is about to launch exactly but we do know its the biggest thing ever… Maybe the best comedy line in the last month. And Aaron alone has had some doozies.
Thanks for listening. Reading maybe?
Also like how we can help people help theirselves. The RCS doesnt need Facebook Police, they need Literacy Police.
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013
From: CLO WUS <[email protected]>
Subject: THE CAPTAINS ARE BACK!!! B-I-G GRADUATION THIS WEEK!!!!The release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II is happening in less than 2 weeks!!!!!
CO CLO WUS, Vicki Shantz
CO CC Int, Dave Pettit
Captain AOLA, Cal Cole
Captain ASHO Day, Jon Lundeen
Captain ASHO Foundation, Rene NortonALL of these executives just returned from Flag after 6 weeks and are going to be doing a “Golden Age of Tech Phase II Preparations Briefing” this Friday at 8:30PM at the L. Ron Hubbard Way Graduation!
The Entire Greater LA Area is coming together for this — CC Int, AOLA, Valley, LA Org, ASHO — EVERYONE!
Typical, the 6 day briefing turned into 6 weeks. No doubt these people literally sat around doing NOTHING waiting for Him to make time in His busy schedule to be able to brief them. Someone then sent Him a “CSW” asking for permission to let them return to their orgs, it was rejected 6 times by His secretarial unit for not adequately acknowledging COB for His brilliance and after it finally got through them it sat on His desk for another 2 weeks and then was sent back to “update it with current information.” Eventually, He asked what suppressive had stopped the ED’s from returning to their orgs when he noticed Rene Norton standing around in the Sandcastle. A full investigation was conducted and some poor fool bit the dust and is on dumpster duty with Ken Krieger and Alex Faust now.
But come to the Graduation and they will “brief” you (as if you didnt know) that GAG II “IS COMING SOON AND IT IS INCREDIBLE.”
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013
From: CC Int OT Committee
Subject: Golden Age of Tech II Event Confirms Game is ONDear OTC’er,
The BIGGEST RELEASE in our religion’s history is about to occur. Next week at Flag, Golden Age of Tech Phase II and Super Power will be released.
In Los Angeles we have the following events:
Friday, Nov 8, at 8:30pm on LRH Way: Graduation with the COs of CC, ASHO, AO and CLO WUS. Every LA area org is combining for this graduation for a briefing from all of these executives on what is coming for the GAT Phase II.
Saturday 23 November at the Shrine: Release event for the Golden Age of Tech Phase II
Sunday 24 November at the Shrine: Release event for Super Power and Cause Resurgence Rundowns
The main activity the CCI OTC is doing now is confirming for these events. No one will want to miss these historic events on November 23rd and 24th. Spread the word and send in your confirms!!!
Joe Scoglio
CCI OTC Div 4 Sec
That’s right — hammer those “confirms” or be hammered. That is the motto of the CC OTC.
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013
From: CC Int OT Committee
Subject: This Week’s OTC Meeting – 7:00 pm – PAC BaseDear OTC Members:
A CHANGE in time/place for this Friday’s OTC Meeting!
This Friday the CC Execs and CO are asking for our help in lieu of meeting at our normal spot at CCI for our weekly OTC…
They are asking us to come and help make calls and confirm people for the GAT2 event. They really need our help Friday night.
Then there is a PAC graduation where all the CO’s from the each org will be speaking about what’s ahead.7:00pm – OTC Meeting members huddle at the LA Org FSM area to HELP!
830pm – Attend PAC graduationWarmly,
Andrea Doven
CC OTC Co-Chair
Oh, now the heat is REALLY on.
Huddle at the LA Org FSM area to HELP! Does this sound desperately pathetic or what?
To sum it all up — everyone needs to come in and watch Miscavige Shoot His Wad.
We don’t know exactly vaguely what it is going to be like, but we DO know it is going to be the greatest event in the history of Scientology, probably because it will be the LAST one.
Anything after this will be an anti-climactic downstat and COB. Does. Not. Do. Dowanstats. Period.
So, he will just stop doing events at all. He’s committed to New Years wrap up of annus horribilis and he can sleaze a March 13 event by only talking about LRH and Birthday Game winners.
I predict after that if Int Events are held at all, he will parade out some Holees to repeat some Shermanspeak as this will not embarrass Him (everyone can sit in wonder and pine for the days when COB did events with some real showmanship) and it will make it appear there are in fact “other people” running the church and it isnt all just Him.
I love your cute little sheeple.
Still on your side:
I love what you said, so right! I’m happy to see each new declare made and escapee resurface. It’s a win each time.
Is that like Jazzhands?
The release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II is happening in less than 2 weeks!!!!!
CO CLO WUS, Samantha Carter
CO CC Int, Ishmael Ahab
Captain AOLA, Captain Morgan
Captain ASHO Day, James T Kirk
Captain ASHO Foundation, Ed Norton
Captain Freewinds, Merrill Stubing
ALL of these executives just returned from Flag after 6 weeks and are going to be doing a “Golden Age of Tech Phase II Fleecing Briefing” this Friday at 8:30PM at the L. Ron Hubbard Way Graduation!
What no Cap’n Crunch?….
I was gonna go with Captain Obvious….but well, you know.
If the UK really is “The center of the universe” why is he using the American spelling of centre rather than the UK one?
In the UK there are lots of tiny piddly-ass supposedly UK religions that are actually staffed by people from the USA, naively believing that what ‘flies’ in the US will work over here. $camatology, with it’s less-than 2 500 members seems to be just another of those.
Another fucking confidential briefing for the sooper dooper special OLs. That means that they spout opinions and EVERYONE listens to them, or at least that’s their opinion……..wait…….. Perhaps they’ll finally get to know the secret sauce so they can smear it all over each other and make whoopie. I’m a bit disoriented by the dizzying excitement of it all, sorry. I actually got a call from the Pasadena idyllic org to come to an ias event. I already told them gag is a technical degrade and their idyllic org is a waste but they are NOT LISTENING! I even have goldenrod to prove my blasphemy…sigh. I get no respect.
Mike — I know you’ve thought about this and I’m just a lowly outsider who has never even been audited (I try to muddle along somehow) but I’m just asking whether it’s actually a good idea to post the full phone numbers on these idiotic communications. Seems to me that you might be opening a door to a harassment suit or something in the litigious line. If you’ve considered this a thousand time already, feel free to crumple this up and toss it.
I love your site. I firmly believe that when the elaborate, hollow stage set that is present-day Scientology finally totters and falls and we all find ourselves looking at the little man behind the curtain, you and Tony and Angry Gay Pope and Karen and Marty will deserve a vast amount of the credit.
Remote – “Reading these makes me feel like I do when some chipper cheery person starts talking when I haven’t had my prescribed nicotine and caffeine jolt in the morning.” Made me laugh my ass off! You are a kindred spirit.
And Mike your comments after these posts are precious. Got me some belly laughs. You are a PIP.
Contrary to the claims of some poor, unemployed, bitter defrocked apostates on the very fringe of the internet spewing anti-religious hate and propaganda in a vendetta because they can no longer run with the big dogs in the tall grass:
Here is the proof that “the UK is the center of the universe”.
Furthermore, regarding “Everyone will be bonded prior to the briefing. THIS IS NOT DATA YOU HAVE HEARD”… “DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO MAKE IT TO THIS BRIEFING. IT IS THAT IMPORTANT.”:
According to some confidential sources, which asked to remain anonymous because they had been bailed, some visitors are coming from the Z8 GND 5296 galaxy.
Also, according to the confidential sources, there are 2 new Ideal Org Extra-Terrestrial Galactic Statuses awarded to the visitors coming from around the universe: the Ideal Org Extra-Terrestrial Intra-Galactic (Milky Way) Status, and the Ideal Org Extra-Terrestrial Outer-Galactic Status.
The above confidential data is proof that “becoming a UK Ideal Org Humanitarian takes on a whole new meaning.”
In my view, the church in its present state is in trouble, but DM has plans to keep the scam going nonetheless in a new and easier-to-manage form. He will continue purge the long-term members, and rely increasingly on the younger ones who don’t know how out-tech he really is. The number of people who knew (or even read uncensored) LRH is now miniscule. Once they are in and isolated from the world, he can tell them anything he wants about the tech without much fear that they will know the difference. The church will become smaller and less public, but he really can’t keep up the charade, and financially doesn’t need to. His bank accounts and the money he can get from selling Orgs are enough to keep him in clover for the rest of his life. He doesn’t need all that many slaves to keep it going…a couple thousand would do.
My prediction (although I’d rather see him dragged away of handcuffs) is that we’ll see a transformation from a worldwide scam into a smaller and more localized one, and DM will remain the cruel ruler of a small but less vulnerable empire.
“Andrea Doven – CC OTC Co-Chair” Hmmm Co-Chair changed again since last year. Looks like some serious loss of personal on the CCI OTC.
Whut? There’s a PAC OTC, Valley OTC, and a CC OTC? There must be a lot of overlap ‘cuz there ain’t that many OTs. Or the committees are pretty damn small.
I don’t know who’s funnier … Mike or the comments!
They are really giving their plans away. Do not pick up the phone between 7 and 8:30 Friday. Dcientologists are calling…
Can we say manic.
Like almost gleeful or gleefully manic.
Reading these makes me feel like I do when some chipper cheery person starts talking when I haven’t had my prescribed nicotine and caffeine jolt in the morning.
Then I realized who was the leader of the organization and that it no longer had anything to do with Scientology any more.
It was like sooooo
Yeah that’s it!
It must SUCK to be a Churchie and receive these emails…
Were the Captains really down at Flag for 6 weeks ..and the story about it true or a joke? These days..everything that happens in Scientology seems like a joke – it is – but it is also TRUE! Great post Mike! Thanks for reminding me about the Razzline – I think I’ll go over there and post some ads! LOL
“…it will make it appear there are in fact “other people” running the church and it isnt all just Him”
This struck a chord with me Mike as I’ve been wondering if the sudden absence from Graduations etc was a ploy to make it look like a lot of the ‘big’ events & running of various threads of CO$ were shared out. In an attempt to dissuade judges in various current legal disputes that COB ran everything!
These constant emails reflect the constant, over the top, (fake) vigilance that Miscavige requires from everyone (but himself ). Fake or not,such hyper-vigilance is very dangerous to their health. In cults where members are kept locked in year after year by the requirement that they must be hyper-vigilant because their “enemies” are coming, or “victory is near,” people get sick and die. Humans are not programmed for constant “flight or fight” adrenaline production. Combine 24/7 hyper-vigilance with poor nutrition and little sleep, and you have a prescription for disaster. Miscavige robs people of their families, their money, their health, and sometimes their lives. We should rejoice every time Miscavige issues an SP declare, and every time someone successfully escapes, because now they have a chance to survive. I wonder how Miscavige would react to thousands of thank you notes from people he has declared or driven out of the church and who don’t have to be tortured by him any longer. Perhaps a public service announcement on YouTube?
Cmon Formost, this super-duper, light-years-ahead-o-ur-ass, manglement technology. Nah, just kidding, just the same old Management by Hill10. What something to get done? Create a Hill10 and start SCREAMING. It’s MAGIC!!!!
We don’t know exactly vaguely what it is going to be like, but we DO know it is going to be the greatest event in the history of Scientology, probably because it will be the LAST one.
I definitely laughed out loud with this statement from Mike.
We can ALWAYS dream and pray.
The concept of an “OL” seems strange to me now. For starters- who are they “leading”? The same dwindling group of regulars that still show up at their org? What are they leading them to? I’m at the IAS/Ideal Org fundraiser and I think “Hey, if Bob if donating all his money maybe thats what I should do. After all, Bob is an OL”.
All of my OL’s have already exited the CoS, stage right. 🙂
Someone needs to take away Marc’s exclamation point key.
No!!!! He wouldn’t be able to communicate any more!!!!!!!
Bury, I think you mean STAT !!!!!!!!!!!
BAM! (and it’s gone)
YUK,YUK,YUK, somehow I can’t get enough of this.
Show up early to be BONDED !!!!!! for a gillion dollars in Diamonds.
This takes me back to the sat. matinee 50’s Monster movies so
Ed Wood is laughing his ass off..
Yes, “BONDED” – hello? What the hell does that mean? Isn’t being bonded a sometimes prerequisite activity for employment in certain fields and jobs? Does this idiot have an MU or is it mine?
Edit Alert: I meant to say, “…and what you don’t mention, someone else on the blog does…”
Mike, Thank God for your commentaries
Each time I read one of these over-the-top emails, the outpoints leap up at me and its very uncomfortable because inwardly I’m screaming, “Jesus Christ, look at this! And, here’s another one, for crying out loud, and OMG is this for real…? ”
But then I read your comments and invariably I am able to chuckle because the outpoints are spotted and so neatly spoofed, and what you mention someone else on the blog does, so I experience a shared reality on both the absurdity and the pathos of these communications.
Thank you Mike, and my thanks as well to all who post here for helping to keep me grounded with both facts and laughs..
Right back at ya Aquamarine!
There are so many leaks – its a sieve with gaping holes – oh wait – its a funnel to the fringe.
More like a gushing waterfall to the sieve. The ratline is about as “secure” as idiot theta was back in the days of ARS.
BTW ironic that they were worried about one of those “unemployed bitter defrocked apostates on the fringe” at the razz line blowing their TS/SCI “eyes only” covert op (that you have to get bonded for…get real!!!) and having it posted on Mike’s blog here.
Just too poetic. 🙂
Hey Mike,
You think you get one of your operatives to post this super secret briefing for us?
It is understandable…the staff is kept in mystery and just ordered to convey such and such a message; consequently their comm is just blah-blah with no understanding at all resulting in disjointed messages, mysteries and even omitting the time when some events will occur, such as the Shrine one.
It is a robot communicating what someone else told him/her to say. The added urgency is inapplicable.
Pretty obvious, there’s not much going on in these ideal orgs if captains can leave for 6-7 weeks……
Rene Norton, you are a bright gal, WAKE THE F…. UP!!!
That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking Greta. and guaranteed they were doing metered ethics ints, O/Ws and M9s with some FDSing to boot. They were in that very uncomfortable position of being “OLs” in many peoples eyes while being treated like SHIT behind closed doors. If I’m wrong I’ll eat my hat.
In 2+ decades at the church, I’ve yet to see anything more important than grabbing your pocketbook.
Same old pretentious broken ‘EMERGENCY’ record. The only EMERGENCIES they ever have center around your wallet. Typical spam-filtered e-mail.
Well I’m relieved that I didn’t miss “This is the time …” previously.
‘elp thyselfz witha KTL 9A assizt.
“This is the time … ” to get that answering machine back out of storage.
It’s unspoken in these crazy emails, but for any sheeples on “The Level”, these stupid “CO BRIEFINGS” ARE MANDATORY! – and there will be fund-raising to get them all to Clearwater. The Desperation is past the rev limiter and at full song!
OK, in the middle of these goofy messages I was laughing out loud. And then it went on for so long I felt so sorry and a bit sad for those poor schmucks still trapped inside. What an awful situation they’re in. What makes me feel even worse for them is knowing how bad they’re going to feel when they FIND OUT WTF?! IS REALLY GOING ON.
Sorry Mike I couldn’t resist after reading Marc’s email especially the quote:
“The Future looks SOOOOOO bright!!”
Guaranteed, the call-in confirm stats, then the actual attendance of these Ridicules CO “Briefings” are going to be an Ominous Precurser of things His Holy-Shitness is not going to like! Heads are gunna roll down the huge steaming pile of shit that’s been stacked higher and wider than even his soon-to-be half-full-if-he’s-lucky tent.
No one is being pressured to attend the events in clearwater?
What about the 10,000 churchies that miscavige threatened the mayor with?
What about filling the tent?
What about…oh, who even cares anymore?
Bonded before a briefing (which is likely just another mindless fundraiser I would imagine)? Give me a break!
…The SP is busy doing himself in. And he’s getting plenty of help from his “Friends”
C.O.B._Completely – Overthetop – Bullshit. DM_Desperate – Maniacalmaximusmidget. looks like a curious website. Unfortunately, it requires a password. What is that OT committee? What does it do? Does it have anything interesing on its website?
A cursory look at the JS (okay, just the comments, who are we kidding) suggests it’s just a stat *reporting* site, right down to names and amounts from donors and minutes worked on “volunteer” projects. It does hint at what they consider exceptional statistics, e.g. “Well done on getting OVER 10 Ideal Org donations this week”.
A helpful treatise:
Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments
I should have added a synopsis:
Stupid people are too stupid to have the capacity to know how stupid they are, and so they think they are smarter than they are.
It’s unavoidable. We shrink the universe down to a size we are able to understand.
And when I say “we” I include me.
It is not a bad thing to admit you don’t know everything. In fact, unless you do, you prove yourself wrong by definition.
Reminds me of a joke: “Never argue with stupid people. First, they bring you down to their level, then they beat you with experience.”
Isg – Although you are not a fan of Hubbard, he also said the none too bright tend to be self important, which I think accords with what you are saying.
The thing with stupidity is that is sometimes superior in strength/volume/concentration and in that way overwhelms logic or reason. Genius has its limits, but stupidity knows no boundaries. So true that the only way a person can learn is to first be aware that he does not know all.
(I always enjoy your posts – very witty and smart – for real. You and Bury have got a few guffaws out of me too)
Whoooooo Hoooooo!!
The Future looks soooooo bright!!
It’s a good thing their all blind….wouldn’t want them to burn their eyeballs!
Ah, Aaron – the UK is the centre of the universe only in its dreams of yesteryear.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Well, this is all positively riveting! I look forward to the next round of mass declares prior to this final showdown. LA must have some willing candidates. Seek, and ye shall find. Always.
Sue Frey and Nick Lekas from PAC OTC asked for ALL OTVII’s and VIII’s, no qualifiers added. I’m guessing that means any formerly declareds can go as well.
DollarMorgue how dare you! If Aaran says I live at the centre of the Universe so I do! Bam! And double-Bam!
And we are Clearing The Planet At Never Before Seen Rates!
And the rate is fast reaching zero. (Of course, when your eyes are watering, or they are crossed, the zero might look like an eight on it’s side.)
“……At Never Before Seen Rates!”
You mean rates like $10,000 per intensive? $20,000? $30,000?
A Bam on both your houses! 🙂
A Bam on both your houses! Exactly!! Thanks for bringing it to my attention…such a laugh!