It is hard to imagine 10 or 20 years ago that the March 13th event in LA would NOT be held in the Shrine Auditorium.
It was one of the BIG events that was always held in a big venue.
Back in the day, there were also big events for Auditor’s Day and May 9th held at the Shrine Auditorium.
The Auditor’s Day event was first to go. It was too close to the IAS event and too soon after the Maiden Voyage — AND it was not a big money-maker and celebrating auditors was not high on Miscavige’s priority list. First Dear Leader stopped attending, then it became a “local” event (ie no central televised event with “Int speakers”) with videos, releases and props sent out to each org. Nowdays I don’t even think they do that.
Next was the May 9th celebration. It was one of the “big” events Miscavige did — but he abandoned that one too. Again, not a big money-maker. It’s also now become a “local” event.
Miscavige focuses on March 13th, the Maiden Voyage (4 separate events in one week on the Freewinds), the IAS and New Years.
March 13th is always held at the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater. It holds 2300 people. The same number have attended that event since the 90’s. It’s one of these “don’t ask” questions — “how come if scientology is expanding so much and Flag is bursting at the seams they have not moved to a larger venue?” There are plenty of them in the local area. One time a year Dear Leader comes to personally address the assembled sheeple, you would think with their claimed 12,000 scientologists in Tampa Bay they would need a larger facility when they hit 10X expansion some years ago…
And in Los Angeles, March 13th was always held at the Shrine (capacity of 6300). It used to be that the event there was EXPECTED to fill the hall. It never did. But at least the lower level could be filled and a decent amount of people on the second level at the front. They then started moving it to the Kodak Theater — a smaller venue. They have now downgraded it to L. Ron Hubbard Way and the individual orgs…
Hardly straight up and vertical, let alone 47X, greater expansion in the last 5 years than the 50 years previous combined or any of the other goofy utterances that have been spouted asserting scientology is taking over the planet.
There is not a single indicator of scientology expansion, anywhere. The ONLY thing they hang onto like a well-chewed bone is the “new orgs opening” (really old orgs in new buildings) and the amount of square feet of (empty) space. And that is, of course, utterly meaningless. If that was a true measure of amazingness, then KMart/Sears with hundreds of millions of (empty) square feet is Miscavige’s true “ideal organization.” Maybe that IS the model he is trying to emulate?
My apologies to those expecting Thursday Funnies this morning — I JUST discovered it is Thursday today! The Funnies were even ready to post. I will do them on Sunday.
I have been moving to a new house this week and it has caused chaos in my world. I lost a couple of days out of my life I think….
Scientology has corrupted so many people spiritually and mentally, not to mention abusing them financially and physically. The only thing more frustrating is how the cops or Feds won’t do anything, because Miscavige has powerful people in his pocket.
No problem on the mixup on the day and missing the funnies. Really, no big deal.
What stands out to me is that you admitted to a mistake and apologized — something scientology would NEVER do. Thanks!
Who wants to sit through Miscaviges obvious bullshit for 3 hours while members of the “Hitler Youth of Scientology” literally walk around staring at the crowd to spot anyone not enthusiastically clapping. If they can make it through that, after the event the doors are blocked and there are 10 staff for every public trying to sell them the latest version of some lecture or book. Psycho!!!
Didn’t the old man consider that auditors were the most valuable beings on the planet? DM evidently considers that he himself is the most valuable being anywhere… Auditors? What auditors?
The old (con)man considered himself to be the most valuable being. He said that about auditors so he sell training. He had the same disregard for auditors as Miscavige, as witnessed by his behavior toward them. Yet, he was better than dm at hiding his resentment.
Mike, every time you post about Idle Morgues I reread LRH ED 102 and chuckle a bit….It’s there on paper for all to see, and yet the Bubble-Dwellers remain oblivious to the fact that at no point in this “scripture” did LRH ever make a single statement justifying DM’s insane program of endless, pointless and quite possibly Out-Tech (Lol) MEST Expansion at the expense of well, sanity, realism or practicality. Stupefying.
Hey Miscavige, when you add up the number of scientologists in the world, you aren’t supposed to include the clinging body thetans in your head count.
Otherwise, you are just pulling numbers out of your ass.
P.S. How were your Thursday stats, little buddy?
Rant Alert:
One would think – one would think, that, with a PLANET to clear, with BILLIONS of people to get on the cans, that the most important event of the year for the Church of Scientology would be – DUH – Auditor’s Day!
That Auditor’s Day would be, should be, a HUGE deal, A VERY lavish event. There are billions of people to clear,so let’s make sure the people who are actually DOING this are thoroughly acknowledged and encouraged, each year. At LEAST once a year! TWICE a year would be better, but AT LEAST once a year.
Do it up big. Do it up right.
Pretty much a no-brainer. One would think.
But, no. Not a priority for COB – !!!!!!
Yet again am I blown away by the BLINDNESS of the still ins.
Can’t they SEE how NUTS this is?
Honestly, I don’t get it.
Sometimes I THINK I get it but then I read something like this, and realize that I STILL don’t get it, and possibly never will.
I don’t get it.
End of rant thank you.
Amen, amen, amen.
I was just talking with someone (still in) who was saying that all sorts of people had left last year. I asked why. She said, “I just chalk it up to “Signs of Success”. You know, when we expand, the SPs howl?” (Unbelievable the glibidity)
I told her that someone should do an eval to see why all these people are leaving. Even one is too much.
It is just astounding to me that no one “in” really cares about people leaving or why they do. Don’t they have any compassion at all? I mean, they think that this is the only way out. Why won’t they even try to reach out to the people who are falling off (or who are jumping off) the Bridge or at least find out what is driving them to it…and then do something about it?
F’ing ridiculous. Jim Jones all over again, Kool Aid and all.
Of course, Indie!
People ALWAYS leave a group or an organization that’s doing well!
In droves!
Fact is – and you can take this to the bank – the more people you observe leaving a group, the better that group is doing!
And furthermore…I would only add…
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” Indeed, Aquamarine.
Delusory valued logic, it seems.
Nice rant! Well done.
Thanks, Jim. I drill a lot. 🙂
Aqua … For the same reason that the CoS has been getting RID of auditors for the past fifteen plus years. Karen DLC is an LRH trained Class TWELVE and she is a “suppressive person” … I am a Class Five auditor/CS and course supe with over THIRTY years of top notch results and yes, I am also, like Karen, an “sp” … My closest friend is an absolutely wonderful Class EIGHT auditor, Cl 6 CS, and need you ask? Yeah, “sp” … And the list goes on and on and on …
Every promo piece that we see about joining staff to “clear the planet” is complete and utter bullshit. How do I know that? Because, Aqua, you’re totally right … If the goal was to “clear the planet”,, the LAST thing you would do is get rid of your prime experienced auditors and CSs who would be needed to DO that.
Why do this ? My opinion is simply that Miscavige has another business model entirely which I have to admit has worked out fantastically for him. He is actually, a bit of a business genius. Thirty plus years in charge. He WANTS the number of Scientologists to stay SMALL, not large. He wants ANY Scientologist who is any type of “troublemaker” to be kicked out. Why? Simp!e. Because anyone who causes ANY doubt about what he is doing, threatens his wildly successful business model which is to have a relatively LOW number of easily controlled members, enough of whom have lots and lots of cash/credit that they can be separated from and regged almost continously to fill his coffers with HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS (a billion?) … and even more in value of prime international real estate, AND to eliminate any opposition to his financial scheme/con by use of his so called “ethics system”.
Has it worked? You bet, baby. Oh, he might be toppled eventually. But he’s already had his great run and it will go on for a number of years for sure. He’s in his mid 50s , VERY rich and has been living his power fantasy for close to THIRTY FIVE YEARS now, to say nothing of the first class life, gourmet food, private flights, high class threads and we can only imagine what else … So if he “only” gets to live this out for 40-45 years? ….
” Clearing the planet”???? Hahahahahaha. As the great American philosopher , one Maynard G. Krebs said almost sixty years ago …Surely you jest.
Another similarity to Hitler. In 1940 millions of people believed Hitler was a military genius. He assembled all this military might and defeated so many nations. Of course all the nations he defeated had no military forces to speak of.
Then Hitler attacked Russia and the truth became obvious. If you want to go to war, you don’t want to have a corporal lead your forces. Hitler was a military moron. Today the common opinion is that The Allies didn’t really win WW2. Hitler lost that war by his idiotic self-aggrandizment.
Fuck you DM. We’re coming for you. Thanks to many people like Leah & Mike, we are growing in numbers and we’re coming for you.
What a fucking moron!
Joe, DM does it for the same reason El Con did it. Tubbolard had some of the highest trained people declared when they started getting too popular.
It isn’t a new phenomenon to those who watched how the Church was actually run.
He did indeed start this particular ball rolling in its direction … (Newton’s first law? Second one? Not sure, one of them anyway)
You remark that Hubbard was purging auditors ‘for the past 15 years plus’. From first hand accounts I was told of the mid 1960’s purge and split by a number of talented auditors.. Reason being Hubbard abandoned the quest to audit self GPMS in favor of the implant GPMS that were cropping up and interfering with the self GPM research. Some wanted to continue the self GPM route, some countered Hubbard, and some fought the rigid ‘grades chart’ concept.
If you include 50+ years of purging within your statement of ‘past 15 years plus’ then I am good with what you wrote.
Joe P, Wynski, Skyler,
Thanks for your responses. Your feedback really helps. You see, what I keep trying to process – not very successfully – is not DM’s criminality and fraud, set in motion as it were by LRH, back in the day – THAT stuff I get. What I DON’T get is how, or why, the Still Ins don’t SEE it.
Then again, something just occurred to me.
Perhaps a number of them DO see it – HAVE seen it. Perhaps a number of them DO know, do realize how they’ve been scammed, and are laying their plans to leave.
And while they’re making their plans to get out, they don’t necessarily COMMUNICATE to all and sundry about it. Which means WE, on the OUTside, are not getting this message – THEIR message, the message that could be the ACTUAL mindset of a portion of the Still Ins who, appearances to the contrary, HAVE wised up, and are UTR, or even actively in, but planning to leave.
It took ME 2 years to leave, It took me 2 years to process, to find my way out, after 25 years in. 2 years, and I didn’t even have a child, a parent, a sibling, a spouse or a boyfriend in the cult. (Thank you, God) 2 years, despite the cult having NO leverage on mer as re disconnection. NO leverage on my business either! Yet, I took my time. I eased on down the road, friendly-like. Never fought with anyone.
Now, if I did it that way, maybe there are a bunch of Still Ins doing the same thing! in the same way! Not making waves, pretending to go along, but in fact, TOTALLY wised up, and withdrawing, in a safe, quiet way.
I’d like to believe this is true. Its not that far-fetched of an assumption, actually.
Just thinking out loud here, thank you, guys. I read a lot of detective fiction. 🙂
@Joe Pendleton – The only thing Miscavige is interested in (and successful at) “clearing” is everyone’s bank account.
And the real estate? It’s all been given to him, free of charge. Brilliant, like Dillinger. And what did Ron say about Dillinger? SP baby, SP. He’s the real one, calling the kettle black.
I can say I think with 100% accuracy that….The only really good news is that little David M. has “spawned” no children that have to suffer the embarrassment of having to admit someday that HE is “their father”……..
BTW…..WHERE the HELL is Shelly??
Wherever she is, probably thankful for being left alone, and breathing a sigh of relief that she no longer has to (fill in the items on her long list of spousal and organizational duties) with and/or alongside the monster she married, who for 10 years has been her husband in name only, and praying that Lou continues to keep him amused until He kicks the bucket. Her worst nightmare? Being summoned BACK.
It is all so fucking depressing.
The Monster Miscavige, the Missing Shelley, and the Minion Lou.
What a disgusting triangle, except for Shelley. I really feel sorry for her. With all the talk of abuse of women these days, why doesn’t the press and Hollywood talk more about what that despicable little sociopath has done to her? This should be bigger news than it is. Let’s all shout it out everyone!
I rage inside about this crime against that poor woman.
WAYC, this may be very controversial, and I’m willing to be 100% wrong, but I seriously doubt that Shelly Miscavige is pining to get back to either her husband or her former post duties. And I’m being serious, for once. I think she thinks she’s well out of there, and well rid of him. Wouldn’t you? Can you even begin to imagine being married to this – THIS? Just looking at him, listening to him, makes me want to take a shower, let alone any fleshly contact with Him. She may be thanking Lou in her prayers at night..And then, there’s the pressure, the constant make wrong, the constant cleaning up of all the damage her husband was constantly doing. Fond memories? I think not. Plus, by now, she may even be hooked up with someone at CST – some one whose job it also is to spray Rust -Oleum on the metal plates. Why not? He has His Communicator With Benefits, after all. Good for the goose is good for the gander and so forth. Look, I’m just throwing out possibilities. I have no compulsion to be right about this. It possible she’s quite content to stay where she is for the rest of her life, and knows that in order to be allowed to stay and treated well, she has to keep her mouth shut.
WAYC, if you are NOT a woman, please forgive my thoughtless assumption of same in the response to you above concerning Shelly!
Not to mention Heber. Someone told me that they saw him going into Asho about 2 years ago to talk with Ken Hoden, who is now the Chaplain (former President of the Church of Scientology of California). Does anyone have his brother’s phone number? I wonder if Heber was talking with Ken about routing out. That would be amazingly good.
I think he had her killed 13 yrs ago. His big $ in pocket of CA law enforcement keeps any investigations from touching him.
Geeze Mike,
Now all the Pee Eyes are going to have to relocate to keep you under their watchful eye!
Wonder how long it will be before they reach critical mass in there flock of sheep and numbers crash so the events just don’t happen anymore ? , that will be the point at which we can say there cult / sect is coming apart at the seams .
Going from the Shrine to El Con Way is a pretty big crash I’d say. So they will put up a tent in the parking lot and try to secure the borders. Meanwhile, a few blast horns from passing motorists could liven up the event.
Will they have special seating sections for paid extras?
Would be kind of cool if I could get a few friends of mine who drive semi,s to do a drive by and use there air horns , that would really get there attention .
Truck drivers against Scientology , there’s a new way of getting the message across .
I think it would be hilarious (and awesome) if 2300 people showed up for the downtown Clearwater get together next month!
Ruth Eckerd Hall has a capacity of 2,180, plus or minus about 61 seats if orchestra pit is used as a forestage.
I hated these big events. I would watch the false euphoria around me and wondered how long these people could keep this up. The speeches were either repetitive from earlier events or delivered with such speed that I didn’t understand what they were saying. In the car on the way home, I would ask what was the biggest thing that people took home from the event and invariably it was some vague “mind-blowing” exclamation. I hated that my New Year’s eve was wasted on one of these events, especially since it was such a battle to get even Christmas Day off to be with family. I was a young adult and use to go hit the bars downtown with other younger staff. We couldn’t wait to get out of there so we could go have real fun. Before the event, we would scope out exit doors and sit near them, so we wouldn’t have to exit via the lobby. Later, we would arrive, walk around so as to be seen, then slip out as people were getting seated. Eventually, I would confirm attendance to stop the phone calls and then just not attend. Then finally, would not confirm and not attend.
Once you lose the room, it is over.
Miscavige lost the room a long time ago.
It is all a sham now, and I suspect 95% of the people who do bother showing up are having the same thoughts that you had back in the day..
I knew that the end was near when I was in an Auditor’s Day event at some local hotel, in one of their banquet rooms. This was about 2011. All of the auditors were getting healthy and enthusiastic levels of applause. And then the auditors would thank their C/S (applause) their amazing course supervisors (applause). But one of the auditors was a staff auditor. She thanked the course sup (applause again) then LRH (applause) and then David Miscavige.
I kid you not. ONE person started clapping for DM and no one joined in. lol That one person stopped almost immediately.
I looked at the person I was with (who had one foot out the door too) and we giggled at the true meaning of that lack of support and enthusiasm for the tiny hands hitler.
Finally there will be living bodies at Valley, Pasadena and the other Idle Morgue (I forgot the third venue and don’t feel like scrolling back up)!!! It will be EPIC, at least for the fact that these 3 empty buildings will finally have people in them. Hip hip…belch.
The third Idle Morgue is the Santa Ana Morgue, heroin capital of Orange County.
on your new home! Hope you and your family can enjoy it.
Wishing you, Christie and the boys so much happiness in your new home, Mike. What a lovely time in your lives this is 🙂
Hey, Mike! When does the party start? Are you still in the area? If so, let me know.
This is good to see and awesome validation of the successful efforts to shut down this vortex of destruction. LET OUR PEOPLE GO!
Just sharing….I had a dream last night that the FBI and local law enforcement raided Gold base. It was a lovely dream… They let me come with them as we stormed through the front gates. We found DM hiding under his desk. Whimpering….Dang, then I woke up. I’ll have to wait for the next episode or the real life version.
When I woke up, I had an interesting thought and theory of why Manboy doesn’t stay at Gold base anymore. Could it be because of the paid protection afforded him by the corrupt LAPD? He doesn’t have that with Riverside County. Jus saying…
Interesting theory, and great dream, Teen!
Teen, that was a very prescient dream.
It will come true. I wonder how Miscavige will handle a Federal Penitentiary?
The question isn’t how Demented Midget will handle the federal penitentiary, but how the folks in the pen will handle him. Suspect Slappy will learn what it’s like to be slapped around with impunity Ain’t no one going to come to “little hands’ ” help , I think. Might do his soul some good to learn some humility. His Karmic debt is certainly enormous.
I like that concept… Karmic Debt. Oh David, what have you done to yourself?
Dear Mike,
You’re awesome! No matter what day of the week it is!
“Scn, the K-Mart of fake religions”… Now if they’d only declare bankruptcy…
Remember the Men Without Heads? I heard the guy who photoshopped in clones to make an event look bigger had:
1. No experience with Photoshop
2. Went to the RPF for having no experience with Photoshop.
Wasn’t HIS fault! It’s like tagging a ditch digger to perform brain surgery on a last minute notice.
xenubarb, according to El Tard Hubbard it IS an SO member’s fault in the situation you described. His reasoning (and this is in a Flag Order) is that you have lived billions of lifetimes and done every job possible (except for Scn tech jobs) and thus are out ethics if you cannot recall how to do it.
In certain S.O. orgs Hubbard demands an SP declare on a staff member who is found to be unfit for his/her job.
Wow, Wynski. A Flag Order, huh? Now I understand why a Sea Org member told me he was responsible for 9/11. Meaning, he and the rest of the Sea Org. “If we’d been doing our jobs this would never have happened.” He actually said that, and appeared to believe it.
I am stunned. Truly this one is deeply enmeshed in the Kool-Aid nation.
Yep, I remember the title of the FO now. It was called “Competence”.
Amazing the level of brainwashing isn’t it Aqua? I’m sure the guy meant what he told you.
Thanks, Wyski, I’ll have to read that. Once I can UNDERSTAND something, even if I don’t agree,even if its totally illogical, but if I GET it, then my mind can let GO of it. But when I can’t seem to understand, no matter how I try, I get STUCK on it. Or IN it. Or something. So, yes, I’ll read that, gladly. This way I can get some clue as to what these people are operating off of! Because, Wynski, “amazing” doesn’t BEGIN to…oh, well, I’ve done enough ranting. And, last but not least, yes, that guy meant what he said. He was serious, and, without tears, in grief. Sad. He meant it.
There is a line in the Competence bulletin that says something like, “Competence is above case state.” This one line has been used by every SO person I know to service fac (make themselves right) for not moving up their own personal Bridge. Although they are promised to go up the Bridge for free if they join staff, most don’t get auditing because their stats come first. And if they did finally have some time for auditing, most are not sessionable due to lack of sleep and poor nutrition, so can’t have a session anyway as they would not pass the metabolism test. The result of this is that most staff never progress much on the Bridge at all. And if you tell them it is not OK to not be Clear after decades of hard work in the SO, they quote that “Competence is above case gain anyway.” So that way they learn they are better than those around them because they are more competent and thus don’t need no stinkin auditing.
DM should start his personal sec checking now. It will take decades to complete! I was lucky in that the events that I attended back in the day were not $ reg events, but celebrations. Jeesh, look how far the church has fallen to become beggars and thieves!
They weren’t thieves back then?
DM doesn’t DO auditing, much less sec checks, doncha know?
Where are “they” when you need them I ask humbly? One would THINK you’d see some of those “yellow shirted folks” outside your home helping you move boxes & furniture into your new home since without a doubt Davey & his legions of their spies already “know all about it”.
Congrats & Best Of Luck & Happiness…..hope it’s a gated community with REAL security that can’t be bribed.
I apologize that A) this is off topic. B) I have trouble posting on Tony’s blog because Disqus hates me C) I am tech illiterate so I don’t have a link. D) still longtime lurker status.
In today’s Redlands Daily Facts there is an article titled “Filmmakers have been drawn to Redlands’ small time charm for more than a century.” It shows a photograph of Golden Era Productions staff filming in Redlands on January 21, 2018. And includes comments from two CoS staff!
My thought is that DM will try to say the the new studio is in operation.
Interesting. Thanks Carol
Thank you so much for the link!
Crap….this is in my neck of the woods…
Oh, Ruth Eckerd holds 2,300 and, during those old past events, over a 1,000+ were staff and outer Org trainees.
Thus, Scientology has been contracting since Miscavige took over. Tsk…Tsk…
I thought it started back in the early 80s, when all the mission holders lost their missions.
Right now they are below 20, 000 members. This includes SO & staff. The only people coming in are old timers, who have to do the SRD, Purif & Student Hat…for the forth time.
Silvia, scamology has been contracting since ~1976. WAY before the Midget had anything to do with it.
I think he likes to be called the dwarf, not the midget.
DM – Demented Midget? 🙂
Sunday funnies!!!!!!!!
My apologies to those expecting Thursday Funnies this morning — I JUST discovered it is Thursday today! The Funnies were even ready to post. I will do them on Sunday.
I have been moving to a new house this week and it has caused chaos in my world. I lost a couple of days out of my life I think….
No apologies needed! Congratulations on your move.
No no, you haven’t lost them, they’re just packed in one of those boxes that you won’t open for another five years.
Mike needs help with his CF.
Let’s all blow the dust off of LRH’s antiquated filing system and help Mike Rinder’s family with their files. We need 1000 hours of volunteers. A commendation will go into your Troika File. Let’s make this happen people!
Refreshments will be served.
Refreshments provided by the church, consisting of warm hose water and stale, moldy bread!
Mike I hope you and your family enjoy your new home!
Scientology can help you with that!
Uhm, wait, scratch that. 😀
Mike, I was devastated that there were no Thur Funnys. I’ll get over it.
Fortunately I am going into the org today to audit out the secondary. I now have something to look forward to on Sunday.
Congrats on the move. I’m assuming your new house is nice and in a good location. I am taking for granted that there are a minimum of 3 PIs in your new neighborhood.?
Moving? You’re really going to make COS put up all new cameras at a neighboring house? And bribe a whole new set of garbage collectors?
🙂 Really, Mike. How inconsiderate.
Big congrats to you and Christie and the kids and much happiness to you all in your new home, Mike! And, my goodness, no apologies necessary! With all that a move entails, thanks for putting up anything at all on the blog 🙂
I’m devastated, Mike. I’m even having withdrawals. I hope I can make through the night…
Mike and family. As Bobby Fisher said, good move.
Mike, I have a lot of respect for you. Your insight has shed some light on the dwindling spiral of Scientology. It’s a fake expansion, as new Orgs. and empty space just equal a lot of MEST.
So the analogy to Sears/Kmart and the retail apocalypse spreading across the United States, that is perfect. Scientology is a brick and mortar retail structured organization, although religious, still a retail structure selling books and auditing.
Lol, I bet they can’t even turn on the thermostats anymore and use windows for AC in the summer. Wait until the bathrooms don’t have the water turned on in those fine buildings that Dave ‘expanded’.
Those still in never ask the question. “How come there are less people here than last year?”.
A person who is hypnotized can be made to see thousands of people in an empty hall or see an empty space where there are multitudes.
Scientologists willingly allow hypnotism.
BK, aliens captured a bunch of Scientologists last year. When they found out they were Scientologists, they dropped them off at Big Blue. The aliens said they were too stupid to bother with.
Mr. Dude, between learning to think Hubbard logic and hypnotism they is pretty dummm.
They is…
Hypnotized they were! In the place of hundreds they “mockup” thousands. It is hard not to BE mocked when mockingup replaces “being there” observing…
The definition of being there for a scientologist is:
In present time with Hubbard on the brain.
And fear in their hearts…
Gawd I hated attending events – as a Sea Org member it was so stressful because we were given quotas to get sales of books or get public to regges…and we got in trouble if quotas overall weren’t met.
Then again as a Public. Having to drop my kids off at the smelly kid-dumping room then rush to pick them up and hurry out before making eye contact with anyone on staff or in the Sea Org. Getting stopped meant you had to STAY LONGER holding your tired, stinky child (they didn’t change diapers).
Maybe SUMP will turn into Webinar venue. That way everyone can stay home logged in on their computers (muted) while watching Kevin Can Wait or reruns of Aftermath.
Damn Sharita now you’ve ruined it for thecstay at homers. They will be required to prove they have certain stations blocked on their TV or even better only SMP available on their TV before they can stay home.
Turn SuMP into a high end wine bar. They could call it, ‘The Studio.’
Gawd I hated attending events – as a Sea Org member it was so stressful because we were given quotas to get sales of books or get public to regges…and we got in trouble if quotas overall weren’t met.
Then again as a Public. Having to drop my kids off at the smelly kid-dumping room then rush to pick them up and hurry out before making eye contact with anyone on staff or in the Sea Org. Getting stopped meant you had to STAY LONGER holding your tired, stinky child (they didn’t change diapers).
Maybe SUMP will turn into Webinar venue. That way everyone can stay home logged in on their computers (muted) while watching Kevin Can Wait or reruns of Aftermath.
Toot, aren’t you glad you’re out?! When I left, it was the greatest day of my life! I left the Honolulu mission, went home and grabbed my surfboard, headed out, and had a great session! All the best to you and your family! Out is good!
They started holding events at RE Hall almost 20 years now. Their was always a tent set up in the parking lot for the overflow,holding maybe 200 people ? The last time I attended at RE Hall, the tent was there . Now I hear there is no tent.
All they really need are a few porta potties.
No! Just give ’em 1. It’ll be fun to watch the fighting breakout.
I think I just found the PERFECT “Birthday Cake” for “Little Davey” !
Dave F.
Bwahaaaaaaaaaa!! Exactly
Now that’s the perfect Birthday cake for the dwarf.
Eeeewww. And I thought photographed toilet paper was the ultimate evil. Wrong, its this. But the Dwarf deserves it. Hope He likes chocolate. Just in case, how about a yellow cake.
LOL! Now that’s some funny shit!
Good pun, OSD, but once more eeeeewwww.
IMO They have long since passed the point of selling The Illusion. Now it is apparent that all they are selling is The Delusion.
Isn’t that what they’ve been selling since day 1?
The church is all smoke and mirrors, and not much smoke at that. Class 4 org staff used to think their particular org was bad because great expansion seemed to be happening everywhere else but their org – that HUGE expansion was shown for years at every DM event coming in over satellite dishes.
But if you were familiar with a few orgs, you soon discovered it was the same BS everywhere, year after year – all lies.
With all the empty square footage and BILLIONS of $ in reserve, what effort, if any, was made to help the displaced and evacuees from the recent hurricane damage in Puerto Rico and Florida? Was it limited to fake photo ops with yellow shirts?
It always is
Well Good. Glad to hear it.
When will the people IN be forced to say, “Something’s wrong.” They’re embarrassing themselves now; I guess it’ll have to get to the point when they actually HAVE to ADMIT that they don’t REALLY see the emperor’s clothes.
My opinion only Mary: they’ll be forced to say “Something’s wrong” when something happens to THEM that is so unacceptable to them that it can’t be ignored or brushed off. Or, when they see something happen to someone else – see it UP CLOSE and what they KNOW to be the injustice of it, the unfairness and wrongness and gratuitous cruelty of it SHOCKS them just as if it were happening to them, and puts them in fear of being NEXT.
Right. That’s usually when the mental dam breaks.
Dear Leader?
Well, I understand that line may be dripping with sarcasm. But I’m looking for a more accurate name for him.
How about “The Little Leader” or “The Tiny Leader”? Some other choices?
“The Little Fuhrer” or “The Tiny Fuhrer?”
Hmmm …. someone who is not familiar with this blog may have a hard time understanding who that refers to.
Oh well, I’ll keep looking.
Shaved Hitler?
How about ‘FuckFace?’
He doesn’t really look that good.
Dick-less MisCarriage, the Coward Of the Bunch! Sounds good to me ?
LOL!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
🙂 🙂 🙂
It is all over except for the crimes being committed by DM and funded by the massive reserves at his disposal.
The Indie field is also dead as a door nail even though people are free to open missions and orgs independent of “The Church”. Thus COMPLETELY falsifying the Indie theory that one can make big booming orgs absent the control of the evil CoS management because, “competently” delivered scamology “werks”.
Statistically, no non-scamologists want scamology. And that has been true for about 40 years
That’s why Criminon recruits Criminals, Volunteer Ministers recruits during disasters, Narcanon recruits drug addicts. Granted, these people are people that deserve help, but it seems recruiting is focused on the vulnerable. We all know where it leads too.
Regular public? Not a chance.
Right Golden. Even as far back as the early 80’s Flag & PAC SO recruiters were preying on transient wogs. Recruiting them into the SO on promises of hot food and a bunk.
I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: It’s all fucking make believe! Can you imagine paying all that money for a make believe ending?
OSD, I am SO glad that I spent only a pittance on scamology
@Wynski – There are some people doing well in the indie field such as Trey Lotz (always has a full schedule) and the group up in Idaho (Anita and Les Warren and Mary and Frankie Freeman).
There’s another group north of LA run by Taiwanese Scientologists that seems to be doing alright and a few other indie auditors.
But other than that, it’s definitely not booming out in the wilds. To each his own.
I too am glad I didn’t have the money to spend over and over. I always said, as I walked by the reges, “I’m not a cycle”. lol I had them pretty well trained to leave me alone.
Yes Indie, the same, less than a handful of SMALL groups that have been clinging on for many years and have never gotten large. In scamology’s home country of 300 million people.
I’m just waiting for Miscavage to utter the final footbullet, kind of like “the most dedicated scientologist I know” that pissed off the entire sea org, at one of the “grand events” and a good portion of the already disillusioned sheeple go Wait….What?? turn and walk away. Please let that be captured on video for the rest of the world to see.
Hubbard was nothing more than the “Son of Helena Blavatsky” and he produced “American Trash Religion” based on her Theosophy. My intent is to turn Clearwater into a showcase of cults and the occult. I can imagine busloads of people streaming in to see the exhibits and the relics. For example, a large painting showing Blavatsky and Hubbard doing an e-meter drill. Thousands would fill the streets for free amulets following the Gasparilla tradition. I suggested this to the Mayor of Clearwater years ago but he never responded. Clearwater can be the international headquarters for dead religions. CNN would jump to have a camera crew.
When I started OT VII at Flag in 1987, I was surprised by Hubbard’s strange concept of life. It is great today to feel liberated from him and his thought.
Here’s an interesting and fun animated musical video which shows a lot of scn and occultism.
“What if man could harness the power of a god? In a sense, he would need God no longer, yes?”
What the Dr. who TV show would look like if it were written by LRH.
I like this video especially the astral body. It is all good work to look at Hubbard and the occult. I am working to write something which can explain in detail the enormous amount that he copied.
Richard, The real tragedy is that Hubbard was the occult’s last hope. Hubbard put out the candle of the occult with his mindless meddling into the subject. The occult would not have degenerated as much without the bungling of Hubbard.
Another good depiction of astral bodies is in the movie Dr. Strange(2016).
Also, the Chakra movement is gaining steam in the occult world– just saying.
Thanks, Jim.
Interesting about Chakra.
One more video from Ghost just for entertainment if anyone is interested. This one won a Grammy Award in 2016. Ghost is a Satanic ACT and the fans go along with it in concert.
“Cirice” (Latin – church)
Crowley laughs.