Fresh news hot off the gossip train. These guys just let ’em rip and apparently expect everyone to be too polite to comment on their crassness.
New prices are part of GAG II! How special…. AND, based on a thorough study of everything LRH ever wrote or said about pricing (wonder if that includes the fact that that Academy Levels are supposed to be equivalent to one month average wage…?)
They already cancelled Service Completion Awards — funny, I read the despatch traffic from LRH where he came up with that idea. Believe me, nobody OTHER than LRH could implement an org giving people cash for completing service. But I guess their thorough review didn’t include that.
And “LRH never mentioned a 45% discount” so they are cancelled.
Great, so he also didnt mention the IAS — have they cancelled that?
What about Ideal Org Statuses? He didnt mention that either.
But then again, he didnt mention Google or FedEx either, so perhaps they should be cancelled.
These people truly ARE living in a bubble.
But it is nice to know that he only has everyone else’s wellbeing in mind. This BUY NOW is not to his benefit. No, of course not….
From: MIKE SMITH <[email protected]>
Date: September 5, 2013, 11:42:23 AM PDT
To:[email protected]
Subject:For you only, not for broadcast: EARLY WARNING ON IMMINENT PRICE CHANGES
Hi Everyone,
This is for you only, please do not forward without my OK. In particular, this should not go out on any broadcast lists, etc.
The regs now have gotten data about some aspects of the new price structure. This data is a compilation of data from 3 regs, Flag and Cl V Org. The new prices are going to be based on a thorough study of all that LRH ever wrote or said about pricing. This is an extension of GAT II – the thorough study of everything LRH wrote to make tech and admin (and pricing) as standard as possible.
We all hate the idea of price changes and have suffered through various versions of this in the past. I believe that these upcoming changes will all make sense and become a stable datum for a very long time into the future.
One change already happened quietly a short time ago – there are no longer any SCAs (service completion awards).Now to changes expected: A key datum is that there will not be any 45% discounts on services in any packages or specials. Apparently LRH never mentioned 45% discounts.
This can be extrapolated to be expected to apply as follows:
*No grades or NED packages at Flag of 6 intensives at 45% discount
*None of the 12 intensive auditing packages at any Org will be available at 45% discount
*No “welcome to Flag for first time” packages of 3 intensives at 45% discount
*No packages of training and/or auditing will give 45% on any services, training or auditing. This includes the “Clear to Eternity” package which gives 45% and some training packages at all Orgs which go as high as 47% discount currently.One other completely unknown factor is whether prices might go up or down in general or stay the same. The rumor so far is that prices will increase for courses for Academy level pre-requisites (TRs, Metering, M-1, TRs & Obj co-audit, etc.). No other rumors on training or auditing prices.
So if you have any of the above services in your Bridge plans for the future, now is the time to secure them.
When you donate, the services or packages you secure are noted in your treasury statement as “donated in full” and when you then later go to debit and use these, the computer system accepts that “paid in full” designation regardless of later prices. Note also that any donations you make will never be worth less than the cash value of the donation, regardless of packaging or price changes, so there is no downside to donating now.
There is no timing set for these changes but can be expected at the latest by the time of the grand opening/new releases event which will be Oct 4-6 weekend and possibly 1 or 2 weeks earlier or at any time from now on without further warning or announcement.
SO I REPEAT: If you have any of the above services in your Bridge plans for the future, NOW! is the time to secure them.
I know that it may not be in your plans to secure more bridge at this point, but I am obligated to let you know that this might be considerable savings for you to secure these. Please also note that this is in your best interest and not in our financial interest as your FSMs as lower prices for you is less FSM commissions for us. The optimum scene or course is that you get the maximum service for what financial resources you have available. That’s how everyone wins most.
Let me know if you had heard about these or other changes, and call or email me if you want me to assist you in going over the numbers for any donations you need to do for upcoming services.
Mike & Val Smith, FSMs, WISE Consultants, OT Ambassadors
PO Box 24216
San Jose, CA 95124
(408) 499 – 1153 (cell)
[email protected]
“Expect Miracles”
LRH may have ordered SCAs by secret dispatch during the years Hubbard was in hiding and off all church management lines for legal purposes, but there was never any HCOPL or HCOB stating he authorized SCAs.
To play devil’s advocate here for a moment, I can show why SCAs were able to be cancelled.
The SOEDs that introduced SCAs back in 1981 could be considered off source by anyone with authority in exec strata finance.
Mark Plummer, former long time Treas Sec and Dir Disbursements for ASHO Day, discussed SCAs and their history in an 2001 ARS post which was then put into this article called Scientology – the “religion” that pays rebates!
[..] ” The Service Completion Award system was established in April of 1981.
The issues which established the SCA are Sea Organization Executive Directive 1674 International (SO ED 1674 Int) “Service Completion Award” and Sea Org Executive Directive 1675 International (SO ED 1675 Int) “Service Completion Awards Finance Handling”. Both issues were released on 24 April 1981. ” [..]
So it does not surprise me in the least that they cancelled SCAs.
Mary — there are a ton of hidden data lines in Scientology. I can assure you those SCAs were issued as a result of a weekly stat analysis response from LRH. He was sent a stat analysis on every sector of Scientology by WDC and a report on each of the functions of Scientology by ED Int every Thursday nite (Friday morning actually). The responses came back on Saturday morning and were often lengthy (20 pages) laying out what he wanted done. There was a LOT of traffic on implementing the LRH “Bright Idea” about SCAs. I don’t give a crap whether they have them or not, I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy. Miscavige will announce that he has reviewed ALL LRH TRAFFIC on something and uncovered “specific direction” on this, that or the other (like GAT drills or the “manuscripts of books” or “pricing data”) and then base his actions on that, claiming to be “fully on-Source”. But nobody really knows if he is or isn’t because they DONT GET TO SEE THE DATA. I was calling bullshit on the “fact” that there is “nothing from LRH on SCAs”. They have been in use for 30 years and just now he “discovers” there is nothing from LRH about them?
This is unadulterated bullshit.
Frankly, I think SCAs should be canceled. The IAS should be canceled. The Ideal Org program should be canceled. Discounts should be canceled. Redoing Purif and Objectives after OT VIII should be canceled. The whole corporate Church of Scientology in fact should be canceled. All on the basis that there is nothing from LRH that supports them 🙂
Oi vey! The purpose is to make pricing standard but the prices might go up…..might go down……or might stay the same. Right!! Unbelievably unhelpful rumor mongering at it’s best.
“The optimum scene or course is that you get the maximum service for what financial resources you have available. That’s how everyone wins most.”
To further that end, our religious leader, COB decided to increase prices and eliminate discounts.
Makes sense. WE get it. Do you think the Smiths get it though?
1984……”Double Speak” QUACK~~!!
Righteo, MIss Magoo!
1984 IS the blueprint for all of this. If people would read the book/see the film, they would see the exact game plan in play – except that Big Brother, in this sense, isn’t very big. hahaha
Can one person, please explain to me how this a “religious donation” and protected by the Constitution? This a “pay to play” corporation that gets “exact actions for exact prices”. How is this NOT proof that it is subject to tax laws? Seems so clear cut.
He is saying that you should buy these courses now, in order to “save money ” later. Here is how you save money later,….. DONT spend money ever at this cult.
See, very direct cause nd effect.
Back to my original question: how is this still considered a religion & not a corporation?
Bed Man in OKC
Miss talking with ya Mike. Lets make time, some time soon.
Hey there BMOC. 🙂
It’s considered a religious “donation” as the IRS were persuaded that this is an equitable way to raise funds. Those who use the facilities provide the funding (so to speak). That this is not any better or worse than Mormons who tithe 10% of their income or Jews who pay for High Holy day seats in Temple.
This is Brilliant! Brilliant i say! ha ha ha…all previous pricing was “OUT TECH” and “OFF-SOURCE.”
If there truly is an announcment about “standard pricing” I can guarantee you that as a matter of “ethics” and “exchange” every Scientologist who bogs on their bridge (which is everyone since they are being sujected to out-tech and suppression every step of the way by the RCS) will find a New Right Why indicated to them–THEY DIDNT PAY ENOUPH for what they already got!
Perhaps, in anticipation of this soon to be made announcement (and glrorious revelation from on high), there are all nighters being pulled by finance staffs around the planet right now to complet FES’s of every OT’s Treasury Folder right now to hellp them rocket up the bridge and attain full case gain as soon as possible!
FLAG Reg, MAA, RTC Rep et al: “Well Mr. Joe Blow New OT VIII, we have great news! We have discovered why despite the $873,282.53 in servies you have already done on your Bridge to this point, why you are such a lously example of an OT any why your case is in the shits. YOU DIDNT PAY ENOUPH for what has been delivered to you!”
Mr. Joe Blow OT VIII: “Errrr, oh really.”
FLAG et all: “Yes! And to help you along we have done an FES on alll your Treasury Folders and as per STANDARD PRICING you actually have inadvertantly shorted the Church $397,885.47 for all your Training & Processing to this point.
Mr. Joe Blow: “Errrr, wow.”
FLAG Et al: “Yes! You are an OT! The Being Knows! This is why you are looking like such a peice of shit. So, if you just pay up now, then you will be able to have all your case gains! How can you be an “in-ethics” and “in-exchange” Scientologist otherwise? So, in order to help you, we just need to find out how you plan to pay this DEBT?”
Mr. Joe Blow: “Errrr…Humm…………….”
$ci€nto£og at its best…
$ciento£ogy….that is what they mean!
Wow, I guess I’ve finally located the fringes of the Internet. I’ve been looking for years.
Welcome. But don’t tell anyone as this is just a small handful of bitter defrocked apostates and we might lose our status if we become too many….
Well then Mike, what would our status be if we were bumped up from “bitter defrocked apostates”. You know how much the church is into status’.
“The True Army of the Kha-Khans?”
“The Dreaded Groundswell of the Certified Pirates and Bums?”
TV Land just announced they were canceling ‘Happily Divorced’. They found out that apparently LRH never mentioned Fran Drescher.
I think i need to join, it all sounds so….How much generalities and platitudes can you put in one video
Thank Chairman Dave for this new tech and not forcing us to train on confusing Hubbard red-on-white. Clap clap clap at the new picture of Dave hanging on the wall. Wheeee I’m OT now, see, I have a cert that says it.
“This can be extrapolated to be expected to apply as follows:”
That’s dreadful.
Its like Dave really wants to come out of the closet as a true SP and does stuff like this to crush peoples reach in an extremely crude manner and he’s waiting for someone to help him out; at this particular point I believe he is wanting to scream out “look you idiots, I’ll screw it up for you even if it kills me!!! No way you are having Scn!!!”
The antisocial personality has the following attributes:
1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. “They say…” “Everybody thinks…” “Everyone knows…” and such expressions are in continual use, particularly when imparting rumor. When asked, “Who is everybody…” it normally turns out to be one source and from this source the antisocial person has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole society.
This is natural to them since to them all society is a large hostile generality, against the antisocial in particular.
2. Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile remarks, invalidation and general suppression.
“Gossip” or “bearer of evil tidings” or “rumormonger” once described such persons.
It is notable that there is no good news or complimentary remark passed on by such a person.
3. The antisocial personality alters, to worsen, communication when he or she relays a message or news. Good news is stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed along.
Such a person also pretends to pass on “bad news” which is in actual fact invented.
4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform.
5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding.
Such people make trouble for others.
When treated or educated, the near associate of the antisocial personality has no stability of gain but promptly relapses or loses his advantages of knowledge, being under the suppressive influence of the other.
Physically treated, such associates commonly do not recover in the expected time but worsen and have poor convalescences.
It is quite useless to treat or help or train such persons so long as they remain under the influence of the antisocial connection.
The largest number of insane are insane because of such antisocial connections and do not recover easily for the same reason.
Unjustly we seldom see the antisocial personality actually in an institution. Only his “friends” and family are there.
6. The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target.
If a tire is flat from driving over nails, he or she curses a companion or a noncausative source of the trouble. If the radio next door is too loud, he or she kicks the cat.
If A is the obvious cause, the antisocial personality inevitably blames B or C or D.
7. The antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action. Any action goes through a sequence wherein the action is begun, is continued for as long as is required and is completed as planned. In Scientology, this is called a cycle of action.
The antisocial becomes surrounded with incomplete projects.
8. Many antisocial persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them.
Their actions have little or nothing to do with their own volition. Things “just happened.”
They have no sense of correct causation and particularly cannot feel any sense of remorse or shame therefore.
9. The antisocial personality supports only destructive groups and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment group.
10. This type of personality approves only of destructive actions and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities.
The artist in particular is often found as a magnet for persons with antisocial personalities who see in his art something which must be destroyed and covertly, “as a friend,” proceed to try.
11. Helping others is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy in the name of help are closely supported.
12. The antisocial personality has a bad sense of property and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense, made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really owned.
I mentioned this before but it’s very similar to the Ill-luminati. They think they have the whole world in their hands, what with owning the media (well, they did until the internet) and total control of the money, they think they can do up any way they want without any ky jelly and we’ll go along with it. But what’s the big thrill in that?
So, that being a won game, what they like to do is make it blatantly obvious what they are doing by symbology or other clues and then sit back and laugh their asses off at how freakin’ idiotic the “cockroaches” are because they are too stupid to get how they are being screwed.
I have often noted the similarities between little DM and this group. Creepy.
Ok regges, FSMs LINE UP!!! (and any others we’ve trained in NAZI and Psych warfare regging tactics)
READY!!!! (or not as cob hasn’t the time or inclination to care less)
AIM (straight down at your feet)
FIRE! (if you didn’t hit your foot then shoot again goddammit!!!()
Even a Dumber than Dirt Hillbilly can see that Corporate Scientology
has used up every last nail to pound into the lid of its coffin.
True story:
In Force Recon of the First Marines you jump off a 50 foot tower
into 20 feet pool of water . Things are added like packs, weapons
and ammunition until you almost drown. I asked the Captain when does it stop
He smiled and said “When I can get you to climb that tower with a tank
strapped to your behind and jump and swim away with it !”
D.M. is getting desperate, he needs to separate out the Whales
that are pretending to be minnows.
Mike Smith, I have news for you. Your (rumors) version of “A Buy Now” to get your stats up is wholly based on a Wrong Why. Therefore you can look forward to continuing Down Trending Stats till the cows come home. Cows never come home, but chickens do come home to roost!
And The RUMOR I hear is that the chickens are on their way.
I hear the turkeys have been invited too and before it’s over the vultures will no doubt show up!
If Kelly Bundy was a Scientolgist she’d say, “My postulate check is in your mouth!”
Deep goes the rabbithole Guess who get courses for just showing up,
This makes sense. Right now the Ideal org academies and HGCs are full to capacity and overflowing onto the lawns and broom closets. Raising prices will enable them to expand their capacity. Also, GATII is going to make things so awesome that Orgs could charge a million dollars an intensive and half that or more for academy levels and it would still be packed. These Miscavige corrected Scientology services are beyond earth money. They are invaluable.
A picture is worth a thousand words:
– the new price structure – The new prices – about pricing – (and pricing )- the idea of price change – any 45% discounts on service – at 45% discountes – 45% discounts – at 45% discount – at 45% discount – 45% – give 45% on any services – go as high as 47% discount – whether prices might go up or down – that prices will increase – training or auditing prices – When you donate – noted in your treasury statement as “donated in full” – accepts that “paid in full” – any donations you make – the cash value of the donation – of packaging or price changes – to donating now – considerable savings – our financial interest – as lower prices for you – is less FSM commissions for us – what financial resources – the numbers for any donations –
Is this a church/religion or a business or a scam?… IRS?
Some people will have money on account on the sliding scale of 45% etc. I wonder if they will now be told that what they have on account is not worth what they were sold. First that would be a fraud, and second that would annoy the living daylights out of those who send money periodically onto their account in a bid to get a package together. Good. I hope that happens and more people walk out. Sounds like desperate measure to me. Miscavige at the helm for 30 years and he only just worked out LRH never said anything about 45% discounts. Yeah – he lays everything at LRH’s door if its bad news and takes all the credit if there is good news.
I wonder how long a Christian church would last if you had to pay for confessionals. The mind boggles.
Having to pay to speak through a conduit to God, when it should always be free.
Any “church” that places financial roadblocks in the path of its parishioners on the road to spiritual enlightenment *rather than* making it readily available, and by that I mean FREE, should be automatically stripped of any and all IRS protection.
Just imagine having to pay a priest to talk to you. Or having to schedule and pay for a chat with a rabbi. Seriously, WTF!
The Church of Scientology kool aid has to be incredibly strong to enable them to dupe their parishioners into literally mortgaging their chance of financial freedom. From out here, it looks to me more like a predatory lender than anything else.
“Please also note that this is in your best interest and not in our financial interest as your FSMs ” Perish the thought!
“Let me know if you had heard about these or other changes” Not that there are any hidden data lines or anything….
I am so glad that I did my repayment for the trainingsbridge. I think I have escape something………
I am absolutely certain of it….
If someone tells you they have your best interests at heart – run!
Mike, I suggest your posts need to include some fair warning. When I took my evening glass of red wine to the computer to read up on the latest, I had to laugh so hard reading the Smith letter that I choked on my drink.
“This is an extension of GAT II – the thorough study of everything LRH wrote to make tech and admin (and pricing) as standard as possible.”
I can see them already moving from “standard pricing” to “ideal pricing” in the next release.
If it wasn’t so sad for some people with destroyed families and disconnection, it could actually be a real fun affair to watch these goons. They are beyond frickin hilarious.
Gerhard — love that: “Ideal Pricing”
Should be edited to “IDEAL FLEECING” imho!
Suregeon Gerneral Warning:- Eating or drinking while reading any current communications from the
C of S or David Miscavige can cause choking, vomiting and other serious undesirable physical reactions. This product is not a safe alternative to common sense.
You are too much, as usual……
Can’t wait to hear about the “ideal pricing” and thanks for the good laugh!
No, there is no downside to donating now …. EXCEPT Miscavige could go to jail, Miscavige has a deposition coming (yikes!), the Narconon class action lawsuit could bankrupt the CofS (too bad they couldn’t follow the laws), the Rathbun lawsuit will expose the management/corporate scams and that could be the end of the CofS scam, Miscavige could abscond with his mistress, Lou, and a few goons to a country with no extradition treaty, Miscavige is getting rid of all the parking at the PAC base ….. No, no downside!!!
PS – LOVE THIS PART “This is for you only, please do not forward without my OK. In particular, this should not go out on any broadcast lists, etc.”
LRH never mentioned Mike Rinder’s blog.
So Mike Rinder’s blog is cancelled.
Poor Mike Smith. I used to love his Admin Scale seminars down in the South Bay every January. Now I just feel sorry for him.
Let’s see:
1) The optimum scene is getting the most services you can for the least amount of money. That’s why we’re raising prices soon.
2) We found out what LRH says everything should cost– so you should buy now, before the LRH way goes into effect.
3) One completely unknown factor is whether prices will go up, down, or stay the same. So you better pay as much as you can now before prices go up.
4) If you buy more services now, we as FSMs make less money.
5) Management is dedicated to 100% Standard Tech and Admin. This includes, of course, no verbal tech or hidden data lines.
At least, that’s the rumor we’re hearing. Please don’t pass this on to anybody else.
Groucho said it best: “It’s so simple, a child of seven can understand it. Go get me a child of seven– I can’t make head or tails of it…”
Pricing and ‘buy nows’ were a constant nightmare in the cult and Flag was the worst culprit, it was as though there was nothing more important than getting your money….hang on, might be something in that.
When the GAoT came out there was some sort of discount on the BC if you bought it ‘now’, we did and within a couple of months a reg was on the phone telling us we now had to pay a few more thousand dollars to get our BCs as something was upgraded, woohoo! Then I bought an Ls package, 12 ints at a discount but was still on OTVII years later and unable to do Ls. I did need ints for yet another round of FPRD, in total I had a few less ints of that than Rex Fowler, so I shouldn’t complain. Had to break into my Ls, but despite the fact I’d paid several years earlier for the Ls the money was debited from my account at the current rate for my sec checking, which was nearly double what the prices were when they got hold of my money. WTF? Then when GAK came out you had to pay a premium for the materials if you used money on account, seriously, cash is king in the cult of the ‘buy now’.
And I just loved this acceptable truth; “I believe that these upcoming changes will all make sense and become a stable datum for a very long time into the future.” Mike; you ‘believe’ no such thing, I’m sure that you just feel a need to say this to justify your stupid and deceptive communication. I am aware that you too have allowed yourself to be fooled, it is, after all, for the greatest good. But it’s a habit that needs to be broken.
Mike Smith needs a wake up, as I did for forwarding the abuse to his trusting selectees. Hope it’s not too painful for him.
With this phrase: “The rumor so far is that prices will increase for courses for Academy level pre-requisites (TRs, Metering, M-1, TRs & Obj co-audit, etc.)” – they are just basically letting you know, once again, that it is impossible to train auditors…and this is outrageous!!
Oh, who cares? It must be easier to pay even more for your next Ideal Peyton Place status.
You’re right on the money about the can’t have/ can’t-train auditors statement. Auditor training should be affordable. Its already way too expensive and will be made more so.
But the upside is that prices are being raised on their squirrel auditor training, which will assist many people in not buying it Not buying squirrel auditor training is a good thing. And it will probably be heavily pushed as well, another turn off. And, anyone who buys GAG !! will need to wait for his or her org to become and Ideal Morgue (a new building, renovated and furnished) before that org will be allowed to even deliver GAG !!. Then, there’s the long runway of completing the Basics beforehand…between one thing and another I see GAG !! as just another “thing” to cave the existing sheeple. Add to that the unremitting pressure to donate to Ideal Orgs and the IAS. Point being, between one thing and another, I don’t see how it will be possible to either sell or deliver many GAG !! auditor training packages. I just see it as another way to cave people in, and that’s good, because the more caved in they get, the sooner they will either leave or withdraw from Corporate Scientology.
I cannot stop LMAO at the dangerous gasses sign!
Or at the fact that this email is for a limited public. Bwahahahaha!
The pricing of services will soon be meant for only the rich and famous, like 500 people who will actually pay. They just keep cutting their reach further and further.
And God Bless them too.
Who cares how much it costs to receive squirrel auditing or sit in an off policy course room and study altered materials anyway? Whether it’s $10,000,000 per hour or 10 cents per hour I would not recommend it if your purpose is to have case gain and/or become an auditor who can bring others to higher states of existence.
If Scientologists on lines observe the same thing that I have just stated to be true, they can always find an auditor and/or do training in the Indie field instead. There are more and more Scientologists every day delivering standard tech independently.
PS: I like the very descriptive warning sign, Mike. 🙂
“this should not go out on any broadcast lists”
Opps…..It just went worldwide. That’s ok, nobody checks the internet anyway.
Dear Mister Smith.
I got no money left for the bridge.
Patron Meritorius Ideal org builder.
wow…that is so BS…and I believe the fucking cult is going to suck more money from the same fucking people from central files basically…keep the letters regs from flag sending emails and letters like a MF!!!! to all hot prospects….and telling them…pay now!!!!! even is off policy who fucking the end MONEY is more important for the church of scientology……
This is actually uttered by DM himself, bleed the existing public dry for all they’ve got and be a religion for the stars. Onley stars he will be seeing are aroubnd his head tough.
agree with you
As a kid, it always confused me when they uswd the doublespeak of “donations”. These are prices. These are costs. Very inflatesd costs at that.
Inflated costs for you but high returns for DM
Bankruptcy, Illness, extreme pressure for income, high credit card balances, regges knocking on your door at midnight, your kids being recruited into the SO, scared to talk to other Scientologists, Disconnecting from your friends and family, Sec Checks, Death, etc…..
Other than that, it’s pretty fun being a corporate Scientologist!
What he said! ^^^
…with a little cancer chaser. What fun!
Wow…they are digging their own grave. An FSM relays rumor line as a reason to buy now. If I had received this email I would have blocked the sender. As the RCS spirals out of control into the abyss good news is springing up in many places like carefully planted seeds in a well cared for garden. My hypothesis is that DM is making his final pea for $$ and now has plans firmly in place to try to pull a Houdini. In light of the Marty Rathbun affidavit posted today on Tony’s blog:, the upcoming book by Leah, the continuing expansion of the independent field AND the aligned purposes of all the various quarters of ex-Scientologists, independent Scientologists, concerned never-ins, anonymous members fighting against human rights violations…all with the same purpose in mind; expose the fraud, expose the treason to dedicated staff and public…today is a good day. Thanks Mike…you continue to enlighten!
I guess this means prices will go down. They cannot remain the same, the cult would go bankrupt within a year otherwise.
The pricing policy is unclear anyway. It does not say gross or net income. Net would make sense. Imagine a tax rate of 90% and you understand why.
And fair to add would be to only take the surplus of the monthly net. If you earn 5000 gross, you probably have 3000 net. But then you are married and have two children. Only 500 are left for holidays. And this is the amount that should be taken.
Sad is that people who take care of the future population are punished. Singles are advantaged.
I did a calculation with the official West Sussex average income numbers for Saint Hill UK some years ago and showed them the pricing policy, then I added that applying the tech cannot have a negative effect – you know that policy. So I told the registrar I intended to pay less than half only.
Well, you can imagine how the story ended 🙁
Wow, it’s now going to be more expensive and out of reach. Since it’s altered tech that’s probably a good thing.
It is for the benefit of all those poorer billions that are still need to be Cleared.
Of course the courses are so short and fast now so you must pay more. That is sensible.
So much confusion and not blowing off.
Hey Hurdy Gurdy Man – are you the spirit of Dick Glass returning? 😀
That’s who Donovan’s song was written about.
Little trivia.
I had a ‘power package’ with Flag which was a decent discount but sometimes they honored it and sometimes they didn’t and sometime they didn’t and sometimes they did. (It was exhausting)
My postulate check is in the mail, even as I write this. Look for it!
I don’t even understand what he said. It seems as though the whole thing was designed to confuse. ???
Just Me,
I think you are onto the truth of the matter ……… 🙂
Just Me, have you ever experienced one of those moments, when you thought you were going to get some really bad news like: You owe $50,000 in taxes, or your job is being outsourced. Then suddenly, you find out the bill is only $1500 or the job is staying but your salary is $500 less per month and you feel “relieved” even though the news still sucks? That’s what this feels like to me. Lay out a stream of confusing, conflicting, nonsensical information, and then have the Supreme Little One, come in and clear it all up. Then everyone is supposed to experience a sense of relief, because someone actually “understands” this shit and can explain it to us.
Only it’s not relief. It’s the perception of brain cells keeling over from an overload of Stupid.
Mike and Val Smith are in the last stages of BCE, Brain Cell Eradication, and what we’re reading are the classic signs of the advanced stage of this heartbreaking and wholly avoidable disease. The Cure: Stop Listening. Turn off the phones, disconnect the Internet, erase the Churches address from your GPS, hide the checkbook (in another state) and start speaking the truth. Within three weeks, maybe less, the brain cells that DFO’d (Done Fell Over) will rejuvenate, and a surge of clarity will reappear. At first Panic will set in, as this sensation has been unknown for years, but this fear will pass, if the subject embraces the moment and doesn’t resist it. Eyesight will improve, that gnawing sense of desperation will subside and eventually vanish completely and one’s complexion will clear up, zits and other imperfections will disappear along with that ringing sound in the ear, reminiscent of constant phone calls from regges.
For the Smiths, there’s hope, but they must act now and with conviction – and stop writing these Effing emails!
Confusing people is one of the first steps in brainwaishing. Shake their stable datum like a 9.0 earthquake and then make them wait for the answer. By the time you give it to them, they are so answer hungry, they’ll accept anything.
So true Indie8. That’s an important aspect of putting Scn. in reverse.
The Smith’s just keep on sending out their “ask” to their selectees. “Expect Miracles” I hate to be so negative, but I can list out what Miracles to Expect from the Smiths: Bankruptcy, Illness, extreme pressure for income, high credit card balances, regges knocking on your door at midnight, your kids being recruited into the SO, scared to talk to other Scientologists, Disconnecting from your friends and family, Sec Checks, Death, etc…..
Very real CindyP.
Love these daily posts Mike…. it’s the right way to do this… I look forward to your posts.
Your prose is always elegant, enlightening, invigorating and sets my day off just right… and then I go back to work to make a better world. Your help is much appreciated.