Hubbard created an environment in scientology of “Us v. Them” — a hallmark of cult indoctrination.
You must have an “enemy” upon whom you can lay blame for all failure/terrible conditions and if you can then convince your followers that you are the only one who understands the dangers and can vanquish this scourge and set your followers free, then you have them hooked through fear. And if you can then also promise unlimited happiness/spiritual freedom/eternity then you have both the stick and the carrot.
L. Ron Hubbard the “whole track SPs” as psychiatry. He at first sought their blessing and acknowledged their expertise in the field of the mind. When they rejected his ideas in Dianetics they became the enemy. Now, according to Hubbard they are the sole cause of decline in this universe (which is in fact contradictory to all his teachings about the power of the theta and how the tans decided to play games and this caused the universe to come into existence and everything about it is caused by theta etc etc etc).
So here you have some Hubbard followers parroting his pitch and they are absolutely certain this is true….
These bad-asses are “kicking psych butt” — though it seems scientology’s butt is being kicked a lot harder than psychiatry. It is interesting that psychiatry is NOT in decline, but scientology certainly is. But these black-shirted bad-asses don’t know and don’t care. They are doing what they know for certain is right.
One thing that probably amazes a lot of others after they get out is to encounter “psychs” or people who’ve been helped by it, and to find that everything you were told about them was a lie.
They don’t drug everyone. They don’t actually try to drug anyone as a first resort. There is overprescription and underprescription that goes on, but they aren’t making money off every prescription like Scn has told you. They don’t want to keep people on them for life. ECT is exceedingly rare these days (another fiction from Hubbard’s 1950s understanding of the world). It goes on forever.
But most of all, the biggest lie is that no one can help you except Scientology. Psychologists and therapists and social workers et al help millions of people without any drugs. And those who do try medications often are helped greatly by them.
It’s completely mind-blowing to people who have fully bought into the Hubbard way of thinking – I was never one – but it leaves you feeling terribly suspicious of some of the absolute kindest people on earth, people who have devoted their lives to helping people feel a little better just by talking.
Of course, the idea that you can get help from anyone but your local org would stop all the cash streaming into their pockets, so…
OMG yet another repost of the gut sprung Captain Long Hair Rubber Lips … rotting to death at a typewriter penning his garbage while chain smoking cigarettes and downing barbiturates. Is this what an OT VIII looks like? Think I’ll pass.
What’s his malignant cult offspring — that miniature animatronics robot with the plastic hair plugs and dental veneers — up to these days. The Miscavige character. Anyone know?
These “bad asses kicking butt” are in serious need of proper nutrition and exercise. They look like they could use a clinical psychologist to get them on a proper health program.
I don’t think they are going to take down the psychs, but I bet they can take down a buffet
“These bad-asses are “kicking psych butt”. Looks like a comedy film poster. “Who ya gonna call?” On a double bill with “Ghost Busters” perhaps. Hey, Ghost Busters, now playing with Psych Busters. Don’t miss this laff riot!
I was thinking more along the lines of them badly needing pain killers, muscle relaxants, and anti-imflammatory injections after having to hold those mighty macho power poses for, maybe, two minutes.
Is the one on the right Mrs “I don’t care what you’re saying, I’m serving process” from this video?
Hey Bixntram, I feel strongly that the correct double billing would be:
The Squirrel Busters and The Psych Busters.
Super Huge Magnificent showing of the Most Ethical Cast EVER assembled!!
Do Not Miss Out- Doors open at 6:30 with pot-luck and full reg representation.
Free entry, with just a small exit fee of $1000.oo
That’s so funny because that was my first thought upon seeing the mad looking black shirted bad asses. Who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters!
The picture of Hubbard says it all. So this guy developed the tech to take one up the bridge to total freedom and assure ones eternity while clearing the planet? No this is the picture of a habitual liar, heavy smoker, drinker, pill popper and testosterone taker who suffered with bouts of depression and paranoia. He was a yeller and a screamer who showed no compassion. He died alone, paranoid and on a psych drug while his most trusted followers were 5 hours away gambling. He is not coming back. His tech is crap he made up. Sad but true for the lives and families that $ci has damaged or destroyed.
Happy Veterans Day, everyone! Or, for you good folks from the Commonwealth, Happy Remembrance Day!
I remember when I was on staff that I asked our Dissem Sec (Who was a Marine Corps veteran of the Gulf War) if the org was going to observe Veterans Day. He looked at me in horror and said” No way! That’s a wog holiday”. I thought it rather strange that, given that LRH was a veteran himself, Scientology would consider Veterans Day a wog day.
And then there…….
Wait. Something coming in.
London. Scientology leader David Miscavige has failed to initiate a “reg cycle” in order to get himself made the next king of Great Britain.
In fact, the Scientology leader was unable to even get through the front gates of Buckingham Palace. After attempting to scale the fence he was pulled down by members of the Grenadier Guard and shooed off the property.
In a comment, Miscavige said ” How dare they handle me that way! Me, Supreme Ruler of Teegeeack and the MEST Universe! It is my right to be the next King of England! The British don’t want Charles anyway so why not me?”.
At one point Miscavige tried to scale the fence of the palace despite repeated orders of “Get off the fence!”. When he tried to shout down the guard who pulled him off the fence the response was a rifle barrel in his face and the command “Get back from the Queen’s guard!”
At this point, Miscavige was escorted off the property.
Scientology Public Relations Exec Commander Brandy Amoretz said that “it indeed is sad when people so enlightened like the British cannot see the wisdom of allowing our most Supreme Leader to be the next sovereign of their nation. It only shows that more Ideal Orgs will need to be opened throughout the Umited Kingdom”.
In light of yesterday’s events, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have submitted a bill to Parliament that will ban Scientology throughout the British Commonwealth.
In some countries that belong to the British Commonwealth, they call Nov. 11, “Remembrance Day” instead of “Vetrans Day”. I think that is probably a good thing considering we can use that holiday to remember what a crazy criminal cult this Scamology truly is.
After all, we can use this day to remember all the people who are locked away from their friends and family. We could have little parades on this day and carry signs asking, “Were’s Shelley?”
We don’t ever want to forget that Shelley is missing and has not been seen in years. When you think about that, we put people into prison “FOR LIFE” for murdering their spouses. If I am not mistaken, muder of a spouse is the most common kind of murder. But the POOH of Scamology has found a way to get rid of his spouse just as effectively as someone without billions would murder their spouse.
I see a real need and value for a day that can be observed as a special day to remember all the “disappeared” and “disconnected”.
As a Matter of Fact, I would love to propose we set aside a day – perhaps Nov. 11 – every year we can observe as a holiday to “Remember the disappeared and disconnected”!
Not only the people who have been locked up – illegally confined – by religious cults and essentially “MURDERED” by this crazy cult.
Otherwise, we stand in danger that these people can become forgotten. We need an annual “Remembrance Day” so that we never forget them and hopefully, get them out of their prisons – whether that is a physical prison or a mental prison – a prison of the mind.
Please do not take away from the Veteran’s Day Holiday for anything involving Scientology or anything else. Our veterans deserve this holiday. You want a Remembrance Day for Scientology find another day
You are quite right.
In hindsight, it was wrong of me to suggest the date Nov. 11 and I should have tried to make my point without using that date.
You are quite right that veterans deserve to be honored for the sacrifices they made and all citizens of free countries owe a great debt of gratitude to veterans.
The only butt they’re kicking is their own, and hard at that. Dummies for LRH. A life committed to a cult madman is a terrible thing to lose in the pursuit of made-up nonsense.
I can’t imagine living such a cloistered existence where you have absolutely No idea of what is going on in the world around you. Even your average priest/ pastor/ minister/ nun is better informed. I guess that’s why the former are considered adherents of bonafide religions while $’s are considered cultist boobs.
The Few, the Deluded, The Remnants… of Decades of Cult Mind Fuck and Spirit Rape.
Clueless, clobbered, and compromised.
Insouciant, idiotic, and insolent.
Misinformed, muzzled,and mummified.
Fiddled, fractured, and fucked.
Well, it seems they have abandoned the crossed arms for fist on the hip and a forward leaning very stern look. They need to see a psychiatrist ASAP.
See a psychiatrist?
A Scientologist?!
You ate so out-ethics!
Sorry. You ARE so out-ethics.
Damn spell checker!
I knew what you meant Alcoboy, and it’s an honor to be out-ethics! Thank you! I try 🙂
Fists on hips; it’s the Mussolini look!
This is so funny to me. Recently at a CCHR display, someone came up to me to give me something as I walked by. I simply looked at him and said, “I am not allowed to talk to you.” He suddenly folded over and quickly walked back away from me.
I never felt more powerful in all my life.
LOL! I’m absolutely gonna do this! So funny! I am sure I’m declared an SP, since my fiancé all of a sudden broke up with me, and left me. Haven’t spoken to him for several months. He didn’t even say anything when he came home and got all his shit out. Really nice guy, true gentleman. I was devastated, but now I’m getting more into thinking that if there are idiots really believing someone else is the cause of their failure, or that they catch a cold, or that their job isn’t going well, and so on, well that’s a true idiot to me. Such gullible fools that’s don’t take responsibility. Sickening.
Well, if he your ex-fiance is a Scientologist, and you’re not, and have refuse to become one, or, Xenu forbid, you were once on board with all things cult and now no longer are, then your relationship had its demise built in. And if you’re pining for what might have been I’d suggest you read exScientologist message board for scores of first hand accounts of cult marriages and divorces. After reading enough of these true stories you might breath a sigh of relief that you are now free to find and commit to someone who can actually love you.
Spot on Aquamarine.
I feel you pain, Whatever.
Quite funny picture 😆
If they’re trying to look tough, they ain’t making sister.
It is hard to believe that there are still people who live in the real world (not SEA BORG members locked up) who ccontinue to believe Hubtard’s crap. Talk about below room temp IQs
No folded arms? Maybe that’s reserved for Sea Org and staff.
Although I tend to agree with a few of the Scientologists’ points about overuse of psych meds and ECT, they go to such delusional extremes that I can only shake my head. The reason that psych meds and ECT shouldn’t be over-prescribed is that there are often less intrusive ways (through actual clinical psychology) to get at the root of a psychological issue, especially the many that include an element of trauma. But to reject all psychology for Hubbard’s space-opera delusions of grandeur, and to deny people help from psych meds when the cause is more organic or ECT even as a last resort in the cases where these things do help — these people need therapy.
Hubbard was totally wrong. I used a psychiatrist for a family problem a few years back. Best move I ever made. They are nothing like what Hubbard said. If I was still in Scientology, they would have destroyed my family. Already declared suppressive, they would have tried to throw me under the bus.
I concur. A couple of years after I left Scientology I went to see a therapist at the VA. He gave me good advice and when I asked him if I would need psych drugs he told me that he didn’t think they would help in my case. SO MUCH FOR PSYCHIATRY TRYING TO DRUG EVERYONE!
Scientology; house of lies.
I’ve gone to therapy on more than one occaion. It helped immensely when I was first getting clean and sober, though it’s not a substitute for a good program (AA in my case).
Went through AA in 1972. Worked great. No drink in 38 years. Scientology had nothing at all to do with it.
Correction. Times flies. No drink in 48 years.
I thought so, George. I’VE got 38 years (got sober in ’81). For the record, I’m also a former heroin addict. I only mention this because it helps me see what a scam Narconon is. I was tempted to say it’s worthless, but it’s worse than worthless; it’s malevolent.
Hats off to both of you! Keep up the good work!