See the story just published in the Tampa Bay Times about the plans the church just filed with the city concerning the upcoming events.
Of course, in typical fashion they submit them two weeks before the scheduled events, demanding over-the-top special treatment. The usual time for applications such as these is 30 days. They are asking for Ft Harrison Ave to be closed entirely from Friday to Sunday evening. And all sorts of sidewalk closures. If the city doesnt bow to their demands there will be squeals of “discrimination” echoing through the empty halls of the SP building. Chopping down those trees without approval and generally ignoring the requirements of the city to the point where the Mayor asked Scientologists to plead to the church “leadership” to set a better example in the community may not have been such a great idea.
A lot of the RCS requests are more about having time to erect fences and barricades to keep the outside world at bay than to actually perform a ribbon cutting (and removing unsightly traffic lights that may mar His image).
So, it looks like Voldemort has opted for the kamikaze strategy. He is going to parade through the streets naked and hope everyone watching praises his splendid attire. But his big problem is that there are a LOT of people who will be in Clearwater seeing his naked butt on display and making it known to the world. The amount of heat that is going to be going down all lines between now and then to scrape together 10,000 people is going to beyond anything anyone has ever seen. To not live up to this impossible (but widely promoted) target will be deemed “direct CI to Command Intention.”
November is going to be quite a fun month. Unless you are doing call in for the event (ie unless you are a staff member anywhere in the world or in WISE, SMI or ABLE sectors or are on an OT Committee somewhere).
The Arrogance of Little Nero. The ARC breaks with parishioners, far flung staffers held hostage to chaotic non-planning could be the “pop” this month. Not the court cases.
Open enmasse walk-offs from flag is possible. This is too much to ask from a far overstretched staff.
A denial from the city for these overreaching demands could be the straw…
Aside from his inevitable incarceration and eventual one-way trip to hell, I can’t think of anything better than a gussied-up, overly tanned Misgavige taking the stage to deliver his speech and some brave attendee throwing an egg and hitting him in the face.
So let me get this right….
A tax exempt entity, wants last minute concessions from a municipal government regarding a special event which will impede pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Traffic that permits tourists and citizens…tax paying ones at that….to get around town, the beach and anywhere else to conduct commerce and contribute to the tax base. This same entity has also demanded expensive modifications to traffic lighting with a promise to pay for any costs to the city…even though in violating city ordinances that resulted in fines that were never paid we are to understand.
City operating procedures and by laws are well and lawfully inplace in the community, local residents have long been outraged by the entity and it long history of lies and subterfuge dating back to its initial arrival in Clearwater when it intentionally obscured its identity.
Most of the people attending Flag seemingly appear to hold no permanent residency there nor can they vote in municipal elections.
This then begs the question…why cave in to them again and when is the next election?
To the mayor…do the right thing for your community.
Stand up and stand tall.
Get the media on your side and let this foolishness go national.
No one outside of the CoS would disagree with you for doing the right , legal move.
Just say no, CoS did not follow the rules once again and we have had enough.
David has the city officials in his pocket. It would be neat if we hired PI’s to trace the bribe money going into their pockets and then do a media expose of it all. A city official head on a pike for taking bribes from the church would make the rest of them stop taking bribes too.
Fantastic idea, Jane. This would be right up Tobin’s and Child’s alley.
DM’s racket in CW is classic “carrot and sticK”. Take the money and do what we tell ‘ya and when, or we’ll sue ‘ya.. Probably has the same MO in Riverside County and LA.
As a member of Clearwater Citizen’s Academy, I have my weekly meeting with some city officials tonight. I will be expressing my concerns that the city does not cave to unreasonable Miscavige demands.
Here are some important email addresses if you have something to say:
Michael Delk, Planning and Development Director, [email protected]
Bill Horne, City Manager (Delk’s boss), [email protected]
George Cretekos, Mayor [email protected]
You can also go to his facebook page. The city monitors FB closely.
Thank you, Sheldon. This is very helpful information.
Hey Sheldon. Thanks for the tip on the Mayor’s FB page. I sent him a quick thought, and maybe some others will as well. I gathered from an article that they have yet to approve the permit and will be meeting Wednesday. Haven’t heard that fat lady yet. When I lived in CW the weekends were a busy time for the beaches and all the snowbirds (elderly) trying to find their way around town for those early bird dinner specials. Last thing they need is to be detoured around and about downtown as they try to negotiate the bridges. Just sayin……
The city of Clearwater has already claimed gutlessness as its methodology where the czerch is concerned. That will not change. They will bow to every single demand. Raising the cost means nothing, either. If they added 10X, it would either be paid or the czerch would claim they were being abused and would sue the city for some vast sum.
The buildup to this impending series of “events” with all of the issues swirling around Mi$cavige is eerie. I can’t imagine more than a few buying into the hype this time around. This could be DM’s Waterloo, or as Texans say, he may be heading to his last round-up.
I smell bribery. There will be some new millionaires soon.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Could be some city people are in the Dwarf’s pocket.
This is absolutely mind-boggling that the city of Clearwater would even be thinking of agreeing to all this. It sounds like a giant F#@% You to the whole city. It’s rubbing the city fathers’ noses into the poop…. DM is showing them who runs their city. Jeeeezz. Yes, David, we are all watching. The king has no clothes.
“…it looks like Voldemort has opted for the kamikaze strategy…”
Yeah. He’s passing divine wind.
Typical trying to bully the city of Clearwater, the staff and public are bullied so why not? Their so called event is already a failure.
Sorry to be off topic here but here’s a quick reminder for Leah’s dancing with the stars voting for tonight, Monday. Central/Mountain time, you have about 40 min left to vote. Pacific Coast, until 10 pm. I’m not sure about Hawaii.
Here’s the online voting page:
Also, here is the toll-free number to call for Leah’s team. You can call a lot of times. I think it’s 7 but it will tell you when you’ve reached your limit. You can call 7 times from every phone you have: 8008683411 800 868 3411
There are sooo many things wrong with this event besides ill timing. COB must have a whole bevy of SPs working around him and making his life just miserable!!!
Today, the Co$ looks like a large jelly fish bobbing along on the ocean surface. Nothing seems to effect it….even stabbing it with a wooden stake. But their long tentacles reach out and sting like hell… like thousands of websites critical of former members or forcing families to split up, or force abortions, etc..
This November event is a totally mindless, it must be a DNA Jelly Fish event. An event they MUST have! It sucks to be David Miscavige. He’s surrounded by SPs left and right!!
BTW, jelly fish end up on the shore all dried out and quite dead.
Back when they cut the trees down, I saw more of this kind of thing coming and I wrote a letter to the mayor of Clearwater. I’m sure I’m not the only one who did this, but I though it was appropriate to mention it at this point as a little thorn in their (RCS’s) side.
In my letter I spent some time describing what DM would do to people who didn’t cover his ass in the PR world, what he insisted happen regarding the road that cuts through the base, how the extreme pressure exerted by him “down the lines” caused staff to go around any rules standing in their way (such as rules/codes from the city) to get something accomplished that He wanted….everything I could think of about manipulating the locals. I got all the info from base briefings that I had to sit through, along with everyone else at the base. And from the flaps section of our staff meetings when Ken Hoden or Muriel or Cathy screwed up and “flapped on COB’s lines” with incorrect “handlings” of the local people, county people, etc. so that he wasn’t getting his way at a Warp 10 speed.
I also told the mayor about the famous punishment he dished out when a couple staff didn’t “handle” the noise on the highway that kept him awake at night–they never got the speed limit lowered where the highway went by his room so they had to stand out on the edge of the highway at 6am every day and watch/listen to the noise every single morning until they got the speed limit lowered and the noise lessened. This after probably going to sleep around 2-3 in the morning anyway. Nice guy.
Anyway, I tried my darndest to communicate what a psycho nut he was and how badly he treated people who worked with him, and warned the mayor and hopefully anyone else who read the letter that he will throw them under the bus when he feels he’s done with them. I suggested that they inspect the crew berthing where corners are cut to no end regarding electrical, plumbing and numbers of people piled into one room or apartment.
I told him that the fines the city levies equalled the cost of a pack of gum to the RCS coffers and that they should greatly raise the fees for not adhering to the city ordinances. I told him about how DM thinks he is above everything, especially the laws of this country, states and counties where he appears and demands things get done.
Man it felt good to put that in the mail! More people should do the same–especially those who have first-hand experience. I hope they have the hardest time ever dished out to them from the city of Clearwater for being such extreme jerks and the whole darn thing falls apart with everyone wandering around in their evening gowns and tuxes wondering what to do and where to go and what all the wonderful news is, but the whole thing got closed down because the RCS couldn’t adhere to one single rule that isn’t of their own manufacture. Way to go, robots!
Well done gato rojo,
We are nearing the “end game” and I sure you’re efforts will help. The next few weeks and months will be very entertaining indeed! Hey Mike, when all is said and done and DM is either behind bars or gone forever…keep your blog. Write about whatever you like or write a book. You have the gift and look forward your future success.
I second what Penny said! Yes, Mike, please do!
gato rojo, that sounds like a good letter. Perhaps you should send it to the SP Times?
Thank you, Gato Rojo, for sending that letter to CW’s Mayor. The more truth that gets out there the better. And, no matter how bizarre the truth is, it is still the TRUTH, and as such, it communicates, it gets thru. Lots of things in history have been very bizarre, yet true.
I think it’s a great idea to contact public officials. My concern about this approach is twofold: that it contains too much information to be easily and quickly digested, and that it is easy to dismiss as being part of some internal squabble the recipient wants NO part of.
These Clearwater public servants are up to their eyeballs in Scientology. They’ve got a job to do. The goodness or badness of Dave Miscavige is not a relevant factor in making a determination on this application. They’d rather NOT hear about it, at least right now, with an immediate problem before them. If they are interested in these things, they’ve had years to read the fine reporting of two journalists at the Tampa Bay Times.
When communicating with public officials it’s important to bear in mind that they are busy, they are under pressure from many sides, and they are constrained by all kinds of procedure and regulation and law. So it’s best to address the relevant issues in a clear, concise way that might help the officials frame the situation in the way you want them to.
In this case, it seems clear that the church is asking for
(A) exceptional treatment
(B) without complying with the 30-day city application requirement
(C) after having demonstrated bad faith toward the city and its standards with regard to the live oak trees and the illegal sign on the tent.
(An aside for fellow Yankees: “live oak” is a particular kind of oak tree, not an oak that is alive. It’s a native species noted for attaining magisterial proportions and presence in its southern habitat. I’d commit serious overts to have one in Maine. This is JUST the sort of personal ranting that is best omitted from letters to the Mayor, unless you can distill it to a pithy core like “two of our grand native live oaks.”)
It is illegal to cut down a live oak tree in CA for any reason. And in FL Davie cut them down in wanton disregard for the “NO” on the tree cutting he got from the city. He flaunts the law at them.
Oh yeah, a subthread about oak trees!
The California or coastal live oak, Quercus agrifolia, has a pretty small, specialized habitat and warrants special protection. Its southeastern cousin, Q. virginiana, is more widespread and often planted as a specimen in public places, so it’s not exactly an endangered species, but it takes decades to grow to its full magnificent proportions. Typically it’s the huge spreading tree that you see in movies filmed in the American South with Spanish moss dripping from its gnarly old limbs. You have to be a special kind of asshole to chop one down for no good reason.
plus 1
Richard, it wasn’t a rant at all. It was friendly, “easily-digestable” information they could use or not use as they see fit. I am very aware of the things on the plates of city people. I already did it, so it’s done. I worked at it so it would be pretty powerful and helpful to them.
The things you are concerned about were not in my letter–you haven’t read it, you just read what I wrote on this blog which was not how I composed the letter — it’s how I communicate to people on this blog with a similar feeling about this whole thing as I have.
I don’t think you should be telling someone not to write to the Mayor. “This is JUST the sort of personal ranting that is best omitted from letters to the Mayor.” Wow. You don’t know what I wrote and how I wrote it and your statements here kinda pissed me off. You evaluated something you didn’t even see or experience and your negativity has some of the flavor of you-know-who who knows all and shuts anyone down for originating or creating anything without his approval.
Although you are welcome to your opinion and chance to blog as well, and I appreciate your concern about having correct things sent to a bunch of very busy people, I’m letting you know I do not accept your imaginary statements about my letter to the mayor. and there is no reason at all I shouldn’t have sent it to him.
I am sorry, Gato. My remarks were insensitive. I regret not having been more respectful of the effort you put into writing to the mayor.
The term “rant” was meant ONLY to refer to my own tangent about live oak trees, which I thought might illustrate how we all (and I especially) tend to go off on subjects of interest to ourselves, at the expense of the immediate subject at hand. I should, and will from now on, be more careful about stating my own views in a way that does not disparage anyone else’s.
Thank you.
Mr Grant
Your concern and love of the live oak trees resonates with me strongly. It is well to have voices joined in their protection. These ancient specimens are more vital to the health of this planet than we know. CoS slaughtering these live oaks cruelly and needlessly just reminds me of the scene in the Lord of The Rings where the Orcs slaughtered the great trees as a first action to conquering Middle Earth.
Suppressive powers tend to be quick to destroy nature, i.e. North Korea, China….It is one of the first red flags to go up.
It is also true that one who cannot love the Earth cannot love himself.
Scientologists of Clearwater, It is not too late to look into your hearts and re-examine which side you are on. Choose wisely.
Brilliant job Gato rojo! I think that it’s so important for all of us, to communicate when, how and in whatever way we please. A true evil in the world is squashing people’s ability to communicate, and the rcs has done it’s best to stop communication and thus, information. This is a revolt of the mind and the breaking of fraudulent chains. We are free and can communicate anything we want, with any one at any time. (excepting evil threats of course) I love that this all began with anonymous noticing, that tom cruise’s rant was removed from the internet, and they just kept putting it back. They had no idea of the extent of the creepy secrets they would uncover, they just noticed the outpoint, the suppression of information. Carry on Red Cat! Great job!
Hubris n. excessive pride or self-confidence>(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride or presumption towards the gods, leading to nemesis.
Nemesis n. the inescapable agent of someone’s downfall, especially when deserved>a downfall caused by such an agent.
Is there anyone reading this blog that would have the name, phone number and email of the Clearwater Dept that is handling this event permit application for the Church?
Cindy P., I don’t but the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce would be able to give you that data, or the Mayor’s office. Google is your friend as the saying goes.
Here is the link:
Reminds me of the PR Series “Too little, too late” and is an out point as well that they don;t request now the closure of streets for the end of November.
I guess they do not care if the City Officials like it or not, or if they are made wrong…the Devil Moron wants it the way he envisioned and ignoring the officials and loosing all the PR and respect from CW public is not part of his considerations, of course. Narcissistic, selfish creature.
Right on Silvia, narcissistic is a characteristic of a Sociopath, per “The Sociopath Next Door” book.
I always hated the way the cult did everything at the last minute. It seems so abberated.
Another reason why they might be doing this one at the last minute is that they may think they are getting the jump on the SPs. So the “SP’s” won’t have time to combat their little plan.
I really feel for the Kool aid drinkers still on the inside having to deal with all this bullshit.
There is no calculation behind it. Miscavige always does things last minute, without fail. If there is any intention behind it at all, it is to keep people constantly scrambling and exhausted and confused so they think they are doing something really big and important but are really too tired to think at all.
I noticed that too – and nothing really gets done.
If you study “mind control” methods – this is all cleverly designed to keep people in a state of constant confusion. I have staff members stay up all night to get some stupid project done for the Cult and then it is their fault because nothing was accomplished. “Covert invalidation and nullification are the social intercourse” of the church of Scientology! L Ron even gives it away in his “tek”…
Tony gets it right on his blog: they schedule and ask for city permissions only DAYS ahead of the grandest ever grand opening for a building they took 15 years to build…
How dumb is that…? “Oh my god… the building is suddenly… DONE! Hurry, book a day for the GRAAAAND OOOOPENING! NOW!!!”
Tony, even by the cult’s own standards of too little too late, this one takes the biscuit. They seriously expect European public to drop everything and fly over now at the minimum cost on flights alone of $800? They will be lucky to get 1000 from the whole of Europe. Still, shouldn’t be a problem – per the official Flag web site “The greater Clearwater/Tampa/St. Petersburg area is home to more than 12,000 Scientologists.”
However it seems no Scientologists are expected to access even Church web sites these days for actual news or info since NONE of them – and I’ve checked ’em all – have put a notice up about these events. And since all public have industrial grade answer phones and don’t take calls from Orgs the public won’t have any conversation with staff about the dates – unless they are onlines or actually make the effort to find out themselves. But of course they will still be CI to COB if they don’t show up.
Maybe he’s telepathically sending them all messages right now. “You – Motherf****ing cock ******* CI piece of sh** you better show up at Flag You WHAT? See Lauri this fag*** f******* ass**** is backflashing me telepapthically – you’re all f****inf SPs you…”
Look at all the secrecy of announcing when the event is… they are scared to death that Fringe SP’s will be there to protest or to infiltrate and record. Davie is very very paranoid and scared of that. So given that he is withholding how he gets the word out, how will he reach if he’s on a W/H and how will that “sort of” reach result in 10,000 Scns for the event? I bet you he is hiring more and more actors.
Totally agreed on the Dwarf’s major paranoia at work.
For laughs I mocked up an accent and called Flag, pretending to be from Bla Bla Org and eager to attend. Turns out you need to first fill out and send in a form which includes medical data about yourself along with a Photo ID. and then, when you show up your name tag or whatever it is will be there for you to pick up.
Obviously they want plenty of info on someone well before they’re let in. Can you imagine – medical data? Incredible.
And I would think they have someone posted at Flag now to qual this data. What a nightmare for some poor SO if a few SPs manage to slip thru the cracks.
That’s it Martin! LOL!!
LOL, the public has a LOT of places to find out about the Grand Opening dates:
– This blog
– The Tampa Bay Times
– Tony Ortega’s Blog
… and a lot more! Maybe Dave should send press releases to these helpful media outlets that keep the public informed about the events and other developments 🙂
Ich bin ein Clearwaterer. Mister Miscaviage, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL.
Temporary removal of city lights and traffic lights, on less than 2 weeks notice, and at a cost that is “in six figures”… with poor Gold staff working their asses off on the last minute changes to the ecclesiastical leader of the world’s fastest growing religion’s speech, with the added randomity of having to have a plan B for everything (in case the SPs disapprove their last minute demand to make the entire downtown CW a private party for the whole 3 day weekend). No sleep for Gold, no sleep for call-iners (everyone else). You will have a lot of Sea Org members sleeping in the audience at those events, and then being dead tired but still trying to hard sell the new materials to the few public who make it there.
Yeah you see these kinda “events” here in LA where the complex and the manor look like high security prisons.
I’m surprised they don’t construct guard towers on each corner.
If I remember rightly poor lil Davy was pretty much drowned out by a rowdy bunch of Anonymous.
(Shows ya what a lousy speaker he is.
I mean if it was Heber he would have found a way to engage the whole crowd including Anonymous but every time I’ve gone to a live event where his holiness MCed I always felt like that guy in Clockwork Orange being subjected to Aversion Therapy….
After that they constructed these high fences around all the “events” in LA.
I figure they are figuring on the same warm reception in Clearwater.
The irony is that the protesters will probably out number the actual attendants and their hired actors which will probably be about 5 or 6 photoshopped x 10000.
Well, you do have to block out the world with barricades in order to create your own reality, which, by definition, would not actually be reality, but delusion.
Reality is WHAT IS. Reality is not pretending what is, either by yourself or with the agreement of others.
Delusion is the gateway to psychosis.
“Delusion is the gateway to psychosis.” +1
Misk passed through that gateway many, many decades ago.
It would not be a” huge” surprise that paid actors pretending to be over the top scientologist’s were employed. I mean they don’t have to go up the Bridge, nobody to declare S.P.’s, perfect solution.
Yo, Miscavige … the whole world is watching!
Thought — if the Co$ is willing to spend $100K to remove streetlights and traffic lights for the big three-day event, maybe they’re willing to shell out $1.5 million for 10,000 dressed-up actors @ $150/pop.
What your IAS donations buy. Good grief.
We in RTC have ordered all of the pie-faced idiots at Flag to make this go right.
This is the biggest ever religious event in the history of this Planet, bigger than even Moses parting the waters or Jesus walking on the water.
This is where the Planetary Civilization itself changes and COB RTC David Miscavige is recognized as Lord Excelsior of Clearwater.
What is it to the Clearwater if a few traffic signals and streetlights need to be ripped down for a few days? Indeed, we in RTC are not even bothering to wait for the approval of some wog politicos. As we write this, bulldozers are ripping apart the intersections even as Flag cement trucks are pouring the 10 meter high concrete barriers.
The guard towers that we will put the snipers in go up later tonight.
Um November 8. Whoops proofread, you’re not in SO, you can proofread before you hit send. The entire agonized future of the planet does not depend on how fast you make your comment.
Okayyyyyy, but this will have to count against your next posting status level. Fringerians have standards, after all!
The first sidewalk closure requested is November *???????????* FOUR days’ notice. I sure hope someone just says NO.
The call In for this must be a huge bloody boiler room scene.
do you have a link to the story
Click on the first three words of the post.
That didn’t work for me, Mike. No useable link.
Maybe it was part of the plan to get the event cancelled by submitting requests 2 weeks in advance, kudos for CW accepting their plans, now there is no pansy ass excuse to cancel, it will have to go forward. You gotta wonder what other sabotage the “Mgmt” will engage in, always entertaining. I wonder if this event will include those actors that recently did casting calls to play Scn on course, etc and get $150 or so for the day.
Exactly right, Betsy. This event will have the actors saying their lines: “Awesome.” “We’re so lucky to have CoB.” “It’s confidential.” “I’m Virgo, what are you?”
Yes, Poet13c. And, the new release… “Gee, where can we buy a set of copper rods like COB has? We wanna be JUST LIKE Him. sighhhhhh.”