This is the latest piece of self-praise that appears on the phony “STAND League” website.
Everyone knows this is simply a front group run by the Office of Special Affairs International and their Twitterer-in-chief Fast Eddie Parkin.
They claim they fight for religious freedom and against bigotry and hate — but in fact the majority of their efforts go to “dead-agenting” Leah Remini, me and the brave victims of scientology abuse who have been on our show. With no new episodes airing, they have little to write about. So while Fast Eddie keeps tweeting about us, they put up a few things on their website that are rather comical, trying to appear that they have something worthwhile to offer.
This is the latest…
Eva Mahoney is prolix, so I will save you the time of having to wade through her rambling thoughts.
There is one paragraph that stood out:
Then there are the anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim comments following stories on social media. Peppered in are suggestions that Jews and Muslims should be deprived of their human rights and killed. Nazi much?
OK, Eva, you put your foot right in it.
I have been challenging Fast Eddie on Twitter to make any sort of statement concerning the blatant, disgusting and unapologetic anti-Semitic statements by IAS Freedom Medal Winner and scientology fundraiser par excellence Tony Muhammad. Not a peep has been heard from the otherwise twitter happy Fast Eddie about TonyMo.
But now his organization (you) has made a point of calling out the anti-Semitic hate speech on social media. But one of your most prominent scientologists is one of the most guilty parties of this practice.
You guys go to great lengths to make videos and websites decrying everyone from the chairman of Disney and President of A&E to mothers who have lost their children to disconnection. But not one of them has done anything like TonyMo.
So, STAAD League — what IS your position on the anti-semitism of one of your own? Are you ever going to have the courage to stand up and speak out against this disgusting person you continue to promote and champion?
Of course, we all know the answer. What does it matter if you are lying fakers when that is your very reason for existing?
Well, yesterday I thought I would see if I could find Edward Parkin’s twitter acct. It was more that I just wanted to see what he said and also just wanted to read how he presented his side. It was a little interesting and he’s for sure a died in the wool scientologist. The contradictions in what he says The Aftermath is doing and that he is doing what he accuses them of doing was pretty clear, but not surprising. One thing that just didn’t make any sense was his seeming to defend all religions on the one hand, yet accepts into the fold those who hate other religions and an entire race. I think he’s confused.
I don’t tweet and didn’t even think about giving it a try.
Hitler, Stalin and Hubbard with his follower made it. Will they ever return?
Hey Miscavige, Thursday has come and gone. How are the stats, little buddy?
Were you able to confront the measles outbreak on that gong show dinghy called the Freewinds? (What a laugh!)
You couldn’t confront your way out of a paper bag, ‘ya little SP… you are an imposter, and all around you know it. Your little walls are crumbling, and the world is clawing at your frail doors.
Enjoy your scotch while it lasts, SP.
Stand claims to fight for religious freedom. According to the constitution of the United States the freedom of religion allows us to practice any religion we want or to not practice a religion at all.
Scientology is so in conflict with the latter part. You can’t Leave the cult (stop practicing the tech) without being attacked and interrogated and once you do you’re declared and “fair gamed”. Guess our basic laws don’t apply to them.
Hubbard was definitely a fascist or totalitarian, and despised our democratic system. Some of his early contemporaries commented on it, and various writings demonstrate contempt for “wog” laws and justice, fundamental notions that all men are created equal, and so on.
Hubbard considered Scientology the model that should replace “wog” systems, a benevolent dictatorship or some sort of rule of elites (apparently what he hoped would succeed him) – a notion that, in similarly idealistic Marxism-Leninism, has always proved to be even worse than the messiness of democracy (and capitalism) in practice. It’s an ideology and organization completely at odds with the society and nation within which it exists, a sort of parasite that would destroy the host.
First, thank you for my new word of the day. I now know what prolix means.
I make it a point to post the Aftermath Foundations website and phone number on every Scientology Instagram account post I can find. I don’t know how many people see them but, someone did “heart” one from a few weeks ago.
I especially like to comment on Ed’s IG account. The images are on high rotation and his commentary is often just as redundant. I ask frequently about NOI but I never get an answer.
I wonder where Misscavage will go when this thing finally crumbles and people like Cruise wake up. He’ll have no place to hide.
They’ll be coming for YOU Miscavage. They have a “hole” waiting just for you.
Robert, he’ll just move a private island with the few idiot SO member sheep left like Marc Yeager, Davey (Blooming) Bloomberg, and his “girlfriend” People like Cruise cannot arrest Miss Cabbage.
WHY do we care about evident hypocrisy from scn?
Haven’t we twigged that nothing from any scn front-group is rooted in the real universe? EVERYTHING in the BUBBLE is illusory/hallucination or worse.
Yes, but the mainstream media and Wikipedia will still quote their lying denials without making the slightest effort to expose the lies. Hubbard knew what he was doing.
“WHY do we care about evident hypocrisy from scn?”
Because the wider public is unaware of it.
Scamologists Taking All Available Dinero
In response to Facebook and Instagram banning Minster Louis Farrakhan, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad says:
“I am Louis Farrakhan”
“It’s time we get … our own Country!!”
“I Am Farrakhan”
Sorry, I provided the wrong link to my tweet documenting the following statement by Minister Tony Muhammad:
“It’s time we get … our own Country!!”
From what I can tell, NOI is shrinking and failing just like Scientology, and down to about the same size – though like the CofS, they manage to garner an outsized share of media and public attention.
They’re getting “their own country” like Scientology is “clearing the planet” or “eradicating psychiatry” – not only is it not happening, but they’re actually further from it even being conceivable, or a persuasive idea to many people, than they once were. I doubt that even Liberia, which was created in Africa so that former slaves could return and have their own country, and where English is the official language, would take in such a deluded and troublesome lot – and I don’t think the NOI really wants the work of their own country, or even a county (there are a number of black-majority counties in the South where they could easily establish themselves as force), they just want to keep up the propaganda fantasy of sort of winning the lottery and being handed vast riches.
“though like the CofS, they manage to garner an outsized share of media and public attention.”
In NOI’s case, it’s that darned “I”(Islam) though NOI represents Islam about as little as scientology represents an actual religion.
Yes, from its inception the Nation of Islam has had as part of its Scripture the goal of having their own country. That’s where “Nation” comes in. My question would be:
Let’s say they COULD get white Americans to pay for this and that the US government WOULD set aside a few of the states and empty them out of all white people so that the NOI could live there. Yes, I know its wild and beyond the beyond but stick with me for a minute – let’s suppose The Nation of Islam achieved this, managed somehow to get what they want;, i.e., their own land, gifted to them, subsidized by white American taxpayers, for them to inhabit, blacks only. This IS what they want, and its a very clearly stated goal, possibly their senior goal. Ok, so they get it, let’s say.
Now, WHO , out of all African Americans, would the NOI ALLOW to relocate there?
In other words, how does the NOI define “black” as it applies to African Americans? i think they’d have a real problem on their hands, deciding this.
No one in this country is coal black. Hardly anyone even in Africa is pure black anymore as they were when brought to the New World as slaves. Practically every African American and Caribbean American and South American with has Caucasian blood in them today.
So what is “black” to the NOI? Dark chocolate? Milk chocolate? Mulatto? Quadroon? (1/4th) Octoroon? (1/8th) Or will they adopt what was the rule in the antebellum South, i.e, just one leetle drop of black makes you black? Seriously. Will some be disqualified for Nation citizenship due to being too light, or because their hair is too straight? What if they”re dark but with Asian blood, or Native American blood? Peruvian/Aztec features? Or or or or..
No kidding, WHAT precisely do they need to LOOK LIKE in order to MAKE THE CUT, to be considered “black” and accepted by the NOI to happily ever after in Farrakhan Land, tax free?
How I’d love to ask Lunatic Louie this question!
“I Am Farrakhan”
Not yet, Tony; you have to wait until he drops the body.
These boneheaded idiots who are a part of STAND/STAAD each have a separate twitter account and post and re-post the same things- there is a veritable twitter army (myself included) who ridicule them for every post they make and continually call them out on the NOI issue. They have NEVER responded. I dont think they have anyone watching who is posting responses to their moronic proclamations. I noticed, however, that scientology makes sure that people who speak out about the cult are blocked from other members- Ive never been on Kirstie Alleys page, Jenna Elfmans page, or scientologys page, but have been blocked from all of them.
They occasionally have a “post” from a bot to show support for their sites, including the Alicia Selverston fake profile (im not sure if I spelled that one correctly) and other fake people. Its sad to see these pathetic attempts to sway people to their propaganda and lies. No one is paying them any attention and it gives me ammunition to go to the actual people who are shown on their page in an effort to pretend they have support. They usually take down those posts quickly.
They will never answer the NOI questions- they cannot acknowledge it as that would show them for the liars they really are. However, when the connection is shown to the ‘real’ organizations shown on the site, they react as you would expect. I dont really know why they still try.
Kat said, in part:
“continually call them out on the NOI issue. They have NEVER responded.”
And they NEVER WILL RESPOND on any ISSUE. They can’t, by their holey scripture; they can only attack,attack, attack anyone and everyone who dares suggest anything but the official party line might be partially true. NOI is now part of scn, so is now sacred and to be defended to their last keystroke, no matter WHAT NOI leaders actually do or say. NOW, it MIGHT be interesting to see what would happen should NOI’s innermost circle actually confront scn’s OSA operatives doing their ‘fair game’ “thang”. For, it’s inevitable that someone in NOI’s leadership will annoy DM somehow and be declared SP. NOI has their own inimitable way of dealing with their enemies, I hear, and they have their own internal ‘army’ who might not be as ‘ethical’ as OSA.
Kat and Jere,
The ” experts on communication, the mind, and the spirit ” can’t communicate, can’t think clearly, and confuse robotic behavior and the
spouting of cult jargon with being ” spiritual “.
They can’t confront dissent from or criticism of their cult’s propaganda.
They are forbidden by cult policy to talk about and question ANYTHING in scientology AMONG THEMSELVES, much less talk about or debate about scientology policies and ideas with outsiders and critics. Scientology is so PERFECT that is must battle and destroy those who disagree with it or fight its toxic policies and criminal behavior. It is so perfect that is unchangeable; it cannot be altered or improved, it cannot evolve, because…Hubbard has said so. They deliver no provable results and offer no calm, reasonable, empirical defenses of their claims.
Because they can’t engage and have sincere discourse, they become fixated on looking good, on aligning themselves with groups and people and ideas that seem egalitarian and progressive in order to APPEAR socially aware, in order to fulfill their twisted public relations image of a legitimate religion. They are intentionally duplicitous and misleading; they manufacture propaganda.
Just like their so-called religion and its founder, they and their efforts are hollow, insincere, cynical, dishonest, and venal.
By the way, I am not suggesting that the NOI is remotely progressive or socially beneficial; they behave in a similar manner, and will hide their overtly racist, twisted agenda when they find it convenient to do so.
Great post. They are forever attempting to appear relevant and seem unable to actually carry it off. Just another example of the complete lack of insight of the upper members of the cult. But its still fun to taunt them online! LOL
Yes, they can’t BE relevant, they can only attempt to APPEAR TO BE RELEVANT.
I think taunting them online with Hubbard quotes and court records that illuminate their intentional criminality and decades of vexatious litigation is an effective way to inform the public at large and deter cult recruitment.
Please carry on!? Cheers,
Scientologists Twerking Awkwardly Now Daily
Silly Trolls And Nutters Drowning
Sycophants Twats Asshats Needing Diuretics
Super Tweakers Adding New Drugs
Suckers Toadies All Needing Deprogramming
There you go SCN trolls. True examples of the acronym STAND. You see, the words that are abbreviated must actually spell the acronym. Only SYCOPHANTS TWATS and ASSHATS say the acronym for scientologists taking action against discrimination in STAND. I think all of these are perfect replacements you could use.
How’s that for hate speech.
My Favorite game:
Swindling Takers And Nasty Devils
Sandbag Truth And Never Deviate
Slavery, Torture, Abuse, Nastiness, Deviants
Shadowy Twits Against Normal Decisions
Stupidity That Allows No Doubters
One more!
Slimy Toadies Auditing Numbskull Dupes
All quite accurate!
It seems like he is posting this crap only for their own people to keep them in line. Thoughts?
I think Miscavage has directed this group to try to rally some sort of support to put pressure on A&E to drop the show. Its pathetic, and failing miserably, but I doubt they can stop until Miscavge commands it. Since he has zero insight into how it actually plays in the real world, I doubt that will happen anytime soon. There are several ‘front groups’ on twitter dedicated to slandering Mike and Leah, which isn’t working either, but it will continue until Miscavage pulls the plug on it.
The quality of writing on STAND, though marginally coherent, has a bland mediocrity that exposes their lack of compelling content. I don’t think that there’s any mystery as to why these boring COS bootlickers will never engage the media they criticize, much less confront the critics who scrutinize them. It’s a dialogue in which they could never prevail. Prattle on STAND, prattle on.
Chris said in part:
“… these boring COS bootlickers will never engage the media”
The CAN’T, BY THEIR HOLEY ‘SCRIPTURE’… They can’t discuss relevant ISSUES, but can only attack, snipe, troll or some other indirect “destroy utterly”.
Mike, I’ll bet Eddie is praying for a fourth Aftermath season so he has an enemy.
The cult needs to keep enemy’s fresh to keep its members focused on attacking the critics/whistleblowers or the members might actually pay attention Miscaviges lies that are right in front of them. Scientology is damned if it does, damned if it doesn’t.
BKmole said, in part:
…” Scientology is damned if it does, damned if it doesn’t.”
More succinctly: ‘scientology is damned.’
No matter what it does, if it sticks to Tubby’s paranoid scribblings and fails to come up to PT. Continuing to do the same thing while expecting a different (better) outcome is not sane. IMO, if they continue their insanity, they’re damned to repeat history and have their clock cleaned regularly.
Follow the money…as usual. They may Be Handlin him behind closed doors which would only mean more money for them ?
Rosemarie, I followed the money once. But, a gust of wind blew them away. What am I doing wrong?
following money on a windy day never has a good outcome
“Foaming at the mouth” – you have to love how they just can’t help but use Freudian-slip style bombast that describes them more than their imagined enemies.
Speaking of social media, I just had a look at their Twitter account. Their banner picture shows a group of mostly gray-haired men and women of a similar age with presumably dyed hair, holding up clenched fists in a way a bit too reminiscent of something right-wing or fascist. The posts are also typical of Scientology, with lots of recycled older pieces – including, within the hour, one about Rev. Dr. Cecil “Chip” Murray, whose role the CofS has been exposed for mis-representing.
I foamed at the mouth once. It scared the shit out of my son. So I’m going to continue doing it. He’ll get over it.
Clenched fists: left wing gesture, not right wing. Fascistic, nonetheless.
Stupid Toxic Angry Narcissistic Dumb: The latest band to appear. Not sure how they will do.
“Scientology’s Timeless Astronaut’s” Needs Drummer.
“I’m just a singer in a rock and roll band”. Literally.
Awesome! I’ve had sticks in my hand for 44 years also.
STAAD can’t even properly parse their acronym, how do you expect them to notice the racist in their midst?
Gee, she not only put her foot in her mouth, she managed her foot, leg, and entire hind quarters 🙂
Now that’s an act I’d love to see. Any tickets left?
At the first IAS meeting in Copenhagen Heber said that psychs do things to people and he got applaud by scientologists watching him. What psychs do to people is nothing compared with what LRH and DM do to them.
Very likely Tony Muhammad has donated, and can keep donating money to scientology. As long as money comes in, the leader will condone whatever happens and OSA will follow suit.
That’s right, Silvia. And let’s not forget that Tony Muhammad gets paid an FSM commission on every service each person in his congregation does at the church. That adds up to a LOT of moola for him too.