The STAAD League have weighed in on the only thing they care about — what is happening on Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. Apparently it is the only thing they exist for, which is quite a compliment.
For the self-proclaimed champions of free speech and purveyors of epic humanitarianishism these guys have a pretty big blind spot.
When Louis Farrakhan and his IAS Freedom-medal winning defender Tony Mohammed roll out the anti-semitic rants, the STAAD League is conspicuously mum. Not a peep. Ever.
When we do a show that highlights victims of abuse, they go apoplectic. Not about those making the claims. But about Leah and me — who frankly hardly said a thing during the whole episode other than for me to say we should be focused on abuses, not beliefs.
They claim we “turn every guest into a victim who blames others” — yeah, right. Tell that to Mikaysha the rape victim Ed Parkin you snivelling robot. Or maybe the Follises who lost two brothers to suicide? Or Shannon who lost her brother and mother? Or, or, or… Somehow you bestow magical powers on us as if we can convert someone into a “victim” when nothing actually happened to them? Like you convert renovated empty buildings into “massive international expansion”?
And you Ed Parkin, not even an American, try to lecture Leah Remini about the Constitution, Bill of Rights and what it means to be an American? Ed, stick to singing God Save The Queen, it’s more suited to you.
And as for your idiotic rantings that we “especially blame parents, who are always made out to be the convenient villains” why don’t you apply a little of that in your campaign to use my daughter against me? Oops…
And finally Ed, your last sentence aptly describes your True Leader — the only thing you would have to add to make it perfect is “scared-shitless and afraid to confront the media, narcissistic, self-promoter”. That is certainly something Leah Remini is NOT afraid to do. And it’s not just Dave who can’t face the music. It is ANYONE. Hell, you have been a supposed public spokesperson for scientology now for 30 or so year, why don’t you agree to be interviewed? We even sent a film crew to one of your Grand Openings and you approached them but refused to be interviewed and then called the police? What sort of spokesman are you?
We ask every single episode for someone to speak — but you cannot. Because you know this sort of lying drivel would be shot down in a New York minute.
That you dare “victim-shame” these people when you are the one who clearly knows NOTHING about Jehovah’s Witnesses is very sick. But typical of you and scientology. You grasp at ANY opportunity to “attack the attacker” and every time you do, the world sees you for what you really are even more clearly.
The black-hearted, head-bobbing “yes man” and groveling wife beater sidekick *
At your service.
* the more names and slurs they heap on you, the more status you have in their world, sort of like being a patron maximonius at this point
The episode on Jehovah Witnesses was so spot on!! You all did a great job showing what goes on within the very private organization. I was a follower for over 20 years and unfortunately still have many loved ones still in. It’s a constant struggle to keep a somewhat relationship with them without saying or doing something that might lead to a episode of shunning.
Like many, our leaving had to do with the abuse of children that goes on within the org. Unfortunately for us it was our own 9 year old that was abused by a trusted JW.
The way things were handled along with the subsequent treatment we received after cooperating with the authorities and prosecutors was eye opening!
I’m truly thankful for the bravery of those who spoke up on this episode and for you and Leah Remini for sharing our truths.
The JDumbs, Scatologists, Fundamentalist Latter Day Satans, etc, AND their Enablers treat their constituents like mushrooms – keep them in the dark, feed them manure, and lop their heads off if they get too big.
JDumbs?!?! I believe bullying is how Scientologists and other cult persons behave. ✌️
Scatologists and Jehovah’s WitLesses, don’t worry…
“Maverick” is on your side!
Scatologists and Jehovah’s WitLesses, you have nothing to worry about!…
“Maverick” is on your side!
For myself personally, I am behind Mike and Leah completely. For those that are Scientologists and want to stay that way – go right ahead. However, if you’re any kind of human and you are seeing or hearing of the organization you’re a part of being abusive and destroying the lives of others then it should be questioned, looked into. If it’s found that these stories are true – and I don’t see any reason they are not – then that organization needs to be dropped and left behind immediately. I want both Mike and Leah to keep right on going with their investigations into more and more abuse and bringing this to light. I am extremely impressed with them both.
Religions have been abusing people long enough! This evil must be routed out, exposed, laid bare. They can scream about religious freedom, but no one has the right to abuse anyone else and call it the will of a higher power, or for the greater good.
Thank you for exposing these dangerous organizations!
Please investigate Mormonism.
And find what?
Lots…at least in FLDS-Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints version. Eg. marrying 12-year-old girls (apparently not illegal if you’re FLDS-“Hey, it’s my Constitutional right!-religious ‘freedom’, remember?”, cutting off power and water to your home if you decide to leave the church, then cops coming to your house and taking away your wife, kids, and giving them to your brother, I guess because that’s the Old Testament rule in the case of a man dying, and of course, like Scatology and J Deviloo, if you leave, you’re “dead” to them!
And remember folks, while crazies like our Glorious Orange Leader are screaming “The muslims are coming! The muslims are coming!”, this s*** is happening IN OUR OWN BACKYARD. Logic dictates, you clean your own house first, then save the world. Corollary: If you can’t clean your own house, you’ll never save the world. Like me offering to fix your car, when I don’t even know how to use a wrench!
Very well said. FLDS is so very destructive, You-Tube episodes of “Escaping Polygamy” to see how bad it really is. And yes, our orange haired “leader” is a fear monger….
I’m all for that but please differentiate between LDS and FLDS. The two denominations are not the same. The main LDS church sees the FLDS as heretics who are in violation not only of church teaching but also in violation of the law.
Check this out:
An eye-opener. Just too bad they didn’t touch on the J-Devils!
With the anniversary of the Jonestown massacre coming up, please keep shining the light on the abuses of cults like these.
Great show as usual , informative and compelling . I love that Leah and Mike are listening intently and obviously touched .
I have an ex student , now grown up and a mother who married a JW man . I can tell how much they are into it from their Instagram posts which I am following.
Her kids are small , but the show made me realize that it is important to keep in touch with her as closely as possible as the day might come when she will need help.
Heartbreaker because she was a victim of abuse in the past.
I just hope Leah and Mike never stop until this ignorance stops and the abuses stop. Thank you both and A&E for standing up for what is right. I will always be watching and doing my best to help stop this ignorance.
Jay Dubya dot org are going to shitting bricks after last night’s amazing expose. The way you backed up every issue you raised with a quote of them proudly spouting their vile hate speech on platforms and in front of the camera… talk about hoist by their own petard! The fact that the Scientologists have come out in support of them is going down like a ton of bricks too, hilarious.
Really?! You are not even close to being on point, let alone educated as shown by your post. ?
If i remember sorta correctly our Father in the Bluebird, LRon Hubbard, wrote that we will know when we are hitting home: The SP’s will be screaming and thrashing around. All STAAD needs to do is look in the mirror and shriek that ‘others’ are doing exactly what they are doing.
And I wish you would call Ed Parkin by his real name: Baghdad Bob
I’m not sure why she mentions something about the Jehovah’s Witness which is a separate religion from Scientology – both from false prophets – but nevertheless different.
“People recently have been slaughtered for no reason other than their religious beliefs”
What the people in bed with the openly, blatantly, and unabashedly anti-semetic NOI say about the killing of Jews in a synagogue.
I guess this sort of irony falls under “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”?
They’re not only “in bed” with the NOI, they’re MARRIED.
NOIs ARE Scienologists. They get Scientology and Dianeric auditing. They TRAIN as auditors. They do Div 6 courses; they do academy courses. They recruit, they fundraise. NOI spokespeople give seminars for Scientology, hosted by FLAG and other Scientology orgs. Their second highest leader was given the IAS Freedom Medal, Scientology’s HIGHEST honor! All of the above make them Scientologists. NOIs ARE Scientologists. Scientology has no choice but to OWN the NOIs as parishioners.
I can hear the Powers That Be at WatchTower discussing what they want to do about the church of scientology defending its abuses. “Jehovah! The church of scientology is defending us! What can we do to shut them up! They are giving even more credibility to Leah’s show!”
Lol! Great comment Mary. I didn’t think of that.
If you’re one of the JW council of elders, you might want to thank Scientology for its help and ask them to stop helping.
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Thanks to Mike for providing this platform for open discussion and to every single person who posts here for exercising your freedom of speech. Whether I agree with you or not, I respect and celebrate your right to share your opinion.
Shout out to Leah Remini, too, for using her access to a worldwide audience to put her
always stylish boots firmly and repeatedly in the asses of abusive cult leaders and for giving the disconnected and the shunned and the abused and the discarded a voice.
To OSA and to the future princess of cellblock 47, David Miss Savage : tick tock, motherfuckers.
Yes Mark! I second your comment. I respect all here and it’s a safe place to freely comment. No matter what we think. This is where I am most comfortable to communicate. TY Mike and friends.
STAAD is creating so much curiosity inside Scientology about the show, that the unintentional effect is that they are almost forcing their own members to watch it and see what all their moaning is about. Articles like this are actually increasing the ratings.
“Leah Remini spreading hate against all religions”. Come on, STAAD. You look more cartoonish every day. No member of the public who watched the JW program would think that. Leah and Mike have only let the victims of (now two) mind control cults tell their stories. They barely said a word during last night’s program.
The real question, STAAD, is why you are so afraid of light being shined in these dark places? Why are you so afraid of the world knowing the beliefs and practices of culty religions?
Why are you afraid that the few remaining followers you have might hear some information you didn’t provide them?
Why are you afraid people might begin to think, instead of being told what to think and leaving their brain in a jar at the Org?
We all know. Even you know, deep down inside. The only thing that needs to fear the light is darkness.
First of all the show was outstanding.
Absolutely riveting, educational and wonderfully informative.
I can just imagine how many doors will be closed to the JV house to house preachers
and just how many (just by seeing the show) will not be lured in.
This is influencing the outcome and helping people you have never even met and changing their lives
towards a more positive.
★★★★★ FIVE STARS ★★★★★
The show I saw was one sided, not rounded at all. I am sorry that you thought so but you should find out for yourself since it seems like Leah and Mike lacked this time ! 🙁
Hi Heather,
It sems pretty clear that the Watchtower Corporation, like scientology, is a for- profit cult masquerading as a religion. Like scientology, it practices disconnection/ shunning. Like scientology, it has billions in liquid and real estate assets. Like scientology, it demands total, unquestioning obedience to its scripture and leaders from its adherents. Like scientology, it protects rapists, pedophiles, and spouse abusers. Like scientology, it posits itself as the only group in possession of the ” right way ” to spiritual salvation. Like scientology, it flaunts the law of the land and believes itself and its members to be “above” and not subject to that law. Like scientology, its founder labelled something that he pulled out of his ass ” divinely inspired “. Like scientology, it regularly takes advantage of its followers by, among other things, getting them to work for no pay on building and refurbishing buildings that are sold for profit that its leaders keep. I could go on, but I have the feeling that this kind of empirical evidence won’t cause you to question your apparent knee-jerk defensiveness about the show’s portrayal of the Watchtower Corporation.
Thank you for that comparison Mark. Spot on as usual buddy.
This rant of Parkin’s tells me that Miscavige is shitting a brick, and so he should.
Its about time that ALL religious abuse everywhere gets named, aired and discussed.
The more people made aware of religious abuse no matter from where it is emanating, the better.
The more people Scientology with other religions with toxic policies that abuse people, the better
Bring it on!
BIG KUDOS to Leah Remini and Mike Rinder and A & E and all who come forward to reveal the pain they’ve sustained due to their religion.
Oh, and yes, last but not least, yes, Miscavige, we get it. You’re not talking but we hear you anyway. You’re scared. Tell Lou to pour you another one. Tick tock.
Aqua – “You’re not talking but we hear you anyway. You’re scared. Tell Lou to pour you another one. Tick tock.”
“And Lou prepare all those chains in the closet that I love so much that dig into my skin, you know, the ones that make me CRY when I think about Rathbun, Rinder, Shelly and dad”.
OMG, I’m cringing and laughing at the same time, Ms. P.
Does Miscavige actually read and approve this stuff? How would he think that this in any way helps his organization?
When it comes to Mike and Leah he seems to be blinded by pure hate.
Scientology ALWAYS has to stike back. Always. And as we all know by now, that means, “Attack, never defend”.
Also, even undercutting that LRH dictum, is “The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing.”
Now, that isn’t true. Sometimes – not always, it depends – but there are times when the RIGHT handling is to do nothing.
But LRH SAID that to do nothing is wrong, with NO qualifying statement as to any exceptions, so…
They are bound per policy to do SOMETHING, to hit back, and when they hit back, it can NEVER be to defend.
Yo Captain!
Did I get that right, Sir?
Much love,
To: Aquamarine
From:David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: you got it right.
For once, Aquamarine, you are right on the money! You are so right I could kiss you!
Or would you prefer an IAS Freedom Medal?
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Aquamarine
Re: Tough Choice
I’m honored, Sir, that you would want to kiss me, but as scintillating as that sounds, because are a married man and more importantly, due to my only hazmat suit being in the dry cleaners I’ll take the IAS Freedom Medal,
I’ve just redecorated my bathroom to make it Ideal, and this incredible tribute will be duly hung on the wall where it belongs, i.e. right above the toilet.
As befitting an Ideal Bathroom, special stationary will be provided for any Big Being including myself to write a Success Story.
Be assured, Sir, that in my bathroom, no gastroenterological cycle of action will EVER be complete without your having been duly acknowledged.
Sincerely and ML,
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your IAS Freedom Medal
I totally duplicate your comm! Please let me know whether you would like me to mail it to you or if you would like to attend that year’s IAS event and have me present it to you in person! That way I could still kiss you!
As far as my being married, my 2D won’t mind as she is currently occupied with her current post.
Captain Miscavige, Sir:
Forget your wife.
That was just an excuse.
The truth is I’m terrified of Lou.
This is not a female I’d want annoyed with me.
If she even is a female..
I harbor some doubts on that score.
Never saw an adams apple like that on someone of my gender.,.
But… whatever.
There’s the Black Belt and so forth.
Along with the propensity to bend fingers back… until they break…
I’m fond of my fingers, Sir.
They’re useful
I want to keep them.
All of them.
So there you have 10 reasons. Captain.
10 good reasons…
But don’t despair.
I get that Lou is possibly losing her edge.
Maybe she’s just not mean enough anymore.
I get that with all the abuse you dish out you need some reverse flow.
To get back what you give to others.
I understand.
That would not be me.
However, somewhere on the Fringes of the Internet there’s an angry Bitter Defrocked Apostate just longing to verbally abuse you and otherwise cater to your hidden masochistic fantasies.
I just know it.
Don’t give up.
The course of true abberative relationships never runs smoothly.
I know you’ll find her.
No ARC at all,
Yo Aqua. You didn’t get the memo? There is a new policy going around,
“YOU CAN BE WRONG” anyone not savvy to it is a rotten egg.
Oh, and i’m so sorry about all of this. It all started in the Book of Job. My theory is Job invented the word Satan. Now who else invented fancy names like that… Mara, Xenu… Hmm. Well, In any case, Satan has actually packed up. This happened. It was cool. Sorry, the whole religion thingy is a little awry.
Jesus is well, truly. I wish I could tell you the story…
Much love? really? well that’s nice. My heart, once free, had imploded, is recuperating, thanks.
“You Can Be Wrong”…LOL! Good one.
Ed be parkin’ his brain along with his passport in a vault at the HGB aka The Hotel California.
Well done Mike! More, and more people I work with have taken notice to the wealth of true information at hand from your website, and show. It is infectious for all the right reasons.
It is truly striking that throughout the entire rant/article, there was not a single refutation of any allegations made by the participants of the presentation(s)! I have rarely heard an argument so heavily dependent upon ad hominem attacks with so very little in the way of substance.
Ed (The Mummy) Parkin just got absolutely pulverized. What a clown.
Thank you so much 8 million times for giving your time and energy to the JWs. The victims of this cult desperately need a voice and a platform to expose the truth about “the truth”-as they call it. I cannot thank you and Leah and A and E enough for allowing this to air. We’ve been waiting and it was worth it! Thank you for the catharsis. Thank you for the exposure. Thank you for the empathy. Thank you! This bashing is a typical bully move. You have so many friends who cannot thank you enough. So many people will eventually wake up and this program very well may be a step in that path for them. Think of the lives you are saving! Think of the children you are saving from being indoctrinated into this. On behalf of my mother, my sister, my husband, my 5 children, myself, and more…THANK YOU!
Victims of this cult? I am saddened by this gross representation. Even hinting that JWs are in the same category as Scientology victims is insane. I have known ALOT of JWs that are very normal and happy people. That is not a cult.
Any organization or individual who justifies lying, false accusations, family separations and hides their own horrific abuses and considers this the greatest good dynamically is morally corrupt. (and by their own definition….sp’s). It makes me sad that this is the reality and totality of what scientology is now.
Any group or organization that a reasonable person would find causes any emotional, physical or financial harm to its members is bad and indefensible. Period. End of story.
Hi Mike:
Great (but extremely sad) show. Frankly, I don’t know why you even pay attention to those scientology ass-wipes anymore. Their reaction shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point. I mean, defensive much?!?!? The only thing that still surprises me at this point is why they still have tax-exempt status. The government is apparently still asleep at the switch.
Why did no volunteer ministers go to Pittsburgh to counsel families of those murdered at the synagogue? Hmm? Ed? Anyone? This is a case of fleas lying down with more fleas. And speaking of turning everyone into a victim, well … these twits wrote the book.
Mic drop…by Mike
I learned so much from this illuminating episode. Thankyou
When you’re taking flak it means you are over the target.
Keep up the good work. The more they express themselves the more society sees who they are and what they are doing.
They are in the cross hairs. Flak exploding all around you Mike means you are over the correct target.
Society knows what’s going on. There bubble space is shrinking.
They have a huge misunderstood, nobody is attacking Religion because simply they ARE a CULT and nothing else.
The facade of religion is to get away with crimes, human abuse, amassing millions of dollars without paying taxes and so on.
And A&E has been presenting other interesting programs on Cults and their abuses, including the Nation of Islam.
So, shut up and clear your misunderstood or else…
The mental gymnastics needed in order for Eddie to work conflicting sides of multiple issues just boggles the mind. He posts his support and care for the victims of the mass shooting at the Jewish Temple while at the same time Farrakhan is spewing anti Semitic vomit. He claims supporting religious tolerance while ignoring one of his own making ugly, derogatory comments about basic Christian beliefs. He attacks Mike and Leah (falsely) for making parents villians all while supporting Taryn’s ugly, false attacks against her own father.
Parkin is truly a representative of his cult of inconsistencies.
I understand that the brainwashing and conditioning changes how a person thinks, but this level of blind hypocrisy is astounding.
You know you are damaging the cult of Scientology when they report this type of balderdash.
Attack….never defend – yawn…so predictable.
STAAD – come on Scribe and Mark Foster….what does it REALLY stand for? START! LOL
Scientology Terrorizing Any Apostate Deliberately
Got another two for you:
Succubi Twerking Angrily And…Dying!
Shameless Twits Advancing Ad Hominem Desperately
VWD Mark Foster. I am sending you a commend cert for your ethics file. 🙂
Bamboozled, no Orwellian “ethics ” for me, eh?? Just send me a nice bottle of Macallan Special Reserve and call it a job well done?
STAAD: Scientology True Asininity and Deception.
Outstanding Scribe! You will get a commend cert for your file too! It will help you should you become an ethics particle. 😉
I’m a subatomic particle. I eat ethics particles for breakfast.
STAAD: Substandard Trolls Archiving Asinine Discourses
One thing that I don´t understand re the cults Hate & Smear sites; They apparently write a lot of defaming statements e.g Mike Rinder “the wife beater”.
Isn´t that illegal and a criminal act? Is it not possible to sue them? Or is it not worth it etc? Is it because it it is in the US? “Land of free speech”?
Land of expensive litigation more like. You have to be willing to pay lawyers for this sort of thing. There is not enough money in a defamation case typically for them to take it on contingency. Civil justice in the US favors he who has the money.
Mike, because you are now a celebrity also, you stand to win a lot in this case. The publicity would be extensive. I would think an attorney would now take this on under a contingency. Best case, you and the attorney win a ton of money: worst case is that the attorney becomes a household name.
@Retired Journalist…..”They” would no doubt opt for an out of court settlement in order to divert any negative publicity……..
Wow, can scientology make itself look even more ridiculous? Sigh, the answer is always yes.
Who comes up with these bad ideas? I know you never defend and always attack, but yeesh, what terrible ideas.
David Miscavige, you are absolutely correct, you are indeed surrounded by SPs. The sheer incompetence is staggering!
Dave: So what’s the fallout re Parkin?
Lou: Other than the Rinderbloggers sir, mainstream media is quiet.
Dave: Maybe I should RPF him.
Lou: He’s already done the program sir.
Dave: What’s your point?
Lou: It’s just that he’s all we’ve got.
Dave: How come my Dad is still online with that stupid ass show of his?
Lou: We’re working on it. Should we send out a Mission?
Dave: With these stupid fuckups that surround me? Give me a break. They’d probably get pulled over by the police like those last dumb motherfuckers. Shit, do I have to do everything around here? Am I the only goddamn able person in this place?
Lou: You are sir.
Dave: Damnit Lou, I know that already. Can’t you see when I’m just making a point?
Lou: Sorry sir, you’re right.
Dave: Yeah, whatever, fuck it. Get Tom on the phone and pour me a stiff one.
Lou: Yes sir.
Dave: Fuckin’ SPs.
Dave: No, wait, don’t call Tom yet. Get the chains from the closet and tie me up proper this time and don’t forget the whip.
Lou: Yes, sir, right away sir.
LOL! Maybe Miscavige has Lou spank him with a copy of Impact Magazine – with His picture on the cover, of course.
Maybe Lou could apply a cilice to his …. head.
Mike, I truly believe that Scientology is a vicious cult. But your program on Jehovah ‘s Witnesses is very biased. JW is not a cult. They follow no man. Every religion has clergy or leaders who form the policies of the belief. You presented it as a horrible thing that men are the main clergy. Is not the Muslim faith male dominant? Does that make it a cult or even wrong? You presented the fact JW’S refuse blood transfusions as weird or crazy. But many religions have opinions about medical treatments, ie. Christian Scientists. JW’S do not refuse ALL medical treatments, just one. And they will accept non-blood expanders. Besides many health professionals have now come to realize that the risks of blood transfusion does not always outweigh the benefits. You talked about JW belief in Armageddon. That comes straight from the Bible. But if that is so awful, what about other mainstream “Christian ” religions that teach if you do bad, you will go to eternal torment in a burning hell. Ex. Catholics & Baptists. So JW’S are crazy & mean, but Hell is perfectly fine? Your show complained out of “both sides of your mouth”. You had people complain because people who do bad things are disfellowshipped, but then complained that they didn’t do it enough when talking about people accused (not tried & convicted) of child abuse. Even the laws of the US will not convict someone on the testimony of just one person. But your show complained and made it seem that JW’S were protecting known child molesters. They do not. However, just because one person says something doesn’t make it true. Regarding money, JW’S have no paid clergy and do not pass a collection plate. All funds are given voluntarily. I have personally been disfellowshipped. Was it fun? No. But you are still allowed to come to meetings, if you choose. No, people will not hang out with you. To me, it’s kind of like being put in time out. You did something you should not have done. So you need to sit down and think about what you have done. If you choose not to come back, then that’s your decision. I will admit that I feel some people take it a bit too far. But they are acting based on their own conscience. Personally, my relationship with my mother was better during the 2 years I was df, because she didn’t preach at me. Lol. I went back because I believe that JW’S are as close to Bible truth as any other religion. It is not full of perfect people. Your program made fun of the governing body. “God speaks to them.”you joked. No. They do not claim God speaks to them. Just like every other religion, they have to have someone in charge to make decisions about doctrine, and to publish religious material for the members, and to provide relief during disasters, etc. Someone has to be in charge. I have been associated with witnesses since I was 4 years old. I could not tell you the name of one person on the governing body during all that time. Heck of a
cult when you don’t know the leaders. What other religion do you know of that ALL races meet together as one? Are there things they could improve on? Absolutely. You kept saying Scientology basically called you liars, etc. All I am asking is that you be fair. Be impartial. You only told one side, and threw everything in a negative light.
As was said….”It’s NOT about the religious beliefs, It’s ABOUT the ABUSES!”
If your ‘religion’ has practices that ARE abusive, rip families apart or HIDE crimes and the people who commit them then there is a SERIOUS problem with that ‘religion’ and by giving a voice to the people who have SUFFERED because of these practices maybe the ONLY way to CORRECT these practices!
It is NOT ok to rip families apart, abuse children and it’s definitely NOT ok to sexually abuse people – ESPECIALLY CHILDREN – and let the disgusting P.O.S who committed the crimes to just go about their life and even WORSE go on to abuse OTHERS!!!
Perhaps if you or your children had been or do get abused you’ll UNDERSTAND and see Leah and Mike as role models who ARE supporting people who’ve suffered through horrendous atrocities in their life!
Stop whining. It not about beliefs, its about abuses. Your argument is irrelevant and without merit. NOBODY CARES WHAT ANYONE BELIEVES. Plenty of people care about believers being ABUSED, and their trust BETRAYED. Try to keep up.
This was in response to Rebecca Kyzer.
Hey Aqua…Just a point to ponder: it’s the beliefs and policies that drive the abuses and create an insular, uncommunicative( and punitive ) social environment that effectively condones and allows the abuses to continue. The whole shitty edifice of cock-eyed beliefs and horrible, abusive actions is eligible for rigorous and thorough dismantling. I understand the desire to BEGIN with the empirical evidence; I do get the strategic, rhetorical importance of that when dealing with this issue in a public forum. INEVITABLY, as you and I both know from our scamatology experiences, one has to examine and debunk the sketchy and toxic policies and beliefs we subscribed to…that created the horrors and abuses we witnessed or even supported and participated in.
Thanks for the post. It reminded me that spiritual policy and temporal policy are separate arenas. The spiritual usually has 1st amendment protections, whereas civil/criminal courts have a say in temporal policies. If only the courts would assert that right.
Mark, you’re right. My antagonistic retort was correct insofar as what believers believe as regards creation stories, miracles, magic, biblical or otherwise in any particular religion. But then, OTHER beliefs and policies of this same religion can ABSOLUTELY foster and fuel abuse and need to be abolished whether by the religious organization itself or by LAW. I totallly agree and thanks for the correction.
I have both been disfellowshipped and have had experience with child abuse of someone in my family.. The religion does NOT teach that child abuse is ok. It does NOT harbor criminals. Do people sometimes live a secret life and do bad things? Yes. But if it becomes known, then steps are taken. These are not trained or paid counselors or clergy. They are volunteers who try to offer Biblical counsel. Sometimes people don’t like what is said. So they leave and then spend the rest of their lives finding fault. You will find victims of child abuse in all religions. What is the policy of Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans? What do they do to people who are members of their faith and are accused or convicted of child abuse? Every religious group is America has a group of people at the top who decide policy. Every single one. JW’s are much more strict than any other religion. If as a JW, you commit child abuse you will be disfellowshipped. What other religion does that?
“You will find victims of child abuse in all religions.”
Here we go with the WhatAboutIsms.
Rebecca, you still don’t get it.
You’re defending the indefensible.
A religion’s SCRIPTURE may condemn and forbid certain acts or practices whilst the ORGANIZATION and LEADERSHIP of that same religion turn a blind eye to them.
Do you understand?
When it comes to organized religions, it helps if you make a clear distinction between the PHILOSOPHY (the scripture) and the ORGANIZATION. They are NOT the same.
Look at what a religious ORGANIZATION actually DOES.
You are correct in that Scientology and the JWs do not have the market cornered on heinous abuse of its parishioners. There can be and has been a very WIDE disconnect between what religious organization DO and what their scripture says to do and not do.
JW has LOTS of company, past and present.
Having said that, does that make it right?
Should not ALL abuse being perpetrated be exposed and stopped?
Your argument precluding religious abuse not occurring because such abuse is forbidden in scripture holds no water.
Thank you Aqua for expressing that so eloquently!
Oh sweetheart they are a cult. They are following man in that they are subject to the “spiritual direction” of the Governing Body. “Believe without question the direction given!” July 2017 Watchtower, page 21 I think. The Annointed status give the authority to the men at the helm, who are producing the “spiritual food” that the flock is told is directly from God. When that direction is in error (this generation will by no means pass away), or profoundly damaging (two witness rule), or prophetically inaccurate (1975 will be Armageddon) then the scriptures warn us to flee from such false prophets. We do not need a religion or an organization to follow God. 2 Thesalonians 2:1-12
“Close enough” to Scriptural perfection doesn’t justify the damage done in the very name of God. These are just the highlights one hour and 45 minutes can cover. These are just the brave representatives of THOUSANDS who have very similar stories! Given the platform, you would hear a deluge of these fair, impartial, unbiased individual accounts from the people who experience the worst of the worst. They are silenced from speaking of them by means of ostracism and emotional manipulation. You are taught their qualms stem from partiality and corruption. From being preoccupied and consumed by personal differences and imperfect man’s understandable error. But the root of the problem reaches much deeper than that. This is what happens when men attempt to sit in the place of god. Men leading men to destruction. Having a form of godly devotion but proving (time and time and time again) false to its power.
Rebecca Kyzer: Look on the internet for Robert Jay Lifton’s 8 Criteria For Thought Reform.
Also consider the possibility of having a personal relationship with whatever God you believe in that is not predicated on your inherent wickedness, or on your subservience to ANY man, or on conducting your life according to the dictates of a council of old white men who view you as a tool to be used and would coldly discard you like a piece of trash for smoking cigarettes or for daring to question or challenge them.
Well said, Mark!
Right on, Rebecca! See? See? See? See? THIS is exactly what I was talking about in my oh so unappreciated comment yesterday! THIS IS GOING TO BACKFIRE! I beg you, Mike and Leah, KEEP IT WITHIN SCIENTOLOGY! My biggest fear is that this will cause the show’s ratings to plummet and then A&E will pull the plug.
Please, Mike and Leah! Keep it within Scientology!
By the way, Rebecca, were you ever reinstated into Jehovah’s Witnesses?
No need for concern. The ratings were great and A&E is very happy. Scientology episodes start on Sunday.
Well done, Mike and Leah! The show was well done. And please do publish the ratings stats of this first show and compare it to the stats of how many read STAAD stuff or watch that church television station.
Hey, Alcoboy: The larger, umbrella issue of which scientology is just a tiny part
is ” cults and undue influence ” ; scientology is just a very interesting, albeit horrifying, entry point into the topic. I recently read a paper by a scholar who observed parallels between the recruitment methods of cults and those of terrorist groups. To me, it’s important to make everyone aware of this phenomenon of undue influence, so that people can begin to identify the way social media platforms, politicians, advertisers, and governments use similar tactics to manipulate, mislead, and abuse. Ending scientology’s tax exemption-and that of other similarly abusive and criminal cults and churches-becomes a greater possibility when people are well jnformed about the subject. My 5 cents’ worth?
Her post is part of her A-E, dont’cha know?
Uh, do you mean Rebecca?
Why would she do A-E steps? She’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses, not ex-Scientology. The Watchtower doesn’t require A-E steps, only the cult requires that.
“many religions have opinions about medical treatments, ie. Christian Scientists” They have a lot of children’s blood on their hands too, just as the JW’s do. Jesus said it would be better for you to have a millstone be tied around your necks and be thrown into the sea than to harm the little ones.
Rebecca Kyzer: To paraphrase Matt 13:13, Jer 5:21 and Isa 6:9-10, ‘ There are none so blind as those who will not see’. Lady, wake up and smell the coffee! By the way, the ‘reply’ button following your Rant is unresponsive . . . . Jehovah must be trying to protect you; That worked! ! ! !
Funny. It worked for me. I was able to reply.
Maybe you’re on Jehovah’s shit list.
Rebecca – late as usual, I still must object to just one of your many ill-advised thoughts:
“Even the laws of the US will not convict someone on the testimony of just one person”.
There are many cases where the testimony of one person, the victim, makes a conviction possible. It could simply be that a victim coming forward with the accusation allows law enforcement to conduct an investigation, turning up other evidence that will convict. But one of the main reasons that child abuse is required to be reported as soon as it is suspected is to collect physical evidence of that child abuse – blood, fluids, bruises, cuts, etc., all physical things that might disappear without a trace in just a few days. The other reason is to give the victim some protection from future abuse.
When these elders and their masters claim the two-person rule (which they don’t always follow) they stand in the way of a timely investigation by law enforcement. They also make it likely the abuse will continue, again and again, with no hope for the victim as long as there is no second witness, or no adult reporting the abuse.
If children were adults they could drive to the hospital and get a rape kit done, or to the police station and make a report in person. But since they are children, it is up to adults to do the things that children simply can’t know needs to be done – like get a doctor’s exam immediately following any sexual abuse. The laws for reporting child abuse are very clear, no matter if after the fact smart lawyers for the defense claim the elders act like clergy and get the power and prestige and position afforded to clergy but are not really clergy because they have a day job and don’t get a church paycheck.
It is a responsibility for every adult to report child abuse when it is suspected. Maybe the law limits the legal reporting requirement to a few classes of people, but in a moral world every adult needs to protect children whenever and wherever and however they can – and that means reporting child abuse. If the authorities fail to follow up properly after that, it means those systems need an overhaul, it does not mean reporting is useless.
You wrote: “Even the laws of the US will not convict someone on the testimony of just one person.”
That is incorrect . One first-hand witness will indeed produce a conviction. Physical evidence without a witness will do also. You should expand your education , quite a bit in fact.
1. A bit hard to do an impartial show on the Jehovah’s Witnesses when all requests for even a comment, let alone an interview, from JW dot org were refused and a rank and file JW would likely be disfellowshipped for apostasy by cooperating with a show like this.
2. I stand by my comment above that the JWs will be absolutely horrified to be cast in the same light as the Church of Scientology. It gives them a serious credibility problem after decades of sneering at every other faith and setting themselves above them. Regardless, the Jehovah’s Witnesses ARE a cult.
3. Mike said it best himself in the trailer for the next season. “The difference between a religion and a cult is what happens if you try to leave”.
I am 100% confident that no one would be disfellowshipped for answering questions. It is not against a command in the Bible. It is very simple to leave Jehovah’s Witnesses. All you have to do is stop going to meetings, I have known tons of people who did that. Myself included. Also do you always say “The” Baptists, or “The” Catholics? It is Jehovah’s Witnesses – not The Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, by definition a cult follows one person. I have never known the name of one person who is on the Governing Body during my lifetime. It’s not a secret. I just never heard anyone mention them that much. The Witnesses probably did not respond because they choose not to argue with people. But their entire doctrine is on the website for all to read. But they absolutely refuse to get into a debate about belief. You say they sneer at every other faith? Is that because they believe they are the only true religion? But isn’t that the point of faith? If you don’t believe your religion is the correct one, what is the point of your belief? Do not Baptists and Catholics tell people that non-believers are going to be tormented forever in a burning hell? (I have actually had a Baptist tell me that.) But that’s okay? And some teach that they are going to be suddenly caught up in the Rapture and the rest of the people are going to be destroyed. Other religions teach you will be destined to be reincarnated over and over as different things. And Mormons teach that you can become a god -in heaven. But we are the weird ones? JW’s believe in God and in Jesus Christ and believe in following the Bible and that salvation is only possible through belief in Christ. That is pretty much the definition of a Christian religion.
Rebecca, it’s about abuse. Very simple.
And to justify blind closed minded behavior because other isms are closed minded is no argument. In fact it is a revelation of a bankruptcy in ideas.
The Catholic Church is taking big hits. It’s now time the JWs take hits.
Old world, closed minded religious institutions……..ALL OF THEM
Deserve to be scrutinized and abusive behavior revealed.
It’s how our society evolves. There was a time in my lifetime that child abuse was swept under the table and not against the law.
Now you go to jail.
These abusive isms are simply experiencing the evolving intelligence of our society becoming aware of abuse and doing something about it.
All of these old world closed minded institutions deserve what they are getting:
Perfectly said Brian.
Rebecca, as Brian said, its about abuse. The bell is tolling for ALL the religions guilty of abuse and/or guilty of covering it up. Such people are the WORST sort of criminals because they betray and harm in the name of help, in the name of God! The worst sort of people. Think about it.
All of their accusations and lies about you two are just attempts to distract you into focusing on defending yourselves. Keep spreading the truth and shining the spotlight on them in the darkness. Everyone keep sharing about the show and all of the other truth-filled websites. I appreciate that you focused on the abuses and not the beliefs. I appreciate that you let the victims speak.
Scientology’s lips are moving again. The L.Ron Hubbard playbook in motion, charming isn’t it? I think they should rename it to “LiesRus.”
Oh, Snap! keep up the good work. You are hitting a nerve.
This is hilarious . . . . The hissy-fit of All hissy-fits! Mike and Leah, you’ve hit Another Bull’s eye. Give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back. What an intro to season 3.
STAAD, right. Even scientological acronyms are cock-ups.Dig their Potemkin Village puffery, idiocy, and propaganda, all for an audience of kool aid guzzling slaves who abhor critical thinking or empirical data that fucks with their culty and rickety ” certainty ” in the righteousness and unassailablity of their abusive policies and actions.
STAAD: stupid trolls advancing assholish demagoguery
Outstanding Acronym MF –
STAAD – Stupid Trolls Advancing Assholish Demagoguery
I somehow missed that on my previous post.
Mark Foster.. best one so far. Love it!
I still prefer “STAAD – Stupid Trolls Advancing Asinine Demagoguery ” …….at least there are no made up words involved. lol
Love it Mike. We stand with you and thank you.
Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination? Hilarious. Don’t Scientologists put down those who are not Scientologists by calling them a “wog?” Isn’t disconnection the ultimate form of discrimination? What an evil group of brainwashed people.
Mike.. per our previous conversations..
Have Ed or the people at STAND call me directly as my issues are not “old” or “profitable” to anyone.. in fact, they are happening right now in Court and under everyone’s nose. Do they want proof of their own interference and Law breaking ways? Do they want to come forward and explain why one of their own has more than 100 Court Contempt issues pending against them? Where is their precious Bridge now? Oh, yeah, in the wallet, Bank and CC accounts.
Perhaps a few exhibits of the lies that they helped create, the false Scientology submissions to the Family Courts, child abuse, unneeded Medical Procedures on a child, false statements under Oath.. all by one of their own. How dare they strike out against any of you for exposing the truth with their own false sense of reality.
I would love to talk to Ed or anyone else at STAND and ask them why their own actions are contradictory to their own words and even worse against their own accusations. Seriously.. it would be in their own best interests to open the comm line.. before I have a Federal Judge do it for me.. now THAT would be newsworthy, Worldwide.
I think you, Leah, and especially the victims speaking out on your show, should view this latest attack by the COS as a great review. 99%+ on rotten tomatoes and a 100%+ on viewers’ response.
They are getting more and more vicious, which means they are getting more and more scared.
Which means you are getting better and better at exposing the abuses and closer and closer to justice.
What you are doing is so much closer to “clearing” the planet than what they are doing.
You got involved in Scientology because you wanted to help people.
You wanted to make a difference.
And NOW you really are helping people and making a difference.
I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been for you, Leah, Aaron, Chris, Mark, Amy, Paul, and the (OMG) countless others that walked out but stay strong and keep up the great work.
We wogs are on your side.
Good job Mike… Things are moving on social media by now.
They are so shameless, that it makes me sick. GO Leah & MIke….you are doing such a great job………and the point about Louis Farrakhan & his group, boy…..what they said is all projection of their own crimes……look in the mirror.
This is infuriating! No one’s attacking beliefs or religious freedom. Just abusive actions written in policies of religions with intent to control their followers. People like Leah and Mike exposing the heartwrenching practices are invaluable and heroic. We ARE seeing the effect of this. People ARE waking up! Keep fighting the good fight. I know it must be exhausting but so worth it. Thank you both and all the brave souls that tell their story.
Everything Ann just said!
Wow. Does this guy even read his own crap? Talk about denigrating! His rhetoric is so full of name calling, labeling and flat out lies (Mike isa wife beater? Lies) with accusations of hate…then who exactly is the hater. And he says Leah Remini is sliding into insignificance?Hardly..she’s got a new movie out, she’s on a sitcom and has her A&E program. This guy has no integrity in the way he writes his supposed support for human rights.
Yes! Exposing religious abuse as a cause celebre is Emmy material, Terina.
Great response, Mike!