After a quick venture into the world of Hubbard Envoy Extraordinaires yesterday, today we turn to another of the great fairytales of planetary clearing.
This one is a bit different as it has been moving forward WITHOUT the need for all money to be raised from suckers donors first. Miscavige decided to go ahead with this boondoggle as part of his tireless efforts to show the world how fast his empire is expanding, and as an afterthought it became yet another fundraising gimmick. As if they needed another one.
In reality, only the L. Ron Hubbard Hall is less necessary than this white elephant. At least there is some justification for an org building. Even the IAS spends money to fly a VM or two out to disaster zones for a photo op, and they do buy some of the Tom Cruise ideal orgs that Miscavige wants done as priority.
But this studio is 100% prop.
One thing scientology does NOT need is MORE “state-of-the-art” A/V facilities.
All you need do is look back to the video they produced to “dead agent” media stories about the Int Base (I include a link to it on the website — you can boost their views and they will get all excited….). Apart from smiling people using the sports facilities (hasn’t happened in more than a decade), they showed in great detail the magnificent, monumental, milestone state-of-the art filmmaking, video making, editing, audio recording, audio editing, translation and manufacturing facilities at Gold. Literally a property with more studios and high end AV equipment than has EVER been used and likely ever WILL be used.
Lacking facilities was NOT why scientology has not been reaching the airwaves.
Substance is a bigger problem. There isn’t any.
Oh, and the lies. That’s a problem too.
So, this Scientology Media Productions (now called “SMP”) is 100% “Bridge to Nowhere….” boondoggle. Literally a hugely expensive set to make it appear the empire is growing.
And with that preamble, here is a recent promo pieces announcing the absolute vital necessity of this facility to accomplish planetary clearing.
As the Special Correspondent who forwarded this noted: It’s amazing that meticulously restored bricks will aid in the functionality of this “dissemination power plant.” The only dissemination method using bricks that I’m aware of is attaching messages to them and throwing them through windows. 😉
I just cannot wait for this “all-Scientology television channel” — it should provide endless hours of entertainment for viewers to dissect the insane drivel they will put on it. In truth, I suspect there will never actually be any such thing — it sounds good to the sheeple, but is a pipe dream. If they wanted such a TV channel, they could have had one years ago.
Wonder if Miscavige has noticed that the future is streaming video? No “TV channel” required.
But then again, this is the same organization that still manufactures CD’s! And spent millions to build a “state-of-the-art” promo printing facility a few years ago.
Scientology — the telex machine religion.
Ty mike, wow confusing stuff! It was
“The Reading Room” I had always seen in my home town & must of had that in my mind & lumped it all together.
I will tell you one thing, I will go to the doctor or psychiatrist if it deemed nessisary… It is the people’s free will & so many, so called religions take it from the people because they package it up so well people are giving their “Free Will” away… ON PURPOSE!
Mike, I truly want to thank you for opening my eyes to what is happening all around me & I wasn’t seeing it!
I know my replies haven’t been directly about your subject for the week, forgive me… I have sonny questions & I don’t trust what I’ll find & you know the truth.
What a sad state of affairs it all is.
I watch these young ladies in Utah trying to save other young women & little girls from this cult called “The Order” marrying off 12-18 year old girls to their blood uncles, cousins, even brothers 20-30 years older & these girls are just babies!
It just made me realize, how sad it is, that people are being stripped from the knowledge of the real purpose of life…
To Live, Laugh & Love “without fear & with one’s true sense of self”.
It reminds of the saddest part of this Scientology cult,
It’s the perfect crime on humanity.
If they wake up, (metaphorically speaking)…They are then trapped by all they said, in the sessions trying to “clear” themselves.
I am still in shock… It’s been about 10 days since this documentary has been shown to me & I really think I’m in shock.
I want those who left Scientology to know they are very brave & im so glad you did… My heart is with you!
I hope by grace alone, something will finally trip this “so called religion of Scientology” up & the kingdom will fall for good!!!
Tom Cruise needs to hightail it out of there & people will follow…what is he thinking???
Someone who really knows the truth about Tom Cruise.
Please tell me does Tom really believe this stuff or is he just too deep in?
I want to say thanks Mike, for showing me the differences. The other was awful too. Just glad to have the info. Makes more sense now.
I’m going to have to go & look at the camera those pics are on, to see “exactly” what it said on that building… I am doubting myself & I might of confused the two in my mind & want to really know!
I just remember feeling that a church was for all… Wasn’t that the point of having a church, any church? To make a person leave & not let them step on the lawn was weird. I will check my info. Haven’t looked at those pics in a long, long time!
I want to review to see if I’m confusing the two different “religious” sects.
That’s all for me today…
Thanks a bunch. ?
My eyes are opened? now!
I used to be a Sea Org member and work in Cine @ GOLD and am SO happy that I bailed when I did. Of course I was ‘Declared’ but that didn’t (doesn’t) matter to me for the price of true FREEDOM. So glad I did not spend my entire life there like so many have done. It was an experience in my life and I learned a lot. However, some peoples’ lives were damaged beyond repair along with their families’. Sad. The only good thing out of all this seems like CCHR – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, which I think is a worthwhile group in general. Thanks Mike for putting it all out there on the line. Leah Remini and her family are a good example of the true workings of SCN.
Hi Israel,Welcome & many congrats on Freedom.All us declared bitter defrocked apostate SPs are getting it on the fire.A Christmas Card for David with all our smiling faces.What a load of coal as he would say,but we are going to have the last laugh as the cult implodes at some point in time.Very Best Ann.
Personally, I found it quite amusing that almost immediately after I made a comment (here, if I’m not mistaken) about how ugly the studios looked from the street, construction commenced on it’s facade.
Psst! Hey, Mike, I think they’re reading your blog! 🙂
Nailed it Mike.
How severe has the ‘brain drain’ been in Scientology since the 00s and does DM not delegate at all? From my limited knowledge on the whole Scnt subject, it seems to me this can’t continue for another decade.
Fear not, Oracle. He is already working on a Golden Age of Standard Outhouses to be the perfect culmination of his other Golden Age of “Standard” shit.
Would love to see a Sceintology sitcom.
Me too!
“The only dissemination method using bricks that I’m aware of is attaching messages to them and throwing them through windows.”
I like this idea! And I can think of some choice words I would like to put into those messages! 🙂
Thanks for continuing to expose these boon-dongles that have nothing to do with anything except stroking the fools who donate for them to encourage more donations. And thanks for correctly evaluating the ineffectiveness of these projects in forwarding the subject that DM and the COS claim to support.
Yesterday a friend made a good point while he was complaining about this spending; He pointed out that the money spent is not morally DM’s money. Spending it the way he does, in addition to being stupid, is a betrayal of everyone who donated it for the purpose of forwarding the subject of Scientology.
Edit: I like “Big Beings of Beverly Hills” better. Ah, me – such a wealth of material…
I want to see Keeping Up With The Upstats, Whale Wives, or possibly Bodacious Big Beings of Brentwood. I also want a show about the Jensens which we’ll call “Eight Was Enough”. Then there could be a kind of Scientology parenting reality show in which various Whales compete with one another to determine which Scientology parent put their family’s ethics in MOST ruthlessly. The first show would be a face-off between Craig and Sally’s policy of shipping any of their difficult, downtone adopted brats to South Africa, and Tom Cruise’s own cold chrome steel ethics handlings, most notably his 2 year banishment of a 15 year old niece when she was caught kissing boy, the little slut.. the crux of it all which will have all still ins on the edge of their seats each week will be WHO put ethics in on their kids – oh, excuse me – on “these fuckers” – as Big Being Mrs. Elfman calls her kids- most ruthlessly? I want to see this show EVERY week. Does anyone have a name to slap on this concept of mine, pun intended?
Let’s send them a bunch of carrier pigeons
You know what would be really funny? If some cultie all of a sudden came up with ALL of the money necessary for SMP to OPEN. And then what would Let Him Die do? He’d have to go ON. He’d have NO excuse. Oh, that would be funeee.
The Scn presentation on Golden Era’s multimedia capabilities is impressive, and it sure provokes a lot of questions.
First, are most of the technicians – including those doing specialized work in film/audio restoration – Sea Org members? What does Int Base have to outsource for?
Who are some of the main players in that video, including the guy in the leather jacket?
What excuse will Miscavige give for not appearing on his own television channel?
That’s an excellent question! If he doesn’t appear here, well then…?
But I’m of the mind that this is just his latest version of the SP boondoggle which worked SO well for SO long and that he really doesn’t want it to open.
Currently, their A/V crew is out in the middle of nowhere in a facility designed with every possible measure to keep people trapped.
At some point in the future, their A/V crew will be smack dab in the middle of a busy downtime district in a facility designed for multiple entry/exit points, easy access to mass transit and with very limited options for Int-base level security measures.
That thought amuses me to no end. Build it, and they will blow. And the first inner city blow drill will surely be a live action keystone cops caper.
Yawn inspiring.
Laughter! Now that’s some funny shit!
One year left of water in the drought stricken California. Nevada already has civil defense involved to protect their water from the thirsty:
LAS VEGAS (AP) — The federal agency overseeing water and power is in the market for 52,000 rounds of ammunition for its officers at Hoover Dam and the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, raising questions about weapons for nonmilitary purposes.;_ylt=AwrC1CrTdadVjmUAOUvQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–
170,000 Farm Workers out of a job and many, sleeping in their cars with their family between California and Nevada.
And here is David Miscavige. Investing in real estate in California and television. Many people living in Santa Barbara already can not flush their toilets, waster pressure too low. They have to drag buckets of water from the sink.
I hope in his renovation plans for his big television studio he includes some outhouses. I can just the see people from FEMA coming into his studio to peel him off a director’s chair. The last one evacuated.
What is this cable TV of which they speak? Do people still subscribe to cable TV? I am not joking here. I live in a 30,000+ population town. We don’t have a cable provider here. They shut their doors in about 2012, no demand for their services.
Obviously that was only because they didn’t carry the Scientology channel. When they start broadcasting, cable providers will pop up around it like new orgs do around the ideal ones.
Literally cannot wait for this programming to begin. Endless J & D fun! YIPPEEE
The amount of time between the first broadcast of Clam-o-rama and the release of the Rifftrax of it will be so short your head will spin.
Ha, indeed. Now would be a great time to invest in publicly traded popcorn companies. Just sayin’. (Personally, I love Orville Redenbacher’s Natural lime and salt!)
Hi Lurr Kurr,Good to meet you.I love all popcorn but that lime one is really good.Would not think at first it would go with popped corn,but it does.I’ll have to stock up when “Going Clear 2 comes out & when Mike writes his book during his 26+ hour days & nights.Then we will really rock & roll over this cult! Best Ann.
“Lacking facilities was NOT why scientology has not been reaching the airwaves.”
Well, that and the advent of the Internet. 🙂 These violently insane criminals can’t sell their frauds to people who have access to the Internet.
Also that television thing… I have to laugh. Eventually if the crooks ever did try to create a television channel, they’ll be using it to rook and swindle money from what ever remaining customers they might still be able to find to try to keep that television advertising fraud going.
How so very amusing. Miscavige is such a fucked-up dimwit.
What a waste.
Salvaging mankind. Salvaging earth. They really like those. Every promo I get says they are salvaging mankind. Mankind’s only hope. Its a tough gig. God bless them for rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done. They are probably too humble to mention that they also saved the entire solar system a couple weeks ago.
Well, at least SMP will make the building look nice in the surrounding area. That’s pretty much the product of all the new buildings anyway.
Perhaps Bodhi and Jenna Elfman will get the reality show on SMP that they are so desperately trying to secure with those stupid, self-indulgent and boring podcasts they are making and putting out on youtube and itunes. Problem is, Jenna is no Leah Remini. She lacks Leah’s warmth, charm and class and she is not funny in her podcasts either. Let’s just say that the Elfman’s ‘Howard Stern’ interview impression “blows.”
Jenna Elfman is disgusting. A total, total, gross-out.
Jenna seemed so sweet and endearing on Dharma and Greg, then I saw that disgusting, depressing podcast…guess it proves she can act!!
“What would one really have to do to clear this planet?” Destroy it, L. Fraud. That’s the only way it could have ever been accomplished. Tell that to every clam that’s still in and spouting off on the “planetary clearing” thing, and watch them get steamed.
“This is our future”. If your present is 1975, yeah, it is. Personally, my present is not 1975. I didn’t have pubic hair in 1975, for instance.
Speaking of 1975, serious question: Was Power Of Source by the Apollo Stars ever available on 8-track?
Hi Espiando, Thank you, my brain could not recall the Power Of Source,but I sure had the LP.I think our CO had it on 8 track but not sure.Ann.
In 1975 El Wrong was still working on his ultimate wax cylinders. 8-Track tape was OUT of the question!
I meant thank God for blocking channels
Not Hod… Please edit that one☺️
I’m really glad they’ve actually put some fact-checkable claims on record. An “all-Scientology television channel” … “wired to every major cable provider.” And a Scientology radio station — by which I presume they mean the old-fashioned broadcast kind, not a live-stream on the internet.
I’ll go on record as saying neither of these things is going to happen.
As a side note, there’s a new report from Nielsen about the decline of traditional TV viewing among younger people. Key points: “In percentage terms, traditional TV viewing among 18-24-year-olds in Q1 2015 was down by more than 17% year-over-year, comparable to Q4 2014’s decline. Between Q1 2011 and Q1 2015, weekly viewing by this demographic has fallen by close to 32%: in other words, in the space of 4 years, almost one-third of this age group’s traditional TV viewing time has migrated to other activities.”
As for radio … what’s that? Is that the thing in the car with the numbers that you plug your iPhone into?
It’s probably worse than that richardgrant. I’m in the >50 demo and I haven’t watched anything from cable or airwaves for years. I have a NOAA alert radio that only comes on if there is a severe weather alert. Other than that it off the internet. The “radio” in my car takes a thumb drive with all my hundreds of albums on it…
These days, I get severe weather warnings on my tablet via wifi. I didn’t know it had that feature in the stock software until I got a tornado watch warning.
Lucky bastard!
RMycroft I too have it on my tablet but internet service will go long long before NOAA radio stations. I live in an area where tornadoes often strike at night so not safe to rely in internet based service.
@richardgrant, you’re right When I bought my car in 2011, it came with a free year of XM. I didn’t resubscribe because I had not listened to it in the year I had it, not even on the 4 hour drive home from the dealer.
I stream my phone through the blueooth. I also have a 6-disk cd changer I have never used (seriously, a cd has never been inserted in it, in the same car.
The usb port and bluetooth however get lots of use by the grandkids. That radio thing, I remember it from when I used to drive across the country from LA to New York in the 70’s. I think it went the way of the telexes which is why scientology still believes it exists.
Still LMAO!?
I sure hope they don’t get a TV station yikes… Thank Hod for “blocking” channels!
Well radio… Maybe they mean satellite radio… Most people have it… And yes It’s in the car right above the place we plug our iPhones in…LoL!!!
Today in the Daily Mail online there is an exclusive story/interview with Joe Reaiche, he talks about leaving Scientology and his painful disconnection from his kids/stepkids, the Daily Mail has been publishing a number of negative stories about the church recently, including many scathing reader comments on their message board…
Planetary dissemination has a new name with SUMP! As the promo says, “THIS IS OUR FUTURE” and not a single human being is in the photo attached to that happy announcement! Let’s ignore that accidental prophetic irony.
The Twilight Zone having mercy sex with an infomercial = ALL SCIENTOLOGY TV. Non-stop too! It’s an attractive idea but it might help to employ the brick-with-note-tied to-it-through-the-window system, also. Don’t want scientology to get too far from its roots.
Opening on the near horizon? Is that the same horizon they kept talking about with the SP building in Clearwater? If Miscavige gets a good offer on that 5 acre plot I bet that horizon never arrives.
And its wired to every cable provider??? Last time I looked in order to get play time on a cable provider there has to be something the cable provider wants before they flip the switch. Best bet would be a David Miscavige reality show with special fabulous cameos from second in command Tom Cruise. The sheeple could stay up till the 3:00 am time slot to swoon over Der Leader’s every move. And maybe a touchy feely sequence with his BFF.
Or better yet….a reality show with David Miscavige and Tom Cruise buying vintage motorcycles and overseeing SO members as they restore them to the most fabulous motorcycles the world has seen complete with 8 track players and tiny telex machines so as to stay in touch with the world wherever the motorcycle rider may be.
Hi Potpie,Loved these posts.The reality show is funny,but stranger still that ridiculous Hollywood Studio with Scientology TV will probably use your idea & beam the show to all SO & Staff orgs & missions 24/7.Always Ann.
How chilling, Ann B! Can you imagine being SO or staff and having 24/7 broadcast all day..every day? Can it possibly get any worse?
Hi OSD,How about a night production.Chilling too! Shades of Asho D & F on an external film loop.Always Ann B.
The horizon is straight up and vertical.
Oh this is funny.. LMAO
“Der Leader” yeah… That’s what I thought they were doing with Hubbards big picture there, at that big conference in the documentary…1st thing that came to me…It’s Just Like Hitler!!!
What is that crapola???
” Scientology — the telex machine Religion ”
“The Telex Machine Religion.” Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
Hi MM, You know that course is for me! And I can listen to my 8 track of Ron Music while getting ready for my Standard 1948 PBX Communication Course.No smoke signals allowed Ann.
I heard they are going to release the Standard Tech Fax Machine at the Auditors Day Event!
Yeah, and the Golden Age of Music — all scientology music restored to exactly how LRH intended and made available on a series of 8-track cassettes developed from designs drawn by Ron. They come with a special Clearsound 8 track player in a GAM embossed, NASA designed carrying case. Each 8 track is packaged in its own titanium case with full sheet music. It is vital for planetary clearing that every scientologist purchases at least 2 full sets. These are an investment in the future at only $25,000 per set. Hurry, supplies are limited.
Anyone under 30 is probably trying to figure out what an 8 track cassette is. But I’m sure the titanium case will overcome any doubts that it must be a good deal.
Looks like Ron got there first, Marc & Mike:
Seriously funny….
Word has it there’s an exciting new release coming – a completely revised and totally on source, just as LRH intended, brand new STCC. Standard Telex Communication Course.
And it goes on from there! To experience GAM nonstop portable, they will be releasing a special edition Clearsound 8-track Walkman. Complimenting its cutting edge electronics, the revolutionary case has been specially design by someone who once owned an iPhone.
Holy crap! Now that’s some funny shit! Check out the link of Dr. Strabismus! What a hoot!
You have to be kidding!
That is a college education!!!
People really pay?
I mean regular joes.
We know the 1% peeps can afford it but dang, that’s crazy!
I truly mean crazy as in white jacket crazy!
Unfortunately, it is reflection of the reality that is scientology that such an absurd (to me) satire could be mistaken for reality.
That was a joke.
What a complete facade, most of the orgs are tiny smelly dumps, with peeling paint, damp walls and very few staff. All this just to create the false impression that scn is expanding. Just think, if they had used this money to set up a fund to help the Red Cross or something how much better their PR would be.
I agree… Dang the Red Cross or cancer research… Talk about PR!!!
Problem is they would be helping people, like for real!!!
I love your idea though…cool?
SMP – I like the initialism, as it could also be used to clearly layout (no pun intended) the preferred and acceptable sexual behavior for all adherents, viz Scientology Missionary Position.
Not to be confused with the Scientology Missionnaire Position, where the local org assumes the position.
Where do we get in line?
Yeah, WHERE do we get in line?
Golden Era Productions bragging about their capabilities just three years ago:
Golden Era Productions Improves Ability to Build Props and Sets September 20, 2012, Woodworking Network
Speaking of gimmicks, yesterday Tony Ortega showed a publication with pictures of the CST vault stuff. After all that time, effort and money all they can show are two pictures of the inside of a vault: one an obvious fake with duplicated racks, the other carefully cropped and only showing 7-8 of those golden racks of cases of plates. If there are more than 20 of those racks in all of the vaults, I’d be shocked. That wouldn’t be enough to archive LRH’s grocery lists.
“all-Scientology television channel”
I’m sure this won’t be launched unless Mr. Drivel (sorry, I mean Dave) can pay to get a couple million good folks in India to watch it so there will be a pulse in the ratings.
“To that same end, it’s also where every sector and all Global Salvage campaigns will be plugged into a massive data bank.”
First off, no one uses the term “data bank” any more. After the 60s Star Trek TV show, it dropped out of usage except for retro Casio watches.
Second, massive, really?! I have a terabyte hard drive on my Raspberry Pi. It’s not much bigger than an Altoids tin, and I’m sure it could fit the whole database with plenty of room to spare. If not, the two terabyte model is the same physical size.
These guys are trying to play in the 21st Century with a floppy disk mindset.
8 inch floppy. With hard sectors.
That almost sounds kinky…
The only thing being cleared is people from scientology, perhaps that is what clearing the planet really means. This latest drivel is remarkable and is as believable as a KKK children’s show.
Maybe they could get Tom to host a game show like “The Wheel of Reality” or perhaps “Family Ethics” where the winners get to disconnect from anyone of their choosing. Of course there would be 24hr donateathons non stop.
I can’t wait, I think a scientology TV station will be fun, especially as a cure for insomniacs.
I Yawnalot, I think you’re on to something! “The only thing being cleared is people from scientology…”
You have just explained everything to me! It’s crystal clear now! When people leave the cult, they’re actually being “cleared!” out! Wow! Moreover, it’s a really good type of clear! When you leave, you’re cleared! How simple! I hope they all get ‘cleared out!’ And soon…
Oh man, really well put, good job to all!
I’m not a scientologist either & never have been, I do want to say that I loved the “clear” comment… When they leave Scientology they are finally cleared!
That was really funny on top however, on the bottom of things, where slime lives, it’s absolutely true!
Also, I wanted to comment on people who watch “Going Clear” Some people will be saved from this cult & leave, very few but some.
Then you have people like me…that out of extreme curiosity, had to watch it! I can tell you that, I didn’t run to any other sites on Scientology!!! I was NEVER going to give them the satisfaction or power & most people are like me, I am just your every day gal.
I only wanted to read Mike’s blogs because I truly feel he wants to help people. Who better than someone that knows every single move they will make & have made?!?!
I think it takes a special person to do this…& it was the ONLY thing I looked up… ” Mike Rinder” he touched my heart.
I felt as though I would learn a lot from his blogs.
I have learned a lot however I was wondering something??? Back in the 1980’s or so
I had seen a few buildings with the words “Christian Scientology” on them, no offense but WTF does the “Christian” part ever mean???
I am a Born again Christian & they (the “Scientology guy) wouldn’t even allow me to take a picture of his so called church that said “The Church of Christian Scientology”… It was a beautiful historic building in the Chicago area I was passing though via
Air Force move & I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t even let me near his “so called” Christian Scientology church???I’m thinking its a darn church, all should be welcome! I’m stubborn & took a few more photos of this beautiful old white church.
Then this guy gets really super mean & starts yelling at me & said he was going to call someone to get me to stop. I told him not to worry & I got back in my car & left Then I was afraid, my stomach twisted like squirrels were in it.
I felt nausea.
Why??? & what the heck is the “Christian” part?
I’ve noticed it has pretty much disappeared from the Scientology buildings in the last decade or more…. Minus a few old buildings, like the one I ran across 2.5 years ago. I know one thing…no Christians there because,
I sure wasn’t welcomed in!
I am not catholic however, sometimes I go to St Peters & light candles & pray & they don’t mind EVER!!!
I just want to understand this.Both parts… The word Christian in it at first & why did he act that way?
It wasn’t made clear ( no pun intended) in the movie.
Sorry I took so much space however, you all seem to know what you are talking about.
I feel grateful that I don’t know anyone personally in this cult.
I’m glad I never drank the
Kool-aid! Came close in 1984 thru a friend that left after a few weeks, she said it was stupid! Ugh…Uh, yeah!
~Answers please? ?
Hi Kat — Welcome.
Never heard of any Christian Scientology church. But there are a lot of Christian Science “Churches” in major cities around the US. They have “Christian Science Reading Rooms” all over the place, including in downtown Clearwter (may not still be there, but was for decades….) Google Christian Science.
For an organization which can never ever get its CF in order, how does it expect to organize, categorize and tag video news footage arriving from around the world?
I guess there will only be two tags to apply actually regarding Scientology news footage; theta and entheta. I do hope they have a half a city block if the entheta tags ready for application. The 6 theta tags they have in stock should last a billion years or so. Will there be a revolving door of staff assigned to watch these news clips arriving from around the world?
On a final note, has Shermanspeak become the official language of Scientology? The rest of the world does not speak or read or respond in any meaningful way to this type of stilted language.
The only tag needed will be a toe tag because Scn is dead. There is just a comm lag before they realize it. And Mike, brilliant article. “Scientology — the fax machine religion.” OMG That is perfect.
Cindy, their current members are like those on the TV program, “The Walking Dead.” They’re dead, but, just don’t know it. And then someone comes along and puts them out of their misery by having them watch ‘Going Clear.’
“A toe tag”. Laughter! New, edgy Cult Swag.
The church of irony strikes again.
It is so important to move the media production facilities out of the desert boondocks and into a high-visibility location in Hollywood, but they’re buying ideal orgs in industrial areas on the outskirts of town?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record (if you;re under 35, ask your parents), they did have someone who actually conceived of planetary clearing, and they ran him out of town (Jeff Hawkins).
“…. to continually expand Scientology’s presence in cyberspace.”
If I’m not mistaken, don’t you do the very same thing Mr. Rinder? Perhaps you can petition old DM to cut you in on some of that Scientology Media Productions money.
Oooooh!!!! Nice one Nezquik. It’s nice to see what topics bring you OSA trolls up for surface feeding. Mr. Rinder, as you so nicely put it (framed in your classic 1.1 style) has obviously exposed one of Dave’s numerous inflamed nerve endings.
Glad to see you Nezquik, keep it coming as some of us tend to become bored with the day to day drivel oozing from the pores of your Cult.
I would add my two cents, but Coop, I believe you covered everything nicely. Such a way with words. …”drivel oozing from the pores of your CULT.”
Yea! What he said! Take that! Punch! Pow! Bam!
I’d say between them, Rinder and Ortega have probably made more people google Scientology than all their PR output in the last year or so. Miscavige should give them the PR bugdget for on-line disemination.
Mike Rinder provides a public service by giving a glimpse inside the bubble with all its insanity and craziness. I doubt that will drive many links to Scientology sites. Tony Ortega reported on news in and around Scientology and we all hope he get back to it, once he is done promoting himself and his newest book. His reports and most of his guest writers contributions were very well researched and well written, again I don’t believe any of those would entice anybody to go to official Scientology sites.
This is one of the pipe dreams the folks in the bubble hold dear. “Any PR (even the worst) will just increase the interest in Scientology.” Reminds me of the alcoholic that is broke and down to methylated alcohol.
I feel an explanation is in order; I’m not a scientologist, just lousy at writing witty commentaries. Sorry my comment was too easily misconstrued as a random brain-dead scientologist defending their cult on the Internet.
Thanks for clarifying. There is a tendency to jump on perceived trolls, and sometimes its a mistake. Glad you took the time to respond. I liked your original comment.
Nezquik, I didn’t perceive anything unfriendly in your comment and I liked it. Some of those responses must have been very surprising to you and you were probably going,”WTF???”
Welcome to our world, Nezquik. Nice to have you here.
Hi Nezquik,Welcome here.I learn lots of things on this blog,and one point I tell myself is: look at my post twice before I send it.You will find we are family & it is an amazing experience.Hope you stay if you want.Ann.
Someone probably recommended diversifying the real estate portfolio away from historic buildings and office spaces into commercial establishments such a A/V or other studios. It’s easier to explain away when sold that “routine audits revealed unanticipated redundancies which could better be deployed into direct servicing of parishioners.” Selling an Ideal Org (i.e. “a place of worship”) requires a bit more fancy footwork – “internally” as you, Mike, have pointed out.
Probably true Nickname!
The order of magnitude of a triple zero is more or less equal to a simple or quadruple zero. How much is DM pumping for his own swiss or whatever accounts in such operations? Did he also bought some ranchh over there in Cal, or is it into the amazonian world?
Fabulous punch line, Mike!