It’s finally arrived… the day for the ribbon yanking of the greatest boondoggle in scientology history (and that is saying something).
After all the put-off dates and promotion with NO dates and emails from anyone and everyone, the crowds will gather, the video crews will be capturing every word and every angle, and scientology will launch itself into the 20th century with a white elephant for the ages.
Below is just a sampling of the frenzy of urgent messages to implore all scientologists everywhere to show up for this event. You have to wonder how many “celebrities” will be there, as this is all about impressing Hollywood and celebrities outside of being a fundraising tool. It’s never really been much use asa fundraiser as the purchase was announced regardless of thermometers and statuses and kooky pirate parties. If the purchase and renovation had to wait for the money to be collected from public this would literally NEVER have been done. It cost a LOT more than Valley ideal org and that still isn’t done 12 years into the project.
But interesting is the level of paranoia associated with this “grand opening” of the “international dissemination center” intended to “put scientology on the comm lines of the world.”
They didn’t want to announce the date publicly, so the promotion has been very strange and secretive.
The first poster gives no date and no address. Just a demand to “call for information.”
Then there are the apparently endless emails ti get “event passes” beforehand. Tickets are no longer good enough. You have to show up at ASHO in person and be issued a pass. The general public are verboten. So too the media. Even scientology public of doubtful loyalty will be excluded.
But the emails and pleas have been at unprecedented levels.
Tells you how much heat there is on getting attendees for this event. It’s really the ONLY thing Dear Leader has to talk about at Maiden Voyage. He will of course make a big deal about Atlanta, but a lot of the public at MV were there for that as they went right after the March 13th event at Flag. Harlem “ideal org” is STILL not done. Neither is Silicon Valley. No AO’s have opened. There isn’t a new org in sight anywhere on this planet that is being so effectively “cleared.”
This invitation is very “personal.”
Dear Xxxx,
I am sure you have heard the news by now of the upcoming grand opening of Scientology Media Productions.
I wanted to take this opportunity to personally invite you to come in to ASHO Reception and sign up for your event pass to get into the Grand Opening.
I am personally completely thrilled about what this means for our religion.
As a veteran staff member who has personally made hundreds of auditors, I have always been concerned about how we would be able to contact enough people to actually clear the planet. And now we have the answer.
Let me know if you need any help or have any questions.
Much Love,
Cosimo Sherman
Lead Tech C/S
Just as a note, you might help with “contacting enough people to actually clear the planet” by opening the doors instead of doing everything in secret.
This next one, from the same person, is not so personal for some reason. But the Lead Tech C/S is really doing her bit on call in for this event. Probably doesn’t have anything else to do….
Ken Hoden makes a passionate pitch about being on staff for 42 years. And a large portion of that time was as Port Captain of Golden Era Productions — so he knows better than most that this is an atrocious waste of money, duplicating the facilities of Gold. And Gold was massively overbuilt and has not come close to being fully utilized.
And all the way in Battle Creek they are battling to try and get some people to attend. Battle Creek? They would be better off getting two people in session on Saturday and Sunday and doubling their WDAH.
And finally, this idiocy. Ron Hubbard “received an invitation to write pictures” from this very studio. These guys just make shit up to fit whatever the circumstance. But even more to the point – what hell does an invitation in the 1930’s have to do with today? That’s right Ian. Absolutely nothing. This is just babble for the sake of babbling.
I have been busy all weekend living life well, so am late to the comment game here. From the few reports I’ve read, it appears as though there was a dearth of celebrity appearances.
Since celebrities will show up at the opening of a door if it helps their career, you’ve gotta wonder if publicists were jumping in front of their clients advising them not to mane an appearance at this opening because if the damage it would do to their career.
10,000 people squeezed into 1,000 chairs WOW !!!!
Attendance police beat up up celebrities for not showing up.
I am,shocked, I was counting on Kirste Alley sitting on my lap
and jumping up and down for the COB’s speech.
Watched first Scientology show on sat TV between 24 hour Bullfghts
and Siberian farm report, It was a fund raiser Rev. Gene Scott style.
Now if the CoS could just get Benny Hinn and Bob Tilton into Scientology …
‘The greatest boondoggle in scientology history’ lol, my gum almost fell out! I can’t wait for this one, everything about it is absolutely mental.
If this was such a big damn deal, wouldn’t it be televised from this “state of the art” media center?
So you have a powerful tool for Planetary Insemination…sorry, Dissemination now (ignoring the fact that you already had one at Gold). All well and good. But what use is it when no one is listening or will listen? Every other “flood the org” tool in the last twenty-five years, ever since KTL/LOC, has failed to work. No one’s coming in. Nothing has given the desire for people to come in. This will prove to be the most public waste of money in that regard. And the sad part is that none of the sheeple will process this information when the orgs aren’t bursting with fresh meat.
RB got it right on Friday. The old Body Routing bullshit doesn’t work and hasn’t worked for over a decade, but they still try it, and end up sabotaging themselves with their cultspeak. If you sound like a weirdo when trying to explain your own faith, odds are pretty good that 1) you are a weirdo and 2) your faith doesn’t appeal to anyone. Besides, we know everything now anyway. Scientology lost the battle for the Internet for good thanks to Anon. When Message To Scientology has millions of views (more than ten million if you count the mirrors) and official Scilon vids have hundreds, maybe into four figures if they’re lucky (this is not counting the Cruise video), you know they’re fucked.
And speaking of Cruise, here’s something that hasn’t been mentioned but should be, because it leads directly into their failures of Planetary Dissemination: Did anyone catch the premiere of Preacher last Sunday on AMC? To wit, a creature called Genesis, a fusion of heaven and hell, requires a human host body. It tries possessing “holy men” in order to find one, only to have the host bodies reject the creature and explode (it is an AMC series). One of the “holy men” it possesses? One Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, who gets turned into a flesh slushie while addressing a Church of Scientology gathering. Yes, Scientology, you are now a throwaway joke in a TV series based on a Nineties comic book. That is the result of decades of Planetary Dissemination.
(By the way, the Preacher comic featured a throwaway character in one issue, a former porn actor headed back home to the midwest after “leaving the business”. The guy’s porn name? Tom Cooze. Hey, I binge-read the comic this week to get in the mood for the series.)
Thinking about it, they really can’t push L. Fraud Hall as a “tool for planetary dissemination” thanks to the hype for the SuMP. If a media center designed to create material for radio, television, and the Internet doesn’t bring in the raw meat, how in the name of heaven will a building in Clamwater do that? They need to repurpose the hype for L. Fraud Hall, otherwise it would just become the next joke/footbullet in a long line of them. This will especially be the case after Davy Wavy Gravy’s Maiden Voyeur speech, which will be one long string of phlegm regarding the incredible reach and on-Source message of the SuMP.
Who are the bigger fools, the ones who gave money for this boondoggle or the ones who opened it?
“If you sound like a weirdo when trying to explain your own faith, odds are pretty good that 1) you are a weirdo…” My son played “good road, fair weather” with my brother and sister-in-law when they took him out for lunch to talk to him and what they thought was a perfect solution to handle his disconnection. When they said, “Your parents love you; so, why don’t you all just agree not to talk about your religion and have a relationship that way.” His answer? “I love them too and I will think about it.”
When they came over to tell us the great news, I explained to them how they had just been had by “good road, fair weather” and also an outright lie. There’s no way he could “think about it” and he knew it and if he loves us, he can’t allow himself to feel it or truly “go there” or he would crumble.
Let’s imagine what he would say if he spoke the truth. This is where “if you sound like a weirdo…, you are a weirdo” comes in and frankly, I don’t think he can even allow himself to think about what an honest response would have been. It’s just too weird.
What it really means is that Crazy O’Bonkers Demento Maniac is shit scared of our reality intruding into his fantasy world and showing it up for what it is. After looking at the photo of the seating on The Underground Bunker one can guess that close to 3/4’s of the seats are figments of $camology’s imagination. Is it also my imagination or does the left half of that photo look like a bad CGI image?
I was going to say, “What a joke.” but it’s an insult to jokes in general.
And comics, like myself, in particular….
Ok, I’ve read this article about the SuMP opening and others by Mike about SuMP before this one. I’ve taken several deep breaths, and yes, I AM going to ask this question: Does anyone have any idea what is going to be produced at SuMP – films, documentaries, live shows with celebs/whales, briefings/talks by Miscavige – what? Sorry for asking this dumb question but to pretend I know when I don’t have a clue would be even dumber.
$64k question…
My question is a $1.25…Guess I’m not reaching enough…..
Ribbon Yank over the COB answered Reporters questions !!!!
Reporter: Mr. Miscavige, Can you answer rumors you are not big in the movies ?
David MIscavige : I AM BIG, IT’S THE MOVIES that GOT SMALL.
Reporter : Mr. Miscavige: What is your plan to make a small fortune here ?
David Miscavige, Start with a Large fortune.
We are fools no more.
ken hoden says “exactly how this works and what it all means is something we’re all going to find out about together, at the upcoming event.” in other words, “i have no fking idea either – i just smile and do what they tell me.”
Is there going to be a “Scientology Channel” now? These jackasses couldn’t come up with enough content to fill a titmouse’s teacup.
That is very charming to say. Reminiscent of the 1982 mission holder’s conference. I cannot say that everything the church does turns out wrong. Scientology Media Productions may fail, but I just want to add, that thanks to the RTC the Scientology Mission of Elizabeth, NJ failed. Congratulations I give. Why? Because the mission was franchised to an OT VIII Class VI that never got any stats. He was asked “Well what about this Lawrence guy in the next town? He is causing a lot of trouble, putting a lot of information about us on the internet. Why don’t YOU go bring him in and straighten the matter out for everybody?”.
If it could have been done, like anybody, I would have co-operated. But HE, the mission holder told them the “Story of Lawrence” and in return they cancelled his cert as a mission holder. And you know what I say, good for them! RTC or not! Because that was the right result.
Perhaps SMP can fill the void. 🙂
Haha! ” Nature abhors a vacuum!” ~ Aristotle
That would be a hoot! “Scientology Today! Brought to you by……..”
give sony a call. i hear they buy anything
just between you and us film traffickers, got movies?
only one business in the nation, nay the world, would be ass-in-nine (sp, ha!) enough to buy commercial time on the all-new give-a-hoot Scientology Today channel,
guess big fat who, the relentlessly usual, ho-hum church of latter day frauds, scientology.
Of course.
Gee, i dozed…[gripes! past deadline? order immediate PRINT> DAVID MISCAVIGE]
as you know, those under the almighty DAVID MISCAVIGE already have had all the money they could possibly beg, borrow or steal from the world, dropped down the proverbial time-capsule vault, so to speak,
They do not need to sell commercials, they ARE a commercial.
T-H-E Public Relations Masters of the Third Planet,
as you know…
[Time out, did this place cost a billion dollars? Pump the SuMP, up real good. It should be a billion, pump, one &a half. I think the IRS will pay US, pump-pump, if we can just say its a billion…Hell, call it two and buy the man a jet or something. No, what cap aint hap-happy with a clean jet?]
– ok, for the GOOD news:
They are going for BROKE. Like doubling down again and exponentially again until extinct, broke and gone, broke, take a breath. Exhale.
Pop goes the bubble, dad.
Back to you Surfer Dude. Dude?… hm, guess Old Guy hit the sandy ocean-side already.
Nope, I’m still here. Waves were 1 to 3 feet. Decided to come home and watch the Indy 500 as well as the French Open. Oui, oui!
Very calm waters up here too, seemed like low tide all day… Sunny.
Which keeps the kids happy, running around. And the bikini, nees, oh.
Looks like more of the same today, all around.
F-forgot I was Old, for a second there, for a third time, ha.
Nice to be out. Like you always say, sure is nice to be out.
You know,
if any of you scientologists can muster up the mind to break free, I mean, you will have to do it on your own. The big, bad boys on higher up the scientology food chain there do not, as in never-ever, hand out breaks for beach trips, Sunday or not. But, do it. Just say
“bucket” and go. Say, “I just aint gonna answer ANY more questions, NO MORE, just bucket.”
You’d be surprized, how easy, how liberating, how downright ENLIGHTENING it almost instantaneously IS, I mean really is, out here. You find out friends are everywhere, right along with friendly people who have their head on straight, everywhere, who knew?
See you there, my feet are bare and you will, I do dearly guarantee, have one great afternoon. Thanks, OSD, for again providing the inspiration for this public service announcement.
Brought to you by, ‘Bullshit Enterprises.’
Integrity made Paramount by your presence, sir Dude.
Who got the party supplies, hm?
Blue Blazes, I thought this was an event, just to find out I gotta do everything myself.
Brought to you by Bullshit Enterprises! Makers of Provable Bullshit!
May I remind you that you are being reasonable.
Meanwhile, your subscription is canceled.
That’ll be Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, please.
Will you accept a personal check?
Remember the old saying from cable TV “600 channels and nothing to watch”? Now it’s 601 channels….. ARWOOOO!
Fo sho. Subscriptions start at just $5000 per month for an endless loop of The War Is Over, inane “wins” (a la Elena Cardone’s “…this is how we’re going to change the future of the galaxies!” and scrolling IAS ads demanding you “Donate Now!”
Or not. Because anything they do air will obviously get leaked/exposed/ridiculed. And we can’t have any more of that now, can we.
Hey COB ,Will there be any toilet paper in the bathrooms at the Epic Grand opening
or just not in this Universe.
Sadly, they didn’t fundraise enough to include toilet paper. However, I’m pretty sure the message went out to bring their own toilet paper….
Leave it to SCIENTOLOGY to hold an extravaganza event on the weekend that SHOULD BE focused on thanking the men and women that lost their lives for the United States Of America.
I guess those men and women are PTS and they don’t matter (someone at the event PLEASE ask a staff member if they even know that it is Memorial Day Weekend and if they know what that is about).
Ironic…they have freedom of (supposed) religion and choose the ONLY HOLIDAY in the entire year to plan a personal puffing party.
I hope the media connect the dots of this kick in the face of America.
I’m a veteran and I should have remembered that. Shame on me and thank you for bringing this up.
No need to beat yourself up. Thanks to travel fatigue and some dental work this morning, I totally forgot it was a holiday weekend. I’ll be spending Memorial Day prepping for another trip, and if my teeth still hurt, popping some good old Vicodin.
Thank you so very much for serving, Leslie!
hey, they had to spend some money somehow.
They can’t spend it all…
for lawyers, private investigators and empty buildings with polished bricks.
Holes, no, those are meant to be cheap.
They don’t want to pay the Staff. (ironic shame, as doing so could easily bail them out of a blatant moral PR dilemma). No health care, no retirement. Nay, they pay with ever-larger promises, ever more…wonderful WONDERFUL promises. Let’s double down on…EXPANSION! , “yes, yes! We can pay them that…Forty-Seven times!!!”
-All this amounts to one big pile of dirty money.
So, just like a kid with his first paying job, they went out and bought a really fancy stereo, in fitting proportion to those very same promises.
Excuse me, I mean broadcast studio.
Trouble there is, they hate to expose themselves.
Logically so.
Let’s hope, yes, that the media does pick up on the irony of all this, as what we are bound to see is more versions of the very same “intellectual” material already presented to us in those fabulous SuperBowl commercials.
If even that. My guess is that their target audience is much closer to home. Which makes this broadcast studio little more than a fancy, closed-circuit stereo, indeed. Unless of course you’d rather call it a vibrator for mental masturbation. Spiritual masturbation, ha. At least it works for the Leader, huh?
Almost forgot to print his name again, DAVID MISCAVIGE.
What we do we do for you.
a big pile of dirty money with no where to put it…
what to do, what to do
pity, pity two
but the gentlemen offers to pump the sump, 47 times three!
That’s what we do, and what four?
o, what we do.
That’s typical I suppose. They seek new lows at ever turn – the totally mindless people of Scientology. They truly are obtaining their goals backwards, straight down and vertical.
Peace and ease of suffering to all veterans everywhere.
thank you sincerely, my knightly Yawnalot. Ditto that for me.
peace, at ease and be pleased.- Your Sailor,
Wow Ken Hoden, is now Senior Chaplain ASHO.
That makes him almost contactable.
If media do some homework, they might manage an interview with Ken.
He’d be an interesting one to interview.
So would Janet Weiland.
Both have done the recent RPF program, and those academics who are really serious and want to get some malarky straight from the veteran still on the job Scientology PR people ought to ask Ken and Janet for interviews and ask them a wide range of questions.
I’d love to hear Ken and Janet give their views publicly after their 40 plus years careers in the Sea Org!
I would like to know how many POSTS they have held in their “career” and also have them add the reason they left one post to do another. Time line it all out to really illuminate (maybe even to them) that they are wasting their lives away for NOTHING.
Holding many different posts over time leads to Versatility! They now know wrong data about everything – true gems for youtube if they ever get interviewed. Ken and Janet interviews would be cool, but I’d also like to hear from Ian’s Planetary Dissemenation Unit, a truly grandiose enterprise.
Maybe Ken and Janet can offer an explanation to Anderson or Kelly as to why Mike and Ron Sr have become such Ruthless Special People.
Mike, Your tireless commitment and efforts of yours thru your Blog are honorable and endlessly Thankful buddy!
After all is said and done Scientology, will go down as having the BIGGEST EVER Craig List Posting of “State of The Art” barely used electronic music/film equipment ever. Example… Recently I saw an updated picture of the LRH Studio at the Gold Base. Missing from the picture were the $250,000.00 (That’s Right – A Quarter of a Million Dollars) one of a kind speakers the Mixers listened to their edits thru. In their place are two wall mounted obviously high end speakers but significantly cheaper. Oh and the 2 or 4, if I remember correctly, 24 Track Recording Machines that were in the Studio – GONE!! I’ll never forget the night Freddie and Charlie Said… ” Jackson, check this out…” And Freddie proceeded to place Michael Jackson’s Thriller CD into a CD player and they cranked the volume. Out from those $250,000.00 (That’s correct – A Quarter of a Million Dollars Speakers) came the Thriller Album like you’ve never heard it before!
Anyway, look for the postings folks if you want good deals on the best audio/film equipment out there. I’m Pretty sure Wayne and Garth would love updated equipment for their Basement TV Show! Party On Wayne!
Oh and David Miscaviage… WHERE IS SHELLY MISCAVIAGE? – YOUR WIFE if you haven’t already forgot! I know how much it bothers you that there are thousands of people of earth who miss and love Shelly when you haven’t loved her in decades let alone haven’t yourself seen her for years like the rest of us yet you are solely the one imposing her to be hidden from society!
What’s that weird taste in your Kashi Flakes?? One guess…….
— Jackson
Whenever I have a dream about visiting people at Int, you are still on post as the Security Chief. You always cover for me to make sure Dave does not know that I am at the Base. Thanks buddy.
You’re Welcome Buddy!
Could you expertly access this video, and comment on the studio equipment in the background and tell if this is the studio at Int or not.
And then could it be possible, that in the future, the SMP be built up to have the same level of topquality equipment so that in the future it will be SMP where the “67 actors” go to do their recording for future “LRH products” like this below super dooper new better than ever audio CDs of “Battlefield Earth”?
Will SMP be likely used for carrying out the ASI orders, I wish to hell more ex ASI staff who recall the ASI orders and remember LRH’s counter-logical focus where LRH said to ASI to stick on BE, keep making BE stuff, and to me, SMP potentially could be the studio for executing LRH’s ASI traffic on how to milk BE for all it is worth, and then methodically carry out the rest of the ASI “LRH fiction products” strategy.
I see this SMP, only stumbling for the same reason that all the rest of Scientology and LRH’s fiction products ultimately stumble, due to the quality of LRH’s work in the first place.
(My own conclusion is just the old fable about not being able to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, in that Hubbard’s raw materials don’t make “OTs” and don’t make for audience clamoring “products” no matter how good the quality production of those products are.)
That’s Mad Hatter Studios where the audio books are recorded
Chuck, that video was shot in the Mad Hatter. I recognize the old Neve mix board, Chick’s grand piano, and the decor. Oddly they seem not to have used the dedicated vocal booth and vocal studio. They show the actors in the main recording studio that is supposed to be only for music.
From the hiss in before the audio it is possible that they used analog recording for the voices instead of Pro Tools, certainly it looks like they did an analog final mixdown. You can see the Massenburg “Flying Faders” at work.
The graphics and visual effects could be done on any PC nowadays, but possibly they also used the Avid edit bay that they have downstairs in the Mad Hatter.
It has been a long time since I saw Battlefield Earth, my guess is they used clips from the movie for the “ships in space” and ship controls scenes. They would not need visuals for the audio book! So there is no need to spend a lot of money and use studio time to shoot a Terl costume etc.
It is really funny to hear them brag about “immersive” sound. They are sitting in a full surround sound studio! It has rear speakers, surround sound pan pots (that I added to the old Neve mix board at great expense to my sanity), surround sound recording capability etc.
If they had the slightest techie chops they could have released this in digital form in full surround sound. Imagine popping 20 or so CDs into a player to listen to this thing for hours! The first thing I would do if I wanted to listen to it would be to rip the CDs and assemble them into one big file so I could listen all in one shot. At the very most minimal least it could have been a DVD or Blu-Ray with some low key visuals and a real surround sound audio track.
Good old Scientology, stuck in the 80s with CDs. On a 60s mix board. As if anybody cared. There is no telex machine at the Mad Hatter but there are Incomm terminals. Maybe in a decade or two, if they are still around, they will discover the Personal Computer.
Hey Bruce! I’ll give ’em my old 8 track (wonderful memories) if they need it! Only $5,000! Such a deal…..
Never knew the details of what was taxing your sanity when you were huddled with Louigi and all of those and parts and soldering irons in RAV.
Jackson, don’t worry. The old Infinity IRS speakers were fragile audiophile crap anyway, I used to have to repair them with Liquid Solder from Radio Shack every week or so. The ribbons would simply split when they cranked them up too loud, which was all the time because they are nearly deaf from all that loud music when they played at concerts. The new speakers are sort of hidden but they are very good professional quality ones that don’t blow up all the time.
Jackson, you remember Steve Marlowe. He was the one that drove all the way to Chicago to get those fancy audiophile crap speakers for the Music Studio. And insisted on tube amps for them. He had a sign on his desk that Dave Miscavige gave him, “Chief Butt Kicker” or some such. Long gone now, and we don’t hear from him either. Ran off to France to be with David Manley I think.
The old Otari multitracks got moved into the Vocal booth (not too many vocals on event videos anyway). They are still around but mostly they use the Pro Tools digital audio recorders nowadays.
So fear not, they still have all the high end toys and the mix boards that belonged to Hubbard etc. They just don’t know what to do with them. Last time they recorded an album in there was in the 80s.
They have been selling a lot of Studer two and four tracks, I see those on ebay. The “Levinson Modified” Studer with the famous black modules that blow up and put pops and hiss on your original master recordings. During playback. And they no longer make reel-to-reel and cassette tapes, the Gauss line should be on ebay too.
But I am sure they will hold onto all that expensive toy factory until the IRS repossession crew comes for all their ill-gotten assets, right after the tax exemption gets cancelled. Soon I hope.
Marlowe used the line “I work directly for COB” to keep his ‘butt kicker’ image. Don’t think the IRS will buy the ecclesiastical crap from Dave on the stand.
All Of a sudden I realise how much Scientology has changed. In the 70s we took my wife’s grandmother to an event and people would come and go freely. Anyone would be welcomed and the Org was full of people in their twenties. There was no fundraising, no IAS vampires, no sea Org zombies. Around 1982 there was something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark. Well.. We had had our gains, we knew we were spiritual beings who had been in all these planets, on spaceships or back in WW2 and we hoped that if the tech was applied everything would be alright. Now more than 30 years later it feels great to be out of a forfeited dream. Thank you Jeff Hawkings, thank you Mike Rinder, the Headleys, our beloved Karen de la Carrière and all the others who had the guts to walk out and tell the truth.
Current Scientologists proudly pretending not to be an abusive cult.
“Proudly,” that’s what gets stuck in my craw. So much Scientological pretense it makes me sick. It is a fucking abusive cult!
Now, now, I Yawn! Don’t get your floating needle all bunched up. Abusiveness is woven into their DNA. Truly, they really can’t help themselves. To be abusive in the cult is expected. Ney, even required.
Consider this: If “$cientology worked” they wouldn’t be able to keep away the customers. As it is, they have to corral the few remaining victims for hours before letting them onto a very exclusive opening. Of a facility which is supposed to spread the message.
Generating poverty and mental illness seems to be the only thing this technology actually does.
Jens, I was thinking the same thing. What few members they have left, are gradually leaving. It appears they only have about 20,000 members WORLDWIDE now. And, of course, that number is CONSTANTLY shrinking.
As for: “Generating poverty and mental illness seems to be the only thing this technology actually does.” Bravo! Truer words were never spoken! Mental illness is rampant within the cult. They’ve, literally, lost their minds. I’d help them find their minds, but, the French Open and the Indy 500 are on in about 10 minutes, so, I’ll have to give it a pass….
Good to see that you are conducting another purge of your cult membership. Let’s examine the carnage tomorrow morning.
How are things shaping up for the L. Ron Hubbard Hall? Will you still be residing in the US for it’s construction and completion?
Are you sandbagging Valley for a New Year’s Yanking?
Sadly, this stuff is effective at keeping people captive in the cult “bubble”. There’s not much going on in your area, but look, there are new ideal orgs, Super Power, Scientology Media Center etc, in exploding CGI graphics at the Miscavige mind control rally, so we must be winning, right? Just not here in Nashville, or wherever your org is. But in L.A., wow, it’s really taking off like Welthauptstadt Germania
Seems like every six months Scientology, collectively, erases its memory. It always has to have something to rally around, be it Super Power, an Ideal Org, GAT, GAT II, Cause Resurgence, on and on. Now SuMP. Each one of these follows the same formula:
1) It showcases the brilliance of Dear Leader who works endlessly and tirelessly to sort out the mess everyone’s made of Hubbard’s work. COB is truly Big Being #2.
2) It showcases the brilliance of Hubbard’s technology and the impact it will have on the World. Things will never be the same.
3) This is the KEY to removing all the stops, the thing which is preventing millions of people from availing themselves of the wonders of Scientology.
4) This WILL usher in a new age of Scientology, so fasten your seatbelts.
It comes, it goes, and 1-4 NEVER HAPPEN – not even a little bit.
With SuMP it’s all about finding a way to reach the billions of people dying to find out about Scientology. I seem to recall Big Being #3, Tom Cruise, reached over 1 BILLION people with the message of Scientology. I mean, that’s a mighty big number, and one would expect an unprecedented inflow of new people into orgs all over the world. They would be packed. Temporary org delivery centres would have been established to mean the demand, while new orgs busily being opened.
Yet, Cruise’s monumental dissemination efforts occurred right under our noses and we never even noticed. Us yolkels had to be told by COB what Tom had been up to. Hmm. There was no “Good Gawd Man, where have all these people come from???” or “Someone get Mr. Cruise on the phone and ask him to give us a heads up before powering up the Disseminator”.
Never fear, peoples of Earth, you have nothing to worry about, no cause for alarm. David Miscavige is at the helm. Move along, nothing to see here.
Brilliant summation statpush, particularly about the “effect” TC’s dissemination has had on the clueless wog public. Nicely done.
There is already a wave of dissemination.The Youtube stats on scientology filtered by most watched:
Video Tom Cruise Scientology.
The Official Scientology YouTube Channel.
What Is Scientology? Scientology is a religion in its highest meaning, 545 videos
Message to Scientology
Hello, Scientology. We are Anonymous. Over the years, we have been watching you. Your campaigns of misinformation;
Some crazy scientology stuff
Mike Rinder (a big shot in the cult) lies to camera in regards to the church’s policy on celebrities. Hubbard specifically had.
Jim Carrey Mocks Scientology
Jim Carrey pokes fun at the ridiculous religion.
Russell Brand Is Hurt Tom Cruise Didn’t Want Him For Scientology – CONAN on TBS 1,967,416 views
CONAN Highlight: Russell is quite suspicious of any cult that won’t recruit him as a member. More CONAN
Neurotology Music Video – SNL
Saturday Night Live 1,964,516 views
Followers of Neurotology star in a music video that sings the religion’s praises in this Scientology parody. Subscribe to the SNL
Scientology Crazy Followers
10. Interesting video I came across of some wacko Scientologists harassing some camera guy (Mark Bunker) who disagrees with.Scientology in 100 SecondsAllHailXenuFilm
Surviving Scientology 421 video
Scientology whistle blower Karen de la Carriere’s YouTube channel. Karen’s journey in Scientology lasted decades.
Scientology: BBC reporter losing it!1,638,570 views
John Sweeney, BBC reporter for Panorama, really losing it!
Tom Cruise Scientology-Constipation Video 1,508,939 views
Tom Cruise discusses his views of scientology in this interview which reveals the interesting link and shocking similarity between
Crazy Gamer on Tom Cruise from scientology (ATHENE #19)AtheneWins
852 videos
Welcome to ToryMagoo44! 🙂 Please subscribe. I was “in” Scientology for 30 years, escaped out in July of 2000, and these are …
Scientology Documentary: L. Ron Hubbard – Founder1,129,243 views
Learn more about L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology and Diabetics
Mark Bunker360 videos
Exposing Scientology Fraud and Abuse through streaming video.
AngryGayPope335 videos
. I’m either mocking pompous cultists and watching them run
Sexuality within Scientology
Hello Mike,
As a “never-in” and still learning of all the insanity that goes with Scientology, which makes my brain throb with pain not to mention all the heart breaking stories, your blog brings much needed comic relief to a very depressing topic known as Scientology.
I never would have imagined the emotions that the topic of Scientology would provoke in me when I first read Tony Ortega’s book The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.
I stumbled across this book quite by accident and it lead me to other books. These books in turn have lead me down a path that I am not so sure I want to be on.
All the devastation to so many people is very difficult for me understand and accept.
To all those who have shared their painful experiences with COS, I thank you for sharing. It has been enlightening. I wish you all joy and a life fulfilled.
LOL! I can see how this might roll out. Next, “secret briefings” for whales on funding the “Hot 50 pjt.” for SuMP. THEN, (O-M-G!!!!!!!) fund-raising for the OT-III public movie.
How many heads are on the chopping block for this opening? If the turn out isn’t fantabulous, who is going to the HOLE? There are too many questions about the state of $cientology that could be answered at this event. Will all the Whales and Clebs attend? How many attend and how many will be sec checked if they don’t show up? There is still money to made, no matter what happens and who shows up.
Will Tom Cruise fly back from whatever far off land he is making a movie in to show his Bromance with the Dwarfenführer? If anyone gets a picture of him there, the National Enquirer will pay good money to run a ‘Why Doesn’t He See Suri’ story.
I doubt that any other cleb is newsworthy at this point. Yeah, Travolta and Preston have to fly over from Florida, but no one else counts. B and C list ‘stars’ don’t really make the tabloids unless they get arrested or throw a valve.
Surly, the clampire has bigger and more expensive boondoggles? In the sixty + years of $cientology surly Lron or Miscavage has blow more money on something else?
Given all the writing from Lron, why would any clam claim that $cientology is a ‘religion’? Isn’t it just a practical guide to life?
.tickets…”you can get one for you and your spouse and any kids under 15″
well isn’t THAT creepy.
Sooo….what about my 16 year old? or my 17 year old?
They have to come and pick up their own ticket?
Turn them in for a hot dog or hamburger?
Your invitation has been canceled.
Meh….I didn’t want to go anyways….
Maybe Davey wants to sell Gold.It is way to big as a gulag camp for the few remaining Sea org slaves.
The original Conditional Use Permit was for a condo development (cult’s usual stealth strategy for property purchases and permitting), not a White Elephant Farm. White Elephant Self Storage or an Amazon or some sort of Distribution Center (Ikea, etc) might consider buying it. Hemet is very run down. WalMart has flourished with a new Super Center on Hwy 10 ever since it bailed from Hemet years ago. Maybe Open Space will confiscate the land as a part of the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Years ago Dave set up a rehab complex not too far south of Gold (gulag using Narcanon — LOL — as a front).
I actually agree with this and considered it when I first heard of this project – a year or two ago?
The whales/opinion leaders all moving to Florida PRECEDED by a exodus of businesses from Los Angeles to Florida…this is just what I believe is happening. I’m sure a current copy of Who/What/Where would illuminate the facts on WHO/WHAT/WHERE these days.
Poor Florida! Yay for California!
Hollywood is losing $$ (Tourism) from the unwanted Scientology “dissemination” nut jobs wandering around body-routing. Or wait, maybe people are coming just to see for themselves what wackos they are then going home to make sure they never step foot into the place and save their own families from it too.
White elephants need to be loved too you know. Thank you Mr Miscavige, I almost lost sight of the big picture. Being silly is no longer a threat or a curse, it’s an expensive privilege for the dumber than dumb and Scientology is the home of the religiously inept. They should re-energize the “I am a Scientologist” campaign again. I still have one of the t shirts, best car polisher I’ve ever owned!.
Can’t wait for first production to roll out from these new studios, Play School must be trembling in its boots!
He received an invitation from the studio.Looked it up at imdb.
Here is the plot he submitted:Pirates hide a treasure on an island off the Mexican coast. And the pirates, the map and the treasure disappear in a volcanic eruption. The legend of the island draws treasure seekers for a few centuries, but the treasure lies undetected. Cut to 1938 and The Shark takes possession of the island and turns it into a fortress, while he systematically seeks the gold. He takes over an ancient mansion, installs a physician, Doctor “X”, his nurse Zanya, his butler, Hawkins and Grindley, who has plans of his own, since he already has a portion of the map.
Anybody spotting some trends ?
The unspoken agreement between scientologists is to not acknowledge that scientology is floundering. Still, that doesn’t put enthusiasm for trumped up events where enthusiasm ought to be. Let’s see if Tom and John and Kirstie show up. Let us see if they’re stupid enough to publicly pretend to be enthusiastic about something EVERYBODY knows is fluffery. Do they love scientology sufficiently to humiliate themselves for it? I can’t wait to find out!
Oh, for a helio flyover by the Rindercoptor on such an auspicious occasion. And then we’d have pics of the ACTUAL attendance rather than the shooped and “estimated” numbers later thrown out to the whales, seals and staff.
These days a drone would do just as well, probably better in LA where there are all sorts of restrictions on helicopters (except police and news)…
i’d rather enjoy seeing you fly around Hollywood all the regular time,
every day, fine.
Would it work to just pin on a big PRESS badge? O, look! There’s Mike again. Yay.
That guy always gets the scoop…
on those scientology dudes, Big Blue, (nice angle there, Mike) and…
I thought this was an EVENT. The place looks pretty… empty. Well, the helicopter still makes a beautiful sight, all by itself.
Mighty fine news-gathering equipment, sir, makes my day.
Thank you.
I had a 2-year marriage that ended in 1980. I have rarely seen him since then mainly because he’s in LA and I’m in FL. He has not done any services since the early 2000’s and when I talked to him last he said he considers himself DONE. I got a call for him on my SP phone last night explaining the particulars on getting to LA Org early so he can sign in and get “ticketed” for the event. It’s going to be the “hugest opening we’ve ever had.” Now I know the smell of desperation mixed with bullshit; it has its own unique smell.
I think there’s going to be a problem shooping the picture of the “masses” coming to this to make it look like tens of thousands.
It will be an excellent shoop since it will be the first broadcast on an endless loop
Come one! Come all! (after your 3 hour security check)…
Hobnob with midgets, whales and Hollywood has beens!
It’s the most grandiose, epic, monumental waste since the Super Power opening!
Get there early, wave to the SP protestors and get ready for all those standing ovations!
Seriously, good luck and stay safe protestors as you share with them the only truth they’ll hear all day! Many are with you in spirit today.
Hi justmeteehee.
That was seriously funny.Midgets whales and Hollywood has beens.
Hope you post more often.
has beans
(this a friendly reminder to bring your own t-paper to the event)
Stay tuned to the same Rat Channel , same Rat time.
BYOC( Bring your own Cheese)
Tommy has connections in the entertainment industry as the General Manager of RatPAC and other ventures.
Thanks Mike for your effort to post this. Man the embarrassment this is for DLMDM must be embarrassing.
Anyone who in some wild dream would consider this a success needs some serious mental treatment.
DLHDM with his “Its us against the world of SP’s” is getting old. Its time for a change. Like the old 60’s song” Ah don’t you believe we’re on the eve of destruction”.
I wonder what celebs will show-up for old Davey? Batman? Ironman? Mickey Mouse? Donald duck? The Cone Heads? who?????
I would like to see someone with a book stand on the corner selling “Ruthless”!! during this event.
Yea, we could crowd source getting the proper permits to set up a book cart, and get it all legal and allowed, to have like a bull along sidewalk cart with all the ex member books, and sell them on the nearest allowed sidewalks to all of the Scientology events worldwide.
And have the book prices rounded off so that drivers by could hand out exact even amounts of dollars, and have it a two or three person operation, with runners between the cart and the drivers’ by.
That alone would be kind of interesting historical, to be book-cart-outselling Scientology’s books to the public sales.
That’s get a tiny notice of media too.
Have a person with an L. Ron Hubbard mask shaking hands periodically with the person stationed at the pull-along-bookselling(exmember books)-cart, like in the old Photo of LRH shaking hands with the famous London bookseller guy who had his old Scientology small book van from which that man sold countless Scientology books.
The LRH mask should have a grumpy face, and then a bunch of smiley face Chuck Beatty masked people chasing him around scolding him – the Guy Faulkes masks are outdated for Scn
Well, the Guy Fawkes masks were the symbol of Anon before Chanology, but they became popularized thanks to Chanology, and we Anons have kept it as a symbol. Besides, they do serve a purpose when wearing them going up against Scientology: they’re now an engram that we successfully restimulate. Anything to keep them enturbulated.
And they can hand out no-longer-needed frocks to the homeless at the adjacent encampment.
Their no 1 Twitter shill, John Alex Wood is there. Have asked him for celebrity pix – he might just do it!
Hey Cosimo, you schmuck … NOW you have the answer on how to contact enough people so that you can “clear the planet”???? Do you get your moron badge validated every day you enter ASHO? Otherwise, how did you miss the end of the Briefing Course? Or are you just “smart” enough to keep your idiot mouth shut so that you can still get room and board as you head toward your 40s? Is the technical know nothing Marge still the Sr. CS there? Maybe if some of you Sea Org walking circuits actually had enough free theta and integrity to open your mouths when tech people were being thrown out of Scientology, you might have SOME credibility left. But as it is, we former tech people who used to train at ASHO just look at the folks who are still there like you as total losers and worse, completely unaware ones. (yes, I remember you from 14 years ago)
By the way, if anyone thinks that reading things like Cosimo’s message makes me angry, actually I really enjoy reading stuff like this. It is SO moronic, that it just makes me validate all over again my decision to walk out of that building ten years ago and not associate myself with those hypnotized SO members anymore. (and I don’t absolve them of any responsibility for their condition either … sorry, they are Miscavige’s enablers and the longer they stay, the greater their chances of ending up a vegetable like Heber or dead like Ruthie)
Cosimo is just a 20-something kid born and raised in scientology.
He has no idea what life outside is like.
I am not joking.
Cosimo was a senior course supe when I got to ASHO in 2002, so he is in his thirties now. At some point, a person can’t use the excuse of still being a kid. (kike the Billboard couple’s son and daughter … they are 38 and 42, hardly kids.
Or dead like Enid Byrnes or dead like Gretchen Schwartz
In a span of just a few years, a whole bunch of the most senior and famous SO regges died … there was Ruthie, Enid & Gretchen, but also Mr. Gueron and the famous reg on the ship (don’t remember the name) and even Flag’s Hy Levy (though after he left the CoS). Were they all trying to escape the scenes of their crimes to avoid committing new ones? (interesting question, and ASHO’s Ruthie was a good friend of mine for over thirty years)
Moron badge, that was funny.
I had a badge once. But it wasn’t a moron badge. Maybe if I was just a little funnier, I could get a Moron Badge….
“This is the final element in our global dissemination strategy to provide LRH tech and our message to every being on this planet!”
If only it were the “final element” in your strategy. Too bad you’ll be saying the exact same thing about LRH Hall later this year after SuMP flops.
It doesn’t make sense really, nothing has disseminated LRH’s and then Miscavige’s tech faster and more broadly than the internet as a result of the media coverage of the antics of Miscavige and his Scientologists. It’s already out there, every version and new ones crop up regularly. His dwarf dumbness blew it all up decades ago, he was one another potential gold mine but cut off his own nose to spite his own face.
Like the young gun out to get the old gunslinger, there’s someone out there who covets Miscavige’s demise just a little more than the rest of us, one day… one day…that house of cards will go down in a heap.
Just….wow. I can picture Davie standing at the grand opening of the new-and-improved stairway to heaven….. And no one shows.
reminds me of Jim Morrison and the Doors:
“Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need…of some…stranger’s hand
In a…desperate land ”
Oops, I’m dating my age.
And my date is aging….
At what point in the ongoing lunacy that is the CoS will the whales and deluded public FINALLY throw in the towel? The IRS, FBI, FDA, FCC and other initial happy government departments laying a WWE style smackdown on the cherch? Mass defection from the glitteratzi Hollywood set? Dearest COB getting caught with a goat, a shoehorn and a jar of deli mustard?
So all this is the “SuMP pump” project, then.
Every single floating needle of it….
dang, my needle is floating, too.
Lately, it just doesn’t stop.
One wonders if Miscavige has hired extras so there will be a (fake) crowd at the opening? Of course the event will be padded with Sea Org slaves, forced to attend.
Hey, I’ll be one of the fake extras if they don’t have a big enough crowd…
However, I expect a limo to pick me up. After it’s done, I’ll need the limo to take me back to the beach. In between, I expect a lavish lunch at some very expensive restaurant.
Nah – just a burger and a beer at the event
How gouache! “Driver, take me back to the beach.”
Yes and did you catch that line in one of their “personal letters” to the congregation that they have to hurry and come get their pass for the event early because people from out of state will be pouring in to get their badges for the event, so the locals had better come early cuz there will be such long lines what with the out of towners coming too.
It doesn’t matter what the stimulus is, we’ll respond however we bloody well want to.
I’ll make sure I respond to the stimulus (sometimes I forget), Leslie. But if I do forget, just pinch me as a reminder…