Another in the continuing series of thought provoking posts from Terra Cognita.
TC’s previous posts: Communication in Scientology… Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.
The Survival Rundown – David Miscavige’s Latest Scam
I’m embarrassed to say that I actually spent many hours on this rundown. I’m proud to say I finally woke up and queried what the fuck I was doing. That said, I’m not here to defend or condemn LRH or objective processing, but to explain this new rundown within the context of the present Church of Scientology.
What is the SRD?
The SRD—the Survival Rundown—is a collection of hundreds of objective processes compiled by David Miscavige and his team of minions from HCOB’s, lectures, and miscellaneous papers written by LRH. Any mention of a process, however small, was included in over three hundred pages of text.
Objective processing has to do with communicating with the physical universe, things which can be observed by our senses—like walls, ashtrays, and human bodies. This is opposed to subjective processing which has to do with what’s inside a person’s mind. An example of an objective process would be “touching a wall.” An example of a subjective process would be recalling the shame and anguish you felt the time Lord Vartan beheaded you in ancient Greece for cowardice. Or was that on Marcab? I have a hard time remembering.
You won’t find the SRD listed in LRH’s collection of rundowns in Tech Volume 3. And as I mentioned in an earlier essay, the red volumes have been pulled from the shelves of all advanced orgs and presumably destroyed. There might be a few sets remaining at missions and class 5 orgs.
Because the SRD can take hundreds of hours, most people choose to co-audit the rundown.
Was the SRD Written by LRH?
Kind of.
While LRH presumably wrote all the processes, he didn’t compile them into the Survival Rundown. Nor did he write the checksheet. No bulletin, order, or scrap of paper can be produced directing such a rundown be put together—despite what David Miscavige would have us believe.
Per Keeping Scientology Working, LRH famously said all the tech existed and shouldn’t be altered. At one point there were objectives on the HQS course, and before he died, he’d placed them on Grade 1. Like me, I’m sure many of you remember making that ashtray rise up and hover just under the ceiling.
At the second Golden Age of Tech event, DM proclaimed he’d unearthed some obscure reference in which LRH apparently described the “real” way objectives were to be administered. Even though these processes are at the bottom of the Bridge, these references are all confidential. Of course.
I wasn’t surprised that nothing by LRH could be provided when I asked for something in writing. Instead, I was instructed to watch the GAT 2 video in which the SRD was introduced by DM. When I pointed out that a man speaking behind a podium was still “verbal tech,” four staff members on four separate occasions told me “you just have to trust COB”—chairman of the board, DM. Two were Sea Org personnel from an advance org (one MAA and one Qual terminal; the others were from a class 5 org (the senior C/S and a supervisor). Eerily, they all used exactly the same phraseology.
By the way, in HCOB 2 Nov 1957RA, Revised 22 Feb 1975, An Objective Rundown, LRH lists the ten processes which should be run on objectives. DM amended this to include hundreds. Go figure.
Alterations Galore
All the LRH HCOB’s and HCPL’s in the SRD course pack have been altered.
Which as you know, is tantamount to burning Ron in effigy on the front steps of Saint Hill. All the original headings have been removed. All dates have been deleted. All routings have been eliminated. Even LRH’s signature at the bottom of each reference has been shit-canned.
Paragraphs have been omitted from original references. Sentences have been changed; sentences have been added. Lecture transcriptions have been “revised.” Keeping Scientology Working is not included.
Per Scientology doctrine, altering anything LRH ever wrote, and omitting KSW from a course is a high crime and a “technical degrade.” And just about punishable by death.
No one has taken responsibility for the alterations, either. There is nary a note outlining the changes, nor a single signature at the end of any the references. There is no paper trail. We can only assume the material is confidential, and that reading its words by the uninitiated would result in a gruesome death.
OT’s and the SRD
Per DM, not a single Scientologist ever received his full battery of objectives. For the ones that thought they did, the processes were “quickied” and the full EP was never achieved. Doesn’t matter if the person had monumental wins, God was their twin, and they developed telekinesis. ALL Scientologists are required to redo their objectives. Nobody is in present time or in comm with the physical universe. Not even OT 8’s.
An interesting example is SRD process #59, which was pulled from the January 11, 1955, 9th American ACC lecture, “Fundamentals of Auditing” (page 394 of the transcript). According to LRH, a crazy woman had wandered into the lobby of an org one day where he happened to be standing. Ron reminded the audience that Scientology didn’t have the time or resources to handle people in this condition, but since she was there…what the hell, he would do something for the poor woman. He began by asking her to “look at the wall” or some such thing until she finally “cognited” that she wasn’t afraid anymore. LRH ran a few more similar processes on her, and at the end of each process she was less afraid, less crazy, and more in present time. Sixty years later, I witnessed this run on a perfectly sane OT 7.
So why are OT’s being run on bottom-of-the-bridge processes? We can only assume that they they’re not in present time and in-control of their environment. I guess being “willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space, and time,” and having the ability to “operate totally independently of his body,” isn’t enough.
Historical Precedence
LRH’s modus operandi was to improve, update, and streamline processing. While he never threw out the older versions, he eliminated procedures and auditing commands from these earlier iterations.
Dianetics is a good example of this evolution. He began by lecturing on his “discoveries” and afterwards, had the audience co-audit each other. He wrote, Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, next. Some years later, after much “research,” he came out with the HSDC—the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course—as a streamlined manual on how to run Dianetics. Later still, he penned an even more simplified version, NED—New Era Dianetics. Each new type of Dianetic processing was presumably, shorter, faster, and superior to the previous.
LRH replaced and revised the old with the new almost as long he had the capacity to write. He followed this pattern with objectives, as well, eliminating decades-old processes in favor of modern ones that resulted in quicker results.
When a PC—pre-clear—buys auditing, he expects to receive the latest processes, and not those from earlier versions. A person on NED would never be run on Dianetic processes from the 1960’s. Toyota would never install 1950’s brakes on the rear wheels of their 2016 Priuses, and a modern anesthesiologist would never put a man under with a fifth of whisky prior to open heart surgery.
Apparently, not everyone believed in LRH’s design.
DM and his cronies rounded up EVERY objective process LRH had ever referenced under the sun, moon, and stars, and crammed them all onto the SRD. Doesn’t matter if the process was mentioned briefly as a joke over dinner in a 1950’s speakeasy, it’s included.
Case Supervision
Just as nothing written by LRH could be produced that laid out the SRD and how it was to be run, nothing could be supplied that spelled out how the rundown was to be CS’ed. The same staff that implored me to “trust COB” failed to show me anything in writing regarding this new Bridge level. In case I was still skeptical, I was assured that all the CS’s were highly trained in “specifically tailoring each program to the individual’s case.”
EP – End Phenomenon
Objectives have to do with putting a person more into present time and into communication with, and in control of, the physical universe. Unlike other rundowns of which I’m familiar, the hundreds of SRD routines all have identical or similar end phenomenon. Which makes me ask, how many routines does it take to get a guy into PT? Or to move an object from point A to point B?
It’s not unusual on the SRD for someone to attest to “being in present time,” at the end of one process, only to be immediately run on another with the same EP. Apparently, PC’s aren’t as “in PT” as they think.
Even if a PC feels great at the beginning of a process and exhibits no change in three consecutive iterations (indicating the process is flat and should be abandoned per HCOB 25 Mar 1982R, Objectives Not Biting), he is expected to wait for the bank to kick in. Oftentimes, this takes scores of hours and multiple sessions. The anger and resentment one feels at having to look at the same old shit in the same old shitty room for fifty hours is the reactive mind finally being re-stimulated.
Since the auditor and PC drill each process before running it in session, they’re both very familiar with the exact end phenomenon. And since people are inherently creative and imaginative at mocking things up, the PC will make sure, sooner or later, he gets this “win.” You could tell a person that by touching an object repeatedly he would eventually get a picture of a pink elephant in his mind. And by god, he would. BFD.
Although the individual processes may have been written by LRH, their present compilation and application was invented by others. The SRD is a complete fabrication by DM and his sycophants.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
PS: And you can be absolutely assured that DM has NOT redone HIS Objectives and is NOT an SRD Completion. Ed
Follow the money.
Scientology Assists and Objectives as Hypnosis
I occasionally run across people who believe assists and objectives, which both consist of a lot of repetitive touching of things and walking to things and looking at things over and over, sometimes for hours and hours totalling hundreds and hundreds of times doing the exact same thing, are harmless.
I beg to differ and have found more than a little bit of evidence to back me up.
Hypnotist Volney Mathison (inventor of the E meter) explicitly described in his book Creative Image Therapy hypnosis being used over and over for hours as a covert way to mentally enslave someone.
Here is the quote:
At this point, nearing the end of this book, the writer reluctantly presents a negative warning. There is extant a pseudo-scientific system of something or other wherein the patient is required to create and duplicate arbitrary systems of mental images that are autocratically selected for him by the operator. Worse still, the patient is forced monotonously to perform interminably-duplicated trivial physical motions, such as touching a certain exact spot on the table, over and over and over, sometimes for hours.
Bluntly, this is a powerful and effective technique for covertly inducing hypnosis. By the duplicated command the subject is caused endlessly to duplicate mental image patterns wherein he is OBEYING the operator, explicitly, time after time after time. The subject is sooner or later reduced to such a zombie-like state that he will thereafter obey the operator’s every other covert or indirect command. These covert and indirect commands are presented to the subject in the form of take-it-or-leave-it “suggestions”–to buy every book, take every expensive “course”, attend every convention or conference staged by the operator. The victim at long last finds himself penniless, in debt, and much more ill and troubled than ever before.
The seizure of the intense attention of an intended victim by monotonously duplicated little acts is the technique of the rattlesnake as he fascinates a bird. The snake sways back and forth, holding the victim’s gaze, causing it to look from side to side, keeping its attention captive by this duplicative technique of fascination. A “fatigue point” eventually is reached. The snake’s prey is thereby immobilized, psychically and physically–and devoured.
Next we have quotes from Ron Hubbard, SHSBC is the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lectures followed by the lecture number in the series and date of the lecture. PDC is the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures, given in 1952.
SHSBC-209 – 18.9.62
If you want to make some pc feel like he’s being hypnotized when he isn’t, set up two bottles in front of him and tell him to look at the left one, and then tell him to look at the right one, and then tell him to look at the left one, and tell him to look at the right one, and tell him to look at the left one, and tell him to look at the right one, and tell him to look at the left one, and all of the sudden he’ll get some weird feeling of becoming hypnotized.
SHSBC-330 – 29.8.63
… then tell them what their opinion is and they just sit there… They’re – of course, they’re in a hypnotic trance to their own opinion, so anything you say must be their opinion, see?
Of course, we go on a tradition “if you learn anything about man that will help him,
you help him with it.” …
“If you learn anything about man that you can manipulate him
You’re going to manipulate men,
you’ve got to change their definitions
and change their goals
and enslave them and do this and do that.
Now, brainwashing simply is the trick of mixing up certainties.
All you have to do if you want to know and develop the entire field
of brainwashing as developed by Pavlov,
is simply to make somebody ….. into a confused or hypnotic state in which he can believe anything.
Dec 1952 Philadelphia Doctorate Course
There’s nothing every very weird about hypnotism.
It is the easiest thing in the world. ..
“All right, now you stare at the candle, stare at the candle.
Now uh… you know that concentration of that sort can make you for… sort of sleepy and so on.You stare at the candle until you feel that.“
And he’ll say, “All right.“ See he’s agreed that concentration on that can make him sleep.
All right, … let’s look at this candle a little… a little closer and
now let’s feel… let’s feel the… the… the body becoming more and more relaxed. And, he agrees to feel that the body is becoming more and more relaxed.
That’s all there is to that. He… he just agrees little by little,
the next thing you know the hypnotist says, „
Now your eyes will close.“ And his eyes go bonk. Of course, he agreed to that.
Now, the hypnotist says, ”
Now your right hand will rise.“ And with some slight amazement, this fellow watches his right hand come up.
And he says, „Wooo, I’m hypnotized.“ So he just gives it up then,
and the hypnotist now says, ”
Now you see that kangaroo on your right knee?“
“Yes.“ He sees the kangaroo on his right knee.
Now take it on your right knee.
“Now let’s see it jump over to the left knee.
Now you got that? All right,
now let’s put… let’s put a… uh… a bonnet on this kangaroo. Got the bonnet on it?
Now have the kangaroo sing a song
.“ And the hypnotized person is very happy to sit there and watch this.
PDC-05 pg 7 SCALES OF HANDLING 2.12.52
Well, that’s… that’s very interesting because we have hypnotism which can be demonstrated as a phenomenon,
and we show that the greater and greater agreement,
all you do to hypnotize somebody is just make him agree… agree… agree
and after that he’ll see anything.
He’ll do anything,
he’ll see anything.
He agrees, agrees, agrees.
Structure/Function: 11 December 1952 page 1
“All processes are based upon the original observation
that an individual could have implanted in him by hypnosis
and removed at will any obsession or aberration,
compulsion, desire, inhibition which you could think of – by hypnosis.“
Hypnosis, then, was the wild variable;
sometimes it worked,
sometimes it didn’t work.
It worked on some people; it didn’t work on other people.
Any time you have a variable that is as wild as this, study it.
Well, I had a high certainty already –
I had survival. Got that in 1938 or before that. And uh…
Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture tape numbered 39 from 1952 – 1953 known as the games maker tape or lecture
Now the caste system of game consist of this: The Maker of Games, he has no rules, he runs by no rules.
The player of the games, rules known but he obeys them. And the assistant players merely obey the players. And the pieces obey rules as dictated by players, but they don’t know the rules.
And then, what do you know. There’s broken pieces, and they aren’t even in the game, but they’re still in the game.
And they’re in a terrible maybe: “Am I in the game or am I not in the game?“ Now, “How to make a piece. This is how to make a piece: First, deny there is a game. Second, hide the rules from them. Three, give them all penalties and no wins. Four, remove all goals“ –
all goals. “Enforce them… their playing. Inhibit their enjoying. Make them look like but forbid their being like players“
– look like God but uh… you can’t be God.
“To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and deny the existence of players.“
Never let the pieces find out that there are players. Now out of these you’re going to get games.
Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process. End quote
I obviously have written a tremendous amount more on hypnosis and Ron Hubbard’s efforts to control people and exactly what it is and how it works in Scientology.
The posts Insidious Enslavement: Study Technology, Basic Introduction to Hypnosis in Scientology, The Critical Factor, The Secret Of Scientology Part 1 Control Via Contradiction, Burning Down Hell – How Commands Are Hidden , Varied And Repeated In Scientology To Control You As Hypnotic Implants, Why Hubbard Never Claimed OT Feats And The Rock Bottom Basis Of Scientology, Propaganda By Reversal Of Meaning In Scientology, Hypnotism: Science Or Pseudoscience ? Not So fast, A Psychiatric View With Comments On The Admissions By Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1947), Scientology Was Ron Hubbard’s Private Game at Mockingbird’s Nest all have further information on this topic.
I have commented at length on the hypnotic intentions behind the objectives.
Scientology has become such a convoluted mess that it’s hard to believe there was a time where some people said … “Hey this lookings interesting let me give it a try”.
30 or 40 years ago at least they had a chance sucking a few people and keeping on the hamster wheel for a little while, but now since the internet has come alone it’s universally know as something to stay away from and Miscavige is doing his best to keep it that way.
All that’s left to do is stick a fork in it.
I always wondered if DM made it to OTVIII+? Did he do OTIX and X (if they exist at all?). Who audits DM? I wonder…
Irene, DM figured out it was a scam by around OT V. (and stopped trying to go up the “bridge”) A little slow on the uptake but, better than many.
Really? How come someone that is not on top of the bridge is leader of the church? Shouldn’t he be regularly audited? Haha!!! Haven’t it occurred to the members that he is not “qualified “?
Even the pope needs to be cardinal first!!
Nope. El Com policy doesn’t require a person to be at the top of the bridge to hold exec positions. Ol’ El Con hisself didn’t make it to the top of the bridge either…
The Survival Rundown Series is composed of HCOB’s, HCOPLs, Correction Lists and three checksheets spanning 1 though 17. It was compiled by Melanie Murray, David Mayo and LRH between May and June 1980. The Rundown was withdrawn before the next set of Tech Vols. was issued, although a single update Volume was released in late 80/81.
SRD 16 is Confidential and mentions piloting the Survival Rundown on OTs.
Well, actually, it was mainly Melanie Murray who compiled the original SRD. Mayo approved it and LRH had nothing to do with it, other than advising that after one did the Purif, which was a biochemical handling, one needed to do a biophysical handling, in other words, Objectives. He went off the lines in Feb. 1980 and Melanie put together this biophysical handling, which Mayo approved. When LRH came back on the lines in late 1981 he reviewed the SRD (along with everything else in Scn) and pronounced it a failure. He even took issue with the positioning image which was of an Indian getting ready to shoot a buffalo. His comment was that neither of these two survived. At any rate, the SRD is based on an LRH order. DM in his typical absolutist, over-the-top style, drives everything into the ground, taking as many with him as he can bamboozle.
Thanks for the additional data.
Also the Co-Audit Series was issued around the same time part of the “Survival Rundown Co-Audit Supervisor Course” which ended up being totally re-written for the 1991 Tech Vols. stripping out all references to the SRD. Seems Melanie may not have had anything to do with Co-Audit Series, but others seemed to have been involved too.
All (5) five Co-Audit Series HCOBs sign off as:
LRH:bk or LRH:dr
Copyright © 1980
by L. Ron Hubbard
The lower caps gk or dr in the example you wrote usually designates the typist. I noticed that many times the people who worked on compiling the issue didn’t get their initials on it or, they were taken out at a later date. I revised a PL once and my initials didn’t end up on the issue as they were supposed to. So, you cannot always tell by what’s there.
Such an important article you did, Special Correspondent. I appreciate all your work on this. What amazed me also was that there was no KSW in the new Objectives. No signature at the bottom of any references and no KSW to read like in all the other courses. Amazing that the sheeple can’t see this and what it means to the tech.
Cindy, all it means to the “tech” is that a different person is pulling B.S. out of their behind. B.S. = B.S.
Again, in truth, in history, are LRH’s writings of the late 1970s, his “marketing” advices, private despatches to Flag Bu’s marketing personnel.
I was the OEC/FEBC/Admin courses sup, in the late 1970s first Asst Course Sup under legendary Al Baker and Linda McCarthy (Martiniano) in the old “Flag Bu Exec College” and that transformed into the Int Training Org in 1979 given LRH’s approval, and Linda and Greg Wilhere got even LRH responses to their weekly reports, back then in 1978-79 a huge amount of LRH despatch traffic occured. Bill Franks in late 1978 and early 1979 took over the Int Training Org, in Bill’s career coming out of being the roving Executive Director of LA Org and DC Org, Bill and Jeannie then “boomed” the Int Training Org, Craig Ferreira was the busted Chief Off FSO who also with Jeannie did personnel recruiting tours gathering up personnel and Int Training Org ballooned to over 60 staff. Chuck and Noomi Prenner, Nancy and Kevin Knight, Jorae Tibbits, Mary Tinney, Carlos Cornier, just countless staff accumulated into Int Training Org which had a couple dozen LRH advices traffic, all to Bill Franks. Some of that traffic was quite praiseworthy, and people someday, like maybe some Apollo vets, will detail how the protocol for even being allowed to despatch seriously with LRH was even allowed. Bill did know how to properly write subserviently and most importantly forcefully and effectively back to LRH, and reading the Bill Franks Commanding Officer Int Training Org LRH desptach traffic back and forth is a lesson for how the Sea Org management units used to receive LRH’s traffic.
The whole 1978-79 private LRH traffic really would be a lesson in history, and then were LRH’s whole traffic all neatly laid out, year by year, with the despatches to LRH and LRH’s answers to what was sent him, if that were all laid out in volumes, like is done for other subject’s “founder’s” writings.
Exhaustive layout of LRH’s discourse and orders, would tell the broader picture.
In that context, that’s how I think about Hubbard and Scientology.
I’m constantly reminded that the person NOT talking for Scientology, is Hubbard, today, dead as he is.
Anyways, in that context, on what I recall of the 1978-79 marketing advices, like those sent to Carol Titus and to Jeff Hawkins, copies of those advices were all neatly printed out, and a special training course for training up Class IV (now called Class 5 or Ideal Org level) marketing and dissem staff came to ITO (Int Training Org) for training on the marketing latest from LRH, that traffic that LRH had sent to Carol Titus and to Jeff Hawkins and to others in the Flag Bu Marketing and Dissem Bureau’s, which were two Bureaus distinctly two Bureaus.
The Survival Rundown absolutely absolutely was LRH approved of as a label. He criticized the “positioning” of the Survival Rundown with the American Native drawing though. LRH was critical of so many of the 1978-79 “positioning” choices. A funny bunch of marketing and dissem stories would be Jeff Hawkins’ stories, one I witnessed was the stupid positioning that still to this day is used, the one of the Island Mountain being the symbol for “Flag” today. LRH approved that Island Mountain.
Sort of the the “Ball’s Island” positioning symbol for “Flag.”
But Survival Rundown as a package of the objectives, that is LRH approved.
LRH was the one who in other writings packages up relevant and complimentary and similar processes into ‘rundowns.’ The whole left and right sides of the Bridge to Total Freedom is chock full of LRH’s numerous packaged rundowns.
Flag itself has a couple dozen “specialty rundowns.”
So the theoretical packaging of the Survival Rundown as the focused separate rundown has LRH support.
Of course that it is somehow to be done by ALL movement members.
I talked in recent weeks and tried to dispel an OT 8’s disagreement with doing it.
I’m an atheist, I think doing any Scientology is nuts, but if you are going to do it, then YES, there is theoretical LRH supportive basis for doing it.
Scientology and LRH are illogical to me, I wouldn’t do it, but there is theoretical basis for even LRH dropping back to lower case gradients, when his own case was blocked.
LRH self-C/Sed himself for the “OT running program” for his next case action as a thetan, once he died.
To me, the carousel of The Bridge to Total Freedom, if you follow the theory in Science of Survival about how a thetan/person cyclically battles, gets trounced, recuperates and tries again, the start change stop or create-survive-destroy and then start all over again, to me is theoretical basis for cycling on the Bridge.
I asked the OT 8 would he have good enough recall next lifetime here on earth to pass the children’s “case” memory test that is in the Admin Series today. The Admin Series says if a kid comes into the org saying he reached a certain level of case advance last life, he has to give his last life name and sufficient info to show he’s reached, say “OT 5”. I asked the OT 8 could that OT 8 pass that test and that OT 8 said no.
So, that means even a today’s OT 8, next lifetime would fail the “case” memory test that LRH has in the Admin Series, and that OT 8 would have to start at the bottom of the Bridge like anyone today.
So, doing the lowest levels of the Bridge today, over and over, and then slowly redoing everything, is gonna happen anyways, next lifetime to those that believe they will be coming back, even the OT 8 Scientologists.
How many of the OT 8s think they can pass the Admin Series memory tests?
It’ a good think the Xenu story and the theory of “body thetans” being an “OT case” problem is all over the internet.
At least people can read it, and learn how to fake having that memory of “body thetans” exorcism from their fake past lives, and then fake pass the “case” memory test of the Admin Series.
But so far in history, no young people have ever yet passed the “case” memory test of remembering details like of their OT 5 last lifetime “case” “body thetan” exorcism victories and successes.
Scientology and Hubbard’s mental stuff I highly think fruitless and a massive waste of anyone’s time and life.
If you think the whole thing is leading to anything, it’s still leading to LRH’s final case self-C/Sing for himself which is the OT running program, large circle soul flying.
To me, the Freudian slip joke of LRH being hoisted by his own petard theory and exorcism therapy.
He’s proudly supposedly out doing large circles in space, rejuvenating himself.
Running in circles.
And the Superpower Building has a whole floor devoted to running in circles.
Circling through the Bridge until some future “LRH” comes along and adds some more at the end of what LRH left, seems longterm likely, way down the road, decades from now, once all of the thoughts and life experiences of these first several generations of Scientologists are long forgotten up in the future.
Scientology is a massive organized waste of time and money. At least some city’s buildings are being renovated and upkept with the movement’s money.
Hi Chuck, Wonderful summary.Thank you.My favorite part is the picture of Ron running in circles in space,rejuvenating himself! LOL XO
After six years being out it is very funny for me to reflect about the subject of “being in present time”.
This concept was a nightmare of 36 years for me……
As being honest I never was able to Attest to the stated EP of Trs or objectives, while I saw 100ds of People attesting to it. I thought I must be completly or crazy or have big misunderstoods that I can’t achieve the same results that others achieved.
Now I know NOBODY ever achieved those results as it is a impossibility and just a big JOKE. As everyday life has some new surprises,where one has to learn new things.
If that would be true that mankind is out of PT and Communication it wouldn’t exist anymore.
After 40 years I’m willing to use my eyes to look at things – instead of thinking I’m conronting through a via (what a weird concept) and I’m fascinated about my discoveries in this fantastic world.
Those processes just send you into a delusion……
Nice write up Terra.Many and high quality comments too.
@ old surfer dude: If I don’t get my cert I’ll settle for a congratulatory postcard from Ron at target 2.
Well, DM has to come up with these macabre alterations as otherwise he would have nothing else with which to ‘keep his flock’ under control, giving money and more money.
Now, if Scientology did not exist or, rather, if DM would not have started Scn, he would be a nobody; he would be a simple, common human being and, in his delusional mind of grandeur, this is unacceptable.
He knows people admired LRH and he is ‘stealing’ the valence in order to also be admired. So, he discovered this processes, he fixed the colons and semi-colons in the books, he developed the real GAT and so on. If he would not have done so nobody would care about him as he, really, has nothing to offer on his own.
On the other hand, his sociopath mind leaning to destruction, also gets added to the equation. He practically has altered about all of what Scn was originally and he is delighted seeing how some fools believe on what he is giving them despite the gross alterations of Scn. This also includes Organizations, he practically has destroyed the Orgs, not to mention Mission,s FSMs, Field auditors, Int Management, etc.
He is a criminal, delusional, cruel being and is better to be away from him and keep exposing his crimes until he leaves people alone.
The last paragraph sums it up nicely, and don’t forget that pc’s can also originate, or pick and choose which processes they would like to run. Thus CS’ing their own cases. How much more off the rails is that? Blind leading the blind indeed.
I’m so glad I said “absolutely not” when approached for the SRD. I did the Objectives at the bottom of my Bridge and that’s where they belong.
Clarification: all pc’s must run the “full battery” of Objective processes, but there are many more available to run at the CS discretion. Pc’s can pick out ones listed in the book that interest them and request to do them. The CS will allow it. I know someone who did this and spent hundreds of hours doing this. I asked this person Why so, and was told that it was “so much fun.” This person would be considered an old-timer, and supports everything Miscavige churns out. Also is trained and highly processed, so go figure.
The SRD is Miscavige’s baby, so everyone has to love it. No matter what.
Is it true that the tech vol’s are no longer valid? That’s like Christians throwing away all the bibles. Was there some kind of issue that DM sent out saying they are no longer valid? Very hard to believe.
The OEC Volumes are no longer available either. Miscavige has been saying he is “redoing” them for 20 years now.
Wow. How can ANY Scientologists go along with this? How does one justify that in the eyes of K.S.W. Those who remain in and follow D.M are nuts. There can be no other explanation.
Yeah, and the American “Saint Hill” Organization (ASHO) is NOT delivering the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course – its whole reason for existing. Dave’s busy fixing all of LRH’s fuckups, you know. LRH never got it quite right, but thank Xenu Miscavige is here to save the day.
Terra, can I call you TC?
Another winner. Well articulated, factual and funny. I am so glad your adventure on the SRD woke you up to the insanity that is going on in the cult.
Did we all believe the ashtray really levitated for others? I always thought the OTs must be able to do that crazy stuff, but not me.
Does anyone in “Rinderland” remember a guy at AOLA that used to hold court in the lobby and tell tales of how he could bend spoons with his thoughts and other crazy things? I think his name was Mike something.
Keep ’em coming TC,
Michael Silverman.
This is the “problem” with such a scam. There is no such thing as”standard” as it is all B.S. anyway. It doesn’t make any real difference if he alters anything. Well, to people who still believe in “wonderland” it does. “Standard” brainwashing & Keeping SCAMology Working. LMAO
WOW Terra. That’s a gem of a write up, thanks. Think I’ll print it out and send it to someone I know but I doubt if they’ll even get through the first paragraph before they implode.
I’ve said for many years now, nothing good comes from being a member of the Church of Scientology and your info writes as a horror story for those poor saps who trust anything done or put out by that crazy as fuck organisation.
No Red Vols in the AOs hey? Geezers, ain’t that a cracker!
The House of Horrors is a pussy compared to the Cof$.
There was one aspect of Terra’s report that as someone who was in the CoS for decades, I found particularly disturbing, in regards to what it says about Scientologists themselves.
That was in regards to “tech” actions being issued that are not completely backed up by LRH issues. Now, don’t get me wrong … I have no such idea that everything either LRH said was always true or that other people could not ever come up with workable actions.
BUT … Scientologists have to read Keeping Scientology Working at the beginning of every course. And if you are in the CoS for a long time, you have read it over and over and over again. You have been checked out on it over and over and over. You have been world cleared M4 and M9 on it over and over. AND … you have given OTHERS checkouts on it over and over and over. You WOULD think that applying the Scientology datum of “times over” and of course having attested to the courses KSW is on numerous times, that people in the CoS would have SOME understanding of what they have read and would be able to apply it in the “real world.”
But of course, they do not (understand) and cannot (apply). And what is REALLY troubling about Scientologists’ agreement during the Miscavige era, is not just any lack of understanding and application, but a freaking COMPLETE lack of courage and confront in passing the test of putting into practice the most famous Scientology policy letter of all time, which LRH said was the linchpin to saving the technology and THE ENTIRE FREAKIN’ PLANET!
This lack of courage/confront to me is the MOST important indication, that while there may be tremendous gains available to any individual from Scientology training and processing (such as I have had), Scientology does NOT “work” in a large group or “church” setting. Scientology has failed as a third dynamic activity. Scientologists are just as “stupid”, at effect, just as Ineffective at handling their environment, just as ineffective in actually confronting any “outness” in their area, etc etc as were any other groups of people facing fascism, crazy religion, mind control, etc throughout human history.
Not ONE person stands up in the Sea Org (much less a trained case supervisor) and says “what bulletin is that from?”, “if it isn’t written ….” …. NOT ONE SEA ORG CS SAYS “But CS Series 1 says this about re-running major actions” or “But CS Series Declares says this about why it is important to acknowledge and ep when reached and not go on ….” NOT ONE?????????? Did these people EVER truly get what they say is case gain or abilities to be more aware and powerful in life? Did ANY OF THEM read KSW for how they could apply it in real world situations? Did ANY of them in all the times they did the PTS/SP course EVER learn how to confront and shatter suppression. ANY OF THEM????
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PATHETIC!!!!!!!!! (yeah, I got out at the right time)
“But CS Series Declares says this about why it is important to acknowledge and ep when reached and not go on ….” NOT ONE?????????? Did these people EVER truly get what they say is case gain or abilities to be more aware and powerful in life? Did ANY OF THEM read KSW for how they could apply it in real world situations? Did ANY of them in all the times they did the PTS/SP course EVER learn how to confront and shatter suppression. ANY OF THEM????
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PATHETIC!!!!!!!!! (yeah, I got out at the right time)
Joe, thank you, you have just articulated my thoughts!
P.S. always love your posts
The Scientologists with courage have left the building along with Elvis.
I hope you are OK T.C.
I can’t tell if you are still in getting services or out – but I hope you stay safe and are ok.
This write up is AMAZING to me.
No red vols in the orgs was very puzzling. But they are eating themselves from the inside out now. There’s only so much body left to munch on.
Thank you for the great post.
The Red Vols haven’t been available for a long time now. I remember being in the OT VII Courseroom and going to look up something in the Tech Vols (the red ones) and they weren’t there. I asked the Sup for it and she said they were being revised and updated. That was somewhere between 2000 and 2002. That means no red vols for 16 years.
Ouch Oh Ouch! Dreadful that people have had to endure this revised re-revised squirrley crap.
When the SRD first came out (1980? 81?) with the buffalo on the poster, I had several pcs and we did great. There were maybe 20-25 processes if I remember correctly? If the pc already had had some of them on an earlier HQS Course or Grade 1 they were checked to see if they had the EP and we moved on to the next one. After the processes we did the reorganizations of their homes and work spaces and they were blown away. When your confront of the physical universe improves of course you get more done. It was a cool rundown. And it could be delivered on a co-audit for under $1,000 or could be done in the HGC for about $1500 an intensive at that time if I remember correctly.
Just sayin’….some of us have done good stuff with the earlier, un-messed-with tech. It’s so pathetic that That Which Calls Itself Scientology is so NOT Scientology anymore. Just….oh barf.
“The tech vols are being taken out of the Orgs”??
Really? Can anyone verify this?
If so, it would make it impossible to verify or question anything.
I was at Flag for GAT II release. This was a several day affair with numerous events. During this time all of the tech vols disappeared. Every course room. Everything was gotten rid of and replaced with only the new GAT materials. Qual did not even have them.
The pilot dictionary went away, older packs, non-approved dictionaries, etc.
There were a couple HCOB Auditing Reference Packs that appeared in Qual and in the practical course room. These had the only HCOBs approved and re-released with new updated dates. The only other HCOBs/HCOPLs available are those in packs.
So the references are:
course packs “with glossaries in the back”
the new basics –books and lectures with glossaries
the 2 HCOB packs
that’s it.
I verified with my local class V org that they still had OEC and Tech and they even still have the Tech and Admin Dics. They didn’t even know what I was talking about when I asked about them being gotten rid of.
I don’t know if the local org has the 2 new HCOB packs.
Nothing is standard and there is nothing in writing that I know of or saw as to why/how Flag rid itself of the books.
It was hell to try to clear words. The sups were going nuts.
I’ve said all this several times on this blog. This was 2 1/2 years ago. It’s been gone that long.
Oh, and the MAA area, for some reason, was allowed to have the Admin dic and the OEC. But Qual wasn’t.
A very recently out class VIII confirmed that there are NO tech vols in Qual at Flag.
Interesting article. Some further data:
Back in 1983-84 I was at New World Corp in LA to do the original Key to Life Course pilot.
I had a few prereqs to do, including Purif and maybe some more objectives. After the Purif I was twinned with a good guy and told we were on an “objectives pilot”. The C/S was Sarah Belin.
The pilot was basically to run all these processes mentioned from everywhere and see what happened. We did a TON of hours on all sorts of interesting stuff. We weren’t that good as auditors (I overran my twin horribly once after an “exterior” experience), but we actually had a blast. Honestly, we screwed of quite a bit too, but I must admit it was interesting trying to figure out what we were supposed to do on each one and some were duds.
But we also had some fascinating experiences.
Finally we got tired of messing around and wanted to wrap it up and get on with doing what we’d come to do, so begged the C/S to let us “bridge” over to what was then known as the Survival Rundown, so we could do the missing process from it and complete something, and so get on with it.
The SRD at that time was just a basic, standard battery of objectives, much as had been on the HQS course previously. Nothing special in process, just hype. SRD was a promoteable Bridge step.
We could have stayed on the pilot we were doing for a very long time, I’m sure, except that life was passing us by and we’d had too much.
My take on that experience (and this reflects on the current “SRD” similarly, I’m guessing) is that if you’re interested in poking around and exploring your experiences in relation to different concepts and actions, and feel a bit adventurous, you can have all sorts of fun and even realize some important things if you’re so inclined, which we were. But are you really going anywhere? After a while it becomes a bit like spiritual Angry Birds: interesting, engaging, sometimes leaving you with a sense of victory, but not very useful in any large picture, despite how exulted it can make you feel.
So, there was a pilot going on on this at the same time as the Key to Life pilot. How much either of them were done at the direction of or input of LRH, who knows? I’m pretty sure nothing was broadly determined as to how useful the “rundown” was. It seems it was an experiment that didn’t get completed.
With nothing else to offer, NOW THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT!!
sure, I did lot’s and lot’s of the TR’s & Objections, probably in the area of 400 hours. In the end, no big deal, some wins, mostly are you are kidding me, I have to do another hour of this process already having done a few hours of it, and then likewise on my twin. Oh boy!!!! (lowers head)
I wish I would have known that LRH told Sarge he failed.
Yah, I concur the experiment known as dianetics and scientology is a failure.
This true.
Thanks so much for this article, Terra. I really learned from it. My instinct, back in the day, warned me to not do the SRD. I really didn’t know why but some instinct kept me from doing it. Over the years I’d learned to trust myself that way. I had gotten Objectives in the HGC many years before that and benefitted from it. I didn’t want to redo this auditing action. I figured I’d trust my instincts and find out why later. And here you are, telling me exactly why it was and is a horrendous, squirrel con job. And, by the way, I loved how you pointed out to the cult the DM talking about SRD behind a podium is just another kind of verbal tech. And all they could do was tell you to trust COB because the reference is “confindential” Unreal stuff. Again, thanks for this great article.
I twinned with a current scn for many many hours on the objectives a couple of years before GAT 2, and of course saw their success stories, having seen a recent copy of the local org publication in which this person featured I was very amused that they were dissing the old style objectives and yet regurgitating the same shit they said over and over again on those objectives as part of the current success story.
The trouble with getting any of them to see the truth is breaking them away from the group agreement, which is scarily difficult to do, well done to Terra for breaking away from it. I wonder what was it that finally got you looking? For me it was being pushed just that little bit further than I was prepared to tolerate by being lied to and deliberately deceived. Life is so much better with out scn.
The ‘purity’ of CO$ catechism is nothing I will every contemplate. All of the levels and training are there to do 3 things. Make money, make money, make money.
Well, the littlest Führer ‘opened’ 2 administration buildings in Clearwater and earlier this year ‘opened’ one next to Tainted Hill in the UK. Thus begins the Golden Age of Administration Ka-ka. Or as it will be known in Clam circles, ‘GAAK’.
It takes a lot of work to screw blinders on all the remaining clams, and you have to tighten those screws all the time. The GAAK offices will do their part to KSW. And to keep any available cash flowing into the fundraising campaign of the moment. And to keep adulation and birthday presents flowing to him who guides us all from his lofty perch. DM want a cracker?
With all the new admin workers being added, who is going to get the new meat in the door? Video kiosks aren’t going to do that job. Adding more and more layers of admin is just adding more cost to the balance sheet. It hastens the financial death of the clampire.
So why do it? DM is crafty, no not in a Hobby Lobby type of way, DM can’t quilt to save his or anyone elses life. No, he has hit upon the only way to save $cientology. He is going have every clam ‘working’ in some ‘ecclesiastical’ chirch job and have them sign ‘vows of poverty’. That way he can legally take any accumulated property or bank accounts of the minions when they die. Just like what DM did to Lron ‘fortune’ when he died.
This way the scam can take what is left of memberships money and keep funding the scam. It will be like North Korea meets the Stasi and have a love child. Except there will be no love. Just ‘put your nose back on the grindstone’ and KSW. What could go wrong?
in the current corporate SCN, KSW means Keep $CN Wealthy
Has anyone seen or know of LRH receiving objectives (not giving them)? Or, doing the Purif? Or running around a pole?
Maybe these processes were more about LRH gaining better control of others rather than processes intended to get you into PT.
Maybe Miscavige has gotten access to some internal notes from LRH about him using objectives, etc… to control people and so he is doubling down and putting everyone on objectives to maintain control of the shrinking membership.
Interesting thought Robert.
I am pretty certain he did not do the Purif and I know he didnt do the Running Pgm (he probably claimed he did it “exterior”). Don’t know about Objectives. Seriously doubt it.
There were stories about Dave running through PAC’s old ‘Rats Alley’ when he was on the ‘Purif’ pilot.
Oops, thought this thread was about Dave.
Marty has a good take on this in What is Wrong With Scientology.
Great article TC. For me, the GAT II version of the Survival Rundown is the best thing that happened to me during my entire Scientology experience. I was in the middle of my objectives (third time around) when less than 2 weeks after the GAT II event I was told I would have to stop the process I was running and switch over to the Survival Rundown. I protested having to quit a process that was producing change and asked to see the reference that allowed a switch in the middle of a process. I was shown the instructions of the new process I would be changing to. It wasn’t dated, it had no LRH ownership written on it, it did not even say whether the coach and student would be standing or sitting while running the process. After a few rounds of protest with the Course Supervisor and the Case Supervisor my request for an LRH reference became a demand and I walked over to the Red Volumes to look for myself. My Case Supervisor told me not to bother because the Red Volumes were being taken out and could no longer be used. Less than 10 minutes later I walked out of the Org and never returned.
To be honest, I had already protested other things such as persistent fundraising, being told to stay away from entheta on the internet, repetition of other Grade Chart actions and watching staff and Sea Org members tripping over each other trying to get the public to donate towards everything under the Scientology sun.
Being steered towards the SRD was the last straw for me and I believe that every Scientologist should be made to do it and redo it as many times as necessary in order for them to reach the full EP of being able to walk out the door with VGIs. It worked for me and I would like for others to have these wins.
Hi RB, One more time I will get this through. When I was in SO 74-78 many years ago as you know the Red and Green Volumes were sacred.For some convoluted reason I was not allowed to learn any training until I had paid for auditing thru Power and I was a So Member.I am really happy you had wins.I,did too.until everything became inside out and upside down.It really did.Thank you for what you produce each week.You are such a streak of Light.XXOO Ann B.
10-4 that RB
Now if you did a Trifecta Box at The Santa Anita Racetrack where you can pick three horses to come in first, second or third in any order as long as they come in first, second and third and the fact that that possibly happened, would have kept you in Present Time from pre-bet to your possible resultant winnings.
If you added a fourth horse to the Trifecta box (you can add as many horses as you want to the box btw) and when you possibly win, you go more into PT and write a Success Story and brag about it with FNVGIs.
If you lose you want to go out of PT or become a DB or put $200 on the Longshot in the next race.
Who knows..
Love this Blog…
Excellent analysis! and the Marc Bunker story is really great. For how will this go on?
Sorry, I meant “for how long will this go on?”
In hindsight, I bullshitted my way through those Objective Rundowns and one of my first ” wins” I expressed was that I thought I was being manipulated, forced against my will and that if this continues, I would become a mallable zombie.( or a Sea Aaargh Member ) This wasn’t the EP I was told.
But I did become exterior on that book/bottle process due to me hating every second of it, wanting to run out that Org and to never return. That’s actually the EP ?.
It’s irrelevant if Hubbard wrote the SRD or if Miscavige altered it as $cientology is a scam and that’s the important part.
Old Timer, church members will FLOCK to the HGC’s to pay for this service and announce all kinds of startling fake wins in an effort to secretly handle their own “out-ethics” of not being in the Sea Org. At the same time DM is trying to make it very hard for anyone not in the Sea Org to do anything else. I could not wait to get the F**K out of that church since right after doing the Communications Course. All the staff I encountered ever did and tried to do, was undo any gains I had made and make it impossible to achieve any while calling auditing and training. The Church of Scientology is just not for me and thank goodness not the place for me either. 🙂
Glad you’re out, Lawrence! You’ve got your old life back now. You can do whatever you’d like to do. And…you only paid for the Comm Course! Way to go!
No, I paid for more than that and did more than that. Following the Comm Course, my view of the staff was that they were unprofessional, out ethics and ignorant. I started looking for an ethical way out and eventually LRH wrote it. I don’t really have my old life back, because that life was a pretty aberrated existence, but I do have a new life in truth. And that is worth the all the trouble the church tried to cause (not to mention that I am a well and happy high IQ human being!) 🙂
Good on ya, mate!
Actually, I am very glad our Dear Leader proclaimed that all shall redo objectives, get a new and improved $5000 meter (two of them) and redo an altered student hat.
This was the major impetus to wake up and head out…..never to return. He saved me $200,000! Thanks, Dave! You are the best little midget! Keep up the good work!
The objectives are used for oriantating you on present time ,, the EP is basically that you decide what your present time is .. look at it ..
spoken like a true believer, Friend.
What is a true believer?
Well, for one thing, a person who can accept truth and reality without demanding supporting evidence.
Another would be accepting a proven false source as evidence.
How do you know when you are talking to scn-gist?
That would be the guy who insists on using that god-forsaken language.
I looked at my present time….but, it looked back at me with a thousand yard stare and freaked me out. I haven’t looked at my present time since…
thanks Dude,
that somehow cheered me up.
Well, I am here for comic relief…..
Friend, there is nothing but ‘present time’ and there has NEVER been anything but present time. Therefore you can’t be ‘out’ of it nor can you ‘orient’ yourself to it. What it really means is to experience a reduction in thought activity. In yoga it’s called, ‘samadhi’. A number of things can produce this very pleasurable and exhilarating mental state. Doing something that requires an arduous extended physical effort or concentration is the most common means.
The concept of ‘being in present time’ is merely a superficial description of something that should be explained in detail for what it really is. Hubbard who has been touted as having revealed, better than anybody else, the mechanics of the mind pulled the wool over our eyes until we finally started using them.
Well, I worked in psychiatry for several years and one the points of initial evaluation was along the lines of “Is the prospective patient oriented as to Time Place, and Person?” In other words, did s/he know who and where they were and what month/year it was, for example. That sounds an awful lot like checking to see if s/he was in “present time” or not…
Checking to see if a person is oriented to time, place and person is checking to see if they are oriented toward the empirical world we all share or oriented strictly to the subjective world of their own thoughts in which case they would be called “delusional”. One would of course be delusional in ‘present time’. There is no other time. The past and future are just thought forms within the eternal present moment.
It still amazes me that Miscavige was able to pull off driving Scientology so far off the rails and he’s not done yet.
Actually he is a worse catastrophe for this universe than the OTIII incident! He has covertly destroyed Scientology in Ethics, Tech and Admin and substituted it with his squirrel versions of each and the mugs go along with it. Any so-called “Scientologist” remaining in this disaster needs to apply the condition of Treason.
When Hubbard gets back HE can apply Treason.
“Any so-called “Scientologist” remaining in this disaster needs to apply the condition of Treason.”
Could not have said it better.
There was no OT3 incident. FOOLPROOF.
Foolproof says
August 28, 2019 at 6:42 pm
This will be my last posting here as I now have “other fish to fry”,…
Adieu! I won’t say “Bon Chance!” as that would be a lie, of course.
Yep, spot on Matt. I’d go as far to say even when he’s got every cent he could possibly swindle, he’ll invest some of ill gotten gains to carry on fucking up people’s lives. It’s the only game he can play.
Off what “rails” Matt? It is a SCAM. Dude, put down the kool aid.
Could literally banging your head on a wall be an example on an Objective Process?
If so, must it be done until you start to hear a squishy sound or to the loss of consciousness?
Of course, Leslie! Have you never heard the commands, Bang that head! Thank you! Turn around! Thank you! Walk over to that wall! Thank you! Bang that head…..
The EP is a migraine…..
Actually there is a process not far off this, which involves hitting the wall, I know this because I was made to do it as an ‘undercut process’ At first my co-audit partner and I put a pillow in front of the wall until the C/S walked in and said that I actually had to hit the wall itself, needless to say I wasn’t long in reaching the ‘EP’.
Maybe violent offenders will be the next recruitment drive for the Co$. ie auditing Dave’s style, the’re trained already, just need certification and few guidelines.
What Scientology desperately and critically needs more than anything, more than acceptance, more than money and power combined, is alternative sources of information. Refusing that, their own survival is shipwrecked. I join in with the laughter of the gods.
May I suggest the practice of actual science through the process of peer review?
I’ve always liked, pee review. Except for the incontnent folk.
You may proceed, Mz Bates. Congratulations on your graduation, by virtue of taking back your freedom to think and observe for yourself. Well done, indeed.
Um…there’s a reason South Park Les has a mustache. And to update everyone I’m basically a Never In Cab Driver that retired due to brain damage from serious illness 4,5 years ago and I’m now writing a novel about the hostile interaction between an Ojectivist (Ayn rand’s philosophy) and a very thinly veiled version of CoS. At this point I’m expecting at least five parts and there will be some deadly force depicted.
Sounds to me like you’re in line for an honorary diploma, regardless.
Interesting, TC. Apologies to the never-ins for the scramble of technical terms, feel free to skip down to the last paragraph if you aren’t an exe or under-the-radar.
I don’t know anything about the current version of the Survival Rundown, but I did the early 1980s version. The course pack had a drawing of an Indian hunting or some such. At that time it did include KSW and had nowhere near as many processes as you are describing. Somewhere there must be a film script or something that describes the “Survival Rundown”, Dave could not have invented all by himself it back in the 80s. But it was cancelled or abandoned so who knows.
I also did the objectives in 1974 or so, back when they were part of the “Class VIII steps to the Drug Rundown”. This was done before the Dianetics Drug Rundown. Back then the Dianetics Drug Rundown was done before the Scientology Drug Rundown and was a matter of hundreds of hours in the chair. Every attitude, emotion, sensation or pain for every drug you ever took, run back R3R style down the whole track until a floating needle on the whole list. When you consider that I was doing this in San Francisco in the 70s you can imagine the drug lists people had. Haight-Ashbury and Golden Gate Park were not far away and most of us had “Tuned in, turned on and dropped out” more than once.
Back in the 70s the CS was “Op Pro by Dupe to Ext” etc. meaning you ran it until the PC was out of his head. Since I never “exteriorized” it sometimes took quite a few hours for some of these for me, Fortunately there were only about six of them, CCH’s, Book and Bottle, Start Change Stop and maybe a few others. Not hundreds. You could always escape with “I feel like I am floating” or the always popular “I am more in PT”.
Over-running these insanely robotic processes for hundreds of hours is guaranteed to push lots of folks out of Scientology for good.
So, go for it Dave. You can have your statistics of “Wealth Accumulated” in the stratosphere all by yourself with two or three hopelessly devoted sycophants nearby to applaud you and provide standing ovations. All those $$$ will come in handy when the flood of class action lawsuits gets going. Maybe there will still be enough left over for you to retire on. Or maybe not. Certainly there is not enough money in the world to compensate every Sea Org Member and public Scientologist for the damage you have done.
Thanks Bruce for mentioning that earlier version of the SRD before LRH died. I also remember that, though did not do it myself. In the early 70s, I also did the Class VIII DRD in San Francisco, which consisted primarily of objectives and “recall taking drugs” run three flows (on flow one, I went track for the first time, very blown out I must say at the time)
Hi Terra, again a great article. Hope you can answer these questions ‘cause I am truly curious. I’m an old timer from the ‘70’s. Have gone up the bridge and completed my class 4 training then walked away when GAT I came out. Since you have been in until recently my questions are:
1 – How are the old timers wrapping their heads around all this? I mean really, the red volumes were an auditor’s bible. KSW was drummed into us all until we could recite it by heart. Maybe you can’t answer this because no one expresses their true feelings but what did you observe, what’s the vibe? I just don’t get it. And I was low on the training ladder, what about the Class VI or VIII?
2 – The Sea Org personnel that had “pat” answers for you, were these mainly younger members? What’s going on with the old timers that should know better? Any insight there?
Ms. P: 1 – Scientologists–especially old timers–have incredibly high abilities to look the other way and not confront the out points. It’s almost as if they’ve created these automatic circuits inside their heads that instantly justify anything that doesn’t seem right, or even slightly out of the ordinary. Much is based on fear; much on stupidity. And nobody is allowed to express their true feeling, as that would be out-ethics and would mean a swift trip to the Ethics Officer. It really is inconceivable that people go along with the charade as long as they do. I’m embarrassed I put up with the hypocrisy and lies as long as I did.
2- All the MAA’s I saw were very young–early twenties at the most. The Qual terminal was in her mid-thirties. And that reminds me, I got the same justifications from an OT8 DofP. The C/S was in his 60’s. The sup was early thirties.
You’re right, the old timers should know better. Maybe after decades of investment, they can’t let go, but need to keep chasing that carrot. If they did walk away, their stable datum would crumble, all their friends and family would disown them, and life as they new it would cease to exist. This could be harder for someone in their sixties or seventies.
Maybe some of you ex-SO members could give more insight to the thinking that goes on within these ranks.
Terra Cognita, do you think the SO will just continue on their way with younger and younger workers? And, where does THAT stop? Age 10? Less?
Hi Terra Cognita, I love your posts. Well this old lady thinks that there is no thinking process for those still in.In my experience I had to shatter the magic mirror twice.Once when I tumbled down the rabbit hole and again when I smashed the Ron -Glass when I blew.XXOO Ann B.
I have spoken to a few of my friends and asked why would you ever complete SRD when you are an OTVIII?–long term members in their 60s and they told me they stay in the church and would rather be a big fish in a small pond, than be a minnow in the outside world. As long as they don’t read the news they are happy. Truly the Truman Show.
Terra, I appreciate your reply. As an ‘old timer’ my research into Rinder, Rathbun, etc. shook me to the core. My stable datum’s were crumbling but I carried on because I sensed something was very wrong “right here in River City”. It is a hard pill to swallow that you’ve been led wrong and spending all your money all for naught but if there is ANYTHING that I have walked away with from scientology is the ability to confront good or evil. In the end I guess the only old timers I can excuse at this point are those fearing disconnection. The others, sorry to say are lost or plain weak.
Still, it would be nice if the old timers with kids would talk to them and try to get them out WITH them as Leah Remini did.
It is just like breaking up after falling in love…
it becomes a far more, deep-reaching, devastating experience when or after you’ve hit 60…
Terra Cognita: “Maybe after decades of investment, they can’t let go, but need to keep chasing that carrot.”
From my experience. it isn’t a carrot that keeps people there – it’s the belief that they are helping others. And generally speaking – they actually still are, to some extent – in spite of all the gross outpoints, amazing as that is.
” it’s the belief that they are helping others. And generally speaking – they actually still are, to some extent”
When I looked at this, I can see it. People do believe that they are not only helping themselves, but are helping others just by going in, doing the services and getting the EP. And even if not entirely seen in the physical universe, at least in the theta one.
I think it may depend on the individual too, and how much they consider they need to help others. Some are very self-centered, where it’s all about them, while others are more service oriented. There are all types of people in Scientology, and they are not all the same.
“People do believe that they are not only helping themselves, but are helping others just by going in, doing the services and getting the EP. And even if not entirely seen in the physical universe, at least in the theta one.
Yes, even that, where public are concerned. Nicely said, Hennessy.
I don’t have as much reality on the different public mindsets as I do on staff, many of whom I believe hang in there because they see that at least some people are being helped, even though they themselves (the staff members) aren’t going up the Bridge. On top of it, they are convinced that the tech is the only way spiritual gains can be achieved by mankind – and they altruistically carry on.
We can’t classify everyone who is still in as either stupid or lacking courage. It’s well known from studies of domestic or other abuse, as well as such experiments as the Stanford “prison” experiment, that many people are overwhelmed by such circumstances and respond in unexpected ways.
My view is that those of us who got away from the CoS had the “advantage” of circumstances that allowed us to see that there might be a better choice than to stay. Even so, it took being re-educated about the whole subject area to break free of our former fixed beliefs – not necessarily about the tech but about the CoS. Unfortunately, some people simply took on another “group think” and still see things in black and white, although in opposites.
I agree, Marildi. Staff mindset in that they do believe that by staying in under the harsh circumstances that they face, that they are helping people in some, or any capacity. Why else would they do it? They certainly are not getting rich or famous! And yes, when breaking away from the CoS and getting ourselves re-educated, it’s important to watch out for taking on another set of fixed ideas and beliefs. Whatever those may be.
“…it’s important to watch out for taking on another set of fixed ideas and beliefs. Whatever those may be.”
Right you are. There can be a group beingness that people take on and identify with as “self” (called “ego” in some spiritual teachings) and then they stop thinking for themselves. I’ve learned from certain teachings that this is virtually a universal pitfall in life – ego and group ego. It’s a principle that was/is missing in Scientology – and I wouldn’t doubt that this, all by itself, would have been enough to cause all the problems.
Terra, love this. I did an earlier runddown called the Survival Rundown sometime late 70’s early 80’s. It involved a process called “Order vs Disorder” which we ran in my office and it was supposed to get you to confront your environment. After the auditor left I spent about eight hours going through everything on and around my desk and chucking stuff and filing stuff and felt great when all done.
Of course I could have had a personal organizer and done the same thing, but kool-aid drinker that I was, I raved about LRH changing my stats for the better.
Actually it was me thinking this is a bloody mess, let’s just neaten the fuck out of it so I don’t have to do more of this process. I was savvy enough to know if I showed “change” I’d be done with it.
This “rundown” also had the process “reach and withdraw” which was nice and other non-memorable processes.
I remember a friend of mine’s wife hated this rundown with such ferocity, her husband wrote to the C/S begging him to remove his wife from the rundown. He was a fairly reliable donor even back then when it wasn’t all about donations. His wife “comped” and moved on to a less objectionable auditing program.
Do any of the pioneers out there in Rinderland remember this earlier iteration of the Survival Rundown? I remember it was around the time the Happiness Rundown came out.
And speaking of calling this new rundown of bloated re-treaded objectives, Survival Rundown, it seems to me to speak volumes about Davey’s dinky creativity that he couldn’t come up with a new name. He had to use an old one. One that maybe LRH came up with. That would be the ultimate in tech alteration wouldn’t it?
Hey Davey, this is to you; How about some ideas for other names for this Survival rundown since that name was already used? Like “The Fuckton of Objectives Rundown” or “Tell me to touch that freaking wall one more time and I’ll donate anything to escape, rundown” or “Unending, endless objectives rundown” or a more hypy name like, “The Fantabulous Life Rundown” or something with “new” in it that might exhume this corpse and breath life into it, like “The New Ultra-Life Rundown” or “The New Uber Walls and Ashtrays for Eternity Rundown” Or “The New Amazing Spirit (barfing in my mouth) Rundown.” I kind of like, “The bloated, overstuffed, multi-make work festival of overrun objectives rundown.” It’s not too long is it?
It should have been called… The Ideal Rundown.
SURVIVAL is forcing an opening in your mind that allows an independent thought to manifest and take root into your personal system of belief. Scientology is built to thwart then prevent such critical thinking and Survival Rundown serves as an excellent example of that agenda. One need not wonder why the “technology” and all the structure and activities of upper-echelon Scientology is kept tightly confidential as a policy of self-proclaimed manifest destiny. As it is proclaimed by the leader, some things you were simply not meant to know. Scientology begins by denying you the practitioner any stance from which to offer debate, which renders any word in regards to survival or knowledge as categorically worthless, a deviation from universal “source”. In fact, the cult offers a negative end result in the quest for knowing by actively pandering this ignorance that says Scientology is privileged knowledge. There is no such animal as a privileged knower; there is likely no such deity as well, and this cult would be the last entity to prove the statement otherwise.
Bug, from what you’ve shared here, i’d say your auditing experiences were nightmares.
Bug: Well articulated.
thanks Aqua, Terra, oh man. You guys make my day.
What a nice writeup. But unfortunately many of the conclusions are wrong.
David Miscavige did NOT invent the Survival Rundown. The Survival Rundown existed at least since May 1980 (see HCOB of 1 May 80, Survival Rundown Series 1 “The Survival Rundown” and HCOB 3 Apr 90 “Cancellation of the Survival Rundown Series”).
One can argue that this was an invention of the evil SP David Mayo’s then wife Merrill Mayo and Hubbard was so dull or off lines that he didn’t know about it (but then EVERYTHING after 1978 has to be put in question including NOTS).
But one thing is clear:
The Survival Rundown already existed in 1980 and was later replaced by the “TRs and Objectives Co-audit Course” – which is basaically the same child only with another name.
Pointless, isn’t it?
The relevant discussion is about what scientology “tech” actually is and what it is good for and who cares, really, who wrote whatnot. “Survival Rundown” has, as its primary purpose (same as ALL of scn-gy), the singular effect of keeping the perceiver aware of personal boundaries which in reality do not exist, again illustrating the profound difference between what the “church” (cult) says it is- verses the stark, naked Truth:
What is Scientology?
A sinister trap, reducing the human personality to prey and offering the idea of personal enhancement
as bait.
Yes but the author of this article is stating that many many unnecessary processes have been added to it and these are also often over-run. That was the point being made. AFAIK there was never a major problem with the “old” version of the SRD.
Uncover: I did that old SRD back in the early 80’s. It had objectives in it but was very different than the one today by the same name.
That said, it wouldn’t be the first time my conclusions were wrong!
You’re right that everything after ’78 has to be put in question. Could even go earlier on that.
Just a nitpick but you’ve got your sequence wrong:
“Dianetics is a good example of this evolution. He began by lecturing on his “discoveries” and afterwards, had the audience co-audit each other. He wrote, Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, next. ”
He didn’t lecture and have co-audits and then write DMSMH. He wrote the book before doing any of that.
The SRD came out in the very early 80’s. It didn’t have 300 processes on it though. You’re correct that it has been totally altered from its original release.
If it’s true that they’ve removed the tech volumes from orgs then it’s just more fuel to the burning house that people are fleeing.
The entire premise of GAT I & II is that LRH with the tech in his own hands, did in fact produce all the results (including OT results) he lectured and wrote about in others. People he audited.
The flaw is in you, incompetent you, who has not duplicated what he was doing. You can’t do it!
Ergo, why not have the COS and RTC just publicly present some of his products, some of the people who actually achieved these states while in the master’s hands during the 50’s and 60’s.
Yes, bring the homo novi and theta clears onto the stage at the Shrine Auditorium and parade them around. Let them speak for themselves; show what they got. After all, these states transcend body age . . . or so I’ve been told.
I’ve never met any theta clears and I’ve met my share of old timers over the years. Nice people usually, just not what was sold to us sadly.
And have them raise an ashtray and fly it around the auditorium!
Phffffffffff…….I was making ashtrays fly around my yard when I was 10.
Sorry… They have all been declared.
LRH claimed to do the Indian Rope Trick
never saw anyone do this in or out of Scientology.
I have drilled making the ashtray rise a;ways using one hand
D.M.makes your money vanish in an instant ,
this is real and worthy of a Las Vegas Night Club Act.
“I’m embarrassed to say that I actually spent many hours on this rundown. I’m proud to say I finally woke up and queried what the fuck I was doing.”
Sounds to me like a good cognition. 😛
TrevAnon: Good point.
Well, if one was waiting to see if the CoS crashes and burns, one has to wait no longer. By the description of the SRD made above, the CoS is no longer. It is now The Church of David Mi$cavige in all its entirety. LRH Tech has been removed and all references to “technical degrades” have been ‘quietly’ expunged. It’s DM’s way or the highway.
This is a question from someone who has never been in.
I hear mentions of doing objectives like making an ashtray rise. However, that ashtray has never risen and never will because clearly the program is not creating super people. At least that I’ve seen.
So what do people tell themselves when this doesn’t happen? There has to be some kind of rationalization, correct? How does this become an accepted “win”?
Dear CER,
They tell themselves that they just need to work harder at getting up the ‘Bridge to Total Freedumb’ and the registrars help them along by suggesting a few minor donations be made to loosen up the flows and get exterior to the process.
Say 40 Gs to the Int. Assoc. of Sociopaths, 10 Gs to print some booklets (The Way to Hopelessness) so people will learn not to murder each other, 100 Gs to Valley Org so it can be an Ideal Pit of Humanity and then 5k or so to get you to the EP of the endless arbitrary Objectives. Then you can take your win …. but you must mention He Who Never Micromanages Anything, Cee Oh Bee Himself or you will have to redo all the do-do you just did. That last part is what makes it and ‘acceptable win’.
Like you, I never saw an ashtray rise without the help of Homo sapien hands. I’ve never seen a single OT ability demonstrated. I’ve heard OTs _say_ they could go exterior at will (but their “perceptics” were not in), that they could “skull watch” (read the minds of others), make traffic lights change, and find impossible-to-get parking spaces.
The claims are anecdotal, non-replicable, objectively unverifiable, and subject to confirmation bias.
And yes, one does have to rationalize (though by this point you are already indoctrinated not to question anything, so the rationalization is more of an unexamined assumption than any sort of critical reasoning) why the ashtray does not rise on its own and why you, an immortal being existing outside of space and time, have to use your “meat-body” hands:
(a) the main point is to get in touch with pure (“Tone 40”) intention, a concept that can be described as intention without reservation and has some similarities to one-pointed consciousness in Zen Buddhism; and
(b) Scientology believes that things cycle around on ascending and descending spirals; so it’s OK if you need to use your hands (as a “via”) and your voice (as a “via”) as a newbie in the Communications Course; no problem — a few loops on the upward spiral cycling through the same process and you will eventually hit OT and the ashtray _will_ move solely based on your intention. Someday. Someday being a day that never arrives. And someday quite evidently being a day that never can arrive any more than there could be a day when the clouds are filled with flying pink unicorns.
Course rooms are bizarre when you get a bunch of people ordering ashtrays to “Stand up!” at the top of their lungs. Somewhere is a video of Vaughn Young giving a demonstration of this Training Routine (TR 8, Tone 40 on Objects).
Is there anything to the TR? Well, it does get people to feel their ability to “intend” things, and it does get people out of any shyness about being loud and obnoxious in front of others. I guess that is good prep for harassing people and demanding “What are your crimes!?” of any critic of Scientology.
As in the case of Dianetics, the goalposts are moved to make “feeling good” or “being better at communication” (and that’s highly debatable, mind you), and vague stuff like “being in present time” the new accepted “wins”.
Peer pressure and sunk costs gently but firmly restrain you from saying loudly that, no, you don’t have the perfect recall or superintelligence that was promised.
Then when you get in deeper, you are discouraged from discussing your “case” with your peers. This puts you in the dark as to whether others did develop their promised superpowers when you clearly did not. You are told that those who do not have “gains” are criminals, therefore admitting that you did not is an admission that something is wrong with YOU.
It’s literally the tale of the Emperor’s new clothes : no one speaks up because they fear what others will think of them.
It takes a critical mass of people pointing fingers and laughing to make this fragile delusion collapse onto itself. The COS knows it, and that is why they enforce disconnection ruthlessly. The scam would not survive if it did not.
Cross eye Rot,
Good question. I did the ashtray drill a lot always using one hand to make the ashtray
rise up. When in your mind it rises without any physical means and you feel good about it.
It’s mostly about intention. Never saw a course room with ashtrays floating around——-yet.
It has to do with getting the idea of putting intention into an inanimate object. You didn’t really expect the ashtray to fly.
I doubt this has any practical application. Apparently, L ron thought you could influence matter in this way. Welcome to the jungle. Voodoo works here.
Thank you Terra. I was wondering about the SRD and what interesting new things it may have in it. And now I know that there is nothing new or interesting about it. I think I’d want to die (again) if I were on it. And your account of having to realize over and over that one is “in present time”?
Crazy making shit. Maybe DM actually has done it.
Not to be inexcusably critical,
But several troubled souls have indeed been led into Survival Rundown needing and searching for help only to end the quest by suicide.
Crazy making S. Is right. A family member of mine did the SRD and told me that if anyone walked into the auditing room it would look like an insane asylum, with people flapping their wings and running into walls. I know it’s a process but if the shoe fits…
Very good article Terra.
I can understand the fairly new members of the failed church falling for this, but knowing some of my now older, former friends are swallowing this whole, line and sinker to be very, very sad. I guess reading the KSW issue for all these years didn’t mean anything to them. I can see years later down the road a seventy something DM will proclaim he found another SP had altered the bridge with superfluous steps, which he has now corrected.
Reminds me of the day LRH issued an HCOB exclaiming “egads!” the grade chart was being done wrong; you do the grades processing first before you do Dianetics. Just ignore all those grade charts I had you hang in the org’s for all these years, to follow. It’s not my fault you did this. And while you’re at it, throw away all those scented products that you may have, because of my phobia of smells.
I wonder when DM will be posing the “Status” Grade Chart, next to the Training/Processing one. No need to become a PC or Auditor, your donations will give you all the case gain you require.
Apologies in advance for the tech-babble, (but I was a Flag trained Class VI C/S, GAT I version, including tons of RTC video passes on sessions).
The Objectives (which is what they were still called in GAT I, SRD back then was “old, background material” stuff. They are, in fact, the same thing.
As a Case Supervisor, my primary duty was to get Clears prepped and onto OT I. This was the last post I had in the Sea Org.
Part of that was checking every single level that the person had done prior to make sure they were properly completed to proper end result.
There were 3 things looked for on the Objectives processes:
1) The number of hours each process was run/total hours of Objectives
2) Making sure that something “turned on” then, “turned off” during the process (if nothing turned on and off and the person gave the EP, unlike other Scn processes, it was not considered complete because it did not “bite”).
3) Cognition/end phenomena for that process was attained (some listed specific end phenomena to be watched for, others were just “cognition/release”, plus step 2 above being verified.
Back during GAT I, if the objectives were not properly completed, it was ok, in a sense, because they would/could be readdressed on the first part of Grade I (up to 2004 Grade I included Objective processes…. if they had not been properly completed before, it would be done as part of Grade I).
I heard that Grade I was picked apart in GAT II (as well as other Grades) and now they are back to “quickie” again.
I walked out of it all when I heard yet again Clear definition and requirements were changed, EIGHTEEN YEARS after LRH was gone. Yeah, finally figured out it was BS.
Reading your comment brought to mind an interesting conversation I had with a Flag Qual person who was trying to get me back on OT VII after I sent in my materials. This was in the “3-swing” FN days. I asked her – if I and my auditors had been calling FNs erroneously for so many years, then I must have hundreds of unflat chains/processes. How come no one is addressing these unflat chains/processes before allowing me to start OT VII? Shouldn’t all the earlier actions be taken to a “real” FN before starting an OT Section? She had no answer.
I don’t understand why more people just don’t declare themselves ‘natural clears’.
That what I would do.
‘Um, yea, I just cognited that I was a Loyal Officer and I also was with LRH when he hid his treasures in the Mediterranean 500 years ago, so I don’t have to do all this stuff. Just give me my Clear bracelet and I’ll be on my way….”
I can testify unequivocally that not one OT I’ve met is any more in present time than they were before they did the SRD. The only positive result I have seen was that one scientologist I know was less insane than they were before the SRD. And I’ve talked to dozens of people who have done the rundown.
Thanks TC and Mike. This article is airtight regarding how DM has created one more way to extract dollars from his dwindling membership of fools.
I audited myself up to level OTXXV and cognited on the fact that David Miscavige is a scam artist and worse, a perverse alterer of Ron’s tech. I am ready to submit my “success story”. When do I get my cert?
Well, John, as soon as your submit your Success Story, after thanking the man several hundred times, who brought you this lifesaving tech, I’ll send you your cert. Don’t forget, that you must kiss the ring on his finger, his shoes, and, of course, his ass. Then and only then, will be you be able to stand tall and accept your cert. And you thought it was hard to get your cert! That’s funny, John!
keep away from my j-johnson
And no kissing any parts!
I thought this was a family site.
Not if I can help it, Bentley…..
well, if anyone gets a free pass it would have to be you, Old Surfer Dude.
(creepy cult… gripes!)
You certainly keep my head feeling lighter, and I appreciate it.
All in a days work, Bentley…
In a way, John, The Bridge is kinda like that old game, Chutes and Ladders. Sooner or later, you’re bound to hit a chute and slide back to the beginning.
As for your cert? Sorry dude, DM discovered that those advanced levels had incorrect processes on them and thus, you have to go back to square one and start all over again. But you know what they say: Times over material equals certainty.
Well Terra, you may have to make a guest appearance on Leah Remini’s new show to qualify for the Gee-Rod from DM.
or sue the bastard for his failure to meet his contractual agreements
Haven’t read this latest new post yet, but want to make a quick comment on Tony’s blog with the Mark Bunker video. It’s bad enough to spend parishioner money on PIs to follow Bunker around or to line up SO members along the street ten feet apart to make it impossible for him not to violate the court order … that’s all bad enough … but the pizza place incident! Un -fucking -believable!!! In the United States of America in 2016! Like a small southern town in 1962 or something. Bunker goes in and orders one slice of pizza, sits down and then the SO security guy comes in to talk to the owner … and then the owner informs Bunker that they are out of pizza … at 1:30 in the afternoon … and shoos him out of the restaurant. Bunker then tells a city cop down the street who “hopes that isn’t true” but just stands there like the southern cop who has seen nothing, cop doesn’t even do as Mark suggests, order a slice himself. Who cares the cop now works for the CoS? It’s a job, right?
None of the above WORRIES me or anything. Obviously this small town fascism by a “church” that now owns a downtown is not gonna happen in midtown Manhattan or LA (and doesn’t own enough property or have enough people in any one area to make a difference), and I would suppose this wouldn’t happen either in the smaller venues, as in the Kentucky or Buffalo org areas. But what the video does do is expose the evil underbelly of the CoS in a new way. And I mean, REAL evil. A chilling video, well done job by Mark Bunker.
Thanks Joe. Yes, Mark Bunker has a style and a grace that is both disarming and very revealing. He is a polite gentleman to a fault, and it juxtaposes with the insanity more dramatically than if he were antagonistic or crude. You can imagine the frenzied conversations Sarah Heller (the Legal Director OSA Flag – the one standing with the police) was having with the police, demanding they enforce the “injunction” because they have someone stationed every 10 feet along all the sidewalks and Mark Bunker is prohibited from approaching any known scientologist (what a joke). The cops, even though they were being paid by the church, would not go that far as to participate in the obvious ploy to restrict his freedom of movement like that. Sarah is probably in deep shit now for not ensuring the police “enforced the injunction” and thus “putting COB in danger” (of being seen or even filmed by one of the unwashed).
Plus! There was no one in the Pizza restaurant. And he RAN OUT OF PIZZA.
And could not make any more! And didnt have anything else to eat! Or drink…
Perhaps this is not at all about the pizza. Possibly, it’s all about pie face.
🙂 or perhaps 😐
Or…maybe it’s all about not NEEDING the pizza. Maybe leaving it for someone else. And then realizing that you really fucking hungry and you demand the pizza! But, a sparkle hits your eye. Your eyes go to there the light in emanating from. Holy Fucking Shit! The owner is OT 8! AN O FUCKING T 8! You wonder if you can get out in time before the OT zaps you! But, he seems nice and he does let you go on your way.
The Moral of the fable is: Don’t ever eat at a Pizza joint in Clearwater without backup.
I wish some ambulance chasing lawyer could make a case of out this obvious discrimination by the pizza owner and include the cult. Either the pizza dude was a cult member or was told by them that if he serves him, his place would be blacklisted by cult members. Heck, the cops should also be sued….
I guess a boy can dream….
The pizza store man is a cult member. At around 17:33 in the Mark Bunker film you can clearly see he is wearing the gold bracelet that is only available to OT8 completions. Too bad this OT8 doesn’t know he’s a walking talking robot.
The church really doesn’t care if it gets others to break the law for it.
I used to work for Pizza Hut and that doesn’t happen.
Body Thetans! It just has to be body thetans! They came out of Mark Bunker’s body and ate up all the pizza as well as all the other Italian food there! I’ve heard of this happening before…
Hi OSD, BTs.No wonder I was starving in the Sea Org.We never got Pizza. Whole wheat bread and PB with strawberry jelly for mid-rats was heaven.Am I Old or What ??!!XO Ann B
Yep. Hundreds of hours of objectives to get TOTALLY into present time. All it takes is for one nice guy who has been labeled an SP by OSA and all those marvelous wins are gone. Terror or hate grabs these OTs by the short hairs and they crumble into an introverted mess or a hateful tirade.
They rely on the paid police to keep them safe from the monster Mark Bunker.
These people get more pathetic by the minute.