The amazing hypocrisy of scientology is no better illustrated than with this promotional piece.
Here is the “tech” of L. Ron Hubbard being sold as the way to attain happiness in life — in this case success in marriage.
This is a classic case of “Do as I say, not as I do…”
L. Ron Hubbard was married 3 times — each ended in disaster.
He left his first wife (Polly) with his first 2 children (Katie and Ron Jnr) to pursue other “interests”, including a relationship with the woman who would become his 2nd wife Sarah. He married Sarah bigamously. She bore him a daughter (Alexis) whom he kidnapped and took to Cuba — dedicating the book he wrote there Science of Survival to her. Sarah subsequently sued him for divorce claiming physical and emotional abuse. He then claimed Sarah was a “Russian spy” and disowned Alexis as his daughter. His third wife, Mary Sue, ended up taking the fall for him and going to Federal prison. He had “disconnected” from her prior to that. She died alone under virtual house arrest, living with spies who reported on her activities daily to Hubbard’s successor David Miscavige.
David Miscavige has only been married once. But when his wife Michele displeased him, she was “disappeared” and has not been seen or heard from for 10 years. He disconnected from her.
Then there is the poster child for scientology — the star of Miscavige’s show and recipient of the highest praise Miscavige can dish out about anyone other than himself. Tom Cruise has also had 3 failed marriages. All while IN scientology. To Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes (along with many other failed relationships). He has abandoned his daughter Suri because she is connected to an SP (her mother Katie).
That is the REAL advertising for the “tech” that is imparted in this course… Scientology does NOT make successful marriages. In fact, it tends to tear apart marriages and specifically tears apart families.
Like most other “tech” promulgated by scientology, the reality is very different from the hype.
Thank you. I have put up with endless phone calls, continuous messages, familiar greetings and messages. I even went there one and some woman ran up to me very forcefully professing to be his friend. Very proprietory. I was very annoyed.
Just had an epiphany! As mentioned before my partner and I had been having terrible arguments due to the fact that women from SOC kept sending him messages that I felt were, if not flirtatious, then familiar but which he seemed not to notice. I have just discovered the words, “love bomb” which resonated with me, shook me, opened my eyes. He kept calling it hard sell but having been part of SOC for 20 years I’m unsure why hard sell would be necessary. The way he described the messages was definitely love bombing. Not necessarily romantic, but find something they have in common, play on that, then talk about coming to course room, donating etc.
Then we broke up and he mentioned the 3rd party Law. He said that we weren’t solving our problems because there was a third party involved, speaking sh=t to me and making it impossible. He even insinuated that it could be another “partner’ with a motive. When I suggested that this 3rd party could possibly be coming from his side, ie the COS, he said oh not, it had to be one person. In my opinion a lot of people make up a unit. I believe, if there is any truth in this 3rd party cr_p, it is definitely the church. And their agenda? To get him away from me.
This show by 60 minutes Australia is one of the most enlightening shows on Shelly
The marriage of David Miscavige and Shelly.
The story told by 60 mins Australia.
Miscavige. For some 20 years she was at his side, being seen at his side, then she was gone, vanished. This video explains what went on…. Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega fill you in.
Leah explains what happened for asking a question at tom Cruise’s wedding.
She had been friends with Shelly and asked “Where’s Shelly?”
It cost her $300,000. Find out why and how.
Historical shows are re-uploaded to my channel.
In the 80’s & 90’s seeing all the marriages starting and ending at the Boston Org seemed like a game of musical chairs. “What’s her new last name this month?” Yes, a bit sexist since men don’t change their name when getting married. But it conveys my memories of how things on staff looked to me as a public.
I’ll give Scientologists this: They certainly are hopeful about marriage. Otherwise why would so many of them get married so often? When ex-Sea Org members say something about their 6th spouse, I’m not surprised any more. Someone saying they’d dated 6 people would be unsurprising, and casual dating has a higher level of commitment than is allowed to spouses in the Sea Org.
Divorce is terrible to go through. But that’s what Scientology is. Hubbard was a miserable person who refused to face his own flaws, and instead wanted everyone else to be as unhappy as him.
The Sea Ogres enjoy a kind of legal promiscuity. They have to marry anyone they have sex with, which means they most likely have to first get divorced. Reason for divorce? Believe me, it isn’t “Our sex life got boring and I have the hots for someone else”. Noooo! This is what you’ll hear: “Our admin scales changed”. That IS the cultees go-to, shore story reason for divorce. Their admin scales changed. Right.
“When we do instruct somebody properly he becomes more and more tiger.” – LRH.
Tigers are solitary, territorial and dominant.
This is the “winning valence” of the Church of Scientology.
sol·i·tar·y (sŏl′ĭ-tĕr′ē)
1. Existing, living, or going without others; alone: a solitary traveler.
4. Zoology. Living alone or in pairs only: solitary wasps; solitary sparrows.
Middle English, from Old French solitaire, from Latin sōlitārius, from sōlitās, solitude, from sōlus, alone.
High status scientologists typically leave a series of failed marriages and disconnected friends/family members in their wake. According to Hubbard, the family is an outmoded evolutionary concept and only useful for low level life forms. The church’s influence increases at each rung of the ladder, eventually replacing the family as the only group that matters.
ter·ri·to·ri·al (tĕr′ĭ-tôr′ē-əl)
5. Biology. Displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders: territorial behavior; a territorial species.
Middle English territorie, from Latin territōrium, from terra, earth.
High status in scientology must be protected and defended at all costs. To advance in status you’ll need to donate a huge amount of time or money (usually both). Relationships will suffer. Your social life will crumble. The higher the status, the more subservient you’ll be. Event attendance will become mandatory. You’ll be expected to join the local OT Committee, to fundraise for the local org’s relocation into new premises, or help out on OSA projects to intimidate/harass whistleblowers.
In return you’ll be rewarded with an array of psychological benefits* a high scientology status can provide:
– Elitism
– Sociopathy
– More potent placebo effect
– Increased serotonin/dopamine
– Improved cognitive function
Anyone who gets in the way of this pursuit is expendable. Scientology and status are the only things that matter.
dom·i·nant (dŏm′ə-nənt)
1a. Exercising the most power, control, or influence.
5. Ecology Of, relating to, or being a species that is most characteristic of an ecological community and usually determines the presence, abundance, and type of other species.
Middle English dominaunt, from Old French, from Latin domināns, dominant-, present participle of dominārī, to dominate.
High status individuals of any hierarchical system are typically the most domineering and anti-egalitarian. This makes relationships difficult, particularly with a high status and a low status coupling. Examples of this can be found in Hollywood, in the corporate world, as well as scientology. Scientology’s nuance is that the group is higher than the relationship. Power must be flowed upwards…and there is only one alpha – David Miscavige.
I like what you write.
Wasn’t there a Scientology book or course pack called The Marriage Hat, not “by” or “based on the works of” L. Ron Hubbard but quite openly scribed by Mary Sue? I distantly remember the cover. Blue and white.
Yes you remember correctly. I have it. And because I never applied it I have been happily married to the same guy for 41 years.
As with everything else Scientology claims, the proof is in the pudding. Or like so much else, disproof.
I’m not certain that the effect of tearing apart marriages is unintentional though. It’s certainly not unwanted. Married people have a tendency to prioritize their marriage relationship above their church donations, which is bad for the church. And therefore bad for Scientology. So it makes sense that it could be deliberate; however, that would require a degree of forethought and planning that i’m not sure LRH was capable of. The simpler explanation is that he really thought he was giving good advice; it’s just that, as a raging narcissist, it was actually terrible.
Anyone else? Do you think LRH’s marriage advice was terrible on purpose or was he really trying to give good advice?
Hi James:
You know, I never thought of that!! Great point. It would never have occurred to me. Of course, it could also be that LRH actually believed his own crapolla. I guess we’ll never know, but it’s certainly makes you think.
Well, i like to consider as many possibilities as i can. I think it’s pretty unlikely, but it’s worth considering. And yeah, it seems that LRH gradually came to buy his own BS over time. I think the marriage stuff was written before that though.
“Anyone else? Do you think LRH’s marriage advice was terrible on purpose or was he really trying to give good advice?”
I Don’t think it was either one. Hubbard was just running off at the mouth, as usual. He wanted his words to SOUND good, and that’s all he really cared about.
Incredible how LRH instilled a counter-offensive move to anything that would lead many in the cult to more quickly conclude it’s a sham, a fraud, inhumane and destructive. The only real genius in the tech is this. But then this sort of thing is Cult 101 which LRH no doubt invested a lot of time thinking about and using similar techniques as a way to keep people in and KSW.
As a result it was a cynical money-making flim-flam sham from Day One.
Hubbard had experience from 1950 on dealing with the failure of his promises and followers starting to doubt, and figuring out how best to keep people ensnared regardless. As a likely psychopath, he was adept at manipulation of people, and indeed seems to have been particularly devious in creating one of the most extreme cults or high control groups ever.
He used or exploited thought stopping, pluralistic ignorance (not letting people discuss their “cases,” so everyone assumes that everyone else is getting what they’re supposed to, when no one is), groupthink, and so on.
Here’s a great site with a clearly laid out list of basic cognitive biases – just about everyone one fits with some aspect of Scientology:
My marriage ROCKS but I know it has everything to do with it NOT being managed with anything L. Ron Hubbard has ever thought, murmured, recorded, written, filmed or photographed. My husband was raised in the LDS church, he is no longer a member.
My first marriage ended – we were both scientologists. In hindsight that divorce everything to do with “conditions” and I needed to improve mine so my husband was the “why”. Also, there was no real understanding of PERMANENCE and SUPPORT for each other. We did go through some serious awful times (he got declared 3 months after our son was born so I was barred from any contact with him). We had two incredible kids and nowadays I would say we get along great…he’s out too (thankfully) and he’s super successful at his business.
I have just come out of a 3.5 year relationship with a Scientologist and I suppose I’m writing on here because I feel that the blame has been put purely on my shoulders. I want to know that I’m not paranoid or crazy or pathologically jealous.
He has been part of SOC for 20 years – but still seems as lonely and detached as ever)
Firstly we had feelings for each other while he was still married and then she died. Within 3 weeks we were together. (Do Scientologists get over things this quickly?)
The fist year was great. He was loving and giving and happy and even called me his 2D. He did however keep getting messages from past women in his life and I was understandably jealous having come out of a dysfunctional relationship myself. I even went for auditing to try to ‘fix’ myself. They aren’t supposed to allow you to do auditing whilst on anti=depressants but I was allowed to I assumed because my partner has a lot of money, much of which is directed to the church. Needless to say my auditor, who I initially trusted, went behind my back and communicated with my partner about me. Problem No. 1. I was horrified that they preach ethics and yet lied to me. My partner denied that she had done this and said that she had simply been trying to help me.
We started to have some problem and had one huge fight in which he found me very similar to his late wife. This began a series of him always leaving me after an argument.
Problem No 2. He told me that he would be going to do a course at Soc and that he would be there every night from 4pm to 9pm. This meant that I would hardly see him. He did however then give me a Wednesday night but this too changed. He would go to church and meet me at his house afterwards.
And then it started. It had probably been there all along but I hadn’t noticed. The church called hundreds of times a day. Once we went on holiday and they phoned at least 14 times every day. He would ignore these calls. They would also send messaged (women in the course room or whatever). They would always be flirty (in my eyes – he honestly didn’t see it). They would be familiar and Im convinced, designed to make me angry should I see them. I truly believe that when he didn’t go to church, or bought me something etc they felt that I was in the way. It may sound paranoid but i truly believe that the whatsapps etc are designed to cause a rift in a relationship. I’m not sure any women would tolerate this from women in an church organisation, talking to their partner in this way.
And then it happened. One more message which I asked to see and he refused although he did eventually tell me what it was. He was being called in for ethics because he hadn’t been going to church and had an ‘agreement’ with them. He told me that I had to accept the messages because they were never going away. They were part of his relationship with the church and he would never choose me over the church. In other words he chose the right to have these messages from these women (which would ultimately ruin our relationship), over me.
He also told me that I ridiculed the very people that could help me.
I must admit that I have been less than complimentary towards the church and have told him so. I am sure that the church is aware of my feelings. In the last few weeks I have been getting calls from a private number which are dropped when I answer.
My questions are :
1. Does the church use flirtation / flattery tactics? I know when I went for a while someone made me very uncomfortable in his approach.
2. Does the church ‘create’ circumstances that will cause a relationship to have difficulties
3. Would the church manipulate someone into believing that it is his choice to disconnect and not pressure from the church
4. Would the church keep tabs on me if I were to leave him, even if I was never in the church, but am openly dismissive and negative about it?
5. Would I be seen as the source of his a) not having time to get to church, b) him not donating enough, c) him being tired and not fulfilling his ‘agreements’
6. Would my doing research on the church, ie. internet, blogging, reading etc be problematic for him (Would they know)? (I tried once to reach him something and he nearly died of fright, saying no, no, dont’ read that to me).
People who, unlike me, have been in can better answer your questions, though, yes, I think you doing research on the net about the COS would be a BIG problem for him.
I hate to say it but I think you better just be very happy you are out of this relationship.
Read the stories here:
Answer is yes, to all questions except possibly #4 & part of #6. They probably won’t keep tabs if you end the relationship (since you’re not a member).
Also, yes, it’s a problem for him, as far as they’re concerned, if you’re looking at critical websites. They don’t want *anyone* telling their members the truth about their organization. But… do they know you’ve been looking at such sites….maybe, maybe not. He would have easily told them if he’s being audited and/or security checked.
Get OUT of this relationship. This guy is under intense mind control. You don’t want any part of it. It can’t lead to anything good, that’s for damn sure.
K Dow —
I read the beginning of your post too fast. Looks like you’re already out of the relationship. Good for you.
changing name.
Mind control definitely. You think you have your point across and then something slides down over his mind and your point is rubbish.
I’m so sad it’s come to this. Wanted to marry this man
Sorry for name change Just freaked out a bit
Freaked out by $cientology? That’s certainly understandable.
No need to apologize for changing your username. Be well.
I’m so very sorry. It’s heartbreaking when someone we think could be our husband or wife turns out to be all wrong. And in this case, under the horrid influence of a dangerous cult.
Hi, my fiancé ended our relationship a couple of week ago. It came from nowhere. He told me we are too different and gave me really ridiculous reasons. I felt that this wasn’t his decision since when leaving he had tears in his eyes. I have also had you’re questions no. 2, 3 & 5. And asked myself the same things.
All strength to you. It’s not your fault.
Thank you. I have put up with endless phone calls, continuous messages, familiar greetings and messages. I even went there one and some woman ran up to me very forcefully professing to be his friend. Very proprietory. I was very annoyed.
On the subject of marriage and “the 2D,” when Ron wrote the “Pain and Sex” bulletin, two SO members I knew who were married to each other, decided to be celibate because Ron wrote that sex was bad and had been used by bad guys on the whole track, psychs, etc, to introvert and control others. So based on what they thought their understanding of the LRH bulletin was, they gave up sex. It really wrecked the man cuz after a long time of non use of his male organ, then he couldn’t use it even when he wanted to, hence the old “use it or lose it” idea. I personally think the man and his wife had MU’s on the bulletin and don’t think Ron was really telling everyone not to have sex. He certainly enjoyed it in his time on earth.
What do you think they misinterpreted? I don’t think that is an unreasonable take away.
Remember, Hubbard only wrote this many years into his self imposed hermit hood… hiding in a mobile home, disconnected from his wife.
My theories:
* In his writings, LRH began demonstrating disdain and contempt for sex around the time that he stopped getting any himself.
* In his writings, LRH began demonstrating disdain and contempt for families right after his son committed suicide.
Just theories.
“telling everyone not to have sex. He certainly enjoyed it in his time on earth.”
He certainly enjoyed it in his early days and let no one interfere with requiting his lust. However, I’m convinced, from everything I’ve read about his behavior from those who wrote about him, that he became sexually impotent at some point – long before he was old and sick, and behaved accordingly toward others.
Cindy, here is the HCOB text in full. Please point out where they got it wrong and why after reading it and believing it a person wouldn’t want to quit having sex if they weren’t trying for a child…
There are two items in this universe that cause more trouble than many others combined.
One is PAIN.
The other is SEX.
One should know more about these things.
They may have applications but they are used by destructive beings in great volume to cave others in.
Despite the false data of Freud, psychologists, psychiatrists and other criminals, they are not native to a being. They are only artificial wavelengths. They have exact frequencies that can be manufactured. A being or a machine can synthesize either one.
Pain becomes a lock on a being’s abhorrence for misalignment of his own electrical flows. It is a lock upon unconsciousness which shuts off knowingness.
Sex is a lock on and perversion of the “joy of creation” which involves a whole being and expands him, but by using just one wavelength, sex, this can be perverted and he contracts.
When pain enters a scene, a being withdraws, contracts and can go unconscious.
When sex enters the scene, a being fixates and loses power.
Destructive creatures who do not want people big or reaching — since they are terrified of punishment due to their crimes — invented pain and sex to shrink people and cut their alertness, knowingness, power and reach.
Thus, you see people who are “experiencing” either pain or sex introverting and not producing much.
Pain and sex were the INVENTED tools of degradation.
Believe it or not, a being can be so overwhelmed by either that he or she becomes an addict of it. Priests become flagellants and cut themselves to pieces with self-whipping. Torturers drool over pain. Lovers are very seldom happy. People do the most irrational things when overcharged with sex, and prostitutes use it as a knowing stock-in-trade. Combined, pain and sex make up the insane Jack-the-Rippers (who killed only prostitutes) and the whole strange body of sex-murder freaks, including Hinckley*, and the devotees of late-night horror movies. Under the false data of the psychs (who have been on the track a long time and are the sole cause of decline in this universe) both pain and sex are gaining ground in this society and, coupled with robbery which is a hooded companion of both, may very soon make the land a true jungle of crime.
Go into an asylum or a prison and look at the increasing institutional population and know what you are looking at. In the main, these are pain and sex addicts, decadent and degraded and no longer capable. They were sent on that route down through the ages by the psychs and here they are still in the psychs’ hands! And do they get well or go straight? Oh no. Whether in prisons or insane asylums they just get worse. And the psychs in both places rub their bloodied hands as they turn their products loose again upon the remaining population! It’s no accident. And the stocks-in-trade of psychs are PAIN and SEX. They will even tell you it’s “natural” to steal!
To compound their felony — if that is possible — they tell you it’s the body doing it. Another crashing big false datum on top of all their other lies.
These are data which emerged from recent thorough research of the whole track. This is not theory or some strange opinion. It is provable electronic fact. The waves are just synthesized.
They are the most-used tools in the campaign against beings in furthering the general goal of those creatures whose sole ambition is destruction. The universe does not happen to be either destructive or chaotic except as such obsessed creeps make it. Statements it is otherwise are just more false data from the same suspect “authorities.” It fits their purposes to make seem natural what they make artificially. The universeonly seems that way to a being because such loathsome psychotics make it seem so. They destroyed every great civilization to date and are hard at work on this one. The one thing they can’t stand is the light of truth, so despite their objections, one must turn it on them. Only in its glare do their lies wither. It is the potent weapon they can’t fend off.
These facts may not be very palatable. But they could clear up some mysteries for you.
For wherever there is a mystery (and both pain and sex have been these for man) there are answers. As both pain and sex could have messed up your life, the above may be some answers you’ve been looking for.
What a bunch of crap!
Is THIS what they read on the OT Levels?
Without even knowing the date I’d bet that by the time he wrote this LRH and MSH were no longer having marital relations and each were leading celibate lives! I’d bet that losing her beloved son did something to Mary Sue; turned her off completely to her husband, sexually. I’d bet!
Aqua, the insanity read on the OT levels makes this drivel look sane.
You are right Aqua. He wrote this after MSH was convicted and refused to a request to divorce Hubbard. He had basically disconnected from her at this point in time.
(Note: This HCOB probably won’t increase my
popularity but I would be very remiss if I did
not pass on an important discovery.)
What a piece of work El Con and his protege Dave the Dildo are. Completely failed individuals and yet clinging to life in some fashion.
And look at all of the still-in faithful wasting away inside the world of their shrinking cult. Fearful, afraid, broken hangers on soon to realize just how painful living out the rest of their life hoping for eternity really is, especially when you are dead ass broke!
I hear you, Wyn, thanks.
“…an important discovery.)” LOL. Sour grapes, jealousy and fury would be more like it.
More like his personal axe to grind after he turned his back on his loyal wife of many years. How he must have hated himself for doing that. Despised himself, inside. That poor woman; her beloved son dead, beloved husband disconnecting from her and on the lam, the penitentiary her new home…that poor woman, God almighty. So much for HER libido.
Considering what he looked like at that point in his life, with that ugly thing on his forehead and those rotten teeth – considering that Mary Sue in all likelihood hated his guts by that time, I’d say his “important discovery” around that time was was that he was never, ever going to get laid again.
I wonder how many kids in the Sea Org married in their teens, anxious to feel the simple pleasures of hand-holding, kissing, petting, perhaps sex – all of which Hubbard refused to allow. So marriage being the only way to feel the call of their young hormones, they chose what were intended to be lifelong mates based on puppy love, infatuation, looks, lust, even sometimes a bond able to become a mature enduring love. But mostly, from the breakups recorded in the ex community, the marriages were short and barren. Just like Hubbard desired.
Hubbard detested love among his minions, because it detracted from love for him. His rampant narcissism demanded more love than he could give to himself, thus the need to be on a pedestal, with busts planted in every Scientology building, his picture in a posed look of gravitas framed on every wall. Every meeting had to end with three cheers for Hubbard, something similar to the adoration the WW II Japanese soldiers had to give to their God-Emperor before going off to fight.
Love must be very hard in the COS, when there are always layers above the family and spouse that demand time, money, attention, and what passes for love, but is not. Dave, the IAS, one’s superior up lines – there are so many insatiable demands that must be addressed before spouse or family. Then there is the forever threat of disconnection, losing a family forever on a whim of someone in the church.
It is sad and dysfunctional. Despite the seventy years of Hubbardism, at least now we can see the path ends, because it is simply not a sustainable way of living.
This is exactly right. My marriage was a mess and ended in disaster for me.
Scientology marriage counseling is a sham. Since Hubbard promoted narcissism he insured that his marriages would not last. His philosophy ultimately leads to divorce or broken relations. Also Scientology will side with more dedicated or richer partner in the marriage.
“Also Scientology will side with more dedicated or richer partner in the marriage.” This is so true and bears repeating. Just ask Cooper and others.
Cooper? And I know several story’s from firsthand accounts
That’s me and mine is firsthand. The cult will use the person they can easily manipulate to pressure the other. Failing that, get them to disconnect and find a more malleable partner, hopefully that is rich as well!
That’s my biggest fear. That they marry him off to a more suitable person. They not beyond arranging that kind of thing. I would be devastated! But clearly he cant marry me cause i’m the problem.
Being involved in a long term relationship that shows the potential for future heartache might also deprive you of meeting someone more compatible.
I have two kids, an ex wife, an ex brother and sister-in-law and two nephews who I spent 32 years of my life with. I love my kids and I wish them well but there is no going back and doing it over with my ex.
Like I’ve always said on here; If scamology is communicating, it is lying.
Silvia: You may have forgotten, but the system both work on is: “Do as I say, not as I do”!!!
Other than money, both are long term losers in life.
This is good. Thank you Mr. Rinder. I could have sworn I read a quote while in regarding Marriage only being a connection of two people for financial survival (i.e. no reference to emotional bonds). Also, the colloquial use of the term 2D is so common in practice that it far, far overshadows any life tech book on Marriage. It goes so far that the term 2D is synonymous with hook-up or seeing-each-other for the younger crowd.
Hell, it even both replaces and it has the opposite meaning of marriage for Scientologists that I encountered, as Marriage is to be discouraged as it contains a reputation of producing non-productive people. Remember, the only real bond to be had is production for the church. Everything else is trivial and secondary.
The funny thing about that above statement is the viewpoint. I remember among my Masonic friends that family is the cornerstone of society, as it builds bonds that create communities. It provides stability that people count on. It creates a sense of ageless transition to adulthood for children, as they have that Stable Rock for which to balance their life and return to in times of trouble. Ultimately, Marriage is a spiritual vow never to be broken (just not one lasting a fictitious amount of time to get a point across that its a spiritual bond).
Are they delivering this course at the Cincinnati org? (I apologize for the in-joke here that might only be gotten by a few, but couldn’t help it).
By the way, I do not judge people who have had a lot of spouses. By all accounts, Elizabeth Taylor was a wonderful person and a great and supportive friend . My own dear friend , the late Ruthie Discher of ASHO, SO veteran of over 35 years was married many many many times. One of my roommates for many years ( a Cl. 8 CS) had three husbands WHILE being my roommate!
So for Scientologists to say they have the formula for an enduring marriage …
I’d love for that to be explained!
Scientology will lie about anything – including marriage – to get people started in the cult. Scientology is anti-Christian and in its core Luciferian. The “thetan” is theorized as self centered and independent. Children are controlled by the organization. My former OT VIII friend has not spoken to his thirty five year old daughter in twenty years or more. Theoretically, the thetan has no gender and is merely a slave of space aliens controlling him by telepathy. This “theorized” being has nothing at all to do with marriage.
Exactly my thoughts, Tom Cruise should Method 9 the whole tape and Miscavige should be his twin.
And…and just in case, both also must receive a full Method 2 Word clearing!
FPRD on all Dynamics is highly recommended too.
I suppose that is not a bad idea Silvia ……… assuming that the ‘tech’ actually works.
I have seen no evidence that it does. Casual observation tells me it does not. My own direct experience makes it’s unworkability a certainty ….. for me. Everyone I know associated with $cientology is completely unable to have a discussion about the subject ……………….. unless they have left!
Yo Dave,
Time to reissue a new communication course good buddy. Make it work this time! And sell it hard!
When ‘Alice in Wonder’ is one of your sacred books, you better start running.
I have questions I hope I can get the answers to here..
My ex-fiancé is born into COS, parents are OTVIII & OTVII. Me and my ex-fiancé met 3 years ago and we fell madly in love, we knew instantly that the other one was the ONE. At that moment he didn’t practice Scientology. After 9 months in to our relationship he got more interested in COS. Ofc I didn’t want to be judgmental, and I actually didn’t know much about COS, so I accepted his decision and was very accepting. I even did a couple of courses, like all the relationship courses. But decided COS wasn’t really for me. But still supporting his decision. My fiancé did the survival rundown, and other courses + auditing. Actually the one who does the auditing and the survival rundown with him is his MOTHER. A couple of weeks ago he ended our relationship and the engagement. I know for for fact that he still loved me. He moved out the same day and a couple of days after when I wasn’t home, he had been at my apartment and emptied the place, not one single thing of his was left behind. It was like this person never lived there. He didn’t text me or tell me anything. Since the day he ended out relationship I haven’t heard from him. I’m so lost, and don’t know what happened. I hope I can get som answers here.
Hi MissyMiss,
What happened was the parents did not want their son to marry a non scientologist. It’s a big deal and it sounds like they played the parent role to get their kid away from you.
As soon as you decided that the cult was not for you they moved in to get you guys apart. The alternative for them would be to ‘lose their son’ to a WOG or worse, have to disconnect from him because of you.
You are very lucky to have found this out now! I’m sorry for your heartache.
You could try a little test if you are up for it. Go into the org and do a course on ‘ups and downs in life’ or something like that and have yourself a great time. Spread the word about how happy you are on this course.
I would expect your fiancee to reach out to you but know that behind the scenes he and his parents will be at odds and unless this guy can grow a pair, you have narrowly missed a bullet.
I wish you a happy life.
Silvia, imagine ditching your child because the Dwarf tells him so. How callus can you get. HIS OWN FUCKING CHILD!!!
The Still Ins I know are afraid of their children and with good reason. Born and bred Little Hitlers they KNOW will disconnect from them if they, the parents, don’t toe the mark, don’t please the cult – be it their money or their time or whatever. These parents, they snap and pop with whatever is asked of them, knowing VERY that the Young Frankensteins they created and nurtured from babyhood can and will turn on them, turn on a dime against them, if or when the cult says the word. “Handle or Disconnect” The adult still ins that I know with “kids” in the cult are thoroughly controlled beings. Its sad and scary at the same time – good people, intimidated by their own children. Makes me feel like wringing their brats’ worthless necks and yes I know that’s the wrong attitude and neither helpful nor productive nor fair, so just know I’m venting and I don’t really hate these Born In kids any more than I’d hate a junkyard dog who was trained from innocent, loving puppyhood to be a vicious attack dog, on command.
Hi Aqua,
” Makes me feel like wringing their brats’ worthless necks and yes I know that’s the wrong attitude and neither helpful nor productive nor fair, so just know I’m venting …. ”
It sure is a good idea though. For the kids, a bit of discipline early on may have changed the outcome. Look at Julian Schwartz; parents in the SO following the company line producing completely inept uncaring and hardcore Nazi youth.
And my old friend , Julian’s father , Louis Swartz is selling his super sweet poetry on amazon, thinks he represents love and sprituality .. a man in complete denial of how has spent the last fifty years.
By the way, I know personally some parents and offspring who did NOT follow CoS dictates and refused to disconnect from loved ones, choosing to disconnect from Scientology instead.
Great, Joe. Its heartening to know that you know some parents and offspring who thought for themselves and stuck together. Fucking evil cult.
Is Louis Swartz’ poetry any good?
And is he out of the SO now?
You did what you thought was right for them, Newcomer. With the best, the most altruistic of intentions. Then you found out differently. You’re a person, a human being. You made a mistake, a serious mistake in putting your kids into this cult but you did for honest and good and pure reasons. One day your kids will themselves find out or realize and accept the truth that you had to accept and deal with and they will understand what you did and why you did it, and when they truly understand that, all they’ll want is to have the opportunity to kiss your feet for the pain they caused you. And if its too late for them to actually talk to you and unburden themselves they will carry this guilt for the rest of their lives. So the message is, stick around. On the day that they realize that you’re a person with your own rights and freedom of choice, they’ll then be grown up for real, not just chronologically, but true self-respecting and responsible adults who will want to talk to you, and listen to you, and if they REALLY get this message, this realization, they will weep with gratitude for being given this chance, this reprieve, whilst you’re still alive.