The “Mecca of Technical Perfection” (they don’t seem to use that name any more, even though it was bestowed by L. Ron Hubbard himself) is becoming more and more desperate.
Yesterday I included information about the shrinking world of scientology evidenced by the curtailed Maiden Voyage celebrations.
Today we have more evidence from the “top of the Bridge” where they are now delivering the “Personal Efficiency Course”…
This is described at the What is Scientology website as follows (emphasis mine):
For many people, happiness is an elusive quality. Surveys show that “being happy” is what a majority of people want most in life. This fact begs the question: Why are some people happy and others not? And what can be done when happiness seems unattainable? The first question is perhaps best answered by understanding exactly what happiness is. As to the second question, the answer requires understanding the obstacles to personal happiness and learning how to overcome them. This understanding may be found in a service offered at every Scientology church: The Personal Efficiency Course. Taken either on a part-time schedule over a period of five days or more intensively over a weekend, this course provides answers to many of the problems and obstacles encountered in life and gives attendees the opportunity to test the principles for themselves. It is here, often for the first time, that the student experiences the gains available from auditing. This is done on a turnabout or “co-audit” basis where students audit each other on basic Scientology processes. In short, this course offers both personal experience and an analysis of the “basics” of life, in very real and practical terms. While there are numerous basic courses in Scientology that address specific problems or aspects of life, the Personal Efficiency Course is broader and more fundamental. It is for anyone who has ever wondered if there was more to life.
It is quite incredible to see “Flag” promoting and delivering an Introductory Course. This is NOT the public Flag is supposed to service. If there is anyone in Clearwater who needs a scientology introductory course, they should be in the Clearwater Mission (oops, that shut down), Bellair Mission. Or at the Tampa double St Hill Size “ideal org.”
I guess they are hoping to get some suckers who will invest $100 to learn how to be “more prosperous in life” — but they are competing directly with the ChanMan and various other Clearwater luminaries who are delivering prosperity seminars at the WISE building down in the Potemkin Village on N. Ft Harrison.
Just to give a bit of background about the “PE Course”…
It was created by L. Ron Hubbard in Dublin Ireland in 1956. He had headed over there when things got a little bothersome in London…
He wrote about it this way on 14 February 1956.
While three lords and the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons petition the Home Secretary to permit me to stay in England for yet a while, we are nevertheless going ahead with the establishment of an office in Dublin, Eire. This office is located at 69 Merrion Square. It is not at this moment but will be within ten days a mail address. This office is the swankiest address in Dublin. The Park Avenue, the Harley Street of Dublin is Merrion Square. This is where all the medical boys hang out. The Dublin Office is a huge central room which holds about 70 people and four smaller offices surrounding it. The total cost of this is £4.10.0 per week. This is our fall-back point in case of atomic attack and will be completely equipped for dissemination of publications and will be known as the HASUK Atomic Energy Healing Division Emergency Station, Dublin, Eire. This is one small toe-hold up on the ladder toward our next step in dissemination. Right here as I stand we’ve got the problem of radiation whipped so you see where we’re going, so let’s go. We’ve got our auditor profiles rising steadily. We can put our own people back on their own feet. We can actually practically tailor make good executives. We have never since I have gotten us out of this last auditing slump got better results. We can prove what we’re doing and predict what we’re doing, and now we’ve got our hands on the monopoly of radiation healing throughout the world and we certainly had better make the best of it. We are going to go big-time simply because we are over the humps of research and are ready to smash through all barriers.
Pretty typical Hubbard braggadocio. Being chased out of England is explained as taking up residence in the “swankiest address in Dublin” and without a trace of irony he proclaims to have “the problem of radiation whipped” (yet if this is so why the need for a “fall-back point in case of atomic attack”?).
When scientology purchased this building and opened it as a completely unnecessary “National Affairs Office” (there are virtually no scientology affairs in all of Ireland — the “ideal” org on the outskirts of Dublin is an empty shell), David Miscavige hisself jetted in to announce in his best Shermanspeak:
In fact, in February of 1956, when L. Ron Hubbard first arrived in Dublin’s Merrion Square to create The American College of Personnel Efficiency—a model for the first introductory course in Scientology—he observed that the Irish winter was lingering. “If the weather is cold, the Irish heart is warm,” he wrote. “The country and the people could not be improved upon.”
Hubbard waxed enthusiastic about the program he developed in Dublin to bring in the working class and test them then offer services to help them solve their problems — but he cautioned not to actually solve anything, simply to give them a taste so they could be sold auditing.
Now, 60 years later, apparently scientology has come full circle. That bait is being tossed in the direction of those at the very top of “the Bridge” with the hope that some of them will be hooked.
You would think with the massive “international expansion” that Miscavige keeps talking about and “all the new churches of scientology being opened” (actually “ideal” orgs being moved into new buildings), Flag would be bursting at the seams with public at the top of the Bridge. Nobody would have time to mess around with something like this.
But the harsh reality is evidenced by the number of people on the streets of Clearwater, the dark rooms at night in their hotels, the empty parking lots and the declining population of scientologists in the local area. Scientology’s last “King’s Landing” stronghold is looking very vulnerable to the fire breathing dragon that is the growing public awareness of their abuses.
News just in, while I was writing this, a new poster arrived. Arte Maren of Guardian Office fame (also “I went to jail rather than testify pursuant to a subpoena from the FBI”) has announced a competing “Prosperity Seminar” at the WISE office — but this one will set you back $300!! Seems there is some sort of “games condition” going on. Back in the day no fool would dare try to compete with Flag on anything. But back in the day Flag would never have engaged in such low level foolery. The Commodore must be spinning in his grave like a rotisserie chicken.
If anyone still believes scientology isn’t all about money, they obviously don’t read the promotion they send out because it is almost exclusively focused on how you can make money….
WHAT’S “advanced” about the course? Why, the PRICE, of course.
Hubbard is best! The emegency care for people and especially the name for the dublin project is more than poetry. No government could trump this atomic name!
I suggest to establish a tv sequel like “breaking bad”. All the stuff we read is more than the phantasy of sopranos or game of thrones.
There is crime, mystery, fun, drugs, hypnosis, psychs, beer, mafia, paedophile, cia, tax everything you need for a bigger tv story ever.
With thrill, love, anger, runaways, sex, idiotism, pain, betrayal everything. Never endig.
Who can write the script?
It would be very telling if Scientology is running out of customers even at Flag, though it would be a logical follow-on consequence of the emptying out of the local orgs. However, it might portend more of a collapse than Jeffrey Augustine’s “monastic Scientology” model envisioned, in which he thought Flag would carry on serving “whales.” I think we’re likely to see more of a “fortress Scientology” in which they’ll really have to circle the wagons.
We may even have seen some sign of that in a comment a couple of days ago by an insider, I think someone claiming to still be on staff and thinking of blowing, who wrote that orgs were so empty that they were consolidating classrooms – I wasn’t quite sure whether he meant within the org, or between multiple orgs in the LA area, the latter of which would be a real sign of Scientology having to resort to consolidation.
I see this all as part of a slow-motion collapse that’s been going on since about the 1970s, when the young baby boomer demographic that had fueled Scientology’s growth started to peter out, even though some of the missions were finding ways keep up – though often by starting to resort to the sort of hard sell and heavy handed tactics that we now know as characteristic of the orgs’ strategy to keep stats up. First the orgs started poaching the missions’ business, more recently we’ve seen AOs serving the students and delivering some of the courses that the orgs used to, and now it seems to have reached the point where even Flag is delivering what would originally have been mission-level services in an effort to keep its stats up.
Oh, and it’s interesting to see that early on, Hubbard was more willing to acknowledge the busts of Dianetics and Scientology’s typical up and down cycles:
“We have never since I have gotten us out of this last auditing slump got better results.”
To sit at a bay watching ships moving in is something. To sit at a bay watching ships moving out is also something.
Ships move in and kayaks move out.
Roger, what in the bloody hell are you talking about? Is this some kind of metaphor? Don’t mean to offend; I’m just curious.
Off Topic again …
I saw an interesting story in Wired Magazine about how the Feds are going after titled, “The Internet giant that went too far”. In response I made the following post to the site:
I made a reference to the spelling of Leah’s name because I saw it spelled in several different ways and I was just trying to be funny again. The post may take some time to get processed and appear on the above site. But I thought some of you may enjoy seeing it. Here it is:
No matter how you spell “Leah”, she is a great human being for doing what she and Mike have done. One of the strongest indicators that she is a great human being is when told what a wonderful thing it is she is doing, she replied (I am paraphrasing her), “I was a coward. When Paul Haggis was being persecuted by this criminal cult, I did not speak out and refused to come to his aid.”
IMO, that is the best evidence there is that she and Mike have indeed done a wonderful thing that is courageous beyond courage.
I see that has a story about titled, “The Internet giant that went too far”. Well, if the feds are going after Backpage, I want to know why they aren’t going after this terrible criminal cult.
They routinely brainwash their victims into believing the torture they impose on them is done in their own spiritual best interests. Then they torture these victims in ways this world has not seen since the Nazi death camps. If you think I may be going too far in referring to “death camps”, just search the Net for “Lisa McPherson” and see if you still feel the same way.
I seem to be a day late in posting here- Ive somehow gotten behind on all of my social media stuff. Hubbard really was a con man through and through (and a narcissist). The smarmy sell is radiating from his words. He is pushing the idea that hes affluent and that he’s hobnobbing with the ‘medical boys’- and setting up this wondrous new place (in other words, ‘Ive made a ton of money so y’all better start investing in my newest project so you can get in on the ground floor). Corner the market on radiation treatment- lol
Good definition of a paedophile criminal inventing an army of sexy teengirls and call it Commodores messenger org.
Also an example for his blown up druggie mind like “HASUK Atomic Energy Healing Division Emergency Station, Dublin, Eire. “.
On Stalin or Kim you can say, abbreviated: dictator. On hubb or miscavige you need a lot of words. Like above.
“AND…No need for Scientology!!! (Cheering & shouting!!!). Scientology is yesterday’s news.”
Oh, if ONLY! I pine for the days when nothing about scientology darkens my monitor.
Wow, wonderful news on the Underground Bunker today.
I wonder what COB thinks he can do to confront THAT latest volley of justice going after his past actions.
The horrific acts committed by this disgusting organization… what planet does he thinks he lives on where he thought he could get away with it all? Oh, yeah, Teegeack.
On a lark, I re-watched Scientology and the Prison of Belief last night, and here are some observations on how the film has aged:
1. Marty was such an effective witness against Miscavige, I am still sad that he gave up his crusade (for whatever reason).
2. Marty was also a self-aggrandizing ass– every Church achievement was due to his personal effort, and every setback the Church had was due to Marty’s initiatives.
3. The most compelling part for me remains Sarah Goldberg and her version of Sophie’s Choice. Cried all over again for her.
4. Rinder was sooo skinny when he was pulled from The Hole to counter John Sweeney’s charges.
5. By all accounts a sweet and caring fellow, how could Travolta voluntarily blind himself to what was really going on?
6. Famous for his potty-mouthed you-tube rant, I nevertheless think that Jason Beghe was instrumental in all those celebrities leaving around the same time. I think he’s utterly tired of it now, and wants to distance himself, but he wielded a deadly blade against the Church at the time.
7. I remain intensely curious about when exactly did Tom Cruise flip in his adoration of Miscavige. We hear about Miscavige giving Cruise all sorts of gifts, and planting a field of flowers for Tom and Nicole to run through, and sucking up in a million different ways, and then all of a sudden, it is Cruise who worships Miscavige and becomes DM’s sycophant.
8. I’m glad that Nazanin Boniadi came into her own fame and career. What was done to her was disgraceful.
Great points Katy Lied! Agree.
Interesting post Mike.
Well, this morning I found a way to be happy watching a humming bird that came to the feeder not 2′ from me. How cute! Watched a bunny munching on grass. (Of course not because I was trying to find an excuse not to clean) Then since I hadn’t read at Karen de la Cariere’s site for a while I went there. Man can that gal ever get under DM’s skin! LOL. (happy!) Does he really think he can outwit her? She’s like C-4. It doesn’t have to be big to do damage. She’s got the experience and knows all too well the tactic and the “if you can’t change the facts change the focus” game the cult plays. Atta girl!
Then remembered the immortal words of songwriter Roger MIller:
“Ya can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd, etc, But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to
All ya gotta do is put your mind to it
Knuckle down, buckle down, do it, do it, do it”
And it didn’t cost me a penny. And, I’m also happy I never had anything to do with scientology.
Run and hide Hubbard! Oh yea, where is THAT on the tone scale….
David Miscavige has all of the qualities of a Sociopath and is a true ANTI SOCIAL. He will never change and will only get worse with time. He will probably kill himself rather than go to court for his crimes against humanity. We surely won’t shed a tear when that happens but I hope he goes to prison for life next to Bubba the child molester who likes little boyz who wear size small. Miscavige fits the bill.
Here are the traits of a Sociopath – the Anti Social – The leader of Scientology – David Miscavige
Glibness and Superficial Charm
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
Incapacity for Love
Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’ feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet “gets by” by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
DMiaSP, thank you. The fact that David Miscavige is a sociopath cannot be overly emphasized. That fact explains his behavior.
We don’t yet understand why sociopaths exist or the many varieties of them. We do know that all organizations, families and governments are susceptible to them because they don’t recognize them.
Recognizing one is the first step towards handling one. David Miscavige, you’ve been recognized.
“HASUK Atomic Energy Healing Division Emergency Station, Dublin, Eire.” How many WTFs does this title inspire?
So now ‘flag’ is flagging. They are poaching from all of the mOrgs around them. Tampa, Miami, Orlando are going to be missing some GI (gross income) because of this. We have seen this behavior in the Pacific Northwest between Seattle and Portland. They tried to steal Purif customers from each other.
Now ‘Flag’ gets down to poaching from their neighbors. Mr. Rodgers would not have been amused.
Here’s another crowd pleaser:
I’m gonna wash that cult right outa my hair
I’m gonna wash that cult right outa my hair
I’m gonna wash that cult right outa my hair
And send it on its way!
I’m gonna kick that cult right outa my life
I’m gonna kick that cult right outa my life
I’m gonna kick that cult right outa my life
And send it on its way!
Don’t try to patch it up
Tear it up, tear it up!
Wash it out, dry it out,
Push it out, fly it out,
Cancel it and let it go!
I’m gonna wash that cult right outa my hair
I’m gonna wash that cult right outa my hair
I’m gonna wash that cult right outa my hair
And send it on its way!
Mike, what do ya want to bet that as part of the Oat Tea 9 & 10 quals the person must have something like 10 new people onto and actively doing their bridge? Just to verify earlier At Cause Over Life attestation…
Good call.
They are going to HAVE to come up with some new things — it’s the last carrot they have left.
Of course, it’s another 15 years before “all orgs are ideal” — Miscavige is doing them at a rate of about 5 per year in order to have something to show at his events. Most of the OT VIII’s will be dead by then. So might as well squeeze some more out of them while they are still around. They have all redone the lower bridge one or more times. Even the dumbest of them are going to figure it out sooner or later.
Do you think Cruise will ever catch on? I long for that day.
My GOD!!! There’re out of carrots??? Just one carrot left? I never thought this would happen. I’m shocked!!! Shocked I tell ya!!! How does one get over this? Hey Scribe, how do I get over this? I’m crushed!
I had the same problem when I couldn’t find a pot to piss in. You could always paint a cucumber orange.
But you did keep the pot to pee in, correct?
OSD, alas, we are all just piss in the wind…No, wait…😂😂😂
(…just got caught tugging on Superman’s cape…..)
I keep forgetting that the world isn’t yet “Ideal”. LOL
We’re working on it, we’re working on it, Wynski.
“If the weather is cold, the Irish heart is warm,” he wrote. “The country and the people could not be improved upon.”
That would mean Scientology was not needed or necessary then in Ireland by LRH’s own words. They could only bring undesirable & unasked for change, rob the locals and misery. I lived in Ireland for a year and to this day $cientology is not needed there (or anywhere).
Happiness is something the cult instantly revokes. Miscavige and Hubbard are a cult’s best kind of deceptive but ultimately obvious Flim-Flam men.
The “Personal Efficiency Course?”. Just how low can they go? Maybe we should get the blocks out so they can play with them. At least they would have something to do. Seriously, you’ll get the same “case gain” as you would walking down the street. Poor little cult members. There’s nowhere to go.
I wouldn’t underestimate the magnitude of the out point here. It disrupts the structure and purpose of the COS organization. And I’ll venture to speculate that there are a few current Scios who are scratching their heads (although in private) over this. It’s this sort of kicked-in-the-head management decision that’s likely contributing to the COS’ dwindling numbers. Those that are still in know full well that pointing out these gross missteps would get them a minefield of trouble. What’s happening–and again I’m speculating–is that Scios in extreme doubt are trying to stay UTR, and hoping that they can somehow slowly vanish into obscurity, while at the same time hold on to their family, friends, and business connections.
Thanks Bixntram. How about a gig at Gold Base? Perhaps Peter Schless could be dragged out of The Hole as an accompanist. 😂
BTW, is your name an acknowledgement of Bix Beiderbecke?
A gig at Gold? Count me in!!! We will get fed, right? Right?
Main course is rice and beans with kool-aid.
(Big Sigh). We had rice & beans, with koolaid yesterday. I’m really getting sick about this. Same shittey food!
OSD, we have rice and beans (covered with butter) quite often. Both extremely healthy and wonderful tasting. My wife (exSO) tells me she could never get enough it when she was on the ship. Yum stuff! 🙂
Very weak vibrations from Flag
Non existent vibrations from Flop….I mean Flag.
I’m picking up bad vibrations
It’s giving me reservations
You’re picking up bad vibrations
It’s giving you reservations
Well of course you’re getting bad vibes. If you think about Scientology, your brain will turn to mush. And we certainly can’t have that.
I’m enjoying the attenuation
And its logical insuation…
OW! That hurt my mind.
Sorry Mark……I tried to word clear “insuation” unsuccessfully…….
Can you give me the derivation ?
Hey Mike, a question for you:
With all of this horrible PR and stat crashing, what do you think is Miscavige’s mental state now? What is the mindset of DM and those around him in your opinion?
…What do you think is Miscavige’s mental state now?”.
(Miscavige). Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I’m still a billionaire!!! Woo Hoo!
I’m not Mike, but I believe the Munchkin’s® is probably pretty soused on that whisky, perhaps already started on the hangover™.
My loving, caring, kind, & golden hearted Great Uncle summed things up this way:
No need for a happiness books or happiness “lessons”…
AND…No need for Scientology!!! (Cheering & shouting!!!). Scientology is yesterday’s news.
“AND…No need for Scientology!!! (Cheering & shouting!!!). Scientology is yesterday’s news.”
Oh, if ONLY! I pine for the days when nothing about scientology darkens my monitor.
Balletlady, I was taught to believe that happiness was having a goal and seeing it come true. My goal is seeing Scientology go down the drain. I’m feeling happier.
I was just reflection on how exciting it is to read this blog daily and preside over the step-by-step disintegration of this scam due to the idiotic moves made by the monster at its head.
I was trying to remember if we had ever seen some dictator in history like him before. One who believes that “style is everything” and believes by wearing $10,000 suits and drinking bottles of $1,000 Scotch, the world will admire him and succumb to his insane actions.
I’m pretty sure the answer is “NO”!
Oops. I meant “reflecting” instead of “reflection”.
I also meant to say something about his haircut. I wonder how much people pay for haircuts like that. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t pay anything since he has many brainwashed slaves on hand who consider it a great honor to cut the “Glorious Leader’s” hair.
Hmmm …. “Glorious Leader” …. where have I heard that before?
More than likely, it will soon become a requirement for all Flag public to do this course in order to help them disseminate better by knowing what they would be signing their selectees up for. I’m sure the Flag OT Committee will spearhead this order, er…”bright idea”. They have to get the stats up somehow.
If they don’t get their stats up…do go to the HOLE? I understand it’s nice there.
It’s a holy place. That’s all the proof you need that Scientology is a religion.
Wow! It really is a religion!!!!
As the Founder so eloquently states: “We are going to go big-time simply because we are over the humps of research and are ready to smash through all barriers.”
Research? If this were written today in the internet age one would be obliged to ask: Dox or shut the fuck up. There are no dox, because there is no research. There is no research because Hubbard was pulling the ‘tech’ out of his ass as he went along. The legacy continues to this day. scientology is still all about the money and only about the money. It’s one of the world’s most successful long cons.
I have to say though, with Hubbard’s expertise on handling radiation maybe he should have written a book. I think some chap beat him to it. I once saw a book titled ‘All About Radation’ by Medicus and a Nuclear Physicist. Someone must have stolen the ol’ Grifters research and corked him by writing this highly regarded (but semi-colon laden) tome.
If any kool-aid swilling fools, OSA net nannies, or other Hubbard apologists out there reading this require dox from Ms. B., here you go.
Alright Eff Pee. Here is your chance to shine. Take it apart and show us the true path to Ding Dong Dum. Where you find doubt, try consulting Dave. He will set all things right.
Yo Dave, Try pounding some sand today good buddy. It’s the new tech which should follow running around in circles.
Ding, Dong, Dum!!!! I knew it was real! Now I KNOW Scientology DOES have something to offer…Complete Hog Wash. And, boy, do I feel great! Yippee ya yo ya a.
Coop, Fool will not be making an appearance here today. Maybe in a couple of days, but not today. That seems to be his M.O., show up late for the discussion, throw a few lame-assed barbs and refuse to answer questions or engage in civil conversation. The only reason that I can come up with for this is that he doesn’t want to expose his scientology-mind too broadly so as to reveal what cult enthrallment produces when applies in a KSW way. Of course he’ll claim that he has been too busy. That is a bullshit excuse coming from a great ‘OT’ who is fully at cause over matter, energy, space and time and also able to exist ‘exterior to the body’ with full perception as he has claimed.
His response to my posting will be along the lines of my argument that there is no research behind Hubbard’s claims and therefore the whole subject is a sham. Ya, that old chestnut again. However, in my excerpt of Hubbard’s quote above, it is Hubbard hisself claiming to be a researcher. Oh ya, now it must be the case that I have an ‘MU’ and therefore didn’t understand what Dr. Hubbard was trying to say here. I could be a smart ass here and say the L&R in LRH stands for Lab Rat Hubbard but since the ol’ con didn’t do any actual research I can’t legitimately do that. Instead I will proudly carry the title of Ms. Lab Rat that the Fool has kindly and most accurately bestowed on me.
Anyway, I expect him here in a day or two to fling some childish shit. Can’t wait for the busy fellow to show. That is if Miscavige lets him out of his cage.
Spot on Ms. B!!
Research? We don’t need no stinkin’ wog research!
My wog usually doesn’t stink.
I’ll show you my wog if you show me yours.
I’ll match you. I’m putting down $2,500.
Very interesting. Promoting the ‘Advanced’ PE at Flag shows the do have a wrong why. It also shows the Execs are probable going back and forth trying to figure out why Flag is empty, why people don’t return or why they do not even want to go there.
Maybe the Execs should go to the other Seminar to learn how to find right Whys.
Now if this does not work, the Flag Execs should try to get rid of their false beliefs that people are not going to Flag because Mike Rinder has this blog, because Leah R produced the Aftermath, because…is someone else’s fault…
How many ‘right whys” are there in $cientology?
Why am I broke?
Why haven’t I seen my relatives in ten years?
Why am I always tired?
Why are my stats down?
Why aren’t there more people in the mORGues?
There is only one correct WHY. You are in a CULT!
Get a grip! Get out!
Hey Coop! Can I get out by getting a grip? It sounds like fun!
Since you’ve been in the cult and appropriately gypped, there should be no problem in getting a grip.
It’s fun being in the world.
Mike, what jumped out at me here was your reference to Game of Thrones.
When we were in the bubble, working day and night.. cultural phenomenons came and went while we scratched out our daily battleplans and weekly conditions and groveled our ways through the latest round of lower condition assignments.
Reading the GOT stuff…I got the vision of you with your family and friends, gathered and watching the latest episode… and all that that signifies.
I know, I know, you’ve been enjoying Real Life for awhile now.. but that cultural reference woven into your post juxtaposed the night and day difference in your life in a glorious colorful bas-relief.
I am just so bloody glad for you, and for all of us. For all of us who have been able to break free and grab some of this real life stuff. Mowing the lawn, BBQs, beers, and kids running through the sprinklers.
I got a good chuckle out of today’s post. OT VIII’s in the ballroom doing a secret Objectives Pilot… flows into SRD for all and GAT II Hell, … the chutes and ladders of Scn …where the chutes get longer and the ladders twist sideways and down.
I smell and new Comm Course around the corner. Everyone knows that course comes after the PE, right?
Great comment Rip! Made me smile 😃
When ideal orgs are shrinking
Sure, ’tis like a breath of spring
In the heat of Davy’s anger
You can hear Mike Rinder sing
When ideal orgs are shrinking
Don’t it really make your day?
And when Davy’s facing prison
Sure it steals your heart away!
Love it! Well done, Scribe. This one deserves to be sung in public, as do several other of your creations. Maybe at Howdycon. Who’s got a guitar?
Um… I do. Several of them, in fact.
See you @ HC Sat nite…should I bring my old Strat for the singalong?
Oh, definitely! I’ll bring my Martin.
Added verse:
When Davy’s feeling crappy
You can bet the GIs down
In the maelstrom of his madness
No one wants to be around
When Davy’s feeling crappy
All the world is dull and gray
But when Davy’s on a bender
He can not-is the judgment day