On 6 January 2014 I published a blog post entitled Straight Up and Vertical – Not which included information about the target of “10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs”.
At that time, almost exactly 10 years ago, they claimed to have 6410 people who had accomplished that feat.
Ignore whether this number is true or not, we will take them at their word.
Until 2014 they had managed to get 6410 people cumulative onto Solo NOTs. Many of them are no longer scientologists. Many of them have since died. What is important is how many are making it to the “top of the Bridge” each year.
That is, how many people are actually progressing up the Bridge to Total Freedom and arriving at the FSO for Solo NOTs.
Fortunately, we have a relatively accurate count.
As you can see, the latest person to arrive on Solo NOTs is #7,345. They even give you a badge and everything now apparently.
The math is easy. 7345 – 6410 = 935.
Over 6 years that is 156 per year. Or 3 per week.
Now, if they actually had 12 million members (which obviously they don’t) this would mean each YEAR only about 1 in every 80,000 scientologists make it to the top of the Bridge. But the actual figure is more like 30,000. But even this means only 1 in every 200 scientologists manages to fight/pay their way to the top of the Bridge per year.
IF getting people onto Solo NOTs was REALLY what was going to “save this planet” they would need to figure out how to make it a hell of a lot easier than this. But that is NOT the purpose of it. It is one of the carrots that is dangled for the donkeys to keep plodding towards. When they are finally given a bite of this carrot, they find it is ENORMOUSLY expensive and still somewhat bitter. But are informed there are sweeter carrots dangling off in the future. Next up, the baby carrot of OT VIII, though it is really a nothingburger. They have a hard time scraping together anything that resembles even a success from “OT VIII’s.” The real imaginary meal to get excited about is OT IX and X — which has been being held out since the late 1980’s with still nobody on earth actually tasting even a bite. Just “mental image pictures” of a wonderfully juicy, sweet carrot that the donkeys believe exists just around the next bend in the road.
How sadly pathetic all this is.
But what is most sad is the people who hand over buckets of cash and sacrifice time with their family and friends in pursuit of the illusive carrot of freedom.
To: Mike Rinder
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: false information
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: meaningless ranting.
Would you please just shut up?
No love at all
I so love your Tiny Fists memos. They always crack me up.
“people who hand over buckets of cash .. in pursuit of the illusive carrot of freedom.”
Well, one day they will find out that they get more of both by leaving the mental clutches of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
Just a couple of observations in the picture,
1) What is “Kingsly Heath” shown on the sweat shirt?
2) Why is there a picture of what looks like Smokey Bear on the badge?
I reached the top of the Bridge when the only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Org declared me DEAD.
A goal had to be real to the person.
After 23 years in the SO, DEATH was the only goal left. So, I achieved that goal.
Jason Beghe put it succinctly in the 2-hour interview he gave in 2011.
He said that “you couldn’t clear Beverly Hills at these prices.”
Nice catch, of those telling numbers. And don’t a lot of people stall out or drop out on solo NOTs, and so never make it to OTVIII? I recall seeing some analysis of that in the past, though I can’t readily find it.
p.s. while searching, I found there’s a new Scientology Stats Analysis for 2019, the first major update in a long time:
Mike, blogs like this, which are important, would be much more readable for the average person if you took a sentence or two to explain exactly what “Solo NOTs” means. Most people wouldn’t have a clue. I think you’re referring to the New OT levels which are done solo, without an auditor. I think that actually means OT levels 3 through 8. Also, nobody would know what FSO means if you don’t define it. Flag Service Organization at Clearwater FL, apparently.
The numbers they give as totals probably also includes people who have done one or more of these levels more than once. So it’s not the total number of persons, but the total number of times completed.
Weather, just use a search engine
You nailed it, Weather Watcher.
Also, in addition to double adding people who did OT VII twice, I’m sure they also continue to add all the people that have been declared SP or who have left this cherch.
Mike Rinder, you are so very good at crunching the actual numbers for analysis to view the ACTUALITY.
As hard as they were working to get to that magick 19 K, that there are only about 7,000 ever having been on the level tells me that there aren’t many more than that who are active and not bankrupt.
Davey’s little cult is getting even smaller. Soon, he won’t have any minions he can throw under the bus to save his diminutive derriere or to finance his taste in whisky.
And in another corner of the universe you have a group of people who put on a magnificent concert for over 65,000 people at Christmas ……………… for free.
We attended an event last night at the Mormon Tabernacle Convention Center which was put on by the orchestra and choir with special guest Richard Thomas and opera singer Kelli O’Hara. What a truly inspiring performance it was. A world class event that is completely open to the public.
No call in required ( it has to be ticketed by a lottery system because it is in such demand)
No proselytizing or regging.
Lots of really friendly people providing direction and ushering.
Lots of people really happy people (about 22,000 attended last nights performance which is one of three)
A tremendously uplifting event had by all!
This organization manages to get 22,000 people into the largest theatre seating auditorium on the planet in about an hour, start the performance exactly on time without anyone droning on about anything, present an incredible array of musical and dance talent for the enjoyment of all in a seemingly effortless manner and all without the apparent advantage of ‘admin know how’ !
And BTW, the number on that tag should be 7343 because my wife and I refuse to be a part of or connected to a suppressive group.
Yo Dave, That would be you and yer minions good buddy!
Merry Christmas to everyone else!
Say, Newcomer, when you say ” The Mormon Tabernacle Conference Center”, do you mean the actual tabernacle on Temple Square or the conference center across the street? I think they now are calling it the Gordon B. Hinckley conference center but I could be wrong.
The event was in the conference center across the street. You are likely correct. I did not notice the official name of that building as we were busy getting into the correct line and also marveling at all of the lights and decorations around the temple square.
The floggers in clearwater could take some lessons in what defines the ‘friendliest place in the world’ or whatever that slogan they try and claim is.
Last time I was at Flag for six month check auditing at Flag was 2011. At that time I was the ONLY pc on my auditor’s lineup and I never saw any other pc’s in the waiting lounge. So it appeared there were few to none there for their auditors to audit. That explains the horrible crushing tactics they used to get me to buy more intensives of auditing and stay there after my action was done. They needed the money, the G.I, (gross income) and the Well Done Auditing Hours Stats. And lean on me unmercifully they did. I didn’t cave and left after days of this.
That young man in the photo. Look at his eyes. Looks like his brains have been scrambled
No doubt IF they “discounted” those people who have LEFT, ESCAPED, UTR, or who are S.P.’s & those who have NEVER received their official “kicked out letter”….their actual COUNT of membership would drop like a stone.
Some people who have no interest anymore in COS are too afraid to step forward for fear of reprisals…they HAVE to pretend to still “be in or else”…..what are they to do?
These same people may or may NOT have been “disconnected” from their loved one…..after ALL MANY OF YOU who have LEFT voluntarily OR been “declared” have had to live with the heartbreakingly aching pain of having to have LOST contact with your loved ones who are still in. Not many are brave enough to face those dire consequences of never seeing or hearing from those you love again as YOUR punishment for stepping up to the plate and leaving.
In reality, let’s face it….FEAR is a great motivator for most people to remain silent and still fly UTR.
Too sad for many people…but COS cares not…according to their TILTED/SLANTED RECORDS….YOU ARE STILL IN….& being counted as such…..deceitful as it is…that’s how it seems to work for THEM.
Yeah. You need to differentiate between ‘membership ‘ and ‘active membership’. If you count anyone who bought a copy of DMSMH as a member, then the 12 million figure is probably correct. However the number of those who are actually going up the Bridge, forking over cash to the IAS, attending events, etc. is probably far lower, probably in the mere thousands.
Yea, right.
Also, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that once one is on OT VII, the biggest win and desire is finishing it. That is the goal you hear one for one from people on their “Refreshers” every 6 months (and a minimum of about $10,000+/6mos).
“So and so in on the comp line.” “I’ll be on the comp line soon.” “Guess what!? I attested last night to OT VII.” With the green with envy recipients of these communications thinking, “I hope I finish sooner than they did.”
That’s the big cause over life win from that level – getting off of it and never having to go back in for another Refresher – EVER again. I tell ya, you’ll feel like a million bucks.
So true Mary! I would add that getting a full on declare adds icing on the cake because that stops almost all mail, phone calls and otherwise useless contact from them.
I do still get email announcements from a mission who has not received word from on high. I choose to not say anything because that means they are still connected to an Ess Pea and I love helping to crash the stats! And who knows, I may take them up on the invitation sometime just to join in the merry making!
When I did OT3, my actual “cognition” was, “Oh, lordie, this is RON’S CASE.” Instant free floating needle. Of course, that was “NOT” the cognition I declared! LOL Very freeing. And since I’d already paid for all the levels, I went on to and through OT7 which did not, at that time, have all the restrictions added by Miscat. Looking back now, I feel VERY VERY LUCKY!! LOL
Look on the bright side. Considering their skimpy membership numbers and the lack of overall org activity, those are actually fairly decent stats for a group slowly approaching non-existence. Very Well Done!
You also need to keep the trapped Sea Org Members believing they are working to save the planet. They do not go out, watch TV, news papers, far less Internet. Their only belief is what they are shown or told by Execs and events.
So, you make millions by getting OT VIIs to pay tons of money for years. In the meantime you have the stats showing arrivals, income for the week, how much value of the services was delivered, auditing hours and so on. The Sea Org members live only to get their stats up…or else (punishment from RTC if they are down) and maintains the illusion that scientology is expanding and that their work is invaluable.
Thus, their microscopic wages, their slave conditions at work are made less. What is important is the stats that show expansion and they believe it because there is nothing to compare their internal life with.
Machiavelic design by LRH on how to make money while slaving others. The sociopath miscavige just made it worse.
That concert at the Mormon Tabernacle sounds so wonderful. Glad you experienced it. Also of note is that the choir practices every week, used to be on Thurs, and on rehersal day, public can come in for free and sit in the audience and enjoy the whole show. No one charges them or bothers them or asks for donations. The C of S should take lessons on real exchange from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Coop, hope you also saw the square near the tabernacle where they put all the lights up and it looks like fairey land.
Just FYI beginning this month temple square in salt lake city is undergoing a major renovation. Several buildings are being torn down and the temple is being renovated. Work is scheduled to be completed by 2024 or so. A
Alcoboy, thanks for the update. Too bad they couldn’t wait only 30 days for rennos in Temple Square because they always do such a great job with lights at Xmas and people come from all over to see it. I still fondly remember when I got to hear the choir rehearsing their songs for church. The pipe organ and the voices were so powerful and uplifting.
I started Solo Nots in 1987. The Sand Castle was trying to get 10,000 on the level. They had a map with a pin stuck in the city where the person lived. Perhaps a few hundred pins at most. As a volunteer, I called most of these people. Very few were actually doing sessions. Most were in Qual.
Scientology should just simply reveal themselves as the Satanic cult that they really are. The BT idea is part of the coverup to divert attention. OT VIII on the Freewinds in 1988 was a total disaster. Miscavige could have went with the program at that time and put them on the “Heaven’s Gate” path. But he decided to lie about it all and push people into meaningless circles. In the end, either way Hubbard created a pointless “religion” designed to trap people. In case you don’t recall, “Heaven’s Gate” was supposed to be the meeting with the space ship that gave liberation. In a way, it is like the original OT VIII which should have left the same horrible alternative to Scientologists.
I can’t believe that in this day and age, especially in light of the internet and media coverage, that Anyone (other than 2nd gen already-ins) could possibly Fall for this Crapola!
And Crapola IS their God.
Really? I thought it was some alien named Xenu.
I stand corrected!
Well Marne, you said it. The word is out on the Cult of Scientology, and there are almost no new people coming through their doors for services.
Frankly, it’s all oldsters who joined up decades ago, or their children and grandchildren (who’ve never known anything else in their lives).
The jig is up, and the scam is dying. In most orgs there are now more staff than public on any given day. Flag and the AOs may be the only exceptions, but their day is coming, too.
As you said, we have the internet to thank for that. It ripped the mask off the scam, and exposed their heinous activities for all to see. It’s now damn near impossible for Scn to attract new members.
FWIW, I feel that there is still much value in the lower Bridge, but that’s because the bulk of it was researched and developed by others, then stolen by Hubbard. His contributions to the subject were mostly fantastical bullshit, excreted from his wildly fertile imagination, and his personal delusions.
‘The jig is up, and the scam is dying.’
Ronnie, that well may be, but what adds insult to injury here is the fact that the Billions of dollars taken from these people, which would go a long way to helping them survive after the fact, cannot be recouped.
That strange sound you hear is the reg’s claws scraping the bottom of the barrel…
Hey, this can be fun! I like scraping the bottom of barrels!
Yeah but you might want to stay away from this barrel. I hear it contains toxic waste.
NO! NO! For God’s sake, not the RPF!!! I can’t take it!
The clawing noise is on the outside of the barrel. Tooth brushes are the only tool allowed on the inside.
Dave wants it done to see ogre standards which means you keep on doing it forever and when that is done you redo it.