Though scientology is making efforts to persuade people inside the bubble what an amazing success the CSN is with anecdotal stories of amazingness, the truth is less encouraging.
It’s impossible to get real numbers of viewership for DirecTV, but there are other measures of success that ARE available.
Here are some figures from Google Trends.
I have marked on the graph the Super Bowl ad and the CSN launch (and their massive media buys promoting the CSN — TV, radio and internet).
As you can see, after the initial launch, things have sunk back into their normal level. Nothing generates real increase in interest, they are “flash in the pan” sort of spikes.
And out of curiosity I include searches for “What is scientology?” because Chairman of the Bored has often cited this as being the thing that demonstrates the massive popularity of scientology. I think he said “every 6 seconds someone googles “what is scientology?”. Of course, you cannot ever believe any figures he gives — but even if that WERE true, it would only be 14,400 per day (though as they usually do, they probably only count “working hours” so it’s really 7,200 per day).
But, as a matter of interest, I took the graph back for a year, and that is VERY revealing.
The airing of The Aftermath from August through November (and one special in May) generated MUCH greater interest in scientology than either the Super Bowl ad or CSN launch which are the two small blips at the end.
Despite what scientology claims about how any interest in scientology is “good interest” that converts into people coming into orgs, the only people that buy this bs are those inside the bubble. Scientology orgs are emptier than they have ever been. The recent article about the “ideal” org in St. Paul is just the latest example.
Scientology today is a toxic subject.
There is another metric that measures the impact of CSN. Though again, it does not give viewership figures, it is another indicator of the success.
Alexa measures the relative popularity of websites, the most popular (Google) being #1 and they descend from there.
As you can see, the CSN has improved ranking back almost to where it was at the end of season 2 of The Aftermath. But there are still 122,601 more popular websites….
Including the Underground Bunker. Which remains considerably more popular than the scientology site which must REALLY chap COB’s butt when Tony Ortega has long-been dismissed as a mere hate-blogger on the fringes of the internet.
But then we get to where the rubber really meets the road.
Comparison to other “new religions”. Scientology CLAIMS to have about the same membership as the Mormons. But is smoking in the web popularity rankings OMG:
And then there is this. The official website for the Jehovah’s Witnesses. A “fringe” group in the eyes of scientology. Holeeee shit:
It must be getting tiring to watch fail after fail when you just know you are right and have all the answers to everything…
The greatest weapon and threat against Scientology are their own intractable policies. May they intransigently remain that way so the cult can continue imploding on itself.
If it actually learned and adapted, even ignoring LRH policy for it’s own survival, well that would really be something to fear. It’s funny LRH did not account for this. Apparently as a science fiction writer he failed to anticipate that future scenario and failed to provide alternate policies for it. I guess his “super-powers” did not include clairvoyance.
Mike Rinder…new interview….. Covering Fair Game, Season 3 and a lot more…
Watching it now. Mike is absolutely right on so many things. ‘Doomed to eternity’, wow.
The church propoganda is like cooking frogs, by the time it gets bad it’s too late. ‘Cookified, cultified’
I have been referring to the cult as the church of BoiledFrog’ology for about a week now, and will continue to do so.
The “boiling frog” refers to the lowly church members, but it actually also refers to the “big being” COB himself. He is living in an ever-increasing pressure cooker. It really must be hell.
Loved this interview.
This may be a bit off topic, but it does have to do with numbers in Scientology. I did some “research” about Bodhi and Jenna Elfman because their podcast was mentioned in either this or Ortega’s blog. I checked their YouTube podcast views and their views have gone down from about 8000 in the first posted videos (in 2014) to about 800 in the last video (March 2018). I listened to a few minutes of several podcasts, and in one they make mention of their youngest son’s best friend. They didn’t mention a name but based on the details they give, the best friend has to be Jason and Lauren Dohring’s son. That led me to check stats on Delphi Academy in LA thinking that both sons must attend the same school since they are the same age. The latest enrollment numbers I can find are a few years old, but those say there are about 166 students in grades pre-k through 12. Let’s say we just go with K-12 since there’s no way to know how many students in that 166 are 0-5 years of age. If we go with just K-12 with those numbers, that averages to less than 13 students per grade. And that’s to serve the entire Scientology community of the Los Angeles area. Of course, Scientologists may also be home schooling or sending their children to public schools or sending them to Dephi Academy headquarters in Oregon, but the “official” school for Scientology children in LA has about a dozen children per grade. Compare that to the “best-ranked” K-12 private schools in the Los Angeles area. Each of those has 800-1200 students.
Nice work, thanks for that.
It seems that any facet of Scientology that you drill into like that, shows how interest is dwindling, and how small they really have become.
Let’s be honest and clear: Every 6 seconds someone googles “what is scientology” and then goes, “WTF?”
With a head slap!
Great analysis Mike,
The numbers do NOT lie. The only bumps up in interest in scientology, outside of when scientology spends millions , has been the Aftermath episodes. The flatline charts show all assertions of expansion are ‘false reports’.
Two critical problems they cannot confront or address are: There has yet to be any increase in new members. Especially those with money, affluence, influence, or intelligence; and without that metric scientology will continue its death spiral. Secondly: Their models of how to live EVERY aspect of life have failed and so scientology will continue to fail.
BurnedHeretic wrote : “If they can keep it on the air for 5 years, and…………” . That included a huge bunch of “IF’S”, for which I would take long odds.
Hey, Jim! Correct me if I’m wrong, but, wasn’t the early 90s the pinnacle of Scientology? They should be hitting rock bottom in just a few years.
I was watching a film that was shot in front of the Pasadena Idle Morgue. Nobody entered through the front door. I did see two older people (60s) walking in with their materials through a side door.
Seriously, there’s nobody walking through those front doors.
I bailed in the early 80’s with the SO take-over of the church.
jim, the SO took over the CoS in the late 60’s.
This is a valuable video on dogmatic thinking, both within cults and between critics of the same. It even mentions Scientology by name toward the end, though this is not why I recommend it. I think our society in general, and Scientology in particular, fosters black and white thinking. It’s also exacerbated by certain kinds of brain chemistry, yet we can still train ourselves to catch and dismantle it as it comes up.
Cat, I had a dogmatic once. But the batteries wore out. Sad…
Surfer, I wish I had said that joke! Ha Ha, still cleaning off my screen.
Belly Laugh! Now that’s some funny shit!
“Though scientology is making efforts to persuade people inside the bubble what an amazing success the CSN is with anecdotal stories of amazingness, the truth is less encouraging.”
I dunno, I feel encouraged by that lack of success myself. [grin]
To BurnedHeretic, I do find Hubbard’s writings relevant. The fact that he was obsessed with pedophilia was an important revelation to me. I oppose CoS’s abuses with or without that, but it gave me a better picture of the mind that generated this exceptionally toxic thing. Just because this won’t budge the still-ins doesn’t mean people shouldn’t mention it. Your comment sounds more hysterical than anything else on here today. I understand that you’re frustrated, but attacking your allies is not really going to alleviate that. Personally I’m glad that there is a wide range of people keeping eyes on Scientology from many different angles. I don’t always understand some of the viewpoints, but I work on it. It’s just interesting and helps me understand the overall subject better. It doesn’t mean I have to adopt their viewpoints or drop my own.
Very well said Cat.
Cat W: “The fact that he was obsessed with pedophilia was an important revelation to me.”
What evidence do you have that L Ron Hubbard was obsessed with pedophilia?
How did this become a fact in your mind?
Read Mission Earth if you want to know where that fact came from.
Right Cat. Like where he said a small child was abberated if they resisted passionate kissing from an adult like Hubtard.
The guy was criminally insane.
I found it very revealing that the gentleman who did a video of the St Paul Org which was doing a 9:00AM to 9:00PM BBQ open house showed no visitors and only one BBQ pit fired up in anticipation of an Open House the should be booming after the launch of the Sci Fi TV net work.
’tis a pit-y.
I saw a video of that Org. All these chairs set up for the crush of people who were coming. They had two BBQs but only lit one of them. Nobody showed up. Maybe they were just all on course! Yeah, yeah, dats da ticket. They were on course.
Betcha we could have more people at our Cult Demolition Beach Bash then could ever be rounded up to see Miscavige at an Int Event! Whoo hoo!
GEEZUS scientology is pathetic, isn’t it.
The only booming ANY Idle Morgue can muster is flatulence.
A new definition of the term ‘gaslighting’.
True dat!
That reminds of part of a line from Bottom Live 2: Hooligan’s Island (slightly paraphrased), “It made $camology look like two fleas having a light your fart competition.”
That so called BBQ pit looked more like an old trash can set afire to keep teens & young adults warm on the streets of 1950’s Brooklyn, NY when teens would gather around to keep warm & sing the popular songs of the day.
Just how did they intend to feed people when there is no “coolers” in sight to keep hot dogs or hamburgers or soda cold….no table to hold hot dog or hamburger buns, not a table where one would have plates, napkins, condiments to be used….a scam come on at it’s best…..”Here you got, a free hot dog & a copy of our book “The Way to Happiness”….
Gordon: that video showing few if any people seems common in CoS Org photos and videos in general. I never see any actual pictures of events that show any real activity at all. If a group I am involved with has an event, and for some reason I don’t go, I have noticed not too long after the event starts pictures will start popping up on Facebook and other sites. We don’t see anything similar on CoS Org pages because scientology is dying/dead.
L. Ron Hubbard once said, “We may err, for we build a world with broken straws.” I can think of no better analogy in describing Scientology.
There’s nothing NOT broken in Scientology. Especially the mind’s of their members.
That “broken straws” line was my org’s favorite excuse for whatever they were doing that they wanted me to do that couldn’t be backed up as legit with policy or tech as written.
As a public, towards the end, when I was asked why I was refusing to cooperate with Command Intention and when I responded that I didn’t have to because Command Intention was plainly off-policy, or out-tech, or out-admin, or all of the above, when boxed into a corner with no tech or admin to back themselves up, the staff could be depended upon to dredge up that building a world with broken straws LRH quote. Because I liked these people, because I thought of them as friends, I kept myself from exploding with impatience. .
Instead, I’d acknowledge the broken straw justification, nod and say, “I see. I understand”, and leave it at that.
But inside, I’d be thinking, “What a load of horseshit! Something is REALLY wrong here!”
That they didn’t see it, or were refusing to see it, and for reasons I had not yet fathomed, they were exhibiting an inability to READ and comprehend simple data.
i didn’t understand how they could read what I was reading and NOT understand. Now I know they DID. understand. Altogether too well!
The problem was I was pointing out to them what were inconvenient truths.
Well, they made their bed with David Miscavige and now they are lying in it together And this is one, gross, filthy bed, and when they realize how dirty sleeping in it has made them, they’re gonna have what I’ll call a “Lady Macbeth” moment. I’ve had my own, where I realized how, via ignorance and misplaced trust, I forwarded this cult’s behind the scenes cruel purposes. And this was bad enough – being ignorant and unquestioning, helping criminals and becoming defacto, a criminal onesled.
But these people can’t claim ignorance. Uh uh. They know.
I hear you Aquamarine. If I honestly look back at my time in this organization, I probably had over a thousand instances of cognitive dissonance. Group pressure and assigning all rightness to Ron did the trick to keep me locked into the thought stopping experience of my cult career. However, there came a time when I could no longer tolerate giving any individual or group power over myself. L. Ron Hubbard was just someone with an active imagination who convinced others to follow him, not unlike lemmings being led to the edge of a cliff and jumping off to their mutual destruction. Let’s hope more people wake up from their Scientology slumber.
MJM, you said, “However, there came a time when I could no longer tolerate giving any individual or group power over myself”.
I hear you. I had that moment too. “What am I, a slave or something?”, while answering oneself, “No way! Enough!”
And the funny thing is that when I like someone or I feel bonded with a group, most things are OK with me. Its fun to make people happy, or someone happy, by giving them their way. You can make someone instantly happy that way, and its fun. At least I think so. Its fun to shoot someone instantly uptone. Creating that kind of effect…
But for me there’s a line, a very clear demarcation line between causitive agreeableness and being owned!
Time to set a date where we can say the world is officially cleared of Scientology.
Where disconnected families can reconnect because “The War is over”
People will not get fleeced for hundreds of thousands to chase a way hundreds of thousands of Xenu’s space cooties (from their pink or other places)
Third world Sea Org slaves get liberated and get their passports back.
Last geriatric native convalescent sea org members move to a convalescent home where the tap their canes to “We stand tall”
Need a Leah show on Geriatric care in CS
OMG! We could have our OWN, ‘!The War is Over!’ Now that’s bitchin’.
Xenu’s son, do you mean a target date?
ScientologyTV is a game changer.
If they can keep it on the air for 5 years, keep producing content that improves, and they are able to connect with even a small portion of the people they can reach with it, look out.
Critics are going to have to be way less hysterical and much more focused on the real world abuses they wish to see improved. And they must acknowledge when those abuses have been improved and move on to the next ones. Ignorant attacks on how Scientologists believe in pedophilia from an obscure quote in the back of the Dianetics book, while ignoring 36 years of writings on the 2D which railed against it, are just not going to cut it.
In fact, it hasn’t cut it. Tony Ortega and you and Karen De La Carriere have been writing on the Internet every day for a decade – and look: DM is still in power, still abusing any Scientologist any way he wants to. Most of today’s critics of Scientology are whiny and impotent. And they are creating a vast pool of new critics who are completely ignorant of Scientology and what its real abuses are.
This only helps DM, who should have resigned at least 8 years ago.
Scientology and the Aftermath has not produced the federal investigation that Leah Remini called for at the kick-off to Season 2. And with the same tired “I’m being followed!” whine, it’s not going to unless it starts exposing real criminal activity. I hope that’s what we can look forward to in Season 3, because if not, DM beat you once again, Mike – making it number 51.
” Most of today’s critics of Scientology are whiny and impotent. And they are creating a vast pool of new critics who are completely ignorant of Scientology and what its real abuses are. ”
So where does this leave you BH? Whiney? Impotent? or just ignorant of $cientology and its real abuses?
Yo Dave,
Did You really beat Mike one more time good buddy? How about this Burned out Heretic? When did you last slap him/her/it around? I’d recommend a little show and tell on Cee Ess N this week Dave!
April’s fools was yesterday. Just saying… 😉
And I was that fool…
Ever since the South Park Trapped in the Closet episode, the sea has changed. The little cult of $cientology has been outed time and time again in every type of media outlet. The public is better educated in the ways of the Clampire and as a result, the flow of new meat has dwindled to only 2nd or 3rd generation $cienoes. The lack of new meat cannot replace the numbers of clams who quit, escape or just run away. That lack of a paying public is the death of the Idle mOrg scheme.
As there is no real check on Miscavige’s power, he cannot be deposed by any internal coup. We can be content, but not complacent, with the tipping point being very close now.
C of S would have to do more than keep it’s TV show on the air to create a game-changing scenario. No, they would actually have to change what they are doing, stop the disconnection, the obsession with high pressure fundraising with no regard for the financial health of their members, and the fair game/dirty tricks endless warfare with former members and critics, amongst other things.
While it may be true Scientologists, generally, do not espouse child molestation, the Church still protects members who do molest children, in order to protect its image to the world.
And, other than criticize the people like Mike and Leah that are actually trying to do something about C of S abuses, what’s your plan and what are you doing about it? You seem to know so best, I am sure your actions must be impressive to say the least (not).
Interesting. Sadly, the virus of Scientology will likely continue.
Sure, it’s has not been wiped out completely because people will always be more prone to accepting lies than being woken up to the truth.
Mike, Leah and others have prevented many people from getting sucked into this life-destroying mess created by a madman.
Scientology TV is the latest promised “game changer”. I learned that Deering Banjos is run by a Scientologist. Now I’ll never buy one and I’ll warn others. Other than that bizarre piece, it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
So, how’s that planetary clearing going? The planetary clearing you’ve all been going on about since 1950? Close yet?
Glass houses and all. If you’re going to talk success rates, perhaps look to your dwindling cult.
If it makes you feel any better BH, Mike and Karen and many, many others might have agreed with you 10 years ago.
See what you have to look forward to? Being someone who calls out abuse no matter how many times they may be “beat”
BurnedHeretic, you said:
“Critics are going to have to be way less hysterical and much more focused on the real world abuses they wish to see improved. And they must acknowledge when those abuses have been improved and move on to the next ones.”
Church of Scientology abuses that continue today include:
Lack of healthcare provisions for staff,
Refusing to pay staff minimum wages and in fact, paying most $50/week or less while demanding they work over 120 hrs per week,
Coerced abortions,
Gross child negligence and child labor,
Human trafficking,
Destruction of families by enforcing disconnection of those who speak out against Scientology’s abuses,
Blackmailing staff and public with secrets told,
…to name a few.
These are current issues. Please try to keep up.
The Mafia has a higher level of ethics.
It’s not even close. When I had my 18 wheeler, I had to interact with La Cosa Nostra (the mob). They were exceedely helpful. This was back in the early 80s when the Bronx was a war zone. When I told my contact I was going to sleep in my rig, he said, “Kid! They’ll kill ya! They’ll kill ya and take your rig.” I had a BB gun that I hoped would pass for a real gun. But, everything turned out fine.
You got that right OSD.
For sure, the mafia has WAY more integrity than the cult of Scamology.
Scientology couldn’t hold a candle to La Cosa Nostra.
True that! “At the sight of one pinprick,” the offender would be cemented right into the foundation of the idle org…
Thanks for enumerating a few of scientology’s out points with the rest of civilized humans. I am sure the SO and staff have LRH policy to back up each item, and will defend LRH and his policys to the end.
You done good.
Thanks, Jim. That was sweet of you to say. 🙂
Burnedbraincells said,
“ScientologyTV is a game changer.
If they can keep it on the air for 5 years, keep producing content that improves, and they are able to connect with even a small portion of the people they can reach with it, look out.”
OMG, If I could afford enough drugs to make me could stupid enough to come to that conclusion I’d be a billionaire.
“Burnedbraincells”…still laughing! Thanks, I needed that, Wynski.
Should we just get off your lawn or what?
No. You can hang with me, disco. Bring beer or wine.
Just as long as you don’t make me watch the CSN. Too much ‘game-changing’ for me.
You’ll never have to see that again, disco. OSD will take care of it.
🙂 disco.
Burned Heretic,
It does not sound like you were in Scientology.
Miscavige can keep the STV network going as long as he wants and with as much new content as he wants. He has that capability.
The network exposes 24/7 what a commercial self help enterprise the cult is. So it supports those who have chosen to expose the truth about Hubbard and his bloviated psuedo spirital rantings and his repackaging of writings by many philosophers and entrepreneurs that came before him.
I worked with Hubbard and I can tell you that his best skill was how to turn others into slaves to do his bidding.
The context of your statements and your demeaning verbal posture reveal that you are either an osa troll or someone who has a great deal of programming to handle, before you can apply critical thinking in a meaningful way.
This only helps DM, who should have resigned at least 8 years ago.
Says who?? He will never resign. He has an army of lawyers and staff around him who he can throw under the bus, as well as the compartmentalized organizations which were put in place.
…. exposing real criminal activity.
That is difficult to prove — like with the Mafia — and…he has an army of lawyers and also staff to throw under the bus, as well as the layers of the compartmentalized organizations which were put in place for a reason.
DM beat you once again, Mike
Really??? The cult is …… shrinking and more and more people are aware of the scam an the abuses.
Most of today’s critics of Scientology are whiny…
“Whiny”? So this is how you call it when victims are telling about abuses and emotional suffering.
Scientology and the Aftermath has not produced the federal investigation that Leah Remini called for at the kick-off to Season 2.
That’s true; but why do you use it to play down the effect Aftermath has in general? You are belittling what they have reached so far with your condensing attitude.
I guess you know it all better and can do it all better, and I’m looking forward to your superior and focused actions “to cut it:
Excellent counter-punching against this troll, pluvo.
Just because there’s no big Public Announcement of an investigation, does not mean “nothing’s happening…”
We don’t hear in the news every time government agencies investigate potential terrorists (foreign or domestic), do we?
Some things are just best served chilled…
I’ve been pointing out that Scientology’s longstanding scattershot approach has obviously still been bringing in a few people who are either not informed or who are susceptible to in-person pitches. So there is some chance that ScnTV, in scaling that up beyond their established strategies of “stress test” tables and having individual members “disseminate” to social contacts, will in fact get a somewhat increased yield of “raw meat.” Even one new recruit, disconnected from family and with their life eventually damaged if not ruined, is one too many.
However, ScnTV lacks the personal aspect that Scientology recruiting has always depended on, unless people come into the orgs – and there’s no sign that is actually happening, though they could start to get a trickle. As I’ve pointed out previously, 90% to 95% of the US populace lives too far from an org to be likely to make the effort to check it out for themselves, even if ScnTV piqued their curiosity, which is going to blunt most of the impact of reaching a larger audience. But again, I don’t think it can be entirely discounted out of hand.
I doubt that ScnTV can significantly improve the quality of their programming without resorting to having productions done by outside professionals, which is probably beyond their means and ability. For instance, for CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network, known for Pat Robertson’s 700 Club show) to run a real network with quality programming and worldwide reach, requires a budget in the ballpark of $300 million per year – it is far more expensive that one might guess off the cuff, and I suspect that Miscavige and the circle around him fell prey to the illusion that anyone could do it, without adequately researching the realities.
I do think it’s good to step back and consider what is going to have the most impact on the general public, and in particular the specific demographics that Scientology does, or might, recruit from. One of the lessons of recent political events around the world, is that analysts can be prone to underestimating the popular appeal of ideas to large segments of the population that aren’t within their accustomed spheres of social and business contacts.
You are not a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted. Maybe in a cult. I think it is so cute you think you know any of us. For the most part I look forward to your next post. I could always use a good laugh!
Burned Heretic, the new ones they are getting in are foreigners on R-1 visas. They don’t have money; they are just good for menial labor. The under-the-radar people I know are tired of the money grabs, and have noticed how empty the buildings are. That would be true even if they get a few new people in who don’t have access to Google so they get their info from CSN; they will get tired of being hounded for money. This little cult is past its expiration date and on a downward decline.
Burned, instead of whining about what’s wrong with what Mike and Leah and Tony O are doing and railing against what they aren’t doing that you believe they should be doing, why don’t you start your own blog or write a book and get it published, or get a TV show of your own or start a movement of your own to take down Miscavige. Spearhead a legal movement, maybe. A Class Action against the cult. Show us your strategies for taking on an utterly criminal billionaire. Show us how its done.
Burned Heretic, hmm same talking points as COS and apologists. To repeatedly mention Ortega, De la Carriere, Rinder and Remini shows the fear. The sensitivity of an official Investigation? Been blogged, tweeted enough now, but still no followers . Yet you dramatize yourselves over and over again.
Cool your own hysteria, shed fair game training, let your Zen flow….
Critics aren’t going anywhere, in fact those numbers are growing. Dramatically
I’m very disappointed, how dare $camology inflict this site with apprentice trolls! The trolling is weak in this one. Practice my young troll and do not dorken yourself at our door until you are wise in the ways of the $camology textbook of trolling.
Small note- for jw you included their rank in Angola when I think you meant to do in the USA? Either way that completely freaks me out they are so highly ranked… yikes.
Don’t worry. A couple of months ago, I was curious about JW’s indoctrination procedures so visited their local branch. (I’m immune to cults these days! heh) I made it to a few meetings before I managed to attend a briefing by a senior JW overseer who had flown in. According to his briefing, they’ve been pushing hard on the door-to-door approach and have a slew of people that come in for one or two meetings and then leave. Despite all the new names, the people that come in aren’t staying – and that was the biggest managerial complaint. JW is shrinking, but the constant push for new members (who don’t stay) is obscuring this. I imagine it’s similar with Scientology. People just don’t want to join cults anymore like in the old days. Rough times for cult leaders.
For several years now the JW’s “rent” our local Arena & have their Friday/Saturday festival hoopla……they come from miles & miles around & are dressed to the nines. During breaks they “hit” the local Wal Mart, fast food restaurants & shopping Mall in huge numbers creating a great influx of rude annoying patrons…… They use to come door to door decades ago…..but haven’t been around here in a good while.
There “meeting place” is also downtown, but way to small to host the massive amounts of members that come for the festival.
Alexa includes Angola because that is where fully one-fourth of their traffic comes from, probably a click-farm to boost their rankings.
All right. I am shocked (actually mortified). As soon as I get over the fact that Jehovah Witness’ website ranks 706 in the world, I’ll comment on the church of scientology “doing a bunk.”
Lots of ex-jws probably accessing the website to monitor the cult. That and they are no longer printing their literature for their members, only literature for witnessing (door to door and carts). Members have to read online the lessons from the 8 men in NY (Governing Body).
Interesting. Maybe the C of S should do the same thing with its members. Get its ratings up.
If ELEVEN YEARS AGO Chris Shelton could find only 100-150 legitimate members in the entire five-state area around the Twin Cities Org, I doubt there are 50 left now.
There is no WAY there are more than 5,000 (not counting staff) in the ENTIRE USA. I’d say there are MORE staff now than ACTIVE (IMPORTANT WORD) scamologists.
The body of the CoS (and the subject) is DEAD. It only feels a bit warm because of internal rotting.
” It only feels a bit warm because of internal rotting.”
That would be the process of composting Wyn. It should heat up to about 140 degrees in order to completely break down and destroy all of the bad seeds.
Yo Dave,
We are monitoring yer temperature good buddy. Things are heating up despite all those booklets you continue to toss on the heap.
+1! Outstanding post, Wyn! Scientology is a laughing stock. Why? Because there’s nothing there. Members have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on, essentially…nothing.
OMG OSD, so true! Fortunes spent on nothing. Although SOME got extreme mental illness from it.
Doesn’t Scientology cause mental illness?
I resemble that remark!
When I first read of ‘DM’ rewriting the books and course materials of scientology what came to my mind was that ‘DM’ stood or deranged midget. Maybe I was not far off?
You were actually right on the money! ‘Deranged Midget!’ That moniker will stay around forever.