OK, I have chronicled some pretty strange things on this blog, but I believe John Mappin has now succeeded in ascending to the pinnacle of arrogant foolishness. He has overcome all competitors and stands alone as the most out of touch and bizarre example of the effects of scientology KoolAid.
Below you will see a screen shot of his facebook page and I then reprinted his entire Facebook posting below, highlighting in red some of the more bizarre things within it and including a few parenthetical comments of my own in blue.
He is apparently someone the church of scientology is proud to have representing it and acting as an international blathering spokesman for the upper class of earth.
There is today, a new breakthrough in scientific and SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY that you may appreciate deeply and that would augment and help all your work and family projects.
In November 1991, our family was shown the scientific research that the founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard (see www.lronhubbard.com) had done, and was entrusted with knowledge of a new breakthrough that is most extraordinary.
In some parts of the world the idea that the spirit is eternal is not a new one, but in the West this has not been a predominant idea in the modern culture.
The first glimpse of Hubbard’s spiritual genius and his extraordinary research was in a 1938 thesis – “EXCALIBUR” which was never published. He withdrew it from circulation after very few people had read it. I have only seen fragments of that document.
In 1950 Hubbard discovered the exact filing structure of the mind and discovered that certain memories can mis-file.
With that obtained knowledge of HOW and WHERE the mind files memory he developed a technique and a technology to refile mis-filed memories and this resulted in him being able to resolve unwanted conditions, such as depression , and many others, without using drugs.
He released this broadly to the public in a book – Dianetics – on May 9th 1950 (see www.dianetics.com) this book was extremely popular and of course flew into the commercial teeth of the vested interests that were profiting from the sale of drugs to handle certain unwanted conditions.
Ignoring the noise created by this release, he continued to research. He made a fresh breakthrough in 1951-2 when he demonstrated that an individual’s memory predates the human body, again not a new idea in some parts of the world.
What was new was providing the scientific tests and evidence and proof of past lives and making that research available to all.
It transpires that memories from earlier lives can mis-file too and that refiling them or “Clearing” them can greatly increase a person’s IQ their memory and their personal ability.
From 1951-1965 he polished up his research and improved it and made it available to all and this has been broadly available to anyone in any Church of Scientology since 1965.
Due to the threat of loss of revenue by the medical and psychiatric establishments and other material interests who saw in his technology an end to their monopolies, mainly in the US and in England, a negative propaganda campaign was launched using media, fairly early on, in late 1950 in fact, to discredit Hubbard and Scientology – so – you and I are supposed to have a view of him and his research that is not entirely constructive.
In fact millions of dollars have been spent to create a negative impression in the media about Hubbard and Scientology and indeed to ultimately prevent or hamper me from having this communication with you.
But Hubbard, on the whole, ignored all that and continued with his research.
In 1976 he discovered that there is one type of memory, that when mis-filed, precipitates WAR. [Huh?]
It is in fact the root cause of WAR on Earth.
It is a mis-filed memory of injustice.
He made, at that time, a second discovery that man did NOT have five senses – Sight – Touch – Taste – Hearing – Smell. Hubbard demonstrated that Man in fact has 57 perceptions as a spirit and that each one of these can be identified, differentiated and fully rehabilitated back to native state.
While man has been writing for several millennia about a “Fall from Grace” Hubbard discovered what caused the fall and developed a technology to reverse it.
Making possible a total rehabilitation of the SUPERPOWER of a spirit.
Hubbard combined these two discoveries and earlier breakthroughs and developed technology to rehabilitate each of these perceptions and to refile the mis-filed memories of injustice as analytical thought. [I guess he thinks there is engram running on the Ethics Repair List?]
He called this breakthrough “SUPERPOWER” and it is a light speed advance on anything that he had discovered prior to 1976.
Hubbard realised that with this NEW technology that delivered the potential to actually END WAR on Earth, certain requirements and strategic factors would need to be in place prior to its release. [No idea what this is in reference to? But somehow he seems to now go on to claim that this is why he bought a castle/hotel?]
In 1991 I was one of the very first Europeans to be shown SUPERPOWER technology and to be briefed on what it could do.
To give you a comparison of the technological advance that it represented, it was like being given advance knowledge of the Internet in 600AD. [Wow, I thought I had heard the ne plus ultra of hype, but this takes the cake]
I don’t mind telling you, it has been a tremendous responsibility, but, very exciting too. [Huh? Responsibility how? Does this guy think his conceited sense of self-importance sounds cool? Is he trying to sound like L. Ron Hubbard? “It’s a tremendous responsibility, I have born it too long alone…”]
We bought Camelot Castle in 1999 because we knew that SUPERPOWER would be released in the future and we wanted a location where we could present this breakthrough to spheres of influence. [Riiiiight….]
People whose decisions effect thousands, if not millions, or indeed even billions of people.
So for over 23 years my family and I have been helping do our part to prepare for the release of SUPERPOWER to Earth. [And you did that how? By buying a castle in the south of England — this guy really IS trying to be like L. Ron Hubbard]
The logistics of such an undertaking are almost unimaginable and full credit goes to David Miscavige, the current head of the church, who was entrusted by L Ron Hubbard with that job. ( see here http://www.scientology.org/david-miscavige.html)
For example it required the technology to be translated into 50 languages in what became the largest translations project in man’s history. [Who knows what he is talking about? Nothing to do with Super Power even though it is “for example”?]
It also required that delivery facilities be opened in every major city. (see here http://www.scientology.org/churches/churches-of-scientology.html) [Huh? Also nothing to do with Super Power even though it’s an “also”]
To deliver SUPERPOWER itself requires a much bigger facility and so over the last few years we have been helping with the construction of what is effectively a city with a huge SUPERPOWER delivery facility at its centre.
Much of downtown Clearwater in Florida near Tampa was acquired ( about 56 buildings), and we built what has become known as the FLAG Building. Our family has helped with this. [Bet the City of Clearwater would LOVE to read this…]
I am delighted to tell you that on the 17th of November 2013 the SUPERPOWER building opened and immediate delivery of Superpower commenced. Today nearly 1000 people have now received SUPERPOWER. ( You can see that building herehttp://www.scientology.org/david-miscavige/flag-grand-opening-new-scientology-spiritual-headquarters.html?link=body-title)
It may interest you to know that the entire subject has been translated into Mandarin Chinese and we have opened a state of the art facility in Taiwan. [We? OMG this guy has serious hallucinatory cause issues]
You can see that here (http://www.scientology.org/david-miscavige/grand-opening-church-of-scientology-kaohsiung.html).
This technological release is absolutely vital to mankind at this time.
Firstly, THE END OF WAR, injustice and hostilities on Earth is entirely to the advantage of mankind. A culture does not flourish in war torn economies and lands.
When Superpower and indeed Scientology is delivered in a city, the economy of that city and country stabilises and flourishes. [LOL — name a single one]
It calms the environment and the people flourish in their lives.
Secondly over the coming months and years the experience of receiving SUPERPOWER will become the most sought after SPIRITUAL LUXURY experience for the super affluent and appreciators of the finest qualities of life. [Well, this is probably true as they are the only ones who can afford it — but this guy is SOOOOO elitist he is giving upper class twits a bad name]
The more able and intelligent a person is the more they appreciate Superpower.
In a few years demand for Superpower and the other ability raising technologies of Scientology, by the highly intelligent and upper echelons of the able, will have increased to the point where spiritual enhancement and restoration of abilities become as natural and as in demand as visiting a spa or indeed experiencing a few days of alpine skiing…it represents a new level and quality of spiritual Wellness that has never before been available.
The unanswered question for many as to what happens to a person when the body dies is something that a person wants an answer to, and this technology answers that question accurately and delivers total scientific certainty of a person’s immortality to the person themselves.
It also delivers total recall (memory) back to the person.
Not just for the current lifetime but for all the earlier lifetimes that a being has lived. [Would really enjoy quizzing him on his total recall of this and all previous lives]
There are other spin off advantages which I am sure with your mind you can extrapolate.
They are very interesting indeed – not least for those with Empire. [Maybe you can recall the term “snobbish asshole’]
It is clear to me that you probably have a greater understanding of a spirit’s appreciation of excellence in all things than many in our world. [Obviously, being one of the privileged class like me that inherited wealth]
SUPERPOWER apart from being a spectacular new technology is an extraordinary luxury.
It is our honour to be able to let you know about it.
An end to war, after all, is extremely desirable to the goodness that lies within us all.
All the very best
John Mappin
Here is what is so sad.
A normal person reading this would think to themselves this guy is a couple of sandwiches short of a full picnic. But these statements (usually not so blatantly expressed) ARE how scientologists are taught to think. And they see nothing wrong with them. There are plenty of comments under his posting agreeing with him and congratulating him.
Here are the top of the comments in response — 139 “likes”, 32 shares and dozens of fawning comments (BTW, check out his response concerning his new Bentley — obviously he has NOT given enough to Super Power and Ideal Orgs and everything else — big mistake to make this known publicly).
Mike! I unwittingly stayed here this year thinking it was just a nice hotel. Didn’t previously know much about Scientology but after an utterly bizarre a creepy experience here I looked these characters up and was entirely freaked out by how insane the whole thing is. The place is awful pulling in unsuspecting holiday makers and trying to skip them the Scientology nonsense.
…..”may his trophy wife’s breast implants spring a leak.” Hahaha!
Well said yourself, Cindy!
laughable, Vicki Norton, who lives in a crappy apartment but gives $100,000 a YEAR to Superpower just so she can feel she’s “better than”. How brainwashed and stupid can a blonde get. No offense to blondes.
Real cause of amnesia on the whole track, John Mappin.
Who in the living hell advises somebody to purchase a castle?
Mental image picture of closing the sale:
The place is almost a 3,000 years old, Jesus stayed over night
in the messiah suite. What a steal, just on the market for the last 250 years.
Napolean almost got it but had an appointment at Waterloo.
John Mappin needs the Narcissist Run Down which includes
a wash and wax by the Sea Org for his Bentley.
Oh my gawd! I do believe he is just full of dumplings, is he not?
If this is an example of a real Scientologist then no wonder the world things so poorly of the subject of Scientology. He would like to help someone improve their life all by himself, but then he might get his dainty fingers dirty, now mightn’t he. So instead he takes some of his ancestors’ wealth and buys a castle instead and takes a bow.
May this insufferable, inbred snob choke on his tea and crumpets, may his Bentley have a flat tire, and may his trophy wife take him for all his money.
Well said Espiritu! And may his trophy wife’s breast implants spring a leak.
I can only repeat the honourable mention of the WhyWeProtest thread on Mappin and Camelot Castle “hotel.” And the art. The Art.
Anyone who has not read about Ted Stourton’s lightbox has not laughed yet.
So who is the bigger douchebag? This guy or that Cardone fucker?
Terminals of comparable magnitude?
Gawd, what an assbag. I don’t even know where to start, there is so much asshattery there. And then…
“…full credit goes to David Miscavige…”
So he’s an ass kisser, too.
The only thing worse is all the fawning comments. Except maybe for Ted Stourton’s 20-minute vids of people raving about how wonderful his “light box” is. Stourton gives bad art a bad name.
Ugh, Stourton and Mappin, what an unpleasant pair of humanoids.
Well, I sent him a fb friend request and he immediately accepted. Then I unfriended him. I’m still about half sure it isnt a hoax. Its just too much.
Ron named it Super Power so one who does it would “think” they have Super Power. What did Ron mean by Super Power?
There are the Power Processes audited only by Class VII auditors which make Grade V Power Releases. from (ScnAD)
There are Power Auditors who graduate the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course who has also served the Saint Hill Internship. Only they are qualified to do the power processes of Grade V. They are Class VII auditors. from (ISE, p. 45)
Power Def. 1 from the Dianetics and Scientology Dictionary Ron says the amount of work which can be accomplished in a unit of time, or the amount of force which can be applied in a unit of time. Power has the connotation of being potential. Power does not necessarily mean application of it. (SH Spec. 83, 6612C06)
Power def. 2 from the Dianetics and Scientology Dictionary is the ability to maintain a position in space. (PAB 131)
So whats the deal with Super Power that is at the bottom of the Bridge and rightfully so? It was for Staff and mis-named in my view.
“Work per unit of time” and “force divided by time” are the standard definitions of power in physics. Don’t credit it to the person who failed the only physics course he took. That’s an insult to me and any other person with an actual degree in the subject.
“The more able and intelligent a person is the more they appreciate Superpower.”
That’s a nice setup.
You don’t think it’s AWESOME? You are not intelligent.
You did it and you are disappointed? Go ahead and tell everyone – we already told them that those who complain about it have low IQ.
I’m confused. What good exactly would it have done to have “advance knowledge of the Internet in 600AD”? It’s not as if you could buy stock in Intel or Microsoft at that early date. It’s like “knowing we’ll have teleportation in 3000AD”. You can’t hang around long enough to take advantage of that.
Doloras my dear, you are extremely confused. If you had the Internet in 600AD, you could just type in “darkages.com” and get all the latest news and even sports stuff (joust scores). Hope this answers your question.
Me thinks his blood has turned into KoolAid.
So he is going to pitch his “castle” as an SP delivery building? I bet he just wants an “oiliness table” for his non-scn customers.
And this:
“It also delivers total recall (memory) back to the person.
Not just for the current lifetime but for all the earlier lifetimes that a being has lived.”
I thought that was OT VIII – the cause of amnesia on the whole track. You can get THAT at Grade IV just by doing SP? Talk about cutatives. Or is that “cultatives”
Seriously. Lights are on, but nobody home.
Dave to Lou: “Sheez, another wannabe.”
The lights are on, but he’s not home
His mind is not his own
His body sweats, his mind shakes
Conning fools is what he craves
He can’t play, no time to dream
There’s no doubt, he’s in deep
His throat is tight, he can’t breathe
A higher status is all he needs
Ohh oohh
He likes to think that he’s pure, not depraved…oh yeah
It’s closer to the truth to say he’s only a slave
You know he’s gonna have to face it
He’s addicted to Dave
Upper class inbreeding at its finest.
More like ‘Nouveau Riche’ (New Rich). Old Money usually does not show off their toys like that.
if u were stupid enough to donate a lot of $ to the supper negative building [like tens of thousands] do u still have to pay for super power ?
That’s a suppressible act to ask that question. Please turn yourself in, doubter…
Some of the reviews of Camelot “Castle” (more like White Castle) are downright hilarious (see Trip Advisor…someone linked in the comments). As far as the Superpowers being analogous to finding out about the internet in 600 AD…..Hubbard could not predict anything close to the internet in 1952…this might also explain: a) why LRH thought space was ‘warm’ b) why the Sea Org continues to use telexes today; c) why LRH thought smoking CURED cancer, etc etc.
I lol’d at all the “we” and “my family” references too…..look out Dave…looks like someone else is angling for adoration and applause…..OSA lurkers….do you really want to be associated with the likes of this guy?
This guy is TOTALLY brainwashed.
But, but…Johnny, he said Super Power will end war! END WAR!!! He wouldn’t be able to say that if it wasn’t true, would he?
The writing’s not bad. The content is hallucinatory- I was going to quote examples but there are too many to choose from in the time I have.
The tone is too smug by far: even offensively so.
Such posting and the comments it garnered, sadly leave me in no doubt that the official CoS is not even going to go close to making it.
Whether the philosophy and technology of Scientology will impact and contribute to humanity’s enlightenment is another matter entirely.
Dedicated to DM:
After all that you put me through,
You think I’d despise you,
But in the end I wanna thank you,
‘Cause you’ve made me that much stronger
Well I thought I knew you, thinkin’ that you were true
Guess I, I couldn’t trust called your bluff time is up
‘Cause I’ve had enough
You were there by my side, always down for the ride
But your joy ride just came down in flames ’cause your greed sold me out in shame
After all of the stealing and cheating you probably think that I hold resentment for you
But uh uh, oh no, you’re wrong
‘Cause if it wasn’t for all that you tried to do, I wouldn’t know
Just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you
‘Cause it
Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter
Never saw it coming, all of your backstabbing
Just so you could cash in on a good thing before I’d realize your game
I heard you’re going round playing the victim now
But don’t even begin feeling I’m the one to blame
‘Cause you dug your own grave
After all of the fights and the lies ’cause you’re wanting to haunt me
But that won’t work anymore, no more,
It’s over
‘Cause if it wasn’t for all of your torture
I wouldn’t know how to be this way now and never back down
So I wanna say thank you
‘Cause it
How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretend not to see the truth
You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you’ll see
I am a fighter and I
I ain’t gonna stop
There is no turning back
I’ve had enough
You thought I would forget
But I remembered
‘Cause I remembered
I remembered
You thought I would forget
I remembered
‘Cause I remembered
I remembered
Apparently john mappin was involved in a case of fraud back in 2002 from a person call Benjamin ‘benji the bin man’ Pell. He was going to make a film about his life and persuaded him to handover quite a bit of money. Pell took him to court and got £77,000 back from Mappin. Apparently his hotel is the laughing stock of area, though he has upset a lot of the locals disseminating scientology DVD’s.
Extended discussion of hotel and Mappin starting at around the 10 minute mark.
Also appears that John Mappin had a short carrer as a “porn star” and “fraudster”.
I’m sure if Gandhi were alive today, John could teach him a thing or two about spiritual luxury, eh?
So here I am checking out this photo of ‘Mike’s today’s fun’: It is staged, pretending Italian aristocracy and
fashion wise the latest, modestly standing in front of a good looking car. Hmmm, Ferrari? Aston Martin?
Probably not a Rolls Royce… I am having fun here guessing, what the hell do I know or care about cars.
And then this snob of an airhead has to TELL everybody on FB that it is a Bentley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then I find out he parks it right at the entrance of his Camel-off hotel so nobody can miss it.
I just can’t think of a better advertising to turn any Scientologist -who is still looking for SPIRITUAL advancement- OFF, OFF, OFF.
def: Scientologist: One who lusts after other peoples money in an effort to give it to a cult.
I think it actually turns the $cientologist ON – On – ON. Esp the regges who would be considered the best paid $cientologists of all.
Oh man… I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Dave reads this one…
BBC piece on the hotel
Interesting to see how he writes of “the biggest work of translation ever” in the world (to disseminate “the technology, etc)….. I guess he’s never visited the offices if the U.N., or the publishing arms of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Mormon Church, EACH of which on their OWN publish far more material in more languages that Co$ have ever put forth…
And also, for him to prattle-on ad nauseum about how the work was “unimaginable” in scope “BUT thanks to Davey MisCarriage who was the ONLY one to tackle the job and get it done, we now have SuperDooper Power available planet-wide…” Oh Puh-Leeeeease! Gimme a Break! Davey The Liliputian couldn’t string a coherent sentence together, let alone personally edit and prepare a whole set of documents….
Miscavige is quite literate and well read. Those who believe he is a fool and incompetent sorely underestimate him. After all he has managed to run Scientology for longer than Hubbard without having to go into hiding because govt agencies were after him. And he has not been convicted of fraud. And he still has people willing to give him money just because he says so. These are not indicators of someone unable to string together a sentence.
I can’t wait to hear the sentences that Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige will string together when giving evidence in a court of law.
The disparity in the tripadvisor.com reviews of Camelot Castle are interesting. The low rated reviews are very specific. The high rated reviews seem to describe a completely different hotel. Quite a few of the low rating reviews relate strange experiences with the owners and the resident artist.
Some describe the place as creepy. One woman (traveling alone) felt so unsafe that she slept in a chair wedged against the door. Others noted the the owners’ pretention, as evidenced by his Bentley prominently displayed near the entrance, next to the resident artist’s Aston-Martin. Several others were dismayed when their complaints were met with either laughter or hostility.
Even the appearance is deceiving. This 120 year old building is not a castle but made to look like one. Judging by the low ratings, the owner’s money hasn’t been spent on improving the premises, as many complained of the “caravan loos” that most of the rooms have instead of a built-in bathroom. (A caravan loo is a pod-like fiberglass bathroom used in travel trailers.)
This guy is as stupid and arrogant as he is rich.
I remember this nut from the old days of WWP. Camelot Castle had a thread of over 30 pages including mockery of the Lightbox. It even spawned a blog http://googlejohnmappin.wordpress.com/
Notice the vaccination against any sort of disparaging views with “The more able and intelligent a person is the more they appreciate Superpower.” Which implies to all, of course, that anyone not slavishly oozing agreement must be suffering from a basic lack of ability and inferior (or complete lack of) intelligence. He’s firmly established his own- and for each who agrees with him- mental circular running track of logic. Around a pole, no less.
Jim Wolery, I noticed that too. Its 1.1 of course, to define and individual’s intelligence and awareness with his embrace of Super Power. And it is also a Contrary Fact with the assertion that delivery of SP (in some sufficient yet unspecified volume) will end war on the planet.
Incidentally, there is another little aspect I would like to point out. Mr Mappin pompously implies long-range planning, a trick that DM has often used to leave the impressionable public and staff thinking management is light years ahead of everyone and knows with laserlike precision exactly what it is doing (which is true in a way, as DM and the whale class string the rest along).
Stunning post. I can’t believe you found something that makes OTC minutes look sane. Just WOW.
Some of the more amusing Trip Advisor reviews for Camelot Castle and its owners:
“Whatever you do don’t stay at this horrible place. it also had a very weird “feel” about it, the owners being very self centered and pretentious. Who parks their Bentley right outside the front door?? Really, get real!!!!”
“The receptionist who welcomed us was friendly enough. She gave us the “newspaper” which was published by the hotel about the owner. Very strange, but amusing I suppose. The rest of the staff (bar staff etc) are ok, but do not smile at all which is strange.”
“Depending on your point of view Camelot could be imposing, characterful but certainly pretentious – right from the start when you find a Bentley parked in the way of the main entrance just to make sure no one misses it!!! Inside the pretentious air continues unabated as you are barraged with photos of the owner with his many famous ‘friends of Camelot’ and then the many, many, many garish paintings that adorn almost every wall…”
“Upon first arrival everything appears normal and then the strangeness begins. The owners paintings are everywhere along with signs asking if you have seen the ‘light box’. Whatever you do, do not ask to see the ‘light box’ as this is just a gimmick to get you on your own for the owners to sell you a painting. At dinner, each and every table has a copy of the owners book on his paintings along with a Camelot Castle newspaper. This is self penned and is just for the owners self gratification and self publication. In the lobby are pictures of the owners with the great and good of Hollywood – all surprisingly referred to as ‘friends of Camelot’. Parked at the front is the owners Bentley parked ostentatiously and the artists Aston Martin. We felt intimated in the hotel as we did not wish to purchase a painting. Avoid the owners at all costs as this is all they talk about. We have never had the misfortune to stay at such an unpleasant and unclean hotel. It was so creepy it belongs in an episode of Scooby Do. Also, the rooms do not have baths – rather a caravan type shower set up – ours stank of urine.”
“The is a weird vibe around the whole castle involving the rather pompous owners and a very precious resident artist. The whole castle was filled with very VERY tasteless art. It really was quite hideous and the place was FULL of it. …To top the whole thing off the Manager had parked his Bentley right out side the hotel permanently, for reasons of dominance and pride. We ended up thinking he was a bit of a pratt.”
“I don’t think I have ever been to a more beautiful place than the views from Tintagel. It would take your breath away!
But the hotel…..weird…..something is off. My bathroom door kept opening while I was in the bath and I had one of the better rooms. The owners are nice but strange…..we found out why when we googled them.”
See also http://www.camelotcastle.com/problems.htm
OK, my bad.
So this place with the cheesy name is not a private residence but a hotel, with the proprietor’s Bentley on display, great views, unsmiling staff, the place filled with awful art for sale, and bad plumbing. Got it.
The underlying reason for its purchase back in 1999 was for it to one day serve as the proper environment in which to “present” (reg) “sphere’s of influence” (opinion leaders) for Super Power. Operating the place as a hotel is merely incidental to Camelot Castle’s true function and purpose.
The research Mappin refers to was sitting in two bankers boxes above Phoebe Mauerer’s desk from 1978 (when LRH first cooked up the notion of Super Power, NOT 1976, MORON!) until the day she died in 1986. It then sat for five more years in RTRC until I opened the boxes in Fall 1991 after we got back from St. Hill and the release of the new Tech Vols and SHSBC and completed compilation of Super Power as a pilot, which never left the base. I don’t know what the hell this guy is talking about but it was probably something a PR person pulled out of his or her ass and Mappin swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
This would be great copy for the next Super Power brochure, Dan.
Kind of like “truth in advertising”.
“We bought Camelot Castle in 1999 because we knew that SUPERPOWER would be released in the future and we wanted a location where we could present this breakthrough to spheres of influence.”
That shows how insightful you were since the Co$ is in the last throes of self-destruction.
“To give you a comparison of the technological advance that it represented, it was like being given advance knowledge of the Internet in 600AD.”
No, the “comparison of the technological advance” would be like us reverting back to out-houses from indoor plumbing.
“Our family has helped with this.”
That is the first truthful comment I have read. What did you buy, the cross on the SP building?
I am with you Mike that he shouldn’t have announced his Bentley, etc. publicly. I wonder how long before it is repossessed.
“In 1950 Hubbard discovered the exact filing structure of the mind and discovered that certain memories can mis-file.”
So to fix all of mankind’s ills, we need to sing the alphabet song while we do our daily ‘filing’?
This guy is indeed a twit, but not an upper class one. Is the Bentley leased or bought? Any actual upper class snob eschews the concept of ‘leased’, but that is the current state of $cientology. Your IAS statuses are leased, your status of Clear or OTness are leased until GAT 3 shows up and then the lease either begins again or you turn in the high mileage car and lease another model. Amway anyone?
Has Miscavage nothing but snob appeal left? That is not a great ‘straight up and vertical’ marketing plan. But then only those who ‘postulate’ snobbishness will play the Stupor Powerz game and go to Clearwater.
The snark in today’s blog was excellent. Take one exploding penguin out of the trophy room as your reward.
Spiritual “luxury” is my favorite. This guy’s assessment of his own importance (along with that of fellow rich folk) is pretty funny until you realize that this stupidity has been carefully cultivated on the backs of equally brainwashed RPFers who actually make these palatial delivery sites. Ironic that those affording the spiritual “luxury” and those who can revel in it are poles apart, yet all concerned are fully under the spell that is Scientology today.
Evidently there’s no Bullshit Smell detector on that Heinz 57 list of SuperPower perceptics.
Hi Mike, your right in your obnosis of him and so you have to understand John Mappin (I knew him back in Los Angeles in 1995-1997, he was formerly married to Kimberly Kates – she was an actress); and for John???.. he is a complete douche bag of utter significance almost like a screenwriter trying to sell a shitty script. He always dressed like an Englishman Noble even on a hot day and I often wondered about him gender wise. When he talk to you it was like he was promoting some superficial “Aristocratic Intelligence” and at the same time couldn’t balance a bloody check book…if you blew at him he would fall over so NEVER take him to war and have him fight on your team. He is what we call “weak as piss”!!!
To be fair, now he is a Super superficial douche bag.
Kind of like a garden variety $cientologist. Alligator mouth and hummingbird ass with a sprinkle of Mintz meat in between.
The origin of war.
Gort: Glug, you got nice hunting?
Glug: Yeah, Gort. My hunting range is rich in Ibex.
Gort: I like Ibex. You die now.
What is wrong with his pants? Are those bullet holes from the local peon’s shotguns?
I was quite enjoying this blokes article about LRH and then he had to go on about the wonderful dwarf miscaviage.
This ruined the whole thing, and he forgot to mention Super Power was supposed to be a Staff only series of Rundowns in LRH’s original advice after the Key To Life course.
It is not an end to War unless you get the whole Planet to do it and that’s is not going to happen
Still nice to read though.
Ta Mike
I knew that one day this self indulgent fool would end up on this website. If you fancy a laugh, and have an hour to spend, then read the reviews of his hotel on tripadvisor and holiday watch dog. Let’s just say, some people have certainly not enjoyed their stay there. He was even exposed on BBC southwest, they declined to be interviewed but said they were ‘happy’ scientologists, whatever that means!!! He is a complete narcissist who is completely out of touch with reality. He apparently comes from the famous Mappin and Webb jewellery family (the Queens jeweller), but where he fits in I don’t really know. I know someone who lives near their hotel and there are rumours that they employ a lot of Eastern European staff who have scientology forced on them, and some have even disappeared, allegedly to the Sea Org. I think he is a big donor to the Ideal org in Plymouth.
Scientology is a sweatshop operation.
“With the acquisition of Camelot Castle, John Mappin may have fulfilled a dream – but he still has more dreams. He would like to establish a chain of mythological hotels around the world, offering superior service while spreading a message of tranquility and hope”. So says – er – John Mappin, who also modestly goes on “Mappin is a strong advocate of true and unbiased reporting…Mappin tries to spread a message of universal peace and inner tranquility ” [and sec-checking?]
The pity of it is Tintagel is stunning. I was there just a few weeks ago and the ACTUAL castle (ruins) and cliffs are breathtaking. Stark contrast to the vacuous plank that sits in his inherited toff’s wet dream.
“The more able and intelligent a person is the more they appreciate the emperor’s new clothes.”
Some people will fall over themselves to get lovebombed by the upper crust, even if it is just a fleeting brush with money. He sure as hell makes up for it all with a complete lack of class, though. Is it cynicism, or does he hold his readers in contempt?
Ugh. I need a shower.
Well I for one am enjoying our new war-free world since Super Power was released. Ukraine? ISIS in Syria? Gaza conflict? All entheta lies created by the psych-controlled media!
All will know peace when cooking fish and hushpuppies on the oiliness table.
Who knew we could end war just by straightening out CF?
Blood hell, UTTER RUBBISH!
The only superpower connected to that guy is the speed of his right hand – what a wanker!
this guy redefines insufferable arrogance , if he is part of the “all powerful club of intelligent people” who are going to save the world , God help us all.
My favorite part: “….A culture does not flourish in war torn economies and lands.”
Really?? I’m stunned. Without SPs like John Mappin — and I mean that in only the kindest way — we might have been left believing that war is the key to prosperity and peace. Thank God he’s set us straight.
With his depth of insight, I see planetary wonderfulness oozing from his castle, making its way to Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Ukraine. We’re on the precipice of a miracle. I do hope John will be present to witness the joy he’ll bring to all war-torn lands.
God bless his whacked-out ego.
Yes, some real insights for the common man here.
Frankly, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Michael Palin and Co could have a field day with this moron.
I can see Cleese now, posing imperiously in front of his Bentley in the driveway of his “castle” spouting forth some profound Shermanspeak (and I mean verbatim, along with some Mappin lines verbatim) that would make the world double over in laughter, and scientologists puzzle “I don’t get the joke”.
It could take its place in the pantheon of classic Python skits alongside the Ministry of Silly Walks, the Parrot Sketch, Four Yorkshiremen. The Argument Clinic and Cheese Shop.
Nudge nudge wink wink – say no more
LOL Mike! IMO, nothing could ever quite reach the beauty of the Parrot Sketch, but you’ve got the right genre, that’s for sure 🙂
You are right. Beeeautiful plumage. But Four Yorkshiremen is also magnificent… Bruce
Mike wrote:
I can see Cleese now, posing imperiously in front of his Bentley in the driveway of his “castle” spouting forth some profound Shermanspeak (and I mean verbatim, along with some Mappin lines verbatim) that would make the world double over in laughter, and scientologists puzzle “I don’t get the joke”.
I busted out at the word “imperiously” and I just could not stop laughing.
Hard to make the fuingers hit the right keys while laughing this hard….
Go Mikey Baby Go!!!
There’s a “dead cult sketch” parody on youtube that is very appropriate here…
Pining for Xenu?
Oh dear. I don’t usually find these sort of scientology parodies too funny, nor usually in good taste (as if I am the arbiter of good taste — but it is my blog) so I don’t usually approve them when people try to link to them.
But I must say, for anyone familiar with the Pythons parrot sketch, this is quite clever, and given that I brought this whole thing up, I think it is an appropriate comment on this particular thread.
Good point on Cleese – given some of the reviews on the site posted a little further above in the comments, this place sounds an awful lot like Fawlty Towers. 🙂
A bit of additional info: His Hungarian counterpart, Tamás Kasza, the self-appointed “closing specialist” (he basically ripped off the works of Les Dane and sells it as his own idea) translated this entire thing and posted it on the closed Facebook group of the Hungarian Churchies. It received similar praise than the ones referenced in the blog post. Tamás stated that this writing gave him “a new understanding of Super Power” and is an excellent promotional material for closing “wogs” to do the rundown.
Very impressive, but can he fight ?
Hey Jose! Let’s go find out!
“the most sought after SPIRITUAL LUXURY experience for the super affluent and appreciators of the finest qualities of life.”
….it’s so kind of the US tax-payer for helping to fund this.
“Uh-oh, Super Power stats are down! Haul out the heavy PR artillery! Start hyping it as what’s needed to END WAR on the planet. At the same time, pile on the hype about it being an extremely upstat thing to do, something only for the Scientology upper crust – yeah, right, a kind of luxurious spa for the soul, yeah, that’s good. OK, to recap…its gonna end war on the planet, and, its the elite thing to do – got that?”
Mike, thank you and your SCs for this intel, and for the witty and intelligent way you present it. You really got me on “a few sandwiches short of a picnic” btw.
Again, the covert invalidation of many others: “The more able and intelligent a person is the more they appreciate Superpower.” -in other words, if you don’t appreciate it you are stupid and ignorant. Typical hallmark of his leader and minions.
And, maybe that is why scn is at war, because of its injustices.
Correct Silvia. Just like when El Wrong Hubbard (his leader) made claims that those who got into scn were those at the top of the IQ curve. Same covert sales “pitch”.
Bingo, Sylvia, regarding the injustices.
Scroll down on the reference below to find, “Ethics Repair List”. If every Scientologist in the world (all 40,000 of them) were to run out the injustices that have occurred to them in the Church, they would have to declare everybody. No wonder it took so long to release Super Power…
I think he needs to redo Super Power. Obviously has way too much cash still on hand.
Or maybe he should turn his castle in the middle of nowhere into an “Ideal Org” — that will chew through his inheritance real quick. The Bentley won’t survive the demands of ideal org custom furniture, carpets, furnishings and marble floors.
And can you imagine how much fun the designers will have melding the concepts of an ideal org and camelot. They can design the reg offices to resemble the castle dungeon/torture chamber. The IAS can have a large space with a full sized taxidermied rearing white horse (ready to pee on anyone that isn’t forthcoming with a large donation). The possibilities are endless….
Mike wrote:
The IAS can have a large space with a full sized taxidermied rearing white horse (ready to pee on anyone that isn’t forthcoming with a large donation). The possibilities are endless….
That is quite a creative interior design imagination that you have there, Mike.
New career choice?
Alanzo (:>
And after he gets the Morgue done (complete with the refined extraction chambers) he can submit for a Nobel Peace Prize.
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner has now officially bombed 7 Muslim countries (the latest being Syria last night) so our very own Really Bitchin Cult Member Wingnut himself, one Mr John Mappin, can save the world from war and perhaps get the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize. Of course Dear Leader may want in on some of the glory….and…..by the way, where is his Bentley anyway?
Maybe John will give him a ride in his. Or they can just pick up a couple of New Ducati bikes and tour England ….. kind of like LRH did. Those guys are so cool, I wanna be like them!
Love the castle mock up idea and the taxidermied white horse. LOL And let’s hope the IAS registrars see his FB dissertation and smell the money and descent on him like a swarm of locust.
Ditto Alonzo on “That is quite a creative interior design imagination that you have there, Mike.
New career choice?”
I especially love the horse. It should be set up to pee lemon-lime Kool Aid. Maybe some of them will drink that, too.
“Camelot Castle”.
This is cheesy alliteration, and sounds like an attraction at an amusement park and not the residence of an upper class Brit.
I don’t what it was named prior to the current ownership, or if it was purchased with new money or old money, yet, knowing nothing about the building or its current owner, simply the name “Camelot Castle” communicates “nouveau riche” to me, a dwelling owned by a boastful and none-too-literate parvenu.
Probably better if the horse shits.
That’s it. Downright creepy.
I’m reposting this from a while back at Marty’s site. Please feel free to correct anything that you find is wrong, as I’m definitely not an authority on Scientology.
Dianetics is an integral part of Scientology, and it has been used as a non-stop bait & switch operation, since the 1st time Hubbard released it in 1948 as Dianetics: The Original Thesis.
1) Hubbard was not capable of actually delivering what he promised in the book. He was not even physically set up to produce any kind of professional therapy. He sold the idea of clearing without having any real capability to delivery it, he had not even done the research he claimed in DMSMH.
2) Further, when LRH got to work on it, he was incapable of getting the advertised results, uniformly and across the boards, not by any stretch. Hubbard actually rejected the first and only independent research conducted by Dr. Winters. See Marty’s essay on this: http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/tag/joseph-winter/
3) Hubbard was not a doctor nor a psychologist, he had not even graduated from college. He was a Sci-fi writer for haven sake! So to assert any claims of scientific methodology behind and before his 1st release of Dianetics is not only fraudulent but actually absurd.
4) He compounded the felony with tall claims of medical and psychological healing. Hypnosis and Narcosynthesis experiments carried out by a Non-licensed individual and/or by a bunch of unnamed doctors in undisclosed research facilities?
Let me reiterate 1-4 above: Hubbard widely sold the idea of a Science of the Mind, which WAS NOT THERE, and of results HE COULD NOT DELIVER.
5) Dianetics was positioned as the manual for the human mind, a no-nonsense, self-help guide for the common folks. Non-religious, non-authoritarian and free from academic or any kind of dogmatic approach.
6) Dianetics was positioned as a materialistic science of the mind. The reactive mind is clearly presented as being part of the body cells and enmeshed into various organic systems. Even the analytical mind was posited by Hubbard as being possible in the higher portions of the brain.
7) All of that might have been fine with the Academia of his time, except that Hubbard had been into the O.T.O. and had his Affirmations only a few years before. Not enough TIME had passed between his Magic days and his new found medical and scientific angle.
See the time line:
Conan, #7 is irrelevant. What IS, is that Hubbard could not produce the major results he claimed for the subject. EVER. The real kool aid drinkers are those who believe otherwise. They will never be free from the trap & hoax. Whether or not they leave the “church”. As many have.
Re point (2) there are actually two other examples of independent research into the claims of Dianetics, apart from Dr Winters.
In 1953 (in the early days, when ‘Dianetic Research’ was something of a cooperative effort, one Harvey Jay Fisher actually obtained the cooperation of a ‘Dianetic Foundation’ to investigate the ‘therapy’ for his doctoral thesis.
“A Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Dianetic Therapy as Measured by Group Tests of Intelligence,
Mathematics and Personality”
To cut a long thesis short, even with the enthusiastic cooperation of the Dianetic found Foundation, he concluded that this ‘Therapy’ made absolutely no difference to any of those personal qualities.
In 1959 the psychological newsletter published research into the claim that phrases spoken in the hearing of an unconscious or traumatised person create an ‘automatic recording’ in the brain (an ‘Engram). Again, they received cooperation of Dianetic ‘researchers’.
It conclusively demonstrated that this claim (which is absolutely central to Dianetics) was simply false.
Thank you for the links sciscrit. Bookmarked and filed!
“The academia of the time..”
Please. The Logic of Scientific Discovery was published in 1934. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Logic_of_Scientific_Discovery
I like the comment about jumping out of bed to face another trillion years… Imagine that, a trillion more years of this bullshit! The best prisons ever are the ones that people create for themselves and then label as freedom.
ThetaPotata, this cult traps its members using their own minds. That’s how insidious this cult is. They’re just a shade above Jonestown…
An ocean of kool-aid for this whale to swim in.
Gosh, what if he drowns and everyone realizes he’s mortal and not Homo Novi? Someone’s got to go to the RPF for that.
Now fly, it’s not nice to wish cancer on anyone no matter how big an asshole they are…
Poe’s Law definitely applies here – halfway through I became certain that this was a hoax!
Upper class – with no class. Empty nobility seeking spiritual enlightenment with a few days at the spa, on the ski slopes or amongst the vipers at Flag (the unfriendliness place on earth). So materialistic, so blind, so pathetic.
+1 indeed.
I knew there was something about Camelot Castle gnawing in the back of my brain.
It is a hotel, that has gotten some poor reviews in the past,
Perusing that site, viewing the pictures of the interiors, etc just belies the pompous posturing on the Facebook page. Very entertaining if it weren’t so sad and sick.
The ignorance!
He doesn’t even realize how stupid he sounds.
He doesn’t have to realize how stupid he sounds, McCarren. The clams hang on to his every word! C’mon, now, McCarran, they want so desperately to believe that they will be made into super humans, that they’ll believe ANYTHING!
On the photo of the castle he has tagged Alexandria Hubbard Corazon Aquino VIII (yes that’s all one person). Is that LRH’s granddaughter or something?
This guy is the ultimate narcissist. It’s disgusting promoting it as an elitist luxury. I distinctly remember COB saying in an event a few years back that Superpower was going to be accessible (read affordable) for the everyday working class.
So I always had it in my head that they were not going to charge Flag rates, that it would be structured so that you could do Superpower on a regular wage (with a bit of saving up of course). This was so that a LOT of people could get through it. But there are 5K per intensive and that’s not even taking into account accommos, food and loss of income.
Needless to say, I don’t think this guy’s FB posting has full Issue Authority.
Although, that castle would be a lovely setting for a few episodes of Downton Abbey would it not?
Downtone Abbey perhaps?
“In November 1991, our family was shown the scientific research that the founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard (see http://www.lronhubbard.com) had done, and was entrusted with knowledge of a new breakthrough that is most extraordinary.”
What research? You can ask, inquire, request, seek, solicit, demand, to see the “research” all you want and you will continue to be disappointed. Why? Because there is no “research”. There is no question that Hubbard was an incredibly prolific writer, but he was no researcher and there is certainly no published research. All of this was made up on the fly so to speak. The man could spin a tale and this was often called research but in the end it was just a tale. Real research can be examined, documented, tried out, verified and duplicated. Hubbard’s “research” can’t even be read because it just doesn’t exist. Sadly, this is one of the first red flags that I consciously chose to ignore when I was taken in by this con all those many years ago. I am still paying for that mistake in many ways.
You can ask, “where’s the research?” today and get about the same answer as asking “where’e Shelly?”
Exactly so. There is nothing remotely scientific about Hubbard’s stuff. He avoided actual science and scientists in favor of duping consumers who can’t tell the difference. One easy way to tell the difference between a scientist and a cult leader is that a scientist allows and even invites critical scrutiny (Hubbard would not have got far if Freud had not been such a person, since he borrowed so heavily from him), whereas a cult leader discourages criticism. Hubbard is well known for the completely un-scientific (chilling effect) statement that anyone critical of his work is a criminal, but it is the criminals who try to prevent criticism not the real researchers.
We won’t even get into more advanced scientific concepts as “falsifiability” or error prevention techniques such as double blind studies (or peer review). Scientology fails to meet the bar of science so badly that it is “not even wrong”, as the saying goes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_even_wrong
Just something I posted at Back In Comm today…seemed appropriate.
Maybe we can start by stop calling it “technology”. Technology is:
•the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
•machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge.
•the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.
Hubbard and Scnists would like you to believe that Dn and Scn are based on science. They are not.
Using the word technology implies that a certain level of precision and predictability can be achieved largely due to a solid foundation in science. Since Dn and Scn are NOT based on science, they do not enjoy the same results achieved by legitimate technologies. So, really all this business about “standard tech” or KSW or squirrelling is rather meaningless.
In my opinion, after studying and participating in the subject for 30 years, is that they are at best pseudo-science – a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
I agree that labelling something as “sacred scripture” is pretty much the kiss of death for that subject. Dn and Scn, as subjects, are dead, dead, dead. But, dead is not the end. I think it is still valuable. Much can be learned about their evolution and demise. As well, I think this line of research, as shoddy as it was, uncovered some interesting phenomena and warrants further investigation – real, scientific investigation.
So, Scn is NOT the road out; I’m okay with that. It can still be the spark that ushered in a new age of enlightenment.
OK, but “technology” encompasses more than that. Stone age tools were a “technology” that had little to do with science as we know it, or double-blind studies. it does take a rocket scientist to figure out that round wheels work better than square wheels. That is “technology” – the practical use of things. Even today, there really are no double-blind studies that can be done around “talk therapies”, for example. It’s just not possible, by the nature of double-blind studies. It’s just “scientism” to talk as though they can be done in that context.
Technology defintions:
the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like.
the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.
Ms. B, once again, you’re right on the money. I was always told that Hubbard spent 30 years researching dianetics. Yet, no “research” was forthcoming. It was and is and always will be science fiction. There was absolutely no research. Like everything else in this cult, it’s all make believe.
“It also delivers total recall (memory) back to the person. Not just for the current lifetime but for all the earlier lifetimes that a being has lived.”
I guess since OT 8 didn’t deliver on the ONE E.P. El Wrong promised it is now claimed for Super Duper Power. Heck, Grade 1 didn’t deliver its E.P. to a single person on the planet. You’d think that the Hubbard groupies would wise up.
You’d think, Swampland. But, never, ever underestimate the power of their in-house brainwashing. They concocted a very strong brew of KookAid. But, yes, you’d think staff and public would come to their senses at some point. But, maybe being in the cult means you don’t have any senses to begin with…
“….a few sandwiches short of a full picnic…” had me laughing big time, Mike. I think Mappin also forgot the mayo and mustard! LOL
Mike, perfect title and picture for the article. Thanks!
Hyperbolic unadulterated bullshit! (NB: appropriate use of exclamation mark}.
It’d Daveshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets not denigrate any more bulls as they are generally well intentioned animals. Dave, well, not so much.
…and they actually believe every word he’s saying. Not only believe it, but, his words intertwine with their DNA. They NEED to be like John Mappin. Now it’s a country club cult…
LoOL, Mike. Just one guy and a friend came over to the castle for this guy’s FSM presentation. Some super powerful asshole.
I read the comments in in his reply to one commentor, he sounded so like an over the top actor trying to be British and snobbish. “…you must pop in for tea…” His snobbish sneering conceit and arrogance oozes out of every sentence he utters. And you’re right, Mike, he probably inherited that money and never worked an honest day’s work in his life.
Most apt post title yet. This is one of the beliefs of Scientology I never understood, the worship of wealth. I can think of no other religion that does this, though I can think of two or five cults (Kabbalah, I’m looking at youuuu). The idea that MEST isn’t important completely runs head on to this “wealth is power” belief (not to mention how much worse this has gotten since the mid-80s). I’ve long read Biblical quotes about my people (Jews) having stiff necks, but at least we never had stuck-up noses!
A lot of TV and radio evangelicals teach the prosperity gospel, that if you pray to God the right way, you’ll have your faith rewarded in a material way. But they are Marxists, compared to the CoS crazies on display here.